< Hikaru no Go

Hikaru no Go/Characters

Main Characters

Hikaru Shindou

Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami

The protagonist of the series.

Hikaru is an ordinary sixth grader in elementary school. After stumbling upon a haunted Go board, he is possessed by the spirit of Fujiwara-no-Sai, a completely obsessed Go player from the Heian era.

At first Hikaru plays only for Sai, but soon after meeting and playing against some of the best Go players, he begins to develop an interest in Go. He also develops an initially unintended rivalry with Akira Touya, son of the world's top Go master. Hikaru joins his school's Go club and participates in tournaments. Later, in effort to catch up with Akira, he becomes an insei and finally a professional Go player (at 14 years old).

Sai: "Hikaru, you're getting better at lying."
Hikaru (sourly): "It's all thanks to you."

  • Berserk Button: If you suggest to him that Shusaku's style is obsolete, he'll be out for blood.
  • Betty and Veronica: Could have worked out nicely with Akari as Betty and Akira as Veronica, if only Akira had been a girl. They even have Theme Naming.
  • Big Eater
  • Book Dumb: The better he becomes at Go, the less well he does in school.
  • Cavalier Competitor: Subverted. He beats Akira while treating the whole thing as a joke. Actually Sai was playing, with a slightly more serious attitude.
  • Character Development: Matures throughout the series and grows from an ill-mannered brat to a person who has a clear goal in life, and values friendship. Is a rare case in which physical growth is shown alongside emotional.
  • Confusion Fu: Both he and Yashiro use this while playing against each other.
  • Disappeared Dad: Hikaru's father is seen very rarely. He's mentioned a few times as an afterthought and has zero impact on the story. Justified since many Japanese fathers do not have time to see their children due to work.
  • Dream Sequence: Dreams about Sai, after he's gone.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: After Sai disappears. Just look at him.
  • Epiphany Therapy: Snaps out of his depression after playing a game with Isumi and realizing that Sai is still with him when he plays.
  • Gender Blender Name
  • Genius Ditz: Acts like an idiot frequently, not to mention his never-ending tongue slips, but eventually becomes a strong Go player.
  • Green Eyes
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: More so when he's around Akari, for some reason.
  • Heroic BSOD: After Sai dies, Hikaru stops playing Go for two months. But then...
  • He's Back
  • Hidden Eyes: When undergoing emotional stress his bangs cover his eyes.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With Sai.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can be annoying, rude and loud mouthed, but is essentially a good person.
  • Kid Hero: Is eleven years old at the beginning of the series.
  • Like an Old Married Couple: He and Akira quarrel like an elderly couple... or a pair of seven year olds.
  • Loose Lips: Is constantly spilling secrets and saying things he shouldn't.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Inverted in one case. Instead of announcing himself, his opponent (Su-Young Hong) asks for his name, because he promised to remember it if he lost. Cue the dramatic name saying.
  • Naive Newcomer: To the world of Go.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Comes to visit the Go club and insists on playing despite Akari telling him that his presence might drive Mitani away. Of course Mitani decided to return to the Go club on that very same day, and Hikaru's presence drives him away. For a while, anyway.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Sometimes makes a move that looks like a mistake, but becomes useful later.
  • Oblivious to Love: Never seems to notice Akari's feelings for him.
  • Ordinary Elementary School Student
  • Phrase Catcher: "You really don't know anything, do you?" Whenever someone gets annoyed at him being The Watson.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Is red to Akira's blue.
  • The Rival: To Akira. Lampshaded multiple times.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Chooses to ignore and disregard all of Sai's warnings of his upcoming death. Even after it happened he refuses to believe it for a while.
  • Spirited Competitor: Eventually.
  • Student and Master Team: With Sai.
  • Tears of Joy: After discovering that Sai is still with him when he plays.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Is unhappy when Akira loses his first dan match.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Becomes gradually better at Go over the course of the series.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Ramen. Lampshaded by Hikaru himself: "I think it's the greatest food in the world."
  • Unknown Rival: Akira is his at first, when Hikaru dosen't take Go seriously and is completely bewildered by his attitude. However, it soon grows into a full fledged rivalry.
  • Visual Pun: Occasionally wears shirts that have the numeral "5" on them. The number five is pronounced "go" in Japanese.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Akira, although it takes them a long while to get to that stage.
  • The Watson: Hikaru is constantly berated by his fellow insei and teachers for not knowing anything about the Go world and its inner workings. Of course, the real reason he dosen't know anything is because most of the audience needs someone to ask the questions.
  • What Would X Do?: Thinks about how would Sai play in his situation when he dosen't have a good move. He manages to win one of his most crucial games this way.
  • You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You: While he never says this, this is the reason Hikaru never tries to tell anyone the truth about Sai.

