Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy/Characters
WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.
The Eds
- Adorkable: They're referred In-Universe as "dorks". This is mostly applied to Ed and Edd, though Eddy has his moments.
- All of the Other Reindeer: All of them are social outcast. This is played with, however, as Ed and Edd have been shown to be well-liked as long as Eddy is not around, meaning Eddy is the one the kids really hate. When Eddy reveals his Freudian Excuse in The Movie, the kids forgive him and the three get accepted by the community.
- Ambiguously Bi
- All Work vs. All Play: Edd is All Work while Ed and Eddy is All Play.
- Anti-Villain: They want to make money and gain recognition regardless of the means. Ed and Edd are "villains" only by association, as they're nice guys who prove to be much better people than their "heroic" targets. Eddy is revealed to be a Woobie Anti-Villain in The Movie.
- Author Avatar: Antonucci confirmed they're based of his different personality aspects.
- Big, Thin, Short Trio
- Broken Tears: All three completely break down in The Movie. And honestly, who could blame them?
- Butt Monkey/The Chew Toy
- Character Development: They're forced to do this in The Movie to get their happy ending.
- Childhood Friends: A flashback reveals Ed and Eddy (who were already friends by that point) befriended Edd when they were toddlers after discovering they shared the same name.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: All three have their moments.
- If anyone is going to betray the Eds as a whole, it'll most likely be Eddy. There's been episodes in which he tries to gain recognition at the cost of his friends.
- Edd is no stranger to this trope either, as he has been shown to rat out his friends whenever they go too far or because it violates the school rules.
- Ed downplays this, since he's mostly incredibly loyal and is too stupid to realize it, but there's been a few times he laughed at his friends alongside the kids.
- Comic Trio
- Despair Event Horizon: All three cross this in The Movie's quicksand scene, and it's as heartbreaking as it sounds. They thankfully recover, though.
- The Dividual: possibly the reason why they mostly fall for guilt by association.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: In The Movie, and boy did they earned it.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Ed's is Horace, Edd's is Marion, and Eddy's is Skipper.
- Extreme Doormat
- Failure Hero: All of them are doomed to fail no matter what. Until The Movie, that is.
- Guilt by Association Gag
- Heterosexual Life Partners: The trio met as toddlers, and have been inseparable since.
- Laser Guided Karma: They get struck by this most of the time.
- Living Emotional Crutch: All three Eds are this to each other. They've been inseparable since they were kids and, as seen in The Movie, they'll break down completely if their friendship is in danger of being broken.
- Loser Protagonists
- Made of Iron
- Morality Pet: To each other.
- Multi Character Title
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased: How they feel about the Kankers.
- No Social Skills: All three have difficulty relating to their peers.
- Not So Different: For all their widly different personalities, they do have things in common:
- The three, apart from sharing the same name, suffer Parental Neglect and have difficulty relating to the other kids.
- Ed and Edd are both Adorkable Nice Guys who are undyingly loyal to Eddy and each other, and are terrifying when pushed too far.
- While Edd and Eddy are mostly complete opposites, they're both very snippy and sarcastic. Also, it's been shown Edd can be as backstabbing and unwilling to take responsibility as Eddy, only in a different way.
- Ed and Eddy are both very impulsive and chaotic. As seen in The Movie, they're also Love Martyrs to their abusive siblings.
- Odd Friendship
- Parental Neglect
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Sometimes.
- True Companions: To a freaking T, with Eddy being the "dad", Edd the "mom", and Ed the "child". The Movie practically tests their friendship to the limit, which not only becomes stronger, but it serves as the key to obtain their happy endings.
- With Friends Like These...: Eddy with Ed and Edd, mostly. It bites him in the ass in The Movie, which thankfully gets subverted.
A lovable, astoundingly strong doofus who serves as the muscle of the Eds. Ed has a number of odd obsessions, including sci-fi and horror movies and comics, chickens, buttered toast, and gravy. An overdose of b-movies and comic books has apparently loosened his grip on reality, making him both spacey and easily-swayed. Voiced by Matt Hill.
- Achievements in Ignorance: This is the explanation for how Ed warps reality.
- Badass: He's the strongest kid in the show and has no hesitation to stand up for his friends. Also, pissing him isn't a good idea.
- Bag of Holding: Ed's Stomach of Holding apparently works like a storage facility or refrigerator sometimes.
- His jacket, too.
- Balloon Belly:
- In "A Glass of Warm Ed" and "Brother, Can You Spare an Ed?"
The latter example has Eddy commenting that jawbreakers shouldn't be swallowed whole and Ed acting like he's pregnant.
- In "A Glass of Warm Ed" and "Brother, Can You Spare an Ed?"
Eddy: You're supposed to let it melt in your mouth, Ed, not swallow it.
Ed: (clutching at his belly) Aww, it is kicking, the little whatchamacallit.
- Also in "Flea Bitten Ed", when Ed swells up due to an allergy to Rolf's rabbits.
- Berserk Button:
- If Ed has a rock in his shoe, do NOT annoy him.
- Don't EVER mess with his friends. He doesn't even care if it's Eddy's Brother who's harassing them. He can and WILL kick ass.
- Also, don't try to interrupt him once he's started watching an eight-hour monster movie marathon. Not quite as bad as the above buttons, but still qualifies.
- Big Brother Instinct: Despite her constant abuse of him, Ed loves Sarah and is pretty protective of her.
- Big Eater: If he gets the munchies while he's sleepwalking, the cul-de-sac goes hungry; that's not the half of it. His friends imply that's mild for him.
- The Big Guy
- Big Ol' Unibrow: He can't make funny faces without that!
- At one point, he's standing on his head and actually moves across the ground using it.
- B-Movie: Ed is on a strict diet of these, comic books, buttered toast and gravy.
- Catch Phrase: "Buttered Toast!"/"Gravy!"/Some version of "I love chickens!"
- Characterization Marches On: Ed was initially more absentminded and even smart, compared to how infantile and idiotic he is later. His early appearances also lacked his Reality Warping and Super Strength abilities.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Eventually degrades into The Ditz before eventually coming back to this.
- Collector of the Strange:
- He collects sponges and stashes them in the walls of his room.
- He has a strange assortment of whole fried chickens. And the gravy. And the seagulls he kept under his bed.
