< Devil Survivor 2

Devil Survivor 2/Characters

The cast of Devil Survivor 2:

Party Members

The Entire Team

  • Badass Crew: Notable that while the membership is variable depending on your actions, they will wind up kicking way more ass than JP's in the long run.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: If you play as a silly Hero, the entire team will wind up playing this role for the Hero to a greater or lesser extent, though they'll never remove you as a leader since you get the job done despite being a goofball.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Unlike the first game protagonists, the explicit goal of the entire team is to do this until none of them are left standing, and at least two members of said team will do this on a one to one basis.
  • Like a Badass Out of Hell: Inverted. At the end of the game, regardless of what ending you're going for the whole team winds up storming what is more or less Heaven.
  • Nakama: To keep them together, it's highly advised this be the case by building everyone's Fate levels.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Ha, ha, ha, no. The majority of the time you get them by averted their ordained deaths.

The Protagonist (AKA Hiro Kageyama)

An Ordinary High School Student living in Tokyo and studying for his college entrance exams. After signing up for the "death clip" website Nicaea he and his friends are granted access to the power of the Demon Summoning App and are enlisted by the secret government organization JP's in order to use their new powers to summon demons in order to fight back against the otherworldly Septentriones. While he is mute and his reactions are chosen by the player, he is noted to have strong leadership skills.

  • Aside Glance: Appears to give one to the player with a smile upon picking certain dialogue choices.
  • Badass
    • Badass in Charge: Everyone eventually nominates him for this role due to his ability to keep the team together and kick ass. Yamato himself makes it official.
    • Iron Woobie: Thanks to the protagonist's unbelievable calm despite the fact almost everyone else is traumatized, everyone is convinced he's the standard bearer for this. In fact, Daichi can even lampshade this during a dialogue option.
    • Submissive Badass: How Yamato sees him. In fact, this is explicitly why he comes to rely on him, and if the Hero doesn't go along with his plans, Yamato will epically lose his shit and try to kill your party in certain routes because he sees them as corrupting the only subordinate who was any good at his job to turn against him.
  • Boyfriend Bluff: Can pull this off with Io.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: You can make him act like one.
  • Chick Magnet:Makoto develops a crush on him. Otome lampshades this and she herself has implicit trust in him and asks him to take care of her adopted daughter if she dies. Fumi becomes rather enamored of him and outright mentions it must be love between you when she rejoins the team if defeated prior. Follow through with Hinako's Fate route and she'll suggest that he pole dances, which could hint at some sort of attraction. Airi gets very flustered and apologetic around him, in classic Tsundere style. Io comes to depend heavily on his emotional support and Female Tico is very flirty with him in dialogue. Even Otome's daughter tells him right on his face that he's handsome.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: If you pick the sillier dialogue options.
    • And, this isn't entirely bad or foolish, as some of the goofier responses do keep everyone's spirits up, and considering this is a SMT universe, that's a good thing.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Yamato lampshades that if you side with him, you could wind up doing this, and he even admits that if this were to happen, he would be greatly impressed.
  • Name's the Same : No, hes not related to JAM Project.
  • Nice Guy: An oft lampshaded trope, specifically tied to his Chick Magnet status.
  • Nice Hat: And a rather goofy one, as it makes him look like he has bunny ears.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, Daichi pulled a joke on him during Junior High School.
  • The Messiah: Subverted initially, as the game does nothing to play up how awesome he is. However, both Yamato and Ronaldo grow to start relying on him to be the standard bearer for their causes, and even the Anguished One refers to him as "Shining One".
    • Order Versus Chaos: As a result of being the one Polaris sees as the representative of the will of humanity, he can choose Egilitarian, Meritocracy, or the Reset Button Fixed to be the will the new world is founded on.
  • Promotion to Parent: Otome asks that he take care of her daughter if she should happen to die.
  • Warrior Therapist
  • We Cannot Go on Without You: Usually averted, but in the Kill Polaris's route, Polaris concludes that the protagonist is what keeps everyone fighting, so if he is killed during the second phase and onwards, you lose. Makes you wonder why he didn't do this during the first phase.

Daichi Shijima

A friend of The Protagonist and the one who introduces him to Nicaea. Being on the cusp of graduation, he tends to worry about growing up and the responsibilities that come with it. He is generally cheerful and easygoing, which can lead to him landing himself in trouble. When under pressure, he gets nervous easily.

"Is this his second time today!? How unlucky for him!"

Daichi: "You go on ahead. I'll take care of this!"

Daichi: He’ll be waiting on a throne in some castle and say, “Haha, well done making it this far!”

Io Nitta

Another student at The Protagonist's and Daichi's school whose intelligence and looks have earned her (according to Daichi) the attention of many of her male classmates. Despite her reputation she isn't very assertive and instead tends to go along with what others say.

