< Heartwarming Moments

Heartwarming Moments/Comic Books

You don't need heat vision to get plenty of warm fuzzies out of these scenes.

Works with their own pages

Tropes used in Heartwarming Moments/Comic Books include:

Deadpool/Cable and Deadpool

  • Cable and Deadpool #50. After seeing Deadpool alternate between Psycho for Hire,Type V Antiheroand Heroic Sociopath for most of the comic it is great to see him go out and be a hero because he wanted to be one. The scene at the end where he decides to share some beers with his friends is what really drives it home.
    • Also the panels right after Cable blows up his own island, self-included, having sent Deadpool on a false mission to retrieve an item that actually warps Deadpool right back to safety in his own apartment. Deadpool sits down on his couch and turns on the news to find out about the explosion, a devastated expression on his masked face. "Nate...I wasn't worth it." * picks up gun* "...And I won't let you down."
    • And most of Bob of HYDRA's fanboying of Deadpool in general.
    • Deadpool and Weasel's reunion in issue #44, in which it is revealed that Weasel cut a deal and did his jail time to appease Deadpool's decision to be more on the up and up (and to avoid a life sentence) and that Deadpool has TiVo'd every episode of Battlestar Galactica for Weasel in the event of reconciliation.
  • In Cable & Deadpool #18, Deadpool, Siryn, and Cannonball find an Alternate Universe version of Mr. Sinister caring for a baby Cable and trying to genetically engineer him into a mutant warrior/messiah for his own ends. Deadpool has this to say about it (and gets his own quirky CMOH for it):

Deadpool: You're not allowed to crush his hopes and dreams and force him to do what you want him to do unless you're his real parent! He needs someone who'll love him and teach him how to shoot a gun and only show him the good porn! Someone like me!

  • There's another issue where he buys Outlaw an apartment and furnishes it completely, as a thanks to her always being there for him.
  • "Do not say thank you. Do not say you're proud of me. Do not say goodbye."


Wolverine: Just remember. I'm still the most screwed up person in the universe.

Other DC

  • Saint Walker. The guy lives up to his title.
  • In DC Comics, Martian Manhunter had a marked love of Oreos Chocos until he gave them up years ago. When the Martian Manhunter died, his last act was to telepathically connect with several heroes. They all began writing his life story, and then organized his funeral. Superman flew a goddamn pyramid through space to Mars, to serve as his final resting place. Several superteams dropped what they were doing to see him off. And when they buried him, Batman left a single Choco on the coffin next to the wreaths. This troper for one was actually quite touched by it.
    • And it was nice to know, after Green Arrow's ominous promise that whoever had killed Martian Manhunter would "suffer", that the heroes were still those noble men and women of our collective childhoods.
    • In Brightest Day #0, J'onn is doing some maintenance work on Mars and when he goes to his pyramid, he sees Hal and Guy waiting for him. And they have a present: an entire box full of Chocos as a "Welcome Back" gift. And Guy was wise enough to bring the milk, too.
  • It's not popular, but the 1980s Shazam: The New Beginning had one of the great moments of the character. Billy, having run away from his villainous guardian, Dr. Sivana, only to find that his Uncle Dudley is out of town, runs through the street in despair until he meets the mysterious stranger who takes him to the wizard. The heartwarming moment is right after that meeting when the wizard Shazam bestows the Captain Marvel power on Billy, only to have the boy find himself outside the closed subway entrance as if nothing had happened. Billy, desperate for the power to defend himself against Sivana, calls out to the wizard for help only to have no reply. In utter despair, Billy wails "Can't you hear me, SHAZAM?!" With that, * KRAKOOOM* the magic lightning hits Billy to change him into the Captain as he realized that this was no dream, it was real and he truly has the power of Shazam!
    • There was a more recent Shazam series which involved Superman figuring out Billy's identity as a homeless kid, and deciding he needs some mentoring. He goes to visit him as Clark, opens his coat and shirt, and then quietly sits down. "I'm Clark..."
    • That same story, "First Thunder" had one of Billy's friends murdered in front of him and Billy starting to go into a Despair Event Horizon while still being Marvel. When Superman confronts him, Billy reverts back to normal and Superman sees that the hero who could give him a run for his money in a fair fight, and more importantly is a valuable ally to fight magical enemies that could stomp him with a shrug, was just a young boy who lost his friend. Supes then proves himself to be truly selfless and confronts Shazam for recruiting Billy in the first place.
    • Also from Infinite Crisis, the Flash Family taking Superboy-Prime into the Speed Force; it doubles as a CMOA, because not only did they take down an unstoppable psychopath, but they did it as a family.

