Jellyneo Forums/Characters
Tropes relating to the various posters on Jellyneo Forums.
If a folder gets too big, please divide the year by season (e.g joined Summer 2010, Fall 2010)
Supreme 6
Aly (Alykinerr)
Remember when I loved m00fins? Ahahahaa what a card I was.—Aly
Chris (Chris)
I can just feel the love in this club o:—Chris
Megan (Megano)
Hiding behind megan is like hiding behind a toddler.
Narf (Skwisgaar Skwigelf)
Kass (Kassalicious)
I am a tall redwood—Kass
Jake (Jakey Doo)
k33n is a fish, somehow. I don't know why he's a fish, he just is. And Dave is a ripped off Sloth sprite.—Jake, The Jellyneo Game
A member who rejoined back in January 2006 after a terrible period of server problems that no-one seems to remember. Maybe it's just him, though.
- Ax Crazy: Subverted... kind of.
- British Brevity: He's British, and doesn't stay around long.
- Development Hell: The Jellyneo Game is going through this.
- Dissonant Serenity: And how.
- Fan Boy: Way too many things to name.
- Gone Horribly Right: Count to 100,000. No-one knew it'd grow to be this big.
- Overly Long Gag: Orange and Steelblue shoutbox colours, before they changed the rules.
- With Friends Like These...: See above.
Joined 2006
Joey the Newtype
Joey the Forum Member: I think in the next update, they'll buff the shoutbox, and finally nerf Demomen.
Joey the Forum Member: No one really does.
Torratz: I have no idea what Joey just said—Joey being his usual self.
Joey the Mecha Pilot: Real Life suffers from being too hard and horrible game design.—Joey pointing out the flaws of IRL.
A member who joined back in 2006 to participate in Jellyneo's birthday contest, he didn't truly become active until 2007, when he decided to come back out of boredom.
- Ax Crazy
- Berserk Button: Pokémon Black and White. Go ahead. Go mention it to him.
- Blessed Are the Cheesemakers: To the point when the best way to describe him was Cheese. This has died down, though.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Like everyone else.
- Fan Boy: Type-Moon stuff, Mecha anime, and Touhou.
- Fear of Thunder: He's trying to get out of it.
- Hot-Blooded: A side effect of his love of Super Robots.
- Meido: One of his favorite things in the world.
- Shout-Out: His latest display name is a reference to the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, particularly the UC series.
- These tend to be part of his sentence structure, even!
- Small Reference Pools: Inverted at almost any chance. Raven sums it up best.
Now let's make video game and anime references that only a slight minority might understand!
- People actually understanding his references absolutely makes his day, though.
- Take Over the World: One of his ultimate goals.
- TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life
- Verbal Tic: Ahaha~
- It's mainly just an "Aha" now, though.
- Weapon of Choice: Is it cleaver time?
- Why Did It Have To Be Alligators: He gained this after playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
- This became hilarious once he beat the game, as his rank was Crocodile.
Joined 2007
"MASTER OF MAGNET!"—Steven shouting one of his many favorite memes
"I think Steven's brain is powered by"—Dodger
Steven, his antics involve lots of guns, the occasional bladed weapon liked katanas and in general follow the Rule of Cool.
- Ax Crazy: Generally goes into rage mode if one of his many berserk buttons happen to get pushed
- Berserk Button: Joey stealing his katana, Marvel vs Capcom 3, anyone touching his hidden wall of firearms, Sentinel and giant robots, anyone reminding him that he's being shipped with Mew and that nickname Pingu gave him. In a nutshell, something will make him angry to some extent
- Boom! Headshot!: One of the ways he tends to off members in the shoutbox.
- Chainsaw Good: Occasionally steals, or at least attempts to, steal Mew's chainsaw when playing Left 4 Dead 2
- Curse Cut Short: If he even bothers to try, occasionally cursing the "No swearing" rule of the forums.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Annoying Dave, an admin of the forum, into swearing on the shoutbox.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Is Cheap: His response to being killed on the shoutbox? Post a picture of Deadpool holding a sign saying "Lol Respawn"
- Fan Boy: Deadpool and Marvel Comics in general, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, Half Life, Team Fortress 2, Nintendo, Marvel vs. Capcom, Nazi Zombies, Batman, firearms. Best said by Steven himself "too many to be listed"
- Fan Nickname: Occasional user but also makes up detractor names for games like Modern Warfare 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom 3
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Most of his pets have been cats.
