Star Wars: Legacy/Characters

The Main Three

Cade Skywalker

  • Anti-Hero
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: Subverted: He's not the nicest guy in the bunch, and could also barely even qualify as a decent person, but he is certainly not a villain or evil.
  • Functional Addict
  • Green Eyes
  • Hair of Gold: Averted oh so very much.
  • Healing Hands: Force Resuscitation. To wit; it can heal normally fatal wounds, and also kill much more efficiently than any known weapon. Two big drawbacks; it's fueled by the dark side (the Jedi on Ossus were trying to figure out how to fix this until, you know, the story started), and the recipient must accept it, or at least not actively reject it, or it won't work.
    • It was made compatible with the light side later, though.
  • The Hero: He's forced to take this role by virtue of his bloodline only. If he had his own way, he'd still be smuggling and racking up bounties in the Outer Rim with no worries.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
    • To the people he likes. To everyone else, he's a straight-up Jerkass.
  • Lovable Rogue: Subverted
  • Refusal of the Call
  • Screw Destiny

Jariah Syn

Deliah Blue

The One Sith

Darth Krayt

Darth Wyyrlok (III)

Darth Nihl

Darth Talon

Darth Maladi

Darth Havok

Darth Stryfe

Darth Azard

Vul Isen

Darth Rauder

Darth Maleval

Darth Kruhl

Darth Reave


Darth Ruyn

The Sith Empire

High Moff/Grand Moff/Grand Admiral Morlish Veed

Moff Nyna Calixte/Morrigan Corde

Moff Rulf Yage

Moff Fehlaaur'aitel'loro

Moff Konrad Rus

Moff Geist

Admiral Krion Grail

Admiral Peto Kelsan

Admiral Dru Valan

Admiral Sha Dun

Captain Vaclen Tor

Captain Gunn Yage

Sergeant Ran Harkas

Corporal Anson Traks

The Empire-In-Exile/Fel Empire

Emperor Roan Fel

  • Badass: After a Sith beats him in a lightsaber duel, Fel shoots him with a hidden blaster while he's gloating- and that's just one example.
  • The Emperor
  • Evil Overlord: Subverted; he's a ruthless but fair ruler, by all accounts.
    • This is epitomized in one scene from War in which he subverts the dickery of previous Emperors by choosing not to use chemical weapons on the Sith homeworld. Why? Because he's better than that. Palpatine he ain't.
    • Then played straight in the last issue, as he gets so desperate to win, he is willing to use the aforementioned chemical weapon on Coruscant!
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Knight Templar
  • Moral Event Horizon: Attempts to unleash the Omega Red on Coruscant, hoping to eradicate the Sith, even thought it would also eradicate all other life on the planet. Unbeknowst to him the Sith are actually immune to it.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Skunk Stripe
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist

Empress Elliah Fel

Princess Marasiah Fel

Master Hogrum Chalk

Master Antares Draco

Master Treis Sinde

Master Ganner Krieg

Master Sigel Dare

Master Azlyn Rae

  • A Fate Worse Than Death: The life-support armor Cade makes Bantha place her in. Subverted when she's given a new armor that doesn't require her to wear a Darth Vader-esque mask and helmet.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: She was Cade's girlfriend when the two were young and he's still attracted to her. And then there's Ganner.

Master Mohrgan Fel

General Oron Jaeger

Admiral Tohri Challon

Captain Edouard Fenel

The Galactic Alliance Remnant

Admiral Gar Stazi

Captain Jaius Yorub

Captain Jhoram Bey

The New Jedi Order

Master Kol Skywalker

Master Wolf Sazen

Master Shado Vao

"Bantha" Rawk/Nat Skywalker

Other characters


Queen Jool

Karness Muur

Celeste Morne

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