Star Wars Expanded Universe/Characters
Please only include characters that have played a substantial role in at least one storyline. Thanks. Movie characters that are far more prominent in the Expanded Universe should be placed here, as well.
Index of EU works or series that have their own character pages
- Dark Forces Saga: Covers the various books and video games in the Dark Forces Saga.
- Knights of the Old Republic: Covers both Knights of the Old Republic and Revan.
- Star Wars: Covers the Original and Prequel trilogies.
- Star Wars Legacy
- Star Wars: Covers the New Jedi Order, Dark Nest Trilogy, Legacy of the Force, and Fate of the Jedi book series, as well as the standalone novels Millennium Falcon, Crosscurrent, and Riptide.
- Star Wars the Clone Wars
- Star Wars the Old Republic
- The Force Unleashed: Covers both The Force Unleashed games, as well as the various tie-ins.
- X Wing Series: Covers the X-Wing comic series and ten novels.
Knights of the Old Republic
See Knights of the Old Republic for game characters.
Exar Kun
- Big Bad: During the aptly-named Exar Kun War.
- Face Heel Turn
- Fate Worse Than Death: Which becomes death, thanks to The Power of Friendship
- Mind Control: used this on the republic chancellor.
- Villainous Breakdown
Ulic Qel-Droma
- The Atoner: He becomes this in Redemption.
- Brought Down to Normal: Nomi Sunrider severs his connection to the force after he kills his brother Cay.
- The Dragon: to Exar Kun
- Face Heel Turn
- Heel Realization: see below.
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Redemption Equals Death
- Spirit Advisor: To Anakin.
- Villainous BSOD: Experiences this when he murders Cay in cold blood. Before he had been in denial about the full evil of his crimes, but murdering Cay forces him to face what he's become.
Nomi Sunrider
- Action Mom
- Does Not Like Lightsabers: Although she does learn to use it, despite her initial refusal.
- Fiery Redhead
- Her Heart Will Go On
- Mama Bear
- Redheaded Hero
- Refused the Call: But later accepted it.
Zayne Carrick
Zayne is nicknamed "the worst padawan in Jedi history" due to his terrible luck and lack of anything resembling combat ability. Framed for the murder of his fellow students (which was really comitted by his Knight Templar master), Zayne winds up on the run, trying to clear his name and expose the mysterious Jedi Covenant, while crossing paths with various significant figures of his era.
- Born Lucky
- Winds of Destiny Change: His explicit power, although he only learns about it very late in the story.
- Break the Cutie: Twice first due to the massacre than with Chantique.
- Butt Monkey
The Force wants me alive — it doesn't want me happy, but it wants me alive.
- Clear My Name
- Comedic Hero: Less so as he gets more competent through Character Development.
- Comic Book Fantasy Casting: Artist Dustin Weaver admits he bases the appearance of Zayne on a young Christian Slater.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Five Stages of Grief: Word of God says he more or less goes through one per issue starting with 2.
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- Karmic Death: Not Zayne himself, but it's implied that those who try to harm him will indirectly suffer one of these. Which is basically what happens to all the BigBads of the comic.
- The Messiah: His general ineptitude at the more martial aspects of being a Jedi hide that he's got the moral sense and decency nailed perfectly.
- Nice Guy: An EU protagonist who isn't a prick?! My God!
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He's bluffing.
- Screw Destiny
- Spanner in the Works: To Arkoh Adasca and Haazen.
- They Do: Him and Jarael in the end.
- This Loser Is You: Sort of. Word of God is that he's supposed to invoke a player in a video game (such as the original KOTOR) struggling to learn the controls at first, but getting better with it over time.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: And unlike a whole lotta other Jedi, he really won't.
- Took a Level in Badass: When he starts out he's an inept dunce. Over the course of the series he helps to bring down a sith wannabe, a power mad weapons dealer, and a mad scientist. He also forms his own organization without his boss knowing about it.
Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph
Gryph is a Snivvian conman who was Zayne's special nemesis, until the Padawan Massacre made him an outlaw as well. Labelled an accomplice, Gryph aided and protected Zayne at first to save his own skin, but he grew to care for the boy as a true friend. He is quite clever, and is known for coming up with wild schemes that either go well, or spectacularly awry.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Insistent Terminology: "Criminal Mastermind"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer: He splits the role with Jarael.