- Fluffy the Terrible: See above in the Berserk buttons list and now has a pink gun.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator: He would go join the procrastination club but he's too lazy to go do that
- Real Men Wear Pink: His opinion of Kirby and his pink gun
- Troll: according to Rayzah and 3est's opinion of him. Steven has also adopted this as his custom title.
- Why Did It Have To Be X: General reaction before being killed by something like air support in a Call of Duty.
Joined 2008
Clouds: I need to change my name to JohnPaul one day... hmm :P
Clouds: Yeah, because "Innocent" doesn't suit you. :P
Pingu: JP would kill you clouds xD
Clouds: "That's my name! No plagiarizing my name!" "Uh... I'm named after the pope?"
JohnPaul: Actually, I am named after the pope.—Conversation with JohnPaul
Clouds is an Elon Hughlis Fan Girl. Rumour has it that she used to be sane, before JohnPaul came along.
- Berserk Button: Do not mention your hatred for Canada, or your body may end up in Atlantis...
- Broken Record: Elon Hughlis!
- Canada, Eh?
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Genius Ditz
- Grammar Nazi: Occasionally. *beep* Clouds's account has been taken over by the Grammar Police.
- Older Than They Look: She is 79, according to Pingu.
- Only Sane Family Member: What she likes to think of herself as.
- Ridiculous Procrastinator
- Serial Tweaker
- Stalker Without a Crush
- The Dark Chick: To JP's Big Bad.
- Valley Girl: Just to annoy people.
"You cannot hide from Mr. Taser..."—Shion
Shion is just a pretty normal(???) forum member and Ex-Vampire. She's been here since November in 2008 and has been active ever since though she never goes on Neopets. She's a wannabe Ax Crazy simply because she finds it fun. Her weapon of choice is a taser and sometimes she uses a romantic cleaver. She also loves to roleplay and write. Oh yeah, here's a fun fact: Yes, Shion's name obvious comes from Shion from Higurashi, but Shion isn't actually her favorite character.
- Ax Crazy: As much as you can be one online. Not seriously though.
- Creepy Twins: With Pingu, according to the JN Family tree
- Fan Girl: of Higurashi and Pokémon
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Virtual psycho weapon.
- Psycho Electro: Shion IS this trope. Oh so much...
- Separated at Birth: Apparently, her and Pingu going by the family tree.
- The Nicknamer: Has nicknames for MANY people.
- Weapon of Choice: Taser.
"He's not a stalker, he's just canadian"—Rayzah, describing 3est
Is not in a relationship with Rayzah.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: His response to anyone shipping him and Rayzah
"Hi everyone"—JohnPaul's first shout. Little did JN know....
The progenitor of the second generation of JNers, JohnPaul is the creator of the Jellyneopian Times, Jellyneo Doctor Who, and the Steampowered series. His arrival in 2009 heralded in a new generation of users, including Tara, Clouds (who had actually been there before, but only became the Cloudcuckoolander she is today because of JP) and Dodger. He has teamed with fellow user Dawn to create series.
- Back From the Dead: Several times, most recently from becoming a Black Lantern, though we don't know exactly how or when he came back for sure.
- Dream Team: With Dawn.
- Expansion Pack Past: Is he a Time Lord? A Nynja? Did he really save Dave from a car crash? We don't know!
- Fan Nickname: JP.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Founding both a group of superheroes and a group of supervillains. Now that he's back from becoming a Black Lantern, we're not really sure which side he's on. Although with the start of the JP Legion Of Vicious Evil....
- Meta Guy
- Ninja Editor: Editor-In-Chief, actually.
- The Cast Showoff: Sang "The Phantom of the JN Shoutbox" for the promo song for the JN Musical.
- The Hero: Switches between this and the Big Bad.
