Dead Rising 2/Characters
Main Characters
Chuck Greene
" I know my way around a zombie or two."
A former motocross champion who settled down to start a family. A single father, he will do anything to protect Katey. Since he always did his own bike repairs, he is resourceful and incredibly handy. Chuck can combine just about anything to make effective weapons... such as a simple spiked bat or even his own Laser Blade.
- The Alcoholic: In Off the Record, due to the death of Katey.
- Badass
- Badass Biker: He was a motocross champion, for crying out loud!
- Battle Theme Music: "Firewater" in Off the Record, which plays during his boss fight.
- Bond One-Liner: To Leon, Randy, Seymour and TK.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: He's not very keen on wearing women's clothes, and he'll let you know that.
- Bullfight Boss: In Off the Record, where is a Psychopath. The ironic thing is that his boss fight is identical to Leon's fight in the original.
- Clothes Make the Superman: Some DLC outfits give Chuck special skills, but only by wearing them.
- Due to a minor overlook upon release of the DLC Skill Packs, Chuck only needs to wear one piece of the outfit for each of the Skill Pack skills to work. An example: Chuck can wear the Ninja Mask and the Sports Fan Shoes, and he can go through zombie hordes almost unnoticed, while the shoes makes him run faster, and he won't puke when consuming beer, whiskey, etc. They even add-on to the the skills you have, meaning that you can have a max Leveled Chuck, moving even faster.
- Deadpan Snarker: Given his tendency for one liners, his superhuman stoicism, and being gifted with the distinction of sanity, this trope is unavoidable.
- Determinator: Nothing, not even 72,000 zombies, assault rifle wielding mercenaries, psychopathic security guards, flamethrower wielding children's mascots or insane chainsaw wielding furries will stop him from getting Zombrex for Katey. Except, of course, the actions of the player.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Duct Tape FTW.
- Heroic BSOD: In Ending F, Chuck goes catatonic and is torn apart by zombies after failing to get Katey her Zombrex on time.
- Hot Dad: No kidding.
- Improbable Weapon User: Ah, the powers of duct tape and combination.
- In-Series Nickname: "Chuckie" and "Chuckles".
- The Lancer: To Frank in Off the Record during co-op mode. Even during his own boss battle.
- MacGyvering: His mastery.
- Mirror Match: Dead Rising 2's co-op mode has both players use Chuck as their character, the only (possible) difference being their outfits. Is now made possible in Off the Record, when a player joins another in co-op mode during Chuck's boss fight.
- Nerves of Steel: He has unflappable composure, though he is suitably freaked out by some of the more harrowing experiences.
- Not Quite Dead: His fate is left ambiguous after beating him in Off the Record.
- Only Sane Man: Given the way some of the survivors act, and all of the Psychopaths in the city, this is a given. Subverted in Off the Record, where he is one of the Psychopaths.
- Papa Wolf: Don't mess with Katey. Jed, TK and Frank found this out the hard way.
- Red Oni: To Frank's blue.
- Rogue Protagonist: Appears as a Psychopath in Off the Record, apparently having failed to save Katey in this continuity and going bonkers because of it.
- Saw It in a Movie Once: Chuck gets his inspiration for the crazier combo weapons from movie posters.
- The Stoic: He never seems to drop that Eastwood-like stare, except for his encounter with Ted (briefly), and the cutscenes with him and Katey.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Frank, type 2. Funny one liners abound.
Frank:(after trying something on) Handsome devil.
Chuck:You're like woman repellent.
- Wrestler in All of Us: His moves are less flashy and more practical than Frank West's pro wrestling moves, however.
- Younger Than They Look: He is 29, but looters call him "gramps" and one of the survivors, Royce St. John, who is only one year younger than Chuck, calls him an "old man".
Katey Greene
"My Daddy will always keep me safe."
Chuck's spirited daughter, and his main source of motivation. Her zombified mother passed the virus on to her, so now she requires a daily dose of Zombrex. Despite witnessing all of this, she's remained very brave.
- Damsel in Distress: During Overtime alongside Stacey.
- Death by Adaptation: Is already dead in Off the Record.
- Missing Mom: It's because of her mother is why she's infected.
- Morality Chain: For Chuck. This is broken in Off the Record, which ends up driving Chuck off of the deep end.
- One of Us: She's seen playing Mega Man in a cutscene.
- Phlebotinum Dependence: She needs Zombrex, simply put.
- Zombie Infectee: Was infected by her mother prior to the events of Dead Rising 2. Unfortunately becomes a zombie full time in the worst ending and Off the Record.
Tyrone King
"Do you know what time it is America!? Payback Time!"
The producer and host of Terror is Reality (TIR), a controversial game show where contestants slay zombies for sport. He takes advantage of the Fortune City outbreak to loot the city.
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad
- Bonus Boss: If you consider Ending A to be the "true" ending, that is.
