The characters of the otome game and anime series Hakuouki. Names are in the traditional eastern order; that is, last name before first name.
Yukimura Chizuru
Voiced by: Kuwashima Houko
Chizuru is a young girl who came to Kyoto disguised as a boy in search of her missing father, an accomplished doctor of western medicine with whom she suddenly lost contact several months ago.
When the Shinsengumi reveal that they too have been in search of Dr. Yukimura, they allow Chizuru to remain under their care and assist them with the search. Agreeing to continue living as a boy so as not to distract the men who serve her new benefactors, Chizuru quickly becomes acclimated to their lifestyle, even working for them as an occasional messenger and healer.
Tropes associated with Chizuru:
- Ancestral Weapon: Her kodachi.
- Beautiful All Along/I Am Not Pretty: She considers herself plain, but just watch when she gets shanghaied into dressing up as a maiko.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Downplayed. She tries to reason with him in most of the routes, even the ones in which he's clearly beyond redemption. Thankfully, there's always someone else who'll call him out in her stead.
- The Chick
- Curtains Match the Window
- Die for Our Ship: Interestingly enough, averts this at least in the Japanese community. While there is certainly a lot of Ho Yay fanart, pixiv artists seem to be fond of drawing Chizuru pairings.
- Disappeared Dad
- Faux Action Girl: She really doesn't do much with that short sword she carries everywhere.
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Tender Tears: This girl sure does cry a lot. But then, can you blame her?
- Lampshaded by Hijikata in his ending.
- Half Identical Twin: with Kaoru.
- Happy Flashback
- Healing Factor: This is how Kazama Chikage confirms that she is indeed an Oni.
- Hime Cut
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- I Just Want to Fit in
- Insecure Love Interest: Particularly in Harada's route.
- It's All My Fault: She blames herself for the Oni attack on the temple and for the transformation of certain characters.
- Japanese Honorifics: Uses polite speech and addresses most of the characters as [last name]-san, with the exception of Heisuke, who requested that she call him by his first name, and Osen. Appropriate in the case of the Shinsengumi executives, as they are socially superior to her.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Well, adopted daughter.
- The Medic: Along with Yamazaki.
- Narrator
- Neutral Female
- One of the Boys: Justified, as there are no women she can hang out with, other than Osen whom she rarely gets to see anyway. Despite being the Yamato Nadeshiko, she grows accustomed to their antics and starts to enjoy their company.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Her crossdressing stunt.
- Parental Betrayal
- Player Character
- Sweet Polly Oliver/Wholesome Crossdresser: Her disguise may be paper thin (see above), but it works just enough for some Shinsengumi executives to be fooled.
- Values Dissonance / Stay in the Kitchen: As mentioned on that page's Anime section, Japanese gender roles are still very different from that of Western countries. Combine that with the fact that Hakuouki is in a historical setting, which was even more traditional and Chizuru's Faux Action Girl status becomes considerably more justified, or at least understandable: she does want to help, but the historical setting/moment is simply not the best.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Although she isn't quite a fully-realized action girl, she wants to protect the weak and tries her damnedest to help others in any way she can, even if not on the battlefield.
Hijikata Toshizou
Voiced by: Miki Shinichiro
Vice Commander of the Shinsengumi. He takes care of most of its technical affairs and is said to hold the real power. Very dedicated to the Commander, Kondou.
Tropes associated with Hijikata:
- A Father to His Men: Becomes this later on after Kondou's death. Shows the most in the later parts of his route.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Badass Longcoat: His second outfit.
- Badass Long Hair: Cuts it short later when everyone changes to Western clothing.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: It's for this reason that he stays away from drinking, even though he'll claim otherwise. According to Word of God, his limit is about four pints.
- Chick Magnet: According to the others.
- Cluster F-Bomb: He's pretty foul-mouthed in the English release.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Death Glare
- Defrosting Ice King
- Determinator: Shows the most in his route. Even more after becoming a Rasetsu. The man does not rest!
- Giftedly Bad: His poetry sucks, but he's still fond of it. He even admits that he has no talent, albeit in desperation because he doesn't want to hear Saitou inadvertently tell him so.
- The Fettered: Becomes a Knight in Sour Armor after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Puts them on, along with his set of Sour Armour, following Kondou's death.
- Jerkass Facade/Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Leader: While second to Kondou, he takes charge of operations.
- Not So Stoic: When he snaps.
