Jackie Chan Adventures/Characters
Jackie Chan
Bad day - for demons.
The main hero of the series. He is an archaeologist on a mission to search for - in order - talismans, demon portals, animals with talisman powers, Oni masks, and demon chi objects that were used to imprison Shendu's siblings. Though he's quite likely the only archaeologist on the planet up to this job (thanks to being Jackie Chan), he'd rather be on a dig or minding his Uncle's antique shop.
- Adorkable: When he's not serious, he's a nice awkward guy who Apologizes a Lot.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Unusual example; the archaeology is more or less realistic but he's recruited for unrelated missions.
- Anti-Hero (Type IV): Bad Jackie
- Apologizes a Lot: Whenever he needs to borrow something really quickly.
- Badass Normal: Not only does he not need the talismens to fight demons and wizards and thugs, he prefers not to.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's generaly pacifistic, however if you do press his Berserk Button by hurting his friends or family then he will completely own you.
- Blood Knight: His yin side.
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey: The number of times he says 'Ow!' or 'Bad day! Bad day!' in a single episode could be a drinking game.
- Catch Phrase: Bad day, bad day, bad day...
- Cultured Badass: Knows a thing or two about antiques and yoga.
- Deadpan Snarker: Sometimes it all becomes too much for him.
"Yes, I can see this is some very special garbage."
- Demonic Possession: Shendu has possessed him in season 2 to get to the Book of Ages.
- Drunken Master: After being bitten by a cobra.
- Fan Nickname: Jackiezilla, for the giant version of him from when Shendu rewrites reality so demons rule the earth (and Jade saving the day due to having Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory).
- The Hero
- Hero Stole My Bike: Everyone gets their turn, but Jackie is the most frequent perpetrator. See Apologizes a Lot.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Didn't want to get involved with Section 13, demons or anything supernatural. and complains about it.
- Jekyll and Hyde: His good and bad sides separate 3 times.
- Martial Pacifist: He would rather talk than fight.
- Nice Guy: Seriously, even his yang side turned out to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Only Sane Man: Gets stuck in this role more than a few times.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Jade's red.
- Talking to Himself: He's voiced by James Sie, who also voices Shendu and Chow.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child
Jade Chan
Jackie's niece who goes on adventures, much to Jackie's annoyance.
- Action Girl: Adult Jade
- Adventure Rebuff: Jackie: "Stay with Uncle."
- Badass Normal: She doesn't even have Jackie's experience and she still holds her own.
- Book Dumb: Not that good in classes, but very good in breaking into underground military installations.
- Catgirl: It happened once.
- Combat Pragmatist: She seems to be the only one of the heroes who thinks to actually use the various magical artifacts/weapons they've acquired (the Talismans usually).
- Culture Blind
- Cursed with Awesome: Happens twice. She gets turned into a Catgirl and a frog that can make super-sonic burps. Turns back to normal in both cases.
- Eyes of Gold
- Future Badass: Even the leader of Section 13
- Gasshole: Pure belch variant in "Relics of Demons Past".
- Guile Hero
- Hero Harasses Helpers: Jackie: "She never listens."
- Kid Appeal Character
- Kid Sidekick: Unofficially of course.
- Reckless Sidekick
- Tagalong Kid: Despite Jackie's best efforts.
- Little Stowaway: How she acomplishes the above.
- The Lancer: More aggressive than Jackie, more interested in supernatural and constantly subverting his orders.
- The Munchausen: In her classroom, no one believes her until season 3 and even then it was only one kid. It was Jerkass Drew, but still.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: See Gasshole. The writers gave her a knack for belching for just that one episode probably because they couldn't think of anything else to do with the Wind Demon chi.
- One of the Boys: She doesn't get a female role model until Viper.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Jackie's blue.
- Scout Out: A member of both the girls and boys scouts.
- Shipper on Deck: For Jackie / Viper
- Snooping Little Kid
- Stealth Hi Bye: Bordering on Offscreen Teleportation
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Strangely enough, said evil side (the Queen of the Shadowkhan) is something of an Ensemble Darkhorse, as Jade only goes evil in one episode, and yet there are plenty of fanfics where it happens again.
