< Goblins


Fridge Brilliance

  • When they first identify the Anymug as a magical artifact, Minmax starts throwing out cool ideas for what they can do with it - all of which get shot down by Forgath as he explains how the Anymug actually works: essentially, it can only create non-magical, potable liquids (for varying definitions of potable), which is exactly what you'd expect from what's basically a bottomless mug of ale. Later though, when fighting Goblinslayer, Forgath uses the Anymug to produce "Dragon Lung - a rare, very flammable lantern oil", which he throws on Goblinslayer - then produces a second mugful, which proves not to be needed. Which at first seems like a misuse of the mug based on its earlier description - who drinks lantern oil? But once the fight is (almost) over, Forgath takes a drink of the stuff, in what seems at first to be a "oh, here's a mug of liquid and I need a drink - badly" moment...except when you realise there's no Spit Take or Double Take - he simply takes a perfectly normal swig. Dragon Lung is perfectly safe to drink and thus a perfectly legitimate use of the Anymug's powers..
    • Actually, look at the panel after he takes a swig. Sure looks like a Double Take. Also, dwarves have resistence to poisons, so "perfectly safe to drink" might not fully apply.
      • As the Anymug is apparently a dwarvish magic item, it still applies. Honestly, many actual drinks are high inflammable, and you could give them a sticky consistance by adding soap, that while odd is edible (if you don't mind diarrea).
      • This whole discussion is hinged on the idea that the mug *only* creates "potable" liquids. Which is never the case, based on the description here. Reading the original description, dragon lung and ogre piss are both perfectly acceptable options. The mug could probably also be filled with snake venom or demon blood, so long as it wasn't corrosive or on fire. The fact that Forgath takes a swig might just be for the sake of comedy. At this point I'm not sure if this qualifies for Fridge Brilliance anymore.
  • Dies Horribly lived in fear his whole life because of his name. But his name wasn't related to his being doomed. His name was a trigger, designed so that when he met the demoness he would volunteer, be eaten ... and in doing so destroy her.

Fridge Horror

  • In this comic, Kin reveals that, thanks to a lack of exoskeleton, her tail is extremely sensitive to physical contact. At first, it seems like just another neat little ability. Then you remember what Dellyn did to her...
    • I think the idea is that the increased sensitivity to physical contact is just in comparison to the exoskeleton of the scorpion tail. after all, Skin in general is pretty sensitive, and she never mentions that her sensory is better than the others. Still, what Dellyn did is nothing but horrific.
    • It Gets Worse when you see her PTSD flashback later and a hint of the kind of abuse she suffered that required healing potions each night.
  • There are almost certainly Greater Finger Horrors somewhere. Otherwise the thing wouldn't have been called a Lesser one. Let's hope it isn't "lesser/greater" as in Worm That Walks...
  • The backstory of Mr Fingers involves a farmer making a Deal with the Devil to cure his son of nightmares. Now consider that in relation to what we learn about deals with demons in this strip. Not only did that deal unleash the kid's nightmares upon the world, but the farmer is probably undergoing the same And I Must Scream fate as the demoness' pet orc.
    • Speaking of Mr. Fingers, I was reading through again and I'm not sure if this idea has been brought up, but K'seliss brings up the fact that for lizardfolk eating, fighting, and mating are practically the same thing. So using this logic, wouldn't that mean that in addition to the Body Horror, that Mr. Fingers, by eating parts of K'seliss, technically raped him? Of course, if that's the case, he gave as good as he got.
  • Evil is winning. They are just words Kin says at first, but then you think about it and it is terrifying.

Fridge Logic

  • Forgath could use the Anymug to create every nonmagical, non-corrosive poison, alchemical ingredient or liquid spell component imaginable. If he wasn't worried about the White Horror, he could just as well retire a wealthy businessman. Or open a bar with the slogan "You want it, we got it".
  • Goblinslayer may be a frightening name to our protagonists, but for a high-level ranger it would be more of an insult. We've seen him kill and capture far more dangerous creatures than mere goblinoids. One would consider that a man of Dellyn's ego would always update his name with his latest, greatest achievement.
    • He probably just particularly hates goblins. Or possibly they're the most common of the "monster" races so being a goblinslayer is actually significant to a disproportionate degree to how hard they are to actually kill. Or possibly it's just his real family name?
  • Why is the concept of humanoid monsters taking class levels so odd? It's the most common means of making tougher monsters than those listed in the Manual (who are usually level 1 Warriors).
    • The oddness is adventurer levels. Warrior is intended as an NPC class, whereas a PC would be a Fighter.
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