- Purple Eyes
- Purple Is Powerful
- Red Baron: The "Demon Vice-Commander" ("Oni no Fukuchou").
- Sergeant Rock
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Hijikata gives no hoot.
- Snake Oil Salesman: Ishida Sanyaku, the medicine his family sells, doesn't actually work—at least, not to the extent that's advertised. Even so, Hijikata (and Saitou) will swear by it.
- So Bad It's Good: Okita certainly thinks this in regards to Hijikata's poetry, and will take every opportunity to make fun of the poor vice commander for this.
- Shinpachi mentions in Sanosuke's route that everyone thinks this in regards to Hijikata's poetry. There's even an unlockable gallery scene that features Okita keeping Hijikata's poetry book away from him.
- Tragic Dream: He wished to make Kondou's Tragic Dream come true for him.
- Trying Not to Cry: Thankfully, Chizuru is there to do the crying for the entire cast.
- What the Hell, Hero?: He gets a stern talking to from a dying Yamazaki, and later from Ootori, for charging recklessly, ahead of his men.
- Warrior Poet: Except he's apparently terrible at the poetry part.
- Workaholic
Kondou Isami
Commander of the Shinsengumi. A rather likeable and even humble person.
Voiced by: Ookawa Tohru
Tropes associated with Kondou:
- Ambition Is Evil: His Fatal Flaw.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Like Hijikata, his limit is about four pints.
- Despair Event Horizon/My God, What Have I Done?: As seen in Hijikata and Saitou's routes. Burdened with the guilt of having led so many of his men to a meaningless death, he becomes understandably depressed.
- Drunk with Power: In every Shinsengumi route, after he becomes a daimyo. Sobers up very quickly when his first battle afterward goes badly. It's this behavior that makes Shinpachi and Sanosuke depart.
- Face Death with Dignity
- First-Name Basis: So far, he's the only person who doesn't address Hijikata by his surname or title, choosing to call him by the diminutive "Toshi" instead.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In every route. After realizing that he's been Drunk with Power, he gives himself up to buy everyone else time to escape. He's planning on them recognizing that he is a daimyo and showing him mercy or allowing him to commit honorable suicide. He doesn't get either, and is executed.
- The Good Captain: He's actually the commander and most of the Shinsengumi captains can be considered good, but among all of them, Kondou is the most triumphant example. A few of the captains even admire Kondou specifically for this reason.
- Glory Seeker
- Good Old Ways: Even when all his men start dressing up in Western-style uniforms, Kondou does not. Fittingly enough.
- Honor Before Reason: He remains blindly loyal to the shogunate, even when the Shogun proves unworthy of such loyalty.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: In the end, he finally comes to terms with the fact that courage and idealism alone can only get you so far.
- No Hero to His Valet: Nagakura recalls their days at the Shieikan, when their lives were simple and Kondou treated them more like friends than subordinates.
- Off with His Head
- Rags to Riches
- Tragic Dream: He wanted to be a hero to the people.
- Tragic Mistake: The Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Downplayed, but he's still a bit too idealistic for his own good.
Yamanami 'Sannan-san' Keisuke
Voiced by: Tobita Nobuo
Tropes associated with Sannan:
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Bad: In Heisuke's route.
- The Chessmaster: Played for Laughs in the drama CDs.
- Creepy Monotone
- Deadpan Snarker: Best seen here:
Hijikata: Rather than a beloved brother, on the contrary, all those needless meddling and trouble-making are more like how someone treats an annoying unwanted relative.
Sannan: So true. That's Hijikata-kun, knowing full well what you're like in other people's eyes.
- Despair Event Horizon/Despair Speech:
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He's perfectly capable of pitying himself, thank you very much.
- Driven to Suicide
- Face Heel Turn: In Toudou and Saitou's routes.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Comes off this way in the anime especially after he becomes a Rasetsu. This is subverted later just before he dies.
- Handicapped Badass: Averted. His arm injury causes him to be extremely bitter, leading to his fall.
- It Has Been an Honor
- Japanese Honorifics: Addresses everyone as [last name]-kun.
- Living on Borrowed Time
- Mad Scientist: After he turns Rasetsu. How bad he gets depends on the route. He's at his worst in Heisuke's route, with Sanosuke's route (and his near-constant harassment of Chizuru during one chapter of it) a close second.
