Devil Survivor 2

The darkly prospering days of man have reached an end.
You who have strayed from the cycle of the stars will leave not a trace of your existence.

But fear not. You will no longer feel anything...
Quote from the Game Over screen

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 is the sequel to Devil Survivor, developed by Atlus. It was released in Japan on July 2011 and in North America on February 28, 2012.

One ordinary Sunday Twenty Minutes Into the Future, a high school senior and two of his classmates are headed back home after a mock exam session. But their trip home takes a grim turn when they each receive a email on their phones from Nicaea, a "dead face delivery site" (in beta) supposedly able to show the user a photo depicting the death of any person typed into its search engine; however, it is dismissed as a hoax due to the inscrutable quality of the results.

The email contains a high-quality video of a subway accident that kills all three of them.

To avoid their fate, the three friends sign a pact with "the devil" to become three of the thirteen Devil Messengers, gaining the power to bind and summon demons. However, soon afterwards Japan is besieged by extraterrestrial invaders called the Septentriones, with a new invader arriving on each day of the week. As Devil Messengers, the trio have seven days to defeat all seven Septentriones while using Nicaea to avoid their own deaths and prevent the deaths of the other ten Devil Messengers. Aiding them is the JP's (Japan Meteorological Agency, Prescribed Geomagnetism Research Department), a government organization who lead the attacks against the Septentriones yet seem to have their own hidden agenda regarding the unfolding events.

New features include upgradeable racial skills, and a relationship system (similar to the Social Link system in Persona 3 and Persona 4) that allows you to bond with the other characters.

Does this storyline and artistry seem familiar to you? Work on the Septentriones' story and art is done by none other that Mohiro Kitoh!

Like its predecessor, compare and contrast The World Ends With You.

Tropes used in Devil Survivor 2 include:
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: In the Chaos route epilogue, the group of people earlier seen defending a little boy in one of Makoto's Fate events is being led by him, who the game still addresses as "Timid Boy".
  • Action Bomb: Dubhe, Alioth and Merak's spawn.
  • All There in the Manual: The art book has a lot of supplemental information about the characters, such as their heights, birthdays/star signs, where they want to travel, etc., and even goes as far as to mention that Yamato has a younger twin sister named Miyako (though, as far as the game goes, she is nonexistent).
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: Fumi's dress and Makoto's badge.
  • Anyone Can Die: Just like the first game, only even worse. At least one of the player characters dies in any of the endings. About 2/3 of the cast can die, although the game is nice enough to force you to save people after you have killed off three characters, so you aren't left with a handful of characters at the end. Worst case scenario, five main characters will die by the end of the game.
  • Axe Crazy: Bifrons likes to kill humans. He'll always ask the Anguished One if he can kill any humans in sight. The only thing that keeps him in check is his master.
  • Back From the Dead: Nebiros brings back defeated demons using his Necromancy skill.
  • Badass
    • Badass Crew: One mission will have you characters form three of these, and depending on route the Law, Chaos, or Neutral factions will all have one, with the route your main character is on having the most badass of them all at his beck and call.
    • Badass Longcoat: Yamato and Fumi. A few characters who don't normally wear them have one at least in their possession. In fact, a LOT of characters wear these.
    • Scarf of Asskicking: And those that don't often wear these.
    • World of Badass: Most humans who have latent spiritual power have access to summoning demons. However, even those that don't can at least fight demons to some degree (as opposed to the first game, where non demon summoners were boned by default).
  • Bare Your Midriff: Turns out Kama just loves belly buttons.
  • Barrier Change Boss: Beelzebub.
  • Battle Royale With Cheese: The bulk of Day 7. Mostly nonlethal results.
  • Bland-Name Product: A ruined "Starbacks" can be seen in Shibuya, and Yuzuru is apparently a reader of "Shoji Leap". And Daichi is into "Aberzombie" apparel. And Joe got scammed into buying an "Armanyo" suit.
    • A complete list of these can be found here, though in Japanese.
  • Blatant Lies: Grimehkala says something good will happen if you physically attack him. He repels physical attacks.

Ghost Q: "Let's have a fair, one-on-one fight!"