- He also has an ungodly amount of horrendously rotten things. Like a lunch that's been sitting around for a year or a chunk of cheese that sat in his pocket for several weeks and was so revolting that it literally killed a fly.
- Constantly Curious
- Covert Pervert: Is partly the reason for the Ho Yay.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Go ahead, piss him off (which is no mean feat outside his known Berserk Buttons). You. Will. Regret. It.
- The Ditz: At his worst. Though by the series finale he seemed to go back to atleast his Season 1 intelligence.
- Genius Ditz: He's got an encyclopedic knowledge of B horror and sci-fi movies, and he can play the flute like a pro. Plus, he's the one who defeated Eddy's Brother via steel door.
- Dreadful Musician: Ed doesn't play the violin very well. Which is to say that bark peels off of trees, and bikes crumple. On the other hand, he has shown that he's pretty damn good at playing the flute. How good? He can make animals follow him in a single-file line (a la the Pied Piper) by playing it.
- Dumbass Has a Point: On occasion.
- Dumb Muscle: He's the undisputed strongest kid in the cul-de-sac, as he's the only one who has carried an entire house without breaking a sweat. In comparison, Rolf has to put forth a mighty effort to uproot a full-grown tree.
- Dungeon Bypass: In "They Call Him Mister Ed", Edd does a mouse-in-a-maze experiment, with the cheese replaced with Chunky Puffs, Ed just breaks through all the cardboard walls. "That isn't how you go through a maze!" (even though, technically, it is)
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Horace.
- Extreme Omnivore: Ed will eat anything. Anything. To date, he's eaten a camera, his mattress, a TV, Eddy, dirt, a key, a log, a soup bowl, a cereal box, a large snail, two teeth, some gutter gunk, Jimmy, a cactus, crayons, a sandal, a lava lamp, and even a kitchen sink. He also chewed up and spat out the playground slide. There's probably more, so add them if you know any.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Losing his friends is definitely this for Ed.
- Feel No Pain: See Made Of Iron below; in fact, he may be too stupid to feel pain.
- Fish Eyes
- Flowers for Algernon Syndrome: In the episode with the magic boomerang that causes anyone that holds it to completely change their personality, Ed becomes incredibly smart whenever holding it and then reverts to his usual dumb self when he lets go.
- Fun Personified
- Gentle Giant: Ed is one of the biggest characters on the show and one of the nicest to others as well.
- Girls Have Cooties: "Yucky, squishy, MUSHY GIRLS, Double D!"
- Kindhearted Simpleton
- The Kirk
- Lightning Bruiser: In the The Movie, not only can he endure a lot of pain and lift houses, he can run so fast he managed to outrun kids with three different modes of transportation with only his bare feet and while lifting a whole car.
- Losing Your Head: Eddy pulls off Ed's head in "I Am Curious-Ed". Ed then finds it and puts it back on his body...backwards.
- Made of Iron: He takes more damage than anyone else, and survives it as well.
Edd: It's all fun and games until Ed loses consciousness, Eddy. (This after Ed smashed through a brick wall in 3 hits.)
- Medium Awareness: On occasion.
- The Millstone: Usually. Averted in The Movie, when he instead becomes the opposite.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Ed, with his oft-mentioned fondness for groady comics and sci-fi horror movies.
- Noble Male, Roguish Male: The noble to Eddy's roguish.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He may be a gullible Cloudcuckoolander, but he is less stupid than he appears.
- Perpetual Smiler
- The Pig Pen
- Rampage From a Nail: Ed goes on a rampage that genuinely scares the entire cast because he has a rock in his shoe.
- Reality Warper: Possibly due to his strict diet of B-Movies, Ed is even more loosely attached to reality than everything else.
- When he needs to hear something that Edd just said, Double D suddenly has a rewind button under that hat.
- When there is a balloon to be grabbed, Eddy's pocket chain turns him into a great helicopter.
- When Double D needs explanation to the stork theory, Ed can fly in order to demonstrate the act. And when things need to go up, Ed can make an elevator that goes to the moon out of junk that should never be used in an elevator. Note that he somehow duplicated himself to carry an I-beam into the elevator, which shouldn't have been able to fit it.
- The upper exit of said elevator is a microwave.
- Not to mention his Constantly Curious line of questioning literally warped time and space itself.
- Redhead in Green
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Double D's Sensitive Guy. (One of two)
- Shipper on Deck: Implied to be this for Edd/Eddy.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When Ed's imagination caused him to take the mantle of Edzilla, he terrorized the cul-de-sac, managing to destroy the local treehouse and the local playground, and sticking everybody save Eddy and Double D to the wall of his basement with chewed-up Chunky Puffs.
- Too Much Information: Gives some from time to time.
Ed: I know my sensitive side! It has a rash.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Buttered toast and gravy are his two main favorites, though like his two pals Edd and Eddy, he also enjoys jawbreakers.
- Tranquil Fury: In The Movie, he reacts like this upon seeing his friends beaten up by Eddy's brother. He has nothing more than a Death Glare when he defeats Eddy's brother by slingshooting a steel door onto his face.
- Trash of the Titans: Ed's room is pretty much uninhabitable by human life, with such horrors such as a bathtub full of gravy, a lounge chair full of chicken, and a bed containing fungus, years-old food, live snakes and seagulls, and lord knows what else.
Edd: (upon discovering said seagulls) Ed! How can you live this way!?
- Unstoppable Rage: After the Berserk Button is pressed. Averted in The Movie, when he's so pissed off he switches to Tranquil Fury instead.
- Weaksauce Weakness: He's is fearful of bathroom products. He also has several allergies.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Apparently one of Ed's monster models can shoot fire from its mouth.
Eddy: ...Nice toy.
