Internet Personality Vangelus
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Internet Personality Vangelus, here with a review..."
Internet Personality Vangelus is a reviewer on YouTube, primarily of various toys from several different franchises. His upbeat and quick style have made him quite popular, as well has his fantastic radio-announcer voice. His reviews are also known for The Subtitles, text comments that run along the bottom of the review and lambaste his performance, dialogue, editing, filming, or just abuse him in general.
Also the host of WTF@TFW, and a DJ on The Cape Radio.
Recently joined the That Guy With The Glasses team.
- A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted - How the Subtitles views Vangelus's purchasing habits.
- Actor Allusion - A complicated one involving David Kaye's dual roles as the narrator for Enzyte commercials and the voice of Beast Wars Megatron.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot - The Subtitles
- Always A Bigger Drill - Choginga Gurren Lagann vs Dragon Megazord's drill lance.
- Also, Modernized Skeletor once he run into Kamen Rider Exceed Gills who kicked his ass, only to be defeated by even a bigger fish - Kamen Rider Black.
- Animated Actor - The title font to Vangelus's film class project Questionnaire is the same one used for the Subtitles, ergo the Subtitles are listed in the credits for providing the title.
- Asshole Victim - Iron Man and War Machine, once Skeletor Took a Level in Badass.
- Author Appeal - Insectoid Bipeds. "Chitter chitter!"
"If you're into the bug Transformers like I am..."—Trust me, NONE of you are into bipedal insects like Vangelus is... into... bipedal insects.
- The same appeal forces him to love the Mitsuoka Orochi, a sports car H. R. Giger could have designed.
- Axe Crazy: Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime.
- Beam Spam - The Spreem Cyclone. "That's actually how Omega Spreem ended the
worlduniverseonceseveral times, until he got bored and restored it." - Beneath the Mask - His V-Chats on That Guy With The Glasses depict him as a Serial Killer, Combat Sadomasochist, Psychopathic Manchild and Complete Monster all around... with the exception of his interviews with toy creators, in which he presents himself as a happy, nerdy, passably well adjusted human being this more or less being the real Vangelus. Unfortunately, at the end of one interview compilation, he begins to tear the mask away...
- Berserk Button - Don't breath on the microphone, or the Subtitles will brush your gums open with nails.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs - His and Subtitles' description of the Corbot V War Ax:
Vangelus: It's hit that beautiful, perfect size between practical and psychopathic.
Subtitles: Practical psychopathy, of course.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - One of Vangelus's out-of-character blogs ended with him telling the viewers, "Also, there's no subtitles because, guys, the Subtitles don't really exist. Seriously. There's a thing called the fourth wall. Chyah." Or is there?
- Brain Bleach - What you'll need to survive his account of the conception of the SH Figuarts line.
- Bullying a Dragon - Omega Spreem only made an already ticked off Gundam Arios madder by repeatedly insulting him to his face after he was caught making a move on his daughter. Archer didn't take it well either...
- Caustic Critic - MAJORLY averted, though parodied in his earlier reviews where he challenges those who disagree with his reviews to a fight on the internet!
vangelous U R A SHEEP >:(!!
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Subtitles tend to engage in this (sometimes unwillingly), just in case you missed the massive bits of yellow on Animated Bumblebee's hood, along with the yellow on his roof or the yellow on the doors.
- Media Research Failure - Deliberately parodied in some of his reviews for series he doesn't follow, such as Gundam 00.
"You can also pose these Dual GN-Drives pretty well. And yeah, see, I knew some terminology there! 'Dual GN-Drives! That’s how this guy cruises the spaceways and looks for his lost brother, Racer X..."
"... I promise I’ll get caught up on Gundam sometime. I mean, there’s like, what, 300 episodes, and like 15 movies or something like that... and this is the one, what, that ummm, y’know, this is the one Captain Harlock’s from, right?"
- Crack is Cheaper - In-Universe, The Subtitle's opinion of SH Figuarts in particular, but toys in general. Outside the reviews, Vangelus also finds the various Kamen Rider roleplay toys to be this... and he's the pusher.
