To control the incoming mass load of characters and their gazillions of tropes.
All characters are listed in order of appearance and folder.
The Alpha Crew (Main)
Amber Rosso-Senri
The heroine and main focus of the story. Currently 13 years old, she's the daughter of Rubin and Topaz, and in turn the granddaughter of Red, Yellow, Ruby, and Sapphire. She is one of the most unique characters to appear in the Continuation's universe, having a very volatile persona. She, unlike her mother and maternal grandparents before her, does not have many leader-like qualities... yet. She is still developing her Viridian powers. Her first pokemon was a pikachu, named Juno, and her starter was a shiny charmander, now charmeleon, named Jupiter. Her Beta counterpart is Maize Kimu.
- Action Girl: The prime example in the story.
- Action Hero: No duh.
- Badass Adorable:
- Badass Normal
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Berserker
- Berserk Button: Basically, anything that deals with a) Pyrite, b) perverts, or c) people who just treat pokemon like crap.
- Those things especially make her mad.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good, with a little Chaotic Neutral
- Childhood Friends: With pretty much everyone, but especially with Dodge and Pyrite, forming their own little version of Two Guys and a Girl.
- It has been hinted that she was closer with Pyrite, but something happened to make her hate him.
- Confirmed by Pyrite.
- Apparently, it happened when they were only eight.
- Opal apparently replaced Pyrite.
- It has been hinted that she was closer with Pyrite, but something happened to make her hate him.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Shown only so far for when it comes to pokemon.
- Cute Bruiser
- Cute Little Fangs: Like Sapphire.
- Dare to Be Badass: In the first chapter when she and Opal found the Team Rocket grunts stealing the lab's pokemon.
- Determinator
- Does Not Like Men: More like hates them.
- Everyone Can See It: With Pyrite.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: A even mix of sanguine and choleric
- Hair of Gold
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Probably the worse you've ever seen.
- Hates Being Touched
- The Hero
- Hero's Journey: The entire story.
- Irrational Hatred: She absolutely DESPISES Pyrite with every fiber of her being.
- But is it really hate?
- Jerkass: Mainly to Pyrite and Zircon, but she's pretty awful to everyone.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kid Hero
- Lack of Empathy
- Legacy Character: She's third gen.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Aqua even confronted her about this in chapter 2.
- Little Miss Badass
- Mood Swinger
- Mouthy Kid
- The Napoleon
- Nobody Calls Me Chicken: Especially when it comes to Zircon Oak.
- No Indoor Voice: Like her paternal grandmother and aunt.
- Older Than They Look: Luckily, she only seems to be suffering from the genetic shortness.
- Power Blonde
- Power Trio: With Pyrite and Dodger.
- Psychic Powers: She has pokemon telepathy and is developing healing powers.
- Relative Button: Don't talk trash about her family or else she'll be PO'd.
- The Resenter: More so over Pyrite than anything else.
- Shipper on Deck: She's pretty frustrated with her brother not acknowledging his feelings for Quartz.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Corundum.
- Sir Swearsalot: She cusses almost every other word sometimes.
- Skilled but Naive: This was pointed out by Aqua in chapter 2.
- Technicolor Eyes: Hers are orange.
- Tomboy: One of the best and true examples.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the tomboy to Carmine's girly girl.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Trash Talk: She does this a lot.
- Tsundere
- Ungrateful Bastard
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: This has been implied, but we're not quite sure yet.
- Wild Girl: The one and only.
- You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry: Yeah, but it's pretty hard NOT to see her angry.
Opal Kimu
The second character introduced, and Amber's childhood best friend. She is one of the oldest, currently at 15. She is the only daughter and eldest child of Goldy and Sapph, and in turn the granddaughter of Gold, Crystal, Ruby, and Sapphire. She takes after Crystal in more ways than one; she's pretty smart, and one of the most mature and responsible characters in the story, which is ironic considering who her parents are. Her first pokemon was a aipom, Pomee, and her starter is her totodile, now croconaw named Feralee. She has no counterpart in the Beta Line.
- Action Girl: Of course.
- Anime Hair: Her pigtails slant up, like Crys's pigtails did.
- Badass Bookworm: She's one of the smartest and most capable of the characters.
