< Homestar Runner

Homestar Runner/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement: One of the most successful Web Originals started out as a children's dead-tree picture book. References to that book appear in some animations.
  • Archive Binge: Necessary to get all the in-jokes and references. A lot of the cartoons make little to no sense otherwise.
  • Awesome Music: Now has its own page.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The web cartoon practically runs on these.
  • Big Name Fan: Due to the site's popularity, there are several. In fact, there are so many that the fan wiki has to use multiple pages to list all the references to the site in pop culture.
  • Ear Worm: Quite a few, including "The System is Down!", "An Important Rap Song", and "One, Two, One, Two..."
    • Loading Screen.
    • "Poot slap, poot slap, dansk! What's that staunch?" Which is even better because said song is really bad.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Stinkoman, Senor Cardgage, Trogdor, Homsar, the Teen Girl Squad and several others were initially just one-off jokes in the Strong Bad Emails. That last one has their own page now.
    • The unused character Homeschool Winner had quite a lot of fans for a while, along with fan animations, and someone even created a blog by him.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • "Commandos in the Classroom" (2005) has the Cheat Commandos as fans of the movie Pony Fights 2. Crazy, isn't it? I mean, manly grown men obsessing over ponies...
    • "Attention Holiday Shoppers! Bubs Friday starts Thursday!" The last item in a "not Football TV" montage back on Thanksgiving 2007. Four years later...
  • Ho Yay: Strong Bad and Homestar. It could be his ditz-ness, but in "do-over" he says "Uh, Strong Bad? I think I'm falling for you."
    • In "fan club", Strong Sad's fanfic has Strong Bad giving Homestar a deep-tissue massage. Strong Bad is horrified; Homestar? Not so much.

Homestar: Oh, this gon' be good!

    • Homestar almost shows Strong Bad a skimpy negligee in 8-Bit Is Enough. It Makes Sense in Context.
      • Homestar's reaction to Strong Bad's 'final form' is a bit... surprising.
    • In the Decemberween 2010 Costume page, Homestar admits that Strong Bad makes him feel funny in his outside. Strong Bad is not amused.
    • In this cartoon where Strong Bad is making fun of Halloween costume, there is one of a girl dressed up as Homestar Runner, which leads to conflicting feelings on the subject. Then Homestar Runner pops up and starts calling him 'sweetie.'
    • "Pom Pom! And! Stwong Bad! Awe! Totally! Going! Out!"
  • Magnificent Bastard: Strong Bad likes to think he is.
    • And frankly, I'm worried.
    • Noun'd!
    • How do you type with boxing gloves on?
  • Nausea Fuel: The worst thing of Strong Bad's "Bottom 10 List"? Cleaning up vomit from his keyboard, which happens right after Homestar Runner shows him his bottom (not his "Bottom 10".)
  • Nightmare Fuel: Mancuso's Older Brother from the first 2008 Halloween toon could count; the fact that he has a less-cartoony design than the regulars probably doesn't help matters.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The King of Town was formerly regarded as a dull, one-trick pony and as such, was far and away the least popular character on the site. A combination of Flanderization and his own amusingly pitiful attempts to boost his status gradually endeared him to fans.
  • Shallow Parody: The 20X6 series. The Brothers Chaps aren't really all that up on anime, and it shows.
  • Unpopular Popular Character: Coach Z. While most of the main characters besides Bubs and Homestar have difficulty putting up with his awkwardness, some fans find the same hilarious awkwardness endearing.
    • Also the King of Town.
  • The Woobie: Coach Z spends Decemberween trapping himself in his locker and drinking Listerine.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?
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