- Loveable Rogue: Gryph in a nutshell. It's questionable whether he actually does all his con games for money or the sheer joy of screwing with people's heads, assuming they're mutually exclusive.
- Snake Oil Salesman
- Spanner in the Works: While the Sith in the Coventant's vision is most likely Malak, almost all of their forseen death's are indirectly caused by Gryph, which he points out.
Jarael is an Arkanian offshoot who helped Zayne and Gryph escape Taris. Though at first she didn't trust either of them, she gradually came to like and respect both fugitives from justice. She herself has a shadowed past with a gang of slavers called The Crucible. Jarael's main flaw is her hotheadeness, which tends to get her into situations that she can't fight her way out of, leading to an OOU reputation as a Faux Action Girl.
- Action Girl or Faux Action Girl: Although Your Mileage May Vary
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Zayne Carrick. Zayne's other love interest Shel is the Betty.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Facial Markings
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer: She splits the role with Gryph.
- Simple Staff
- Tsundere
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- The Worf Effect: She gets hit with it repeatedly, leading to a reputation as a Faux Action Girl.
- They Do: Her and Zayne in the end.
Rohlan Dyre
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Warrior Poet: They don't call him "The Questioner" for nothing.
"Camper" / Gorman Vandrayk
- The Champion: For Jarael.
- Cool Old Guy
- Crazy Homeless People
- Genius Ditz
- Mr. Fixit
T1-LB "Elbee"
Lucien Draay
Lucien is the son of the great Jedi masters Barrison and Krynda Draay, and is determined to live up to their legacy and prevent the return of the Sith — at any cost. Guided by apocalyptic visions of the future, Lucien has killed or otherwise wronged hundreds in his quest to vanquish the darkness exactly as his Treacherous Advisor Haazen intended. Above all else, though, he desires something he can never have — the approval of his dead father and reclusive mother.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Somewhat subverted: he's an aristocrat and an antagonist, but the two roles aren't really connected, and he's a hero in his own mind.*
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Dragon: To his mother, or so he thinks. Really The Dragon to Haazen.
- Evil Mentor
- Heel Face Turn
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: He stops just before he hits bottom — barely.
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- Muggle Born of Mages: While still a Jedi, he's a quarter Miraluka with no divination ability much to his mothers dismay.
- Redemption Earns Life
- Screw Destiny
- Secret Police
- The Unfavourite: Neglected by his mother in favour of her adopted Seers.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Villainous BSOD: After his mother tells him she was wrong he finally faces what he's become.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
Raana Tey
One of the masters of Taris. She suffers nightmares due to a lack of friends to help her and her own guilt. She believes that killing Zayne is the only way to stop her nightmares, so she tries to kill him. She hires mercenaries to kill his family and then manipulates his ex-girlfriend to try and do the deed. Her plans go to hell during her battle with Zayne, and when she finally realizes her mistake, Tey's killed in an explosion.
- Axe Crazy
- Blood Knight
- Hair-Trigger Temper: The Council's Dark Side Radar is as functunal as ever I see...
- Justified in that her buddies kept her temper in check most of the time. When they separated then things went to hell.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Raana, you might not want to rant about your crime when the girl you've decieved into helping you is in the room, especially when she has a functioning lightsaber.
- Knight Templar
- Manipulative Bitch
- Redemption Equals Death
- Right Behind Me: The thing that ultimately undoes her
- Sanity Slippage
- Secret Police
- Slasher Smile: Shows a really creepy one right before getting impaled.
- Villainous Breakdown: Experiences this over the course of Issue 24 culiminating to the point where her own rage and anger are all that's keeping her from dying.
- Villainous BSOD: When Zayne tries to save her life even after everything she's done, which forces Raana to realize how despicable she is in comparison.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- The Brute
- Jerkass: The least sympathetic member of the Covenant.
- Knight Templar
- Secret Police
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Haazen is Lucien's mentor and aide-de-camp, the ultimate mastermind behind the Jedi Covenant. A dark mirror of Zayne Carrick, he was kicked out of the Jedi Order because of his ineptitude and has been consumed with bitterness and the desire for revenge. As a result, he dabbled in Sith sorcery and manipulated Lucien into bringing about the events necessary for the destruction of the Jedi order and Haazen's ascent to the highest reaches of power.
