Flame of Recca/Characters
Here be the character sheets of the manga series Flame of Recca.
Team Hokage
Hanabishi Recca
The son of a fireworks smith, he fantasizes about being a ninja, while butting heads with the averageDelinquent thugs. Then he meets Yanagi, and becomes involved in a 400 year old destiny, finding out that he is actually 400 years old (technically since he was sent through time by his mother) and eventually encounters Kurei, his murderous half brother who wants his new girlfriend's power of healing for his insane stepfather who desires Immortality. He enters a tournament after "defeating" Kurei, and eventually wins for real. He and his new friends become involved with the stepfather, who now has found the power of eternal life, but transforms him into an abomination. Despite its power, he still needs to absorb Yanagi to achieve perfection. Recca and co. face him and his assassin group and face him once and for all, causing Recca to lose his powers.
- Ascended Fanboy: He WAS a fan of ninjas in general. Then he realized that he IS really a ninja.
- Badass: He is several different kinds!
- Badass Normal: He'd defeated people all over his town with just his martial arts skills, and ninja trickery.
- Badass Abnormal: And then he started to use his flames against people.
- Blessed with Suck: Had the dragons never given Recca their abilities, he'd be stuck working with standard level flame bursts, and his own strength and skill.
- Not to mention, Recca's flame has no true form.
- Took a Level in Badass: And then he started to earn the power of the flame dragons, not to mention get incredible more powerful himself without them.
- Cain and Abel (With Kurei)
- Cursed with Awesome: All flame wielders have this to some degree. They are able to create and control fire, as well as a high resistance to heat and flames. Not to mention most have a special fire based ability. However, if a flame wielder takes off their fire seal, more flame than they are consciously able to control will explode from their arm, and potentially kill them provided the true form of their flame is a jerk.
- Delinquent: He isn't in the territory of Yusuke Urameshi or anything, but Recca has a reputation for getting into fights.
- The Hero: Of the series.
- I Don't Know Mortal Kombat (For all the fighting record he got, he totally sucks at fighting games)
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Like the rest of the main cast, he borderlines on Jerkass most of the time.
- Ninja: Wanted to be one, and turns out to the heir of a unknown, but powerful group of ninjas.
- Kill It with Fire: His solution to everything in a fight, although not exactly kill.
- Playing with Fire: His main fighting style.
- Scars Are Forever: From Kurei.
- Tomato in the Mirror: He eventually finds out that he, not Kurei, is the cursed child of the Hokage clan.
Sakoshita Yanagi
- A-Cup Angst (in the manga, .)
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She tends to get a little annoyed when other girls show interest in Recca, despite not actually dating him...but we all know they are...but they still aren't.
- Damsel in Distress (If this isn't painfully obvious on you.)
- She also at least has the courage to not be whiny about it, and has complete faith that her friends will save her.
- Healing Factor: Why the Big Bad wants her.
- The Medic: She's this to the Five-Man Band.
- Modesty Bedsheet (In the anime. Followed by Go-Go Enslavement)
- Ms. Fanservice: Near the end of the manga, Yanagi has gotten noticeably taller, and the fact that she's forced to wear a rather form fitting white dress doesn't hurt either.
- Plucky Girl: She's not as Badass as the other Action Girls, but she's as determined as the rest of them.
- Traumatic Haircut (Yeah, Mikagami was quite a jerk as the beginning.)
- The Heart
- Yuki Masuda
Ishijima Domon
- Badass: When you have entire gangs coming to fight the one person that is you, you know you're this.
- The Big Guy: For a Japanese teen, Domon is huge!
- Charles Atlas Superpower: His strength bordered on superhuman, even before he actually received his madogu.
- Delinquent: Even moreso than Recca. People call him the Devil for crap's sake!
- Determinator: Domon's had to deal with the stress of being the weak link of Hokage, and oddly turns out to have the most spirit and will power of them all.
- Important Haircut (At first he has normal Anime Hair style. To impress Fuuko, and because she told him so, Domon now sports his signature mohawk head)
- Jerkass --> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Nobuo Tobita
- Dishing Out Dirt: Not exactly, his element is earth, but he's a physical, melee attacker.