Flash: Don't stop running, Bart. Don't stttoooooooppp--
(Flash is suddenly torn from the group by something we can't see. The scene cuts to Linda Park, the Flash's wife, and their newborn children, who are visited by an ethereal vision of the Flash)
Flash: Linda...
Linda: Wally - ?
Flash: You've always been my lightning rod. You're what's kept my feet on the ground so many times. And I love you more than anything in this world. Anything. But I have to keep running.
Linda: Where are you running to? That dimension that gives you your powers? The Speed Force? Is that--?
Flash: No... not the Speed Force... I think... someplace else. [in tears] I have to let go of everything.
Linda:(in tears, clearly determined) No you don't. Wherever you're going --
(Linda takes up both babies, steps up to the ethereal Flash and kisses him)
Linda: --your family's coming with you.
(All four of them disappear in a flash of lightning. Together)

      • This leaves Bart Allen alone against a murderous psychopath. He is distraught by this until:

Kid Flash: Wally! Wally, where are you going?! I can't do this! I can't do this alone!
Superboy-Prime: You're right. You're even weaker than the rest. You've always been stupid. I watched you. Stupid little kid. Left all alone.
Kid Flash: Shut up! I'm - not - stupid!
????: Bart.
(Hand reaches out of the Speed Force, securing Superboy-Prime. It is followed by a face - it is Barry Allen, the deceased Silver Age Flash and Kid Flash's grandfather in his Flash costume.)
Barry Allen: You're not alone either.
Kid Flash: Grandpa?

    • And from Infinite Crisis again, there is Superman from Earth Two coming to the aid of Power Girl and showing her the life she had with him and Lois. After she thought she was all alone, someone who didn't belong, it was truly heartening.

Power Girl: [tearfully] You took me in! You treated me like I was your daughter!
Earth 2 Lois Lane: Oh, honey... as far as we were concerned, you were our daughter.

    • Again from Infinite Crisis, the final assault against Brother Eye in orbit. Just after the strike team managed to knock out Eye's stabilizing unit to send it hurtling to Earth, the defense systems on the satellite activate to bring Batman, the Eye's original creator, down with it. All the while, the Eye is yelling at his "father", saying that after everything, Batman could never trust anyone ever again. Just then, a green aura appears and Hal Jordan (basically the one guy who best exemplifies the original reason Bats made Brother Eye)comes to get Batman. As they are leaving, Batman basically says: "You're wrong. I'd rather take my chances." To the satellite he created because he lost trust in his peers. That's gotta hurt.
  • The Badass Creed of the Blue Lantern Corps must go here (and this troper doesn't even read the comics, he got this from the Badass Creed page):

In fearful day, in raging night
With strong hearts full our souls ignite
When all seems lost in the War of Light
Look to the stars - for hope burns bright