  • Badass
    • Badass Damsel: She has a lack of assertiveness, but this doesn't mean she can't fight.
    • Action Girl
      • Plucky Girl: Her Fate route revolves around her reluctance to voice her own opinions. Progressing through it will turn her into a more upfront person who isn't afraid to say what she thinks.
  • Boyfriend Bluff: She gets asked out by a punk in Osaka before the Protagonist comes in. Doing this trope is one of the choices to shoo him away, but even so, Io isn't going to mind much.
  • Buxom Is Better: Atlus is STILL fond of these... I mean, this trope.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: While Devil Survivor 2's deaths are quite a bit more gruesome than Devil Survivor's (where you won't see most of the deaths taking place), Io's death is taken Up to Eleven. After you call out to her, this green substance pours out of her mouth, her body convulses violently for a few minutes and then she eventually explodes, leaving her body in a bloody, gory mess, before her sprite fades away.
  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • Demonic Possession: She gets taken over by Lugh's spirit to empower the Dragon Stream. You DID notice this in the opening, right?
    • And if you're taking a route that isn't Daichi's, she seems to have mastered the power to use this... against your butt, of course. Joining up with her doesn't yield the same result, sadly, although at least defeating her in this form allows you to fuse him.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When she's possessed by Lugh's essence.
  • Heroic BSOD: Admits to having gone through this for most of the game. Given her general personality, most of the characters completely miss this.
  • Killed Off for Real: If you don't console her beforehand, the strain of taking in Lugh's essence to materialize the Dragon Stream to attack Mizar will kill her.
  • Magic Knight: Her stat growth favors both Strength and Magic, with emphasis on Magic though they both eventually max out, at the expense of her Vitality and Agility.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Neutrality aligned. Can be persuaded to join either the Law or Chaos factions.
  • Parental Abandonment: Both of her parents die just at the start of Tuesday, despite the fact the previous day they weren't seen at their apartment.
    • It doubles as Player Punch once you reach the point where she is expected to die for taking Lugh's essence. She goes through a LOT more shit than everyone else, except maybe Daichi, in the cast does.
      • In the True Ending, though, due to the Reset Button, she is no longer an orphan.
  • Shrinking Violet: She prefers to keep to herself, never voicing her own opinions in fear of causing problems.
  • Stealth-Based Mission: Paid homage to in one mission in a way that would make Solid Snake proud.
  • Western Zodiac: Taurus.
  • Where Are They Now: In the true ending, Io befriends the Protagonist and Daichi, except she now voices her opinions without doubting herself.

Yamato Hotsuin

The young leader of the Japan Meteorological Agency - Geomagnetism Research Department, or JP's for short, a secret organization that, in his words, has protected Japan from the supernatural for ages. As a member of the Hotsuin family he has access to the Dragon Stream, a stream of chi that courses throughout Japan. His upbringing has left him with little in the way of empathy or any social skills outside of leadership and administration.