- World's Strongest Man: No doubt about it, Ed is the strongest character in the entire show, with only Rolf, the Kankers Sisters, and (arguably) Eddy's Brother providing competition for his strength. Without even the slightest difficulty, Ed is strong enough to lift houses over his head, pull a tree into the ground with his bare hands, carry an entire chimney while in the inside of his house, lift and hurl trailers, etc. While he often gets beaten up by the other kids along with the other Eds, it's heavily implied to be because he's too stupid to fight back (which isn't helped by Sarah constantly threatening to tell their mom on him). The moment Ed doesn't keel over to Sarah's demands, Sarah backs down immediately, knowing full well how strong Ed is compared to her. As Edzilla, he becomes a terrifying force of nature that the entire Cul-de-Sac tries to run away from. In the Halloween special where Ed hallucinates other people as monsters due to over-watching horror movies, he curb-stomps just about everyone that comes in his way, and even managed to beat Sarah, Kevin, and Rolf (though, Rolf wasn't actively attacking him) in one-on-one fights. After that, the kids decided that they should work together in order to get back at the Eds, and it's only because of that that Ed decides to high-tail out instead of staying and fight. He probably could've beaten Eddy's brother by himself through sheer brute force, but decided to take the more intelligent route (knocking him out-cold with a flying door to the face).
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: One of the many reasons why Sarah will always beat Ed.
Edd / Double D
The smartest kid in the neighborhood, and the brains of the Eds. Neat and morally upright to the point of annoyance, Edd (AKA "Double D") is the oft-unheeded voice of reason in Eddy's schemes. Wears a stocking cap that he is never seen without (onscreen, at least). Voiced by Samuel Vincent.
- Adorkable: The one dork who achieves it.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Awesomeness By Analysis
- Bamboo Technology: His scrap-made inventions. He makes whole cities and theme parks out of cardboard - and they may or may not work.
- He once managed to make a motorized go-kart out of stuff lying in an alley.
- Then, he made a working plane out of common stuff found in a school. It makes you wonder why he doesn't try out for the KND.
- Especially since it's pretty much confirmed that the two shows take place in the same universe.
- His best work would be the Thigamajig from Season 4. It's the mechanical equivalent to a genie's lamp with unlimited wishes. And it's still made partly out of cardboard.
- In Fusion Fall, he constructs working cardboard ramparts to keep out the Fusion monsters.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Berserk Button:
- Edd owns 5,239 ants, and don't you dare mess with them.
- Being a Neat Freak, sneezing on him is one of the worst things that can be done to him.
- Also, don't play mean pranks on him. Really, don't.
- Break the Cutie: In "A Fistful of Ed", "Cleanliness Is Close To Edliness" and The Movie.
- Bookworm: He likes to read books.
- Catch Phrase:
- "It's all fun and games until someone XXXX". Said whenever a scheme goes wrong—which is to say, often.
- Also when he does something, he says said activity three times from time to time.
- Characterization Marches On: He is much more relaxed and willing to go along with Eddy's schemes in early episodes, compared to how he is always second-guessing Eddy's schemes and spazzing out at the first sign of trouble in his later appearances.
- Sort of justified with time progressing since he'd have seen schemes fail multiple times prior to the change in attitude.
- Also, in early episodes he was more "normal" in the sense that, while he still smart and fussy, he was totally fine with things like monster movies or dumpster-diving to find glass bottles to recycle, while in later episodes he'd decry the former for being violent and the latter for being messy.
- Sort of justified with time progressing since he'd have seen schemes fail multiple times prior to the change in attitude.
- The Chick
- Chick Magnet: It's not really evident, but Double D inexplicably has had the most girls crushing on him in the length of the show (Marie, Sarah, May in the Valentine's Day Special) compared to everyone else. Also, it has been speculated that he is the only person that Nazz might like besides Kevin (or Eddy if you count the scene where she attempted to kissed him in the Christmas Special).
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Well, he tries, anyway.
- Collector of the Strange: Has a collection of skulls and bugs.
- Crack Pairing: In-Universe with May.
- Cursed with Awesome: He's an excellent pedal steel guitar player, but he detests the instrument, which makes you wonder how he got so good.
- His parents probably got him lessons taught by a good tutor if Edd can play it with his feet while reading.
- Deadpan Snarker: He has a few moments of this.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: "Marion", according to "Your Ed Here".
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: You'd be surprised.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Grew a Spine: On some occassions, most importantly in The Movie.
- Holier Than Thou: Frequently. He does have a stronger moral compass than Eddy, but more often than not he enjoys rubbing it in his friends' faces. He gets called out of this by Eddy in The Movie, stating he isn't as innocent as he claims since he willingly participated and built all their scams, including the one that went horribly wrong in the movie.
- Morality Chain: He frequently acts as the Kyle to Eddy's Cartman.
- Mr. Fixit
- My God, What Have I Done?:
- When he creates "Edzilla" in "The Day The Ed Stood Still".
- Says this almost word for word in The Movie after he tries to write to his parents that he's leaving due to a scam that has Gone Horribly Wrong.
- Neat Freak: To the point that in one episode that took place in autumn, he organizes the leaves by color as they fell.
- And also:
Edd: Must... fold... socks! *folds socks*
- Never Bareheaded: He gets very concerned about being seen without his hat, and when it actually comes off (which is never seen by the audience), the others seem shocked by what's underneath.
- Nice Hat
- "No Respect" Guy: Well, from Eddy and Ed. The other kids tend to prefer him to the other two.
- Noodle Incident:
- He claims to have "a history" with dodge ball in "Ed in a Half-Shell".
- Also in "3 Squares and an Ed". You have to wonder what caused Edd to invent an opera-singing machine.
- Not So Harmless: Shows up during later seasons, such as the one where Kevin gets grounded.
- Only Sane Man
- Rage Breaking Point: In The Movie, he gets subjected to mean pranks by Eddy and Ed. The moment they go so far as to pretend they drowned in quicksand, he goes medieval on Eddy and tries to leave. How effective this was? This made Eddy break down in tears and admit his faults.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Ed and Eddy's Manly Man.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Ship Tease: With Ed, Eddy (especially in The Movie), May, Marie, Nazz, and Sarah.
- The Smart Guy
- The So-Called Coward: Shows up, mainly in "The Day The Ed Stood Still" and the end of The Movie.
- The Spock
- Squishy Wizard: Double D can make anything, a mini aircraft, a motor scooter, large buildings (out of cardboard), etc. However, physically he's the physically weakest of the Eds.
- Surrounded by Idiots: "Dim Lit Ed".
- Team Mom
- This Is Gonna Suck: "Oh my."
