< Fallout 2

Fallout 2/Characters

The Chosen One

You. The protagonist of Fallout 2, and a descendant of the original Vault Dweller from Fallout 1. You've lived a good life in your relatively isolated village, but a series of failed harvest and a shortage on food has forced you to leave the village to go out and look for the holy GECK, and leave your mark on the wastland, in whatever way you want to.

The game comes with three pre-made Chosen Ones you can select instead of creating a character from scratch: Narg, Mingan and Chitsa.

  • Action Survivor: As with your grandfather, you start out a tribal from a village naive to the ways of the world, and end up gunning down armies.
  • Affably Evil: If being evil yet still choosing the polite dialogue.
    • Good Is Not Nice: If being a good character but choosing the rude dialogue options.
  • And the Adventure Continues...: You can keep playing after defeating the Enclave.
  • Badass Bookworm: Intelligence is the most important stat, as it determines the number of skill points you have, so it's highly recommended you play as one of these.
  • Badass Normal: Just a tribal with no real training, yet s/he can take on the Power Armor wearing, minigun wielding shock troops of the Enclave at higher levels.
  • Barbarian Hero: Although just how much you choose to run with the idea is up to you, invariably you come from a primitive tribe and are sent into the world with a spear and whatever you can scavenge.
  • The Chosen One: Subverted. You are "the chosen one" for the people of your home village only because of the fact that there are no other viable candidates left, and most of them are not very optimistic of your chances of success. If you identify yourself as "the chosen one" to anyone outside of your village, you are treated as a complete joke.
  • Cosmetic Award: Throughout the game, you can join the NCR Rangers, the Brotherhood of Steel, The Mafia, the Slavers and numerous other groups. Joining the Brotherhood just gets you some rare equipment and optional stat boosts, being a Made Man for the mob gets you a discount at a couple shops, and being an NCR Ranger affects some dialogues. The Slaver career is the most influential, as it permanently marks you as an unscrupulous character and causes several people to not talk to you.
  • Deadly Doctor: If you get to a certain rank of the "Doctor" skill, you can take the Living Anatomy perk which raises damage against organic enemies. It is also possible to assassinate people by making them overdose on Super Stimpaks.
  • Deadpan Snarker: There is almost always a snarky dialogue option available.
  • Determinator: The Chosen One does not give up. Even when their village is destroyed, they track down the murderers and make them pay.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: Like in the first game, the three pre-made characters fill this archetype: Narg (fighter), Mingan (thief) and Chitsa (mage). Given that the Fallout setting lacks magic, the "mage" is rather a diplomat. The basic function is the same though: a physically weak character that, with some leveling and patience, can eventually defeat the most powerful enemies effortlessly (with words rather than magic here).
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: At low levels if you tagged unarmed, using your bare fists can be more useful than the spear you're given at the beginning of the game, and a decently leveled fisticuffs type character can get their first pistol in the Den by killing the drug dealer Joey. However, later in the game, even the high end power fist is almost completely useless when you have Enclave Soldiers dropping plasma rifles everywhere.
  • Guile Hero: A viable possibility, though you may still want to keep a combat skill high and a good gun in your holster for those random encounters.
  • The Hero: Many options are possible, even more so than Fallout 1, Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Identical Grandson: You are the grandchild of the original game's protagonist and, since the game uses the same character models as the first, you look exactly alike.
  • Idiot Hero: Playing with a low intelligence score will make every single conversation a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Invoke-able: many of the nonviolent solutions boil down to getting your enemies to kill each other or even kill themselves, usually while paying you for the privilege.
  • One-Man Army: Even in the beginning of the game, you can kill geckos and radscorpions that outnumber you 10 to 1. Later on, you'll do the same to humans.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Can give small ones to a few characters, such as Myron.
  • Took a Level in Badass: The entirety of the game is the Chosen One growing from a tribal with a spear to a badass with a BFG.
  • With This Herring: At the beginning of the game, you are given three items: a spear, a knife, and some healing powder. Everything else in the game has to be scavenged, and you likely won't even get a basic peashooter until the third town. Justified in that your village is primitive, and scrounging around the huts will show that the spear and knife are the best they can provide.
  • You Nuke'Em: Destroying the Enclave Oil Rig.



Voiced by: Greg Eagles

A tribal who carries the supposedly enchanted bone of his grandfather around in his nose. He went out into the Wasteland looking for his sister, who was kidnapped by slavers when trading in another village. Doing his search, he smashed up the Buckner House in Klamath in a fit of drunken rage, and is therefore forced to stay put and work for the Buckners to pay back the damages he caused. The Chosen One can recruit him by helping him getting out of his debt.