- Unwanted Harem
"Draik, I am not pleased with your perpetual lies. You always make them up. Abraham Moofin does not exist, nor do moofins, and Willy Wonka is just the creation of an over-imaginative book writer. They do not exist in real life. Nor does the Island of Perpetual Tickling, unicorns, elves, pegasi, dragons, leprechauns, the Jungle of Perpetual Tickling, or magical pixies. The only thing that you have mentioned that does exist is the fawn, which is a baby deer. Because you have lied so much, you shall be kidnapped by five dolphins wearing fezzes. They shall take you to space in the Apollo 11, where you will die of starvation and lack of oxygen. Nobody will save you, for, in space, nobody can hear you scream. After you die, the dolphins will return in Apollo 11 and take you undersea. They, and all the other dolphins, will feed on your dead body until nothing remains.—Rayzah's comeback to Draik in the 'Temporary' Shoutbox while arguing about Willy Wonka and moofins (which do not exist.)
Jellyneo's resident Yume Nikki and Vocaloid fangirl. She often tries to sound smart but fails. She's mentally unstable due to past events. She hates moofins, people with constant improper grammar and spelling, and meepits with a burning passion of one-thousand suns. The only topic she really goes on is Random Roleplay, but you can also catch her on the SB typing in caps lock.
- Break the Cutie: Seems to be one in real life.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: The reason 3est and Steven made a shipping between her and Mew
- Madness Mantra: Finger spiral finger spiral finger spiral finger spiral finger spiral finger spiral...
- Stalker Without a Crush: She once found out the name of the convention Mew was going to. She also managed to obtain 3est's name, but that may be a case of Stalker with a Crush.
- It's not.
"*purple aura glows* Does anyone want to play with me?"—Hime, during Random Roleplay scene when she got hugged by Russia.
Hime, joined Jellyneo in November 2008, but only became active during 2009. She's a fan of various anime/manga, especially Bleach and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. She tends to act like a Woobie, but in reality is slightly Cute And Psycho. She loves to draw, use the shoutbox, and post at Random Roleplay. One of her favorite characters is Sakura.
- Berserk Button: Mentioning her favorite character name or asking too much.
- Don't, ever mistaken her as a fangirl of Ulquiorra if you want to stay alive.
- God helps you if both triggered at the same time.
- Catgirl: Happens in the shoutbox, and sometimes even transforms into a kitten.
- Cute and Psycho: Happens when purple clouds appear or just when Russia hugs her on Random Roleplay. And when she drinks Tara Juice.
- And it only meant to be funny, or is it?
- Sure, do it now to prove it.
- Fan Girl: Loves Bleach, Eyeshield 21, Team Medical Dragon and CLAMP series. There's more, though.
- Non-Identical Twins: To Yuzuki.
- Otaku: Manga, anime and cosplay.
- Stalker with a Crush: She's not going to admit it. Ever.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: This is her real self.
- Weapon of Choice: A giant paper fan.
"Madder than a hatter, that's me!"—Arjay
Arjay lives on the internet, or so he claims, taking residence on an old YouTube page. In his spare time, he'll play one (or sometimes more) of his many, possibly violent games. He's been active on JNF since 2008, and supposedly plans on staying forever. He is a self-proclaimed Close-quarters combat specialist, excelling with shotguns, swords, and the occasional bottle. It times of stress, it is said that he will retreat to the internet, and not come out until the turmoil has been resolved. Its also been said that he could crack the Da Vinci code in under a minute, if he could be bothered.
- Apathetic Citizens: He'd love to help you... but he's in the middle of his daily lulz.
- Automatic New Game: Worlds are destroyed when this happens...
- Ax Crazy: Many thing trigger this, none shall be discussed. You know, for safety and stuff.
- Chekhov's Gun: He'll have many weapons, hidden in many places, to be used at any time.
- Conspicuous Trenchcoat: His favorite thing to wear!
- Crazy Enough to Work: Some things he comes up with are just too crazy not to work...
- Cry for the Devil: He wasn't always crazy...
- Delayed Explosion: Because cool people don't look at explosions.
- Freeware Games: One of his favorite things!
- Harmful to Touch
ArjayC: Don't touch him!
Arjay: Growing old is mandatory, growing UP is optional.
- Loads and Loads of Loading: One of his many rage triggers.