- Token Good Teammate: The most moral of the Eds (Ed is also good, but very stupid). In fact, he's pretty much the only Ed the other kids treat with anything resembling respect.
- Tranquil Fury: In The Movie, it's clear he's pissed off at Eddy for his constant scams and pranks, but he still acts as his collected, snarky self. It's not until the quicksand scene his rage really becomes apparent.
- Weekend Inventor: Often he's the provider for anything Eddy needs for a scam.
- You Got Spunk: Eddy's brother tells him that when Edd attempted to stand up for Eddy, right after he beats up Edd while using Eddy as a club.
The self-styled leader of the Eds, whose height seems to be inversely proportional to his ego. Pursues his schemes with a determination that borders on stubbornness, and which would be admirable if he wasn't such a penny-pinching weasel most of the time. Voiced by Tony Sampson.
- All Men Are Perverts
- Ambition Is Evil: His main "negative" trait besides Greed.
- Anti-Hero: (Type IV --> Type V) or Villain Protagonist: Depending on the Writer.
- Attention Whore
- Break the Haughty: Played for Drama in The Movie, when it shows that all of his failures have taken their toll on his self-esteem, and Edd abandoning him for a few moments was the last straw before he breaks down and admits that he is a suck-up loser, and then there's his meeting with his brother...
- Broken Bird: HOLY. SHIT.
- Cartoon Juggling: He juggles a variety of items that Ed throws at him, from chairs to Double D, in order to entertain Sarah while babysitting. It goes fairly well until Ed throws him a cactus.
- Character Tic: Whenever Eddy gets annoyed, disgusted, or just plain bored, his eyebrows connect.
- The Chew Toy
- Disco Dan: His room looks like it never left the 1970s.
- Fat Idiot: Subverted. Eddy is noticeably the chubbiest character in the series, and he tends to fail at school...but that's due to laziness rather than actual stupidity, since Eddy is shown to be quite clever at times.
- Freudian Excuse: His brother pretty much made him into who he is.
- Greed: A trait that often causes Eddy to drag his friends into big trouble.
- Hates Being Touched: Most certainly due to his brother.
- Heel Face Turn: In the film.
- The Hero
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: He seems to be ridiculously overconfident, but The Movie shows this is all a mask to cover up a severe case of self-loathing.
- Jack of All Stats: Among the Eds, he doesn't stack up with Ed's strength and endurance or Double D's intellect, but he's in-between the two in these traits as well as a (technically speaking) more stable personality.
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Has a Point: Sometimes.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's one deep down. In The Movie he turns out to have a...
- Jerkass Facade: The guy admits he only pretended to be a jerk because he thought it was cool imitating his brother.
- Lovable Rogue: Pre-Flanderization at least.
- Made of Iron: Like Ed, Eddy's been known to survive a ton of damage and beatings, only to get back up again. Although unlike Ed, he doesn't enjoy the pain too much to say, but can still take a lot of it. And it took a lot of damage, more than any regular human could take, to knock him out in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ed".
- Justified since he got repeatedly beaten up by his brother at an early age, so it's one of the side-effects from it.
- Manipulative Bastard: In "All Eds Are Off".
- The McCoy
- The Napoleon
- The Nicknamer: Only Sarah, Nazz, Plank, and the Kankers are always called by their real names.
- Edd: Sockhead, Double D (of course); Ed: Burrhead, Monobrow, Lumpy; Kevin: Shovelchin; Jonny: Baldy, Melonhead; Rolf: Stretch, Dracula, Rolfie-Boy; Jimmy: Curly Q. I've probably forgotten some.
- No Indoor Voice: The other kids call him out on this, numerous times. Even wagering a bet that he could go 24 hours without screaming. He was the last person out, ironically. Granted, he did cheat.
- Noble Male, Roguish Male: The roguish to Ed's noble.
- Porn Stash: Eddy is implied to have one, or have had one, in "The Luck of the Ed". Ed does NOT have one, but he did have a magazine that was mistaken for one in "Little Ed Blue". It's titled Chicks Galore, so considering Ed's love of chickens...so yeah.
Edd: I didn't even know they had magazines like these.
- Puppy Dog Eyes: A rare young male example of this.
- Rise of Zitboy
- Schemer
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Double D's Sensitive Guy. (One of two)
- Seven Deadly Sins: He's committed all seven of these at least once.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Deconstructed in The Movie, where he is much more of a...
- Jaded Washout: He's perfectly aware that he's a hated, unrespected, pathetic excuse of a Schemer and he doesn't take it well. AT ALL.
- Smug Snake
- Stepford Smiler: A huge Type A. He seems confident and manly, but it's shown that it's was all a mask to hide the inferiority complex he got from his brother's abuse. A mask he made in naive belief that he would be popular if he acted like he did.
- Tasty Gold: Eddy bites into a quarter he gets from Kevin. He gets splinters on his tongue.
Eddy: Your wooden money's no good here, Pecos Kev!
- Team Dad
- This Means War: Eddy declares this to Kevin when the big-chinned guy accidentally ruins his scam.
Eddy: That's it! Run! Hide! But I hope you're a light sleeper, 'cause I'll be all over you like a bad itch! It's war, I tell you!
- Tongue-Tied: Eddy is literally this when he's around Nazz.
Kevin: What's the matter, dork? Can't talk to girls?
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Eddy over time, but reversed in The Movie.
- Triple Nipple: Eddy claims that Ed has three nipples (like that guy from James Bond) to prevent Nazz from discovering that they are naked in her pool.
- Villain Protagonist
- The Voiceless: He becomes this in "Button Yer Ed", when a fly gets lodged in his throat, only allowing him to make wheezing, squeaky noises.
- Young Entrepreneur: Tries very hard to be this in order to get jawbreakers. However, each failure brings him closer and closer to the Despair Event Horizon until Edd leaves him and epically snaps. Then his brother shows up and everything goes to hell from there.
The Other Kids
Ed's bossy kid sister, who seems inspired by Angelica Pickles. She frequently cows her older brother into doing her bidding through either blackmail ("I'm telling Mom!"), emotional manipulation, or threats of violence. Seems to have a bit of a crush on Edd.
- Annoying Younger Sibling
- Anti-Hero: Type IV or V, depending on the writer.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Little Sister Bully: Granted it's implied she only gets away with it because of Ed's docile treatment. The one time this changes, she cowers before him.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Implied towards adults. She does a very bad job hiding her true colors to the other kids.
