Dexter Morgan
Played by Michael C Hall
"I'm Dexter, and... I'm not sure what I am. I just know there's something dark in me."
The show's protagonist. Dexter was adopted into his foster-family as a three-year old after his mother was murdered in front of him. Growing up with sociopathic tendencies, Dexter was trained by his father to direct his urges to kill at those who "deserve it", and to never get caught. Works as a blood spatter analyst for Miami Metro PD.
- Affably Evil: Bordering sometimes on Faux Affably Evil.
- Afraid of Blood: Especially in the books. He expresses considerable unease about blood that isn't tidily confined, which makes his choice of career seem rather odd until you realise that his job effectively requires putting blood back into order and so could actually be therapeutic. Of course, given that after his mother's murder, he spent at least two days sitting in her blood, surrounded by pieces of her and other ex-people, the aversion is understandable.
Dexter Morgan: Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, other times it helps me control the chaos.
- Ambiguously Evil: Subverted; he considers himself Necessarily Evil while in-universe opinions (and even out of universe) regarding his work as the BHB range from "Byronic Hero" to "Ax Crazy and in it For the Evulz". It should be noted that for him necessary evil doesn't mean "small evil in order to do great good." It means "small evil in order to control myself so I don't do even greater evil.
- Animals Hate Him: Especially in the novels, where it is revealed that he have unsuccessfully tried to keep pets, which included a dog that kept barking and growling at him, and a turtle that would hide away from him in its shell to the point where it died of starvation.
- Anti-Hero (Type V): Unless you consider him an....
- Anti-Villain (Type I)
- Badass: If there's a dirty cop, ex-special forces soldier, gigantic gangster, Nicaraguan death squad leader or fucking Jock Dexter can't kill he hasn't met them and killed them yet.
- Badass Bookworm
- Berserk Button: Some advice if you live in Miami: be gentle with Rita, and don't try to harm any children.
- He also becomes very protective of Lumen.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them: Dexter jokingly remarks "Can't live with her, can't kill her" about his sister Debra.
- Control Freak
- Creature of Habit: He's obsessed with daily rituals and routines of his and other peoples.
- Creepy Monotone: His inner monologue.
- Deadpan Snarker: Really really DEADpan.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?
- Disproportionate Retribution: Dexter IS the poster boy of this trope.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Dexter kills only killers and pedophiles.
- He brags of being a "very neat monster" and doesn't look too well on those who don't tidy their playground, whatever it may be.
- He also doesn't like to tamper with evidence unless it's his own hide on the rope, and even then he half-heartedly does it. Makes you wonder why he went into forensics if he wasn't prepared to someday use the position to tamper with some incriminating evidence against himself.
- Though this gets thrown out the window in season 6, where he becomes obsessed with taking down the Doomsday Killers himself and sabotages the police investigation (which incidentally makes his sister look very bad after she was just promoted to lieutenant) several times.
- It doesn't help how the 4th season ended. If he had used his position to help instead of impede the investigation of the Trinity Killer, Rita might not be dead.
- And of course The Code.
- The Fettered
- First-Person Smartass
- Heroic Sociopath
- In the books. In the show he comes off as more of a Heroic Secret Schizoid with uncontrollable homicidal urges.
- Hollywood Atheist: Seems like this is going to be a big theme of season 6. On the one hand it's averted because Dexter has a fairly realistic reason for non-belief (In his own words "it doesn't make sense"). On the other hand it's played straight because the show in general seems to take the view that anyone who isn't a serial killer should have religious beliefs of somekind whether they were raised with them or not because only an insane traumatized serial killer wouldn't believe in something. On yet another hand this is partially deconstructed as Dexter points out the hypocrisy of religious murderers and the main villains of season 6 seem to be some kind of apocalyptic religious nuts.
- Note the "something" in that statement; Dexter refuses to even state he believes in personal morality like most atheists, which is what freaks people out.
- Played for Drama: In the sixth season,
- He can't get a handle on the religious motivation behind the killings.
- He makes an effort to learn about religion, because he wants to instill some sort of morality into his son. Not that he make a good teacher...
- Hot Dad
- Karma Houdini
- Knife Nut: His routine involves a knife, but he sometimes chooses a more exotic weapon - axe, chainsaw, hammer...
- Knight Templar Parent: Boarders on this at times.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Murder Is the Best Solution: His first thought when someone gets in his way is "can I kill them?"