  • Bald of Awesome: He has a shaved head and is one of the most badass companions in the game.
  • Barbarian Hero: A tribal like you, he walks around barechested and fights with melee weapons.
  • The Big Guy: Has a lot of HP and Action Points, and ignores guns in favor of beating enemies up with his bare hands and whatever they happen to be holding.
  • Blade on a Stick: Can wields spears.
  • Blown Across the Room: Once he gets his hands on a Super Sledge, it isn't uncommon to see his opponents knocked halfway across the screen or more with it.
  • Drop the Hammer: His initial weapon is a sledgehammer, and he's best used when armed with a Super Sledge late-game.
  • Dummied Out: There was originally a quest to retrieve his sister from slavers, but it was Dummied Out of the game prior to release. Like many things, it was restored in the Restoration fanmade patch.
  • More Dakka: The only non-melee weapons he can use are SMGs.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Wears no shirt, as a tribal.
  • Warrior Monk: Constantly consults the "spirits".
  • Weapon of Choice: A sledgehammer or 10mm submachine gun.


A trader who lives in Klamath, he has been known to deal old vault junk, so the player is sent to search for him as he might know where Vault 13 is, which may contain the GECK. However, when the player meets him, he's being held hostage by Metzger, the slaver boss in the Den, after trying to sell him faulty equipment. He can be obtained as a companion by either buying him from Metzger or slaughtering the slavers and freeing him. Thankful for being saved, Vic immediately offers to join the Chosen One's quest, and takes on a habit with calling him "boss".

  • Don't Call Me "Sir"!: After he have been in your party for long enough, you can tell Vic to stop calling you "boss". He cheerfully responses with "Sure thing, chief!".
  • The Lancer: Most likely your first companion, and the only one you have to meet as part of the main quest. He's extremely loyal towards you, will stick by you almost no matter what, and his cheerful eager to please personality often plays the foil to the Chosen One's typically snarky attitude.
  • Mr. Fixit: Pretty good with repairing things.
  • Squishy Wizard: One of the weaker companions, but he gets pretty effective with rifles once he reaches the higher levels.
  • Verbal Tic: Apparently, he calls everyone who does him a favor "boss".
  • Weapon of Choice: Prefers to stay out of combat, but seems to like pistols. He's much better with rifles and shotguns though.

John Cassidy

A bartender in Vault City eager for adventure, the Chosen One can recruit him, as long as they aren't a slaver or Idiot Hero. Pretty good with all weaponry. Later goes on to father Rose of Sharon Cassidy of Fallout: New Vegas.

  • Badass Grandpa/Cool Old Guy: He's roughly about 50-60 and has a heart condition, but can still kick ass.
  • Bald of Awesome: According to his character description.
  • Deadpan Snarker: "If you ever need to learn somebody some manners up close and personal, slip me some brass knuckles, and I can tapdance on their face with my fists."
  • Generation Xerox: His daughter will also follow someone who will change the wastelands.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He's just as good as you in hitting targets across the map with accuracy.
  • The Lancer: The player's equal in combat, and his age and demeanor towards tribals contrasts your youthful tribal's background.
  • Parental Abandonment: He left his daughter at a young age.
  • Some of My Best Friends Are X: While quite skilled with a spear, he is bit reluctant to use one as he fears that doing so makes him look like a tribal. Upon informing him that you are in fact a tribal, Cassidy will quickly backtrack and claim that some of his best friends are tribals who uses spears.
    • Strangely enough, he eventually fathers a daughter with a tribal.
  • Weapon of Choice: Shotguns and rifles, mostly.


Voiced by: Michael Dorn

The Super Mutant mayor and sheriff of Broken Hills, who will agree to join the Chosen One after some of the town's problems have been sorted out.


Voiced by: Jason Marsden

The Mordino's "pharmacist" and drug wizard, Myron is an immoral, greedy teenager that invented Jet, the most deadly and addictive drug around, and has been the key factor in consolidating the Mordino's power in New Reno. He doesn't really care how many people suffer as long as he gets paid good in booze and whores.

Random Prostitute: I wish Myron was gay...