- Took a Level in Badass (And how!)
Kirisawa Fuuko
- Action Girl
- Adaptation Dye Job (By default, she's brown haired. The anime changed her hair color into purple)
- Akiko Hiramatsu
- Badass: Like Domon, and Recca, Fuuko tends to have groups of people come at her at once. Before she got her powers.
- Blow You Away; Her madogu, the Fujin allows her to control the air.
- Bokukko
- Clothing Damage: It happens to her a lot, mainly in her first tournament bout with her opponent Fujimaru, who intentionally strips off her clothes.
- The Chick (of the Action Girl type)
- Delinquent: Like Recca and Domon, Fuuko get into a lot of fights!
- Determinator: Lets see, getting the crap kicked out of her by spiked spider tentacles? She won't quit. Repeatedly getting electrocuted by a laser beam? She won't quit. Being poisoned and getting beaten down on, only to steal the antidote at the last moment? This girl just don't quit!
- Jerkass --> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Ms. Fanservice: For a sixteen year old girl, Fuuko's pretty well endowed, and according to her, she's a D cup.
- Plucky Girl: And how!
- Razor Wind
- Shorttank
- Stripperific: Fuuko usually wears something sleeveless, and cutoff jeans in battle. Considering her main attribute is needing to be speedy and agile, it makes sense she tends to dress like this.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: Not that she has a problem with killing itself, but people who indiscriminately and wantonly take life disgust Fuuko, as Mikoto found out.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- Wolverine Claws: Adding her Demon Claw Madogu to her Fujin allows her to create claws of wind that can slice through steel!
Mikagami Tokiya
- Adaptation Dye Job (Light blue haired in the manga. He's black haired in the anime)
- An Ice Person: He can drop the temperature of his sword to absolute zero!
- Badass: Tokiya has trained as a swordsman from around the age of 10. And he doesn't need it to kick ass.
- Badass in Distress (Just seem to hit him after Ura Butou Satsujin quite a lot)
- Bishounen: He's been mistaken for a woman plenty of times. And he doesn't like it.
- Butt Monkey (Ever since he 'molded' with the Hokage and started letting go of vengeance ways, he's starting to compete with Domon for this position. Fuuko picks on him on daily basis (hits him off, kick him while he sleeps) and then for no apparent reason, he fell into a trap that he could've dodged easily, which ends with him rained with taunts and ridicule by Recca and Domon.)
- Child Prodigy: Tokiya mastered Hyomon Ken in seven years, and that's implied to be very impressive by his teacher. And not only that, he's a top student in school. Oh wait, and he's also an excellent tactician in battle!
- Dead Older Sister: Pretty much the reason why he's taken up his word in the first place.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Prince: He's initially cold to everyone around him, save Yaagi. And only joins Hokage in order to protect her, but around the second story arc, he found himself actually liking them.
- Good Is Dumb (Kinda played around. When he was ruthless and cruel, he remains an effective fighter. When he got 'poisoned' with his 'dumb' friends... it was enough to smack him with TWO Distress Balls)
- Glass Cannon (Great offense, but SUCKY defense)
- Heavy Sleeper (Usually sleeps in mission briefings before things get serious. Fuuko doesn't take it well)
- Hikaru Midorikawa
- Kill It with Water: The blade of his sword is made of water. The more water he uses to create it, the stronger the blade.
- The Lancer
- Making a Splash
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
Koganei Kaoru
- Alliterative Name
- Badass Adorable
- Bling of War: He wears a gold cross and necklace.
- But Now I Must Go: In the end, he wants to stay with the Hokage, but he also doesn't want to leave Kurei alone on his solitary travel to the past. Guess who he chooses.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Even Evil Has Standards: He was never evil right from the start, but worked for someone who was...well, working for someone evil, and thus had to do bad things. He was still never a jerk about it though.
- Heel Face Turn: Kaoru leaves the Uruha, and joins Hokage.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Motoko Kumai
- Teen Genius: When it comes to his weapon.
- It takes a normally skilled wielder of the Kogon Ankin roughly 10 seconds to change from one mode to another. Kaoru can do it under a full second!