- Butt Monkey: An interesting contrast to Zayne. He officially failed as a Jedi padawan, yet immediately thereafter served alongside Barrison in Exar Kun's Jedi Civil War, taking all of the same risks (and with far less ability to protect him) yet reaping none of the glory. It is easy to feel sorry for him, right up to the moment he betrays Barrison.
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Is Petty: Caused pretty much every atrocity he did and ruined lives to shit on the grave of a man he had murdered decades ago.
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Sorcerer
- Expy: He has an awful lot in common with Iago and Palpatine.
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Karmic Death
- The Man Behind the Man
- Manipulative Bastard
- Not So Different: To Zayne.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Start of Darkness
- Villainous Breakdown: Suffers this after Zayne and Lucien derail his plot.
Krynda Draay
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Red Herring
- Evil Matriarch: Subverted. Just another Red Herring.
- Fainting Seer
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half Miraluka.
- I Was Quite a Looker
- My God, What Have I Done?: After Lucien tells her she gave him the idea it was okay to murder children.
- Red Herring: She's a big ball of these but the bigest one might just be that she turns out not to be Kreia from Kotor 2.
Chantique is the Magister Impressor of the Crucible, a slaving guild that uses training methods to turn people into amoral killing machines. She has a nihilistic view of the world due to being sold into slavery by her own father, as well as getting stabbed in the back both figuratively and literaly by Jarael. Now she is determined to make Jarael suffer in anyway possible, mainly through torturing Zayne Carrick.
- Axe Crazy: To Jarael.
- Dark Action Girl
- Facial Markings
- Faux Affably Evil: The entire time she's screwing with Zayne she's all smiles, and acting as cheerfully as possible. She even puts her arm around his shoulder and gives him a drink at one point.
- Freudian Excuse: Her Father sold her into slavery and Jarael impaled her through the back. It's also very heavily implied that she was raped during the resulting slavery. Normally this would make her sort of sympathetic but the sheer cruelty and inhumanity of her actions make it impossible to sympathize with her.
- Manipulative Bastard: To Zayne Carrick.
- Mind Rape: To Zayne.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Shadow Archetype: She's essentially everything that Jarael would have become if she hadn't been saved by Camper.
- Tragic Villain
- The Vamp
- Villainous Breakdown: Experiences this after Zayne arrives to save Jarael.
- Whip It Good
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Demagol, aka Antos Wyrick, is a mandalorian mad scientist who is obsessed with finding the secrets of the force so that he can replicate it or neutralize it. He also trained Jarael, and several other Force-sensitive children as part of a super soldier project, but lost everything when the Crucible abducted his charges and burned his lab to the ground. He is a psychopath with no moral qualms, yet is a good manipulator, passing himself off as Zayne's friend Rohlan for many months.
- Becoming the Mask: Inverted; he definately has no qualms about using his sports hero status to get what he wants, although he's still as psychotic as ever.
- Genius Bruiser
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He summons a lightsaber to kill Chantique. Unfortunately, it's a double bladed one. The end result is that both he and Chantique get impaled.
- Mad Scientist
- Malevolent Masked Men
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Reveal: Yeah, that guy you thought was Rohlan all this time? Well…
- Villainous Breakdown: When he learns that his research was worthless and that he wasted his life.
Mandalore the Ultimate
Mandalore is the ruler of the ferocious Mandalorian clans, and he dreams of nothing less than complete domination of the galaxy. A proud, savage warrior who follows only his own code of honor, he is one of the most deadly hand-to-hand combatants in the galaxy, surpassing even many Jedi. Sectarian conflicts between the Jedi and the Sith matter little to him: so far as he is concerned, all sorcerers with lightsabers are fair game.
- An Axe to Grind
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Pretty much how the Mandalorians work.
- Evil Overlord
- The Faceless
- In Name Only: There have been many Mandalores after him.
- The Magnificent
- Malevolent Masked Men
- Ominous Opera Cape
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
Cassus Fett
Field Marshal of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Cassus' brilliant tactical mind has proven one of Mandalore's biggest assets, earning him his high rank and position as Mandalore's aide-de-camp. Cassus is a bit of a cipher even to his fellow warriors (even the notoriously inscrutable Demagol noted in his journal he had no idea how Fett's mind worked), but everyone knows this man is a force to be reckoned with.