  • Ghost Q summons a bunch of demons to gang up on MC*
  • Body Surf: Done by Bonus Boss Nebiros if there are any enemies left on the field, and if there's less than 3 present, he uses his turn to make more.
  • Bonus Boss: Belial, Nebiros, Lilith, Beelzebub, Sage of Time, and Alice are all NG+ bosses, with Alice being the ultimate boss of the game. Ghost Q and Billiken aren't mandatory in sense that if you spend your time elsewhere, you can skip fighting them, but the former expects you to fight him solo with the MC and the latter has several cutscenes dedicated to him. Beating all of them makes them fuseable, although you need to beat Alice to make Belial and Nebiros fusable.
  • Broken Masquerade: The existence of demons is worldwide this time around, so no one can deny demons exist this time round.
  • But Thou Must!: Interestingly, usually this is just the game getting you to stop joking around.
    • Averted in the first battle. You can choose to die, automatically getting a mission fail.
  • Butt Monkey: Daichi. You can eventually get him to man up in the end... or keep picking on him instead.
  • Call Back: A very funny one at that. If you manage to defeat both Botis and Bifrons when you first fight them, you get Black Frost to fight you in the 8th Day in all routes except Alcor's. What happens when he moves cements a full Call Back to Devil Survivor...

Black Frost: The messenger of love and justice is here! Time for some magical punishment! ★
Hiro: (Choosing first answer) Frosty!
Black Frost: …Ho? What’re you saying, ho? You got me confused with somebody else!

  • Chekhov's Gun: A event with Joe has him and a NPC mention Billiken on day 2 as a doll and a God of Luck. Come day 6 and said doll is a boss.
  • Chirping Crickets: Happens twice in one scene, during an event to revive Kama.
  • Co-Dragons: Botis and Bifrons both serve Alcor. Defeating both results in Black Frost taking their place in every route but Alcor's.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Aside from combos on CP demons and humans that would be ridiculous to get, the computer enjoys finding lone characters then juggling them with a ranged demon. A few enemies even get unmentioned buffs such as anti-almighty, or making Strong reduce attacks to 75% damage instead of 50%.
  • Copy Protection: If the copy protection flags get set off, then during the first boss fight (which starts off as an escape mission then turns into a battle), after the exit is closed off, the event that is supposed to weaken the currently unkillable boss doesn't happen, rendering the game unwinnable.
  • Creepy Doll: Billiken.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Common among the cast, much like it was before. Our hero is one of the few exceptions; while he doesn't have blue hair, he has very striking Blue Eyes.
  • Deal with the Devil: A website Nicaea, rumored to show images of someone dying in the future, is much more than just that. Anybody who uses the website can form a contract and gain the ability to summon demons and cast spells through their phones.
  • Death's Hourglass: The Death Clocks and Laplace Mail have been replaced by Nicaea, a website that is able to predict how people will die, but without specifying when or where, which is relevant to the plot many times.
  • Deconstruction: Like the first game, this game takes every trope Pokémon plays straight and tears them apart. This time, you see first-hand the consequences of a failed demon contract, with a named character no less.
  • Defrosting The Ice Kings: Spend enough time with Yamato and Keita and they eventually come out as Jerks With Hearts of Gold.
  • The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: No, you can't kill Dubhe with an Almighty-element attack before Daichi drives the truck into it.
    • Naming the Protagonist after a plot-relevant character that has six letters or less than their names (either use a first name or a last name) will make the game warn you that another handle is being used with the same name. This is an easy way to tell they are into Nicaea as well.
  • Dissonant Serenity: The Septentriones' theme certainly gives off this vibe.
  • Dub Name Change: The races of the Septentriones were changed to Star for the english release. In the Japanese version their race names corresponded with their ancient Chinese name.
  • Dysfunction Junction: The majority of the cast has a tragic back story of some sort. And those who don't tend to have awful things happen to them throughout the story. There are a handful of characters that have generally happy back stories, like Otome who has recently adopted a daughter. But those can be even more tragic if you really think into it, because now Otome's adopted daughter has to live in a destroyed world.
  • Early Bird Boss: Botis, should you choose to fight him. Ziodyne and Shield All on Day 3? This Is Gonna Suck.
    • Though his speed is so low your entire party will get several shots at him before he moves more than once, and with some planning you can easily remove all his Extra Turns to trick it into spending all of his MP while you whittle away its HP. Also becomes a Disc One Nuke if you manage to crack those two skills with a Joint Crack.
  • Eastern RPG: Though it's a somewhat non-standard one. No weapons or armor. No shops (except for the Demon Auction). No healing items or items of any kind. No character classes. No dungeons.
  • Eastern Zodiac: The demons unlocked through fate and the characters personalities tend to correspond with the Chinese Zodiac. Airi for example unlocks Sheep themed demons and Daichi unlocks Monkeys. The only exception being the Anguished One.
  • Eleventh-Hour Ranger: The Anguished One/Alcor
  • Everybody Lives: Implied in the hidden route's Restorer ending.
  • Expy:
    • Many of the cast members revealed so far resemble the previous game's cast to varying degrees.
    • The Septentriones have been oft compared to the Angels; the final one is even a White-Haired Pretty Boy.
    • The main trio is initially quite similar to Mikado, Anri, and Masamomi both in looks and personality. But as the gameplay continues, only the similar appearances plays out. Unless the player chooses to make the MC answer like Mikado.
    • Jungo and possibly the main character share their appearance with a previous Atlus game protagonist...
  • Eyeless Face: The random mooks from JP's are rendered this way.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Liliths temptation skill inflicts charm 100% on males and a medium chance on females/demons.
  • Everything Fades: Even in cutscenes, whenever someone dies, they disappear.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Ghost Q and Botis on the last day if you didn't kill him earlier in the game when you beat them.
  • Face of a Thug: Keita, who looks like the previous game's Kaido with light blue hair. Surprisingly, other than him being a bit too rash about things and eager to fight the demons, he isn't that much of a bad guy. To a lesser extent, Jungo.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Several; the first notable one is the train crash on the very first day, complete with shots of bloody corpses strewn all over the place. The Nicaea videos provide more of these examples.
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: A staple of the franchise. You'll summon up gods from every mythological pantheon that you can name along with ancient heroes, Goetic demons, Urban Legends, and horrors from beyond the stars.
  • Faux Yay: You can suggest that Daichi pretends he's gay to lie about his attempted peeping.