- Tomboy
- Waif Fu: Works on school bullies, less so on demons.
- Tends to vary a lot for no apparent reason. In one episode she's easily beating giant mooks including one who easily floored Jackie and suddenly she's easily restrained by Finn, Chow or Ratso.
- Wait Here: Jade: "Tch. When will he learn? "
Uncle Chan
Who else wants a piece of Uncle?
Jackie's uncle and Jade's great-uncle. Runs an antique shop that is more of a homebase for the heroes than the high tech government agency. He's actually the cousin of (one of) her parents...they think.
- Anime Hair
- Asian Rudeness and/or Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!
- Asian Store Owner: Very protective of his antiques, and has the skills to back it up
- Badass Grandpa: Played with. Too old to fight like he used to, but now he has magic.
- Badass Normal: Yes, he has magic but his blowfish is more or less a magic gun and the other spells can be done by anyone, even Jade, who has no idea what she's doing.
- Birthday Hater
- Catch Phrase: "One more thing", "Yu Mo Gwai Gui Fai Di Zao - Evil demons and malevolent spirits, be gone!", "Magic must defeat magic!", "[X] is not important!", "You want a piece of Uncle?"
- Detect Evil: Uncle's willies.
- Dope Slap: Hitting Jackie with a two-fingered strike every time his nephew does or says something wrong.
- And sometimes when he does something right.
- Eccentric Mentor: Tohru's magic mentor, and has more than a few quirks.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": He's just known as Uncle to everybody (except Mamma Tohru who calls him "Billygoat").
- Grumpy Old Man: He's been shown happy exactly twice in five seasons, and one of them was a magic induced dream.
- Honorary Uncle: He's everyone's Uncle. Really.
- Insufferable Genius: He's right about everything magical and whenever he says "Magic must defeat magic".
- Mentor Archetype: Old, wise and takes a formal apprentice.
- No Name Given: Just call him "Uncle Chan"
- Ki Attacks: With a blowfish!
- Magic Wand: Uncle's blowfish and lizard.
- Puffer Fish: His weapon of choice to shoot chi.
- Pressure Point: If it's not a chi spell or kick, it's this.
- Old Master: Who taught Jackie his martial arts and Tohru his magic?
- Running Gag: Hitting Jackie in the head with a two-fingered strike every time he does or says something wrong. He did this also to Captain Black, Tohru, Jackie's Dark Side, Daolon Wong, Hsi Wu, Super Moose, and one time, himself because he blames himself for getting Tohru kidnapped.
- The Smart Guy: When something magical happens, he's the only one with any idea what's going on.
- Takes One to Kill One: "Magic must defeat magic!"
- Third Person Person: See quote.
- Witch Doctor: His chi spells involve things like 'eel saliva' and 'hair of sheep'
I do not like fish
Once a Dark Hand enforcer, but defects to the Chans. Works for Uncle at his Antique shop and his apprentice in Chi spells.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Pre-Heel Face Turn.
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy: As a good guy.
- Brick Joke: Tohru joined Section 13 because of an earlier episode Jackie suggested this to him on the statement they have doughnuts on Tuesdays.
- The Brute: As a bad guy.
- Butt Monkey: More when he was a bad guy, but it happens when he's good too.
- Catch Phrase: I hate fish.
- Detect Evil: Tohru's willies
- Don't Tell Mama: His mother is unaware that he was a thug working for Valmont and not knowing that the latter is a crime boss.
- Does Not Like Spam: "I hate fish".
- The Dragon: Replaced by Hak Foo.
- Face Heel Turn: When Valmont erases his memories with a potion.
- Gentle Giant: Particularly after his Heel Face Turn.
- Genius Bruiser: After he learns magic.
- Heel Face Turn: "I was told Section 13 served doughnuts on Tuesdays". Yes, Valmont made him fight a fully empowered Shendu with his bare hands, but we know it was really the dougnuts.