- Blackmail: Sarah's usual trump card.
- Cute Bruiser: She apparently has Ed's genes for strength, as she has been shown to have the strength to carry a car.
- Enfante Terrible: She's downright evil at times.
- Even Jerks Have Standards: For all she bullies Ed, she is genuinely horrified by the abuse Eddy suffered from his brother. In fact, seeing Eddy being abused by his brother prompted her to have a Jerkass Realization and treat her brother more kindly, as seen when she hugs him in the end.
- Fiery Redhead and Evil Redhead.
- Glass Cannon: Implied whenever someone actually stands up to her. Best seen with Ed (her usual target of abuse) and even Johnny.
- Jerkass: Especially to Ed and Eddy.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She cares deeply about Jimmy, has a crush on Edd, gets along well with Nazz and she shows on rare occassions she does care about her brother.
- Jerkass Realization: Implied, when she witnesses Eddy being beaten up his older brother similar to how she abuses Ed, she was horrified.
- Little Miss Badass: And how!
- Mama Bear: She's basically Jimmy's bodyguard.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Jimmy's Feminine Boy.
- No Indoor Voice
- Secret Diary: In which she writes about Edd.
- Spoiled Brat: She practically defines this trope.
- Talking to Herself: With Lee Kanker.
- Tsundere: You will very rarely see the dere side, but it's there.
- She mostly only shows that dere side of herself only to Jimmy.
- Yandere: To Edd in "An Ed Too Many". Albeit not to classic psychotic levels, ironically enough.
Sarah's best friend, an effeminate young man with a retainer, a habit of frequently getting injured, artistic leanings, and a substantial collection of stuffed animals. In later seasons he develops something of a barely suppressed mean streak.
- Ambiguously Gay: He bakes soufflés, has taught a tai chi class, Shares an interest in fashion with Sarah and Nazz, and chose a day with Sarah and Nazz over go-karting.
- Although, it looks like he likes Sarah, as he got very, very angry when she developed an infatuation with Double D.
- In his dream in "The Eds Are Coming", Kevin was SHIRTLESS.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Caused by Break the Cutie.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: At his worst, especially in later seasons. Thankfully, he returned to be a Nice Guy by the time of The Movie.
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill
- Break the Cutie:
- In "If It Smells Like An Ed", the Eds once pushed Jimmy too far when Eddy gave him an atomic wedgie in front of all the kids. For that, RevengeJimmy framed the Eds for multiple crimes, and sold them to the Kankers.
- In "A Fistful of Ed", Eddy pissed off Jimmy so much that he beat Double D to a bloody pulp.
- Butt Monkey
- Camp Straight
- Chew Toy: He is EXTREMELY accident-prone.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In "If It Smells Like an Ed".
- Nice Guy: When he's not a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, he's usually this.
- Noodle Incident: When he tries to pick up a quarter stuck to the ground using an eyelash curler. And then gets driven away in an ambulance.
Kevin: Looks like eyelashes are the only thing that thing curls!
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: To Sarah.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Sarah's Masculine Girl.
- Sleep Mask: He is seen wearing one in "A Glass of Warm Edd".
- Transparent Closet: To outrageous degree.
- Weaksauce Weakness: His foot gets broken by a clothespin.
A cute, somewhat dim girl-next-door type. She frequently reduces the boys in the neighborhood to sweaty, nervous wrecks of early-adolescent lust, apparently without realizing it. It can also be said that she's the second most realistic character.
Not to be confused with Todd Rundgren's former band.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Usually, she wouldn't be doing anything bad to anybody, including the Eds, but in the Halloween special, Ed, who has watched too many monster movies, mistakes her for Medusa and puts her in cement. Afterwards, she gets so pissed off and wants the hides of not just Ed, but his friends, too! And then there's The Movie.
- Big Beautiful Girl: In "Every Which Way But Ed", Nazz reveals that she was huge when she was younger.
- Brainless Beauty: At first, that's her main role, but she eventually gets better.
- Actually, it was the other way around.
- Break the Cutie: Nazz almost undergoes this after finding how how much Kevin values his bike more than her. Until he semi-apologizes for it, she turns seriously jaded.
- The Ditz: Mind you, this was only after she stopped being the Brainless Beauty.
- Fan Service: In her underwear?
Kevin: ...Awesome...
- Formerly Fat
- Hello, Nurse!
- Informed Attractiveness
- Lethal Chef: According to "Mission Ed-Possible", where her grade in cooking is a D, but her macaroni and cheese might be the only
dish she can make that tastes good.
- Major Injury Underreaction: In Truth or Ed, Nazz gets hit by a toilet by Sarah, only to return with a tissue box after the blow causes her to go through the floor. Sarah hits her again, with a full-size car.
- The Messiah: She's one of the nicer kids on the show. She even invited the Eds to her events.
- The Other Darrin: Has had three different voice actresses.
- Only Sane Man: Well, she's the only one that doesn't have some strange feature or trait.
- Out-of-Character Moment: She snaps at the Eds in "Once Bitten, Twice Ed" during the raccoon scam.
- Ship Tease: With Kevin, especially in The Movie!
- Smooch of Victory: Nazz honors Double D with a hug and a peck when he prepares to sacrifice himself to stop Ed's rampage. Eddy gets one too after surviving his brother.
- Talking to Herself: With May Kanker.
An athletic kid who is usually seen riding on or working on his bike, playing sports, or trying to impress Nazz. He thinks the Eds are a bunch of "dorks", and isn't afraid to make his opinion of them known once at least once an episode. Other than that, he seems to be the most realistic kid in the neighborhood when compared to everyone else.
- Anti-Hero: Type III --> Type V.
- Afraid of Needles: In "This Won't Hurt an Ed".
- Big Man on Campus: Definitely.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: One episode had this happening when Kevin accidentally foils Eddy's scheme of the day.
- Catch Phrase: "Dorks!"
- The Chessmaster: In "Ed Ed And Away", possibly the only time he got back at the Eds for a scam nonviolently.
- Companion Cube: His Bike. Borders on Cargo Ship in the Movie.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: The only male character voiced by a woman.