- Cross Player - Vangelus's preferred internet roleplaying style (well, maybe not his only preferred style...)
That's why I'm the King Role Player! KRP, that's what the ladies like to call me. 'Specially the ones who are played by guys."
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime treaten Megatron with cutting out one of his internal parts and using it as a condom.
- Deadpan Snarker - The Subtitles.
- Disproportionate Retribution - ROTF Optimus Prime disembowels and murders Megatron for... scraping against parked civilian cars.
- Does This Remind You of Anything? - His "In Light Of Recent Events" video which "examined" some of the then-recent controversy over another video reviewer.
- His preparations to have the Subtitles transferred over to a newer, High-Definition camera were initially thought by the Subtitles to be him cheating with another camera.
- Any time a weapon telescopes out, folds open, or otherwise grows larger and longer, it's a safe bet that some kind of Enzyte-related joke will be made.
- Epic Fail - "Let's see if I can do this in one take!"
- His failure to keep Swoop in-frame lead to the birdbot facepalming through the review.
- Exploitation Film - A part of Sideswipe's transformation involves scissor-blades sticking out his sides. This is, of course, an homage to Sideswipe's earlier film debut in Attack of the Scissor-Car!
- Face Full of Alien Wingwong - In his review of Sci-Fi Revoltech Alien.
- Fantastic Racism: Hybrid Style Optimus Prime (who happens to be really short) orders Drift to get back to "his corner" (with the Japanese toys) to avoid "being around a foreign toy like him" drawing attention towards how short he is. This is in spite of the fact that Drift isn't from Japan and is an Autobot like Optimus.
- Hypocritical Humor - Hybrid Style Convoy is a Japanese toy.
- Foreshadowing - The Subtitles hates it when Vangelus foreshadows things that are less than 10 minutes away.
- The Hot Toys Batman review foreshadowed a review of the Joker... that showed up three years later on a different website.
- Get Rich Quick Scheme - Parodied in In Light Of Recent Events. You cannot become fabulously wealthy off youtube.
- Gratuitous English - The covers of the SH Figuarts line combine this with What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?.
- "Transformers Animeitedo", the Japanese version of the American Transformers Animated line.
- Gratuitous Japanese - Whenever possible.
"Come now, Durifuto-Kun! I can misetei your fighting chikara is not genkii!"
- Hostile Show Takeover - The Subtitles got into the cameras of other TF reviewers and harassed them. One was even Driven to Suicide.
"This is why we don't work with Vangelus."
"... The final review from the Stolen Chinese Foursome that I received shortly before Christmas."—HE MEANS TOYS.
- Insistent Terminology - Occasionally, other reviewers of upcoming toys will describe the figure they have as "pre-release". Every such toy reviewed by Internet Personality Vangelus is a Stolen Chinese Toy.
- Cyclonus's drones are known as "And His Armada".
- Actually, the Cyclonii are Cyclonus, "The Warrior", and "And His Armada". Ignore the fact that only two appear in the film...
- Any third-party transforming robot action figure will be referred to strictly by the name the third-party company gave it. The transformer character being referenced by the toy will usually only be referred to in an indirect way, and no indication is ever given that, for example, Warbot Defender has anything to do with Springer except share a vaguely similar head. He claims to do this because it upsets fanboys.
- Cyclonus's drones are known as "And His Armada".
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot - There's some kind of subplot running through the videos regarding mysterious figures, Mudflap and MC Paddington, the fate of the universe, and the resolution of his video camera.
- Large Ham - Oh, he is very hammy. So, so very hammy.
- Mind Screw - The Subtitles takes quite a while to recover from an odd juxtaposition of out-of-context clips from two separate takes.
"But, uh, I've decided I want to die a bit more gloriously than that, maybe mauled by a polar bear at a zoo. That'd be pretty good—"
"—I'm used to it being the other way around. I'd better get used to new and exciting things."
- Moe Anthropomorphism - A fan-made one for the Subtitles -- hence "Subtitles-tan" -- in the form of a twin-tailed, blue-haired, tripod-legged camera girl.