- Someday This Will Come in Handy: He knows some crazy stuff...
- The Illegible: You have never seen his hand-writing. And you don't want to.
- Weapon of Choice: Shotgun. 12 gauge, dragon's breath round.
- Weather Dissonance: According to Arjay, it should be raining 100% of the time. Which it doesn't.
"I could've asked about your bandwidth or your SAT scores, were I trying to be romantic."—Nikita
- Catch Phrase: Developers. (As in "oh my developers", "what the developers", etc.)
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Disco Dan
- Ditzy Genius
- Proud to Be a Geek: Definitely doesn't mind showing off her geekiness.
- The Quiet One: She just doesn't say much.
My [sense of] humor now alternatively points at luggages and small children and laughs hysterically, or takes a peek at the rest of my mind and drowns its sorrows in a metaphorical pile of drinks before slinking to an abandoned corner, periodically sleeping and throwing up.—Dawn
Actually one of the earlier to arrive of her generation of users, Dawn works as a graphics designer and occasional writer for the Jellyneopian Times, as well as collaborating with John Paul on various projects (secret or otherwise), including Jellyneo Doctor Who. She's an avid roleplayer and former lurker in the Debate Club.
- Asian and Nerdy: As well as Jewish and Nerdy. She's nerdy by genetics!
- Brilliant but Lazy
- For Science!: Especially on the Debate Club forum; most of her recent roleplay characters tend to be a Science Hero of some sort.
- Proud to Be a Geek
- The Stoic: Sometimes mistaken for this, due to a lack of commonly displayed emotions and snarky comments, but she's more of The Spock.
Joined 2009
Joined in July 2009, she's mostly seen in Random Roleplay and post at The Media Channel. Currently, she's rarely seen there.
- Cool Big Sis: To Lucy.
- Fan Girl: Hetalia, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail and a lot more.
- Older Than They Look: Her previous name, Seira. Now it turns to Aries.
Joined in early 2009. Like most members, he changes his name often. However, he is generally referred to by either his original username or his current username.
- Death Is Cheap: Spent some time as a ghost before coming back from the dead.
- Non-Identical Twins: He and Totoro randomy decided to become twins. Even though they have different birthdays.
- Weapon of Choice: His freezeray. Occasionally a Rod of Supernova
"HERO!"—Mew stating what she is
A strange Fan Girl who loves the Games forum, Random Blah forum, and the Shoutbox, but mainly lurks everywhere else. She has three hasubandos which she loves very much. She also really, really loves Touhou. She unknowingly eloped with Blahzor. They officially married in the shoutbox later.
- Chainsaw Good: Chainsaw-kun!
- Curse Cut Short: Mew is the proud creator of the censorbus in Random Roleplay.
- Fan Girl: She used to be a fangirl of America and Pit but not as much anymore. She's more of a Touhou fangirl now.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: What she is in real life.
- Yandere: The Fun Closet is fun~
"Hey Gi, Moo! Mooooooooooooooooooooooo..... Moo, Gi! Moo, Gi, Moo moo moo, Gi! Mooooooooooooooooooooooooo...... Gi!"—JohnPaul, judging a user by their cover
Raconteur Raven: @Moogi: Gi was the name of a character on an environmental cartoon from the 90s I sometimes watch. *chuckles to self*
Moogi: I'm a enviormentalist cow, now? Well... I guess it's better than just being a moomoo cow :P—Moogi, discussing the JP quote above
Having joined late April 2009, Moogi spends most of her time in the Shout Box and the Roleplaying Forum. In her spare time, she always plays Video Games, proven with previous Display Names like Tails the Fox, Meta Knight, Marth, Vaati and Princess Rosalina. Moogi is known for having many adoptive kids, and is already a great-great-grandmother at a young age.
- Canada, Eh?: Exactly What It Says on the Tin, only not as stereotypical.
- Berserk Button: Biggest examples include anyone Canada bashing or using filtered words on the Shout Box; intentional or not.
- Fan Girl: Of Nintendo (particularly Mario, Super Smash Bros. and Pokémon, however she likes everything else by them as well), and Antola Maeir, her favourite Neopets character.
