< Die for Our Ship

Die for Our Ship/Final Fantasy

  • The shipping wars over Final Fantasy VII are pretty brutal. Twelve years and running. Cloud is with Tifa. And despite that, people who wanted him hooked up with Aerith instead have for years grasped at straws, claiming that Square has not proven anything or is even engaging in Ship Tease with the Compilation (which depicted Cloud and Tifa living together). Even SE stating outright that Cloud and Tifa are the official couple of FFVII has not stopped this. All this in spite of the fact that Aerith has been dead since a quarter through the original game, and that The Movie has her Together in Death with her old boyfriend, Zack.
    • Lucrecia, who is Vincent's canon-designated love interest, is often the victim of this by fans of other pairings involving Vincent (most notably Yuffentine and Valenwind) since it is quite obvious that, even though they have been separated for decades, he will never be involved in another relationship unless they get her out of the picture somehow. This is rather literal when fans actually try to write her off as being dead despite Word of God statements that she IS still alive, and also less literal in that fans will villanize her just for the sake of justifying Vincent "moving on."
  • The Final Fantasy VIII fandom is rife with shipping fans united only by their hatred of Rinoa for getting Squall, and a raging desire to see him hooked up with anyone else. The majority of this is focused on Quistis or Seifer, but other shipping ranges from the odd (Selphie, Fujin) to the even more Ho Yay (Irvine, Zell) to the incestuous (Laguna/Squall), to the bizarre (....Cerberus/Squall? MY EYES).
    • Said Rinoa haters seem to be especially fond of the fandom's favorite Epileptic Tree, which is that Sorceress Ultimecia is actually Future Rinoa. It tends to come up with disturbing frequency in shipping wars, even though Word of God has disproven it.
    • On the other side you have the fans who strongly hate Squall and love Rinoa (although there are fewer of them than the Squall-lovers) and who want to see her with anyone but Squall. They tend to paint Squall as uncaring or cold toward her, sometimes even an outright cheater, which sets Rinoa free to be with a "better" character -- most often Quistis or Seifer, sometimes Irvine, Selphie, or even Ellone.
  • There is a small but intense group of Final Fantasy XII fans who are quite polarised between Balthier/Fran and Balthier/Ashe as the 'true' canon pairing (despite the fact that there are no real canon pairings in the game) -- this is complicated by those who think Balthier is probably batting for the other side.
  • Alyssa is hated by Hope/Lightning fans for supposedly getting in their way.
    • Funnily enough, one alternate ending has her getting thrown in prison for her actions, and in another you actually can remove her from the timeline. So... yay?
  • Final Fantasy Tactics saw a little bit of an uproar over a scene added into the Updated Rerelease that suddenly seemed to pair Mustadio and Agrias after a build up which led to nowhere between Ramza and Agrias. Fans weren't exactly thrilled.
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