- My Name Is Not Durwood - Vangelus cannot say "Rosie Huntington-Whiteley".
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Drift sounds a lot like Christopher Walken, to the point where he has been given the Fan Nickname of "Driftopher Walken".
- Noodle Incident - The review of Animated Cybertronian Optimus Prime ends with Vangelus defending his preferences regarding toys and other things but ends before the second branch can go too far.
- However, the recent review of G1 Megatron's face upgrade has no such early ending, and we hear all about Vangelus's dreams.
- Only in It For the Money - The Subtitles gets paid on a per-line basis.
- Overused Running Gag
- "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgito" from Rider Figuarts Week, to the point Vangelus grabbed the clip and put it away.
- This exchange:
"And over here you'll see some yellow..."—YELLOW.
- Papa Wolf: Gundam Arios. Omega Spreem should not have made a move on his daughter...
- Promoted Fanboy - Vangelus is the voice of TransTech Shockwave.
- Psychopathic Manchild - How the Subtitles view Vangelus.
- His character on That Guy With The Glasses is this and then some.
- Quote Mine - The Subtitles abuses context every chance it gets, and revels in Vangelus's sometimes poor phrasing...
"This guy is a bit finicky and wide."—Vangelus himself is finicky and wide.
- Real Men Wear Pink - Omega Spreem
- Ridiculously-Human Robots - The Subtitles again. Possibly Vangelus himself, as the dangerous life of a toy reviewer has caused him once to be incapacitated and briefly replaced by Auxiliary Vangelus.
Ah cripes, you're the Auxiliary that reeks of bacon and dental drills, too. :(
- Running Gag - The Subtitles taking a quote from Vangelus out of context.
- His epic Fanfic, Love Across The Universe: Can You Recall It?.
- Every time he reviews a car, he says "And he rolls!... Okay, let's transform him." This is because car-mode Transformers usually have few gimmicks outside of rolling, and because a surprising amount of them have little or no ground clearance, meaning that whether or not they roll actually is a factor.
- Serious Business - Parodied constantly.
- Best example in Questionnaire
"We are happy to inform you that you are now an employee of Wal*Mart."
- Shout-Out - "I believe in Longarm Prime."
- When Megatron's running in terror from Optimus in the Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime review, he suggests that rather than a physical confrontation, they might try a human computer game instead.
- The title of "And His Armada: Love Across the Universe (Can You Recall It?)" is a parody of the Macross movie's title, "Do You Remember Love?"
- He seems to have received one from Saints Row 3.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis - Vangelus himself is one to Pushing Up Roses...though he might be averting the "harmless" part since his vlogs show him gathering weapons like Gaia Memories and O Medals...
- Spin Attack - The Spreem Cyclone
- Straight Man: The Subtitles end up as this, in light of Vangelus's common absentmindedness.
- Tastes Like Feet - Described the gum that came with a candy toy he did as a V-Builds tasted like plastic and hair (with a bit of sugar and maybe fruit flavor).
- The Nicknamer: Vangelus comes up with some rather colorful names for his Stolen Chinese Toys, such as And His Armada, Spoons II, Delaserbendour, and Baron Ransack von Joy Universe Cyclonus, RotF Dirtboss, RotF Dead End, and RotF Ransack, respectively.
- The Stinger
- Tsundere - Not the Subtitles.
And that guy who called me Tsundere? He's a woman now. Cover your tracks better.
- Though the reviews for truly epic toys such as Masterpiece Dragonkaiser/Great Exkaiser suggest otherwise...
- Totally Radical - Since the name "Vangelus" tends to get taken a lot (due to the musician Vangelis) the actual YouTube account is "Vange1us", which he insists "shows you're street-smart to the internets, and I'm takin' it back for the kids."
- Occasionally, when referring specifically to his Youtube channel, he pronounces it "Vange-one-us."
- Ultimate Universe - His videos on That Guy With The Glasses fall somewhere between this and The Remake.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? - The one rule above all others Vangelus abides by. We're talking about a man who puts on his sunglasses in the morning and declares "Henshin!"
- The video of him assembling a box for keeping an action figure inside.