< Goblins


  • Nightmare Fuel: A convenient example prevents yet another fight.
  • Archive Binge: Not a huge one, but definitely worthwhile.
  • Arc Fatigue: The goblin group spend a good three years or so sneaking into a city and then getting out. Though the two other subplots going on at the same time helped even it out.
    • The current arc. Its been two years since we've even seen the main cast, and the plot keeps jumping between Minmax's party and Dies Horribly instead of just sticking in one place so we can find out who the reinforcements that the main party gets to face Kore. Its getting tedious.
  • Artistic Licence Biology: In real life, fusing a rope through Kore's throat should have taken out several of the vertebrae in his neck and paralyzed him through damage to his spine, not just caused him to choke.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Kore's murder-spree was completely derailed by him seeing the powerful Axe of Prissan, suggesting at least part of his skewed definition of good is a quest for power. Since the axe is meant to be held by a Paladin, and Kore likely doesn't know/refuses to accept that Ears is a Paladin. In his own twisted way, he may believe that he's trying to save the world.
  • Character Alignment
  • Complete Monster: Dellyn Goblinslayer (Acknowledged as such In-Universe), Kore (also implied to be recognised in universe).
  • Crazy Awesome: Tempts Fate. He gets off on danger and excitement.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: See the list.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: See the list.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: You get the idea.
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: Starting to creep in after Kore kills Chief. That arc was grim enough, but the following horrors happening to Dies Horribly's party and to Minmax's party in their respective dungeon crawls have taken the strip into full grimdark territory that's making it hard to care.
  • Fetus Terrible: Dies' arm, which believes Dies belongs to him.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: This page.
  • Ho Yay: Forgath mentions that nothing they do in the Maze of Many matters because of the time loop. Minmax's first instinct is to lift up the dwarf and give him a deep long kiss. Minmax claims this is okay because Forgath is played by a girl.
    • Les Yay and Foe Yay between our Kin and Scorpion Kin in this comic and the next.
  • Idiot Ball: By all means, let the Barbarian with the improperly healed arm tend to the almost dead Chief, it's not as if there's a fairly skilled healer, say a Paladin with lay-on hands ready to use, less than twenty feet from him. This is because Thaco divided up the duties for that fight and they had no plan, while Ears easily could have taken a quick round to heal Chief while Thaco and Complains fought Kore.
  • I Reject Your Reality / Utopia Justifies the Means: Most likely why Kore's vision of good is so skewed and how he manages to be a Complete Monster of a Knight Templar while still being immune to the Axe of Prissan.
  • Moe: Kin. So. So much.
  • Moral Event Horizon: If Goblinslayer's sadistic tortures, Fantastic Racism and various bits of jerkassery hadn't already sent him over, he flies right past it when he lovingly describes how he constantly physically brutalizes and rapes Kin. Appropriately, this leads in short order to his Karmic Death.
    • Kore manages to cross this in the first scene he appears in, by murdering an orphaned dwarf child just because he had been taken in by an orc that took him in after killing his father. An orc who used his dying breaths to beg Kore to spare the innocent kid, no less.
      • It's quite likely that Kore has tracked down the Goblin Adventuring Party's village and killed every woman and child there.
      • And then he tortures Chief almost to death, later ending in Chief dying of the wounds right in front of Complains.
  • Narm: Quite common, and the loose, exaggerated artstyle doesn't help. Perhaps the most infamous example was one unfortunate guard's complaint that "It hurts! It hurts like a sickness!", which the author himself decided to change after realising that it sounded a bit too silly.
  • Squick: The Shield of Wonder and its myriad gory ways of killing people.
    • The way Mr. Fingers moves and that sound it makes. According to its stats Mr. Fingers does not have joints. It moves by constantly breaking and growing bone. Oh, also it eats by causing people it touches to turn blue and melt into ooze. Painfully.
  • Too Cool to Live: K'Seliss.
  • Wangst: "I'm sad!"
  • What an Idiot!
    • What did the fat guard think "Fluffles" was going to do if it was let out of its cage with the man who'd tortured it mercilessly for months within its line of sight?
    • Fumbles going to Brassmoon to give an elf child back her doll wasn't his brightest idea. Maybe I'm the only one, but I actually think that Fumbles deserved to die for putting not only himself but also his whole party into so much danger.
      • What DID you expect of Fumbles exactly?
    • Dies-Horribly, did you really expect selling your soul to a demoness to be so simple? Granted, his death didn't exactly take and he ends up killing the demons but he didn't know that would happen at the time.
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