- The Smart Guy: His weapon requires him to be ingenious with puzzles, otherwise it'd be a big hindered.
- Super Drowning Skills: He cannot swim.
- Swiss Army Weapon: His Kogon Ankin has five different forms. A naginata, a [[Hooks and Crooks sickle and chain, a pair of huge scissors, a crescent shaped boomerang, and a bow and arrow.
- Abhorrent Admirer: He has one in the form of a homosexual, psychotic, killer, pedophile cyborg.
- Action Mom: She may be a retired ninja, but she will still kick your ass.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Dark Is Not Evil: She wears a lot of black, and stalks Recca in the beginning, pitting his future friends against him. Turns out, her motives were very different.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Cruelly inverted as she couldn't die, but she couldn't touch her only son in return. Only in the anime, though.
- Hot Shounen Mom
- Kotono Mitsuishi
- Lady of War
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: She pulled it off very well in the beginning. Turns out, she's really nice.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Recca I Am Your Mother
- Team Mom
- The Mentor: Having actually been an adult back 400 years ago, Kagerou knows a lot about the madogu and Hokage history.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?
- Woman in Black
Kurei & Uruha Jyuushinshu
- Aloof Big Brother: To Recca.
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Badass: To put it this way, the only one that fought him who doesn't end being beaten to a pulp is Recca himself.
- Bishounen: When the mask and the creepy smile are off.
- But Now I Must Go: After Tendou Jigoku is defeated, he bids his companions (Raiha, Neon) farewell and travels back to 400 years ago, so that he can kill Oda Nobunaga and avenge the Hokage clan.
- Cain and Abel: With Recca.
- Child Prodigy: Kagerou and Koku, a flame master himself both claimed that Kurei was a natural flamer prodigy.
- Defrosting Ice Jerk: He's still in pretty cool headed, but he's far more open with his own team and doesn't hide his emotions from them.
- Despair Event Horizon: Crosses it many times in his life.
- Good Is Not Nice: Even after he's turned on Mori, he doesn't act like a saint.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Gave himself this after his lover Kurenai was killed by Mori.
- I Gave My Word: Say what you will about Kurei being a brutal killer, when Recca defeated him, he promised none of his subordinates would ever raise a hand to them again. And they didn't.
- Jerkass: Turns out to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, who has a huge Jerkass Facade.
- Jerkass Woobie: Sure, Kurei is far from nice, but to go through everything he has from the age of four, you just have to feel for him. He was stripped of his birthright for no properly proven reason, exiled with his mother to the outskirts of the village to endure ridicule and humiliation, not to mention implied violence from other children, imprisoned after trying to kill Recca in attempt to make his mother happy, oh, and his entire clan was destroyed in the span of a single night, including his father, and his mother who died protecting him. This is all at the age of dour or five!
- When Kurei arrives in the future, he's adopted by a kind woman. Turns out, her husband is an utter beast! For the next twelve years, Kurei is trained to become a killing machine with no emotions to hold him back, and if he doesn't do what he is told, his adoptive mother would be killed. Then, he meets a girl, who he begins to love, but she is then killed by his adoptive father because she was holding Kurei back. That was pretty much the last straw for Kurei.
- Kill It with Fire: His main technique and unlike Recca, he does kill.
- And if he wants to, the people that he kills, he can absorb their spirits into his flame, reincarnating them as a being of fire that can't be killed under Kurei's control.
- Lightning Bruiser: Of the Hard-Hitting Speedster variety.
- Mask Power: Often wears a mask to hide his disfigured left side of his face, even it doesn't look impressive until the finals of the Tournament Arc.
- Magnetic Anti-hero: He's very popular with many Uruha members, like Raiha, Joker, Jisho, Neon, to name a few.
- Made of Iron: After he and Recca beat the ever loving tar out of each other, depleting their physical and mental energies, they fire off multiple blasts of flame that collapse an entire stadium on the both of them! The busts out with his fists looking fine.
- Noble Demon: He often spares those who aren't directly involved with his goals, but if you do God have mercy.
- You get worse if you actually harm his loved ones.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Playing with Fire: Like Recca.