  • From the end of 52, one sentence from Rip Hunter to Booster Gold: Welcome home.
    • And from further in the ending, the reveal of Elongated Man and Sue Dibny being together as ghosts. "Honey, your nose is twitching. Seeing them together after all the hell (sometimes literally) he went through in his arc is just such a beautiful moment.
  • From Booster Gold's own series, the #1,000,000 issue; Booster has attempted to use his time-travelling mission to save the life of Ted Kord, the former Blue Beetle and his best friend; Ted, however, heroically sacrificed himself to stop a Big Bad, reverting things to the way they were. As a result, Booster is embittered, seeing his life as worthless and meaningless; he makes all these sacrifices, but no one will ever know. Then, he encounters Batman, who reveals that he's discovered that on a previous mission, Booster attempted to prevent Barbara Gordon's paralysis at the hands of the Joker, suffering greatly as a result. Batman then offers to act as a confidante to Booster; whilst he acknowledges that they'll never be close and that Batman will never be Ted Kord, he will at least be there for Booster should Booster needs it.
    • This Troper is unsure if the fact that Ted died, in part, because Batman wouldn't listen to him, makes this less or more wibbly.
    • Also, the reunion scene from that same issue.
  • A DC example, can't recall from what. Anyway, it involves someone being hurt, dying and someone (Green Arrow I think?) cradling him and trying everything but there's nothing to do and he's far away (arctic? Can't tell) and when there's no way left he just raises his head and shouts "CLARK!"
    • I'm guessing you're referring to one of the earlier issues in the Green Arrow/Black Canary series?
    • This story featured immediately after the Green Arrow/Black Canary engagement and marriage storyline, where it is revealed that the Green Arrow that attempted to kill Canary on their wedding night was Everyman in disguise, and Canary, Speedy, and Connor Hawke have just rescued the real Arrow from Themyscera. As they are leaving the island, a single sniper shot seems to come from thin air (Literally, there is a panel of the bullet and it is actually emerging from clear sky) and hits Connor Hawke, Green Arrows son. They only have basic first aid equipment on their boat, nothing to deal with a fatal sniper wound, so Arrow just looks to the sky and screams for Clark. Clark hears him and dramatically swoops in to save the wounded, flying him to a hospital and proper medical care...and is too late! Connor had lost too much blood, been depirved of air past the point of no return, and though his heart beats and his lungs breathe, his brain-damaged coma can not be fixed. Period. I have mixed feelings about the Arrow/Canary marriage that stretch back for years, but when this family, which is together as a family for the very first time, goes through this...oy.
  • From Justice League Unlimited #28, after getting lectured by Batman after letting a crook escape and not being able to buy a Playtendo 720 for Christmas, The Flash was taken back into the past by The Phantom Stranger to see what kind of Christmas Batman had after his parents' death. When opening all his expensive presents, Bruce barely had any reaction until he got a Gray Ghost flyer and he was absolutely ecstatic. Until he saw his parents' portrait and went back to being gloomy. Then, back to the present, Flash presented Batman with a special present. [dead link] Then, we find out that Batman also got Flash a present also. [dead link]
  • In Justice, The Phantom Stranger snaps Hal Jordan out of a hallucination, then actually hands him his power battery so that he can recharge and fly back to Earth.
  • When The Phantom Stranger loans Superman a magic-resistant shield to give him a chance against the evil wizard Arion.

Phantom Stranger: Here is a gift from one who knows what it means... to be a stranger.

    • The "To be a stranger" line is significant because Arion's motive for antagonizing Supes is that since Superman is an alien, he is a stranger with no right to interfere with our lives. The Phantom Stranger tells him, You Are Not Alone.
  • The DC Superfriends comic had a story where The Queen Of Fables separates the Super Friends and traps them in various stories. Superman lands in the tale of John Henry. As the contest against the machine begins, Superman begs John to stop, as he has read this story and knows that John will die at the end. John makes a speech about how he has to stand up to the machine to prove that machines can't replace people. Superman then picks up a hammer.

"It doesn't mean you have to stand up to them alone. Let's show them what people can do when we work together!"

  • This panel from Impulse #66. Aww, so adorable...
  • And here we have Garth Ennis take a break from his rampant cynicism and hatred of superheroes to let Hitman give some props to Superman:
  • Despite it's being a Silver Age series, Superboy occasionally had some touching moments. One of the most notable was when Superboy has a dull day and is convinced that he didn't do anything noteworthy. All he managed to do was save a toddler from a well, help a teenage girl from being humiliated at a party, and rescued a reporter's briefcase. As it turns out, the toddler was Jimmy Olsen, the girl was Lois Lane, and the reporter was Perry White. Aww!
  • The issue in Superboy where Superman gave Superboy his name in honor of his Kryptonian heritage:

Man #1: Look! Up in the sky!
Man #2: It's...a bird?
Woman: A plane.
Man #3: No! It's--
Superboy (crying with happiness): Kon-El--! I have a name... I have a real name!

  • In Superman/Batman: The Search for K, Superman falls to his knees in despair when he and Batman found out that the squad armed with krypotonite weapons out for Superman's blood was created and funded by the US government itself (surprisingly Lex Luthor isn't involved). They didn't care about Superman's devotion to protect people and they wanted him dead. Batman then snaps Superman out of it by telling him that he believes in him.