- Badass: KOTOR author John Jackson Miller has admitted to writing him precisely to be this type of character. And it WORKS.
- Badass Cape
- The Dragon
- Even Evil Has Standards: As ruthless as he was even he found Demagol repulsive.
- The Faceless: Like his boss, all we've ever seen of him is his bucket's visor.
- Four-Star Badass: Seriously, the man can be badass even when standing behind a hologram directing traffic.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Mandalore's aide-de-camp and general right-hand-man, seems to be the brains of the Mandalorian Empire- it's heavily implied that his eye for tactics and logistics is what has enabled most of their victories so far.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: He's a Mandalorian, of course he's one.
- Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: When Zayne warns him of the Rakghoul outbreak on Jebble, he nukes the site from orbit rather than evacuating surviving uninfected warriors. Zayne is not happy.
Lord Arkoh Adasca
Lord Adasca is the ruler of Arkania and head of Adascorp, and his pleasant exterior masks the soul of a snake. He desires two things: to "purify" the Arkanian race of "corrupt" offshoots like Jarael, and to raise his homeworld's glory beyond anything his ancestors could have dreamed of. A power unto himself, Adasca offers his services to the Republic and Mandalorians alike, so long as he comes out ahead in the bargain.
- Affably Evil
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Blank White Eyes
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Adasca is halfway between this and an Evil Chancellor since he's both a corporate head as well as the owner of a planet.
- Fantastic Racism: Against offshoots like Jarael.
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Karmic Death
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: He's a racist, on top of a lot of other things.
- Smug Snake
- Villainous Breakdown: after Zayne and Lucien blow the plans his family has spent decades working on sky high over the span of a few minutes.
- Villainous Crush: Jackson confirmed that he was genuinely interested in Jarael, though whether it was an act of dominance or affection is ambiguous.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Shel Jelavan
Shel is Zayne's ex-girlfriend. Their relationship hits a massive snag when Zayne is accused of murder (her brother was one of the victims.) She is manipulated by Raana into trying to kill Zayne but after two failed attempts (the first due to a combination of Del Moomo's stupidity and Gryph's quick thinking, and the second due to Zayne having an emotional breakdown about her brother's death causing her to loose the will to do it), she learns that Zayne is actually innocent and saves his life. Later on they patch things up and are co-running an organization to help fugitives.
- Axe Crazy: To Zayne Carrick (she get's better).
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Zayne.
- Break the Cutie: When she first appears she's apparently quite happy. Flash forward 22 issues later and she's practically homicidal.
- Cool Big Sis: Is a senatorial aide, and knows how to set up an organization. Is also rather… attractive.
- Faux Action Girl: She fails to kill Zayne twice when she has near perfect opportunities.
- To be fair, this is about what you'd expect, as there's no indication she has any serious training for combat, much less assassination against the guy she still nurses feelings for.
- Horrible Judge of Character: She fails to realize that Raana is insane, a liar, and a murderer despite rather obvious evidence (advocating murder, inconsistent behavior, her reaction to Zayne's accusations). Even though she starts to have doubts she isn't fully convinced until after she hears Raana confess to the crime in a moment of insanity.
- Took a Level in Badass: When she saves Zayne by stabbing Raana through the back.
- Unwitting Pawn: To Raana Tey.
- Villainous BSOD: When she learns that Zayne actually is innocent she just breaks down crying while hugging him.
Celeste Morne
- Action Girl
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Sealed Evil in a Can / Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: She's the can
- Unperson
Jedi Apprentice
Qui-Gon Jinn's second Padawan, Xanatos was a bright student who was frequently praised for his technical ability. On a mission to his homeworld of Telos, Xanatos betrayed Qui-Gon to his father, Telosian Governor Crion; when Qui-Gon cut down Crion in front of him, Xanatos swore revenge. He went on to fund Offworld, a mining corporation with a hand in numerous illegal concerns galaxy wide, and made several attempts to get his revenge on Qui-Gon, including trying to blow up the Jedi Temple and steal the treasury. Cornerned on Telos, Xanatos ultimately committed suicide rather than be captured.