- Catch Phrase: "Win big!"
- Disney Villain Death: In Ending S.
- Gangsta Style: He holds his gun this way... and he doesn't even pull the damn trigger. But for some reason, it still fires. Fittingly, his aim is atrocious.
- Greed: He loots Fortune City for money, even after Phenotrans paid him nicely for his part!
- Karmic Death: In Ending A and S.
- Lack of Empathy
- Sinister Shades
- True Final Boss: Did you give TK Zombrex? Prepare to fight him high above the Slicecycle Arena with none of your weapons or items.
- Ungrateful Bastard: His response to being given Zombrex by Chuck/Frank, saving his life, is to continue mocking them mercilessly. He later even kidnaps Stacey and Katey or Rebecca and sadistically forces Chuck/Frank to jump through hoops for him to save them.
- Zombie Infectee: Gets bitten and infected late in the game. Chuck/Frank gets to decide if he gets Zombrex or not.
Raymond Sullivan
"We can't afford to have any infected in here."
The only security officer to make it to the safe house. He does not believe Chuck/Stacey is innocent, and only allows him/her to stay if he/she keeps finding survivors.
- Badass Boast: Makes a few on behalf of the Phenotrans.
We have the power to erase you!
- Badass Grandpa: He's not that old (he's 53), but he's still quite a bit older than Chuck yet will beat the shit out of him over and over again.
- In Off the Record: he's only slightly phased from being shot by Evil Stacey, and manages to save Frank from being killed by her. Even after taking multiple gunshots, he's able to live long enough to give Frank some encouraging last words.
- Battle Theme Music: He gets a tense, instrumental track appropriately known as Conspiracy to accompany his boss fight.
- Big Bad: Along with TK in Dead Rising 2.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: He starts gloating about his evil plan after murdering Rebecca, instead of just killing Chuck and Stacey right then and there.
- Contractual Boss Immunity: Almost none of the strategies that work on the other bosses work on him. He's on top of a platform, so you can't carry 'heavy' type weapons up to attack him. He's too far away his health is too high, and his accuracy is too good for you to use assault rifles, pistols, shotguns or merc assault rifles to kill him. He can instantly disarm any melee weapon you try to use on him, which basically makes 90 % of the weapons in the game useless. His insane pistol damage means you can't stand out in the open and snipe him while avoiding/ignoring his ranged attacks. Like all bosses, you can't use unarmed moves that involve grabbing him. When he's in mid-roll, he's completely invincible against any attacks. And to top it all off, the AC-130 firing at you means that you can't hide behind any cover other than the high wall next to the entrance to the bottom floor.
- Death From Above: In his boss battle, he's supported by a passing AC-130 that will fire grenades at you when he throws flares at your last known location. His 'taunt' also consists of him getting on his radio and ordering command to bomb the city.
Launch the planes immediately!
Bombers are following.
Commence operation!
Let's set this town on fire, move in!
(upon a successful AC-130 hit) Collateral damage, right there!
- Evil Costume Switch: In the Final Boss fight, he dawns a backpack and a skyhook, as well as several ammo pouches all over his body. It's not much, but it certainly makes him look more intimidating.
- Final Boss: He serves as the game's last boss. Unless you activate Overtime, that is.
- With Case West, he's something of a Disc One Final Boss/Climax Boss.
- Fisticuffs Boss: He's clearly meant to be fought this way, due to the fact that he can instantly disarm any melee weapons from you, only uses his fists in close combat, shoots you with a six-shooter with perfect accuracy unless you're on the platform with him, and because the Haymaker, Double Leg Dropkick and Front Kick all stun him as well as do impressive damage, but there are other ways to beat him.
- Good Is Not Nice: Until you learn that he's actually evil. However, in Off the Record, he actually IS good, while Stacey is the Big Bad and The Mole.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Unlike the other psychopaths who have some unique melee weapon, he simply uses his fists, only pulling out his pistol to shoot you if you're not on the same platform as him. This is because he doesn't need one, and is capable of disarming any weapons you might be carrying. He'll even taunt you if you try to attack him with a melee weapon or shoot him with a gun.
Come on! Fight like a man!
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Thanks to the handcuffs used to secure TK to the infirmary's bed, the skyhook extraction tears him in half.
- Hand Cannon: His pistol takes off one square of health per hit, which is about half as much as the sniper rifle.
- Handgun: Sullivan has a unique pistol, and he's damn effective with it too. His accuracy with his pistol combined with the zombies and explosions everywhere from the air strikes means trying to shoot him from the ground is a very bad idea.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In Off the Record, he saves Frank from being shot by Stacey at the cost off his life.