Star Wars

  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Repubic, #24; Zayne shares a passionate hug with his former girlfriend; the same girlfriend who tried to murder him, who treated him with unabashed hostility, finally believes in him, meaning that Zayne has exonerated himself to one of the most important people to him; The preceding scene where she breaks down sobbing while simply saying "You didn't do it." also counts.
  • A recent issue of Star Wars Adventures goes into detail on Luke's training on Dagobah. In the film Yoda doesn't seem to recognise R2-D2 at all - turns out he did. This little gem comes while Luke is off fighting dragonsnakes:

Artoo: (worried for Luke) Bedoop?
Yoda: Worry not, my old friend. Prevail, he will. Destined for greatness. Feel it, I can.
Artoo: (rolls over to Yoda): Beep.
Yoda: Seen much have we, Artoo. Been part of much. Your part will continue. His part is just beginning. But my part, soon, will come to an end.

  • In a one-shot issue of Star Wars simply called Jango Fett, Jango tells his droid caretaker how he hates leaving Boba for long periods of time. He wishes that he could just sit down and be a father for a while, but his last job ended without him getting paid and he needs to make up for lost credits. Then he goes over to his five-year-old son, who is playing with action figures (and, in a CMOH all of its own, one of them is a model of Jango Fett himself), and tells him that he has to go again. The dejected Boba asks if he has to leave right then, and Jango smiles and says "No. Not right now," as the next page shows him playing with his son.
  • In a Star Wars: Empire comic arc detailing the backstory of Biggs Darklighter, Biggs and some friends jump ship after being discovered by a fellow Imperial Officer and brown noser Derek "Hobbie" Klivian plotting to mutiny. After trying unsuccessfully to find rebels, smugglers, or anyone that could help them (they are confined in TIE Fighters, unable to travel very far, and air is running out), they return to the ship, planning to steal more fuel and air and leave again before the crew knows what's going on. However, they find it full of signs of battle damage, far more than they had caused when they left. On the bridge, a badly injured but stable Klivian greets them and tells them that if they'd let him get out a word before trying to slit his throat, they would have learned that they weren't the only cell with Rebel sympathies on the ship. He then asks if Biggs is going to pull rank and assume command. Biggs, who had hated Hobbie since first meeting him, says that it seemed to him that Hobbie had earned command of the ship, and salutes him. This marks the beginning of a deep friendship between the two.
  • In Jango Fett: Open Seasons, Jango has to watch his mentor and surrogate father gunned down because Montross, a volatile and cruel Mandalorian, flies away instead of helping him. When Jango appears in front of Montross (who thought he was dead), he says that first they're going to get Jaster's body off that rock, then they're going to hunt the man who killed him. Montross, trying to appear sympathetic, tells Jango that he has a chance to do right by Jaster, and that he should be in charge. Jango tells him that that's not his call to make, and reveals to the mercenaries that Montross abandoned Jaster to die alone. At that moment, Silas, an injured Mandalorian that Jango had been supporting, pulls his blaster on Montross and says, "I'll follow Jango Fett, and no one else." It's such an "I've got your back" moment of camaraderie that it has to invoke a CMOH.
    • And immediately afterwards, Montross tells Jango that he's crazy and the others will never follow him. The next panel, Montross is surrounded by Mandalorians all pointing their guns at him. Same as above for why this is a CMOH.
  • A handful of Star Wars stories endeavored to show the men behind the masks in the Imperial ranks. In many cases, the stormtroopers and junior officers were good or at least decent men, just trying to do what they thought was right or make a life for themselves. One story in particular has a small contingent of soldiers in a small outpost under siege from hundreds of tribal natives, a la Zulu. When it comes down to the final battle, the men display a depth of camaraderie and brotherhood as they fight for their lives that is truly heartwarming, despite the grim setting.

Other Marvel

  • Marvel Adventures: Iron Man had one issue where a kid falls into a hole in a field in the middle of Nebraska. Since it's old Stark-tech property, Tony Stark comes down, as Iron Man, to rescue the kid. Turns out it a nuke-proof bunker built by his father, Harold, to preserve something. At one point Tony thinks about how his dad was so remote. Later on he fights some Zeerust robots, who stop fighting when he tells them he's "Designate: Stark, Anthony", and open the vault. Tony is stunned by what he sees in there before turning to leave. The last panel of the comic shows us the contents; pictures of Tony at all the events Howard could never make it to. This is what he chose to survive a nuclear apocalypse. I don't care if it's a cliché, it's still aww-worthy.
  • Of all people, Norman Osborn gets one in Dark Avengers, where he has a talk with the Sentry, who has a Super-Powered Evil Side know as the Void. For the most part, everyone else helps him by fighting the Void, Osborn, on the other hand, tells him that he knows what's it like to have a evil side and that there is no Void, it's just the results of the Sentry refusing to embrace his human side (as he doesn't sleep or eat anymore), then takes him out for a hamburger.
  • The Avengers #57 when the android Vision is accepted into the team.