- Identity Amnesia
- Mighty Glacier: The J Team's biggest and slowest and strongest.
- Momma's Boy: Loves his momma and her approval means so much it crosses into "Well Done, Son" Guy.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh: Jackie, to him, many, many times in the first season.
- Redemption Promotion: He was already intimidating as a henchman, then he had a Heel Face Turn and learned magic.
- Signed Up for the Dental: The first thing he said upon announcing his Heel Face Turn was "I'm told Section 13 severs doughnuts on Tuesdays". he was parroting an offer Jackie made earlier but still..
- The Smart Guy: After his Heel Face Turn.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: He gets Tarakudo's mark because Jackie doesn't want Jade to be Queen of the Shadowkhan again.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: His fear of Oni.
Captain Augustus Black
The only King I bow to is Elvis, and I don't see you wearing blue suede shoes.
The head of Section 13 and Jackie's long-time friend. First he doesn't believe in magic, but that changed when he saw Shendu.
- Agent Scully: Season 1
- Whoa, Nellie!: Season 1 Finale
- Agent Mulder: Season 2 onwards.
- Whoa, Nellie!: Season 1 Finale
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Normal
- Bald of Awesome
- Butt Monkey: Only Jackie and the Enforcers can top him here.
- Catch Phrase: "Whoa, nelly."
- Clancy Brown
- The Captain: Of Section 13.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: He's the badass leader to a secret agency equipped with state of the art weapons and scientific equipment. But compared to Jackie, his family, the J-Team and the supernatural villains, he just can't compare.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Understandably skeptical of supernatural, until he gets proof at the end of the first season.
El Toro Fuerte
This is no costume, Captain Black. This is a way of life.
A Mexican wrestler that Jackie meets on his search for the talismans. He becomes a friend who occasionally helps the Chans on their missions.
- Badass Normal: Subverted then played straight. He's introduced with the The Ox Talisman but never uses it after his first episode.
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy: After Tohru.
- Catch Phrase: "El Toro Fuerte NEVER removes his mask!" (also "Sorry")
- Gentle Giant: A really nice guy, despite the mask and muscles.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- The Klutz: El Toro: "Sorry"
- Masked Luchador
- No Name Given
- Spandex, Latex, or Leather: Spandex
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Jade takes advantage of this
El Toro is the greatest!
El Toro’s self-proclaimed “biggest fan,” who apparently is apprenticed under his idol. If El Toro is near, expect him to not be far behind.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Hero Worshipper: El Toro
- Hidden Depths: He does show how much of a hero he can be when he manages to break free from the Mind Control of one of the Oni Masks.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: At the center of one in season four.
- Kid Sidekick: For El Toro
- Legacy Character: Looking to become a luchador like El Fuerte. He's even got a miniature version of his costume in season 4.
- The Load: So much so even the fans realized this. You will often read Fan Fiction where she is paired with an evil demon rather than him.
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad: While it's an uncle and a personal hero involved, the argument plays out the same. Repeatedly. "Jackie!" "El Toro!" "Jackie!" "El Toro!"
- Tagalong Kid: One more time, El Toro.
Jackie! Hey, sorry about the double-cross...
A(n ex-)thief that Jackie gets caught up with in the search for the snake Talisman. Hilarity Ensues. From the second season on, she drops in from time to time to help the Chans.
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal: Similar to Captain Black and El Toro.
- The Chick: Subverted. Only official female member of the J Team and The Hero's Love Interest but she's hardly a moral center.
- Classy Cat Burglar
- Cool Big Sis: Jade sees her as this, much to Jackie’s chagrin.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genki Girl: Used in an episode where everyone gets turned into kids.
- Heel Face Turn
- Insistent Terminology: "EX-super thief."
- Love Interest: To Jackie. Jade really would love to see this happen.
- No Name Given
- Reformed but Rejected: By Jackie.
- Woman in Black: Her cat suit.
I am the keeper of the talismans. I am the apocalypse of which legend speaks. And I am, for once and for all, your executioner.