- Blue Eyes
- Brainy Brunette
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Childhood Friends: With pretty much everyone, especially Amber.
- Cool Big Sis: She has the most younger siblings than anyone else, and they all look up to her. Especially Mica.
- Dare to Be Badass: In the first chapter when she and Amber found the Team Rocket grunts stealing the lab's pokemon.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic, with a dash of choleric
- Girlish Pigtails: Just like her grandmother before her, hers slant upwards, and also just like her grandmother before her, she's nowhere near childish.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Identical Granddaughter: Well from the narrative, it seems that Opal looks very much like her grandmother, Crystal.
- Kid Hero: Less so than the others since she's older, but it still counts.
- Legacy Character
- Oblivious to Love
- Only Sane Man: So far it seems like she really is the only one.
- Well, Pyrite seems pretty sane...
- Tomboy
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: Yay, she got her mother's/grandmother's temper!
Pyrite Kimu
The oddball out of all the Kimu descendents, he's Amber's Scapegoat and Accidental Pervert. He's not so much of a Handsome Lech, but more of a Nice Guy. He's currently 13, and is the son of Am and Diamonda, and in turn the grandson of Gold and Crystal, and the descendent of Pearl and Platina. He's one of the nicest people so far, and is also very tolerable. His first pokemon was a Yanma, Yantaro, and his starter is his Cyndaquil, now Quilava, named Ex. His counterpart in the Beta Line is Brick Kimu.
- Accidental Pervert
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Childhood Friend: With everyone, but he even formed Two Guys and a Girl with Dodge and Amber.
- But something happened and now she hates him.
- Disappeared Dad: Am is nowhere to be seen.
- Everyone Can See It: With Amber.
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric with a bit of sanguine
- Handsome Devil: He really is this to Amber.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: He got his messy hair from his dad.
- Legacy Character
- Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: Nobody's quite sure that Am is his father, seeing as he's been missing for thirteen years.
- Nice Guy
- Only Sane Man: Amongst the many Kimus.
- Scapegoat: To Amber, everything's his fault.
- Ship Tease: With Amber, of course.
- Shonen Hair
- Wild Hair: He has inherited the Kimu style hair.
Corundum "Cory" Rosso-Senri
Introduced along with Pyrite. He is the thirteen year old son of Rubin and Topaz, and in addition to being the grandson of Red, Yellow, Ruby, and Sapphire.He is Amber's twin brother, and is the nearly opposite of her. He is a Camp Straight and is mentioned by Amber that he harbors a crush on Quartz Kuro. He acts a lot like his grandfather, Ruby. His first Pokemon is a Skitty named Kiki and his starter is a shiny Mudkip, now Marshtomp named Jojo. His Beta counterpart is Cadmium Kimu.
- Camp Straight: As we've already mentioned.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- The Dandy
- Everyone Can See It: With Quartz.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic, with a bit of sanguine
- Identical Grandson: He looks EXACTLY like Ruby.
- In Touch with His Feminine Side
- Legacy Character
- Like Father, Like Son: So far the only difference that Rubin and Cory has is their eyes.
- Rubes has blue, Cory has red eyes.
- Nice Guy: Like father, like son.
- Nice Hat: He continues the Senri hat tradition.
- It's supposed to look just like Ruby's.
- Oblivious to Love: He didn't get it why Amber was amused about the fact that he and Quartz were traveling together...alone...
- I blame Red.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Amber.
Aurum Kimu
One of the three triplet sons of Goldy and Sapph, making him the grandson of Gold, Crystal, Ruby, and Sapphire. His first Pokemon is a tyrogue named Rigel and his starter Pokemon was a shiny chikorita, now bayleef, named Solaris. He is currently thirteen years old. Currently, there isn't a lot known about him. He has no Beta counterpart.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, perhaps a little Chaotic Good
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Hereditary Hairstyle
- Legacy Character
- Wild Hair: From his daddy.
Mica Kimu
One of the three triplet sons of Goldy and Sapph, so he is the grandson of Gold, Crystal, Ruby, and Sapphire. His first Pokemon is a natu that is unnamed and his starter Pokemon was an unnamed shiny treecko, now grovyle.. Currently, there isn't a lot known about him. He has no counterpart.