Vision: You accept me? Though I'm not truly a human being?
Henry Pym: Is a man any less human because he has an artificial leg... or a transplanted heart? The five original Avengers included an Asgardian immortal... And a green-skinned tormented behemoth! We ask merely a man's worth... not the accident of his condition!
(Vision excuses himself, goes into the next room and cries in a very human manner.)

  • In an issue of Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four, Sue has felt increasingly ignored and sidelined by her team mates, to the extent that she's thinking of leaving them to join S.H.I.E.L.D and work with Nick Fury. Then, as she's working up the courage to tell them she's leaving, they are distracted by an interview they did after an earlier battle... in which all three of her friends cheerfully admit that Sue's the strength behind them and that they'd be lost and useless without her. And what makes it especially genuine -- and thus the more heartwarming -- is that none of the other members are even aware that she's been working for S.H.I.E.L.D on the side, much less thinking of leaving.
    • In another issue we see a future version of Galactus observing the present day FF before he plans to exit the dying universe for the next one, he then brings the FF to his time to fight off four villains trying to stop him from leaving. In the end Galactus shows that the villains were no threat to him, and Reed deduces the reals reason Galactus had summoned them; he was lonely and wanted someone to say spend time with before the universe ended.
  • For this troper, although the Secret Invasion ends with a sad note, there is one heartwarming moment: Spider Woman was impersonated by the Skrull Queen and was just rescued. Unfortunately, most heroes have grown so accustomed by the Skrull Queen using her guise so they look at her full of suspicion. Ms. Marvel was the only one who genuinely approached her... and hugged her out of relief, as in their friendship didn't get strained even if she was interacting with an imposter all the time. And this is coming from one of the heroines who kicked dogs with Iron Man in Civil War!
  • In a What If? story where Captain America isn't revived until the 1980s, and in the meantime an imposter Cap has turned America into a fascist police state, he has a Crowning Moment of Awesome kicking the imposter's ass on live national television. Then he turns to the cameras, berating the people who allowed their blind hero worship to turn their country into the kind of thing Captain America was created to fight. However, he still believes it's possible to return America to the way it was, and the choice is theirs. A murmur flows through the crowd, and after a couple minutes Cap recognizes it: America the Beautiful. At this, he starts crying.
  • In Alias, after Jessica Jones risks her life investigating a smear campaign against Captain America, Cap comes by in person to collect the tape that would have tied him to a murder case. He asks Jessica why she quit being a superhero, to which she replies that she didn't have what it takes. Cap counters:

"I've met a million people in my life. And I honestly can't think of three who would have done this for me.... So, what I'm saying is, maybe you're being a little hard on yourself."

  • You wouldn't expect the Punisher to have many of these, and he really doesn't. One, however, comes at the end of Welcome Back Frank, the first canon Punisher comic that Garth Ennis wrote for Marvel. Castle is living in a rundown apartment complex with three oddball neighbors: the enthusiastic punk weirdo "Spacker" Dave, the cheerfully obese Mr. Bumpo, and the meek and timid Joan. As he starts becoming familiar with them, he decides it's time to finish up his current mission and move on--only to be shot six times in the chest by an unexpected attack force of mafia soldiers. Dave and Joan find him bleeding out in his apartment and call a mob doctor known for keeping his mouth shut to help the Punisher, and while he's healing he and Joan talk about life. Joan admits that she's terrified of New York City, but can't leave. Frank doesn't believe it, and tells her it's as simple as "Just go[ing]." After he heals and takes out the mob boss, he finds a million dollars in her house safe...which he splits up three ways and leaves for his neighbors to find, along with a note for Joan that says "Just go." Their reactions, and especially Joan's look of tender joy and gratitude, definitely qualify for this trope.
    • The scene is repeated, though with less emotion, in the 2004 Punisher movie.
      • The reason the movie fails with this is the fact that in comics we see small interactions between the Punisher and his neighbors. When he pulls Bumbo out from door hinges, comments on Dave's new piercings or accepts Joan's bakings. In a story arc about him destroying a mob these moments show us how much he misses being a normal human. He even lampshades this when he is ambushed by the enemy that he "let his guard down" and later when he tells his name to Joan because she deserves to know it. The movie has moments like this but they are more forced and don't feel like part of normal life in the neighborhood.
  • The Sentry, reviled though he may be, had his own 8-issue miniseries that took place before the current stupidity. He had a psychologist, Dr. Worth, who himself was slowly breaking down under the combined strain of having to keep a frighteningly unstable Physical God from going nuts and destroying the world and having a miserable home life, with his distant religious fanatic wife Miriam and his crippled, mute daughter Katie. When the Void threatened Dr. Worth, Sentry placed him and his family inside his Watchtower for safekeeping. As Sentry turns to leave, Dr. Worth, his daughter in a chair watching the fireplace, turns to him...

