< Ear Worm

Ear Worm/Music PQR

0-9 | ABC | DEF | GHI | JKL | MNO | PQR | ST | UVW | XYZ | National Anthems


"Oh, I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to end up at your door..."



"You got a pussy! I have a dick-ah!
So what's the problem? Let's do it quick!
Take me now before it's too late...life's too short, so I can't wait!
Take me now, oh don't you see, I can't get laid in Germany!"

    • DU! DU HAST!
    • "We're all living in America!"
  • From The Ramones:
    • "Twenty, twenty, twenty-four hours to go... I wanna be sedated."
    • "HEY! HO! Let's go! HEY! HO! Let's go! HEY! HO! Let's go! HEY! HO! Let's go!
    • "I don't wanna be buried, in a pet sematery! I don't want to live my life again!"
    • " Hey daddy-O, I don't wanna go DOOOOOOWN TO THIS PLACE!!! ( Dananana dan dan dananana)"
    • Beat on the brat, beat on the brat, beat on the brat with a BASEBALL BAT! Oh yah, Oh yah ohohoh!
    • Rock, rock, rockaway beach, rock, rock, rockaway beach...
    • Bonzo goes to Bitburg and goes out for a cup of tea, as I watched on TV somehow it really bothered me, drank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policy...
  • Rascal Flatts' "Bob That Head." It's a stupid song, but This Troper would easily file it under Guilty Pleasures for its ear-worm status alone.
    • "What hurts the most, is being so close..."
  • Ravel's Bolero is maddening in this way: on one hand it's essentially the same bit being done over and over again for about 15 minutes, but after about 8-10 minutes it's built to an epic and inspiring state of pure aural awesome.
  • The Swedish group The Real Group has their song I Sing, You Sing. This one is also an example of a song about an earworm as the following verse shows:

I met a melody today
It didn't ask if it could stay
Now it even wants share my bed
You know at first it was OK
But as it never goes away
It drives me insane I almost wish I were dead
I can't get the melody out of my head

The Matrix
Anime Music Videos
Any soundtrack/compilation CD remotely related to horror movies, action movies, sports video games, racing video games, and/or professional wrestling

  1. jam block, actually
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