< Fables


  • In 1001 Nights of Snowfall: kindly Old King Cole on the run from the Adversary with his people finds a way to stretch out their meager rations to fill the bellies of all his subjects. There is not a bite left for himself and he passes out from hunger. He got better though.
    • This doesn't just happen once, though. King Cole takes it upon himself to pass out the rations fairly, and never gives himself an appropriate share, and rarely takes any share at all. Its only after a long while of this and once all of the food completely runs out that he collapses from hunger.
  • The entire part where Bigby comes back to Snow White. First there's the beautiful scene where she runs to him. Then he offers to marry her. Then there's him meeting his children for the first time since they left for the Farm and the actual wedding.
  • When Snow White is forced to live on the Farm because she just had children who didn't look human. She just quit her job, Bigby left, and she's under a lot of stress from raising six babies who can fly. Upon arriving at the Farm, she is greeted by the other residents who arranged for a party to welcome her and finds that Rose Red has organized a flock of crows to look after the babies should they fly off. Especially since she and Rose have had such a tense relationship for centuries.
  • Chapter 50, when Snow White marries Bigby Wolf.
  • Even Frau Totenkinder has one. After constant hints that her helpfulness is due to some Evil Plan, we found out she does it all out of gratitude to Snow White and Rose Red for nursing her back to health after the oven incident, even though they were on the run from the Adversary at the time.
    • Even sweeter is when she says how the people of Fabletown have had her feeling more at home than anyone in the tribe she was born in ever did.
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