Daichi: Huh... I might get away with it if I said I was in love with Yamato. ...No. That's too risky. *sigh* I don't think I could keep that ruse up when I'm with the girls.

  • Five-Man Band: In four of the five routes, there are four major characters depending on which route you take.
  • Foreshadowing: The theme that plays when the protagonist is registering for Nicaea (which is where you give the protagonist his name) is the Anguished One's Leitmotif. Turns out the Anguished One is the one who made the site.
  • Four Is Death: There are five admins mentioned in the story. Polaris is fourth
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: In the Turn Back the Clock ending, it is continuously stated that the protagonists will need a "strong willpower" to "keep their memories" after Polaris rewrites the world back at how it was before. Guess how the New Game+ mechanic works?
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: During the fight with bonus boss Lilith you have to avoid defeating any of the men under her control or you'll kill them and fail the mission. No reason is ever given for why this differs from all of the fights with civilians or J Ps members.
    • Most likely has to do with them being completely under her control. They are probably trying to fight you to the death. While everyone else fought in the game are in control besides Fumi.
  • Greed: Billikens entire motivation during his battle. Where he hunts down anything that has macca and kills them to get it. If you don't have any he kills you anyway. To the point even demons are terrified of him!
  • Good-Looking Privates: The named members of the JP's, including Yamato and Makoto.
  • Graceful Loser: Botis in the last day battle against him commends you on having great strength as he dies.
  • Gratuitous English: The e-mail message you get after the credits is in English even in the Japanese version.
  • Humans Are Cthulhu: One demon, Trumpeteer, certainly feels this way after being mercilessly bludgeoned by Fumi.

Trumpeteer: "How do I put this... Humans have become such dreadful beings."