  • A Child Shall Lead Them: He's been running JP's since he was a child, and he's still a teenager when you meet him.
  • Benevolent Boss: Yes, he is a Jerkass. Yes, he treats most of his subordinates like peons, and yes, he considers most of them expendable. Conversely, he does go the extra mile to support the employees he does find valuable, assigns the less competent employees to things they won't fail at as opposed to bitching them out, and according to Fumi, he essentially handed the research department a blank check.
  • Badass
    • Asskicking Equals Authority: Not only does he get to prove exactly why he's the boss of JP's in the Neutral and Law routes, this even gets lampshaded by Daichi and Hinako afterwards.
    • Badass in Charge: For JP's
    • Badass Longcoat
    • Four-Star Badass: The JSDF follow orders from JP's without complaint, so it can be reasonably inferred he has the authority to make the JSDF dance to his tune, hence this trope is in effect. That, and he has his own forces (both mortal and demon) that he commands.
    • Lamarck Was Right: His ability to control the Dragon Stream has been passed down the Hotsuin line for generations.
    • Sealed Badass in a Can: Holds the can opener to several of these.
    • Sociopathic Hero: He's this to JP's. Specifically, he has practically zero compassion, but he is legitimately good at being a leader otherwise.
      • This also gets played for tragedy throughout the game. Daichi keeps expressing incredulity at Yamato's lack of a "normal life", and Yamato himself wonders what it would be like, even wistfully accepting a possible invitation by the Hero to learn more about the subject. Unfortunately, this happens a little too late for Yamato to develop enough of sense of his own humanity to reconsider his goals.
    • Worthy Opponent: Ronaldo will consider him one, though Yamato won't even acknowledge that fact until he's defeated in the Law route. On the other hand, should he and the Hero be at odds, he would consider him a worthy foe.
  • But for Me It Was Tuesday: The time when Ronaldo finally breaks into an official meeting to accuse Yamato of how things stand, Yamato casually asks who the hell is the guy, despite the fact Ronaldo and his rather terrorist actions have been causing quite a lot of trouble for JP's till that point.
  • Child Prodigy: He was taking college level classes at five. Most kids haven't fully grasped how conservation works at that age.[1]
  • Crazy Prepared: From everyone else's perspective, the sheer amount of fallback plans Yamato pulls out of his ass to fend off his enemies seems like this. However, when the characters in universe stop to consider things for a moment (and Yamato emphasizes), his organization is supposed to kick the ass of anything supernatural that looks at humanity funny, which, given this a SMT universe, is a very reasonable course of action.
    • He also leads you to a spot where he can easily channel the Dragon Stream to either give him a significant advantage in speed should you fight him in the Law/Neutral routes or create a large field around your starting location that drains your HP and MP every turn in Anguished One's route.
  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • Cute Little Fangs: Has them in his yelling sprite.
  • Driven to Suicide: In Alcor's route.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: His death in Ronaldo's route. He uses too much of the Dragon Stream's power, causing the top of the Tsuutentaku to topple. He uses his phone to blow everyone out of the way so that the Tsuutentaku crushes only him.
    • Taking You with Me: When he fails to disable Alcor with the Dragon Stream, he flings himself off the platform, although he appears to disintegrate in midair due to the effects of Alcor's retaliatory attack.
  • First-Name Basis: With the Hero eventually.
  • General Rock: Yamato is well aware that some of his troops don't like him very much, but he still has their loyalty because he himself is not afraid to get his hands dirty, a fact he explicitly affirms at one point.
  • Graceful Loser: In the Neutral route, not only will he concede the right to create a new world to the Hero, you can even get him to make peace with Ronaldo, and both will follow him, trusting he has a better idea how to make a better world than themselves. This is rather notable when you remember Yamato popped a cap in Ronaldo's mentor, if possibly only at second hand, and was a total Jerkass for most of the game.
  • Half Truth: He promised to protect Kama. Protect Kama's memory that is.
  • Hero Antagonist/Villain Protagonist: He makes it clear very early on he wants a Social Darwinist world to replace the current one, but is still more or less a good guy because he's got the resources to keep things from coming totally unglued and is proactively doing so, but he also makes it clear at the same time that he'll eventually cease this and forge his Chaos aligned world, meaning until that point, despite most of the rest of your team not liking his goals/attitude, they are forced to work with him up till then out of mutual benefit.
  • Irony: He's the leader of an officially recognized government organization and operates with the legal sanction of the Japanese government, yet he's a Social Darwinist who wants a world where the strong winnow out the weak, which makes him a follower of Chaos despite his stated intentions to follow JP's charter to ensure the survival of Japan, which is Lawful.
    • Made even more ironic in Ronaldo's or Daichi's route when he fights you and both of his demons are Vile Arioch and Remiel. Both of which belong to races that are lawful.
    • It's even more ironic when you consider that his ideal world rewards those who live by their own strength and not by their connections, yet the reason Yamoto is the head of JP's is because of his family inheritance.
    • Of course, if he had failed to lived up to family expectations, he would had to kill his way back into JP's due to being disowned. He is probably not above becoming a Self-Made Orphan at all.
    • His Meritocracy and Social Darwinist world will bring the World back on the path of order Polaris desires.
  • Jerkass
  • Killed Off for Real: In Ronaldo's and Alcor's routes.
  • Kick the Dog: While Yamato initially comes off as an Jerkass but competent leader, the first indication of his ruthlessness you get is when you ask him about Ronaldo's missing partner. Yamato outright brags about "disposing" of him, saying that the fool should have never thought to challenge JP's. Turns out the man in question is still alive, having faked his death, so Yamato was either bluffing to intimidate the protagonist or he really didn't know. He's still a useful ally.
  • Magic Knight: Has similar stat growths to Io, with a huge emphasis on Strength and Magic. To compensate, he is slower than frozen molasses and has all the vitality of a wet tissue paper.
  • No Social Skills: Has absolutely no sense of compassion because of the way he was brought up.
  • Only Friend: He declares the protagonist as the only one he considers a friend during his route.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Chaos aligned. Will never join Law, but can be persuaded to join Neutral.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: In a bit of a Jerkass way. He values his subordinates if they're truly useful. If they're not as useful as he'd like, he'll tolerate them as he does realize some people are not cut out for what's going on. If they fail, he expected as much and won't punish them so long as they at least continue to do what they won't fail at, which surprises many of his followers who honestly expected to be punished.
  • Social Darwinist: Wants to create a world of merit where the strong oppresses the weak. Reflects on how he treats the majority of JP's members.
  • So Proud of You: The more Genre Savvy your reactions are to what's going on directly correlates to the amount of compliments he'll give you. In fact, giving him all the right responses more or less will make him your best friend.
  • Super Speed: His Agility growth is by no means good (in fact it's pretty bad), but if you battle him, he will channel the Dragon Stream to make his speed ridiculously high, making his turns come around super fast. Not only that, but he will get faster as the battle goes on.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: If his subordinates aren't as efficient as he'd like, he says this about them.
  • Taking the Bullet: YMMV, but he pushes everyone off right before the top of Osaka's tower crushes them in Ronaldo's route.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: After being introduced to it by the protagonist, takoyaki.
  • Tragic Monster: While he isn't flagrantly evil nor malicious by deliberate choice, the reason he's such a darwinistic prick is due to have an upbringing that made him an excellent leader at the cost of a more balanced view of how capable humanity can and should be, not to mention learning almost nothing about the concept of compassion. However, if you pick the Neutral route or even the Chaos route, the Hero can help him start to acquire some humanity.
  • Western Zodiac: Gemini.
  • Where Are They Now: In the true ending, Yamato is regarded as a person of high authority among the citizens.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Yandere: Some of his dialogue to your friends when you fight him can be interpreted as this.