- Big Sister Complex: It has been implied that he has this on Opal, but it is unconfirmed.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic
- Hereditary Hairstyle: Apparently Mica and his brothers all got their daddy and granddaddy's sloppy hair.
- Legacy Character
- Only Sane Man: Of the Kimu triplets.
- Wild Hair
Xenon Kimu
Galena Berlitz-Palmer
The first Berlitz-Palmer child introduced in the first chapter. She is the oldest daughter of Plato and Jade, making her the grandchild of Pearl, Platinum, Silver, and Green. Currently, she is thirteen. She was not seen for long, but it is shown that she takes after her mother, Jade, and maternal grandmother, Green. According to the authoress, she cares about her older brother a lot, and looks out for him, even though she is the younger sibling. Her first Pokemon is a Jigglypuff named Buffy and her starter was a shiny bulbasaur, now ivysaur, named Ivy. Her Beta counterpart is Azure Oak.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Genki Girl: Like mother, like daughter
- Green Eyes: A trait from her mother (and grandmother).
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Legacy Character
- Like Mother, Like Daughter: Galena inherited her role of being The Matchmaker from Jade.
- The Matchmaker: There's always one every generation, and always descended from Green.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: If her relationship with Zircon is anything like Blue and Green's.
- Shipper on Deck: Most likely.
Bronze Berlitz-Palmer
The only son and oldest child of Plato and Jade, making him the grandson of Pearl, Platinum, Silver, and Blue (f). He is quite energetic and has split personality. So far, only his dominant personality has been shown, being very hyperactive and loud, like his paternal grandfather, Pearl. Currently he is fifteen years old. His first pokemon is a riolu named Luce and his starter is Chim, a shiny chimchar, now a monferno. His Beta counterpart is Duke Oak.
- Anime Hair: His dad gave him some wild hair.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good as his dominant self, his weaker self is unknown.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine as his dominant self, his weaker self is unknown.
- Gray Eyes: He doesn't really fit the personality trope though...
- He might in his other personality.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: His dad and grandfather have the same hair.
- Keet: Oh so much.
- Legacy Character
Zircon Oak
The only son of Cyan and Jewel, making him the grandson of Blue, as well as Synis. He acts a lot like his grandfather, being quite the stoic, and a bit on the harsh side. He is currently thirteen. His first pokemon is an unnamed scyther and his first pokemon was a shiny unnamed squirtle that is now a wartortle. His Beta counterpart is Forest Oak.
- Anime Hair: He got his hair style from his father, Cyan, and grandfather, Blue.
- Brown Eyes: Well, his eyes are reddish brown.
- Character Alignment: True Neutral
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic, with a dash of sanguine
- Generation Xerox: Hm, let's see.
- He's the rival of Amber, the granddaughter of Red (and Yellow) and his grandfather, Blue, was the main rival of Red.
- The authoress is planning for him to get together with Galena Berlitz-Palmer, the granddaughter of Silver and Green, and Blue was with Green for a while when they were young adults.
- Jerkass: Indeed.
- Legacy Character
- The Rival: To Amber
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Apparently with Turquoise, his younger sister.
(Amber's narration): Zircon Oak, son of Cyan (who is pretty cool) and Jewel (who is also pretty cool). This guy, I'll tell you, is a total jack***. He's the most conceited, self-absorbed, cocky b*****d I have ever met. The guy has a sweet, cute little sis, but somehow her sweetness has not rubbed off on him.
Quartz Kuro
The second oldest daughter of Grey and Fiori, as well as being the granddaughter of Black, White, Gold, and Crystal. She is seen in the premiere of Evermore when the majority of the Alpha Crew is meeting at Professor Pine's lab to get their starters. It is established early that she and Corundum have crushes on each other. She is quite shy, but wishes to overcome this and become an Elite Four, just like her father. Her first pokemon is a lillypup named Lilly and her starter was an oshawott, now dewott named Rose. Her counterpart in the Beta Line is Alexandrite Kuro.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Daddy's Girl: Amber mentions that she is very close to Grey.
- Everyone Can See It: With Corundum.