- Name's the Same: There's a Poogle in the Neopedia named Moogi.
- Parental Incest: Moogi was once married to her (step)grandson, Totoro (not that Totoro), and is apparently interested in her adoptive son, Dodger.
- There Was a Door: Often crashes through the Shout Box, whether through the wall or the ceiling.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Unless you look at her profile, you probably wouldn't have known she was only 13.
"#1 Sci fangirl and Anime addict"—Pingu describing herself
- Catgirl
- Fan Girl: Pingu is a fangirl of several things, including anime and Sci.
- Name's the Same: Pingu, whose name has no relation to the clay penguin.
- Stalker with a Crush: See quote above.
- Yandere: To Sci.
Ruby Torratz
Jeff: I would like to proclaim my absolutely undying love for Ruby
Jeff: xD Ruby, I can imagine if you were Juliet, and Romeo was out there proclaiming his undying love for you and risking life and limb, you'd be like, "Ohai Romeo! I like that you said those nice things! :D" and then close the window and go back to sleep
Ruby: That's rather nice of you Jeff :D—Jeff summing up Ruby in a nutshell
One of the few Jellyneo staffers who is also a forumer, Ruby (also known as Torratz; both names are used interchangeably, even on this page) is the protagonist of Jellyneo Doctor Who.
- Deadpan Snarker: Can shatter self-esteems with a single barb.
- Fan Girl: Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, dead batteries and many, many other things.
- Hates Being Touched: Is notorious for her rampant dislike of hugs.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Kinda needs them though.
- Tsundere: According to Suzuka.
"I'm not going to tell you guys what I'm modifying."—Yuzuki
Previously considered an Emotionless Girl, Yuzuki loves to sew things up and modify stuff. She is a fan of Shiraume, but changed her display name to Yuzuki. Forget the name she chooses two years ago, which nearly similar to what Kohaku does. And seems she's much more nicer than before.
- Fan Girl: Obviously Air Gear, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch and Chobits.
- Non-Identical Twins: Due to her and Kohaku's birthday, which is nearly the same, and their previous names; Noel Hime and Caren Hime.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Hime is the red one, while Yuzuki is blue.
- Rollerblade Good: Her Air Treks that she usually puts on and use to glide into the shoutbox.
- Which eventually leads to her crashing to random people.
- It doesn't happen as often nowadays.
- This is her form of greeting.
Joined 2010
"So remember, kids, if you want to poison a team captain, make sure they don't have a girlfriend!"—Raven, imagining how Lyvon Cibaire's wig commercial would go. It Makes Sense in Context.
Raven (originally known as Ravenfrost) joined slightly before Plushie in Summer 2010 and just after her first Neopian Times short story "Jumper" was published. Soon after, she became a well-known forumer who mainly hangs out in the Shoutbox, Games, and Roleplaying sections. Later, she began to show other users her Neopian Times ideas, which started her reputation as an Altador Cup fanatic and conspiracy theorist. She's mostly known for her references to The Pendragon Adventure and her habit of making up conspiracy theories about Tandrak Shaye, a Yooyuball player and Ensemble Darkhorse. Despite the attention given to him by her, she is not a fangirl of him and never will be.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: She creates interpretations for many Altador Cup players that not many fans would think of. Especially Tandrak Shaye.
- Berserk Button: Somewhere between being rejected multiple times and people mistaking her for a Shaye fangirl (though the latter doesn't happen often).
- Calling Your Attacks: She was the first to use the 'Gelert Ear Whack' that is now a common inside joke among the Altador Cup VI roleplayers.
- Conspiracy Theorist: About many things. Just to give you an idea, her main villain is Tandrak Shaye, whom many just think of as an Ensemble Darkhorse rather than a threat.
- Creator Backlash: She dismisses her first Neopian Times submission, an article called 'An Exclusive Interview with AAA' as "comedic in some places but with no plot line whatsoever." She likes to pretend it doesn't exist. Despite this, though, she admits she cannot wish it out of existence.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Her first roleplay character, the dark faerie Nevvy, is this. It was through her interactions as Nevvy that she formed some of her first relationships on-site.