"You are the ones that corrupted him!...That ends here. I will slit your throats and see that he comes to his senses!"

  • Younger Than They Look: He's 17 years old, younger than the Protagonist and his friends, yet certainly doesn't look, let alone act, like one. Strangely enough, Daichi can tell right away that Yamato is younger than them.

Makoto Sako

A member of JP's Tokyo branch. She takes her duties very seriously and initially comes off to the Protagonist and his friends as shady and a little frightening. Once one gets past her professional demeanor she is discovered to have a softer and highly loyal, if still somewhat stern, side.

Otome Yanagiya

An expert doctor who works for JP's Osaka branch. She's a very talented doctor ready to do her job in the chaos, and her high spirits keep her always happy. Apart from being a doctor, she has an adopted daughter named Koharu whom she looks out for all the time, even though the added stress of her two jobs fall upon her shoulders.

Fumi Kanno

JP's technical expert. She has an all-consuming interest in computers,electronics, and experiments, caring little for anything else, giving her a detached and eccentric air. Even her thinking and reasoning processes are coldly neutral and analytic.

Hinako: Whoa... You... You win...
Fumi: Hm...? Oh, these. I don't appreciate the staring.

Fumi: (Smiling) That's redundant. You can't be a scientist unless you're a little bit mad.

  • Mook Maker: While she's Brainwashed and Crazy, Fumi does this. When you confront her during the seventh day, she'll keep summoning demons until you take her down. She boasts that she won't stop.
    • Except there's a limit. When she reaches that limit, Fumi will go after your ass.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Chaos sympathizer. Can be persuaded to join either the Neutral or Law factions.
  • Qipao
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: If it's not Techno Babble, she'll do this.
  • So Proud of You: She's noticeably more personable to the protagonist if he proves to be astute in figuring things out.
  • Techno Babble: She likes to talk very technically about computers that the others can't understand her. But when she uses simpler, shorter definitions, Fumi comments that it's so boring that way.
  • The Nicknamer: Calls Benetnasch "Benny".
  • Terse Talker: In her emails.
  • Western Zodiac: Cancer.
  • Where Are They Now: In the true ending, Fumi still does research with computers, but she at least does it outdoors with nature.

Airi Ban

A first-year Nagoya High School student who joined JP's Nagoya branch to fight demons. She's an extremely Fiery Redhead, but deep down, she cares for others even though they annoy her a lot indirectly. She hides a dream that she let go due to financial issues with her family.

"Mine are... not... tiny!"

Jungo Torii

A young chef living in Nagoya. Simple-minded in how he views the world, he is intensely loyal towards those he considers to be his friends. It's strongly advised that you do not hurt one of them or else you'll probably die with a punch. Otherwise, he's always ready to give chawanmushi.

Keita Wakui

A high school boxer from the city of Osaka. He prefers to work alone and is rather dismissive of other people. Despite his cold rejection of others he is all-too eager to be a demon tamer, and often runs into situations without thinking.

Hinako Kujou

A young woman from Osaka who is studying various types of dancing styles from all over the world. She has a very upfront personality and will always come to the aid of those who are suffering or in danger, regardless of the danger posed to herself.

Yuzuru "Joe" Akie

A salaryman that the Protagonist and his friends run into shortly after witnessing Tokyo's devestation. Fond of teasing and corny wordplay, his personality is very laid back and good-natured. However, his cheery facade conceals secrets that he avoids talking about at all costs.