(Amber's narration): My brother has the biggest crush on her, and I think she likes him too; they're just both too dense to recognize it.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Supine
- Legacy Character
- Shrinking Violet: She wants to overcome it, though.
- Technicolor Eyes: Her eyes are pink.
Carmine Kazuo
The daughter of Shirou and Cerise, making her the granddaughter of Red and Yellow. Unlike most of the Alpha Crew, who were raised in Kanto and grew up in Pallet Town, Carmine was born and raised in Unova. It has been stated that she has been traveling with her parents around the world before she received her starter. The authoress has stated that Carmine is meant to be a foil for Amber. She has a crush on Pyrite Kimu. Currently, she is thirteen, almost fourteen years old. Her first pokemon is a emolga named Carolina and her starter is Florida, once a shiny snivy, but now a servine. Her counterpart is Magenta Kimu.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- The Chick: Mmmmhm.
- The Fashionista
- Foil: For Amber.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Girlish Pigtails: Unlike Crystal and Opal, she is very girly.
- Hopeless Suitor: For Pyrite.
- Legacy Character
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Carmine is the girly girl to Amber's tomboy.
Dodger "Dodge" Kaigun
The only son of Navy and his mother is unknown. He is the best friend of both Amber and Pyrite, and often is forced to play meditator when Amber tries to kill him. He is very chill and relaxed, like his counterpart, Marine. He is currently thirteen. His first pokemon was an eevee, now a vaporeon and his starter was an oshawott, now a dewott. His Beta counterpart is Marine Kaigun.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Childhood Friends: Probably with all of the Alpha crew, but especially with Amber and Pyrite.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic, with a dash of choleric
- In-Series Nickname: He prefers to be called Dodge.
- Making a Splash: So far, all of his pokemon are water types.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Just like his dad.
The Alpha Crew (Minor)
Cobalt Pine
The grandson of Professor Pine and his assistant. He is seen in the premier, but has not been since. He shows up after Opal and Amber defeat the Team Rocket grunts, and then later, when the gang gets their starters. He is currently eighteen years old.
Blaze Rosso-Senri
One of the twin sons of Rubin and Topaz, making him the grandson of Ruby, Sapphire, Red, and Yellow. He is currently six years old, and obviously does not have a major role in the story. He is seen briefly playing with his twin brother in the first chapter. His first pokemon is a growlithe named Arcane. He has no other pokemon. His counterpart is Beige Kimu.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric, with a dash of saguine
- Hereditary Hairstyle: He has the same hair as Red did.
- Identical Grandson: He looks a lot like Red.
- Legacy Character
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted.
Bolt Rosso-Senri
The other twin son of Rubin and Topaz, making him the grandson of Ruby, Sapphire, Red, and Yellow. He is currently six years, and like his twin brother, does not play a huge role in Evermore. He is seen with Blaze playing with action figures of their grandfathers. His first pokemon is a pichu named Storm and he has no starter pokemon. His counterpart is Buff Kimu.
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric with a bit of sanguine
- Hereditary Hairstyle: He and Blaze have the same spiky hair as Red.
- Identical Grandson: Not as much as an example as Blaze, but other than his eyes, he looks a lot like Red.
- Legacy Character
Lapis Lazuli Rosso-Senri
The youngest daughter and the fourth child of Rubin and Topaz, making her the granddaughter of Ruby, Sapphire, Red, and Yellow. She is described as a tomboy but she has a sweet side. She has a crush on Onyx Kuro, the only son of Grey and Fiori. She is currently ten years old. Her first pokemon is a poochyena named Fluffy and she has no starter pokemon as she has not set out on her journey yet. Her counterpart in the Beta Line is Vanilla Kimu.
- Big Little Sister: A slight example, as Amber mentions that she is already over five feet tall, where Corundum stands barely at five feet and Amber is even shorter at four foot ten.
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Legacy Character
- Tomboy: Like her older sister, Amber.
Aqua Kimu
The oldest daughter and child of Amethyst and Diamonda, making her the granddaughter of Gold and Crystal, and the descendant of Pearl and Platinum, and according to the authoress, Silver and Blue (f). Her first pokemon is a blitzle, now a zebstrika named Blitzy, and her starter appears to be a treecko, now a sceptile, named Gecko. It appears that none of the main Alpha crew remembers her, but you can easily see that she remembers all of them. She is currently searching for Am, who is missing. Her counterpart is Chrysocolla Kimu.
