< Goblins


  • Based on a Dream: Mr. Fingers
  • Fan Nickname: The various versions of Minmax, Kin and Forgath in the Maze of Many tend to get these. Scorpikin (a Kin with a scorpion's lower body), Pipemax (a silent Minmax who constantly smokes a pipe, even in combat), Psimax (a Psion Minmax), Forghast (a Forgath with a Ring of Undeath that makes him hideous)...
  • Schedule Slip: The strip has intermittently suffered from this. Thunt moved to a once per week schedule in May 2012 due to personal conflicts.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.