- Noble Demon
- Papa Wolf
- Pay Evil Unto Evil
- Poetic Serial Killer: When particularly disgusted or angered by a killer, or when it's necessary, he kills them with a method that's relevant to their crime, such as bludgeoning Arthur Mitchell with a hammer, or drowning Nick at the same beach he had been baptised at by the man he killed, Brother Sam.
- Principles Zealot: Deconstruction of the evil(ish) version of this trope, he knows without the Code he'd slip into the darkness completely and become like his brother.
- Psychotic Smirk: Fantastic things are done with lighting to make Michael C. Hall look as much like Light Yagami as possible when he turns on the evil grin.
- Redheaded Hero
- Serial Killer Killer
- Stepford Smiler: He can be types A, B, and C all at the same time.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Seems to have a fondness for steak.
- Ubermensch: Dexter becomes this when he starts ignoring his "Dark Passenger" and the Code of Harry to start picking his own targets.
- Unreliable Narrator: Dexter often talks about how he doesn't have any emotions. While his emotions are definitely subdued, it's pretty clear that's not the case. Just look at Papa Wolf above.
- He's actually pretty reliable regarding everything but himself.
- Villain Protagonist
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Subverted. His methods certainly are extreme and his target selection ensures that he's probably a net positive force in the universe, but he doesn't do it to make the world a better place, he does it because he needs to.
- Why Did it Have To Be Jocks?
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Dexter is fond of children, and tends to drop his usually calm attitude around those of his victims that preys on them. He even broke his code of only killing murders to get rid of a pedophile who was stalking Astor.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Dexter often projects his own experiences and motivations onto other killers and thus misinterprets their motivations and reactions. He expects the killer to play out one of the usual stereotypes and is blindsided when the killer actually does something completely different. This gets him in a lot of trouble and gets a lot of people killed.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: He often has to work on his own crime scenes, and has to play merry hell with the chain of evidence.
Miami Metro Police Department
Debra Morgan
Played by Jennifer Carpenter
"Ugh, a dress. I feel like a transvestite."
Dexter's foul-mouthed, tomboyish foster-sister. Deb is a detective in Miami Metro's Homicide division. Appears in seasons 1-5, played by Jennifer Carpenter. Debra believes she truly knew her father, but is in reality completely unaware of the secrets he kept—especially concerning Dexter (who she sees as a true brother). Inspired by their fathers' legendary police career, Debra joined the police and desperately yearned to become a Homicide Detective, which she achieves during the series.
- Born Detective: The only one in the department apart from Doakes. Dexter makes it very clear that he is mainly free because his sister has a "blind spot" on him.
- Broken Bird: She's broken in-series at the hands of the Ice Truck Killer, and by seeing her lover killed in series 4. This is lampshaded heavily in her therapy sessions in series 6.
- Being ignored by her father in favor of her adopted brother probably didn't help things.
- Cast Incest: Ironic when you consider Really Gets Around below.
- And gets really uncomfortable after Hall and Carpenter divorced, and have a scene discussing marriage in the next season.
- Even more so now that Deb admits being in love with Dex.
- And gets really uncomfortable after Hall and Carpenter divorced, and have a scene discussing marriage in the next season.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Hoo boy. Deb really likes swearing.
- Cool Little Sis
- Dirty Harriet: Made pretty fun in the book, noted at least twice that victims' relatives expect a Dirty Harry, not Legally Blonde.
- Fair Cop
- Genre Blind: In the novels, but even moreso in the television series. To the point where some viewers would block their ear-holes.
- Hope Spot: Gets one from Brian, her fiancee and future killer if it were after him and hangs on to it in desperation, while he's not even trying that hard to pretend anymore. It bombs, of course.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: She loses this with Brian.
- The Ladette
- Not So Different: She chooses to let the "vigilantes" go in Season 5, and previously made very clear what her thoughts about the case were.
- Really Gets Around: She's quite the serial monogamist.
- Lady Swearsalot
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Her usual hair style when she's not working in Vice Squad.
Maria La Guerta
Played by Lauren Velez
"The operative word is "boss". Show some respect."
Lieutenant Maria La Guerta is a tough, determined woman in command of the Homicide division who is not above making her subordinates feel intimidated.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Asshole Victim: In the book.
- Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word
- The Captain
- Fair Cop
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Happily Married: To Angel. But not anymore.
- Jerkass: Especially in season 5.
