< Devil Survivor 2

Devil Survivor 2/YMMV

  • Butt Monkey: The Septentrione Dubhe tries to invoke this. Let's see. He clumsily falls over when Daichi pulls the truck away scared, he looks like a giant (explosive) alien ice cream, and he gets degraded without the explosive element to common enemies with stronger Septentriones.
    • Kama also suffers a lot of abuse during the fourth day.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Daichi DRIVES A TRUCK INTO AN EXPLODING ALIEN. On the first day! The opening even has Io hurling a massive laser lance.
    • The laser lance is used to summon/unseal a huge dragon that is also seen in the opening with the purple Septentrion in its mouth.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The normal battlefield theme , is definitely something to listen to while rushing to engage demons.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: One can make a case for both Yamato and Anguished One liking the Protagonist this way.
  • Game Breaker: Now that racial skills can evolve, previous combinations in the prequel become EVEN more broken than before if you put a good combination.
    • Evil Flow + Matchless = Attack twice from 6 squares away from the enemy AND heal yourself twice if needed. Or Evil Flow + Chaos Breath for functionally 11 attack range in exchange for barely getting turns. Or Winged Flight + Chaos Breath to counter the movement debuff. Or Blood Treaty + Victory Cry for free Megidolaon attacks.
    • Multi Strike, a skill that does damage based on both agility and strength, always hit the same amount of time(2-7 depending on the agility difference instead of random like say, Deathbound) and relatively low HP cost. Also, since its an Agility based move, it has priority over most other actions. A skirmish after this skill is usable against non Physical repelling enemy generally consists of use Multi Strike, win, next battle. Toss in Pierce/Pierce + and Drain Hit, and you'll pretty much never need healing ever again.
    • Holy Dance retains its status from DS1, coming relatively early, has far less cost than Megido, and is more effective than Megidolaon against single targets. Plop it on your best Magic-based demons (preferably with Victory Cry/Mana Aid), and dance the night away.
    • Individual Demon wise there's Da Peng and Lucifer. Da Peng has perfectly placed stats and innate skills for Multi Strike, and best of all, it's not a unique demon and comes with one of the best Racial skill in the game; while Lucifer has all around good stats, and hidden resistance modifier to everything even Almighty and Reflect Curse, which stack with its innate resistance to everything. Their downside are they are realistically only unlockable in New Game+ thanks to their high level, that and you need to take Al Saiduq's route to unlock Lucifer.
    • There's also Purple Mirror and Titania. Which are demons in the 50s-60s that repel/null almost everything. Put on phys repel and a null curse/repel wind to the two things they are weak to, and you have demons that can only be harmed by almighty.
      • Hathor is a low-level demon with a crippling weakness to Phys, but is one of the earliest available magical nukers. Have her inherit Magic, give her a few Dances, and watch as she blows through Septentriones with relative ease.
  • Fan Disservice: Tico (female Nicaea avatar) is physically attractive, but her speech pattern is overly bubbly to the point of Nausea Fuel. Also, her eyes (when open) have a disturbing Uncanny Valley look.
    • Considering her pupils are five-pointed stars...
  • Fan Nickname: Bunny for the Protagonist thanks to his bunny styled hood.
    • Dessert Overlords for the Septentriones as a whole. Though Dubhe gets called Alien Ice Cream the most.
    • The art style has been lovingly coined as "anti-gravity tits".
    • Anguished One gets called Kaworu because of his similar appearance his love of humans, and him being the second to last alien face in the story.
  • Foe Yay: Let's just say Ronaldo likes to mention Yamato a bit too much if the letters "J" and "P" are in a sentence. Too bad Yamato knows diddly-squat about him.
  • Ho Yay: One could make a serious case for Yamoto having a severe crush on the Hero (albeit due to his stunted emotional understanding he doesn't view it in those terms). To wit, not only does he make it quite clear he regards the Hero as his most reliable subordinate and has many moments where he drops his Jerkass manner (as much as he's capable of at least) and acts relatively decent to said Hero. In fact he will flip his shit if you don't pick the Chaos route, even trying to murder the other good guys for "corrupting" the Hero, who he is convinced would join his side again if only the meddling secondary influences were removed. The telling part about this behavior is that he really wouldn't NEED your Hero's help explicitly by this point, he just wants him by his side no matter what. And, if you get him to rejoin you, he phrases the way he felt for you as "yearning".
    • Lampshaded by Hinako if you tell her Yamato called to tell you he likes you:

Hinako: ...You know, you shouldn't joke like that or people will take it seriously.

    • At one point he smiles 'teasingly' at you. At another, he says "That's my {{[[[Hello Insert Name Here]] character name}}.]
    • There's also a part where Joe thinks Daichi is confessing his love to him. He says that he hasn't done anything like that before... but he thinks Daichi is adorable and is willing to make an effort.
  • Memetic Mutation: Alien ice cream.
    • Dubhe in general has become a complete joke in GameFAQs, to the point that anything that relates to the sentence "i can't beat Dubhe help?" is most likely going to be answered with the word "pirate".
    • The special operation Io performs to rescue Daichi in Nagoya is slowly becoming popular.
  • Mood Whiplash: In the Liberator ending, you get a nice somewhat melancholic piano melody that suddenly shifts to the battle theme when the credits roll.
    • And in the Chaos ending, the picture showing Yamato reigning over the world is a little less dramatic when you notice the protagonist and his bunny ears in the background.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Go here to the Devil Survivor section for the terrifying details.
  • The Scrappy: Many fans think that Daichi is this because he whines a lot more than Yuzu does in the prequel.
    • Ronaldo also gets dislike due killing Makoto if you assist him during the riot, but there is also the fact that his Keisuke-like tendencies are a bit too much, even though it's For Great Justice.
      • Not to mention the person Ronaldo wants to avenge isn't even dead! (At least until he's slain by the demons he summoned). In Ronaldo's defense, he has no way of knowing that and Yamato owned up to allegedly offing the man in question.
      • Plus the fact that while in Ronaldo's route, Yamato dies after saving the protagonist and co., Ronaldo in Yamato's route dies after a last failed attempt on killing Yamato.
    • Keita is generally disliked for being a jerk with no real development or redeeming qualities (Unless you kill off Jungo, a much better liked character.)
      • And he threatens to kill you if you try to make friends with him. Multiple times.
  • World of Woobie: It seems one of the requirements of being a Devil Messenger is being in a lot of pain. Naturally, the job requires being the recipient of even more pain, with the Nicaea System helpfully showing you the gruesome demise of everyone you fail. Since you can't be in five places at once, you will fail without careful planning (or waste all your time socializing). Often. Oh yeah, did I mention if you don't get the very tough aliens dead, they'll kill the world? No pressure, folks!
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