Homestar Runner/Characters
A character sheet for the surreal web animation series Homestar Runner.
Note: Most characters are voiced by Matt Chapman, apart from Marzipan (Missy Palmer) and the Powered by The Cheat characters (Mike Chapman)
Homestar and Friends
Homestar Runner
Evewybody loves the me! I'm a tewwific athlete!
Ostensibly the main character of the site. Homestar is a dim but (usually) lovable doofus with no arms and no clue. He means well, but his idiocy often leads him to accidentally say and do things that alienate his friends. Seems to think that he and Strong Bad are buddies, to the chagrin of the latter.
- Armless Biped
- Beware the Nice Ones: He, Pom Pom and Coach Z seem to be the law enforcers in Free Country USA
- Cast as a Mask: in this toon.
- Catch Phrase: "Seriously". He (extremely) briefly tried to incorporate a new one: "That's bupkus!"
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Evewybody loves the Homestaw Wunnew. He's a tewwific athelete.
- The Fool
- Henpecked Boyfriend: Marzipan treats him like environmentally-friendly dirt.
- Horrible Judge of Character: He's friends with Strong Bad, and he's Marzi's boyfriend.
- Invisible Anatomy
- Long Pants
- Man Child: When he checked into a hotel, he ordered a race car bed.
- Mister Seahorse: He thinks he's a pregnant woman in cliffhangers.
- Nice Hat: He just wouldn't be the same without his "buzzer".
- Raymanian Limbs: He doesn't even have HANDS! Provided, his legs and feet are intact.
- Too Dumb to Live
- Vitriolic Best Buds: with Strong Bad.

I'm a fiercely independent woman, and I'm fiercely independent about the soy products I choose.
Homestar's on-again, off-again girlfriend, largely by the fact of being the only major female character on the website. Marzipan is a grade-A Granola Girl whom Strong Bad has described as "a dirty hippie, without the dirt". She has a tendency to protest things at the drop of a hat. Marzipan has also expressed artistic leanings: she frequently sings and plays songs on her guitar Carol, and has been showing painting and indulging in other forms of arts and crafts from time to time.
- The Chick
- Granola Girl
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Some of her more extreme actions include locking Homestar in a cupboard for a few months with no food (she'd told him there was cake in there) and handing Strong Bad a rake, and shovel and a Garden Weasel to smash into Homestar's face. And Homestar's her boyfriend (most of the time).
- Hippy Teacher: She's the teacher at L.U.R.N., which is more or less what happens when you mix a hippie cult with a classroom.
- Invisible Anatomy
- The President's Daughter: The King of Town was originally considered to be her dad, but the Brothers Chaps now dismiss that idea as "a horrible rumor."
- Soapbox Sadie
- Strawman Political: Marzipan is often used for Take Thats at left-wing politics.
- Token Girl: Marzipan is the only recurring female character. The others are usually one time only characters.
- Tsundere: Type A. Even though her treatment of Homestar at times is less than reasonable, she seems to generally enjoy having him around. She never outright admits it, however.
Pom Pom
(bubble bubble)
Homestar's best buddy. Despite looking like an orange-and-yellow ball with an ovoid head and arms and only communicating through bubbling noises, Pom-Pom is apparently a hip, tech-savvy ladies' man.
- The Ace
- Acrofatic: Despite his ball-like shape, he once jumped over Strong Badia and the Concession Stand in a single bound, after jumping through the treetops of a nearby forest
- The Artifact
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's been voted 'most likely to beat everyone in an all-out death match' ever since he pummeled Strong Bad for trying to pop him with a pin. He's also a martial arts master and has an itchy trigger finger when it comes to firearms, so watch out.
- Chick Magnet
- Demoted to Extra: Was introduced as Homestar's best friend and played an important role in the site's early history as a favorite of The Brothers Chaps (starring as the only character in their first ever Flash and getting his Day in the Limelight well before the site caught on in popularity), but seems to have sunk more into the background as of late, thanks in no small part to his role as The Unintelligible limiting his potential for jokes.
- Intelligible Unintelligible
- Kavorka Man: Pom Pom apparently gets a lot of chicks, despite being a giant bouncy ball thing.
- Mary Sue: {in-universe} Strong Bad seems to think so.
Stupid Pom-Pom and and his boring physical superiority.