Ronaldo Kuriki

A private detective who fights in the pursuit of justice. He views Yamato and JP's as evil and in the wake of Japan's devestation rallies activists against them in the city of Nagoya. His strong sense of justice often blinds him of what's more important, often driving him to commit immoral acts.

  • Anti-Villain: See Just Like Robin Hood for what he's like at first. However, he slowly shifts to a more villainous role due to He Who Fights Monsters. If you max out his Fate route he shifts back to being a more honorable person.
  • Badass
  • But Not Too Foreign: If the name is anything to go by, he's likely part Brazilian/Latino.
  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: He passes out from the liquor in one piece of chocolate.
  • Driven to Suicide: In Alcor's route and Yamato's route.
    • Suicide by Cop / Taking You with Me: He tackles and pins Alcor down with his body. Alcor responds by frying him into nothing. He also tries to shoot Yamato with a blast from his cellphone. Yamato dodges it and sends a retaliatory attack at him that knocks him off a bridge and into the water.
  • Enemy Mine: Not long after you first fight him, he's forced to team up with JP's to fight a mutual enemy.
  • Irony: He's the leader of the those who have rebelled against JP's and initiates many acts that could only be called terrorism against them. He also has no qualms hacking JP's servers, stealing their files, and supporting insurrections that keep them weak, divided, and otherwise hamstrung, despite the fact they are to some extent what has kept most of what's left of Japan from coming unglued, which is textbook behavior for a member of the Chaos faction. However, the end result of what he hopes to achieve would make everything he did up to that point beyond criminal in a world governed by Law.
    • A key part of Chaos is favoring emotions over logic. Ronaldo is driven by his compassion for the people, his hatred for JP's, and his desire for revenge. These emotions also drive him to defy the ruling authorities and follow his own feelings over his duties as a detective. It might be logical to just figure out a way to negotiate with Yamato and JP's, but his passion gets in the way and causes much of the friction between the public and JP's. (The other part of that is Yamato's less-than-stellar PR abilities.) With that in mind, it's easy to forget that he's on the side of Law.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: YMMV on whether you think that Yamato is a monster, but Ronaldo's determination to bring down Yamato turns him away from his original ideals of helping the weak. This eventually culminates in an attempt to kill Makoto in order to damage JP's as much as possible. If you help him, he succeeds. If you refuse, he'll still allow you to join later on. If you reach the end of his Fate route, Ronaldo realizes what's he's been turning into and resolves to be a shield for the weak, not a sword that smites evil. After this, he is considerably more civil toward JP's, even rescuing some of their agents when they're cornered by demons.
  • Honor Before Reason: He admits this outright in a conversation with Makoto, saying that her reasons for supporting JP's policies of giving food to the people who can help Japan the most (i.e. JP's) are logically sound, but that doesn't make them right. He then goes on to make a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to her, calling her out on asking the population of Japan to sacrifice themselves for the greater good (meaning "sit there and starve while we fix things") while JP's never has to make the same kind of sacrifice.
  • Hot-Blooded: A rare Law example.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: When you first meet him, he's attacking JP's headquarters at Nagoya and stealing their supplies - but he's only doing it to feed the starving civilians. At first.
  • Knight Templar: His Fate level increases if you show him how to temper these urges so he doesn't let Revenge Before Reason cloud his judgment.
  • Killed Off for Real: In Yamato's and Alcor's routes.
  • Large Ham: He really gets into it during battles.
  • Mighty Glacier: Focuses on Strength and Vitality. By level 99 they'll both be maxed, but he'll be slower than Yamato.
  • No Range Like Point-Blank Range: How he kills Makoto if you don't save her.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Law aligned. Will never join Chaos, but can be persuaded to join the Neutral faction.
  • Private Detective
  • Rebel Leader: Against JP's.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Besides hating JP's for not providing resources to the needy, Ronaldo wants to avenge his dead partner who happened to be alive behind the scenes all the time but then ended up dying a "second" time for real if you went ahead with his event. His Fate route deals with this.
  • Say My Name: After Alcor dies in Ronaldo's route.

Ronaldo: Alcor...! Aaaaalcoooooor...!

The Anguished One

See Others



Tico is the avatar that appears in the popular site Nicaea every time the party needs help fighting demons. They both share the same name, but differ in gender and personalities. It's unknown how their site can summon demons or even show the deaths of any individual.

Female Tico: "Could it be real? If not, it has to be fake, right?"

Female Tico: "Have a nice wheee!"