  • Attempted Rape: As a female Chosen One, if you have low enough stats when you meet him, he'll offer you a spiked drink...
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Dirty Coward: Next to useless in combat.
  • Insufferable Genius: He really is very brilliant, especially considering his age. And he knows it and will make it clear to you.
  • Jerkass: To say the least.
  • Karmic Death: If you leave him alive at the end of the game, the endgame narration will reveal he was stabbed to death by a jet addict in the Den. And despite inventing the infamous drug, nobody will ever remember his name.
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: It's unknown where he studied, but they clearly didn't teach him morals.
  • The Scrappy: Seems to be an Invoked Trope. He is intended in every way to be unbearable: he's annoying, depraved, amoral, has a grating voice, green-tinted skin, is useless in combat, has a huge ego, and if the Player Character is female, he will attempt to drug rape her. He's also the only companion who will protest if you leave him behind and bribes you to keep him around by hinting he knows where a secret stash of Mordino goods are hidden.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: As addictive and infamous as Jet is in the wasteland, few ever mention Myron or seem aware that he's the one that invented it. Yet he acts as thought everyone should be in awe of him. The ending really drives it home, saying that once Myron was dead the wasteland forgot about him, and his legacy of Jet continued on with few aware of who created it.
  • The Smart Guy: He really is as smart as the plot demands he be, and can manufacture certain chems for you on the go if you provide him the ingredients.
  • Smug Snake: He's completely arrogant and unflappable, and confident you can't possibly cure Jet.
  • Teen Genius: Killing him nets you the Child Killer title.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He's the only companion you can acquire to be evil.


A cyberdog who is Doctor Schreber's literal "pet project". The doctor has equipped him with many advanced modifications, giving him abilities that extends beyond that of a normal cyberdog, such as a high intelligence, verbal communication at a human level, and a sarcastic sense of humor. He can be obtained by a high karma player by killing Schreber and repairing him.

  • Canine Companion: A trusty friend in the vein of Dogmeat, if you can't find the Dogmeat.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Fragile Speedster: Has a ton of action points and a nasty bite, but (obviously) can't use armor or weapons.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: To your character.
  • Shout-Out: His personality and manner of speech is very reminiscent of a certain other robotic dog with the same name from Doctor Who. Considering the first game featured the TARDIS in a random encounter, it's probably not a coincidence.
  • Team Pet: The best cyberdog in the game.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Having developed his own high sense of morality, he could eventually no longer accept Doctor Schreber's sadistic behavior, which finally resulted in him biting him. Schreber quickly retaliated by disabling his ability to walk.


A cyberdog Dr. Henry brought from the Enclave Oil Rig when he left the group and and settled down in the NCR. He will join you if you test Dr. Henry's super mutant "cure". Robodog is similar to K-9, except he's not as smart.


The son of Gruthar, an intelligent Deathclaw and a scholar. He was very curious about the rest of the world. He had learned how to crudely disguise himself among humans by wearing loose robes, and claiming that he was really a human but had some deformity he wished to hide. He can join the Chosen One's group by simply asking him.

  • Flung Clothing: Flings off his cloak when entering combat.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's arguably the smartest of the Deathclaws in Vault 13 and smarter than a lot of humans you'll meet. And he can rip anyone who's not in power armor (or at least combat armor Mk II) apart.
  • In the Hood: Is this until he needs to rip out someone's ass.
  • Last of His Kind: After Frank Horrigan exterminates all the Vault 13 Deathclaws, Goris becomes the last remaining intelligent deathclaw left alive in the Wasteland.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He is a Deathclaw.
  • Made of Iron: His hide is good as combat armor.
  • The Reveal: Given how articulate he is, his true nature isn't immediately obvious, and helping preserve the secret is that no one refers to him as what he is. Then you get into a fight with him, and he takes off his robe to reveal he's actually a Deathclaw!
  • Sixth Ranger: His true nature places him at great odds with your other companions as an outsider.
  • The Smart Guy: He's one of the most intelligent companions in the game, rivalled only by Myron.


An Artificial Intelligence that manages the Sierra Army Depot. Recruiting him can be rather difficult, especially if you're planning to get the good New Reno Wright ending. Good with all two-handed small guns.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: May turn on you once you leave the Sierra Arms Depot depending on how you built it.
  • Bragging Rights Reward: Skynet too suffers from Can't Catch Up since like many other companions he's unable to upgrade his armor, and furthermore can't heal in battle. Getting him at optimal stats requires a Science Skill of 121, and besides the fact there's no reason other than acquiring Skynet to need the skill that high, getting it there requires planning from pretty much the start of the game. Once you get him, he's pretty good at the time but later is very hard to keep alive.
  • Brain In a Jar: As a robo-brain.
  • Jack of All Stats: Is adept with all hand guns and rifles, and the player can set Skynet's behavior settings to anything they wish, while other companions have restrictions.
  • Shout-Out: It's AI is an expy of the super AI that takes over the world in The Terminator series.
  • The Smart Guy/Sixth Ranger: With the cybernetic brain, it is implied to keep its hyper-advanced intelligent once put into the robo-brain body, and as a robot doesn't fit in with your biological allies.