- Recca I Am Your Brother
- Sixth Ranger: To Team Hokage, later on in the Manga.
- Slasher Smile: His default expression, when fighting.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Kurenai.
- Ryotaro Okiayu: His seiyuu.
- Too Many Belts: On his black (red in the anime) robe outfit.
- The Call Knows Where You Live: The moment he considers exiting the battlefield for good to start a new chapter with Neon, one of Mori's underlings attacks their hiding place and injures Neon. Kurei takes that as a sign that he isn't meant to have a peaceful life, kills the mook, and leaves Neon a note wishing for her happiness before going off to settle his scores with Mori.
- The Dragon: To Mori. Until he pulls a You Have Outlived Your Usefulness on Kurei.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: After what he sees as Recca being the basic cause of all his initial troubles, Kurei doesn't want anyone finishing Recca off but him.
- The Unfavourite: While viewed by this by the Hokage council, his main reason for hating Recca's guts is that being passed over is what ultimately caused his mother's death. It turns out he is the rightful heir of the clan, it's just that he looked creepy.
- When He Smiles: Not his usual Slasher Smile, but the non-creepy kind. Even Recca admits he looks very kind.
- Worthy Opponent: To Recca.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: His sword can cut through metal robots.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He can be a Cloudcuckoolander, but God helps you if you piss him off by being irredemably evil like Soukakusai.
- Bishounen: He's one of the three main ones for the Jyushinshu, but still noticeably male.
- He looked far more like a female before Art Evolution took place.
- Big Damn Heroes: To Fuuko when she's trapped by Soukakusai, and Kurei's foster mother, Tsukino.
- Chick Magnet (being a Bishonen, he attracts a lot of girls on his tenure)
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He often acts really happy and whimsical until he uses Raijin and shows how dangerous and deadly he is.
- Enigmatic Minion: He is often on Kurei's side, but will aide Team Recca, particularly Fuko from time to time. He's got nothing on Joker on being this though.
- Friendly Enemy: To Fuuko.
- Handsome Lech (He tends to play this in front of Fuuko)
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Tends to be a clumsy guy, as shown in the Ura Butou Satsujin.
- One-Man Army: Throughout the entire tournament, Raiha defeated all his opponents. And he didn't even need to kill any of them.
- Old Shame: Technically not his. He's descended from Hokage ninjas who fled the village when it was attacked by Nobunaga instead of fighting to the death, and is very ashamed of his heritage. Kurei doesn't give a damn about any of it though, so Raiha's happy serving him and making up for the cowardice his ancestors showed centuries ago.
- Shock and Awe: His electrical madogu, Raijin, is more of an Informed Ability, until he used it against Fuko, showing how powerful he is.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: what happens when he does use it.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: His madogu that possesses him takes the form of a deranged kirin creature.
- Adaptation Dye Job (Neon has Multicolored Hair in the manga, red & black. She's 100% red haired in the anime)
- Amazon Brigade (Her team practically consists of this)
- Bodyguard Crush: She really loves Kurei, despite knowing that she has zero chance when compared with Kurenai. Subverted, after she saves him from Mori and Renge, he almost reciprocates her feeling, and it's implied that they made love that night. Too bad the call knows where Kurei lives..
- Evil Redheads
- Fiery Redhead
- Hey, It's That Voice! (Her seiyuu just happens to be the voice of Matsumoto Rangiku. And like other characters her seiyuu voiced, Neon is well-stacked.)
- Relationship Voice Actor (Her youngest sister Aki has Megumi Ogata as her seiyuu. Which means... Rangiku is Harribel's big sister!?)
- And she's in love with Byakuya too.
- Meido
- Musical Assassin: Her fighting style until...
- Dual-Wielding: takes Jisho's swords as a way to repay Kurei.
- Ninja Maid: To Kurei
- Onee-Sama: She has LesYay implications with her two sisters, but is mostly in love with Kurei.
- Say It with Hearts (Her earlier Femme Fatale persona has this. Drops this when she gets more sympathetic)
- Show Some Leg (Her outfits sure do)
- Stripperiffic
- Even Evil Has Standards: He shows disgust when seeing Mikoto cheats and brutalizes Fuuko, asking Kurei whether it's right to draft her as a Jyuushinshu or not.
