< Hot Wheels Battle Force 5

Hot Wheels Battle Force 5/YMMV

  • Nightmare Fuel: In the "Shadowzone" episode, when Zoom finally succumbed to the mental effects of the Shadow transformation and attacked Vert. This might be intentional based on the use of Jittercam.
    • The Ancient Ones haven't been seen yet, but what was seen of them is rather...unsettling...
    • A little flashback to season one, but does anyone find it creepy on Sage's "Human Friendly" Joke? If you think of it, she made it all too real and not to mention her laugh.
  • Complete Monster: Krytus. To put this in perspective, Sage was the last of the Blue Sentients because of Krytus.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Although Sage was the one who used the Double-Helix Crystals to put the entire Red Sentient population in stasis as a preemptive strike, it's made quite clear that it wasn't an easy choice for her to make.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: There is a lot of fanfiction featuring Tezz on the Internet.
  • Fridge Horror: According to Rawkus, the Shadow Speeders were once travelers who spent too long in the Shadow Zone. Near the end of the episode, hundreds of Shadow Speeders show up to stop Vert and Zoom from escaping.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Dan Wheldon's guest appearance, and numerous crashes in the episode, are bound to make you uncomfortable now, due to his death from a severe pile up during a race.
  • Moral Event Horizon: If he hadn't crossed it before then, Krytus crosses this in "Unite and Strike" by admitting Sage was in the right by freezing the Red Sentient Civilization in order to stop him and not caring, showing that he knows full well that what an evil, terrible person he is and doesn't care.
  • Needs More Love: The show is actually very well done with a complex plot spanning multiple seasons and well done characters. It has been nominated for Emmies though.
  • Tear Jerker: In Unite and Strike, Sage was "killed" by Kyburi, she uploaded her memory to the Battle Force 5 vehicles and quoted the arc concept from the first episode and Title Drop before "dying". As she faded in Vert's arms, Vert thought he has failed his mission, almost gone berserk to the point he got only revenge in his mind. Of course we all know It Gets Better. But the plot was classically executed; as Vert is the leader of the team, holding almost all the responsibility, and previous episodes keep remind the viewers about it. When there's a moment where he thought his plan has failed, seeing Vert at a brink of Heroic BSOD is almost unbearable.
  • Villain Decay: Zemerik to some degree in season 2. Justified due to the arrival of Krytus, who takes over the Sark and robs him of his army. Not to mention the fact Krytus is much more powerful than he is. This is, however, largely averted with the other villains, as they remain pretty much a consistant threat throughout. Kalus even Took a Level in Badass in season 2 and became an even match for Krytus in combat. The Red Sentients do become easier to deal with, but that's largely due to the Battle Force 5 learning to deal with them and getting the Fuser upgrade, and they still remain the most dangerous villain faction.
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