- Manipulative Bitch: What she did to Pascal. She often shows more interest in politics than in case solving.
- Married to the Job
- Overly Long Name: María Esperanza del Alma LaGuerta.
- Spared by the Adaptation: With a healthy dose of Character Development.
- What Happened to the Mouse? / Aborted Arc: Her interest in Dexter.
Angel Batista
Played by David Zayas
"Don't forget! Tell the universe what you really need!"
Angelo "Angel" Batista is a Detective in Miami Metro Police Department's Homicide Division. Batista works closely with Dexter during cases, often teaming up with him for his expert advice on serial killers, and considers himself Dexter's best friend. Batista is basically good-natured, with a dry sense of humor. He is also totally honest, at the request of his beloved father on his deathbed. Angel is also shown wearing a Trilby Hat almost all the time.
- Actor Allusion: David Zayas was a Police Officer with the NYPD before becoming an actor.
- BadassGoatee
- Berserk Button: Saying nasty stuff about his wife, Maria LaGuerta.
- Opening state you wish to sleep with his younger sister and be surprised if you still have all your teeth.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's a nice guy, but he's got a mean punch.
- Big Brother Instinct: For his little sister, Jamie.
- Demoted to Extra: In the book. Or to the C-List Fodder at least.
- Flat Character: In the last books, we just see him once or twice at some crime scenes for the Running Gag "Angel No-Relation". It gets old, fast. He's also more grumpy and more of an asshole in the books.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Life of the Party: According to La Guerta, at least.
- Nice Guy: Probably the nicest person in the show, which admittedly is not saying a whole lot. He even supports Deb after she gets promoted above him.
- Nice Hat
- Overly Long Name: Ángel Juan Marcos Batista. (No relation)
James Doakes
Played by Erik King
"Surprise, motherfucker!"
James Doakes is a police detective with the rank of Sergeant serving as lead case investigator to Miami Metro PD's Homicide. Doakes had a killer's impulses which drove him to divorce his wife, confessing that if he had stayed with her he would have killed her. Holds a permanent grudge against Dexter, believing him to be suspicious and "creepy", which eventually leads to his downfall.
- Anti-Hero: Type III or IV
- Ultimately just an Anti-Villain in the books, as his Dark Passenger demands the same tributes in victims as Dexter's, and he has killed probably unarmed men to satisfy his hunger, and is still in denial.
- Badass: The second most badass character, after Dexter
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- Butt Monkey: Poor guy has all kinds of shit happen to him.
- Born Detective: Lampshaded by Dexter, who doesn't know why Doakes is the only cop not to like him.
- Clear My Name: It doesn't end well.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Got to be about once a sentence.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Death by Adaptation
- Fate Worse Than Death: In the book he doesn't die. Which might be worse.
- Hero Antagonist
- Hot-Blooded
- Inspector Javert
Vince Masuka
Played by CS Lee
"Now you're dealing with science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a fourteen inch strap-on."
Vince is the Miami Metro Police lead forensic investigator and works alongside Dexter in the lab and in crime scenes. He often cracks innuendo to the rest of the team, and harbors decidedly unrequited feelings for Debra. He is portrayed as obsessed with sex—the kinkier the better—and is not shy about propositioning every woman he meets.
- Asian and Nerdy: Frequently referred to as lab-geek
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He might be an unbelievable sleaze, but Vince is also an extremely talented investigator, which might help explain why he hasn't been fired for conduct.
- Butt Monkey
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Extroverted Nerd: A grown-up version.
- Kavorka Man: He actually does get women, despite how pathetic his game seems in the workplace.
- Loveable Sex Maniac: Probably why he hasn't been hit with sexual harassment complaints.
- Plucky Comic Relief
Joseph "Joey" Quinn
Played by Desmond Harrington
"This Dexter guy. First of all who the fuck is named Dexter? Did his parents know he was going to be a fucking egghead?"
Joseph "Joey" Quinn is a detective who transferred to the Homicide division after being in narcotics before Season 3. He has a bad habit of leaping to conclusions from first impressions of the crime scene, as well as becoming hostile towards anyone who tries to correct him. Quinn takes a liking to Debra Morgan but, like Doakes before him, mistrusts Dexter.
- Anti-Hero
- Bald of Awesome
- Brooklyn Rage
- Chick Magnet: Two hours undercover in a latino night club, six girls. One can understand why.