- Arch Enemy: To Qui-Gon
- Avenging the Villain: Seeks vengeance for his equally corrupt father.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Leaps into acid instead of letting himself be captured.
- Big Bad: Of Books 1-8
- Blue Eyes
- The Chessmaster
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Offworld trafficks in slaves, kills those who get in its way, buys out governments, and does more environmental damage in one day than most Captain Planet villains did in the show's entire run.
- The Corrupter: To Bruck Chun in The Captive Temple and the entire planet of Telos in The Day of Reckoning.
- Create Your Own Villain: Testing someone's loyalty is all well and good, but why did the Jedi Council send the mentally unstable kid to arrest his own father? Did they really think this would end well?
- The Dark Side
- Disney Villain Death
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Face Heel Turn: In the backstory
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Used his dead father's signet ring to burn a pair of crescent scars into his face. A likeness of them serves as the Offworld logo.
- Greed: A driving motivation with him.
- It's Personal: With Qui-Gon
- Kick the Dog: Spends most of The Day of Reckoning kicking Obi-Wan over Bruck's death.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Man Behind the Man: To Deca Brun (Book 4), Bruck Chun (Book 7), and Telosian security (Book 8).
- My Greatest Failure: Tries to force Qui-Gon to accept that he is his.
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil
- Revenge: Wants it on Qui-Gon
- Self-Disposing Villain
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections/Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Indulges in a little bit of both.
- Villain with Good Publicity: In The Day of Reckoning
- Would Hit a Girl: Tries to drown Bant, one of Obi-Wan's friends.
- Would Hurt a Child: Obi-Wan, Bruck, Bant…And then there's his destruction of the Temple elevator, when a bunch of three-year-olds were on it.
- You Killed My Father: One of the many, many reasons he wants Qui-Gon's head on a plate.
Jenna Zan Arbor
A renegade Mad Scientist with a passion for discovery, Jenna Zan Arbor arranged for Qui-Gon Jinn's kidnapping at the hands of the Bounty Hunter, Ona Nobis so that she might gain a better understanding of the Force. Qui-Gon's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi rescued him and captured Arbor, though not before the scientist had both tortured Qui-Gon, and attempted to wipe out the entire world of Belasco with a genetically engineered bacterium. Escaping custody, Arbor had several run-ins with Obi-Wan and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, before allying herself with Granta Omega in a bid to brainwash the Senate. Omega was killed, but Arbor escaped and went on to manufacture numerous weapons for first the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and then the new Galactic Empire. She was eventually mindwiped by Lina Naltree, and finally killed by Darth Vader for her failure.
- Axe Crazy
- Big Bad: Of Books 11-13 of Jedi Apprentice.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Granta Omega in Jedi Quest.
- Evil Genius
- Evil Redhead
- Evilutionary Biologist: Bacteria, viruses, chemical weaponry…
- Fate Worse Than Death: Her memory is wiped, and she loses knowledge of all her experiments, and the fact that she was once a brilliant scientist. Perhaps fortunately for her, Vader executes her soon afterwards.
- For Science!: Her main motivation.
- Hot Scientist: Just check out some of the fanart!
- Mad Scientist
- Villain with Good Publicity: Initially.
- Would Hurt a Child
- You Have Failed Me...: Courtesy of Darth Vader.
Granta Omega
Xanatos' illegitimate son, Granta Omega is a Force Blank: a being with no connection whatsover to the living Force. Having inherited his father's wealth, and his hatred for the Jedi, Omega embarks on a campaign against the Jedi Order and the Old Republic. He makes several attempts to kill Obi-Wan and Anakin, arranges massacres and flare-ups across the galaxy, and takes down several other Jedi along the way, before meeting his end at Obi-Wan's hands.
- Avenging the Villain: Wants revenge for his father's death, which he refuses to accept as a suicide.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Jenna Zan Arbor
- Blue Eyes: As cold and icy as his father's.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Inherited his father's controlling interest in Offworld.
- Diabolical Mastermind: A very well-connected crimelord, with multiple identities, and links to the Hutts, various Bounty Hunter organisations, a number of renegade Mad Scientists, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in addition to his ownership of Offworld. A firm believer in spending money to make money, he's more than willing to put contracts on the Jedi, attack the Senate with a mind-control weapon, and plot the destruction of an entire planet through civil war, and biological weaponry.