  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Alice. Though all her friends are dead, so she respectfully requests that any candidates "Die for me!"
  • Ill Girl: Joe's girlfriend. Her condition is much worse than she lets on and she eventually dies. However, it seems as though she's brought back to life in the 'true' ending.
  • Improbable Age: At a mere 17 years, Yamato serves as the director and leader of JP's. Partly Justified with the explanation that command of the group has been passed down through his family for generations, and they were the ones who founded it. And then deconstructed when it turns out that being treated as an adult from the day of his birth has prevented him from developing a concept of compassion, effectively rendering a low-key sociopath.
  • I'm Taking It Home With Me: Taken to some ludicrous extremes by a Badb Catha when you have to retrieve the pieces of Lugh's essence. If it gets to a piece first, it will squee like a little girl and directly mention this trope.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: If you pick Boo-njour! before the battle against Ghost Q he'll say you make worse puns than him.
  • Invisible to Normals: Dera-deka says that you have to have at least some spiritual power already to access Nicaea.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Io is a character who is constantly afraid of offending anyone, so she always keeps her opinions to herself. So her main point of character development is when she finds a kid around her age about to commit suicide. Io tries to tell him that committing suicide isn't worth it, but the kid tells her that he has no reason to live anymore because both of his parents were killed by demons. Io, whose parents were also killed by demons, finally voices her opinion and tells the kid what she really thinks, and explains to him how her parents were killed as well and she still finds the will to live on. Because of this, the kid decides against committing suicide.
  • Irony: Abraxas is classified as a fallen demon yet Abraxas talks about repelling evil.
    • A subversion. The fallen demons are all part of the Goetia series, and all of them are summoned demons from that mythos. In their case, their roles as fallen comes from their fall from grace after Christianity came along. Among their ranks, most of them have very variable alignments with quite a few of them being benevolent.
    • Not really a subversion when Satans first time as Fallen Demon depicts him as the King of Demons instead of a servant of the Lord.
  • Just in Time / You Are Too Late: Whenever it comes to prevent a predicted death, you will either arrive just as things are getting grim, or immediately after the irreparable has happened. Even the first failed rescue mission is titled "Too Late".
  • Kenji Ito: The composer for the game.
  • Kill It with Fire: What Bifrons does to several JP's members and possibly Otome.
  • Ley Line: The Dragon Stream.
  • Life Drain: The Life Drain skill, drain does it as well as stealing MP, and Bonus Boss Alice uses a powered up version called Vitality Drain. Which drains HP from every enemy within a range of six.
  • Lighter and Softer: Unlike the first game, the characters are not locked in one city, so the claustrophobic atmosphere and more explicit decay of society into anarchy are missing. Compounding this is the increase in comic relief scenes and the Fate System allowing for rather sweet and happy moments. The reason for this is that the characters are living comfortably within JP's headquarters and not on the streets. Where the chaos is spreading and affecting the normal civilians who attack JP's in order to get supplies so that they can survive.
    • Darker and Edgier: On the other hand, it takes much less time for the whole world to go to hell, and the sense that time is running out is much, much greater. Also, the lessened exposure to the anarchy of society breaking down is substituted by the knowledge existence itself is literally under attack and its going to get a LOT worse before it gets better.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: Several times, you'll see some poor human get hit with a blast of ice magic, topple over and shatter. Ouch.
    • Most notably seen with Merak's Circumpolarity Signature Move in the opening of the battle against him.
  • Love Potion: Charm inflicts this. Lilith's boss battle has all the other enemies on the field be men she's casted a spell over and her racial skill Temptation inflicts this on men, women, and demons.
  • Luck-Based Mission: The fight against Yamato. As usual for bosses, he gets an extra turn even while attacking from a range, moves insanely fast (though only two spaces at a time), and even if you can get close, there's a high chance that he'll use Megido twice in a row, which will kill pretty much anything. And of course no weaknesses and Reflect Phys. He also gets even faster as you defeat the demons around him, to the point where even ganging up on him can still end up with him having the faster turn.
    • Even without the double Megido hanging above your head, he has Revive (Recarm on fallen allies at start of skirmish) and one of his demons has Samarecarm.
  • Magikarp Power: Daichi's stat growth doesn't give him particularly impressive Strength or Magic, making him much less desirable in the first days, where most of the battles are about dishing out as much damage in one blow as possible. Crack Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike, though, and his above-average Agility lets him plow through anything that isn't immune to Physical attacks (though arguably Keita does the same job but better, and Hinako has almost exactly the same stat growth but slightly more fragile).
  • Make a Wish: Upon being defeated, Polaris will basically grant a wish to whoever defeated him. Each route involves the characters making a different wish.
  • Medium Awareness: Justified when characters can see the enemy's name and skills, as several shots show the Demon Summoning App is basically the same as the DS's top screen.