A ghoul doctor who lived in Necropolis later settling down in Gecko as Harold's assistant. He joins the party after the chosen one talks to him about his chance meeting the with Vault Dweller.

  • The Atoner: A slight example, he's grateful and eager to join the Chosen One's group to make up for not joining the original Vault Dweller's quest.
  • Magikarp Power: When you first recruit him, he seems a rather poor choice for a companion: he's slow, a weak fighter, and several people will refuse to speak with you when you have him in your party. But with some leveling and patience, he'll actually become quite a decent fighter and gets a ton of hitpoints, making him an extremely durable combatant. His doctor skill can also prove invaluable late in the game when crippled limbs will become an increasing problem.
  • The Medic: His actual occupation.
  • Missed the Call: See The Atoner above.
  • Speech Impediment: He has a pronounced stutter.
  • Weapon of Choice: He's a fair shot with pistols. You can give him a submachine gun, but doesn't like them as they're so loud. Not mention it's not exactly a good idea…

Pariah Dog

When you see this dog in a special random encounter surrounded by scattered corpses, turn around and run. You do not want this companion.

  • Canine Companion: Hands down the worst one.
  • Dirty Coward: It never fights. Whenever any violence breaks out, it'll flee immediately. Even if you attack it yourself, it'll run and won't bother defending itself.
  • The Load: This dog takes up a companion slot, give you the jinxed trait, drop your luck to one and will always run from combat.
  • Made of Iron: The only way to remove it and its effects from the party is to kill it. Too bad for you that the dog has an absurd 750 HP, more than any other companion.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Another dog, though this one you don't want hanging around.
  • Team Pet: And one you'll hate sticking around.
  • Walking Disaster Area: See The Load above.


The same dog from the original Fallout makes a return in the sequel as a secret companion only available when you get the Cafe of Broken Dreams special encounter.

  • Artificial Stupidity: "You are standing in my line of fire. That's better, now watch out for Marcus' gat---" **RATATATATATAT!!!** "-ling gun."
  • Canine Companion: The fourth: unlike K9 or Robodog, he's pure-strain Wasteland Mutt. Unlike the Pariah Dog, he's only bad luck for the Chosen One's enemies.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Major reason why he's in this sequel. And why his "grandson" is in Fallout 3.
  • Fragile Speedster: Dogmeat has tons of action points per turn and a nasty bite. Too bad he can't wear armor...
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: "Dogmeat, don't get too close to that Deathclaw/Super Mutant wielding Minigun/Enclave Trooper--" **ZAP** "DOGMEAAAT!"
  • Team Pet

Miria and Davin

The daughter and son, respectively, of Grisham the butcher in Mordoc. Either one of them can be seduced by your character into having sex, but unfortunately, their father catches you in the act. Unless you manage to talk yourself out of it, you'll be forced into a Shotgun Wedding with one of them after which he or she permanently joins your party. Intended as annoying joke characters, they have awful stats and are almost useless in combat.

  • Bi the Way: As long as you are good-looking enough (high charisma), they are both quite willing to sleep with you regardless of gender.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Davin will suggest you should have a threesome sometime...
  • The Chick: Both of them, really. They can't fight for much but give you a love interest to take care of.
  • Damsel in Distress/Dude in Distress: If you want to keep them alive, expect to have to come to their rescue a lot.
  • Farmer's Daughter: Miria is a classic example while Davin is a Spear Counterpart and Rare Male Example.
  • Gay Option: While Miria is one of many female sexual encounters available for both genders, Davin is notable for being both one of the few gay options for males and one of the few straight options for females.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Grisham's reaction when he catches you as a female character in bed with Miria.

"I can't say I'm not just a little turned on by this, but I can't have her living in this house now that I've seen it."

  • The Load/Joke Character: Both are almost worthless in combat, can't level up, have really low stats which never improve, and will refuse to follow almost any order you give them because they feel they have to "protect you".
  • Love Martyr: Even if your adventures put them in harm's way on a daily basis, even if you shoot puppies and eat babies, even if you cheat on them right in front of their eyes, even if you you whore them out to dirty old men for pocket change and outright abuse them on a regular basis, they will still stick to you like a leg and refuse to leave your side even for a second.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted. Davin is implied to be one, and if you seduce Davin as a female character, Grisham will be furious at you for tainting his family's honor by taking his son's virginity.
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: You can only recruit one of them, through the shotgun wedding.
  • Optional Sexual Encounter: One with a bit more consequences than usual.
  • Playing Hard to Get: You have to do this if you want to seduce Miria.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: Averted in that their stats are slightly different, and their dialogues are very different, but played straight in practice, as once they've become companions, they behave pretty much the same, and the only real reason both of them exist is so that you can pick one according to you sexual preference.
  • Really Gets Around: If you call Miria a slut, she'll say this:

"How dare you call me a slut! Let me tell you, I am very picky about the people I sleep with. Why, I have only slept with 10 or 20 people this month!"