Sai A.K.A. Fujiwara-no-Sai

Voiced by: Susumu Chiba

A spirit from the Heian era who was once the Go instructor to the Emperor. His ultimate goal is to play the divine move (also known as the Hand of God).

After losing his livelihood and being unjustly blamed for cheating, Sai committed suicide by drowning. However, he still wanted to play Go, so he inhabited the body of a young boy who grew to be Honinbo Shusaku and played through him. After Shusaku died of a plague, Sai haunted his Go board until Hikaru discovered it.

Sai becomes Hikaru's mentor and occasionally plays through him. He holds a rivalry towards Kouyou Touya (a.k.a. Touya Meijin) who is the best Go player of the present age. At last he manages to play against Toya Meijin on the internet. Shortly afterwards he disappears.

  • Agent Peacock: Is very effeminate by today's standards, (he would have been considered completely normal for a high-born man of the Heian period), and is one of the best, if not the best, Go player that ever lived.
  • Always Someone Better: Is this to Akira.
  • Angst: Not normally, but only once he realizes that he might not be able to play Go forever.
  • Asexual: Is in love with Go.
  • Badass
  • Beware the Nice Ones: All right, he could never actually hurt you, but he can defeat you in Go no matter how good you think you are.
  • Bishonen: Very, very Bishonen. Having long hair, earrings and lipstick dosen't hurt, of course.
  • Blue Blood: Was a Nobleman in the Heian era.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Every time he sees wrongdoers, his natural instinct is to teach them the errors of their ways, usually through a game of Go. Fortunately, Hikaru agrees and cooperates most of the time.
  • Cool Teacher
  • Curb Stomp Battle: He's so good at Go, that it is difficult for him to find an opponent he really has to struggle against. One example would be when he played against a shopkeeper who was cheating his costumers. At a certain point of the game, when the shopkeeper was in bad shape, Sai suggested that they switch places, and then proceeded to win from a losing position.
  • Dead to Begin With
  • Determinator: Wouldn't give up on playing Go even after he died.
  • Driven to Suicide: In his Backstory.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Averted, despite being extremely Bishonen. Hikaru, the only one who can see him, dosen't mistake his gender for a minute.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Dosen't always get the respect he deserves from Hikaru.

Examiner: Is it true that you don't have a teacher?
Hikaru: Yes. Well I kind of do... A totally useless one.
Sai: What? A totally what one, Hikaru?!

Akira Touya

Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi

Hikaru's rival and son of Kouyou Touya, possibly the best Go player of the present age.

Learning to play Go from a young age, Akira is already a very strong Go player when Hikaru meets him. He is amazed by Hikaru's (actually Sai's) skills and becomes obsessed with discovering the secret behind Hikaru's strength. After playing against Hikaru himself he is disappointed and tries to forget about him, but is unable to do so. Becomes a pro at age thirteen.

Akira (to a customer who disregards Hikaru): Don't look down upon Shindou just because he's a first-dan. (Strides away indignantly.)
Customer (in bewilderment): Weren't they just fighting?

Hikaru: I'm no good.

Akira: You're no good, what do you mean?

Hikaru: I mean, It's a waste for someone like me to play!

Akira: I disagree.

Students Of Haze Middle School

Akari Fujisaki

Voiced by: Yumi Kakazu

Hikaru's childhood friend.

She begins to learn Go as well when Hikaru becomes interested and later joins the Haze Middle School Go club, serving as vice captain of the girls' team, despite her being a weak player. She also seems to have feelings for Hikaru, as noted by her two friends in the carnival and various other characters. Hikaru dosen't show much interest in her.

Although their connection weakens, she and Hikaru remain friends throughout the course of the series.

Kimihiro Tsutsui

Voiced by: Makoto Tsumura

President and founder of the Haze Middle School Go club.

When he founds the Haze Middle School Go club he is the only member, but through the efforts of Hikaru and Akari the club grows. Tsutsui graduates from Haze Middle School before his dream of defeating the Kaio Middle School Go club can be realized.

Tsutsui: What do you mean con a win? Mitani is... Mitani is... He's only a freshman, but he's ten times better than I am! He is our first board! Don't underestimate him.
(Later, Mitani looks at Tsusui)
Tsusui (defensively): I only told the truth.

Tetsuo Kaga

Voiced by: Kentaro Ito

President of Haze Middle School's Shogi club.

Kaga hates Go and prefers Shogi because his father forbade Shogi and forced him to play Go from an extremely early age, and because he always lost to Akira Toya.