- Satellite Character: Was first introduced as Homestar's best friend and nothing more, but Character Development has been kind enough to give him a few unique traits of his own.
- Straight Man
- Only Sane Man
The Brothers Strong
Strong Bad

You don't know it yet, but I'm the real reason you're here. Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.
Arguably the real main character of the website. Strong Bad is an egotistical fellow who appears to be wearing boxing gloves and a luchador mask, though it's explained those are what his face and hands actually look like. His hobbies include tormenting his neighbors (especially Homestar Runner, Marzipan, and Strong Sad), responding to e-mails from his fans, and playing retro video games. His pet peeves include Homestar and people asking him "How do you type with boxing gloves on?"
He is one of your opponents in Poker Night At the Inventory, along with The Heavy, Max, and Tycho.
- All Men Are Perverts
- Antiquated Linguistics: Old Timey Strong Bad.
- Badbutt: Mostly as a result of pretending that he's full-on Badass when he just isn't.
- Breakout Character
- Buffy-Speak
- Card-Carrying Villain: He sometimes thinks of himself as this.
- Casanova Wannabe
- Catch Phrase: He use to "like-a to say, 'holy crap'!" As his Dangeresque counterpart, he has "Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...!"
- Cheaters Never Prosper: Most of the time.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat
- Disco Dan: Aside from the New Paper and the Compé, he has ridiculously outdated technology. For starters he considered Mode 7 to be state-of-the art.
- Evil Is Cool: Undoubtedly the reason why he keeps trying to proclaim himself a villain when he clearly isn't.
- Expressive Mask
- Expy: Strong Bad gets both his name and the red-masked luchador appearance from the Data East NES game Tag Team Wrestling.
- Genre Savvy
- Goofy Print Underwear
- Grammar Nazi
- Hypocritical Humor: He enjoys criticizing people's grammar, but his isn't perfect either.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Sexually Active Today?
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Menace Decay: Acknowledged in the sbemail "Your Edge".
- Meta Guy
- Metal Scream: And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!
- MST: On some Costumes made by fans They are quite funny.
- Not to mention the site intro.
- The Napoleon
- Poke the Poodle: Strong Bad's ideas of evil acts include not inflating a deflated basketball, throwing feathers at people, and spreading mayonnaise all over the living room and waiting almost half-an-hour before cleaning it up.
"30 WHOLE MINUTES!! Can you believe!!-yeah okay, we're losing our edge."
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Smoking Is Cool: He enjoys the occasional cigar, and the office he is usually working in almost always has a lit cigarette in an ashtray next to him.
- The ashtray only appears when he's playing the eponymous hardboiled P.I. in his homemade Dangeresque films.
- He's never actually seen with one in hand, so it's possible that he just likes the smoke filling the air.
- He actually DID smoke a cigar once, though there's no way of seeing the short toon anymore. To see it, you had to buy something from the store between 5 AM and 11:59 PM, but even then there was only a 1/3 chance that that was the one you would see. And on top of that, they discontinued the store messages in 2008.
- Coach Z once finds him "smoking," but Strong Bad denies he's a smoker admits it's just a white crayon he like on fire so he can use to get a smoke break after he'd taken up all the other types of leaves including maternity.
- The ashtray only appears when he's playing the eponymous hardboiled P.I. in his homemade Dangeresque films.
- Talking in Your Sleep: For some reason, he tends to mumble names of various Super NES games while dozing.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Trope Namer. His anime counterpart, Stinkoman, has blue hair for some inexplicable reason.
Strong Mad

Strong Bad's hulking brute big brother. Doesn't say much, but what he does say is always said in a sort of guttural half-shout. Best buds with The Cheat.
- And Call Him George: He once stayed over at Homestar's house to play. Homestar got buried under cinderblocks, had the Concession Stand thrown at him, and got hit by a meteorite. Though the meteorite wasn't Strong Mad's fault
- The Big Guy
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": "M" on his singlet.
- The Brute
- The Ditz
- Dumb Muscle
- Extreme Omnivore: He eats everything but guitars. Yes, he even eats the Cheat. Several times to give him baths, if Strong Bad is to be believed.
- Offscreen Teleportation: In "Homestar Ruiner".
- Perpetual Frowner
Strong Sad

Each day, we die a little more.
Strong Bad's depressed, sarcastic punching bag younger brother. Years of being picked on by his brothers have given him an outlook on life that's as grim and gray as he is. Strong Sad is fairly smart, though, and occasionally gets one over on Strong Bad.
- Beam Me Up, Scotty: That wasn't Strong Sad that said "I'm saaaaad that I'm flying"; it was The Cheat. Similarly, the line "Oh, some animal died," was originally said by Homestar impersonating Strong Sad. Even the creators get this one confused. He eventually got around to saying both, though.
- Butt Monkey
- Character Blog: Here, though "I haven't updated that thing in years."
- In keeping with his Emo Teen characterization, it's modeled on LiveJournal.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Eeyore
- Emo Teen: He might not be teenage, but he fits otherwise.
- Future Badass
- Intoxication Ensues: Bad things happen when Strong Sad drinks coffee. It doesn't even matter if its decaf or not. Just don't give him caffeine.
- Mad Eye / Twitchy Eye: When he gets caffeinated.
- Meta Guy
- Nerd
- Only Sane Man
The Cheat

Strong Bad's small, yellow, unintelligible, and snarky pet/lackey. He supposedly lives in the King of Town's grill, but hangs out in the house of the Brothers Strong to work on his computer, Tangerine Dreams, where he makes his own Flash cartoons (usually with badly-drawn and voiced members of the rest of the cast singing the praises of the Cheat and giving him trophies).
- The Ace: During his off time from helping Strong Bad.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: As Strong Bad put it once, "The Cheat's physiology is... baffling."
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- The Chew Toy: People like kicking him.
- Full-Name Basis: His name is never just "Cheat", always "The Cheat".
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: In most cases.
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- The Unintelligible: A strange case, since he is fully capable of coherent speech as it's been confirmed he does all the voice acting for his animations. Otherwise, he's completely unintelligible.
- Weasel Mascot
- Your Head Asplode: Often.
Other Main Characters

I'm a self-made man, I am, I am! I sell hot dogs, chili dogs, slaw dogs, ketchup dogs and mustard dogs. I got drinks, drinks, drinks, candy and snow cones. I can fix everything what needs fixing. Like cars... TVs... marriages...
Enthusiastic (and not entirely honest) salesman and handyman, and proprietor of Bubs' Concession Stand. Also something of a party animal.
- Honest John's Dealership: And how! Here's a list of his more questionable practices.
- Jive Turkey
- Kaiju: King Bubsgonzola (Supreme).
- Mr. Fixit: If something's broken, you go to Bubs.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Until about 2004, when his voice changed, his voice was Matt Chapman's best attempt at sounding like Redd Foxx.
- Only Shop in Town: His Concession Stand is this to Free Country, USA.
- Orange-Blue Contrast: Has a blue face, and an orange body.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: His "Thnikkaman" disguise is literally a piece of paper taped to his chest and a pair of sunglasses.
- We Sell Everything: He seems to sell anything the characters need at the moment.
Coach Z

I have more than two praeblems!
A lonely, vaguely creepy, and quite possibly crazy coach and aspiring rap artist with an exaggerated Midwestern accent ("Great jaerb, Homestar!"). He was originally just someone to whom Homestar came for advice, but the Brothers Chaps have played up the seedy side of Coach Z's life to the point that it now dominates his character.
- The Alcoholic: Unconventional, as he prefers to get his alcohol from Listerine, of all things.
- Anything That Moves: In keeping with his creepiness, he seems to have shown interest in not only Marzipan, but also Bubs, Homestar, and even Pom Pom. And he apparently had a crush on "a hot blonde" at one point.
- Brought to You by The Letter "S": "Z" on his medallion.
- Catch Phrase: You can't just rush into the score zone!
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Disco Dan
- Dreadful Rapper
- Funny Foreigner: He's "a crazy man from another country," at least according to this old character page. Might help explain his ridiculous accent, at any rate.
- Giftedly Bad
- Informed Attribute: It is well known in the H* R universe that Coach Z is The Pig Pen. It's just not that obvious to us.
- Jive Turkey: And unlike Bubs, he doesn't make it sound cool.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Perpetual Poverty: "Aw, crackles! I forgot to pay my bills again this year."
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Originally, he just called himself a coach because he thought "Coach Z sounds cooler than just Z", but this idea has been pretty thoroughly abandoned. Doesn't stop him from doing just as much rapping and janitorial work as coaching nowadays, though.
- Piss-Take Rap
- Speech Impediment: "JEOOOOOORGHB!!!!!"
- Stalker with a Crush: Shown in the Answering Machine tapes. He has probably broken into Marzipan's house at least once, and as of the latest AM installment, Marzi actually has a restraining order on him.
- Unexplained Accent: His accent is so strange the main characters occasionally accuse him of making it up.
- Your Answer to Everything: His advice to Homestar is always "It's like a great sports play--you can't just rush into the score zone", regardless of whether it actually applies to the situation. In later cartoons, he is fond of saying "We should run the picket fence at 'em!"
The King of Town
Now, despite rumors to the contrary, I did not just buy a crown at the costume palace and ask people to start calling me the King of Town. I earned my title the same way I earned a free combo meal: by purchasing one of equal or lesser value. I also did not ever try to eat my own mustache.
The self-proclaimed ruler of Free Country, USA, who's really just a fat, gluttonous old man who happens to have a crown, a castle, a retainer of servants, and a painful awareness of how unpopular he is with the other characters. He's tried to make himself more popular, with limited success, by doing things such as learning to play guitar and trying to get his very own quite popular cartoon show.
- Authority in Name Only
- Big Eater
- Butt Monkey: Nobody likes him except for his loyal servants.
- A Day in the Limelight: The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show
- Extreme Omnivore
- Invisible Anatomy
- Masochist's Meal
- Satellite Character: Most notably the Poopsmith, but also the rest of his retinue: the Blacksmith, the Hornblower, the Knight, the Cleric, and the Little Chef Guy.
- Show Within a Show: The above "Quite Popular Cartoon Show"
- Unpopular Popular Character: Nobody much likes him in-universe, but in real life, he actually has something of a fanbase.
The Poopsmith
The King of Town's most prominent (and disgusting) servant, the Poopsmith is an odd fellow who, as the name suggests, shovels whatsit for a living. Also, for some reason he has taken a vow of silence. According to Homestar, "The Poopsmith is a good guy. He's just got a crappy job."
- Beware the Nice Ones: The Poopsmith is the King of Town's personal law enforcement agent.
- Satellite Character: To the KoT.
- Talking with Signs: Despite the fact that he doesn't talk, he has, on rare occasion, used this to communicate.
- The Pig Pen: Considering his job, he always has some whatsit on his gloves.
- Toilet Humour: Basically all the humor that revolves around him either involves this or his unexplained vow of silence.
- The Voiceless: He doesn't speak because he has taken a vow of silence, which seems to be a requirement for his job. Until he broke that vow in email thunder, in which he finally sings. And he is voiced by John Linnell.

I'm a song from The Sixties!
A short, pudgy fellow that vaguely resembles Homestar, and speaks in warbling non-sequiturs. He's apparently capable of defying the laws of physics whenever he feels like it and is an even bigger Cloudcuckoolander than anyone else in the cast (or maybe anyone else in the world).
- Armless Biped
- Beam Me Up, Scotty: Homsar never claimed to have been raised by a cup of coffee. Strong Bad imagined that as being the sort of thing Homsar would say. However, it seems that Strong Bad was right.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Uhh, holy crap.
- The Ditz
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: As seen in episode 2 of SBCG4AP.
- Killed Off for Real: Some fans think he was, thanks to the ending of A Decemberween Mackerel. Others think he isn't, and will come back alive and well again eventually.
- Invisible Anatomy
- Magical Native American: Is a parody of this in episode 2 of SBCG4AP. Despite still being voiced by Matt, he even somewhat sounds like John Redcorn for a few minutes of gameplay.
- Nice Hat: Which moves in erratic patterns whenever Homsar speaks. It's even capable of shapeshifting.
- Reality Warper: One of his defining traits.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: He owes his very existence to this trope.
- Talkative Loon
- Word Salad: Almost everything he says constitutes as one, minus the things he says early on before Strong Bad drops the Heavy Lourde on him, implying the injury caused him to speak in word salads. He occasionally drifts back into sense-make, as seen in the sbemail "for kids":
Homsar: That's a real popular song! Who wants to hear of it fifty times more?
Alternate Universe Characters
Teen Girl Squad
A badly-drawn comic made by Strong Bad. The main characters are 4 girls who only want one thing: Boys. Lots and lots of BOYS. However, more often than not, everybody dies before this is accomplished. See its own page for applicable tropes.
The universe in the style of 1930's cartoons. As in the original children's book, Homestar is "The" Homestar Runner. The characters have to deal with economic hardship as well as the schemes of the Old-Timey Strong Bad. Other recurring characters include The Homestar Runner's friends Old-Timey Marzipan and Fat Dudley (Pom Pom), Strong Bad's lackeys The Sneak (The Cheat) and The Strong Man (Strong Bad), Sickly Sam (Strong Sad), the Fort Wayne Locomotive (Coach Z), Old-Timey Bubs, Mr. Shmallow (Marshie), and Rumble Red (probably Nebulon). Old-Timey versions of the other characters also show up in most episodes.
- Anachronism Stew
- Antiquated Linguistics
- The Chew Toy: Strong Sad's counterpart, Sickly Sam, possibly even more so than Strong Sad himself.
- Dastardly Whiplash: Old-Timey Strong Bad.
- Deliberately Monochrome
- Retraux
- Stylistic Suck: They have deliberately bad pacing and voice acting.

The Animesque 20X6 is the future where all the Homestar characters have Japanese cartoon versions of themselves. Here, everyone seems to be obsessed with challenging, especially Stinkoman (Strong Bad). There is currently a game, in which Level 10 has been in the works for... a while now...
- Calling Your Attacks: DOUBLE DEUUUUUUUCE!!!
- Catch Phrase: Stinkoman screams: DOUBLE DEUUUUUUUCE!!! Also do you happen to be ASKING FOR A CHALLENGE?!?!?!?!?!?
- Cloudcuckoolander: Stinkoman has no comprehension of anything beyond challenge-n-fighting.
Stinkoman: Oh man, those first 400 bites of dirt were not so good. Maybe the next one will be better.
- Dead Unicorn Trope: 20X6's "anime" spoofs are more reminiscent of 80's/early 90's video games than anything.
- Fridge Brilliance: In-universe, it was created by Strong Bad, whose knowledge of anime is limited to having seen one once. On the other hand, he is quite knowledgeable on the subject of 80's/early 90's video games...
- Just a Kid: 1-Up. Maybe when he's older...
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Stinkoman likes to dish this out.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Cheatball.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Stinkoman.
Cheat Commandos

An Affectionate Parody on G.I. Joe and other merchandise-driven cartoons from The Eighties. Every character (not counting the voice actors and A. Chimendez) resembles The Cheat.
- The Chew Toy: Reynold
- The Chick: FoxFace and New Bad Guy Girl Character
- Crossover: Teen Girl Squad episode 7 in an Easter Egg.
- Emo Teen: Reynold's brother
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: New Bad Guy Girl Character
- Only Sane Man: Flashfight
- The Other Darrin: In-Universe Example. Gunhaver's voice actor, Crack Stuntman, is temporarily fired due to "contractual mumbo-jumbo".
- Crack tries to take over the role of Crackotage at one point.
- Monster Clown: Face Clay
- No Indoor Voice: Blue Laser Commander
- Real Life Writes the Plot: New Bad Guy Girl Character is added to the show simply because Crack wanted his girlfriend to be able to play a character.
- Red Shirt: The Green Helmets
Gunhaver: We've got, like, 50 of them.
- Rhymes on a Dime: Crackotage
Crackotage: Movie night is my favorite night. I think it is my favorite night!
Silent Rip: Are you even trying anymore?
- Who's Laughing Now?: Reynold / Scrawn Job
Sweet Cuppin' Cakes

When Strong Bad is challenged by a viewer to make "[his] craziest cartoon", the result is something so bizarre even he doesn't understand it. Sweet Cuppin' Cakes is apparently about a half-cow/half-helicopter creature who tries to get a little worm out of the ground, and a wheelchair (voiced by Bubs) who chases a talking trapezoid named Eh! Steve... but who can tell? Strong Bad himself is also a character, except his head is an old keyboard that plays the demo music when he gets angry.
- All There in the Manual: Sherlock--the cowcopter--is never named in any of the videos on the site, but on one of the DVDs.
- Brooklyn Rage: The Wheelchair is apparently from Brooklyn judging by the way he pronounces "boiled" ("burled"). He's also pretty angry.
- Catch Phrase: Eh! Steve's is "Eh! Steve."
- Celebrity Voice Actor: Parodied with the Wheelchair, who is "voiced by" Bubs.
- Cloudcuckooland
- Deranged Animation
- Eyes Always Shut: Sherlock.
- Mind Screw: Even its creator doesn't understand a lick of it.
- Non Indicative Title
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: The Wheelchair to Eh! Steve. Or vice versa. Hard to tell.
- Surreal Humor
- The Unintelligible: Sherlock.
- The Voiceless: Ready for Primetime (aka Eh! Greg) and Keyboard Strong Bad.

A character played by Strong Bad in a trilogy of home movies produced, written, directed, and starring himself. He's a private and/or police detective who doesn't play by the rules, aided by his sidekicks Reynaldo (played by Coach Z) and Dangeresque, Too? (played by Homestar). The rest of the cast play various supporting roles, and Strong Sad plays pretty much everyone's beleaguered stunt double, mostly against his will.
- Acting for Two: Marzipan, Strong Sad, and Homestar in Dangeresque 3. Several characters also play different roles between episodes.
- Aerith and Bob: Dangeresque, Reynaldo, Perducci... and Craig.
- Awesome McCoolname: Invoked with Uzi Bazooka.
- Bad Bad Acting
- Brown Bag Mask / Paper-Thin Disguise: Strong Sad as his stunt double.
- The Brute: Killingyouguy.
- Catch Phrase: "Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...!"
- The City: Brainblow City (a badly-painted cardboard backdrop).
- Classy Cat Burglar: Sultry Buttons.
- Cool Shades
- Cowboy Cop: Except when he's a Private Detective.
- Crosscast Role: The Poopsmith as a "beautiful woman" in Dangeresque 3.
- Development Hell: Dangeresque 3 was stuck there for several years, in-universe and out.
- Damsel in Distress: Dangeresque's maybe-girlfriend, Cutesy Buttons (played by Marzipan).
- The Dragon: Killingyouguy plays this role to Perducci.
- Dyeing for Your Art: Marzipan's normally blond hair is dyed black as Sultry Buttons.
- Femme Fatale: Dangeresque's ex-girlfriend, Sultry Buttons (played by Marzipan with a dye job).
- His Code Name Was Gary Stu
- High-Class Glass: Worn by Diamonocle.
- Informed Attribute: His jobs as a secret agent and celebrity pharmacist.
- Informed Loner / I Work Alone: "Let's get one thing straight, meatball. Face. Butt. I work alone! 'Cept when I work with Reynaldo. Which is all the time."
- MacGuffin: The serum in Dangeresque 1 and various collectable items in Dangeresque 3.
- Mix-and-Match Weapon: His nunchuck gun.
- Movie-Making Mess
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Baron Darin Diamonocle gets everyone's names wrong--for instance, "Dangerskew".
- No Escape but Down: See Catch Phrase, above.
- Numbered Sequels: Dangeresque 1: Dangeresque... Too?, Dangeresque 2: This Time, it's Not Dangeresque 1!, and Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective.
- One Steve Limit: Averted with Dangeresque, Too?
- On Ice: Dangeresque: Put 'Em on Ice.
- Private Detective: Strong Bad can't seem to make up his mind if Dangeresque is this or a police detective.
- The Professor: Professor Experimento, played by Pom Pom.
- Robotic Reveal: Uzi Bazooka.
- Rogues Gallery: Baron Darin Diamonocle (played by Bubs), Perducci (played by the King of Town), Killingyouguy (Strong Mad), Uzi Bazooka (Homestar), Szechuan Steve (the Cheat), Craig (also the Cheat), and an unnamed villain played by Shark Tooth Bubs.
- Say My Name: "Perducciiii!!!"
- Serkis Folk: Strong Sad was supposed to play motion capture for a tentacle-armed T-rex in Dangeresque 3, but the Cheat forgot to fix it in post.
- Show Within a Show
- Stylistic Suck
- Worthy Opponent: Uzi Bazooka.
In the HR world, many of the characters tend to treatother objects like they were people. Some of them actually might be.
Strong Bad's Computers
All of Strong Bad's ancient computers seems to have their own minds, and they all seem to hold grudges. Although the deaths of the Lappy and Tandy didn't bother him much, The Compy being shot affected him greatly. He started off with the green-screened Tandy 4000, until it blew up,, then moved to the Compy, which was shot by Bubs, and then the Lappy, which Strong Bad blew up. He now uses the Compe.
- Anachronism Screw: With the exception of his most recent computer: Strong Bad uses old styple command prompt computers
- JackassComputer: The Tandy somethimes ignores Strong Bad's orders fully. Other times, it takes advantage of Exact Words.
- Strong Bad: "Delete."
- Tandy: "Saved. Forever."
- Reality Warper: When the Compy is infected with a virus that infects reality
- Back From The Dead: The 1st and second computers
The Papers
- two perspective altering printers and a pop up. They usually appear at the end of an email to prompt an email to Strong Bad.
The Stick
Wagon Fulla Pancakes
The Benedetos
The Goblin
An amless green critter who turns up most Halloweens, the Goblin looks around, does a dance, and disappears for another year. The rest of the characters don't seem to like him that much--until he saves them from a Carnivorous Undead Sheep in "Most in the Graveyard".
- Armless Biped
- The Cameo: In most of the Halloween cartoons, except "Most in the Graveyard", there he has a more important role.
- Cool Car: According to Bubs's fireside story, he owns a tricked-out '73 Gremlin. (Note flux capacitor.)
- Leitmotif: The jingle that plays whenever he does his dance.
- Our Goblins Are Wickeder: The only thing he really has in common with most goblins is that he's small, green, and hangs out on Halloween.
- The Voiceless
Homeschool Winner
A scrapped taller looking character resembling Homestar, only blue and with an overbite. He appeared once on a now hidden trading card animation, and in the background of the game Dancin' Bubs. Matt said in an interview that he was made after a friend thought their website was called "". They describe him as incredibly smart and more than a little creepy.
- Armless Biped
- Foil: Apparently for Homestar, judging by his name, his intelligence, and his pronounced overbite.
- OC Stand-In
I got the heart of a lion and the wings of a bat--BECAUSE IT'S MIDNITE!
The greatest hair metal band in the world (at least in Strong Bad's eyes), made up of brothers Larry (vocals), Gary (lead guitar), Perry (bass), and Mary (drums) Palaroncini. They sing songs about love and living in the fast lane, do gigs in Free Country USA and beyond, and have never quite left 1987. They had their own Saturday morning cartoon show in the '80s that was canceled before the first commercial break. Their manager is the nerdy Doug Teegland, and Strong Bad is their biggest fan.
- Acting for Two: In their original appearance in a still photo, Matt Chapman played all four band members.
- Adaptation Decay: In-universe, Limozeen: But They're in Space!
- Affectionate Parody: Of real-life glam metal bands like Van Halen and Poison.
- Band Toon: Limozeen: But They're in Space!
- Big Eater: Mary in the cartoon (a parody of Ray Stanz from The Real Ghostbusters, who was inexplicably fat).
- Catch Phrase: From Doug Teegland, "I'm afraid I've got some bad news, boys."
- Defictionalization: They did two live tours in 2008, played by Matt Chapman (Larry) and the real-life band Y-O-U (everyone else).
- Dumb and Drummer: Mary in the cartoon.
- End of Series Awareness: "I'm afraid I've got some bad news, boys. Our pilot episode has been canceled!"
- Fake Band
- Gender Blender Name: Mary.
- Groupie Brigade: In But They're in Space!, they're stalked by a horde of alien groupies.
- Hair of Gold: All of them.
- Hot-Blooded
- Ink Suit Actor: Doug Teegland basically is Mike Chapman.
- Large Ham: Larry. The rest are all pretty sedate.
- Myspeld Rokband
- One-Episode Wonder: Their cartoon.
- Reality Bleed: They started off as a random band name thrown out by Strong Bad in one of his emails before becoming a full-fledged part of the universe.
- Recycled in Space: Parodied by their cartoon, Limozeen: But They're in Space!
- Scatting: Their song "Feed the Childrens" is nothing but scatting, much to Strong Bad's annoyance.
- Verbal Tic: Larry ends most of his sentences with "-uh!"
- You Don't Look Like You: In the cartoon, Mary is unexplainably fat and red-haired.
A little green alien who floats around in outer space. No one likes his style.
- Amusing Alien
- Armless Biped
- Batman Can Breathe in Space
- Bizarre Alien Biology: He's mostly mouth and has no arms. Though compared to the likes of Marzipan or the Cheat, his anatomy is downright normal.
- Butt Monkey
- Phrase Catcher: "Get out of here, Nebulon! No one likes your style."
- The Voiceless
Senor Cardgage
Cargeenan, Monteljohn, can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?
An older, vaguely sleazy man who constantly uses nonsense-words. Strong Bad looks up to him; Marzipan looks down on him. While he lost the non-sequitur championship to Homsar, he's still not exactly known for his eloquence. He carries around a grocery bag full of melty candy bars that he eats loudly.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dirty Old Man
- Malaproper: His signature character trait is saying things that "aren't one word but aren't quite another."
- Rambling Old Man Monologue: Constantly.
- Vague Age: He's...older. Ish.
- Word Salad
Shark-Tooth Bubs
An alternate version of Bubs with two dot eyes, a set of fangs, and a unicorn-type horn coming out of his head. Unlike most of the H*R cast, he's voiced by Mike instead of Matt. Like the regular Bubs, he runs (or claims to run) a concession stand (in his case, called "Eight Burgers"). As with most of Mike's characters, his appearances are few and far-between. With the exception of his debut in Theme Park, he has only appeared as a puppet or as a voice on the DVD commentaries.
Looks and name aside, his personality is only marginally similar to his better-known counterpart. Think of a slightly more articulate version of Homsar or Senor Cardgage and you're probably on the right track.
The brothers came up with the character after a Chinese toy designer sent them prototype plush toys of some of the characters. They were very amused at how the designer misinterpreted Bubs's eyes and mouth and decided to work him into one of their upcoming cartoons (The Theme Park email). They initially put him in a cartoon as an Affectionate Parody of unlicensed toys. However, every appearance since then has been as a character (complete with spoken lines) as opposed to just being a prop.
- Ascended Extra: Not much of one, but considering that his first appearance was as a mere prop...
- Cloudcuckoolander: just listen to him on Puppets on the Road on the 4th Strong Bad Email DVD or on the DVD commentary for Long Pants.
- Jive Turkey
- The Man Behind the Man: The Curly-Fried Caper
- Nothing Personal: "Sorry Piles, I've got my own styles."
- Rousing Speech: "Heaven help us! Let us rest in the wake of the hours beneath! For tomorrow is a grand style! Courageously affording the brothers of our...Lester Brothers."
- Rule of Three: See the Running Gag below
- Running Gag: In Puppets on the Road, while in Philadelphia, he keeps referring to "the chicken man", a Philadelphia-based crime boss.
- Turncoat: Appatently, he doesn't care who owns the pile, so long as he gets to be "pile manager".
Trogdor was a man!
I mean... he was a dragon-man!
Er... maybe he was just a dragon...
But he was still TROGDOR!!! TROGDOR!!!
A stick-figure dragon with one beefy arm drawn by Strong Bad when a fan asked him to show his "skills of an artist", Trogdor is a monster who comes in the night, burninates all the people who live in thatch-roofed cottages, and generally terrorizes the land of Peasantry. Created as a one-off joke, Trogdor proved immensely popular thanks to his rocking metal theme song and soon starred in his own video game, and the legend grew from there. A full-length text-based Adventure Game, Peasants Quest, introduced the heroic peasant Rather Dashing, who will stop at nothing (sans burnination) to stop Trogdor.
- Breakout Character
- Creator Backlash: From Strong Bad in "Trogday 08".
"You internet types ruined Trogdor! Just like you did zombies, pirates, ninjas, and Strong Bad! Er, wait, no. Yeah!"
- Heavy Mithril: His theme song.
- Our Dragons Are Different: For starters, he has sticks for legs, tiny wings, disembodied eyebrows, and one big beefy arm sticking out the back of his neck.
- Perfectly Cromulent Word: "Burninate".
- The Red Baron: "The Burninator", "the Wingaling Dragon", etc.
- Throw It In: The small "i" in his official all-caps name is there because the font the Brothers Chaps used didn't have a capital "I", but it looked funny enough to keep.