Hot Wheels Battle Force 5/Characters
Battle Force 5
Vert Wheeler
The leader of the Battle Force 5.
Voiced by Mark Hildreth
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: Is crowned the leader of the Sentient Council Of Five at the end of season 2.
- The Chosen One
- The Hero
- Heroes Prefer Swords: He wields a sword, and this trope extends to his vehicle, the Saber.
- Jumped At the Call: He didn't really mind getting pulled into an interdimensional war, he actually rather enjoyed it.
Agura Ibaden
Second-in-command and the team's Spec-Ops officer.
Voiced by Kathleen Barr
- Action Girl: Full stop. She may be the only girl on the team but she's one of their toughest members.
- Berserk Button: Turns out she's an animal lover. Do not threaten an endangered species around her. Kyburi found this out the hard way.
- The Lancer
- One of the Boys
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- Tomboy
Zoom Takazumi
The team's Scout.
Voiced by Alessandro Juliani
Sherman Cortez
Battle Force 5's Tactical Operator.
Voiced by Brian Drummond
- Bash Brothers: With Spinner.
- Big Little Brother
- Genius Bruiser
Spinner Cortez
Battle Force 5's Tech-Support.
Voiced by Gabe Khouth
- Anime Hair
- Bash Brothers: With Sherman.
- Challenge Gamer: To put this in perspective, Spinner once played against Vert in a racing video game while blindfolded... and he won!
- Playful Hacker
- Plucky Comic Relief
Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV
The team's Artillery Expert.
Voiced by Noel Johansen
- Butt Monkey
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Though he can act obnoxious and cowardly at times, Stanford's skills behind the wheel and using weaponry aren't shabby.
- Friendly Sniper
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- Royal Brat
- Tan Lines: Stanford is tanned on his head and forearms, the rest of him is super-pale.
She is the team's mentor.
Voiced by Kira Tozer
- Big Good
- Cain and Abel: Sage is Abel.
- Godzilla Threshold: Krytus' attempted conquest of the multiverse forced her across this.
- Last of Her Kind: Sage is the last known Blue Sentient survivor.
- No longer the case as of Unite and strike!
- The Medic
- Mind Hive
- Mission Control
- Voice with an Internet Connection
Tezz Volitov
Voiced by Noel Johansen
- Insufferable Genius: At first, but he gets better.
- Selective Magnetism: His tool and weapon of choice.
- Sixth Ranger
- The Smart Guy
- The Spock
- When He Smiles: Inverted. When Tezz smiles, the team becomes a tad uncomfortable.
AJ Dalton
Voiced by Michael Dobson
- The Big Guy
- Canada, Eh?
- Jumped At the Call: Pretty much all Vert had to do was explain the situation to him and he automatically wanted in.
- Sixth Ranger
The tyrannical ruler of the Sark Empire.
Voiced by Michael Dobson
- Badass Automaton
- Big Bad: Alongside Kalus until the Red Sentients show up, at which point he kind of gets fazed out.
- Brainwashed: He got reprogrammed by the Green Sark, causing him to mindlessly worship the Alpha-Code.
- Dragon Ascendant: A successful one to Krytus eons ago after he gained free will, sealing Krytus and the Red Sentient 5 away.
- Evil Sounds Deep: When he still served Krytus, his voice was considerably deeper.
- Forgiveness: He was under the control of the Alpha-Code at the time, but after being mortally wounded by Krytus, he responds by forgiving Krytus. While it probably wasn't his intention, it robbed Krytus of his revenge.
- Noble Fugitive: Currently on the run from Krytus.
- Until Krytus catches up with him in Get Zemerik. Krytus kills him but he's last seen reviving under the control of the Alpha-Code.
- Not So Stoic: Usually, Zemerik is smug and dispassionate, but he tends to lose his temper upon defeat.
- Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence: Zemerik is at level 4.
- Smug Snake
- The Minion Master
- Tin Tyrant
Zemerik's right-hand man.
Voiced by Brian Drummond
- Battle Butler: A rare inversion of this trope.
- Dumb Muscle
- The Dragon: To Zemerik.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Gives up his power core to save Zemerik from perishing in the Torborian Badlands.
- This Is a Drill
- Top-Heavy Guy
- Yes-Man
Zemerik: Insufferable underling...
Zug: Ooh, thank you Lord Zemerik!
<Proceeds to polish Zemerik's feet>
The Zurk
Captain Kalus
Warlord of the Vandal horde.
Voiced by Colin Murdock
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Big Bad: Along side Zemerik at first, remains a Big Bad once the Red Sentients show up.
- Badass
- Graceful Loser: After the Vandals are permently defeated, Kalus takes the defeat suprisingly well, caring more about his victory over the Red Sentients and ruling over Vandal.
- Magnificent Bastard
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: He's a villain and seeks combat for it's own sake, but he's still got a strong sense of honor and on the occasions that he has to team with the Battle Force 5, he normally lets them go in peace when it's over. This is probably why he took his final defeat gracefully.
- Took a Level in Badass: After being defeated by Grimian, his response is to upgrade his ride and take one of these. Afterwards, he's even a match for Krytus in hand to hand combat, something even Vert had extreme difficulty doing.
Second-in-command to Captain Kalus until Season 2.
Voiced by Brian Drummond
- The Dragon
- The Starscream: Krocomodo was this during Season 1, until Grimian became Kalus' second-in-command in Season 2.
Kalus's "sorcerer".
Voiced by Kathleen Barr
- Butt Monkey
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Evil Genius
- Evil Sorcerer: Practices Black Magic, though he's not very good at it.
- Professional Butt-Kisser
Voiced by Colin Murdock
Voiced by Scott Mcneil
- Dragon with an Agenda: Books Krocomodo out of this spot.
