Small Favors
A girly porno comic.
No, seriously. That's what it says on the cover. It's accurate, too.
Written and drawn by Colleen Coover, Small Favors tells the story of incredibly oversexed lesbian Annie, her live-in incredibly cute size-changing anthropomorphic personification Nibbil, and the vast amounts of happy fun sex they have.
Very definitely Better Than It Sounds. Even if it sounds exactly like your sort of thing.
Tropes used in Small Favors include:
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Annie is the most extreme offender of this in the first chapter but many other characters do this too.
- Annie's done it to the point the series starts with her being informed that, despite being in her early twenties, she's used up her alotted amount of masturbation.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Cast Full Of Lesbian
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends: Mixed with polyamory.
- Contemptible Cover: Volume one as pictured above is pretty tame but this trope applies to all the other covers.
- Cosplay: Lots including the following...
- Everything's Better With Bunnies: Nibbil finds a stuffed bunny at a yard sale to gush over.
- Expressive Shirt: Janus's book.
- Girls Love
- Hand or Object Underwear
- Heteronormative Crusader: Played for Laughs and for Fetish Fuel - Only naughty persons are into BDSM, and they deserve to be severely punished for it!
- Hot Librarian: Janus
- Imagine Spot: Janus gets one about how she exposes Annie and Nibbil's antics. Some sex scenes are also imagined by various characters.
- The Immodest Orgasm
- Fundamentally Female Cast: There are no men in this book, even in the background in the scenes on outdoor streets. There are not even any men mentioned in this book.
- Meaningful Name: Yuriko. And, uh, Nibbil.
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Nibbil and Janus as aspects of Annie's conscience.
- Official Couple: Annie and Nibbil, although this doesn't stop polyamory.
- Old Shame: Coover has found mainstream appeal, and, unfortunately for fans of Small Favors, has stopped doing porn in order to avoid being typecast. This wouldn't be quite so tragic if her work wasn't a very, very rare exception to Sturgeon's Law in porn.
- Panty Shot: Quite a bit, especially for a non Japanese work.
- Perky Goth: Delphine
- Pillow Fight
- Power Perversion Potential: A few canon examples.
- Public Exposure
- Shower Scene
- Shrinking Violet: Sage, although much higher in spirits than the trope calls for.
- Spank the Cutie
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