- Famous Last Words: "I know who he (Darth Sidious) is. You will wish you did."
- The Man Behind the Man: To the Bounty Hunters on Ragoon VI, the civil war on Mawan, and the eventual attack on the Senate.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Nondescript: Omega' lack of connection to the Force enables him to go unnoticed with ease, and people tend to forget him once he leaves the area.
- Revenge
- Revenge by Proxy: Why he targets Anakin and his friends.
- Would Hurt a Child
- You Killed My Father
Classic Era
Mara Jade Skywalker
Mara Jade was once the Emperor's deadliest assassin, but was cut adrift in the galaxy when her Master died. Fixating on Luke Skywalker as the reason her life was ruined, she became obsessed with killing him - only to save (and be saved by) him on several occasions, ultimately marrying him. They had one son, Ben Skywalker.
Her death in Sacrifice has caused a LOT of fans to cry Fanon Discontinuity on everything post-New Jedi Order, or even before that.
- Action Girl / Action Mom: Depending on the time period.
- Badass
- Betty and Veronica: She's the Veronica to Callista's Betty.
- Brainwash Residue: Left when Palpatine died.
- Capulet Counterpart
- Career Killers
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Deadpan Snarker (she also uses this as a tactic to keep her foes off-balance)
- Fiery Redhead
- Green Eyes: In Sacrifice we get the charming line "…green and icy like a river frozen in its flood…"
- Happily Married
- Heel Face Turn: Used to be the Emperor's Hand.
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Hot Amazon: Luke's inner monologue during Vision of the Future basically describes her as this.
- Hot Mom: Observe, and keep in mind she's in her late fifties here.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Large part of her backstory…the pun was intended.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: It's difficult to show her as gentle and motherly, almost angelic, as opposed to temperamental, but when it works, it's absolutely adorable.
- Kuudere
- Mama Bear: Please, do not try to hurt Ben if you value your life; she will go into an Unstoppable Rage the moment she finds out.
- Meaningful Name: Mara is Aramaic for "bitter", which is one of her primary characteristics in The Thrawn Trilogy; also see Jade-Colored Glasses above.
- Opposites Attract: Luke leans towards The Quiet One and Martial Pacifist, while Mara is a Fiery Redhead.
- Redheaded Hero
- Spy Catsuit: Her signature costume.
- Undying Loyalty: There are very few people she allows past her barrier of indifference, but she will protect those she deems worthy of such with her life.
- Tsundere: Type A; it mostly balances out once's she married, but in no way does she ever become a type B.
- Stuffed in The Fridge
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Mitth'raw'nuruodo (aka Thrawn) was perhaps the greatest military mind the Galactic Empire ever knew. Promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral (the only nonhuman to hold that title), he was sent to the edge of the galaxy to bring new territories under Imperial rule, only to return to find the Emperor dead and the Empire shattered. Taking command of the Imperial Starfleet, Thrawn devoted himself to rebuilding the galactic order, and though he was still evil, he was notable for leading through respect, rather than fear. He was assassinated by his own bodyguard in mid-battle, but it is possible that a clone of him survives…
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Cloning Gambit: He might have one out there
- The Exile
- Expy: If Sherlock Holmes was a ruthless alien military strategist working for The Empire, he would be Thrawn.
- Famous Last Words:
But…it was so artistically done.
- Flanderisation: In later appearances he is made out to be more and more of a Noble Demon and Well-Intentioned Extremist, even by his creator author, who was just trying to prepare the galaxy for an imminent invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong. In the original Thrawn Trilogy which marked his first appearances, though an Affably Evil pragmatic villain he was still a thoroughly ruthless bastard who made offhand references to commiting genocide on a planetary scale, and though a much nicer boss than either Vader or Palpatine he still executed someone just for not thinking on their feet, and his killed by his Dragon because the latter found out he had duped his entire race into nominal slavery under false pretenses. His original motivation seems to be a combination of Type 1 Lawful Evil (desire for civic order, to a ruthless extreme) and for the challenge and the thrill.
- Know When to Fold'Em: While most Imperial commanders would rather go out in a blaze of glory rather than admit defeat, Thrawn actually will order a retreat if he's starting to lose. The problem is getting him to that point.