- Necessarily Evil
- Redemption Equals Death: In Hijikata's route.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Played for Laughs on Heisuke's route in Yuugiroku.
- The Smart Guy
- Stoic Spectacles: He's aloof and calculating.
Okita Souji
Voiced by: Morikubo Showtaro
Captain of the first squad in the Shinsengumi. His loyalties lie with Kondou alone.
Tropes associated with Okita:
Okita: However, the person Kondou-san trusts most is that certain somebody who's treacherous, self-centered, self-absorbed, and enjoys writing crappy haiku.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- The Berserker: In the anime.
- Berserk Button: Do not threaten Kondou. Just don't.
- Black Comedy/Gallows Humor: Much to everybody's chagrin.
- Blood Knight: Shows signs of this in Reimeiroku.
- Bottled Heroic Resolve
- Cat Smile: His chibi form in Yuugiroku.
- The Champion: For Kondou, and how. His dedication runs almost to the point of Subordinate Excuse.
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker/Stepford Snarker: Especially towards Hijikata.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Especially when he was a child. Kondou earned his loyalty by being the only one who encouraged him to look to the future instead of saying things like, "Oh, you poor child, your parents are dead and your sister left you all alone."
- Downer Ending: His good ending, if you would believe it. It heavily implies that he dies right then, even though Word of God says that he had just fallen asleep.
- There's more of a bittersweet flavor to his good ending. He's still breathing after he falls asleep, but for how long?
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Freudian Excuse
- Friend to All Children: Rather adorably so.
- The Gadfly: The epitome of this trope.
- Green Eyes
- Heroic Sacrifice: In one of his endings, he dies protecting Chizuru from Kaoru. In the anime, he uses the last of his strength to protect Hijikata.
- I Can Still Fight: Says this like a mantra after his tuberculosis hits him.
- Ineffectual Death Threats: Towards Chizuru. To everyone else, very effectual.
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kids Are Cruel: Was bullied as a child.
- The Last Dance/Last Stand: In the anime.
- Master Swordsman
- Parental Abandonment: It's revealed in Reimeiroku that after his parents died, his older sister begged Kondou to take him in. Okita didn't get over it until Kondou told him that everything must happen for a reason. This one scene is why Okita is so dedicated to Kondou.
- Put on a Bus: In every route but his own. In at least one route, there's a Bus Crash.
- The Resenter: Okita appears to have a pretty strained relationship with Hijikata. Reimeiroku justifies it.
- Undying Loyalty: Yes.
- Verbal Tic: When drunk, "deshu~".
- Your Days Are Numbered
Saitou Hajime
Voiced by: Toriumi Kousuke
The serious and reserved captain of the third squad in the Shinsengumi. He is also a kenjutsu instructor and is actually the preferred instructor among the lower ranks, as he is the most patient one.
Tropes associated with Saitou:
- The Alcoholic: Interestingly enough, Word of God says that he, of all people, has the highest alcohol tolerance of all the Shinsengumi executives. The historical Saitou was also a heavy drinker.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Prior to arriving at the Shieikan, he was constantly ostracised for being a left-handed swordsman.
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Subverted. Shinpachi mentions something about women and playfully nudges Saitou, who awkwardly responds that he's "not familiar with this kind of topic."
Shinpachi: That's expected. If he told me he loved hanging out with women and had lots of love experience, that would be breaking news.
- Badass Longcoat: His second outfit.
- Beware the Quiet Ones
- Cannot Tell a Joke: In one of the drama CDs, Okita affectionately calls Saitou, "Pochi".[1] With a completely straight face, Saitou responds with "Woof". The other captains think that he's telling them something by code. Saitou just looks dejected and tells them that it's okay if they don't get it.
- Comically Serious: He's usually the Straight Man to Okita's Wise Guy.
- Cuteness Proximity: in one of the drama CDs.
- Defrosting Ice King
- Ensemble Darkhorse: In Japan. Case in point: in B's-LOG, Japan's monthly magazine for all things otome, he has ranked number one in terms of popularity from August 2009 to December 2011. Consistently.
- Fake Defector
- Friend to All Living Things: A CG from the games show him sipping tea with two small birds perched on his shoulder. He's either this trope, or he's able to sit so still that birds mistake him for a statue.
- Geek: When it comes to Japanese swords, Saitou knows everything.
- Historical Beauty Update: Looked like this in real life.