The fire demon and main villain of seasons 1 and 2. Pre-series he was sealed into a stone statue and his talismans were scattered. Finding them is the focus of seasons 1 and 3.
- And I Must Scream: Being trapped as a sentient statue for 900 years can take its toll.
- All Your Powers Combined: The combined powers of the Talismans were really his powers separated from his body. With them, he can change from his statue form to his true form.
- The statue form can be escaped with a single talisman (the rat, who grants "motion to the motionless"). The rest give him power but the rat is what gives him life.
- Big Bad: Of Season 1.
- Big No: He yells this after ending up possessing Valmont.
- And whenever he gets turned back into a statue.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Him and his demon brethren.
- Blasphemous Boast: Those three I AM statements in the section quote.
- Butt Monkey: Abused by his siblings for not trying to free them.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Valmont, Dalong, etc. Anyone he works with he eventually betrays. The sole exception was his efforts to free his demon brethern, and thats largely because he was too terrified of them after the last time he betrayed them.
- Demonic Possession: One of his more used powers when he doesn't have his body.
- The Dragon: To his siblings in Season 2.
- Evil Overlord: Used to be one. His ultimate goal is to reclaim his lost glory.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: In season 1.
- Hijacked by Ganon: Daolon Wong resurrected Shendu in season 3 so he can get the dragon talisman. Did not work out well for Wong.
- Mundane Solution: Tries to kill Uncle and Section 13 to interrupt their incantation. It doesn't work.
- Not Quite Dead: Killed by Jade in the end of season 1, but returns as a spirit in season 2 possessing Valmont. He gets revived in season 3, but ended up turned into a statue again.
- Our Dragons Are Different: He's actually a demon dragon with magic talismans inside him.
- Playing with Fire
- Sealed Evil in a Can: In Season 1 and later.
- Skyward Scream: Every time he is defeated.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Shendu is possesing someone.
- Rewriting Reality: Getting to the Book of Ages while possessing Jackie.
- Sealed Evil in a Duel: In the series finale, with his also evil son Drago.
- Smug Snake: Especially in season 2, where nothing goes the way he wants it to, he is constantly harrased by his terrifying siblings, and is constantly arguing with Valmont whose body he has to share (to the point Valmont manages to knock him out- he was actually trying to kill him and risked his life to do it, just because he was sick of him). In season 3 he gets his Talisman powers back only to be immediately resealed, and after that is stuck as a prisoner of Section 13 until the finale.
- Summon Bigger Fish: The only answer to Empowered Draco.
- Summon Magic: The Shadowkhan.
- Talking to Himself: He's voiced by James Sie, who also voices Jackie and Chow.
- Take Over the World: See Evil Overlord.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Shendu betrays Valmont and the Enforcers after getting all his talismans because he thinks that Dark Jackie was the one who brought them to him, not Valmont and the Enforcers. In season 2, he sends Finn, Ratso, and Chow out since they no longer needed to carry the Pan'Ku Box. Later, he tries to do this to Hak Foo, but Valmont doesn't want to be alone with him. He even lampshades it with Daolon Wong after backstabbing him.
"I may be a noble dragon, but I'm also a Demon Sorceror. And not known for keeping promises."
Jackie Chan. Finally, we meet. It was nice knowing you.
The crime boss of the crime syndicate, the Dark Hand. He is also the main villain in seasons 1 and 2.
- Affably Evil
- Badass Normal: Used Dragon on one occassion but otherwise he's bare handed in fights.
- Blue Eyes
- Crazy Prepared: Had a homing becon for a false tooth that would cause his cane to levitate to his position, said cane holding an electrically charged dagger.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Even at his worst and wimpiest up until season 4 he always had at least one example of this trope. The best one was when he was smart enough to keep the antidote to cure Jackie's infliction on him.
- Deceptive Disciple: To some monks in another power play to get back on top.
- Demonic Possession: By Shendu. It's not full-out possession as Du was aiming for Jackie, resulting in Valmont and Shen-Dy constantly bickering and fighting for control, as thanks to a spell Du was unable to leave until his siblings released him.