- Cowboy Cop
- Despair Event Horizon: When Debra dumps his ass.
- Dirty Cop
- Good Is Not Nice
- Hero Antagonist
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerkass
- Sex Equals Love: Quinn falls in love and proposes to Deb, while their relationship pretty much consisted of nothing more than sex. Deb even chews him out about the sudden proposal.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He's brought in to replace Doakes, and as of mid-season 5, is following the exact same path.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: He went from jerk with a heart of gold to just simply jerk in Season 6. List including bringing a stripper to his Ex's party, sleeping during work, sleeping with a potential witness, blaming others for his screw ups, drunkenly proposing to strippers, and telling Batista that he wants to have sex with his younger sister. How he isn't fired yet is a complete mystery.
Harry Morgan
Played by James Remar
"As a cop, I only fire my weapon to save a life – that's a code I live by. Killing must serve a purpose. Otherwise, it's just plain murder."
Adoptive father of Dexter and father of Deb, Harry Morgan is ten years deceased when the series begins. A renowned detective in his day, Morgan became frustrated at the perceived lack of justice in the system. Attempting to channel Dexter's sociopathy into a useful outlet - and to avoid him getting caught - he trains Dexter to become the perfect killer. Initially portrayed in flashbacks, he later manifests in Dexter's imagination, reminding Dexter what Harry taught him.
- Broken Ace
- Broken Pedestal: He's got a lot of darkness in him.
- Dead Person Conversation
- Driven to Suicide: Upon walking in on Dexter sawing up the body of a pimp he had been hunting and seeing that his training had Gone Horribly Right.
- The Mentor
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Pay Evil Unto Evil
- Posthumous Character
- Scare'Em Straight
- Your Cheating Heart
Tom Matthews
Played by Geoff Pierson
" haven't seen my true colors, Maria. But you're about to."
A high-ranking Miami Metro PD police official and LaGuerta’s immediate superior. He was an old friend of Harry Morgan, and therefore has a soft spot for Debra. He’s also a political animal not unlike LaGuerta; however, he frequently clashes with her.
- A Father to His Men: Appears to be, at first...
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: To La Guerta at least. He is protective of Debra and Dexter.
- Da Chief
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dirty Old Man: In secret.
Ellen Wolf
Played by Anne Ramsey
A defense attorney and Miguel Prado's main rival.
- Amoral Attorney: Subverted. She's not as straight-up charming as Miguel, but she has the integrity and morals that Miguel makes such a show of pretending to have.
- Hello, Attorney!
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Mrs. Robinson
Barbara Gianna
Played by Kristen Dattilo
A detective within Miami Metro's Vice Division. She meets Angel while working undercover, and later dates him.
Cira Manzon
Played by April L Hernandez
A competent young officer who Debra takes under her wing.
Ryan Chambers
Played by Brea Grant
"I love homicide...I've always been fascinated by people who do bad things."
A sexy new intern in the Forensics Department.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Everyone's reaction to her.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hot Scientist
- Nightmare Fetishist: Although it's possible this was only just an act in order to get pieces of evidence from famous cases to sell online.
- Ms. Fanservice: Is setting a new record.
Mike Anderson
Played by Billy Brown
A transfer detective from Chicago brought in to fill Debra's now-vacant detective slot.
Family and Friends
Rita Bennett
Played by Julie Benz
"Deb must be a mess. I mean, falling for a serial killer?"
Dexter's girlfriend and later wife. Rita is introduced as a damaged woman who received abuse from her ex-husband Paul, and is grateful for Dexter to give her support. Dexter also helps to look after her children, Astor and Cody.
- Abusive Parents: Her mother was overly judgmental, and verbally and emotionally abusive.
- Anyone Can Die, but only in the television show.
- The Beard: Unknowingly started off as this for Dexter. No longer applies after he grows to genuinely care for her and the kids.
- Betty and Veronica: With Lila.
- Broken Bird
- Calling the Old Man Out: To her mother.
- Death by Adaptation.
- Horrible Judge of Character
- Killed Off for Real
- Morality Pet: To Dexter.
- The Pollyanna
- Rape as Backstory: Her ex-boyfriend was a crack addict who repeatedly beat and raped her.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Took a Level in Badass:
- Beating up Paul with a baseball bat after he tries to rape her following his release from prison.
- Finally standing up to her overly judgmental, bordering on abusive, mother and kicking her out of Rita's house.