He still plays Go from time to time to keep his skills limber. He participates in a tournament together with Hikaru and Tsutsui.

Yuki Mitani

Voiced by: Yuu Asakawa

The third member of the Haze Middle School Go Club.

Mitani is a rather good Go player who fell into the habit of cheating. After being taught a painful lesson, he is recruited by Hikaru for the Go club and remains a member throughout the series.

  • Aesop Amnesia: Even after he loses 10,000 yen because of cheating, he still cheats while playing against Tsutsui and continues to talk about cheating for a while.
  • Achilles in His Tent: Gets angry when Hikaru decides to leave the Go club in favor of chasing Akira, and quits the Go club, until his friends pester him back.
  • Anti-Hero: Type V -> Type III.
  • Break the Haughty: Invoked by Shu-san, the owner of the Go salon who hires a husler, Dake-san, to feed Mitani some Humble Pie. However, even he admits that Dake-san overdid it.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Cool Big Sis: Has one.
  • The Cynic: Seems to believe that not noticing the other person cheating shows your hopeless naivety and proves that you didn't deserve to win in the first place. He also radiates apathy about life in general, although he gets better as time goes by because of The Power of Friendship.
  • Deadpan Snarker: After Hikaru had practically dragged him to the Go club and sits him down in front of a Go board to play against Tsutsui, he points his thumb at Hikaru and asks, completely straight faced: "Is this guy always this forceful?"
  • Do Not Do This Cool Thing: Not only he teaches you how to cheat, he makes it look easy and beneficial.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: To Hikaru, after he loses all his money, betting it on a game.
  • Greed: Cheats for money even though he dosen't really need it.
  • Ineffectual Loner
  • Jerkass: Is arrogant and a shameless cheater.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Turns into this as time passes.
  • Loners Are Freaks: His story almost seems to imply that only friends can stop you from committing immoral acts.
  • Out of Focus: After Hikaru leaves the Go school club.
  • Pride
  • Purple Eyes
  • Recruiting the Criminal: Subverted, since he's recruited for his skill at playing Go, despite his criminal behavior, not because of it.
  • Redheaded Anti-Hero
  • Sour Supporter: Of the Go club.
  • Token Evil Teammate: The most cynical, jerky and amoral member of the Haze Middle School Go club.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Is the only one to call Hikaru out on the somewhat selfish act of leaving the Go club.


Yoshitaka Waya

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi

An insei who is first introduced playing Go on the internet against Sai.

Later, after Hikaru turns into an insei, becomes his friend. Passes the pro exams the same year Hikaru does, at age 15.

Shinichiro Isumi

Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura

Another insei friendly with Hikaru, Isumi is the eldest in Hikaru's peer group, turning 18 during the series.

Despite being ranked first among the insei, he does not pass the pro exams. Later, he goes to China and studies there, and passes the pro exams a year later than Hikaru.

Isumi (after losing a game): It wasn't bad? I am dissatisfied with that game I just played. I'm not depressed at all. I'm just angry with myself for playing too aggressively because I thought I couldn't lose... For not being able to play my best...

  • He's Back: After beating Ochi.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Waya.
  • Hidden Eyes: When undergoing emotional stress his hair covers his eyes.
  • Honor Before Reason: Is aghast when he learns that Yang Hai is using psychological tactics on Le Ping (such as coming late to make him angry) in order to help Isumi win his crucial game against him.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Shin-chan", although only one person calls him that.
  • Journey to Find Oneself: When he goes to China.
  • Moral Dilemma: Cheats by mistake while playing against Hikaru during the pro exams, and hesitates for some time before resigning.
  • Mr. Fanservice: The only character that has a shirtless scene.
  • Nice Guy
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Passing the pro exams without losing once.
  • Only Sane Man: Clearly considers himself this while going to visit Go salons with Hikaru and Waya. The other two are busy proposing dangerous challenges, fighting over what the reward will be, and eating vigorously.
  • The Quiet One: Talks a lot less than his friends.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Waya's red.
  • Shirtless Scene: Has a very short one while changing clothes.
  • Shrinking Violet: While in China, alone among strangers and suffering from self confidence issues, he quickly turns into this for some time. It's also very apparent when he's being photographed before his beginner dan match with Kuwabara.
  • Tranquil Fury: When playing against Ochi at the pro exams.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Kosuke Ochi

Voiced by: Youko Matsuoka

Another insei in the same group as Hikaru, Ochi is one of the youngest and the most talented, and very outspoken about his ability. Akira tutors him to find out about Hikaru's current strength.

He becomes a pro the same year that Hikaru does.