- Demoted to Extra: From the third season onward. In season five, his only appearances are two brief, non-speaking cameos.
- Diabolical Mastermind: He's the one running the Dark Hand, and the driving force behind the first season.
- The Dragon: To Shendu in Season 1.
- Enemy Mine: Twice. First when he wanted to get rid of Shendu from his body and second when he is turned into a kid by Daolon Wong.
- Fighting From the Inside: How he fights with Shendu in season 2 and with an oni mask in one episode of season 4.
- The Heavy: To Shen-Du in season 1.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: In season 1.
- Kansas City Shuffle: After Shendu betrays him, Valmont plans to use him as a diversion for Jackie while he steals his treasure. Another one is after Shendu is killed by Jade, therefore losing his palace and treasure, Valmont has managed to get all of the talismans for his crimes.
- The Other Darrin: Voiced by Julian Sands in the first two seasons and by Andrew Ableson in the rest.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Shendu is the one in control of his body.
- The Starscream: Betrays Shendu two times in seasons 1 and 2.
- Unwitting Pawn
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Demon Sorcerers
Shendu's brothers and sisters. They hate Shendu's guts because he didn't try to free them.
- Affably Evil: Xiao Fung in particular
- Bad Boss: To Shen-Du. Not that he hasn't earned it, of course.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: In the second season
- Big Screwed-Up Family: They treat each other like crap. Probably the reason they were sealed in the same place.
- Competitive Balance
- Fragile Speedster: Hsi Wu
- Glass Cannon: Bai Tza
- Mighty Glacier: Po Kong
- Stone Wall: Xiao Fung
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: Xiao Fung, the Wind Demon.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Dai Gui, the Earth Demon.
- Gravity Master: Tso Lan, the Moon Demon.
- Making a Splash: Bai Tza, the Water Demon.
- Non-Elemental: Po Kong, the Mountain Demon, and Hsi Wu, the Sky Demon.
- Shock and Awe: Tchang Zu, the Thunder Demon.
- Fat Bastard / Villainous Glutton: Po Kong
- Genius Bruiser: All of them, given that they are demon sorcerors after all, though some are much more cerebral than others.
- Large and In Charge: All of them except Hsi Yu, who is still taller than most humans. The rest are about as big or bigger than Shen Du, and all of them make it very, very clear that they are his bosses, since he lost any equality privelidges when he left them to rot in their prison. Inverted with Po Kong, ironically, who is so lazy she is the least bossy demon.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Dimension, rather than statue, but same diff.
- Talking to Herself: Po Kong and Bai Tza are voiced by Mona Marshall.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Tso Lan
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: Tchang Zu insists that Shendu call him "master" rather than "brother".
- Winged Humanoid: Hsi Wu
Daolon Wong
The main villain of season 3. He is a wizard who tries to find the animals with talisman powers.
- Arch Enemy: To Uncle which explains Jade calling him "anti-Uncle"
- Badass Grandpa: Just as old and just as powerful as Uncle.
- Badass Long Robe
- The Bad Guy Wins: The episode which introduced both Eggbert (the noble rooster) and Mordecai (the noble pig) ended with him getting away with both talisman powers!
- Black Magic: You don't see Uncle enslaving people to be his minions
- Big Bad: Of Season 3.
- Evil Albino
- Evil Sorcerer
- Facial Markings
- Fangs Are Evil
- Grumpy Old Man: Never happy, ever.
- Hijacked by Ganon: To Shen-Du in season 3.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Summoning Shen-Du was not a bright idea. Actually, most of his schemes end this way, really.
- Ki Attacks: With the magic wand.
- Kick the Dog: Try 'shoot the dog with a ki blast ment to vaporize it.' Good thing said dog was immortal.
- Magic Wand: His scepter
- Mismatched Eyes: One blue eye, one grey eye.
- Old Master
- Spell My Name with an "S": Daolon or Daolan? Even the official website can't decide. Daolon seems to be the more popular spelling among the fanbase.