Astor Bennett
Played by Christina Robinson
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: During season four.
- Calling the Old Man Out: To Dexter in "My Bad" and "Teenage Wasteland".
- Little Miss Snarker
- Not So Different: From Dexter, it turns out. She did a pretty bad thing, but to save her friend.
Cody Bennett
Played by Daniel Goldman & Preston Bailey
- Cheerful Child
- Not So Different: In the books, he's got his own Dark Passenger and Dexter's teaching him the Code.
- The Quiet One: in the books.
Harrison Morgan
Played by Luke & Evan Kruntchev
- For the record, he's around 6.
Paul Bennett
Played by Mark Pellegrino
- Blonde Guys Are Evil
- Bullying a Dragon: Tries to intimidate Dexter. Doesn't work.
- Domestic Abuser
- Jerkass
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Morality Pet: Astor and Cody. They are both basicly the only good thing he ever did.
- Not So Different: With Dexter, occasionally.
Anton Briggs
Played by David Ramsey
- Butt Monkey
- Nice Guy
- The Informant: Somewhat subverted; he’s a nice guy who just got in some trouble.
Christine Hill
Played by Courtney Ford
An attractive young reporter who forms a relationship with Quinn while pumping him for information. She's later revealed to be Arthur Mitchell's daughter from a previous relationship, and Lundy's killer.
- Ate His Gun
- Broken Bird
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Hot Scoop
- Well Done Daughter Girl: Towards Arthur, AKA The Trinity Killer.
Neil Perry
Played by Sam Witwer
A computer analyst who is arrested a likely suspect in the Ice Truck Killer case. He isn't the killer.
Frank Lundy
Played by Keith Carradine
"People like us don't really belong, we just pass through."
A legendary FBI agent with quirky habits and finely attuned senses when it comes to finding serial killers. He begins a relationship with Debra.
- Back for the Dead
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hero Antagonist
- May–December Romance: With Deb.
- The Profiler
- Put on a Bus
- Schedule Fanatic
- Worthy Opponent: Dexter explicitly calls him one, after he is killed.
Lumen Pierce
Played by Julia Stiles
"I look different don't I? Without my hands tied behind my back."
A woman whom Dexter inadvertently rescues from the house of one of his victims in season 5 after she sees him in the act. At first frightened and mistrustful of Dexter and traumatized by her brutal kidnapping and torture, Lumen later convinces Dexter to aid her in tracking down and killing what remains of the group of men who brutalized her. She is played by Julia Stiles.
- Birds of a Feather: "It is a law of nature that elements will want to unify. Single cells thrash about in a petri dish until they coalesce."
- Broken Bird: And how.
- But Now I Must Go
- Combat Pragmatist: When your a slight women with no combat training you have to be.
- Gut Feeling: Has this accurately about Dan Mendell.
- Knife Nut: "Lookit those!"
- Meaningful Name
- Outlaw Couple: Lampshaded by Masuka in 5x11, who compares her and Dexter to Bonnie and Clyde. This does not sit well with Dexter.
- Rape and Revenge
- Relationship Upgrade: With Dexter.
- Runaway Bride: why she moved to Miami.
- Scars Are Forever: Her back has several horrible scars from her torture. They don't look like they'll ever heal.
- Serial Killer: In a saner Aileen Wuornos kind of way.
- Took a Level in Badass
Brother Sam AKA Samuel Wright
Played by Mos
"I'm not afraid of you son...and damn sure ain't afraid to die. I know what's waiting for me on the other side, do you?"
Once on Death Row, Samuel Wright is now a reformed man of God...or so he says. Miami Metro are still highly suspicious of him, and don't know if he's honestly changed or has different intentions.
- Abusive Parents
- The Atoner
- Badass: He faces down three men who all intend to kill him with not a trace of fear.
- Badass Pacifist: He stands still and simply tells the above attackers that he's not afraid to die.
- Badass Preacher
- Good Is Not Nice: Certainly not all of the time. He once killed a man, and outlets his violent tendencies on a punchbag.
- Good Shepherd: He's set up a garage where he employs ex-cons, and tries to help them better themselves.
- Heel Faith Turn: Surprising even Dexter who had plans for him.
- Magical Negro
- Not So Different: Dexter recognizes that Brother Sam had a Dark Passenger. It's Sam's ability to find the light within his own Darkness that intrigues him.