Jack Frost:"Gree-heetings from the bottom screen!"

  • Meaningful Name: The Septentriones are named after an archaic word for "north". They are individually named after stars in the Big Dipper constellation, which is used as a guide to find Polaris, the north star.
    • Not only that, but the seven stars themselves are referred to as Septentriones.
    • Al Saiduq is also this; it's a slightly different spelling of Al Saidak, which literally means "the test", which is also another name for Alcor.
  • Monumental Damage: Plenty of Japanese landmarks either get wrecked or are shown-to-be-wrecked over the course of the game.
  • Multiple Endings: Like the first game in the series, there are multiple routes. This time the routes include Ronaldo (Law Ending), Yamato (Chaos Ending), Daichi (With three endings, two neutral ones and one 'true ending'), and the Anguished One (A very strange, more Neutral ending).
    • The Kill Polaris Neutral ending is a Bittersweet Ending, somewhat heavy on the bitter. The good part is that NOTHING supernatural can ever screw with humanity ever again, and our fate is ours alone to decide. Unfortunately, besides the Void being replaced by ocean, none of the damage done by Polaris has been undone, which means only central Tokyo is the only land that exists in the whole world with any humans, as over 99% of humanity and the Earth's topography is now gone forever.
    • The Turn Back The Clock Neutral Ending has Polaris rewind time to slightly before the erasure of the world, effectively making the New Game+ an in story Justified Trope.
    • The Anguished One's route has you defeating Polaris and having Alcor replace him as the world's administrator. The world is reborn with man deciding its fate. Alcor becomes God, but loses his physical form and though the heroes lose the ability to interact with him, they still feel his presence.
    • In the hidden route. You and your friends reset the world. The heroes vow not to forget one another. Bits of their Character Development show. Daichi promises to become more mature. Io is bold enough to walk up to you and ask to hang out. Hinako and Airi are getting along well enough to put on a concert together. Keita--who's now a boxer of some renown--is helping Jungo sell chawanmushi. The fear that all the events may happen again is proven invalid when the Nicaea app says that its services are no longer needed and wishes you good luck.
    • Ronaldo's route involves the creation of a Utopia where all men are equal. Polaris' powers accomplish this and the civilians, SDF, and JP's work together to rescue survivors and rebuild society. While the game says that the kind of utopia man dreamed about is created, it questions whether or not mankind can maintain its prosperity without a competitive spirit and the drive to excel. The only certainty is that the future is in the hands of the heroes.
    • Yamato's route culminates in the creation of a true meritocracy. Survival of the fittest rules supreme as the weak are oppressed by the strong, and Polaris points out that even Yamato and the Main Character's supremacy could be challenged at any time. On the other hand, creed, color, age and family ties are no longer a bar to individual progress. Those with natural talent or a willingness to improve themselves are rewarded without fail. Demons are also still around this new world. Meaning that humanity must also be careful of demons.
  • Murder.Com: Replacing the Laplace Mail from the previous mail is the website Nicaea, which sends out rather gruesome videos of the characters meeting their fated demise.
  • Mythology Gag: Bonus Boss Alice is found in Roppongi.
    • Bonus Boss Belial is fought in Bugeikan Stage.
    • The max limit of experience that demons will need to level up goes up to is 65535.
    • Black Frost appearance in the game is one big reference to the first Devil Survivor. His compendium info even states he is powerful enough to become the Overlord!
    • Joe mentions he's a fan of a Featherman Manga.
    • Nitta is a character and Shijima is a reason from Nocturne
  • My Rules Are Not Your Rules: Drain functions differently in battles between NPCs, not actually draining anything.
  • New Game+: You earn titles based on your accomplishments in the game. Each title is worth a certain amount of points that you can use to buy the right to carry over demons, skills, money, the demon compendium, and auction ratings, remove the fusion limit and EXP limit, unlock Mitama fusion, and to buy the right to battle bonus bosses.
  • Nice Hat: Yuzuru's flat cap (overlapping with the rest of his attire), Airi's white pillbox hat, and Jungo's black bucket hat much like Atsuro's hat in the last game.
  • Noble Demon: Botis.