- Too Dumb to Live: Probably the only guy who was surprised that Shen-Du betrayed him was Wong himself.
- They Killed Kenny: His dark chi warriors.
Tarakudo & the Oni Generals/Oni Masks
I am the one and only King of the Shadowkhan!
The main villain of season 4. He is the king of Shadowkhan and lord of all Oni. He has nine generals trapped in masks. Once they find a wearer, they can control their own types of Shadowkhan.
- Affably Evil: The least strict boss to the Enforcers.
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad: Of Season 4.
- Casting a Shadow: Summoning the Shadowkhan and spreading darkness are the main powers of the Oni generals.
- The Chessmaster
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Deadpan Snarker: This is one of Tarakudo's most defining traits.
- Demonic Possession: When an oni mask is placed on the face of the user, they are still conscious of their actions, but are greatly influenced by the mask, though eventually it will completely take over. Finn wasn't affected because a rat talisman awakened Ikazuki was accidentally placed on his butt.
- Body Snatcher: Once the mask's host uses their Shadowkhan, they have begin to have equal control of the users body, whether the user (namely Captain Black, Finn, Paco, Jade and Valmont) want them to or not.
- The Dragon: Ikazuki, the blue/samurai oni.
- The Dreaded: Ikazuki again, who is feared as Tarakudo's most fearsome general. Played for laughs as he ends up the Butt Monkey in all appearances- in his first, literally.
- Early-Bird Cameo: As a tattoo that Jade put on her leg. Not surprisingly it's a Mark of the Beast (see below).
- Intangible Floating Demon Head: Tarakudo. Makes him a very difficult enemy to fight, but also forces him to rely heavily on his minions. He still seems to prefer it to having a real body, though, since the only way he would get that is if someone found the mask that can seal him away.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: The 'minikan' that one of the generals can summon. They're not demonic ninja like the others so they can't beat up enemies in a straight forward manner. However, they can eat the shadows of humans which not only makes them stronger but incapcitates the victim. As Tarakudo says, one has to make use of their particular strengths.
- Living Shadow: The Shadowkhan, Elite Mooks who literally come out of the shadows. They have been around since season 1 but their role and backstory are expanded to be revealed as Tarakudo's private army, and come in eight additional varieties.
- Mark of the Beast: If anyone has his mark will have demonic powers and become evil.
- Mask of Power: The season's maguffins
- Maurice LaMarche: Ikazuki
- Mind Over Matter: Tarakudo
- Oracular Head: For most of season 4
- Sealed Evil In A Mask: All of the Oni generals, and Tarakudo's ultimate fate. By extension, the Shadowkhan, control of which are the main reason the human villains want the mask in the first place.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: In this trope, Tarakudo is a blue oni and Ikazuki is a red one, which is ironic because, in literal terms, Tarakudo and Ikazuki faces are red and blue respectively.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Once all nine demon generals are released, they collectively possess enough power to eventually cover the entire world in darkness. Presumably, if Tarakudo were not a floating head, he could do this all by himself.
- Summon Magic: Each Oni general commands a tribe of Shadowkhan and, as per usual, can summon them at will. Shen-Du commanded a tribe of Shadowkahn because he magially manipulated one of their masks.
- Xanatos Gambit: The Oni generals are released whenever all nine masks are assembled in one place. Since Tarakudo is the only one that knows this, whether he gets all the masks, or the J-Team does, he still wins.
The Shadowkhan
Shen-Du's Elite Mooks in seasons 1 and 2, barring a temporary lapse when a demonically possessed Jade seized control of them. Later revealed to originally serve Tarakudo, and to actually come in nine different forms, or "Tribes", of which Shen-Du's Ninjas were only one.
- Adorable Evil Minions: The Leech Khan, at first.
- Airborne Mook: The Bat Khan
- The Corruption: To anyone who summons them who isn't already evil, and sometimes even then. Notably its the summoning that starts it, not the Oni masks, as the corrupting only sets in once they are called upon, not to mention when Jade had her Tarakudo tattoo.
