< Galaxy Angel (anime)

Galaxy Angel (anime)/Characters

Characters from the Galaxy Angel anime. May be substantially similar to characters from the video game... but not too similar.

Galaxy Angel (anime)

Introducing all (but three of) the characters from Galaxy Angel! From left: Chitose, Ranpha, Mint, Forte, Malibu, Mary, Kokomo, Volcott, Milfeulle, Normad, and Vanilla

Milfeulle Sakuraba

Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani (JP), Jocelyne Loewen (EN)

Milfeulle is the only one of the group who believes that the Galaxy Angels have some kind of duty and responsibility to the Transbaal Empire. She can be seen in most episodes baking cakes and other kinds of delicious treats, or on missions generally making a fool of herself. If ever there a character expresses hopes that a certain piece of recently acquired Lost Technology won't be used by accident due to its dire consequences, it is inevitably Milfeulle who will trigger it and cause the good times to roll, so to speak. The more cynical members of the Angel Wing often attempt to take advantage of her innocence and good luck but even they must occasionally tread carefully around her. The more she is pushed, the harder reality pushes back.

  • Born Lucky: Taken to absurd levels. Reality itself will literally bend to accomodate the most favourable outcome. It is also the subject of a few episodes where her good luck lands the Angels in considerable trouble.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Milfeulle is sometimes completely oblivious to other characters' distress, and other times obsessively empathetic depending on the whim of the writers.
  • The Ditz: At one point she wants to date a rice-cooker.
  • The Fool: An archetypal example is her running off a cliff, chasing after food that was rolling away.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She loves animals and animals love her. Well, animals, plants, recently deceased animals and plants...
  • Green Lantern Ring: The hairband with the flowers serves mainly as a pair of rotary blades that allow her to fly, but have also served as radio antennae and some kind of telepathic transmitter/receiver.
  • The Hero: of the anime.
  • The Messiah: Milfeulle parodies the concept several times throughout the series' run.
  • Naive Newcomer: In the first season, quickly becomes a regular.
  • The Pollyanna
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Supreme Chef: Makes a cake with emeralds and gold-leaf.
  • Sweet Tooth: She loves cakes and pastries, and sometimes it seems like the only things she can cook.
  • Team Chef: Though the others can cook, mostly at campfires.
  • Theme Naming: She is named after the French pastry Mille-fuelle.

Ranpha Franboise

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Nicole Leroux (EN original series, Z, A & AA), Tabitha St. Germain (EN S & X)

A fast-talking, loud-mouthed, fiery girl who has few desires in life beyond marrying a rich, handsome man and retiring to a quiet resort planet where she can live out the rest of her days. To these ends, Ranpha is behind many of the Angel Wing's get-rich-quick schemes and is quick to take on missions for clients who are rich, attractive, or both. She tends to be very physical and often gets into spats with Forte, but is more likely to team up with her than any of the other Angels in pursuit of a greater goal.

Mint Blancmanche

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Nicole Bouma (EN)

She may seem sweet to a fault but those who cross Mint will always regret it. Her serious and proper exterior conceals a sociopathic streak that is a source of much humour to the audience but not particularly healthy for the characters in the show. She also has an obsession with kigurumi, or mascot costumes, and does not think twice about manipulating circumstances or jeopardising missions for the opportunity to wear one. The flip side of this is that she is very easy to entice, so she takes great pains to conceal her hobby from just about everyone. Mint is also quick to cash in on the get-rich-quick schemes perpetrated by the other Angels even though she is the heiress to the Blancmanche Corporation and would theoretically have more money than she could ever spend at her disposal.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Mint is willing to kill to preserve her secret hobby. Never get in her way.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl
  • Honest Axe: Mint is offered a gold animal costume and a silver animal costume at a time when she believes that wearing an animal costume will kill her. She's not very happy when the water sprite tries to give her both.
  • Little Miss Badass
  • The Ojou: Complete with a Noblewoman's Laugh when she's feeling particularly evil. Also lampshaded in several episodes:
    • In A there is an episode where they are dangling off a cliff and she reminisces on her family, who are so very very distinguished.
    • In X she remarks that anything with "Legendary" in its name would spark her interest as she is the daughter of a rich family.
  • Unusual Ears: Droopy Rabbit/Dog/Cat/whatever ears that make odd sounds whenever they perk up.
    • What's really weird is that one time, she was shaved bald, and her second set of ears just plain vanished, as in she had a perfectly normal human head with no extra appendages. Maybe, they're just Idiot Hair?
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight
  • Theme Naming: She is named after Mint, and a blancmange.
  • Verbal Tic: -desu wa.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Type A

Forte Stollen

Voiced by: Mayumi Yamaguchi (JP), Alison Matthews (EN)

Ostensibly the senior member of the Angel Wing, Forte dislikes taking responsibility and would prefer to go drinking or fire off some of her impressive firearm collection at the range. Oh and, speaking of guns, she almost as crazy about them as Mint is about her mascot costumes. While she is not given to elaborate scheming, rare guns are often the only incentive needed for Forte to take on a job, something the other Angels know and sometimes actively exploit. She has a very masculine personality and is sensitive about her age which leads to violent confrontations with Ranpha, but the two of them are the most likely of the Angels to team up when faced with a common enemy. Forte also has a curious father-daughter relationship with Commander Volcott, which is explored during breaks in the whirlwind of shenanigans.