- Deadpan Snarker: At times, due to the fact that many of her female characters are this trope, and it rubs off. She's also like this as her frequently used roleplay character, Valka.
- Determinator: She worked on actually writing her well-known (to JNF members) Neopian Times series "The Vickles-Shaye Battles" for nine months. She has been trying to submit it to TNT (The Neopets Team) to publish for three months. She's not going to give up anytime soon.
- Fan Girl: Most well-known for being one of Neopets characters Layton Vickles and Jair Tollet (whom she frequently questions if she should fangirl, due to Jair and herself both being female), The Pendragon Adventure, and Warrior Cats. She also is a fangirl of Winx Club and Danny Phantom.
- Tangled Family Tree: For goodness sakes, according to the JN family tree, she's related to the same character she writes conspiracy theories about!
- Vaporware: Her series, "The Vickles-Shaye Battles," despite the fact that many members want to read it, still has yet to be published. She's finished it, but she just keeps getting rejected.
- Weapon of Choice: Her airhorn. Ironically enough, Tandrak Shaye also wields an airhorn as a weapon in "The Vickles-Shaye Battles."
- Your Answer to Everything: Layka.
The Plushie Ultimatum (AKA: Neomysterion)
"Watch out Jellyneo guys and gals, the obscure wonder of Here is Elsewhere, Animation Revelation, and Retro Junk is here to energize your forum experience!"
The Plushie Ultimatum is one of JNF's more sparky yet obscure members. He started his adventure on Neopets back in 2002 as neoking2002_neo, and has been a proud Neopian ever since. He likes a lot of obscure cartoons and video games that so very few members of the site know. He normally lurks the site during the night opposed to the daytime, and there is a good reason why he does so; Plushie has a crush on Kohaku, another JNF member.
Plushie has been seen other sites including the following:
- Toon Zone (as Hasee of Doom, but doesn't visit as much anymore)
- Here is Elsewhere (as Bomberman)
- Animation Revelation (as Bomberman)
- Retro Junk (as Magnetic Destroyer X3)
- The Daily Neopets (as Neomysterion)
... just to name a few of the sites he visits often.
- Fan Boy: Plushie is one for Kirby, Pokémon, and most Nintendo franchises.
- Stalker with a Crush: Plushie has one on Kohaku.
Lucy Heartfilia
"Fuwa Fuwa Time!"—One of her favorite songs in K-On!
Joined in December 2010, she likes to introduce herself to everyone. Her previous name is Yui, and now changed to Lucy Heartfilia.
- Cool Big Sis: Aries.
- Fan Girl: Fairy Tail and K-On!
- Younger Than They Look: Although her namesake is a 17-year old girl, she's actually eleven.
"Be sure to check out the Altador Cup Media Reportage Center!"—JB_, advertising his topic.
Joined in the summer of 2010 and recently had his one year anniversary, he is a nutball who likes origami, likes to be himself, and likes bazookas.
Joined 2011
Joined in late January 2011. Known for his ability to control lightning, cool sword, and overusage of flat whats.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: His sword, Leviathan, can slice through wood, stone, metal, and even most living beings as if they were made of butter.
- Blow You Away: He can control wind, but doesn't do it nearly as often as most of his other abilities.
- Calling Your Attacks: You're in trouble if he starts doing this.
- "Lightning Fang!"
- "Burning Attack!"
- "Heat Dome Attack!"
- Even if he doesn't call out the attack, he will usually say the name of the attack somwhere in his post. (i.e.: *Attacks -insert Enemy Name here- with my -insert Attack Name here-.*)
- Cool Sword: Leviathan.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's God of Death in the Gods and Goddesses topic. He's a good guy.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: See the Unexplained Recovery entry below.
- Evil Twin/ Evil Knockoff/ Evil Counterpart/ Criminal Doppelganger: Saiba (though which of the four is not certain). Saiba's clothes, hair, and sword are all inverted in color, and his personality is exactly the opposite. He can change the coloring of said traits to become an exact replica of Silents, though he reverts back to normal when fighting for some reason. He also has a single black wing coming out of the left side of his back and light brown hair which gets whiter at the center and roots
- Faking the Dead: A key point in defeating The Destroyer's Destroyer of Worlds form. He makes it look like he was vaporized by one of Destroyer of Worlds' attacks to sneak up on him and use a combination of a small tornado and a massive punch to sever the original Destroyer from his Destroyer of Worlds body.