- Ultimately costs him, as Kalus eventually discovers Grimian's treachery, but settles for Cruel Mercy by banishing him the first time, the second time when Grimian betrays the entire planet to the Red Sentients, Kalus has had it with him. In their final battle, Kalus is actively trying to kill him instead of just chewing him out. And his last scene heavily implies he's executed by Kalus.
- Kicked Upstairs: Kalus promotes him to second-in-command both as Cruel Mercy and to keep his eyes on him.
- Les Collaborateurs: He's secretly in league with Krytus!
- Public Execution: After his final attempt to conquer Vandal results in them nearly being wiped out by the Red Sentients, the final shot of him is him surrounded by the entire Vandal Horde, Kalus slowly approaching him with a spear in hand, heavily implying he's about to be executed for what he's done in front of the entire planet.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Within the Vandals' Five-Bad Band.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty
Red Sentients
The leader of the Red Sentients.
Voiced by Brian Drummond
- Big Bad: Replaces Zemerik.
- Big No: In Get Zemerik in response to a mortally wounded, brainwashed Zemerik forgiving him, effectively robbing him of his eons old revenge.
- Gets another in Unite And Strike when the Red Sentients reveal they've made peace with the Blue Sentients and banish him. He's frozen in the middle of it.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Type 3. He can transform either one of his arms into a magma-blade.
- Dual-Wielding: In Better Off Red, it was revealed that he can use both at the same time!
- Cain and Abel: Krytus is Cain.
- Complete Monster
- Eviler Than Thou: It says something when Zemerik's description of him is "the most malicious being in the multiverse".
- Hair-Trigger Temper: He gets mad very easily.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He frees the rest of the Red Sentient civilization from statis...only for it to turn out they're just as tired of his war as the Blue Sentients are and turn on him, helping banish and imprison him in ice.
- Hot-Blooded
- Human Popsicle: His ultimate fate after the other Red Sentients reveal that they're just as tired of the war he started as the Blue Sentients are, the two races banishing and freezing him in ice for his crimes.
- This Cannot Be!: Pretty much his reaction when Battle Force 5 awakens the dormant Blue Sentients.
- Villainous Breakdown: Turns out one of these tipped Sage off to the true evil of her brother in ancient times.
- Has another in Get Zemerik when an Alpha Code brainwashed Zemerik forgives him after Krytus finally mortally wounded him, effectively making Krytus' revenge on him meaningless. Krytus responds with disbelief, followed by a furious Big No and a fit of rage ending with him throwing Zemerik's body into a pit.
The Reds' Scout.
Voiced by Michael Dobson
The Reds' Huntress and Second-in-command.
Voiced by Kathleen Barr
- The Dragon
- Bad Boss
- Energy Drain
- Femme Fatalons
- Praetorian Guard: She had a couple of Zurk programmed for this in one episode. They didn't last very long.
The Reds' Tactical Operations and Tech-Support. I can't believe I just said that.
Voiced by Colin Murdock
The Reds' Artillery Expert.
Voiced by Mark Hildreth
- Apologetic Attacker: a bizarre example, in "Warrior Fire' he and Kytren have to rescue Kyburi, he insults Kytren, purposefully hyping him up for the fight, which they later win. As they are getting away, he explains his actions and apologizes, sort of, to Kytren.
- Cold Sniper
- Manipulative Bastard:
Kyrosis: Did I say something to make you angry, Kytren?
Kytren: YES!!!
Kyrosis: Good, now we are ready to attack!
- The Quiet One: Doesn't talk much apart from phrases such as "locking onto target".
- A Day in the Limelight: Until the webisode Warrior Fire, which gives him the most dialogue he's ever had!
The Ancient Ones
- Big Bad: If Rawkus' monolouge about them at the end of season 2 is any indication, they'll be this in season 3.
- Dark Is Evil
- The Dreaded: Sage says it best when she says that they're something she hoped they'd never have to face.
- Eldritch Abomination: We haven't seen their true appearance yet, just shadowy figures of them. But everything we've seen and heard about them just screams this.
- Vagueness Is Coming: By the end of season 2, all we know about them is they're an ever bigger threat than Krytus, they have the power of darkness, and they're really, really bad.
Other Characters
A mysterious being responsible for maintaining balance in the Multiverse.
Voiced by Mike Acheson
- Badass Biker: Drives a massive motorcycle and is effectively Badass enough to defeat all the Red Sentients by himself!
- Balance Between Good and Evil: Works to maintain this.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can come off a selfish jerk at first, but underneath it, he's actually a rather nice guy.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Zigzagged, since he uses them only when he really needs to.
- Volcanic Veins
Jack Wheeler
Vert's long lost father.
Voiced by Jim Byrnes
- Disappeared Dad: According to Vert, he's been gone for years...
- Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: ...because he was captured by Tors-10 and has been trapped in the battle zones ever since.
The owner of the local diner.
Voiced by Colin Murdock
The waitress at Zeke's Diner.
Voiced by Kira Tozer
Sheriff Johnson
Voiced by Brian Drummond
Shadow Speeders
The hostile inhabitants of the Shadowzone.
- Exclusively Evil
- Eldritch Abomination
- Immortality Type 4: Even if you destroy one of them, it'll just reform right there on the spot.
- Living Shadow
- Unusual Ammo: The bolts of shadow energy that they fire from their Shadow Cycles actually scream as they fly through the air!
- Was Once a Man
The Alpha-Code
A Sark cult found deep within the Toborian Badlands.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Any Sark who is under their control is green.
- Cult
- Robot Sacrifice: They're shown sacrificing Zemerik and Zug's lifeless body to a mysterious entity in the depths of a pit.
- Robot Religion