- Honor Before Reason
- I Will Definitely Protect You: Says this a lot in his route.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: Says in chapter two of Reimeiroku that he practices iai because "it is a skill that can reliably slice the enemy at the first strike."
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses "anta" to address other captains and uses "ore" in regards to himself.
- Keigo: Some find him difficult to translate because he uses very polite speech with social superiors.
- Kuudere: Type A.
- Moe: Some scenes in the games and certain drama CDs like to portray him in this manner.
- Midnight Blue Eyes
- Offhand Backhand: In Zuisoroku and his OVA.
- Only Sane Man: In the more light-hearted scenarios.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- The Quiet One: Until he gets drunk, that is. He will either lecture at length (with the same emotionless face, no less) or start rambling about swords.
- Real Men Cook
- Scarf of Asskicking: A white version, and quite prone to blowing in the wind.
- Snow Means Love: Some of his scenes in the games and his good ending.
- The Southpaw: A central part of his identity and past.
- The Stoic: To extremes. He even stays stoic while drunk and doesn't show signs of discomfort during summer. His clothes are solid black.
- Even moreso after he becomes a Rasetsu.
- Swipe Your Blade Off: Within seconds of meeting him.
- Tranquil Fury
- Undying Loyalty: To Hijikata and the Shinsengumi in general.
- What You Are in the Dark: Early in his route, he's in danger of losing to Kazama. Chizuru offers to go with Kazama in exchange for leaving Saitou and his men alone. Kazama suggests that he agree and simply tell his superiors that they were overpowered and she was captured. Saitou states that he would know the truth and is determined not to surrender.
- Workaholic
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- You Shall Not Pass: His name is Saitou Hajime! ...and he pulls this in the anime, never to be seen again. Whether or not he survives the battle depends on whether you choose to believe the game, or actual history.
Toudou Heisuke
Voiced by: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Captain of the eighth unit.
Tropes associated with Toudou:
- The Alcoholic: With his drinking buddies Shinpachi and Sanosuke.
- Big Damn Heroes: With Sanosuke and Shinpachi, in the climax of Saitou's route.
- Butt Monkey
- Conflicting Loyalty
- Dope Slap: Throughout his Butt Monkey career, he gets quite a few of these from Hijikata and Harada.
- He also receives a well-deserved Armor-Piercing Slap from Chizuru at one point in his route. Chizuru!
- Died in Your Arms Tonight
- First-Name Basis/Friendly Address Privileges: Insists on this.
- Gallows Humor
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic Bastard: Illegitimate son of the Lord of Tsu.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hot-Blooded: Not to extremes, but in comparison to everyone else.
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses "ore" in regards to himself. Oddly enough, the games transcribe it in katakana instead of kanji.
- Keet
- Living on Borrowed Time: As a Rasetsu. Out of all of Chizuru's potential love interests, he's the only one who drinks the Ochimizu on every single route. It makes sense, since the real Toudou did die before the start of the Boshin War.
- The Napoleon
- Older Than They Look
- Parental Neglect
- Plucky Comic Relief: At least, until things start getting Darker and Edgier...
- Power Trio: With Harada and Nagakura.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Harada and Nagakura.
Harada Sanosuke
Voiced by: Yusa Kouji
Captain of the tenth unit.
Tropes associated with Harada:
- The Alcoholic: With his drinking buddies Heisuke and Shinpachi.
- The Anti-Nihilist: Made especially obvious in his route.
- Babies Ever After: His ending in the games.
- Badass Longcoat: His second outfit.
- Badass Normal: In the games he's the only datable character who never drinks the Water of Life, and it makes him no less badass. In fact, it probably makes him more badass, as he goes up against a Water of Life enhanced Koudou and an army of furies with a little help from Shiranui and survives. It also means his is the only path to have a genuine, long term happy ending.
- Badass in Distress: At one point in his route, he gets cornered by Shiranui while trying to protect Chizuru, and it's up to her to save him. Her choosing to heed his advice and run away instead leads to a bad ending in which both she and he are killed.
- Big Brother Instinct: Especially in regards to Saitou in the drama CDs, and Ibuki in Reimeiroku.
- Big Damn Heroes: With Heisuke and Shinpachi, in the climax of Saitou's route.
- Blade on a Stick
- Bungled Suicide/Seppuku: Just like his historical counterpart.
- The Charmer
- Conflicting Loyalty
- Every Scar Has a Story: Always played for laughs.