  • Romance Sidequest: The closest there is to one in this game. Unfortunately, once you've married them, there isn't much you can do with them since the only interactions you have consists of giving them orders the same way you do to your other companions (which they will usually ignore anyway). There are mods that improve this though.
  • Shotgun Wedding: The result when their father catches you with them. Complete with literal shotgun.
  • Spoony Bard: Although generally perceived as useless, they have one big advantage going for them: if you are at the maximum party limit (five people) when you marry them, they will override the party limit, thus giving you a sixth party member which is more than you can have otherwise. This can make their addition a welcome one, as while they are crappy fighters, they are at least capable of fighting and may in fact score a critical every once in a while, and will also give you some additional carrying capacity which is very useful if you tend to hoard items.
  • Token Girl: Miria is the only female companion you can get in the entire game.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: Despite that the developers seems to have aimed to make them annoying, it's still quite easy to feel some attachment to them (they are your spouse, how can you not want to protect them!?). Their complete and utter dedication to you can be quite heartwarming, and like Dogmeat in the original game, keeping them alive for the entire game can be a tough, but satisfying Self-Imposed Challenge.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: On the other hand, their useless stats and their annoying refusal to stay behind and wait even for a short while, which will ruin any attempt of infiltration for you, not to mention that they take up a valuable party member slot, can lead players to do some rather cruel things to them. You can cheat on them right in front of their eyes, whore them out to dirty old men for pocket change, routinely abuse them, sell them into slavery, extract their brain with a surgical machine and divorce them. For extra asshole points, you can then return to Mordoc and tell their father that they have died, which causes him to have a fatal heart attack.

The Enclave

Frank Horrigan

Voiced by: Michael Dorn

The Enclave's finest instrument of warfare, Frank Horrigan is described as a "genetically engineered cyborg psycho total homicidal maniac." He was a soldier in the Enclave suffering from numerous mental diseases such as Schizophrenia. After a mission to the remains of the Mariposa Military Base, he got exposed to FEV, and started to turn into a super mutant. He was eventually experimented on by Enclave scientists and made into a living weapon unable to leave his specialized suit of power armor, which continually pumps him with life support. He is the main antagonist of the game and one of the deadliest things ever to walk the wastes.

You've gotten a lot farther than you should have... but then you haven't met Frank Horrigan either. Your ride's over mutie. Time to die.

  • BFG and BFS: Wields the custom "End Boss Plasma Gun" and "End Boss Knife".
  • Boomerang Bigot: Horrigan despises "mutants" (a category which includes Wasteland humans), and loves to kill them gratuitously in ways that disturb even the other Enclave soldiers. This is in spite of his own status as a modified Super Mutant (according to Word of God, he doesn't think of himself as a mutant, and his status as a Super Mutant isn't generally known among the Enclave ranks, who generally think of him as something the lab boys cooked up).
  • The Brute
  • Cyborg: He's an organic being under the armor, but it's been grafted onto him so he can't take it off.
  • The Dragon: As a member of the Secret Service, he's a bodyguard for the President, and is the one the player sees in the wasteland enforcing the Enclave's will.
  • Dragon Their Feet: When you get to fight him, you have already met, and probably killed, President Dick Richardson, put an effective stop to the Enclave's plans, and liberated the Arroyo tribals and Vault 13 dwellers.
  • Dumb Muscle: Though, unlike some other FEV mutants, he's at least capable of forming coherent sentences.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Very deep.
  • Famous Last Words:

Duty...(cough) Honor... (cough) Courage.... (choke) Semper Fiiiiiii...

  • Final Boss: The last opponent between you and the final credits.
  • Final Boss Preview: He can be met in random encounters after leaving Arroyo, in which he and two Mooks rather unsuccessfully attempts to interrogate a farmer and his family, before deciding that the whole thing is useless and massacres the whole family. Good thing he thinks you are Not Worth Killing and tells you to mind your own business; otherwise, the game would've been very short.
  • For the Evulz: Pretty much everything he does before he confronts you in person, from killing Matt to gunning down unarmed peasants to brutally picking off the talking deathclaws.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He was once a normal man. Then he began to mutate into a super mutant, got pumped full of drugs and experimental procedures, and was suited up into a giant set of power armor.
  • Implacable Man: In various optional cutscenes, he's seen laughing off plasma rifle fire and punching Deathclaws in half. Indeed, with 999 hit points and an armor class of 45, he's by far the toughest enemy in the original two games (and in-universe the most powerful thing to ever walk the wasteland).
  • The Juggernaut: Nothing in the first two games can take as much punishment as Horrigan.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He has a very high amount of action points.
  • Made of Iron: He literally laughs off plasma rifle and minigun fire.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning:

The work will go on. You didn't do nothing here 'cept seal your own death warrants.