Vanilla H

Voiced by: Mika Kanai (JP), Anna Cummer (EN)

Vanilla speaks very rarely, if at all. Not much is known about how she joined the Angel Wing or why but she cooperates with or at least acquiesces to the schemes and shenanigans of her squadmates without so much as blinking, implying that she may share some of their interests or desire for good looks and worldly possessions. She can usually be seen drinking tea, holding Normad, abusing Normad in some manner, or observing one of her many, many religious rituals. She can also manipulate nanomachines for a wide variety of purposes, the most common of which is healing wounds.


Voiced by: Mika Kanai (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN)

Normad is a living example of Lost Technology, a missile from some nameless war that started to develop a respect and appreciation for its own life. Knowing that when it exploded, the sum total of its knowledge and experience would be lost, it instead chose to desert and drifted in space until it was found by Vanilla in a field of junk. After blackmailing the Angel Wing into finding it a new body, Normad joined the cast and often contributed to their wacky hijinx with its knowledge of Lost Technology. It considers all of the Angel Wing girls to be crass and unrefined, with the exception of Vanilla whom it treats with something resembling reverence.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Now, normally he isn't too keen on taking revenge on the Galaxy Angels but when he does...
  • Comedic Sociopathy: A common running gag between being mistreated by Vanilla and being shot in the head by Forte.
  • Companion Cube
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Living Toys: Subverted in that Normad can't actually move or manipulate the environment, yet is able to form some semblance of facial expressions and feel pain, depending on how funny it would be at the time.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: "Oh, Vanilla-san!" and "Your rotten hearts/souls/lives".
  • Meta Guy: Normad is constantly dumbfounded at the other characters' irrationality.
  • Mr. Exposition
  • Overly Long Name: MA347612890 GT40785791 32RS2400Z 17924398 TZRS 2000 modular semiconductor type 452963752391 MQTO GLS-equipped self-computing 0037 293165734285 YGNKTI 0120 YMCA 4126 PPPKG lower-right KKP 53 Normad.
  • Stalker with a Crush: The amount of devotion that Normad lavishes on Vanilla borders on creepy.
  • Talking to Himself: With Vanilla in the Japanese version, and with Jonathan in the English version.
  • Team Pet

Col. Volcott O. Huey

Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (JP), Michael Kopsa (EN)

Volcott is a veteran leader held in high regard by the military and charged with leading the Angel Wing. Unfortunately for almost everyone concerned, he is well past his prime and looking mainly to preserve his pension and keep the Angels out of trouble. For their part, the Angels more or less ignore him or try to keep him out of the loop whenever they botch a mission. In the past he rescued Forte from a life of crime and the two of them eventually took on several high-profile missions together.

Major Mary

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Sylvia Zaradic (EN)

Mary was introduced in Galaxy Angel A as the commander of the Twin-Star Team, commissioned to replace the Angel Wing in their mission to hunt down and secure Lost Technology. She is almost the complete opposite of Volcott; she prefers a hands-on approach to the job and can occasionally be abusive towards her charges. It is implied that the Twin-Star Team is her pet project and, as it competes directly with the Angel Wing for funding from the military, she resorts to all sorts of underhanded tricks when it comes to the rivalry between the two. On the other hand she is not nearly as sociopathic as many of the other characters in the show and gets along with Volcott reasonably well outside the inter-taskforce rivalry, which is not very often.

Kokomo Peyrot/Perot

Voiced by: Yuko Sanpei (JP), Reece Thompson (EN)

The more spunky of the Twin-Star Team. Kokomo is generally very immature, loves sweet things and hates spicy things. He handles all the weapons for the group.

Malibu Peyrot/Perot

Voiced by: Tomo Saeki (JP), Danny McKinnon (EN)

The more reserved of the Twin-Star Team. Malibu handles tactics and analysis of the enemies, and is more mature than Kokomo. He does tend to have a bit of a sadistic streak and enjoys tormenting or otherwise thwarting Kokomo's hijinx.

Chitose Karasuma

Voiced by: Saori Goto (JP), Tegan Moss (EN)

One day, a terminally ill Chitose was sitting in her hospital bed staring out the window at the rest of the Angel Wing playing hopscotch. She wanted to be friends with them so badly that when the chance came she manipulated all of them to try and get a spot on the team. It almost worked. Although she was unable to insinuate herself among the Angel Wing, she did manage to get onto their base by joining up with the Twin-Star Team where she serves as a recurring antagonist who constantly seeks revenge on them for having snubbed her previously. Next to Mint, Chitose is arguably the most intelligent member of the cast and has used her knowledge of their respective quirks to get the upper hand at least once throughout the course of her very short run on the show. Aside from her tendency to faint when faced with highly stressful emotional situations, almost nothing about her was carried over from the games. She doesn't even get her own Emblem Frame.

  • Art Major Biology: After suffering from a terminal illness for so long, she has learned to alter her body temperature and go into comas at will.
  • Attention Whore: 'Nuff said.
  • Chew Toy: Whenever she gets any screentime at all it usually ends badly.
  • Fan Nickname: Cheetos.
  • Ill Girl: Her backstory is a parody of the traditional Ill Girl personality and she exploits it whenever she can.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Sixth Ranger: Subverted by her not actually joining the team.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Subverted in that although she looks like one on the outside, wears a kimono to bed, and has a very appropriate-sounding Leitmotif the reality is something completely different.
  • Yandere: One of the most devoted friends you could ever want, until the moment you show affection to anyone else. Then you'd best watch your back.

Patrick, Jonathan and Gasteau

Voiced by:

Patrick: Akio Suyama (JP), Alistair Abell (EN)

Jonathan: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN)

Gasteau: Makoto Yasumura (JP), Andrew Toth (EN)

From left: Jonathan, Patrick, and Gasteau

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