- Fiery Redhead: A male variant.
- First-Name Basis: Towards the end of his route, he asks Chizuru to call him by his first name, signifying their Relationship Upgrade.
- Heterosexual Life Partners/Bash Brothers: Nagakura is his best buddy. Their bromance is actually a major theme in his route.
- Hidden Depths: While he appears pretty cheerful and easygoing, he's constantly wrestling with doubts and negative emotions concerning the Shinsengumi, the Rasetsu and the fighting in general. Unless he's asked for his opinion, though, he usually keeps it to himself.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: In his encounters against Shiranui.
- Large Ham: Usually when facing off against the Oni, or showing off his scar.
- Life of the Party
- Men Don't Cry: Deconstructed in one of his bad endings, after Chizuru, in a fit of Stupid Good, manages to get herself killed by her father.
- Mistaken for Gay: In Zuisouroku, he starts hitting on Chizuru in front of some men, briefly forgetting that she's supposed to be a boy. Needless to say, this happens.
- Moral Dilemma: Ultimately, he finds himself torn between his sense of camaraderie towards Nagakura and his devotion to Chizuru, as their paths suddenly diverge at the end of his route. Chizuru decides to return to Edo to try to stop Koudou and his Rasetsu from ravaging the city, while Nagakura and the Seiheitai prepare to join the Bakufu forces in Aizu. Either way, he must say goodbye to one of them for what may well be the last time.
- Nice Guy
- Power Trio: With Nagakura and Toudou.
- Put on a Bus: Willingly, along with Shinpachi, in several routes. The bus turns around in the climax of Saitou's route.
- And in his route, you get on the bus with him.
- Rage Breaking Point
- Sarashi/Walking Shirtless Scene
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right/To Be Lawful or Good: In Sekkaroku, as well as his route in the main game.
- Sexy Discretion Shot: The only datable guy in the game with a sex scene. It's not explicit and barely descriptive.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: To Chizuru in his route. Claims it's the only way he knows to calm a woman down.
- Stay in the Kitchen: He believes that women should be protected. Justified, considering the setting and the fact that the woman he's dealing with is Chizuru, who is in constant need of protection.
- Zigzagged in his route when she ends up taking a bullet for him. Unfortunately, she reverts to being meek and helpless shortly afterwards.
- Twinkle Smile: In some of the artwork.
Nagakura Shinpachi
Voiced by: Tsuboi Tomohiro
Cheery captain in Shinsengumi, Kondou Faction. He is also a kenjutsu instructor.
Tropes associated with Nagakura:
- The Alcoholic: With his drinking buddies Heisuke and Sanosuke.
- Badass Arm-Fold
- Bad Liar: Often played for laughs.
- Big Damn Heroes: With Sanosuke and Heisuke, at the climax of Saitou's route.
- Big Eater
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Bromantic Foil: To Harada, in Harada's route.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Likes ladies, has a heart of gold.
- Dreaming of Things to Come: His symbolic dream about Kondou.
- Heterosexual Life Partners/Bash Brothers: With Harada.
- Large Ham
- Master Swordsman
- Nice Guy
- Nice Hat: Bandana.
- Power Trio: With Harada and Toudou.
- Put on a Bus: Willingly, along with Sanosuke, in several routes. The bus turns around in the climax of Saitou's route.
- In Sanosuke's route, you get on the bus with him, but depart with Sanosuke.
- Shirtless Scene: Complete with Pec Flexing. Parodied in Sweet School Life.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Smarter Than He Looks: Chizuru is surprised to find out that he's pretty knowledgeable when it comes to politics.
- Sudden Principled Stand
- Testosterone Poisoning: His eagerness to demonstrate his "manliness" is always played for laughs. Like a lot of things with Nagakura.
Yamazaki Susumu
Voiced by: Suzuki Takayuki
Tropes associated with Yamazaki:
- Burial At Sea: Every route except Hijikata's.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Hijikata's route.
- Ho Yay: With Saitou, arguably.
- Approaching Foe Yay as they don't care for each other in the game.
- Combat Medic: He studied medicine under Matsumoto Ryoujun, and his job in Kyoto was that of a doctor. He acts as an emergency medic in the Shinsengumi.
- Final Speech: He's got three. One for Hijikata, one for Chizuru and one for Ibuki.