- The Ace: Mmmmmhm.
- Amber has no idea, though.
- Action Girl: Well, DUH.
- Aloof Big Sister: She seems to be keeping her distance from Pyrite, but that may be because she doesn't want Pyrite to tell Dima about her.
- It is unknown if Coral even has met Aqua.
- It's likely since she was born only two years after Aqua.
- Well it's revealed that Coral remembers her.
- Badass: Oh so very much.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, maybe even a little Chaotic Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic, with a dash of choleric
- Hair of Gold
- Legacy Character
- Mismatched Eyes: Blue Eye + Silver Eye
Coral Kimu
The youngest daughter and second child of Amethyst and Diamonda, making her the granddaughter of Gold and Crystal and the descendant of Pearl and Platinum. She appears to be very like her ancestor, Platinum, being very reserved. She is quiet, like her father. She is currently sixteen. Presumably, her first pokemon is a female sentret, now furret, named Furry-chan and her starter is a chikorita, now meganium named Mega-kun. Her Beta counterpart is Pembe Kimu.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Dandere: Somewhat.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: A even mix of melancholic and phlegmatic
- Kuudere
- Legacy Character
- The Ojou: Possibly.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Averted.
Copal Rosso-Senri
The eldest daughter of Rubin and Topaz, making her the granddaughter of Ruby, Sapphire, Red, and Yellow. Currently not much is known about her, but currently, she is sixteen years old. Her first pokemon is unknown, but her starter was a charmander, now a charizard named Charra. It appears that only Amber doesn't remember her, but her younger brother, Corundum remembers her. As the War ended seventeen years ago, she was most likely conceived during the War. She seems to take after Rubin. Her counterpart in the Beta Line is Xanthe Rosso-Kimu.
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cool Big Sis: To Cory.
- Well, we're pretty unsure about Amber, since she doesn't remember Copal.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine with a dash of choleric
- Legacy Character
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is the girly girl to Amber's tomboy.
Arylide Kuro
The eldest daughter of Grey and Fiori, making her the ]granddaughter of Black, White, Gold and Crystal. She is currently sixteen years old. She appears to be a tomboy and very much like her paternal grandfather. Her first pokemon is unknown, but her starter pokemon was a oshawott, now a samurott named Samurai or "Sammy". Her counterpart in the Beta Line is Astra Kaigun.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Hereditary Hairstyle: Got her grandfather's hair.
- Japanese Honorifics: She uses them.
- Legacy Character
- Tomboy: Probably.
- Wild Hair: She inherited the Kimu messy bangs.
Finnian Kazuo
The best friend of Cadet Kuro and the son of Shirou and Cerise, making him the grandson of Red and Yellow.
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Chick Magnet: He doesn't pay attention to the girls' attention though.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic
- In-Series Nickname: Prefers to go by Finn.
Cadet Kuro
The son of Grey and Pink, although everyone believes that his mother is Fiori. He is the grandson of Black and White. He is currently eighteen years old.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, with a bit of Lawful Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric, with a bit of sanguine
- Legacy Character
- Likes Older Women: His love interest is Hyacinth Murasaki, who is two years older than he is.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Strong Family Resemblance: Pyrite states that he looks exactly like his father, Grey, but has red eyes instead of brown.
Carnelian Marun
The daughter of Maroon and Scarlet, making her a descendant of Red and Yellow. She is currently twelve years old, almost thirteen.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Dodge.
- Curtains Match the Window: She has dark red hair, red eyes.
- Legacy Character
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Relative Button: Do not insult her family.
Denver ?
The Beta Crew (Main)
Maize Kimu
The first character introduced in the third chapter of Evermore. Maize is the second oldest daughter of Goldy and Topaz of the Beta Line, making her the granddaughter of Gold, Crystal, Red, and Yellow. She acts a lot like her grandmother, Yellow. Her first Pokemon is (presumably) her female Pikachu, Pipi, and her starter is a male Bulbasaur named Saurano. Her counterpart in the Alpha Line is Amber Rosso-Senri.