- Giant Mook: The Sumo Khan and, eventually, the Leech Khan.
- Eldritch Abomination: The Squid Khan, who are the only Shadowkhan whose face we see, which turns out to be a hideous demonic-looking Cthulian monster. Presumably, all Shadowkhan are equally as horrifying underneath.
- Elite Mooks
- Faceless Mooks
- Fan Nickname: The varieties are never named on-screen, but are known in fandom as the Ninja-Khan, Bat-Khan, Sumo-Khan, Shadow Eaters (or Leech-Khan), Samurai-Khan, Squid-Khan, Razor-Khan, Crab-Khan and the Mantis-Khan, respectively.
- Four-Legged Insect: The Mantis Khan.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Valmont and Jade each end up wearing half an Oni-mask, so when they summon their Crab-Khan they each end up getting the left and right halves of each mook.
- Heavily Armored Mook: The Samurai-Khan
- Humanoid Abomination: All but the Leech Khan, to varying degrees.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Ikazuki's Samurai Khan.
- Knife Nut: The Razor-Khan, the first new Shadownkhan to be introduced, who differ mainly in their Freddy Krueger-like knife gloved hands.
- Living Shadow
- Mini-Mook: The Leech Khan
- Mook Carryover: Inverted. They are introduced as serving Shen-Du, but originally served Tarakudo, despite the latter not appearing until season 4. Played straight with Shadow-Jade and to a lesser extent with anyone who put on a mask, though in both cases the summoner became Brainwashed and Crazy. Daolon Wong tried to do this, but ended up freeing Tarakudo instead, though he had briefly controlled them in an earlier episode.
- Ninja: Your regular, bogstandard Shadowkhan.
- Summon Magic
- The Voiceless
No prison can hold the son of Shendu!
The main villain of season 5. He is Shendu's son, but decides that he's better off making a name for himself rather than be just a supporting player to his father.
- Avenging the Villain: At first, but betrays his father to get the demon chis of his aunts and uncles.
- Big Bad: Of Season 5.
- Genre Savvy: See You Have Outlived Your Usefulness below.
- Kid From the Future
- One-Winged Angel: After getting all of the demon chis.
- Parental Abandonment: Lots of daddy issues with this one.
- Playing with Fire
- Sealed Evil in a Duel: In the series finale, with his also evil father Shendu.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Never gets his dad's respect, but then, he was an evil demon dragon.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The only one to fire Ratso, Finn and Chow after they failed him the first time.
The Enforcers
All that world domination stuff just doesn't pay the rent.
Shendu and Valmont's henchmen. It consists of Finn, Ratso, Chow, and Hak Foo. Tohru starts as an Enforcer but he has a Heel Face Turn in the end of season 1, making Hak Foo replace him. Later, in season 3, they work for Daolon Wong and Tarakudo in season 4. But in season 5, when Drago employs them, he turns them down after they failed him once.
- Adam Baldwin: Finn
- Anime Hair: Hak Foo
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Hak Foo
- Badass Mustache: Hak Foo.
- Badass Normal: Hak Foo
- The Brute: Hak Foo, Ratso when Hak Foo (and Tohru before him) aren't around.
- Calling Your Attacks: Hak Foo. "Angry crow takes flight!"
- Genre Savvy: Sometimes calls one attack while doing another.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Hak Foo
- Cool Shades: Chow's sunglasses also acts as his glasses because of his near-sightedness.
- That's only true for one episode. The rest of the time he can see just fine without the shades, even lifting them to get a better look at something.
- Dark Chick: Finn and Chow.
- Deadpan Snarker: Finn and Hak Foo.
- Disco Dan: Finn
- Evil Genius: Ratso who has several degrees in theoretical physics.
- Five-Token Band: Finn is Irish-American, Chow is Chinese-American, Ratso may be Italian- American and Hak Foo is Chinese.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: After Tohru quit and Hak Foo became his replacement.
- Finn: The Sanguine.