- Reformed but Rejected: The police don't trust him in the slightest, but his small community respect him and rely on him heavily.
- Reformed Criminal
- Odd Friendship: To the rest of Dexters social circle, his friendship with a former legendary gangbanger known for his body count would seem .. Odd. Unknown to them the two have a lot more in common then they know.
- Turn the Other Cheek: Tries to get Dexter to do this in regards to Nick who had betrayed Brother Sam and fatally shot him. Dexter tried to respect his friends wishes, then Nick had to start laughing about getting away with it.
- The Obi-Wan: He tries to help Dexter put aside his Dark Passenger and bring out his good instead.
- Obi-Wan Moment: On his deathbed, he asks Dexter to forgive his murderer.
Jamie Batista
Played by Aimee Garcia
Angel's baby sister and Harrison's new nanny.
Rudy Cooper/Brian Moser AKA The Ice Truck Killer
Played by Christian Camargo
"You can't be a killer and a hero. It doesn't work that way!"
The Big Bad and Dexter's main nemesis of the first season. The Ice Truck Killer takes hookers, kills them and using a freezer, starting with an ice truck hence the name, drains their blood and chops them into pieces before putting them on display for all to see. Throughout the entirety of the first season he leaves clues that he knows only Dexter would find as a game of cat n' mouse is played. It's eventually revealed that the Ice Truck Killer is Dexter's brother, Brian Moser, who wanted to get close to Dexter and live their lives together, as they were the only two people who would ever understand each other. When Brian reveals that he would have to kill Debra to do this, Dexter regretfully kills him in the TV series, but spares him and even leaves him a head start after being shot by LaGuerta in the books.
- Ax Crazy
- The Bus Came Back: even though he's dead{in show}, he now represents Dexter's darkness.
- Cain and Abel
- Criminal Mind Games: Plays this with Dexter for the entire season.
- And recently, the entire fifth book. It turns out it was just his way of showing affection and having fun with Dexter and the kids, and he actually wanted a family.
- Death by Adaptation
- Evil Counterpart: The most famous and obvious, it comes with being brothers.
- Hope Spot: To Debra. Worst thing is, he's not even trying to pretend anymore, he's just Sure Why Not.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Oh so subverted.
- Killed Mid-Sentence
- Dexter, I Am Your Brother
- Manipulative Bastard
- Psycho for Hire: For the Coven.
- Reverse Mole: In the coven. That's not to say he didn't enjoy it...
- The Sociopath
- Stepford Smiler: In the book, mostly in the series too. Taken Up to Eleven when he comes to Dexter's house with an obvious fake smile and lines literally ripped out from books and movies, and woos Rita.
- Unexplained Recovery: He's back in the fifth book, after having been shot, with no obvious aches or pains regarding that.
- Villainous Rescue: Yes, him. He saves Dexter from vampiric cannibals in the fifth book. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.
Lila West/Tourney
Played by Jaime Murray
"You haven't got the first idea who you are, have you? Dexter, meet Dexter. I'm gonna help the two of you get to know each other."
Dexter's temporary Love Interest during season 2 and Big Bad of that season. Lila become Dexter's sponsor when he enrols in NA meetings as his alibi. She learns of his "addiction" early on, finds a connection between herself and Dexter and later professes to be his soulmate. Dexter finally kills her after she murders Doakes "for him", believing that Dexter will run away with her.
- Ax Crazy
- Betty and Veronica
- Big Damn Villains
- Evil Brit
- Evil Is Sexy: Oh, so sexy.
- Femme Fatale
- Foot Focus: While riding in Dexter's car she hangs her bare feet out the passenger window.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl
- Manipulative Bitch
- Ms. Fanservice: "Pardon my tits".
- Pyromaniac
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Her complexion is remarked on variously.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Sets fire to her own apartment and then frames Angel for rape by taking a date rape drug and making it look like he assaulted her
- Yandere
Miguel Prado
Played by Jimmy Smits
"I'll do what I want, when I want, to whomever I want! Count on it!"
Assistant District Attorney who befriends Dexter in season 3 after Dexter accidentally kills his brother in self defense, and Miguel later catches Dexter with blood on his hands after Dexter kills the man who Miguel believes is responsible for his brother's death. This leads to an odd partnership, however Miguel becomes increasingly unstable and eventually murders an innocent woman, and Dexter is forced to kill him after realizing that Miguel has been manipulating him all along.
- Abusive Parents: His father really messed up him and his brothers.
