< Goblins


  • How about Fumbles—sorry, Senor Vorpal Kickass'o -- versus Minmax and his purple worm familiar?

Minmax: Oh, God...



  • Complains' reaction to Fumbles' class suggestion.

Complains: What? I don't have a temper.
(Beat Panel)
Everyone: [hysterical laughter]
Big-Ears: "I'll get you Minmax! I swear by the foam coming out of my mouth that I'll get yoooouuuuu!"

Tayshun: What are you, blind?! That's a crescent moon!
Other Guard: <sigh> That's no moon, that's a mace, Tayshun.

  • "WE'RE NOT JUMPING OFF THIS ROOF TO OUR DEATHS! ... "We're jumping off that roof to our deaths. It's got a tree."
  • "Are you high?!"
  • Tied in with Speak of the Devil, this strip.
    • "Who else saw this coming?"
  • Minmax's rather thoughtless but awesome action also doubles as his Crowning Moment of Funny... Twice. First up:

Dellyn: Minmax, I don't know what sorts of mistakes you've made in your life, but I promise you... That was the worst one.
Minmax: Nu-uh! I've done way stupider things!

  • And then:

Dellyn: You have Improved Unarmed Strike?
Minmax: I got it by trading in my ability to rhyme on purpose.
Dellyn: What? That's not even... You can't just trade...
Minmax: Careful, Dellyn. I heard a rumour about those who die complaining about the rules.

Forgath: Seriously? A Treasure Plant? Is herbert even trying anymore?
Kin: They were first created long ago by a wizard who hated trespassers. Now they grow wild in some areas. They're only a danger to the dumbest of individuals.

(Beat Panel)

Together: MINMAX!!!

    • And after they pull him free:

Forgath: Are you OK?
Minmax: I will be... As soon as I get my treasure!

(cue body check)

Minmax: This second shirt doesn't even have a hole for my head!
Kin: Those are pants!

Forgath: Wait. Are you telling me that sword is powered by Minmax's stupidity?
Kin: Well, more accurately, his ignorance, but yes.
Forgath: By Herbert's dice! In Minmax's hands, that sword is insanely powerful.

Minmax: I don't get it.

Biscuit: Meh. Oh well.

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.