- Actual Pacifist: According to the Word of Ice Krystal, Maize has to overcome this in the second arc.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Everyone Can See It: You have to be blind to not see that she has a crush on Forest.
Forest: We're not all Crystal Kimu, Marine.
Marine: Ugh, stop being such a pessimist! I have no idea what Maizy sees in you.
Forest: Excuse me? What was that?
Marine: Oh, nothing!
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic
- Healing Hands: One of the two known Viridian powers that Maize possesses.
- Legacy Character
- Pettanko: She inherited her mother and grandmother's slow growth, even though she's taller than her counterpart, Amber.
- SpeaksFluentAnimal: Her other Viridian power.
Cadmium "Cad" Kimu
Maize's twin brother and the second Beta kid introduced. Cadmium is the oldest son of Goldy and Topaz, and in addition to being the grandson of Gold, Crystal, Red, and Yellow. He is a lot like his father and paternal grandfather, being on the perverted side. His first Pokemon is unknown as of now, and his starter Pokemon was a Cyndaquil, now a Typhlosion named Vulcan. His Alpha counterpart is Corundum Rosso-Senri.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, with a bit of Chaotic Good
- Chivalrous Pervert: Got it from his daddy.
- Eyes of Gold
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine, with a dash of choleric
- Hair of Gold: A trait from Topaz.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: Also from Goldy.
- In-Series Nickname: He prefers to go by Cad.
- Legacy Character
- Like Father, Like Son: Mmmmmhm.
- What did he get from Topaz?
- His blond hair.
- Wild Hair: Again from Goldy.
Duke Oak
The first third gen Beta Line Oak child introduced. He is the oldest son and child of Cyan and Jade Oak, the son of Blue and the daughter of Silver and Green respectively. He is jolly and friendly and enjoys battles. He is currently fifteen years old. All of his pokemon are unknown. His counterpart is Bronze Berlitz-Palmer.
- Anime Hair
- Blue Eyes: A trait from Cyan.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Legacy Character
- Spiky Hair: Well...it's kinda spiky and longish.
Forest Oak
Appears in the third chapter of Evermore, along with the rest of his siblings. Forest is the second son of Cyan and Jade Oak, making him the grandson of Blue, Silver, and Green. He acts a lot like his paternal grandfather, Blue, and perhaps, even his father, Cyan. He is quite The Stoic, but it appears that he has a soft spot for Maize. His first Pokemon is unknown as of now, but his starter was a Charmander, which is now a Charizard and is unnamed. His counterpart is Zircon Oak.
- Anime Hair
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic
- Green Eyed Red Head: A male version.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: He got his hair spikes from Cyan and Blue.
- Heroines Want Redheads: Maize seems to want to.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Maize mentions that he is very protective of his younger sisters, Azure and Sky.
- Legacy Character
- My Sisters Are Off Limits: As mentioned before, he is veeeeery protective of Azure and Sky.
- Oblivious to Love: Oh, Forest, you silly, dense stoic.
- The Stoic: As mentioned above.
- Tranquil Fury: Apparently he has this, according to Maize.
Azure Oak
Azure is introduced into the story as one of Maize Rosso-Kimu's friends. She is the oldest daughter of Cyan and Jade, making her the granddaughter of Blue, Silver, and Green. She is quite mischievous, acting a lot like her maternal grandmother, Green. All of her Pokemon are unknown and she has not set out on her journey. Her counterpart is Galena Berlitz-Palmer.
- Blue Eyes
- Cool Big Sis: Possibly to Hunter and Sky since all three are them are troublemakers.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Legacy Character
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shipper on Deck
Hunter Oak
The youngest son and one of the twin children of Cyan and Jade Oak. He apparently takes after his maternal grandmother, as he is 'trouble'. His counterpart in the Alpha Line is Turquoise Oak.
- Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Green Eyed Red Head: He has auburn hair and green eyes, like his mother.
- Green Eyes
- Legacy Character
- The Prankster: Along with his twin sister, Sky.