- Aloof Big Brother: His brother Ramon is a hothead and initially appears to be a Jerkass, while Miguel is the calm level-headed success story. Later, it turns out that this was an image Miguel created himself. He was always a liar trying to make himself appear better than he was.
- Amoral Attorney
- Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word
- Consummate Liar: He is a wonderful monument of bullshit.
- Deceptive Disciple
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan
- Knight Templar
- Manipulative Bastard
- Narcissist
- The One That Got Away: For Maria.
- Playing Against Type: Who knew Jimmy Smits could be so scary?
- Sanity Slippage: Most apparant when he goes utterly batshit at Dexter on the Miami Metro roof, ranting about doing whatever he wants.
- Villainous Breakdown: He's got quite a temper...
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: At first.
Jorge Orozco AKA George Washington King
Played by Jesse Borrego
A Nicaraguan Serial Killer and supporting antagonist in season three.
Arthur Mitchell AKA The Trinity Killer
Played by John Lithgow
"It's already over."
The Big Bad of season 4, a mysterious, malevolent figure who kills in threes, referred to by Dexter as "the most successful serial killer to ever get away with it". Dexter tracks down Trinity only to find that Arthur has a family and hides within his community, just like Dexter himself and realizes that he may be able to learn a thing or two from him. He is played with terrifying haminess by John Lithgow.
- Abusive Parents: Had them and becomes one.
- Ax Crazy
- Berserker Tears: During the fourth kill in his cycle, beating a father of two to death.
- Cute and Psycho: It's the dark side we see first, and then the happy married life...and then it's played terrifyingly straight.
- Death Seeker
- Domestic Abuser
- Drop the Hammer: One of his kills is to murder a man with a hammer. Dexter kills him with a hammer as well.
- Evil Counterpart: To Lundy at first, but then it's averted. Lundy initially sees him as a fellow 'lone wolf', but Arthur is actually a family man and pillar of the community. He's definitely a counterpart to Dexter, another serial killer with a family.
- Evil Is Hammy: The hammiest of all of the Dexter villains.
- It's a toss-up between him and Migeul.
- Family Values Villain: In his public life.
- Freudian Excuse
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Interrupted Suicide: tries to commit suicide but is saved by Dexter who wants to kill him instead.
- Madness Mantra: "It's already's already over..."
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: One of the sweetest actors you'll ever meet and a dedicated author and singer for children playing a Complete Monster serial killer who buries kids alive.
- Non-Indicative Name: Is called the Trinity killer for his pattern of killing in threes, but he actually kills in fours.
- Parental Incest: Heavily suggested towards his daughter, who seemed to treat as a substitute for his sister who died when he startled her as he peeked on her in the shower.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Sanity Slippage: After successfully getting away with hundreds of murders over many decades, it seems he's finally starting to crack. When Dexter meets up, he's suicidal and begins blurting out his horrible past to complete strangers.
- The Sociopath
- Theme Serial Killer
Stan Liddy
Played by Peter Weller
"You fuck with the bull, you get the horn."
A Dirty Cop who is recruited by Quinn to investigate Dexter. However, he quickly gets out of control…
- Asshole Victim: Not that we weren't sorry to see him go...
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dirty Cop
- The Dragon: to Quinn, at first. Then Quinn tries to back out, and he becomes...
- Wild Card
Professor James Geller
Played by Edward James Olmos
"Is that what you want, Travis? To hurt me? You see how I suffer for your sins!"
A Professor of Religious Studies who also happens to be a serial killer and Evil Mentor to one of his students.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad
- Except not really.
- Dead All Along
- Dirty Old Man: Has a taste for younger women.
- Evil Counterpart: To Dexter's ghost Harry guide.
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Teacher
- Expy: He takes some inspiration from John Doe of Se7en, elaborately staging his murders to conform to religious imagery.
- Now that it is clear that he wasn't actually responsible for the murders, he's more like an expy of American bible prophecy "experts" like Tim Lehaye. The sixth season is sort of a deconstruction of what happens when someone takes religious extremism completely seriously.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Knight Templar: He seems to be this, but the recent episode had a teacher assistant of his reveal that he just likes to stir up trouble, so whether he really believes it or not is up in the air.
- Manipulative Bastard: He harms himself when Travis doesn't follow orders, to better emotionally manipulate him.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Poetic Serial Killer
- Theme Serial Killer
Travis Marshall
Played by Colin Hanks
"You're not going anywhere until you've repented for your sins."