- Flat What: Beginning to become his Catch Phrase.
- Flight: Both the 5th and 8th methods on the page.
- Grand Theft Me: The Psychotic A.I. once implanted itself in Silents' brain. No one knows how though, as the A.I. was apparently in a cake Silents ate.
- Love Triangle: Silents and Shadow both love Salkel.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: After (seemingly) getting beaten to a pulp by The Destroyer, he reveals that by copying his lightning-based attacks, The Destroyer was making him stronger (He had apparently always been able to absorb electricity though. See the Power-Up example below.). He then proceeded to incinerate The Destroyer with his Heat Dome Attack, which he had never been able to do before then.
- No One Could Survive That: So far he's been mauled by a Vampire, smashed into pavement countless times, turned to stone, kicked through a building, kicked through a mountain, kicked through the moon, and was stuck in a villain's energy cannon head-first and blasted directly in the face . He survived all of them.
- Noodle Implements: Subverted, as Giant Robot Zombie Mutant Vampire Werewolves led by Benjamin Franklin were attacking. He used a box of paperclips, some duct tape, a baby gorilla, four rubber bounce balls, a laser, a box of pancake mix, a school bus, and fifty-seven pairs of underwear to stop them... Than proceeded to tape everything but the underwear and baby gorilla to the laser, and simply shoot the Giant Robot Zombie Mutant Vampire Werewolves with it. He then proceeded to explain why he taped those things to the laser...
Silents: Now, the paperclips were to balence out the negative charge on the laser so it would be more focused and not destroy everything. The rubber bounce balls were to conduct any minor electricity leakage. The pancake mix was to make aiming easier, as it worked as a sort of crosshair. The School Bus was for balence.
- ... and then Double Subverted it when he explained what the underwear and baby gorilla were for...
Silents: The baby gorilla was in case I needed extra wind resistance. The underwear was for in case the Giant Robot Zombie Mutant Vampire Werewolves brought tigers.
- Power Glows: Rarely. He still does it though.
- Power-Up: Up to about 2x his regular power.
- Power-Up Motif: The above power-up is done by absorbing some form of electricity or lightning. There isn't a time limit, but his power goes down with every lightning-based attack. Like a battery.
- You may be thinking "Well if he just didn't use electric attacks, the boost would be permanent!" It doesn't work that way. Don't ask. It just doesn't.
- Power-Up Motif: The above power-up is done by absorbing some form of electricity or lightning. There isn't a time limit, but his power goes down with every lightning-based attack. Like a battery.
- Shock and Awe: One of his favorite powers.
- Spell My Name with an "S": He prefers to be called Silents. It doesn't stop people from calling him Silent though.
- Stealth Pun: When The Guests were around, he translated various words into Bengali, then used the phonetic spelling as the names of 'The Guests' attacks. Examples include Sickle's "Rasuna (Garlic) Gun", Mace's "Dudha Ball", and perhaps the most humorous:
Knife: Panira Ki! (Cheese What)
Silents: Cheese What?
- The Strategist: In most instances he can fight against villains much stronger than him and the two will be nearly equal simply due to his incredible strategic abilities.
- Summon Magic: He has it. Most of them are from the Final Fantasy games.
- Talk to the Fist: Due to the recent flood ov villains in the Full Out War topic, the true meaning of the topic (mercilessly beating up your friends) was almost lost. Silents found a way around this: punching his friends (namely Zoroark) in the face while also fighting the enemies. He cut Zoroark off multiple times this way.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: A personal motto of his.
- Teleport Spam: While not really at spamming levels, he does use his teleporting fairly often.
- Yandere: He once became this when he found out Shadow was in a relationship with Salkel. He's back to normal now.
- Unexplained Recovery: He blows up his body to stop an evil Eldritch Abomination from erasing time and space from existence. He's fighting again in four days.
Ruko Yokune
Joined in mid-August 2011. She is probably most well known as the resident Derlyn Fonnet Fan Girl. And that's an understatement.