- Depending on the Writer: Oh boy, in some episodes Kevin is a defensive, but understandable character who you can relate to at times (who wouldn't get mad at some kids destroying your house?) Other times, not so much...
- Hero Antagonist: Of course, from the Ed's eyes he's made to look bad. But when you think about it, he has a sense of justice, will assist the other kids when they're doing the right thing and he really only gets mad at the Eds when they're pissing him off. Hell, Kevin usually leaves the Eds alone just as long as they don't get on his nerves.
- Good Is Not Nice: How benevolent he is usually Depends On The Writer.
- He Who Fights Monsters: As shown in "See No Ed" he is rather paranoid of the Eds and their scams, even when they aren't bothering him. Possible Freudian Excuse for his less provoked treatment towards them.
- Inspector Javert: Even when the Eds' schemes technically aren't frauds, he tries to stop them anyway. Of course, it helps that Eddy always call them "scams" anyway.
- Jerk Jock: He tends to play the archetypal cool kid. Girls like him, he's got a sweet bike, he's good at sports, and of course, he wears his hat backwards. As icing on the cake, his dad conveniently works at the "jawbreaker factory" - which gives Kevin an unlimited supply of the series' Holy Grail.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's a Jerk Jock who is often a dick to the Eds, and can be bullying towards other kids. However, he does still get along with the kids, is best friends with Rolf, and is shown to be generous with his jawbreakers. In The Movie, he defends Eddy when he's being beaten up by his brother, and forgives the Eds by inviting them to jawbreakers at the end.
- Kick the Dog: In "Your Ed Here", he forces Eddy to go through humiliating tasks in order not to reveal his Embarrassing Middle Name. And, despite doing everything he says, he still tells everyone Eddy's middle name.
- Moving the Goalposts: In the episode where he learns Eddy's Embarrassing Middle Name, he uses the blackmail material to make Eddy perform all sorts of humiliating stunts, and at the end of the episode, he tells everyone the name anyway.
- Pet the Dog: Has very many moments and examples of this with other characters, but moments such as these with the Eds are rare. In one episode, he struck up a polite conversation with Double D while fixing his bike, simply because Double D is kind, unlike Eddy, whom is the one who antagonizes Kevin in the first place. Ironically, Double D was going to prank him as forced by Eddy at the time, but he was unaware. (And Double D never went through with it.)
- The Rival: He and Eddy compete a lot. Kevin usually wins.
- Ship Tease: With Nazz, especially in The Movie!
- Talking to Himself: With Marie Kanker.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: He usually only antagonizes the Eds when they throw the first stone, but then there's the episode where he blackmails Eddy. To be fair, though, everyone else was out of character in that episode.
An oddball foreigner who runs a farm in the backyard of his home, and frequently rambles about either his oddball family or the oddball customs of The Old Country, which was formerly named Cloudcuckooland, (and suggested to actually be Norway.) He's usually tolerant of the "Ed-boys", unless he becomes a direct target of one of Eddy's scams.
- Artifact of Doom: He was the original owner of the cursed phone until he did some ridiculous ritual to get rid of it.
- Badass
- Berserk Button:
- Do not affiliate yourself with wolves in any manner.
- Don't mess with his customs. Or his animals.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Eater: If it's meat, he'll eat it. And a lot of it.
- Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Occasionally.
- The Cassandra
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Rolf is the strongest character in the series after Ed, and it's possible that his strength could be a result of all of his farm work. To the point where he can uproot a large tree right after digging up a giant hole.
- Cloudcuckooland: Rolf's "old country" has some seriously bizarre traditions.
- Crazy Cultural Comparison: Just about everything from Rolf.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's pretty friendly most of the time, but he's the second strongest kid in the cul-de-sac, besides Ed. Notably, he beat Eddy to an inch of his life (with fish), took down the Cupid Imps that caused multiple crack pairings in the group by SQUIRTING LEMON JUICE INTO HIS EYES, beat Eddy to an inch of his life with a sore back, and pulled a huge tree out of the ground with his bare hands and tongue.
- Disco Dan: His TV is huge, but has a screen about the size of a belt buckle, and he uses a typewriter for typing class.
- Farm Boy
- Funny Foreigner
- Improbable Weapon User: Duels in the Old Country are done with fish. Like men.
- Informed Ability: Rolf can detect shoddy spot-welding from "the distance of forty goats".
- Not much of an informed ability, given that immediately after that declaration, he proceeded to demonstrate it by breaking open an iron furnace with his bare hands.
- In the Name of the Moon: Rolf pulls does this along with a Badass Boast when he captures Ed in the Season 5 episode "No Speak Da Ed".
- Large Ham: Probably the hammiest character in the series, and he's got serious competition.
- Mighty Glacier: He's as strong as Ed, but he appears to lack the latter's grace and agility, as seen as in the movie where he needed Wilfred to catch up to the Eds[1]
- My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels: He does this quite regularly.
- Nice Guy: He's one of the few kids who's usually on good terms with the Eds. He not only tolerates them, but views them as friends, unless he's scammed or if wolves are brought up.
- Non-Specifically Foreign
- Noodle Incident: Apparently, Eddy's Brother did something to make him barricade his house, create a moat around it, and demand they tell Eddy's Brother that his chickens no longer exist when he thought he was returning.
- Eddy's Brother most likely ate some of the chickens.
- Or otherwise killed.
- Eddy's Brother most likely ate some of the chickens.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: This only occurs when The Old Country is concerned.
- Third Person Person
- The Nicknamer: Has a complicated nickname for every character and character group, such as "snake-in-the-grass Ed boys", "Jonny the Wood Boy" or "Go-Go Nazz girl."
- Unstoppable Rage: You do not want to mess with the son of a shepherd. Ever.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He's the only kid in the cul-de-sac with abnormally-colored hair.
- Rolf's hair is probably natural, because in the Ed, Edd n Eddy universe, black hair has been really shown to be black hair, but is blue for better visibility.
Jonny 2x4
An eccentric, nature-loving youngster who hangs out with Plank, a piece of wood with a face drawn on it that seems to have a mind of its own.
- Ambiguously Gay: He shows no attraction to girls, has an odd Cargo Ship type Heterosexual Life Partner type relationship with Plank, has uttered a few questionable lines, and likes nature.