  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • Expy: Instead of being expies from anybody in Devil Survivor, they both are expies of Theodore and Elizabeth given you can choose who's going to help you out. Also, fittingly enough, Expies of the Laplace Mail system: Male Tico before it begins to break down, Female Tico once it's begun to babble and misuse words.
  • Genki Girl: Female Tico.
  • Guyliner: Male Tico appears to wear a thin line of red eyeliner.
  • Herald: Tico will sing your praises in the end of the day summary.
    • And will do the same for The Anguished One.
  • The Jeeves: Male Tico is polite, well-spoken, and refers to everyone as "Master".
  • Large Ham: Female Tico.
  • Leet Speak: Female Tico loves this.
  • Ms. Exposition: You get to choose if Tico is male or female at the beginning. Regardless, they will basically serve as the digital avatar of how the Nicaea app (the game mechanics) work. You'll even get a brief summary of what happened at the end of each day from them.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Female Tico, by virtue of the Playboy Bunny outfit. She also tends to hit on your hero in her dialogue.
  • The Nicknamer: Female Tico calls Makoto "Mako-Mako", Fumi is "Foomy", Ronaldo is "Ronny".
    • She calls The Anguished One "His Excellency", a title usually reserved for extremely important religious figures. This eventually tells us that The Angusihed One is their creator.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Will constantly, during the end day summary, point out the different sides and where they possibly stand on these, and will remind you to make your own decision who and what causes you might wish to support.
  • Playboy Bunny: The female Tico for your hero's link to Nicaea, dresses in this fashion.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Male Tico.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Tico will not hesitate to call out both sides on their idiocy or questionable decisions in the end of the day summary.
  • Wingding Eyes: Female version has star patterns in hers.

The Anguished One

The creator of Nicaea. See "Others".

The Septentriones


A group of seven aliens (actually eight) that attack Japan. Each one of them appears on each day for reasons unknown. They all target Japan because of the towers that set up invisible barriers that keep Polaris' Void from swallowing the country.

  • Achilles' Heel: Hitting Dubhe's inflating top can severely damage it.
  • Action Bomb: Dubhe.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Benetnasch has the ability to use the powers of other Septentriones. This is because he has bits of the other Septentriones inside him. He also has access to the others Elemental Powers.
  • Asteroids Monster: Mizar.
  • Back from the Dead: If you don't defeat both parts of Phecda quickly enough, they will fuse back together to become the original. Which will then split again.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: It's implied this is the reason that the Septentriones act the way they do is that they don't recognize humans as being sapient. Alcor, having a human form, can, which is why you can ally with him.
  • Eight Ranger Traitor: This is the result of Alcor distancing himself from the Septentriones and Polaris because he started doubting their methods of dealing with humanity, thinking it has more potential than his comrades think they don't.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Being completely inhuman, demon-spawning, named after the stars of the Big Dipper, and designed by Mohiro Kitoh, no less. Except Alcor. It's also implied the reason he's so benign compared to the others is that he can understand humans, and thus feels guilt if he hurts them.
  • Elemental Powers:
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Dubhe blows people up. Merak freezes people with its Circumpolarity, who then shatter to pieces.
  • Get Back Here Boss: The true form of Megrez.
  • Giant Flyer: Alioth.
  • Meaningful Name: They're all named after the stars of the Big Dipper, which the star Polaris can be found by using as a guide.
    • The name the Arabs used for Alcor was سها (suha), meaning either the ‘forgotten’ or ‘neglected’ one.
  • Me's a Crowd: Mizar continually grows, and while doing so creates copies of itself that do the same. Any attempts to attack it cause it to make more. It's exponential growth and replication leaves the group with two choices, let it smother the world in under 24 hours or redirect the barrier's power into an attack to kill it letting the world be consumed by the Void in one to three days.
  • Mook Maker: Megrez. Merak produces Merak Missiles.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Dubhe nulls everything (including Almighty) except Phys, which it reflects, protecting itself from Pierce attacks. This makes it easily the new Beldr when it comes to invulnerability and Achilles' Heel. Phecda also starts out nigh invulnerable but splits into two with one being weak to Phys and the other to magic.
  • Won't Work On Me: Benetsnach Pacify Human skill nullifies all human attacks.
  • Starfish Alien: Many of their designs take on bizarre objects with some of them being easily mistaken for food such as Dubhe. They are described in game as being similar to demons but not quite the same and the same description is used when the Protagonist asks Alcor if they are God.
  • Starfish Language
  • Stellar Name: All of them are named after stars in the Big Dipper. They also appear in the order of the stars' Bayer designations.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Dubhe's balloon-like top explodes once it expands enough. Merak sends out Merak Missiles that explode when they reach their destination.
  • Wave Motion Gun: Merak's Circumpolarity attack hits anyone in its line of sight.
  • Why Won't You Die?: Mizar. Not only does he constantly split apart when you attack him, but when you summon the Dragon who bites Mizar and smacks him against a building, Mizar hangs on for dear life, making you having to slowly chip away at his tentacle-arms until he can't hold on anymore.
    • And to further extend its clinginess to life, the Dragon Stream swallows one half of it, leaving the other half alive as Mizar restores itself. The Dragon Stream, though, chomps the hell out of it for one grand finale.