Dr. Worth: Sentry...
Sentry: Please, Cornelius...please don't ask me that. I'm not God. I'd have to do the same for everyone.
Dr. Worth: I would never tell anyone...I promise.
Sentry: I can't.
Dr. Worth: Please, Sentry...I beg of you, please...she's just a child...please...

    • Seemingly unmoved, Sentry leaves. Dr. Worth slowly walks over to stand behind his daughter's chair, stroking her hair. Then...

Katie: You were in my dream, Daddy.

  • While Avengers: Dissasembled is...Controversial it has a very nice heartwarming scene. After Avengers Mansion has been virtually destroyed by an explosion, the paramedics are busy attending to the wounded including the Avengers' loyal butler, Jarvis. Jarvis tries to wave the paramedics on so they can help the other Avengers, but the rather impatient paramedic seems unintrested and callous toward the old man. Then, Captain America himself walks in and berates the medic

Cap: You will speak to that man, as if you were speaking to me. As far as I'm concerned, that man is an Avenger.

  • In Avangers Academy, Jennifer Takeda/Hazmat is unable to live outside a special suit or a special room due to her powers constantly making her body generate poison. Hank Pym, aka Giant-Man, promises to find her a cure, and while he hasn't found a permanent one, he does get Leech to come over to nullify Jennifer's powers and let her spend a day as a normal girl. The first thing she does when she comes out of her room is give Hank a hug. It's especially heartwarming considering Hank's nasty reputation as a crazy jerk, so it does a lot to change that perception.

  • Near the end of Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell, Mary Kelly tells the Gull's spirit to begone "back to Hell". Gets me choked up just thinking about it as it's practically the only humane moment in the whole depressing thing.
  • The fact that the Wildstorm Universe is on the far edge of the Cynicism side of the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism only makes it more heartwarming when love and hope is triumphant.
    • In Stormwatch #40 (volume 1), a terrorist attack has released a mutagen that violently mutates and kills the population of the small England town of Little Brook. The team dispatched to investigate follow the signal of a beacon to a church where they discover that everything is overgrown with human flesh.

Fuji: We deal in so much horror, my friends, that sometimes we forget how human our goal is. We seek to pull hope from terror -- Life from death. If we arrive to late, we assume that horror has won.
(Breaks open the flesh-wall to reveal human survivors and that the walls were made by the people first hit by the mutagen using their last moments alive in order to to save others.)
Fuji: We forget that we do not hold the monopoly on hope.

  • Gold Digger manages one with a Continuity Nod in GD #103. Faced with Penny's discovery of Madrid, which she'd concealed at Madrid's request over the last two years of the time skip, only for Madrid to finally request to see Gina in order to finally see her "family" which her shared memories with Gina make as close as if they were her own, in her memories. Gina, however, doesn't believe it, until Madrid demonstrates in the face of her flat refusal (and demonstration of how dangerous Madrid still is given she shares Gina's knowledge and intelligence as well) that she'd cracked light-gate technology, allowing her to have simply slid into Gina's life and replaced her (and even shunted Gina into the sun) effortlessly if she'd wanted to, as she exits to a self-imposed exile out of Gina's way in the Astral Rifts, thus proving that she'd been telling the truth about her good intentions the entire time. Later on, with only Madrid and Subtracto alone in the Rifts, Madrid receives a surprise guest in the form of Gina, who knew exactly where she went, and had set up a barbecue of her family and friends just a ways away from Madrid's campsite....which she was welcome to join whenever she was ready. Given the scene had seemed set to place Madrid out in the Astral Rifts to become her capable and massively powerful future self that'd saved Brittany a few issues earlier as part of a Stable Time Loop, Madrid's teary-eyed hug of her new "sister" was all the more satisfying for the subversion of expectations from this long time reader.
  • In one Astro City short story, every night a man dreams about a woman. He knows everything about her, but doesn't know why he knows these things or who she is. He finds out she's his wife, who due to time space stuff, was never born. When he's given the choice to forget all about her, he chooses not to. Gets this troper every single time.
    • What makes it even more beautiful is that, as this is explained to him, it becomes evident that he's not the only one who's had to go through this. After he's already made his decision, curiosity gets the better of him, and he asks if anyone else has ever chosen to forget. Not a single one ever did.
  • Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, helping out a bunch of needy kids from Harlem and giving food and blankets to homeless people after turning his entire corporation, Rand Inc., into the largest non-profit charitable organization. You don't see Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne doing that.