Sky Oak
The youngest daughter of Cyan and Jade, and the other Oak twin. She is very close to her twin brother, and causes havoc with him. Not much is known about her. All of her Pokemon are unknown. Her Alpha counterpart is Titanium Berlitz-Palmer.
Marine Kaigun
The only son and oldest child of Navy and Iolite Kaigun, in addition to being the grandson of Gold and Crystal. Forest Oak describes him as being very much like his father, being friends with almost everyone. He seems very calm and collected, never freaking out. His starter was a Totodile, now a Feraligatr, and his first pokemon is unknown. His Alpha counterpart is Dodger Kaigun.
- Blue Eyes
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic
- Gender Blender Name: Mmmhm.
- Legacy Character
- Wild Hair: His maternal grandfather gave him some messy hair.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Like his dad, Navy, and his counterpart, Dodger.
Magenta Kimu
The youngest daughter and child of Amethyst and Cerise Kimu, making her one of the many granddaughters of Gold, Crystal, Red, and Yellow. As she mentions that her older sister being such a tomboy and it 'gets on her nerves', it is very likely that she is a girly girl. She is not seen for long, as the latest chapter released is their introduction chapter, but she appears when Maize has finished healing Celebi. All of her Pokemon are unknown. Her counterpart is Carmine Kazuo.
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good
- The Chick
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Girlish Pigtails: Unlike her sister, grandmother, and Opal, she is very girly.
- Hair of Gold
- Legacy Character
- Technicolor Eyes: Her eyes are magenta.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Her older sister, Chrys, is the tomboy to Magenta's girly girl.
Chrysocolla "Chrys" Kimu
The oldest daughter of Amethyst (Am) and Cerise Kimu, in addition to being the granddaughter of Gold, Crystal, Red, and Yellow. Not much is known about her, but her younger sister, Magenta, describes her as 'very intense, hotblooded, and has a pretty nasty temper.' Magenta also mentions in the narration that she is a tomboy. All of her Pokemon are unknown. Her Alpha counterpart is Aqua Kimu.
- Blue Eyes: Even though she doesn't really fit the character trope...
- Character Alignment: Neutral Good, maybe even a little Chaotic Good
- Don't Call Me Chrysocolla
- Embarrassing First Name: I don't blame her for going by Chrys.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric with a bit of sanguine
- Girlish Pigtails: Like her grandmother, Crys, and her, er, cousin, or whatever you wanna call her, Opal.
- And like them, she isn't really childish.
- Hot-Blooded: Runs in the family.
- In-Series Nickname: More like she'll kick your ass if you try calling her by her full name.
- Legacy Character
- Only Known By Chrys: She hates her full name.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Magenta, her eleven-year-old sister.
- Tomboy: As mentioned above.
Brick Kimu
The second child and youngest son of Am and Cerise Kimu. He only shows up when his younger cousins, Garnet and Teal, come in and show everyone the blog that Galena sets up in order to track the Alpha Crew's journey. He is very quiet and serious, but gets easily pumped up for battles. His counterpart is Pyrite Kimu.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good, maybe a bit Chaotic Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic, with a bit of choleric
- Hereditary Hairstyle: Got the Kimu sloppy hair.
- Hot-Blooded: Apparently, he can get worked up over battles.
- Legacy Character
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Unknown if it is played straight or averted yet.
- The Quiet One
The Beta Crew (Minor)
Xanthe Kimu
Astra Kaigun
Pembe Kimu
Ridley Kimu
Vanilla Kimu
The youngest daughter of Gold Junior and Topaz, the younger sister of Cadmium and Maize, and the older sister of Beige and Buff. She is a sweet child, but was born blind. According to her older sister, she was never bitter about being blind, being very optimistic. She enjoys playing piano. She is currently ten years old. Her counterpart in the Alpha Line is Lapis Lazuli Rosso-Senri.
- Blind Seer: She's blind and according to Maize, she occasionally has visions of the future.
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good
- Eyes of Gold: From her father.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic
- Hair of Gold: It's platinum blond, unlike her mother and older brother's.
- Healing Hands: Look at the quote below Psychic Powers.
- Legacy Character
- Psychic Powers
(Maize's narration): Out of all of us Rosso-Kimu kids, she has the most psychic abilities. She can do everything Grandma Yellow can do, and sometimes she even has visions of the future.