- In the episode where all the guys were crushing on Nazz, he was too. Although he never really showed it before or since.
- Audience? What Audience?
- Berserk Button: The three times that Plank was messed with (corrupted by the big city, used as a backscratcher, kept away from him by Eddy) Jonny became dangerously violent.[2]
- Beware the Nice Ones: Jonny's one of the most peaceful kids in Peach Creek, but he's also quite off his rocker.
- Blade Brake: Jonny actually does this with Plank.
- Cheerful Child
- Cloudcuckoolander: Once, he hid his ABC gum under a quarter so no one would take it. And it worked.
- Companion Cube: Plank.
- Face Heel Turn: At the end of The Movie, after get beaten up by the other kids for attacking the Eds, Jonny and Plank declare war on the cul-de-sac by becoming the sinister Gourd and Timber the Dark Shard. The movie was over though.
- Jerkass: Particularly in "X Marks the Ed", where he makes fun of Eddy's zit and charges the other kids admission to point and laugh.
- Lightning Bruiser: As his alter-ego, Captain Melonhead. His strength and acrobatics were enough to fascinate Ed.
- Medium Awareness: Probably the only character NOT to have this.
- Naked People Are Funny: When the cul-de-sac falls into total anarchy in "Stop, Look, and Ed", Jonny decides to streak.
- Nice Guy: Although not to the extent of Rolf, he too is more than willing to consider the Eds as friends. Granted Plank seems able to make him do more immoral acts at times.
- Token Minority: Jonny is the only dark-skinned character on the show (but not too dark-skinned). Rolf probably would not qualify for this, however, since the references to his "Old Country" makes him most likely to be from Eastern Europe, and is just tan from the farm work he does.
Jonny's Companion Cube. While he has no speaking role in the show, he often acts with the characters as if he was alive.
- Batman Gambit: "Gimme Gimme Never Ed". He uses Eddy's natural greed and anger to foil the Eds' scam and get a couple of cheap thrills, with no cost to him or Johnny.
- Cheek Copy: Of course, this is Plank we're talking about, so it's a picture of a plank
- Companion Cube
- Manipulative Bastard: It's speculated that Plank is this, manipulating Jonny and who knows else to get what he wants. Case in point, he once got a premium meal of fried lobster with butter on an imaginary plane made by Jimmy and Sarah while Johnny got 3 peanuts. "What do you mean, you special ordered?"
- Jerkass: In "Gimme Gimme Never Ed".
- Noodle Incident: Plank has a photo of him doing something unspeakable that's used against him in the elections for king in "For the Ed, By the Ed". Of course, we don't see it.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Plank is capable of this - especially in The Movie.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Subverted. The kids easily recognize that Jonny's Captain Melonhead, and that Plank is Splinter the Wonderwood, but they still play along with it anyway.
- Real After All: The show often makes subtle implications Plank may indeed be sentient.
- Or he's "real" in the sense of being Jonny's Split Personality.
- The Unintelligible: Apparently, Plank actually does speak to Johnny. In "Rent-a-Ed", he actually tells Johnny how Eddy gutted his sink, even though Johnny wasn't even there at the time.
- The Voiceless: At least to everyone who isn't Jonny.
- Jimmy seems to hear Plank sometimes. When Plank got the lobster, it would make sense to assume Jimmy heard him. There is also an episode when Jimmy took Plank in when Johny and Plank supposedly had a fight. Jimmy seemed to hear him then. Plus I think there was one episode where Ed claimed to hear him and another where Eddy convinced Johny that Plank said something that he didn't.
- Walk the Plank: In "Avast Ye Eds", he was forced to be the plank.
The Kanker Sisters
May, Marie, and Lee, a trio of crazy sisters who live in the local trailer park and the main antagonists of the show. Each of them has a crush on one of the Eds, and the Kankers enjoy tormenting them and the other neighborhood kids.
- Abhorrent Admirers
- Bare Your Midriff: Marie and May.
- Black Comedy Rape: How many ways have they molested the Eds? They've set up traps to have all three of them married to their respective counterparts, moved into Eddy's house just so they can be with him and his friends, stripped them naked and fitted them with bathrobes while unconscious, put their feet in shackles so they can play footsie, dressed them in drag while chanting "We're gonna make you pretty", and left them Covered in Kisses too many times to count. A Cartoon Network promo even referred to them as "the girls who wanted to marry you and your friends" (with clips of their Double Standard Rape (Female on Male) antics to illustrate this).
- Blinding Bangs: Lee.
- Big Bad
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead
- Broken Bird: They where treated horrible in their introduction episode "Nagged to Ed".
- Diabolus Ex Machina: They usually show up only when something is going right for the Eds.
- Distaff Counterpart: To the Eds: Lee is the ringleader, Marie is the brains (sort of), and May is the moody ditz.
- Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)
- Dumb Blonde: May. Averted in the Valentine's special.
- Evil Counterpart Distaff Counterpart: The Kanker sisters to the Eds. Lee is the Schemer, Marie her quirky straight man, and May is completely out of touch, like Ed.
- Even Evil Has Standards: When they observe Edd and Eddy getting beat up by Eddy's Brother, they react with outrage. Of course, it may just be a matter of who is getting beat up.
- Evil Redhead: Lee.
- Extra Eyes: If you pause at the right time in the movie, Lee has them... That's just an ol' animator's trick to give off the illusion of speed without adding extra frames. At least two other episodes show Lee with just two eyes.
- Freudian Excuse: It can be inferred, from their introduction episode "Nagged to Ed", that the Kankers' boy obsession is related in some way to their mother either sleeping with, being married to (and divorced from), or dating three different guys (why else would The Kanker Sisters have three bathrobes with three different names on them) and, without a strong father figure (or any moral compass), the girls see their mom's behavior as acceptable.
- Hidden Depths: May, according to the Valentines Day episode.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: In The Movie.
- Jerkass: All have their moments, but Lee in particular is a jerk even to her sisters.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: They do care about each other, though, and they seem to genuinely love the Eds.
- Lightning Bruiser: All three of them to an extent, though Lee is decisively the strongest.