- Evil Clown: More of an Affably Evil jester for Kurei.
- Fun Personified ("It just pains me to be formal!")
- Gravity Master: His madogu, the Taishaku Kaiten can increase gravity, or decrease it, and even create miniature black holes.
- Gravity Sucks
- Mitsuaki Madono
- The Mole
- Obfuscating Stupidity Joker acts like a complete moron, but he's actually probably the most perceptive person in the series. Seeing through Kurei's Jerkass Facade is some mean feat!
- Peek-a-Bangs (Not using his hair, though. His eyes are always covered with his helmet, hat or hood)
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: When he first debuts, he hangs around with the heroes, and offers helpful advice that helps them win a few times. Then...something happened.
- Taking You with Me (His method of death)
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He was supposedly the strongest next to Kurei, yet is killed by Magensha in the fourth round.
- Doesn't stop Kurei from resurrecting him as one of his flames in the manga.
- Informed Ability: Jisho apparently rivaled Kurei in power, according to Kaoru. He was killed before he could tell however.
- Undying Loyalty: To Kurei He is even resurrected as a flame to fight for Kurei during the fight with Recca.
- Dirty Old Man: He gropes Neon in the anime. And even offers to let her live, if she'll be his concubine.
- Evil Genius: He's a talented doctor, and can even remove non physical diseases from a person's body with psychic surgery.
- Evil Old Folks
- Mad Scientist: Since he doesn't believe god exists, he has no problem being completely immoral.
- Master of Illusion: He can make seven clones of himself in order to fight his enemies.
- Not Quite Dead: It may have been a clone, but it still counts
- The Starscream: To Kurei, having a grudge towards him after being beaten by him and forced into the group.
- The Brute
- Dead All Along: He's actually just a corpse animated by a madogu.
- The Virus The Bakuju destroys its victims's mind and spirit until it completely controls the body. Too bad it didn't know who it was messing with against Domon.
- Tohru Furusawa: His seiyu.
- Always Someone Better: Tokiya was this to him. Until Kai defeated him in the tournament.
- Akio Ohtsuka: His seiyuu.
- An Ice Person: His power similar to Tokiya.
- Anti-Villain: He's on the side of the then villain, but is clearly not evil, and demanded a fair sword fight and would not attack Tokiya while he as down and without his sword.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass: He not only handed Tokiya his first ever real loss in the series, but he completed his Hyomon Ken training in a year, when it took Tokiya seven years.
- Evil Counterpart: Tokiya's Or Is He?
- Evil Weapon: His madogu, Hyouma En is the evil counterpart to Tokiya's Ensui. It is also a sentient sword, that demands the blood of hits victims.
- In the Hood
- Kill It with Water: Again similar to Tokiya's.
- Actually, instead of directly using water, Kai uses the moisture in the atmosphere to create ice.
- Making a Splash: Finally similar to Tokiya's.
- Master Swordsman: According to Kai and his flashback, he'd never lost a sword fight in his life, until he met Meguri Kyoza.
- The Unfavourite
- Envy: His motivation
- Asshole Victim: Its hard to feel bad for all the unfortunate things that happen to her. Fuuko breaking her arm, Tokiya scaring and humiliating her so hard she pees on herself, and even getting killed by her equally sadistic boyfriend don't really provoke any sadness for the way she died.
- Chieko Honda: Her seiyuu.
- Dark Action Girl: Not as Badass as Neon though.
- Jerkass: She's easily the biggest bitch in Uruha, which is a big reason that she falls for the biggest asshole in Uruha, Mokuren.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: In the anime at least.
- Samus Is a Girl: She often hides in her puppets, having them fight for her. In fact, she hid in her first puppet for so long that people assumed that that was her real appearance.
- Smug Snake: Despite not having any of the fighting skills the others possess, she does have cunning to cheat and fight dirty against enemies while acting high and mighty.
- Stripperiffic: A short kimono showing her bare legs, it would be sexy if she wasn't such a bitch.
- The Dragon: Worked as one under Mori.