- Ninja: Though he dresses like a stereotypical ninja, oddly enough, he isn't one. He actually works as a spy for the Shinsengumi. However; he does (quite hilariously), pretend to be one in order to save Chizuru from being discovered later on in the game and in one of the OVAs of the anime.
- Perpetual Frowner/The Stoic: Comes off as this even though he's actually quite expressive and even a little childish (see Ninja entry above) underneath.
- Purple Eyes
- Tsurime Eyes
- Undying Loyalty: To Hijikata.
Inoue Genzaburou
Voiced by: Kobayashi Norio
Captain of the sixth unit.
Tropes associated with Inoue:
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Every route except Hijikata's.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Hijikata's route.
- It Has Been an Honor: His Final Speech.
- Nice Guy
- Parental Substitute: To Chizuru in Hijikata's route. Immediately after Chizuru accepts him as one, he sacrifices himself to save her.
- Sorry That I'm Dying
- Undying Loyalty: Towards Kondou and Hijikata.
Shimada Kai
Voiced by: Ohba Takeshi
Tropes associated with Shimada:
- The Big Guy: Towers over everyone else and is also incredibly strong.
- Gentle Giant
Itou Kashitarou
Voiced by: Chijiwa Ryuusaku
Tropes associated with Itou:
- Animal Motifs: He's compared to a Tanuki.
- Asshole Victim
- Bishie Sparkle: See the entry for Camp. Bonus points for having hearts, too.
- Camp: Shown best when he blows a kiss in Yuugiroku.
- Cultured Warrior/Wicked Cultured
- Lured into a Trap
- Smug Snake
Kazama Chikage
Voiced by: Tsuda Kenjirou
- Big Bad: In Saitou's and Hijikata's routes.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Extra points for being on opposite ends with a dark-haired guy (Hijikata) AND for being one point on a love triangle. On his path in the games he's still a jerk, but he's a rather nice one.
- Hints of his nice side also appear in Heisuke and Okita's routes.
- Blue Blood
- Cool Sword: The Doujigiri Yasutsuna, his anti-Oni blade.
- The Cynic: He believes that Humans Are the Real Monsters, and all they care about is power and wealth.
- Curb Stomp Battle: On the receiving end of one at the end of Saitou's route. Saitou, Heisuke, Sanosuke, and Shinpachi beat him down.
- Enemy Mine: In Heisuke's route. He does not appreciate Sannan kidnapping Sen, who'd promised him a child. Approaches Vitriolic Best Buds by the route's conclusion, judging from the banter post-rescue.
- Evil Laugh
- Explosive Breeder: His aspiration to have children is exaggerated and Played for Laughs in Yuugiroku, where he exclaims that Chizuru will give him 100 children. She's quick to point out that she's physically unable to.
- Face Death with Dignity: Only in Hijikata's route.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: In Yuugiroku, the drama CDs and live drama.
- Hair of Gold
- It Amused Me/Just Toying with Them
- Pitiful Worms: Likes to address the Shinsengumi in this manner. Another favorite is "Bakufu's dogs".
- Constantly calls the Rasetsu "fakes", to the point where Sen comments in one route that he'd do so with his last breath.
- Pride
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech
- Ship Tease: His ending. It's implied he and Chizuru will end up reuniting eventually, though we don't get to see it until his ending in Zuisouroku.
- You!
Kyuuju Amagiri
Voiced by: Yamaguchi Ryu
- Badass Arm-Fold
- Badass Goatee
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Heel Face Turn: In Saitou's route. Out of respect for Saitou as a warrior, he turns on Kazama and is almost killed for it.
- No Eyebrows
- Noble Demon
- Reluctant Warrior: An interesting villainous example. He makes it obvious that he prefers peaceful solutions over fighting. If he has to fight, he will more often than not curb stomp you. With his fists. Even if you're using a sword.
- The Teetotaler: Doesn't like to drink.
- The Stoic
- This Is Unforgivable!: He's not very amused with Kazama's BS at the end of Saitou's route.
- Worthy Opponent
Shiranui Kyou
Voiced by: Yoshida Hiroaki
- Badass Long Hair
- Beneath the Mask
- Character Development: Receives some in Sanosuke's route. It's revealed that he had a human friend who had died, and this plays into why he turned on Koudou and the Rasetsu.
- Enemy Mine: In Sanosuke's route. Teams up with the Shinsengumi when the Rasetsu interrupt their fight, and gives them an opening to escape from the fight. Sanosuke later returns the favor when Shiranui appears near the end of his route to confront Koudou.
- Gun Fu
- Humans Are Flawed: They just up...and die on you.
- Ineffectual Loner
- Japanese Pronouns: Addresses himself as "ore-sama", sometimes.
- Purple Eyes
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Smug Smiler
- Stepford Snarker
- You Cannot Kill an Idea:
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- You Remind Me of X: Harada reminds him of his dead friend, Takasugi, which may partly explain his bitterness towards him and Chizuru.
Nagumo Kaoru
Voiced by: Itou Hasumi
- Big Bad: In Okita's route.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: As discussed by Okita.
- Disguised in Drag: He's even better at crossdressing than his sister is!
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness
- Evil Twin
- Freudian Excuse: His reasoning for tormenting Chizuru. He had an incredibly crappy childhood, simply because he wasn't female. As he puts it, the Nagumo family wanted a female demon to breed and they got the wrong twin.
- Half Identical Twin
- Laughing Mad: His Evil Laugh.
- Revenge by Proxy: Targets Okita just because Chizuru cares for him.
Voiced by: Ishikawa Ayano
- Badass Princess: Like Chizuru, she isn't much of a fighter. Unlike Chizuru, nobody messes with her...normally. She's outspoken and opinionated and won't hesitate to let you know when she hates your guts. She even whacks Kazama with her hand fan when she catches him pestering Chizuru.
- Deconstructed in Toudou's route, when The Big Bad does end up kidnapping her for her royal Oni blood, despite all her bravado.
- Brainwashed and Crazy/Hypnotize the Princess: In Heisuke's route. Complete with Mind Control Eyes.
- Damsel in Distress: In Heisuke's route.
- Famous Ancestor
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Heisuke's route. Not the standard type of sacrifice: Sen convinces Kazama to leave Chizuru alone, saying she'll bear him a child instead.
- Keigo: Similar to Oichi in that Chizuru calls her "Osen-chan".
- My God, What Have I Done?: You stabbed Kimigiku!
- The Ojou
Voiced by: Katsuta Akiko
- Boobs of Steel
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Mata Hari
- Kunoichi
- Purple Eyes
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Undying Loyalty
Other Characters
Yukimura Koudou
Voiced by: Saitou Ryuugo
- Bald of Evil: How evil he is varies from route to route. He is arguably his most evil in Saitou and Sanosuke's routes. Neither one has him receive a Redemption Equals Death moment. In the former, he's even dispatched offscreen, while Sanosuke finishes him off in the latter.
- Big Bad: Sanosuke's route. To a lesser extent in Kazama's route, mainly because of how short that route is.
- Deadly Doctor
- The Dragon: To Kazama in Saitou's route.
- Evil Gloating: With Evil Laughter.
- Evil Plan
- Heel Realization: In some of the routes, and in the anime.
- Mad Scientist
- Offing the Offspring: Successfully, in some of the bad endings.
- Redemption Equals Death: In Hijikata and Okita's routes. Both times, it's to save Chizuru.
- The Unseen: Does not show up in Heisuke's route in person.
Matsumoto Ryoujun
Voiced by: Sato Kouta
- Doctor's Orders
- The Medic: Well, the doctor.
Ootori Keisuke
Voiced by: Takumi Yasuaki
Game Only Characters
Ibuki Ryunosuke
Voiced by: Seki Tomokazu
Taken in by Seizawa, Ryunosuke is the player character in Reimeiroku, the non-romantic Hakuouki game.[2] Brash and slightly immature.
Tropes associated with Ryunosuke:
- Hot-Blooded
- Player Character
- Starving Artist: Has a great passion for drawing, and is definitely starving.
- Tsundere
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Serizawa Kamo
Voiced by: Nakata Jouji
Head of the Serizawa faction of the Roshigumi (what the Shinsengumi was called before it was the Shinsengumi). An extremely harsh yet very competent leader.
Tropes associated with Serizawa:
- The Alcoholic
- Badass Beard
- It Amused Me
- Manipulative Bastard: Oh so very much. Especially in regards to Okita. From a practical standpoint his actions are justified, but...
- ↑ a common Japanese name for a pet dog
- ↑ Well, there is one romantic path, but that's with a female maiko and not with any of the Shinsengumi members. Sorry, Yaoi Fangirls.