  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He's a Super Mutant Cyborg Secret Service Agent.
  • Psycho for Hire: He really is loyal to the Enclave, though this seems to be because they allow him to practice his racist beliefs and homicidal tendencies with impunity.
  • Rasputinian Death: Before fighting him, you can talk a four-man Enclave patrol into helping you fight him and reprogram the auto-turrets in the room to attack him (doing both is advised as otherwise they help him). Though the actual combat is turn based, the reality is you now have five men, plus however many companions you have, plus the turrets, shooting him up from all directions at once with gatling lasers, plasma cannons, gauss rifles and whatever else you've given your team. Upon his death, he is blown in half, and yet he still manages to hold on long enough to mock you one last time. You then leave his bisected corpse to be blown up on the oil rig, likely be crushed by the rubble, and sink into the ocean.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His power armor visor glows red.
  • Straw Hypocrite: He refers to the player as "mutie" and talks about how mutants ruined the country despite the fact that all the Chosen One has is some minor radioactive traces whereas Horrigan is a 12 foot tall mutated cyborg.
  • Super Soldier: Gone Horribly Right, this is presumably what the government wanted all along from the FEV.
  • Super Strength: He can punch Deathclaws in half.
  • Taking You with Me: Sets off a nuke in the Oil Rig in after he is beaten. It fails to kill you.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: A notable aversion: he's the only Final Boss in the series that can't be talked down.

Chosen One: Can't we talk this over?

Frank Horrigan: We just did. Time for talking's over.

Chosen One: Who?
Frank Horrigan: Me, Frank Horrigan, that's who. United States Secret Service. You're not going anywhere from here.

President Dick Richardson

Voiced by: Jeffrey Jones

The current president of the Enclave living on the Oil Rig, who's planning to kill off the entire population of the former United States except the Enclave, to restore it to a "clean" America.

  • Affably Evil: He's quite friendly and polite, even after you tell him who you are and that you plan to stop him.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Averted oh so much. He's just a standard human with no armor or weapons.
  • Bald of Evil: He's bald save for a few wisps of hair.
  • Big Bad: The leader of the Enclave and thus primary antagonist of the game.
  • Evil Is Dumb: You almost feel sorry for him because of just how gullible and naive he is. You can say directly to his face that you're here to kill him and everyone else on the rig, and he won't call any guards or defend himself, he just glowers at you and tells you it's too late to stop his plan even if he dies. He's wrong, by the way.
  • Karmic Death: It's possible to kill him by making him O.D. on whatever drugs you've gathered around the wastes. It's actually preferable to do it that way because if you don't, you'll have an entire base of Enclave Troopers on your ass.
  • Knight Templar: He is convinced that his plan to enact a genocide upon the wasteland is justified for the greater good of the "pure" vestiges of humanity.
  • Necessarily Evil: He's fully aware he's going to wipe out thousands of people with his plan and realizes it's a horrible thing to do, but considers it needed for the United States to be reborn as a proper country.

"Oh, I don't relish this decision. If there was another way - but there isn't. No price is too high for the survival of the human race. If you were human, you'd understand."

  • Non-Action Big Bad: Being a regular civilian in a suit, he has absolutely no skill in combat and isn't even armed. However, killing him will turn the entire Oil Rig hostile, if they weren't already.
  • Orcus on His Throne
  • President Evil: Dick Richardson is the President of the United States who seeks to completely eradicate the life in Wasteland. The ending explains that after Enclave's defeat, the very title of President is used as a bogeyman to children (even though NCR still uses the title of President).
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: As with most of the Enclave, anyone living out in the Wasteland has been exposed to radiation and is therefore a mutant and expendable. Vault citizens are the only exceptions, and even they are of limited value (they can be freely kidnapped For Science! if necessary).