- EmotionlessBoy: He literally has no emotions, and can only express his non-feelings in physical ways.
- Light Is Not Good: Oh boy is it ever not! Rasen's madogu, the Light World Sphere, shines a light over it's intended target. And what does it do? Erase it from existence!
- Our Zombies Are Different: Not actually a zombie, he's fully alive, but describes himself as being like the walking dead. He's living, but with no emotions, he's dead on the inside.
- Wild Card:
Meguri Kyouza
- Badass Grandpa: Let's put it this way: Kurei even feared him even when he's in his deathbed.
- [[spoiler: You Killed My Sister : Kai later reveals that he is responsible for the murder of Tokiya's sister.
- turns out he was merely guilty and the killer was a nameless thug working for Mori.
Ura Uruha
- Crazy Prepared: His body' is nothing but animated armor. Magensha's real body is not only inside a separate dimension, making it so he can't conceivably be defeated, but there's also a protection done around his private chamber, in order to further protect him.
- Dirty Coward: He doesn't even have the stones to fight himself, and bails when it looks like he could actually be defeated by Recca.
- The Mole: While he put up the facade of being under Kurei's service, he was actually working for Koran.
- You Have Failed Me...: When Tsukishiro and Kashamaru fail to defeat their opponents, he sends them to an alternate dimension prison as punishment.
- Weak but Skilled: He has no actual combat power. However his madogu makes him nigh invincible unless someone can get into the dimension where his real body is. Which would be nigh impossible.
- Anti-Villain: He's not evil, he isn't selfish, he just wants to fight strong opponents.
- Blood Knight: The reason he entered the tournament in the first place.
- Heel Face Turn: After being defeated by Fuuko, Gashakura becomes an ally to Hokage.
- Epic Flail: His main weapon is a giant, 90 pound steel mace called a morning star.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: His Evil Spider madogu is an armor that can easily deflect steel cutting attacks. But that's not even the best part. It has four tentacles that have spiked ends that he can fire out to attack his opponent and keep them off guard, making it difficult to hit him.
- Mighty Glacier: Gashakura is a huge guy, and his weapon affords him excellent offense and defense. And to avoid the backdraw of being slow, his fighting style never revolved around dodging hits in the first place.
- The Big Guy
- Heel Face Turn
- Kill It with Fire: His Nisebi madogu allows him to produce flames, but they are far inferior to that of an actual flame wielder.
- Ninja: Probably the most ninja like in the series.
- Battle Boomerang: His main weapon, the Kaigetsu is shaped like one, but he claims its more of a sword.
- Berserk Button: Anyone who harms his beautiful face is probably going to get hacked into pieces.
- Bishonen
- The Fighting Narcissist: And he never shuts up about it!
- Heel Face Turn
- Invisibility Cloak: His Oboro madogu allows him to become invisible and attack his opponents unseen.
- The Smart Guy: He references HG Wells, and even dresses up in bandages like the Invisible Man, as well as gives a lecture to Kaoru in the middle of a fight about how light works.
- Affably Evil: She holds no malice or dislike towards anyone, and she's is friendly with the heroes, even when attacking them.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: A major type I. While she doesn't mind wearing revealing clothing at all, any excess attention to her Ms. Fanservice body makes her incredibly uncomfortable.
- Chaste Teens: She mentions she is nineteen years old, and others have stated she's never kissed a guy, can't watch sexual television, and is in general, the opposite of Mikoto.
- Stripperific: She tends to wear very revealing or tight fitting clothes.
- Sunglasses at Night: And in caves.
- Telepathy: Her madogu the Mind's Eye allows her to read minds. And speak for Rasen who can't do it himself.
- And a rather annoying Achilles' Heel for her, is that she is unable to filter out thoughts she doesn't want to know.
Uruha Shishiten
- Ambiguous Gender / Viewer Gender Confusion
- Ax Crazy: Very unstable due to....
- The Mole
- The Unfavorite: She's very disappointed at not be praised by Mori, leading her to kidnap Yanagi to win his approval.
- Envy: Her main motivation for her actions.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Her power.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: Yeah, see all those female pronouns there? Aoi is actually a dude. Still, subverted that rather than being unsettled, Recca takes it that he can stop holding back.