Beige Kimu
One of the twin sons of Gold Junior Kimu and Topaz Rosso-Kimu. He is currently six years old, the counterpart to Blaze Rosso-Senri. He is already a pervert, according to his older sister, Maize, but he is a sweet kid. It is unknown if he has Pokemon. His Alpha counterpart is Blaze Rosso-Senri.
- Anime Hair
- Chivalrous Pervert: He already fits this trope.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
- Hereditary Hairstyle: His hair is like Red's.
- Legacy Character
- Technicolor Eyes: His eyes are orange, like his mother's.
Buff Kimu
Garnet Rosso
The oldest child and only son of Crimson and Indigo Rosso, making him the grandson of Red, Yellow, and Blue. He shows up with his younger sister, Teal in near the end of the third chapter. He is currently ten years old. He has no counterpart.
- Anime Hair
- Character Alignment: Lawful Good, maybe a little Neutral Good
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric with a dash of sanguine
- Gender Blender Name: His name is pretty girly.
- To be fair, Garnet is supposedly an unisex name.
- Let's not forget that his name used to be Carmine's old name.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: He got BOTH of his grandfathers' hairstyles.
- Legacy Character
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He seems pretty nice, but you never know.
Teal Rosso
The younger child and only daughter (that we know) of Crimson and Indigo Rosso, making her the granddaughter of Red, Yellow, and Blue. So far, she has only made one appearance, when she and Garnet show the older kids the blog that Galena set up, revealing the Alpha Crew to the Beta Crew. She has no counterpart.
- Blue Eyes
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine, with a bit of phlegmatic
- Hereditary Hairstyle: She got her paternal grandfather's spiky hair, but it only spikes up behind her bangs.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Garnet.
- It's not really personality as much, but looks.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
Team Rocket (Alpha)
Note: In order of rank.
Johan Sakaki
Zlato Ama
The Team Rocket admin representing yellow and the "son" of Flax and Topaz. He was created by Johan, who had combined Flax and Topaz's DNA.
- Hair of Gold
- Technicolor Eyes: His eyes are orange.
Ruzova Mazenta
Altan Marun
Kaito Kaigun
Midori Aoao
The Alpha Parents
Note: Only those who have appeared are listed.
Rubin Senri
The father of the six Rosso-Senri kids. He is now the chairman of the Contest society.
- Happily Married: To Topaz.
Topaz Rosso-Senri
The mother of Corundum, Amber, Lazuli, Blaze, and Bolt Rosoo-Senri. The heroine of the prequel series, she is now the undefeated gym leader of Viridian City.
- Badass: As shown in chapter two, Topaz has retained her badassery.
- Happily Married: To Rubin.
- They have SIX kids.
- Hot Mom
- Pettanko: Still. She is only five foot two.
Grey Kuro
The Beta Parents
Note: Only those who have appeared are listed.
Topaz Rosso-Kimu
Gold "Goldy" Kimu Junior
Jade Oak
Cyan Oak
The Indigo League (Alpha)
Note: Listed in rank, as from Champion to first Gym leader.
Grey Kuro
See above in Alpha Parents section.
Navy Kaigun
Topaz Rosso-Senri
See above in Alpha Parents section.
Hyacinth Murasaki
The much younger sister of Viola Chrise and the descendant of Bugsy. She is currently the gym leader of Celadon City.
- Legacy Character: She is the descendant of Bugsy.
- Multicolored Hair: Her hair is mainly brown but the tips were purple.
- Purple Eyes
Professor Pine
Professor Willow
Giovanni "Gio" Sakaki
Appearing in the fourth chapter of Evermore in the Viridian Forest. Not much is known about him, but his last name is Sakaki, so it is very possible that he is a descendant of Silver and Blue (f).
- Gray Eyes
- Psychic Powers: He has Viridian Forest powers.
Also appearing in the fourth chapter of Evermore, but at the ruins of Mt. Silver. Pyrite encounters him when he is off training. He gives Pyrite his Deino.
- An Arm and a Leg: He is missing his left arm from the elbow down.
- Irony: Okay, if you have to be blind or something like that if you can't tell that Carbuncle is really Am.