A Godlike being who rules multiple universes and is the Administrator of the Universe. It desires to destroy the world and annihilate mankind because they no longer fit the order it envisions.
  • Akashic Records: Polaris has access to it.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: Unleashes the Void on humanity because we didn't live up to his standards. No, we don't mean his moral standards, his professional ones-we weren't evolving fast enough for his liking. That, and he's immensely condescending and dismissive when you encounter him.
  • The Battle Didn't Count: Every fight against him that involves having Polaris grant a wish reveals that he is unharmed after the fight.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Subverted in both the cases where he lives and dies. In the former, it turns out he's barely injured from the boss fight but was so impressed by humanity's ability to survive and evolve that he reverses his decision to destroy it and instead grants it a wish. In the cases where he dies, he claims humanity will no longer be able to control demons, but he either has a replacement in the wings (Alcor's route) or turns out to be an Informed Attribute (Daichi's True Ending).
  • Die Laughing: When he is killed in Daichi's route.
  • Dimension Lord: As the admin who rules countless parallel worlds.
  • Evil Counterpart: Besides the Protagonist and Alcor every playable character has a Shadow of them summoned by Polaris that show up in certain routes of the final battle.
  • Expy: It seems that Kagutsuchi decides to destroy the world using Schwarzwelt.
  • Light Is Not Good: His first two forms give off a bright light aura with the first being pinkish and the second pure white. He also has the Heaven's Wrath attack.
    • Dark Is Evil: His final form however is a black overweight form.
  • Marathon Boss: He has three distinct battles with no chances to replenish between them. Luckily, the last form is a pushover if you are capable of depleting all of its health before it or its flunkies have a decent shot at you.
  • Won't Work On Me: Due to being granted his existence from Polaris, Alcor cannot hurt him or any of his component pieces. Thankfully it doesn't apply to his demons.
  • Not So Invincible After All: Proclaims that it is impossible to defeat him. Yet one of Daichi's routes and Alcor's route have him being killed by the characters.
  • The Omniscient
  • The Power of the Void
  • Physical God / Sufficiently Advanced Alien: It's never made quite clear, and it's likely he's a combination of the two.
  • Royal Blood: He inherited Heaven's Throne from Kawkab who inherited it from Vega. Eli will inherit the throne from Polaris.
  • Schrödinger's Gun: After either Yamato or Ronaldo explains their wish to him in their routes, Polaris claims that's what It wanted the entire time. Or perhaps it's just lying to come across as less antagonistic...
    • However, this may actually be a Half Truth. Polaris wanted the current world eliminated because it had grown stagnant, so either Ronaldo's or Yamato's vision would have been a change from that, so Polaris may not have had their idea in mind per se, but since it was the stagnation of our evolution that was his motivation, he apparently invokes Sure Why Not, hence why he changes the world to what they want since it's different from the present reality.
  • Stellar Name: Named after the north star Polaris.
  • Wave Motion Gun: His Supernova attack that needs to charge before firing.


The Anguished One/Al Saiduq/Alcor

A mysterious young man who appears before the Protagonist, calling him the "Shining One" and tells him that one day he must make a momentous decision.

His true identity is of the eighth Septentrione Alcor, and the creator of Nicaea and the Demon Summoning App. Unlike the other invaders he has the ability to empathize with others, and has come to like humans and wants to change the world so that they will be free from control. If one sides with him he goes by the alias of Al Saiduq.