- Bloody Murder: His fighting style, utilizing a heart shaped madogu on his back, he can make swords, projectiles and even a hardened fist.
- Creepy Child
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: She can change her age.
- Ax Crazy: Even more so than most of the Ura-Uruha, seeing as he's a Blood Knight Pyscho For Hire
- The Brute: His role in the Shishiten, the english manga upped the stupidity. Also he tends to settles things in the most brutal way possible.
- Blood Knight: During the SODOM raid, he searches for strong opponents, but ends up getting a strong one, a bit too strong in Kurei.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: It is implied that he achieved this rank through mainly his brute strength,
- Knight of Cerebus: he ends up killing almost the entire team Ku fighting force that went to aid Recca.
- Mega Manning
Main Villains
Mori Kouran
- Abusive Adoptive Parents -> Archnemesis Adoptive Dad: Kurei's. They can't wait to off each other, but still manages a balance in their relationship since Mori needs Kurei to be his dragon, and Kurei wants to protect his foster mother, whom Mori has taken hostage.
- Big Bad: of the entire series, even though he's just a normal person with disturbing desires.
- That is until he absorbs the Tendo Jigoku and becomes a Humanoid Abomination.
- Bigger Bad: He's this in the Tournament arc to Kurei.
- That is until he absorbs the Tendo Jigoku and becomes a Humanoid Abomination.
- Eldritch Abomination: After he fuses with the Tendou Jigoku.
- Gonk (played around since the first time Recca ever see his face)
- I'm a Humanitarian: One of the perks of fusing with the Tendou Jigoku.
- Immortality: His goal in the series, using Yanagi's healing powers to gain it. he ultimately gains a Type IV through absorbing the Tendo Jigoku, and still needs Yanagi to perfect it.
- which never happens.
- Moral Event Horizon: He has one in-universe (while out-universe, he has crossed it so many times before), when he gloats on Hisui's death on a crying Fuuko. At that point, Recca, who used to mock his Gonk face playfully, drops whatever 'fun' he had and only faces him with utter hatred and disgust in his face, thinking that Mori crossed the line into the worst person he's ever known.
- Rich Bastard: He's a corrupt businessman who does whatever he wants, until he absorbs the Tendo Jigoku and becomes an abomination.
- Villain with Good Publicity: That being said, his public image is a philanthropist, and he still pulled it off.
- Rokuro Naya: His seiyu.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Hard to say, but definitely has black hair.
- The Man Behind the Man: To Kurei until he discarded him for losing to Recca in the tournament.
Nagai Mokuren
- Ax Crazy: And a lady killer as well.
- Defiant to the End: This man never, ever repents. Even as he dies, he curses Recca, his archenemy.
- Green Thumb: His madogu's main power that is capable of producing any plant.
- Plant Person: He become a a vine man, a demonic tree and a serpentine fly trap plant.
- Jerkass: One of the biggest, a large reason he becomes a couple with Mikoto is they are very alike. Doesn't stop him from killing her in the end.
- Mook Promotion: He starts out as a foot soldier in the Uruha who gets to have a little more screentime in the Urabutou Satsujin. He ends up being one of the main characters' most tenacious opponents, outliving several high-ranking fighters in the Uruha, and joins the final battle as quite the badass enemy.
- The Worf Effect: In every fight he's in, he loses epically with the opponent not even trying.
- He does better in his last fight, but still loses.
- Together in Death: With Mikoto. He doesn't go out quietly, but curses Recca to the very end.
- Pure Is Not Good: See below.
- Daddy's Little Villain: To Mori, but a little too close. Doesn't seem to understand why Aoi hates her so much.
- Playing with Fire: She's a clone of Kurei using Kurenai's DNA, so she's able to use fire. which ultimately leads her to be devoured by Tendo Jigoku.
- Psychopathic Manchild: She has a young woman's body, but the mind of an innocent and batshit insane little girl.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Generation Xerox: He's pretty much Mori except he's obsessed with killing.
- Fusion Dance: With Mori, once he absorbs the Tendo Jigoku in order to become the ultimate madogu incarnate.
See above.