  • Noble Shoplifter: Done at one point by Daichi towards the beginning of the game. Unfortunately, given just how quickly civilization breaks down, this act quickly become good intentioned but fairly meaningless.
  • No Endor Holocaust: Subverted. Nobody dies when Alioth crashes into Sapporo. But that's because everyone is already dead.
    • It's implied later that there may have actually been survivors who were crushed by Alioth (and if any survived, the deadly toxins that flooded the entire city would ensure it wasn't for long). Yamato just lied so that everyone won't feel bad about leveling the city.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: The Anguished One. He feels that humans are too controlled and wishes to bring freedom back to the world. However, being that he is a Septentrione, he comes off as a villain, and in four of the five routes, you and your party kill him. However, on his route, he becomes the essence of the new world, and becomes a god that loves and respects humans.
  • Obvious Beta: In-Universe example. The Nicaea app is supposed to be in beta, in the same sense as Google Beta.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Interesting not in the fact the themes are present, as they are a Mega Ten mainstay, but in the portrayal. Neutral is portrayed as a balance of extremes, but has different manners of implementations. Chaos is portrayed much like it was in the second SMT game, and Law much like it was in the first Devil Survivor. However, the twist is that Law, usually seen as somewhat extreme or somewhat negative in most games (mostly due to those who want it implemented giving it crappy publicity) actually gets portrayed fairly positively as a system of fairness and equality (i.e. all are equal before the law). Chaos has it's typical Social Darwinist outlook, and while the philosophy is valid enough (i.e. success and strength are prizes awarded the worthy), the representative for this creed isn't exactly the most charismatic salesman of the idea, as opposed to Lucifer. Neutral, usually seen as the preferred choice (in Strange Journey especially), is still shown in a ambiguous, open to interpretation light, with most of the neutral endings favoring a world much like the one before the invasion that decides the balance of Chaos and Law according to its own desires.
    • Oddly, though the Neutral variant provided by the Anguished One is a weird mix of the freedom of Chaos and the guidance of a benevolent Law figure.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Pretty much all of the characters, if you develop fate with them. Io expresses her true thoughts, Daichi gets over his cowardice and attacks demons voluntarily, Joe foreswears being late ever again, Keita saves his teammates, and Fumi stops her experiments to save Jungo (or Daichi)'s life.
  • The Peeping Tom: in the "Secret Garden" cutscene, Daichi and Joe decide to spy on the female cast members' physical exam.The main character can join them too, leading to an eavesdropped conversation of the girls comparing their "assets", and several minor What the Hell, Hero? moments later on.
  • Post-Modern Magik: Traditional demon summoning rituals are transformed into a cell phone app.
  • Previous Player Character Cameo: If you defeat Bifrons and Botis early then on every route except Alcor's he'll be replaced by the messenger of Love and Justice Black Frost.
  • Prop Recycling: A LOT of art assets from the first game get reused here.
    • What's Fumi doing in Amane's mind garden?
  • Punny Name: In the manga adaptation, the main character is given the name Hiro Kageyama.
  • Reality Subtext: The plot opens with Japan getting hit with a powerful and destructive earthquake, and the damage only persists as the Septentriones invade...
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Jungo is a chef. He's also one of the physically strongest characters in the game.
  • Redshirt Army: The gold-uniformed JP's members don't even have eyes in their facial portraits, so it should come as little surprise that they get killed by demons and Septentriones.
  • Reset Button: In one of Daichi's endings, you make Polaris turn back time to before the invasion.
    • Not only that, but the whole purpose of the Septentriones are to destroy and recreate the world. They have apparently destroyed and recreated the world numerous times.
    • Oh. Bit like Kagutsuchi, then?
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: If you defeat all the demons before defeating Ghost Q he'll decide to run away and must be beaten before he escapes to unlock him.
  • Shout-Out: To Metal Gear Solid when Io sneaks in using a box as a disguise during the mission where you rescue Daichi.