- Man in White: His uniform
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Military Maverick
- The Strategist
- Unwitting Pawn: To Joruus, who would have turned the clone armies against him had he been able to defeat Luke and Mara. A high-functioning example, since he never trusted Joruus to begin with and seems vaguely aware of Joruus was up to, if a bit late in the game; his measures to control the Jedi Master at the very least forced the latter to keep modifying and delaying his schemes, and even when Thrawn gives him what he asks for (to go back to Wayland), which will enable him to finally enact his Evil Plan, C'boath worries that Thrawn might be on to him given how casually he agreed to it.
- Wicked Cultured
- Xanatos Gambit / Xanatos Speed Chess: Absolute master of both.
Gilad Pellaeon
Gilad Pellaeon was a loyal and highly competent officer of the Imperial Starfleet, (formerly the captain of the ship on which Anakin Skywalker served during the Clone Wars) who served as Thrawn's dependable right-hand-man. Following the Grand Admiral's defeat, he served for a time under Admiral Daala until finally taking command of the Empire himself. Realizing he had been defeated, he sued for peace and became a staunch ally of the New Republic (and later the Galactic Alliance). He resigned his commission in protest of Jacen Solo's power-grabbing, and was later assassinated by Tahiri Veila.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Mustache: See this picture. [dead link]
- The Brigadier: After the Empire and the New Republic stop fighting each other.
- The Cassandra: He's pretty sure from the start that teaming up with C'baoth is a bad idea. Thrawn thinks everything's under control.
- Chick Magnet / The Charmer: Surprisignly (or not) enough...
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Not the actual death as such, which isn't too bad, but the subsequent reaction: the only person who seems to care at all about his murder is Daala and her trying to put (the admittedly somewhat redeemed) Tahiri on trial is being portrayed as a villainous act to stamp on the Jedi.
- Hidden Depths / Took a Level in Badass: While he was presented as fairly capable character from the beginning he really started to show his competence and strength of character in later books.
- The Ishmael: Never in the entire Thrawn Trilogy do we have Thrawn's viewpoint, just Pellaeon's.
- The Watson
Joruus C'baoth
Jorus C'baoth was one of the greatest Jedi Masters of the Old Republic, and a raging egomaniac. Joruus C'baoth, his clone, possessed both traits, and was spectacularly insane to boot. Recruited by Thrawn to perform battle meditation for his forces, it quickly became apparent that C'baoth would be satisfied with no less than complete galactic domination. He also desired to turn Luke, Leia, and Leia's children into his soulless puppets, and foresaw that Mara Jade would kneel before him. She did… in order to strike him dead.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Thrawn, very tensely.
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Mentor
- Mind Control
- The Starscream: To Thrawn.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Wedge Antilles
Wedge Antilles is a starfighter pilot, and one of the few characters on this page to actually appear in any of the films. The fact that he is the only man to survive both the Ep.4 and Ep.6 Trench Runs is generally why other characters describe him as the greatest starfighter pilots in the galaxy, though he cares more about keeping his people alive. Traditionally leader of the elite Rogue Squadron, he later was promoted to general and led the New Republic/Galactic Alliance fleet against the Yuuzhan Vong. Wedge is currently retired, but his daughter Syal continues the family tradition.
- Ace Pilot: Almost to the point of Improbable Piloting Skills.
- Ascended Extra: Surprisingly, the first of these to appear on this page. After all, Star Wars EU is infamous for this trope.
- The Chains of Commanding
- Badass Normal
- Limited Advancement Opportunities: Subverted. For a while, people kept trying to promote him and he kept refusing (mostly because being promoted would deprive him of the ability to fly starfighters). He eventually accepted when he realized that his pilots were doing the same in order to not outrank him.
- Military Maverick
Borsk Fey'lya
Borks Fey'lya is a Bothan, a species known for its cunning and vicious politics. He has made it quite clear on numerous occassions that he feels that he would be the best choice for running the Republic, and often resorts to less-than-legal means to achieve this. Ultimately he was legally voted Chief of State, only to have the Yuuzhan Vong War dropped in his lap. During the fall of Coruscant, he sacrificed himself to destroy an entire Vong battle group.
- Dirty Coward
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Smug Snake
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Starscream: If he was trying to take over an evil government instead of a good one, he'd be a textbook example.