Vice President Daniel Bird

The current vice president of the Enclave. He volunteered for an experiment to be exposed to the FEV virus, which succeeded but also caused him severe brain damage. He now spends his time mumbling to himself and obsessing with spelling and grammar.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Most of his dialogue consists of absurd but genuine quotes from Dan Quayle repeated in an endless loop.
  • Evil Is Dumb: He's entirely clueless and stupid.
  • Harmless Villain: Despite being one of the highest-ranking leaders of the Enclave, he is completely non-hostile and harmless. Killing him will in fact cause you to lose karma points.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: He is an obvious parody of the infamous American vice president Dan Quayle.
  • You Make Me Sic: He insists that "potato" is in fact spelled "potatoe" and has composed a list of many words he believes should be changed. A parody of Dan Quayle's infamous "potatoe"-incident.

Doctor Schreber

The Enclave's lead scientist at Navarro, Doctor Schreber is even more immoral then the rest of the Enclave. His constant horrific experiments have disturbed the base, and resulted in the commander ordering his room soundproofed. You can come across him in your visit to Navarro, where you have to kill him to obtain the companion K-9.

  • Dirty Coward: He cries and tries to flee if you threaten him.
  • For Science!: His motivation for his experiments.
  • Karmic Death: His room is soundproofed because the rest of the base didn't want to hear the screams of his patients, so it's possible to kill him without the rest of the base noticing.
  • Mad Scientist: Read the above description under Karmic Death. Whatever he was doing, his lab was so often filled with screams they soundproofed the walls so the base doesn't have to know what's going on.
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Very depraved and cruel, along with intelligent.

Arch Dornan

Voiced by: Peter Jason

A drill sergeant in the Enclave stationed at Navarro.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: If you approach him out of uniform three times, or talk to him while you are wearing armor but not standing guard three times, he'll try to kill you.
  • Don't Call Me "Sir"!: "I AM NOT A SIR! I work for living you morooooon!"
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: And how! In Fallout: New Vegas, Cannibal Johnson mentions the time Dornan chewed out the Chosen One with an ear-blistering rant, simply for having been caught out of uniform. This left such a lasting impression, he still recalls it vividly over forty years later!
  • No Indoor Voice: Nor, indeed, one that's suitable for use outdoors either.
  • Punch Clock Villain: He has a nasty attitude, but is not particularly villainous. If he catches you sneaking around the base, he will simply chastise his soldiers for letting a civilian onto government property and have you escorted outside. Most Enclave soldiers would have shot you on sight.
  • They Call Me Mister Tibbs: "If I like you, you can call me "sarge". But guess what? I DON'T LIKE YOU! DO YOU UNDERSTAAAND?!"

Supporting Characters


Voiced by: Dwight Schultz

The shaman of the Chosen One's tribe who speaks to the spirits, he talks to the Chosen One via psychic dreams.

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: He's a talented shaman and herbalist, but very eccentric and strange.
  • The Medic: The tribe shaman who mixes healing powder.
  • The Wonka: Speaks in pseudo-spiritualistic metaphors.


The head of the Slavers of the Den, he locked up Vic for trying to cheat him with a broken radio.

  • Foreshadowing: He catches himself before he lets slip the whole deal, but lets on that he knows about the Enclave's interactions with New Reno and the Salvatores. He wanted the radio from Vic to intercept their communications.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: Gunning him and his slavers down and freeing their stock.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Joining his Slavers and going out to hunt and enslave innocents for a quick buck...

First Citizen Lynette

Voiced by: Cree Summer

The leader of Vault City, she believes firmly in the city's superiority.

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: As with the rest of the Vault City, Lynette appears a nice, civilized woman at first. Talking to her at length will reveal her as a self-righteous tempermental bigot who won't hesitate to banish you from the city if you challenge her opinions.
  • Completely Missing the Point: In-universe, after the end of the game, you can tell Lynette about the Enclave's plan to wipe out the wasteland. Lynette is disgusted with their lack of respect for the people of the wastes, and when the player nudges her into realizing Vault City is no better, Lynette's response is to suggest that should they meet remnants of the Enclave, they could be valuable allies.
  • Death Glare: Piss her off to get one.
  • Fantastic Racism: While most other Vault City citizens are untrusting of or just don't like outsiders, Lynette's hostility when you first meet her makes them look downright hospitable.
  • Jerkass
  • Kick the Dog: She asks you to fix a problem, that being Gecko's power plant is leaking radiation into their water supply. You can report to her you know how to repair the plant to stop the leak and Vaulty City has the technology to do it... she's flat irritated by the idea and makes it clear that by "fix" the problem, she meant killing the ghouls and shutting down the plant.

Senior Councilman McClure

The leader of Vault City's council and the second-most powerful person in the city after Lynette.