Ochi: You even lost to Fuku yesterday, Isumi-san? I'm disappointed. I thought that Isumi-san would be the biggest hurdle in towards my passing undefeated. You're too worried about Shindou. I kind of regret ever seeing you as a rival. Though thanks to that, it shouldn't be hard to pass undefea-
Isumi: Ochi. (death glare) Shut up.

  • Unwitting Pawn: Subverted. He understands very quickly that Akira only wants to use him, but eventually decides to go along with it.

Kaoru Kishimoto

Voiced by: Takahiro Sukarai

Kaio Middle School Go club president and a former insei.

"Quite a gap between you and Touya. No, I'm not talking about your strength. I'm talking about your attitude towards reaching your goal. [...] Having Touya as your goal while clowning around. Not only do you sicken me, you disappoint me as well. What exactly was it that Touya was chasing after?"

Professional Go Players

Kouyou Touya A.K.A. Touya Meijin

Voiced by: Eizou Tsuda

Akira Touya's father and the best Go player in Japan. He rivals Sai and like Sai he also pursues the divine move.

Following his defeat by Sai he retires from the Japanese Go circuit and plays in China.

He has an interest in Hikaru and requested to play him in the Beginner Dan series after Hikaru becomes a pro.

Akira: Father, do you think I have talent at Go?
Kouyou Touya: Talent at Go? I'm not sure if you have that or not. But even if you don't, you have two much greater talents. One is your willingness to try harder than anyone else. The other is your undying love of Go.

Seiji Ogata

Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara

A Go professional who is also a student of Kouyou Touya and soon takes the Judan and Gosei titles when Koyo Toya retires.

He keeps tropical fish and smokes heavily.

  • Badass in a Nice Suit
  • Broken Ace: Is one of the best Go players, good looking and apparently has money, but is also a very proud, deeply socially awkward and highly selfish geeky guy in his thirties whose personal life extends to his old Sensei and his tropical fish.
  • Cool Car: Owns one.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Exact Eavesdropping: Subverted, he only hears Hikaru mentioning Sai, and immediately draws conclusions.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Depends on how you view his character.
  • Loners Are Freaks: His best friends are probably his pet fish, and you have to admit there is something weird about him, if not outright creepy.
  • Man in White: Wears a white suit at formal occasions.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Keeps reminding Akira of Hikaru in order to motivate him, even after Akira makes it clear that he dosen't want to have anything to do with him anymore.
  • Pet the Dog: Gets enough moments of these to not be a plain Jerkass. For example, sponsoring Hikaru when he's applying to the insei exams.
  • Pride
  • The Resenter: The "I am still better than you" speech that he gives to Akira, after winning an official match against him, hints at this.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses
  • The Stoic: Tries to be one. However, the result usually is...

Kuwabara Honinbo

Voiced by: Rokuro Naya

An elderly professional and current holder of the Honinbo title.

Kuwabara is friends with Toya Meijin, but rivals Ogata, whose challenge he defeats. In his title defence next year, he defeats the young fast-improving Kurata.

He is able to vaguely sense Sai's presence, and develops an interest in Hikaru.

"Sakamaki-san, did you know that Go is a two player game?"
"Of course I know that."
"No, you don't."

Shigeo Morishita

Voiced by: Katsuhiro Kitagawa

A 9-dan pro who is Waya's go teacher and leader of the study group which Hikaru also frequents on Waya's invitation. He considers Touya Meijin a rival, since the two of them became pros at the same time.

Hiroyuki Ashiwara

The youngest pupil of Touya Meijin and one of Akira's friends.

Mitsura Mashiba

Voiced by: Hiroyuki Hoshino

A former insei who passed a year before Hikaru. Played against Isumi during the Young Lions Tournament (the Wakajishi Sen).

  • Butt Monkey: He loses to Kuwabara in his first dan match, falling for a simple psychological tactic, and is later mocked for it. During the Young Lions Tournament he plays against Isumi and loses miserably. When he tries to get back at him verbally, he gets punched by Waya.
  • Collective Groan: Elicits one from all the insei the moment he appears on the scene. Even Ochi can't stand him.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Tries to degrade Isumi because he's jealous of him being a better player.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Acts so arrogant towards the insei because he's a mediocre player and he knows it.
  • Lucky Bastard: He passed the pro exam more due to luck than talent, as he himself admits.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Acting this way is the main reason why he's disliked.
  • Sore Loser
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Tries to give one to Isumi, telling him that his victory wasn't worth anything because he didn't pass the pro exams. He gets interrupted by Waya.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating: Likes to gloat about passing the pro exam.
  1. A Japanese idiom, which means someone that is so horrifying that he would cause even a baby to stop crying in fear of upsetting him.
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