< The Dark Knight Returns

The Dark Knight Returns/Heartwarming

  • "Good soldier."
  • After one mentally disturbed man shoots up a porn theater and another is shot dead in a Batman costume, a shopkeeper is shown inspired by the Batman to save a woman from a mugger. Bats can be a force for good, even when he's not present.
  • Right before the blackout and subsequent riot, a priest was being annoyed by the music of a teenager dressed similarly to the Mutants. The teenager later saves him, and stays to help the wounded until morning.
    • The majority of the citizens of Gotham seem to get a mass one of these once charismatic leaders (such as Gordon near his home, and then Batman for the entire city) rally them to focus on the greater good.
  • Superman's internal monologue, as he's just gotten pretty messed up due to a nuclear bomb, about how even though he's an alien, he considers Mother Earth his true home, culminating in the line "Your adopted son shall honor you."
  • After Superman and Batman fight, and Batman appears to have died due to a heart attack, Superman holds a broken and battered Bruce Wayne, remorseful for 'killing' his former friend, and snarls at the nearby soldiers "Don't you touch him." I find that Frank Miller's DKR version of Superman (not to be confused with the version written after Frank Miller went nuts), written as an Anti-Villain, is actually the most human and believable version of Superman I've read.
  • At the very end, where Bruce Wayne thinks to himself: "This is a good life. Good enough." If you've read the whole comic, you'll get it.
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