  • Cool Old Guy: Unlike Lynette, he's level-headed and reasonable, and open to suggestions to fix the Gecko problem peacefully.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: As a very sharp contrast to Lynette, he'll happily help you repair Gecko's power plant, will go behind her back and give you citizenship for your efforts, and although the ending it was supposed to trigger was Dummied Out, you can get him to talk the city into trading Gecko medical supplies for surpluss elecricity.
    • Also noted in-game, where the player rubs their dealings with McClure in Lynette's face and remarks he's far better suited to lead the city than she is.

Big Jesus Mordino

"I always suspected Jesus had ties to organized crime."
The Chosen One

The head of the Mordino crime family in New Reno, he's the main pusher of Jet and is using it to covertly take over the wasteland since it is so highly addictive.

  • Fat Bastard: Is described as overweight and constantly sweating and gasping for breath.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: If you refuse his offer to become a Made Man, he decides your skills are so valuable, he can't risk you going to work for a rival.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: A keen player will notice that he suffers from a severe heart condition. Feeding him any kind of stimulant, even a Nuka Cola, kills him instantly.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: His weapon.
  • Stupid Evil: Refuse to become a Made Man after heeding his request to kill the Salvatore family, and he attacks you... keeping in mind the reason he wanted you to kill the Salvatores was because they killed a bunch of the Mordinos and with their laser pistols, they were too dangerous for the rest of the family to take down.

John Bishop

Head of the Bishop family, he's the middle man in an underground deal with NCR to get Vault City to join the republic, and is also quietly working with the nearby raiders.

  • Affably Evil: Don't piss him off and he's a reasonable, well-spoken guy, though with a bit of a foul mouth and Fantastic Racism towards tribals, qualities which half the other characters in the game share anyway.
  • Anti-Villain: While his methods are certainly evil, his ultimate goal is to bring Vault City into NCR's jurisdiction and be rewarded for his efforts by getting New Reno annexed with him in charge of it.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Reportedly, he once skinned a boy who got his daughter drunk.
  • Hypocrite: He has no loyalty to his wife and constantly cheats on her, but will not take kindly to male characters helping her return the favor.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: He hired the Raiders to attack Vault City because its citizens, being self-righteous bigoted isolationists, refused to join NCR peacefully.
  • Politically-Incorrect Villain: He is very prejudiced towards tribals, and that includes the Chosen One.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: Sleep with either his wife or daughter, and this becomes the case if you try to refuse his quests. Leave them alone, and he's fine with you coming and going as you please.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: If the Chosen One does some of his dirty work, he warms up a bit, although he does not completely abandon his snide remarks about tribals.

Louis Salvatore

The head of the Salvatores, they're the smallest New Reno family but are not to be taken lightly due to their usage of "lightbringers" a.k.a. laser pistols.

  • Achilles' Heel: Salvatore is an old man and relies on an oxygen tank to breathe. Stealing it or have Renesco the drug dealer rigged up a poisoned tank will kill him.
  • Batman Gambit: Arranged for Richard Wright to die of jet so the Wrights would assume the Mordinos did it, and after they had a mob war, the Salvatores would sweep into the power gap they had created.
  • Dummied Out: At one point, the Enclave patrol you witness his dealings with could have their vertibird stolen and flown to the oil rig.
  • He Knows Too Much: Salvatore invokes this if you refuse Made Man status after helping with the Enclave transaction.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: All the family heads can be killed by indirect means, but Salvatore offers what can easily be considered the most cruel and sadistic one: steal his oxygen tank, and watch as he slowly suffocates while begging for help.

Orville Wright

The leader of the Wright family, his family is actually family, consisting of him, his wife and many, many children.

  • Anti-Villain: The other three familes deal in shady transactions with other factions, or control some portion of the slave, drug or prostituion rings. The Wrights just concern themselves with the alcohol trade.
    • If Orville is the only leader left standing after you've swept through town, and you haven't opened the Sierra Army Depot, the Wright family goes legit and transports New Reno from a Vice City to a nice place to live that triples its population.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: As said, his family is actual family, blood relatives, and they fiercely protect and avenge their own.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: The bluntest and rudest of all the mob bosses, and will fly off the handle and attack you if you insult him or his family in any way. He calms down slightly if you solve his son's murder.
  • I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Invoked as a method of assassinating him.

Roger Westin

A member of the NCR congress who wants peaceful, civil expansion into the north. He opposes the forceful methods being used to annex Vault City.

  • Anti-Hero: Type III or IV: he opposes the NCR's aggression and underhanded tactics in regards to annexing Vault City, and is implied to engage in secret deals with Lynette to help keep the city independant.
  • Cool Old Guy: The man has nerves of steel: tell him Bishop hired you to kill him, and without even flinching or protesting, his response amounts to "oh really? I'll pay you twice what he offered if you kill him instead."
  • Cowboy: Described as one.
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