- Redemption Equals Death / Alas, Poor Scrappy
- Ungrateful Bastard: In most of his appearances. No matter how many times the Skywalker/Solo family and their friends/allies save his ass (both literally and figuratively), he rarely treats them as anything besides political rivals who must be crushed and humiliated. (And he never stops expecting them to save his ass, either.)
Cronal, alias Blackhole, alias Lord Shadowspawn, was a dark side sorcerer who rose high in the Emperor's favor, earning the elite title Emperor's Hand. Following the Emperor's defeat, he concocted an elaborate Batman Gambit that would have allowed him to seize control of Luke Skywalker's body, and through him, the galaxy. A true nihilist, Cronal was largely uninterested in ruling a peaceful galaxy, preferring to devote his efforts to speeding the end of all things. During a telepathic battle with Luke, his body was disintegrated, though other sources indicate that some part of Cronal yet survives…
- The Chessmaster
- Continuity Snarl: RPG supplements initially established Cronal as surviving to at least the time of the New Jedi Order (somehow, despite his advanced age). Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor takes place a year after Return of the Jedi and kills off Cronal at the end, albeit with a note of ambiguity. Word of God hasn't announced if this is a Retcon or not (and probably never will).
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Luke severs Cronal's connection to his Shadow Crown, and then…liquid metal seeps out of his pores, essentially turning him and his entire ship to stone, after which he is literally ripped apart, atom-to-atom, by hyperspace. And is conscious for all of this. Holy shit.
- Evil Sorcerer
- I Have Many Names: Cronal, Blackhole, Lord Shadowspawn…
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- The Man Behind the Curtain: He's really a frail old man hiding behind body doubles and holograms, but half-subverted by the fact that he's still a scarily powerful Darksider.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Decides to go this route at the end of Mindor…then he gets killed.
- Punny Name: See if you can spot the double meaning in 'Lord Shadowspawn'.
- Squishy Wizard: See above
Admiral Natasi Daala
Daala was once the lover of the infamous Grand Moff Tarkin, and through him acquired command of an elite Star Destroyer armada dedicated to protecting Maw Installation, storehouse and producer of superweapons. Resurfacing two years after the Thrawn crisis, she led her warships on a crusade of vengeance against the New Republic, notable for inflcing massive casualties on her own side. After hovering around the edges for a few years and causing minor havoc, Daala vanished. She resurfaced several years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in command of a rag-tag fleet of ships equipped with prototype superweapons. She then somehow become Galactic Alliance Chief of State, but became so bad at her job that nobody so much as batted an eye when the Jedi overthrew her..
- Author's Saving Throw: You know how incompetent she is? She's brain-damaged.
- Ax Crazy: Or at least, she used to be.
- Character Development: In the Fate of the Jedi series, she is completely different in terms of personality and competence level than her earlier incarnation.
- Evil Redhead
- General Failure
- Informed Ability
- Smug Snake
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: When she rules the whole galaxy by the end of Legacy of the Force.
Warlord Zsinj
Admiral Zsinj was once one of the Empire's most dangerous soldiers, and when the Emperor died he became one of the galaxy's greatest warlords. Introduced in The Courtship of Princess Leia, Zsinj was conceived as a buffoonish Harmless Villain who only presented a threat because he possessed a Super Star Destroyer and had access to an experimental superweapon called a Nightcloak. He then died uncerimoniously at the end of the book. He and his forces were reimagined via Cerebus Retcon in the X Wing Series as a master of misdirection and enough firepower to fight the New Republic and the Empire at the same time.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad: For a while, anyway.
- Cerebus Retcon
- Enemy Mine
- Obfuscating Stupidity
Callista Mansana/Ming
A Jedi ghost Luke meets in a computer on an old ship, Callista and Luke fall in love immediately. But when she finds a body, she loses her connection to the Force. She sees how powerful Luke is, and can't be around him because it hurts too much.
- Brought Down to Normal
- Dark Is Not Evil: She can still use the dark side, but she doesn't do anything typical of dark side users.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Robosexual: In a way: Luke falls in love with her while she's still in the computer.
- Sapient Ship
- Stuffed Into the Fridge
- Yandere: Abeloth corrupts her feelings toward Luke.