Danny: "Come on. Let's see what happens to the world's problems when we throw craploads of money at them."

    • Bruce Wayne does keep upon his own philanthropy, however seldom mentioned, with his very own Wayne Foundation. Tony Stark, well...
      • Tony Stark also makes numerous donations to charities, although this troper doesn't recall if Stark Industries has an actual foundation.
    • If this troper recalls correctly, he does--and in a further Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, it's named after his mother, Maria Stark.
  • In Small Favors #7, Annie and Nibbil hug outside Annie's house. Little hearts appear around them, and Annie picks one out of the air and hands it to Nibbil, telling her it's for her. It is the cutest, sweetest thing ever. Go look.
  • In the Furry Comic Circles #6, Paulie fears his husband's son, who had been born out of wedlock without his father's knowledge when he came out of the closet and broke up his engagement, would hate him. That same otter boy had moved into the boarding house and Paulie could barely speak with him for hear of facing his hate. However, when the boy finally initiates some conversation, Paulie finds that not only do they have a mutual liking for The Beatles, but also that the boy and his mother never hated him. In fact, they liked him for inadvertently preventing a loveless marriage and the boy makes it clear that he considers Paulie a beloved uncle.
  • The ending to at least 4 of Doug Tennapel's graphic novels.
    • The best example may be "Tommysaurus Rex". Ely's pet dinosaur has been mortally wounded while saving the local bully from a fire. As it lies dying, the scariest events of its life flash before its eyes. Then, it hears Ely's voice talking soothingly and lovingly to it. It imagines that Ely is standing there with it during these scary moments and is making everything all better. It dies feeling loved and happy. What happens afterward between Ely, the Bully, and the Bully's dog could also qualify as a Crowning Moment.
  • Zot, issue no. #33. Throughout the issue, Jenny's friend Terry has been struggling to come to terms with her sexuality and gradual realisation that she's a lesbian, especially in light of her friend Pam (whom she comes to realize she has a crush on) having outed herself to the school and being ostracized (by Terry among others) as a result. On the last page, Pam tries to break the ice with Terry, who walks past her. Downer Ending... until you read past the letters pages, to a final page where Terry changes her mind, yells "Pam, WAIT!" down the corridor and runs after her, with the last panel being Terry in front of Pam with a sheepish smile on her face saying "Hi!"
  • At the end of the mini series 1985 it is revealed that the author writes his dead father into the marvel universe where there is the hint of him getting to know with Nurse Jane Foster, who Dad had a crush on. The series is also dedicated to the authors father - double awww.
  • From the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 8 story arc 'Wolves at the Gate' when Xander is cradling Renee's dead body, Dracula tells Buffy to get Willow so they can deafeat the vampire horde surrounding them, but she refuses to leave him alone. Dracula then shows that he might not care for many people, but if you hurt one of those he /does/, you die.

Dracula: He's not alone.

  • Wash's Indulgent Fantasy Segue in the second issue of the Firefly spin-off miniseries Better Days, involving his absolutely adorable hypothetical child with Zoe.
    • Hell, Zoe's speech at the end of Float Out. On so many levels.

(Zoe has taken the bottle of champagne for christening the Jetwash and gives Tagg another)
TAGG: This is un-ga-pae.
ZOE: Sure is. Cheap Asian liquor. Perfect for a young couple of limited means on a first date. Wash loved it. Just like he loved flying. And his friends. Just like she will.