- Missed Him by That Much: Throughout "Run For Your Ed". The Kanker Sisters are tearing up the cul-de-sac in search of their ship-in-a-bottle, while the Eds are stuck with it thanks to a sleepwalking Ed.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Marie.
- Self Fanservice: Where there's a will, there's a way. Some fan artists make them look absolutely stunning!
- Stalker with a Crush: All three of 'em.
- Stay in the Kitchen: Viciously inverted by the Kanker Sisters, who view the Eds (and men in general) as weak and more fit for housework.
- Talking To Themselves: Lee with Sarah, May with Nazz, and Marie with Kevin.
- Team Rocket Wins
- Terrible Trio
- Tomboy: Marie.
- Unstoppable Rage: "Run for your Ed". When the Kankers lost their ship in a bottle, the cul-de-sac took more damage in their search for it than in all the preceding episodes combined.
To put this in perspective, they caused cracks to appear in the streets, water to shoot from fire hydrants, and decimated entire houses in seconds.
Their anger was literally like a natural disaster. Rolf's farm animals went berserk due to the animals' uncanny ability to detect natural disasters by instinct.
Not to mention that Rolf, one of the toughest characters in the entire cast, spent the entirety their rampage in a storm shelter.- Which brings up the question: Who would win in a fight, the Kankers from that episode, or Ed from "Little Ed Blue?"
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Marie to a "T". Makes you wonder if it's natural like Rolf's, or if it's dyed blue (it's a lighter shade of blue than Rolf's).
Eddy's Brother
A serious Ace, the coolest guy in the world. He taught Eddy everything he knows and is likely the least quirky character on the show. Yeah, right. He is actually a cruel, not-so-Comedic Sociopath who subverts Amusing Injuries on the Eds.
- 0% Approval Rating
- The Ace: Heavily implied to be this. Turns out it was a lie conjured up by Eddy.
- Shrouded in Myth/Memetic Badass: By word of Eddy in "Ed, Pass It On". Again, all lies.
- Bait the Dog: When he makes his first appearance, he and Eddy share a rather heartwarming moment of hugging and conversation. Then, he tells him to play "Uncle", and all goes to hell.
- Big Bad: Although he only appears at the climax of the movie, he becomes the closest thing the series has to one when it's revealed that he has been physically and emotionally abusing Eddy all this time.
- Big Brother Bully
- Broken Pedestal: To the other kids (sans Rolf and Kevin) when they finally see him and what he does to Eddy in The Movie.
- Circling Birdies: Has stars circling above him after he's KO'ed by Ed.
- Cool Shades
- The Dreaded: Just mere news about his arrival was enough to scare the pants out of everyone (except Sarah, who thinks all brothers are idiots). Even Rolf and the Kankers are afraid of him. When he appears for real in the movie, Rolf quite literally looked like he was about to shit his pants and needed Kevin for support, and only when he lost consciousness that the Kankers decided to teach him a lesson.
- Establishing Character Moment: Emotionally abuses and tortures a kid for fun and proudly admits he's done it to this same kid his entire life, cementing him as the series's only concrete villain.
- Eviler Than Thou: Even the Kankers are disgusted by his actions and the sisters had to restrain Lee from jumping on him. After he's knocked unconscious, the Kankers decide to let the Eds go free and drag Eddy's Brother into his trailer, whether they have their normal antics in store for him or more brutal, he's about the only one in the series that deserved their 'attention'.
- Feet of Clay: He ends up being beaten by Ed unhinging his door as Eddy pulls on it. The resulting force results in him being knocked out. According to Word of God, it's because he's been inflicting pain his whole life but has never been on the receiving end, so something like a door to the face would hurt him a lot more than it would anyone accustomed to pain. Granted it's only in a cartoon such as this that being hit with a charging steel door could be seen as petty injuries.
- Foreshadowing: There are lots of hints in the series that indicate that Eddy's Brother is a bastard, the most blatant would be in the episode where Eddy started a rumor that his brother was coming, where instead of joy on Eddy's face when it appears that he showed up, it is absolute fear.
- For the Evulz: After agreeing to let Eddy and his friends in, he indulges himself in beating up Eddy for some laughs while freely admitting to doing it for as long as Eddy can remember.
- Glass Cannon: Far stronger than Eddy, but he can't take a hit. Eddy is Made of Iron against slapstick, by comparison.
- Antonucci himself pointed it out: He's been dishing out pain all his life but never felt it, whereas Eddy has been the target of pain his entire life, meaning that Eddy developed a lot more resistance to pain, but Eddy's Brother didn't.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: He clobbers Double D over the head with Eddy.
- Hate Sink
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: He's never seen, and the only things that we know about him are Eddy's stories about him until he finally shows up in The Movie.
- Ironic Echo: He forces his little brother to play Uncle, but keeps going after he does. When Ed defeats him, Eddy's Brother says Uncle himself; the kids leave him alone, but the Kankers don't.
- Jerkass: He beats down on his own brother and Double D in a manner that makes the cul-de-sac kids and even the freaking Kankers feel disgusted.
- Karma Houdini Warranty: In The Movie.
- Knight of Cerebus: Sort of. His abuse on Eddy is still displayed in a cartoony manner but it the trauma is played in a poignant light and is probably the single most serious scene in the entire series.
- Last-Episode New Character
- Nice Hat
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: He ends up getting the Eds out of the trouble they'd gotten into in about the only way that avoids a Karma Houdini or Ass Pull: by revealing the living Hell he put Eddy through that made him the way he is. Because of him, Eddy admits to his mistakes at last and the Eds finally get their happy ending. Even more impressive is the scene was only a few minutes long.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Up until Ed intervened, it was pretty much like this.
- No Name Given: Just called "Eddy's brother".
- One-Scene Wonder: Guess. However, that one scene was enough to emotionally break Eddy and give the entire cul-de-sac and even the Kanker Sisters sympathy for Eddy.
- Slasher Smile: Big time.
- Smug Snake: "I thought you wanted to hang with your "hero"?
- The Sociopath: To put it in perspective, he lives at a carnival now that he's left home, a carnival where there are plenty of kids... Yes, beating up on children is basically his whole life.
- Tomato Surprise: What do you think all these spoiler tags are hiding?
- Ultimate Evil: To the rest of the cast anyway.
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show: Even for a Sadist Show like this.