    • After telling the protagonist that he proposed to his girlfriend, Joe sings a strange song as he walks away.
  • Strength Equals Worthiness: Bonus Boss Beelzebub entire reason for being a boss fight. He's heard great things about the Protagonist and has come to test that strength.
    • Bonus Boss Belial and Nebiros picking the player characters to be Alices friends is because they are so strong that they are worthy of being her friends.
    • This is also how Alcor tends to test people's worth. Such as the last day battles against one of his three Dragons.
  • Stripperiffic: Hinako.
  • Take a Third Option: When pitted against the choice between Yamato's meritocracy and Ronaldo's egalitarianism, Daichi chooses to instead seek for an alternative solution that wouldn't harm anyone.And even though he doesn't have a clue on how to do it, he still convinces Hinako, Io and Jungo if he's still alive to follow him.
    • Then, the Hero can further take a fourth option by not joining any group and convincing the Anguished One to overthrow Polaris.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Alcor, though his values fall under different principles.
    • Yamato and Ronaldo fall under this better than Alcor does.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Airi.
  • The Capital of Brazil Is Buenos Aires: According to the game's artbook, Ronaldo is half Brazillian, but if you go through his route he'll occasionally greet you in Spanish.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: The protagonist and the others were going to be killed by a crashing train; in pops an Obariyon, who holds up the train and cheerily says, "No dying that way! I need to kill you!"
  • The Power of Friendship: Similar to social links in Persona 3 and Persona 4, this game will have the 'Fate System' which allows you to form bonds with other Devil Messengers, which in turn helps them unlock new elemental strengths, special abilities, and new demons.
    • Also, only characters with at least Stage 4 Fate will agree to rejoin you in the final day except Yamato or Ronaldo if you pick one of their opposing sides or Alcor's route, but you can have them both in Daichi's routes. Ronaldo even ends up helping you persuade Yamato into joining you.
    • Mentioned word for word during the final battle with Polaris during Ronaldo's route.
  • The Stoic: The main character. Unlike the previous game's hero, who could get pissed off/startled, DS2's rarely shows any emotion. Even his usual angry/battle-ready pose has the same neutral expression as his default pose.
  • Three Amigos: Notable in that the Protagonist and Daichi didn't meet Io until the beginning of the game.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe: Though in addition to Tokyo, you also get to visit Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, and Fukuoka.
    • Taken more literally in one of the neutral endings where it's essentially all that remains of Earth and its landmasses, the rest of it taken up by the Void being replaced by an endless ocean.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: The protagonist, Daichi and Io.
    • Subverted by Joe, who joins the group not too long after they summon their demons, and acts as a fourth to the group even though he was mostly excluded in all the promotional material for the game.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: As soon as you beat Billiken the demons decide that he was on to something and proceed to attack you for your Macca.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: It is entirely possible to allow certain members to die, and you may be tempted to do so just to avoid having to fight them later on.
  • Western Zodiac: Aside from the Main Character, the Anguished One and the Ticos, an artbook have stated that each of the characters represent one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The elements of each sign with Electricity replacing earth usually shows up as a resistance for each character at Fate 1, though there are exceptions. Their birthdays also match their respective zodiac sign.
    • As a side note, During the Faction Warfare, only Daichi's team has one of each elemental Zodiac sign
  • Whole-Plot Reference: To Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Yamato, Keita, and The Anguished One.
  • World of Buxom: Every playable female character is notably gifted. Yes, including the Token Mini-Moe.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Every day starting on Sunday one Septentrione attacks Japan. Because the alien invaders are named after the stars in the Big Dipper constellation, Hinako speculates that there will be a total of seven Septentriones, with the attacks lasting a week. And according to Yamato the Septentriones have the ability to destroy the entire world.
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