  • Alcor Gave Us Demon Summoning: Alcor taught the Hotsuin family summoning spells in the past in order to protect humanity. He also mentions that he gave man fire, language, and culture in ancient times.
  • Anti-Villain: Despite constantly messing with the main characters and coming off as overall evil on top of being a Septentrione, it turns out that he actually has good intentions. In every route besides his own you end up killing him, and right before he dies he helps you get to Polaris. On his route, after you defeat Polaris, he recreates the world and becomes the essence of the new world.
    • Part of his reason for antagonizing the party is not on purpose. As he is only attempting to get rid of Yamato who is not using the knowledge he gave him and his ancestors for the good of mankind but instead only using it to fulfill his desire for a Meritocracy. The other reason is to test their worthiness as one of the names he is known by is Al Saiduq.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He becomes the essence of the new world in his route.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: He's an Eldritch Abomination, after all.
  • Badass
  • Blue and Orange Morality: Even though he's well-intentioned, he seems to genuinely not know why certain things he does upset or unnerve people.
  • The Chessmaster: He created Nicaea Beta version in order to save people and give them the power not only to avert their own deaths but to defeat the other Septentriones. If you do his route he eventually recreates the world with himself as a benevolent God.
  • Expy: Of Lucifer from Shin Megami Tensei II, someone who truly cared whether humans lived or died, and had plans which had humanity's survival as their cornerstone.[2]. They are so similar that Lucifer is the demon you unlock when you max his Fate.
    • And of Igor, judging how he created the Ticos and Nicaea. The fact he helps humanity as a whole, especially the Protagonist, make the point even clearer.
    • Also of Prometheus in that he gave Humans fire, language and culture. And he calls himself the Anguished One.
    • And finally of Naoya, for making the Demon Summoning Program for the heroes so that they have a fighting chance, for being a character that joins only in his own route, for appearing periodically to give information, and for being a White-Haired Pretty Boy.
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • It's All My Fault: Blames himself for what Polaris plans to do to humanity since he gave man culture, language, fire, etc. in ancient times.
  • Jack of All Trades: Has the most well-rounded stats of the cast.
  • Septentrione With The Leash: He has to keep his servant Bifrons under control as Bifrons really likes to kill humans for fun.
  • Killed Off for Real: In every route but his own.
  • Leitmotif: A Gloomy Person. Mysterious and serene, which is fitting for him.
    • And if you are observant, you may notice that the theme also plays when you register at Nicaea, hinting their connection.
  • Manipulative Bastard: A VERY odd example that, even if he IS manipulating everyone into doing what he wants, his machinations will benefit those he's manipulating with no overt positive effects granted himself, and if called on it, he's either very good at lying or truly didn't realize how underhanded yet positively benign his schemes were/are.
  • Meaningful Name: He goes by the alias "Al Saiduq" in his own route. It's a variation on Al Sadak (which is his alias in the Japanese version), and not only is it another name for the star Alcor, but it means "The Test"; and he tests the human characters constantly.
  • Mr. Exposition: He knows a lot, and he's quite generous about how much information he gives.
  • No Social Skills: While he's a lot kinder than Yamato, he's not exactly human, so he may do things that seem odd or unnerving to the other characters; for instance, he doesn't seem to understand that humans aren't accustomed to someone suddenly appearing behind them. He's often apologetic, however, as when you call him out for eavesdropping on the conversation in one of Airi's Fate events.

Anguished One: ...Was that rude? I'm sorry. I'm rather careless about human customs.

  • One-Winged Angel: If you take to long to beat him he transforms into a new form that reflects magic, resistant to almighty, and is weak to phys. But will eventually return to his original form and summon more demons..
  • Order Versus Chaos: Takes a fourth option and combines the best of both with a heavy leavening of Neutrality if you choose his path.
    • It's interesting in that Alcor himself appears to be themed after Chaos, with the Chaos demons Asura and Lucifer being unlocked through leveling his Fate. Not to mention his clothes/true form are red and black which are usually the colors of Chaos.
  • Power Floats
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He's existed since before the human world was created.
  • Sinister Geometry: His true form is a hypercube.
  • Standard Status Effects: He inflicts the Ill-starred effect through his Ominous Star attack. Which does 200 additional damage when a character is hit.
  • Stealth Hi Bye: He's REALLY good at doing this, to the point that on his route, the Hero can get seriously unnerved and can actually break his usual stoic character to damn near beg him to quit surprising him like that.
  • Stellar Name: His real name is Alcor, which is the companion star to the Big Dipper's Mizar.
  • Token Heroic Septentrione
  • We Cannot Go on Without You: In the battle with Polaris on his route. Conversely made worse by the fact if the remaining Humans all go down, it's also Game Over there.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy


An older, afro'd man in a concealing hat and longcoat with a connection to several characters which are his daughter Airi and pupil Ronaldo. If only his activity made a difference.

  • Afro Asskicker: He can punch people and knock them out.
  • Badass Normal: He can knock people out with one punch.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: He had to fake his death after looking to closely into the actions of JP's. Throughout the week he appears in various events helping people and befriending the protagonist. He eventually gets killed by demons and spends his last few moments thinking of his daughter and makes you promise not to reveal that he was actually alive.
  • Fedora of Asskicking Nice hats must run in the family.
  • Killed Off for Real: He died twice; the first one was an implied public death to all the people he worked/lived with, and the second one was truly a death scene for trying to help the Protagonist by summoning a powerful demon that later killed him in battle. Reaching this conclusion does earn you a Fusion recipe for that very demon that offed him...
  • Private Detective
  1. Conservation is the ability to recognize the volume of a material doesn't change when you rearrange it, i.e. when you pour a glass of water into a different size glass, the amount doesn't decrease or increase. Most young children think that it does change, so if you pour it into a taller glass, they say that there's more.
  2. Contrasting him to Strange Journey's Lucifer, who just wanted to spite YHVH
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