- Ratso: The Phlegmatic.
- Chow: The Melancholic.
- Hak Foo: The Choleric.
- Freaky Is Cool: Hak Foo loves power and he doesn't care what he looks like to get it.
- Genius Ditz: Ratso
- Green Eyed Red Head: Finn, due to being Irish-American.
- Mook Carryover
- The Other Darrin: Hak Foo was voiced by Jim Cummings during season 1, and John Dimaggio thereafter.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Hak Foo
- Redemption Promotion: Ratso, Finn and Chow tried to be good a couple times, with decent results. It never lasts because their greed gets the better of them.
- Sunglasses at Night: Chow, see Cool Shades above for why.
- Talking to Himself: Chow who is voiced by James Sie, who also voices Jackie and Shendu.
- Terrible Trio: Finn, Ratso and Chow
- Testosterone Poisoning: Hak Foo
- They Killed Kenny: All four as Daolon Wong's dark chi warriors.
The Ice Gang
Drago's henchmen. It consists of Strikemaster Ice, DJ Fist and MC Cobra. Originally a pizza boy, Ice joined a monastery where he learned martial arts and met his boys Fist and Cobra. After they were kicked out of the monastery for bad behavior, the Ice Gang sought revenge but were stopped by Jackie and the Enforcers. They were later recruited by Drago and changed them into his dragon henchmen.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guys
- Bastard Understudy: All three to Drago, when they think they had the upper hand.
- Blondes Are Evil: Strikemaster Ice
- The Brute: DJ Fist
- Dark Chick: MC Cobra
- The Dragon: Strikemaster Ice, both fugitively and literally to Drago.
- Deceptive Disciples
- Elemental Powers: Aside from Ice's fire breathing ability, in the Grand Finale, Drago gives each of the trio the powers of one Demon Sorcerer.
- Blow You Away: MC Cobra, from Xiao Fung.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Strikemaster Ice, from Dai Gui.
- Shock and Awe: DJ Fist, from Tchang Zu.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: All three, but mainly Ice.
- Jive Turkey: How Ice and Cobra speak.
- Playing with Fire: Strikemaster Ice
- Super Speed: MC Cobra
- Super Strength: DJ Fist
- Totally Radical: How all three act.
- The Voiceless: DJ Fist
- Lampshaded by Jackie in the Grand Finale.
Monkey King
Stop me if you've heard this one befooorre...
Monkey King is a trickster monkey. He is released whenever someone pulls his puppet form's leg, the luckless victim becoming a puppet in his place, only to be restored if he pulls their leg, which he isn't likely to do of his own free will. He might seem like an irritating prankster at first glance, but he takes a very dim view of anyone trying to spoil his fun...
- Ax Crazy: What his 'fun' turns into
- Demonic Dummy: His puppet form is completely harmless, just don't pull his leg.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Um...yeah, averted.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: See Ax Crazy.
- The Hyena
- The Mad Hatter: When Jade argues that feeding puppet-Jackie into a woodchipper isn't funny:
"Haven't you noticed? I have a WEIRD sense of humour!"
- The Other Darrin: Voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait in his first appearance and by Billy West in his second.
- Puppet Permutation: Is a wooden dummy, but changes into a live being when someone pulls his leg. The person who pulls his leg turns into a dummy themselves.
- Slasher Smile
- Sublime Rhyme: The instructions for switching places with a person in terms of living-puppet.
To free me of glitches and put you in stitches, this merry ape begs: Pull my leg.
Tohru's mother
Tohru's mother. She only appears in a handful of episodes but leaves quite an impact. She shows the Chans a new side of Tohru and becomes Uncle's arch rival.
- Hey, You: To her, Uncle is always "Billy Goat".
- Mama Bear: You think her mountain sized son is more dangerous? Threaten him and find out how wrong you are.
- My Beloved Smother: Her son just can't handle demons and gangs without her. One time she even decided to stay invisible to protect him better.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's only a little taller than Jade, but deadlier than Jackie.
- The Rival: To Uncle.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance