< Homestar Runner

Homestar Runner/Heartwarming

  • Strong Bad and Strong Sad being nice to each other in Email 150. By itself, it's nothing. When you consider how they usually treat each other, however, it's pretty touching.
    • On a similar note, the two bonding over the band Sloshy in concert before Strong Bad learns that it isn't a metal band.
    • THIS

  • During the Maps And Minions segment of Strong Badia The Free, two characters on the same space normally fight, but there are two exceptions- one is, if you have The Cheat and Strong Mad on the same space, they will refuse to fight and instead share a hug.
  • Strong Bad vs. Little Girl! Strong Bad can actually talk to a small child and not say anything offensive. Especially heartwarming is the ending, where they go see the sun.

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