    • Tagg's story about passing up an opportunity to arrest Wash after seeing him dump a cargo of valuable water purifiers so his friends could get away.
  • In Sláine: The Book of Invasions, Sláine finally pays his (incredibly greedy) Dwarf servant Ukko, and tells him to "start a new life in a new land". But Ukko doesn't want to go, and begs Sláine to allow him to help fight the Fomorian Sea Demon Moloch. Sláine says that it's something he must to himself, and then, after years of physically and mentally abusing Ukko to the point of torture just because he felt like it, Sláine comes out with this:

Ukko: But we will meet again one day, right? In some bar somewhere? And we'll do it all again, right? Just you and me, Sláine? Just like in the old days?
Sláine: Of course we will, Ukko. Of course. Goodbye, my friend.

    • Ukko's reaction makes it all the more heartwarming.

Ukko: He...he called me his...friend! His friend!

  • Amelia Rules is full of heartwarming moments, but the final defeat of The Shadowman in Superheroes is truly the crowning one.


    • Amelia's friend Trish suffers from a life-threatening ventricular septal defect. She copes with her fear of death by writing a fantasy story called "The Adventures of Princess Trishara", where she and her friends fight against the evil Shadowman. In the end Trish and her parents move to California where she is to receive surgery. Amelia does not her from her again, but in a flash forward we see the teenaged Amelia receive a package with the conclusion of "The Adventures of Princess Trishara", where Trishara finally destroys The Shadowman using the above words that refer to their time together.
  • At the end of the War of the Witchblades story arc whereDani becomes the Angelus and restores balance to Sara. They hug and Sara says I think this a good look for you and Dani says Yes I think it is
  • Belgian cartoonist Foerster usually wrote and drew horror stories with a very, very dark humor, but there's one story of his that actually ends on a tender note. A man has a boy, who immediately gets disliked by his mother who considers him a freak. As time passes by, everybody around the man and the boy finds the kid strange and scorn him. And to be fair, they have some reasons as the kid starts to lose his skin, eventually becoming a walking skeleton, and as everything around him withers and gets sick. His mother eventually commits suicide, as she's so disgusted by her son that she can't bear the idea she gave birth to him. But the man continues to raise him and to love him as if he was just a normal boy. As the man and the boy are finally so despised by everyone that they're thrown on the roads, the Grim Reaper himself appears and reveals that he's the boy's biological father, and that he'll make the boy his heir. The man tries to oppose this, but the Reaper replies by telling him he'll be his last job, and by giving him a heart attack... But the boy then kills the Reaper with his scythe, thus saving his adoptive father. And then, this dialogue occurs :

The man : Why did you do this ?! He was your father !
The boy : He may have been my father... But you're my daddy. And for this, you deserve to live a little longer.

  • From Dork Tower, the goodbye chat between Gilly and her brother Walden as she prepares to leave for London.

Walden: "Can't say I blame you. There's not much keeping anyone here... guy-wise, anyway."
Gilly: "Oh, I dunno. There's this one fella who's kinda cool. Sometimes he lets his anger get the better of him, and he's not having the easiest time of it at the moment. But I think he's pretty special. An' anyway, he's got a big heart, he's smart and funny and totally underappreciated."
Walden: "Do I know this loser?"
Gilly: "Probably. He's my big brother. And one day I hope I find a guy kinda like him."
(Beat. Hug.)
Gilly: "Well, except maybe for the gay part, of course."
Walden: "Well, duh!"

  • Castle Waiting: towards the end of book 2, the palace cat teaches Pindar to purr. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." Cue the "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!" squeeing.
  • When he got his own series, Morbius decided to once again try and kill himself. This time however, it appeared that he actually did succeed by forcing himself to not drink any blood. His werewolf friend, Jack Russel, tries to get him to reconsider, but is knocked unconscious by Morbius, who then, so that he does not drink from Jack, stands in front of a window where he allows the sun to burn him. After this, Jack follows through with Morbius's instructions, making his death appear as if he ran him over with his motorcycle. Even though Morbius does not die, it really got to this trouper when Jack tried to find a church that would preside over Morbius's funeral. No one he calls will do it, some even going so far as to condemn Morbius's actions. So, to make up for it, Jack gets some of Morbius's friends together to hold an intimate gathering where they could remember their friend. Even Spider-Man shows up the next day. Though it was after the funeral, it was still very nice to see.
  • Of all things, Jason VS Leatherface, when Jason Voorhees found a kindred spirit in Leatherface, and steps up to defend him when his family abuses him. I never thought I'd say that two bloodthirsty merciless psychopathic killers meeting would fit this trope, but unbelievably, it does.

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