A student of Professor James Geller and his serial killer protege.
- Anti-Villain: He doesn't want to kill anybody. Unfortunately for him, the "Geller" personality is the stronger one.
- as of "Ricochet Rabbit" this may be a sham, though one must not forget "Geller".
- Ax Crazy: May not be the most evil Dexter villain, but is definitely the most insane.
- Bastard Understudy
- Big Bad
- Cain and Abel: He killed his sister, though he was under the delusion that 'Geller' had done it.
- Dead Older Sister: "Geller" murdered his sister to "free him" and allow him to return to their work. Travis didn't take it well.
- The Dragon: To Professor Gellar Though Gellar was just in his mind he still follow his plans
- Evil Counterpart: Like Dexter he has a sister that he cares about more than anyone else, and he's guided by an elder mentor who's just a vision.
- Heel Face Turn: After an encounter with Dexter forces him to realize that Geller is manipulating him, he begins having doubts. After an episode of trying to deal with his conscience, he makes the turn and frees the woman who would have been their next victim.
- And then It Got Worse for him. Though he promises to help Dexter kill Geller as a result.
- But then he goes back to "serving" Geller, or at least his interpretation of him.
- Lack of Empathy: As said in his psych evaluation file.
- Pet the Dog: He genuinely loves his sister.
- Split Personality
- The Sociopath
Barrel Girl Gang
Jordan Chase AKA Eugene Greer
Played by Jonny Lee Miller
"Tick, tick, tick, that´s the sound of your life running out."
A charismatic and popular motivational speaker, known for his 'Take It!' approach to life. He's also a demented sociopath and ringleader of the Barrel Girl Gang, a group of serial rapists.
- The Chessmaster
- Control Freak
- Criminal Mind Games
- Devil in Plain Sight: One hundred times more evil and famous than Dexter.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Formerly Fat
- For the Evulz
- Freudian Excuse: Subverted; it's vaguely hinted that his actions have something to do with him being overweight as a kid, but it's oddly never brought up again.
- Hates Being Touched
- Hey, It's That Guy!: It's Sick Boy!
- Manipulative Bastard
- Meaningful Rename: The site of the first time he manipulated the Gang into raping a woman, where he developed his Take It philosophy? Camp River Jordan.
- Poisonous Friend: Without his influence, the others (with the possible exception of Cole) probably wouldn't have gone on to become rapist superfriends. Of course, this doesn't mean they're any less monstrous. Not to mention that Jordan doesn't seem to like any of them, being perfectly willing to sell them out. More than likely, he gets off on having total mental control over these people.
- Rousing Speech
- The Sociopath
- Villain with Good Publicity
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Strange Minds Think Alike: Has the creepy and funny habit of finishing Dexter's mental sentances.
Cole Harmon
Played by Chris Vance
The loyal head of security for Jordan Chase.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: In addition to being a rapist, he enjoyed torturing his victims. Lumen states that he gave her her scars.
- Creepy Souvenir: It doesn't get much creepier than recording the gang rapes you participated in.
- Defiant to the End
- Hey, It's That Guy!: It's James Whistler
- The Dragon: to Jordan.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Undying Loyalty: Even though Jordan doesn't seem to like him much, he's crazily loyal to the guy. He almost seems to worship him, considering the fact he has framed pictures of Chase in his hotel room.
Boyd Fowler
Played by Sean Hatosy
The 'cleaner' for the Barrel Girl Gang, he works in dead animal pick-up and is responsible for disposing of the gang's victims.
Dan Mendell
Played by Sean O’Bryan
A dentist and scout for the group, luring the women into the gang's clutches.
- Alliterative Name: Not actually, but once it's revealed he's a dentist, Dexter, Lumen, and Debra all call him "Dan the Dentist."
- Country Matters: Calls Lumen this. It gets his neck broken.
- Depraved Dentist
- Neck Snap: Courtesy of Dexter, after he called Lumen a cunt.
Alex Tilden
Played by Scott Grimes
A banker and weak-willed flunky of Jordan Chase.
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg
- Creepy Souvenir: He collects pieces of jewelry from his victims. Lumen is able to identify him as one of her attackers by recognizing a piece of her jewelry that he has.
- Evil Redhead
- Unwitting Pawn: In the end, this was all he amounted to as far as Jordan was concerned.