< Die for Our Ship

Die for Our Ship/The Prince of Tennis

The moment where "fandom feminists" and Yaoi Fangirls came together and started gunning for a little girl's death.

As a sports series brimming with Ho Yay / Foe Yay for the male characters, The Prince of Tennis is also a breeding ground for shipping wars.

  • In The Prince of Tennis fandom, Sakuno and Tomoka are heavily bashed by yaoi fans since they both have crushes on Ryoma Echizen, the male lead who is very slashable in fandom despite being just 12-to-13 years old. And if Tomoka and Sakuno are maligned for being females, then the girls from the Dating Sims are... well, let's not get into it.
  • In the case of Dating Sim girls, Tsugumi Obinata from Sanroku no Mystic gets the biggest share of bashing because of her quiet, sweet and shy personality that makes her an Expy of the already maligned Sakuno. The comparisons between her and the more outspoken Ayaka Tsujimoto from Umibe no Secret always give her the shortest end of the stick, and she's deemed as weaker and stupider... in spite of the fact that she and Ayaka are best friends in-story.
  • Yanagi Renji has been bashed by Inui/Kaidoh fans ever since his and Inui's backstory was brought up, because he used to be Inui's best friend and partner before Inui met Kaidoh and left him without saying anything when his family moved. That's seen as Renji being an horrible and heartless person who hates Inui and wants him to suffer, so his ruthless in-courts behavior (which is a trademark of the Rikkaidai team as a whole) is "proof" of his cruelty, in spite of it being hinted that he preferred to put a Jerkass Facade and remove himself of the picture to not hinder Inui's development as a player.
    • This happens even when, in the Finals OAV depicting the Rikkai vs Seigaku second matches, Renji goes Kuudere and begs Inui to forfeit the match when he gets injured by Kirihara during their doubles match in the finals, thus proving his bashers wrong. The fact that he's acting emotional in front of Yukimura himself should clue these fans in, but some still insist Renji is faking his concern for Inui.
  • Inui/Kaidoh fans have also been known to bash Momoshiro, who (it is implied) later became Kaidoh's vice-captain after Inui graduated, by flanderizing his Big Eater and Fun Personified character traits to make him an absolute idiot who stuffs his mouth, causes trouble for Kaidoh, and barely does anything else.
  • We also have the bad treatment Seiichi Yukimura receives from rabid Atobe/Sanada fans due to Sanada's obsessive (and very slashy) devotion to Yukimura, which they see Yukimura being domineering and possessive of Sanada to not give a chance to their ultra-prettified Possession Sue version of Atobe. And some particularly rabid Sanada/Yukimura fans retaliate by bashing Atobe for daring to get in the way of their super-perfect and super-beautiful OTP.
  • Or how some Fujicest fans demonize and bash Yuuta's scheming and flamboyant manager, Hajime Mizuki. Granted, Mizuki wasn't introduced as the most likeable person, but not only * did* he pay the price for it, he's not as heartless as rabid Fujicest fans claim he is.
  • Or the portrayals of Tezuka and Saeki in fics and doujinshii depicting a Tezuka/Fuji/Saeki love triangle, depending on who the fan writer or doujinshi author likes with Fuji the best. Saeki often takes the brunt of it, sadly.
  • An doesn't have it THAT bad, but she still gets pot shots for "stringing Kamio along" and "playing with his feelings" because she's friendly to him but doesn't seem to aknowledge his crush on her. Which brings up rather creepy Unfortunate Implications about how women should "owe" men love because they show open interest on them. (or for that matter, anyone owing anybody else love in such circumstances.)
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