- Hitbox Dissonance: He's invincible literally half the time. When he's rolling for example, nothing hurts him. Not aerial bombardment, not sniper rifles, not machine guns, not axes, not hammers, not explosives. And oftentimes if you punch him first, your attack will go right through him right as his attack animation begins, which of course damages you. Also, he's completely impossible to knock back, even if you get the AC-130 to land a direct hit on him. This is very noticeable since he's constantly knocking you back, and off the platform.
- I Did What I Had to Do: He justifies these outbreaks for producing Queens for Phenotrans to create more Zombrex. No Queens, no Zombrex.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: In his boss fight. He's surprisingly effective with his pistol, but then again, he's probably been taking years and years of training from Phenotrans, so it might not really be all that improbable.
- I Shall Taunt You: Most of his boss banter.
Fight like a man!
You're outclassed!
How's it feel to die in vain?
It's been a pleasure finishing you off!
You can't fight the power boy!
There's one of you and hundreds of us, you do the math!
- Jerkass: He's a pretty gruff fellow, giving Chuck grief over Katey's infection and Chuck's apparent responsibility for the outbreak (although this may be considered just doing his job protecting the shelter from legitimate threats), and he even suggests that they kill T.K. vigilante style instead of bringing him to justice. Of course, it turns out he's The Mole. Except in the alternate timeline of Off the Record, where it turns out he was just an honest jerk (and Frank even says his idea to kill TK turned out to be right all along, given the events of Overtime mode).
- Large and In Charge: Sullivan is nearly a head taller and noticeably bulkier than any of the other main characters. He's helluva strong too.
- The Mole: He has been working with Phenotrans from Day 1. Averted in Off the Record, where it's Stacey who is The Mole.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He may appear to be just an old and somewhat incompetent security officer, but in actuality, he's a a private commando highly adept in marksmanship and hand to hand combat, and behind the whole outbreak.
- Patriotic Fervor: Has definite elements of this, both in some of his dialogue as well as his strong trust in the U.S. government and military despite evidence of ill intent on their part.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He is willing to let Chuck and Katey stay in the safe house as long as Chuck keeps a steady supply of Zombrex on hand and continues to find survivors. Subverted when he kills Rebecca to prevent her from implicating Phenotrans in the Fortune City Outbreak. Played straight, however, in Off the Record, where Stacey shoots and kills him.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Chuck delivers one to him during his motive rant, only to have Sullivan fire back with a Shut Up, Kirk.
Sullivan: Fortune City was a small price to pay to ensure our countries way of life!
Chuck: You! Murdered! These! People!
Sullivan: Acceptable losses!
- Time to Die: One of his random combat taunts.
- Unusable Enemy Equipment: His powerful pistol is unique to him.
- Vocal Evolution: Listen to him during the final boss fight. He sounds nothing like he does earlier in the game.
- Walking Spoiler: Hoo boy.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He is willing to destroy people's lives to keep Phenotrans going.
- Would Hit a Girl: Justified. In Off The Record, he saves Frank from Stacey by punching her in the face after she shoots him.
Stacey Forsythe
"Let the government know we will not stand for their systematic neglect of the infected!"
The passionate leader of C.U.R.E., or Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality. She believes Terror is Reality is cruel and demeaning to those that are dependent on Zombrex. Her goal is to make the drug more affordable and available.
- Baby Got Back: Is introduced with an ass shot much like Sheva from Resident Evil 5.
- Bare Your Midriff: Wears a shirt that exposes a bit of her belly.
- Big Bad: Along with TK in Off the Record.
- Damsel in Distress: During Overtime alongside Katey.
- Dark Action Girl: In Off the Record.
- Dead Little Sister: Her sister was dependent on Zombrex, until she decided to stop taking it.
- Death by Adaptation: In Off the Record, she is crushed by her robot just as she is about to shoot Frank West.
- Evil Costume Switch: At the end of Off the Record, she switches from her ponytailed, Granola Girl appearance to a wicked black latex spy catsuit with short, slicked hair (her ponytailed hair turns out to have been a wig). Her personality also goes from wholesome hippie chick to sadistic Baroness.
- Excessive Evil Eyeshadow: She also somehow finds the time to dollop on a load of mascara after donning her Dark Action Girl suit.
- Fiery Redhead: Quite passionate about her work with C.U.R.E. and has quite an attitude problem regarding Sullivan. Averted in Off the Record, where it's an act and her true personality is much colder and crueler.
- Fun with Acronyms: Her organization C.U.R.E.
- Granola Girl: Her character design has many elements of this.
- Hoist by Her Own Petard: The robot she was attacking Frank West in Off the Record immediately crushes her to death just as she is about to shoot Frank.
- I Did What I Had to Do: In Off the Record, she justifies her actions for producing Queens for Phenotrans to create more Zombrex. No Queens, no Zombrex. Pretty much how Sullivan justified his actions.
- Mission Control: Thank god she isn't like Otis.
- The Mole: Turns out that she has been working with Phenotrans in Off the Record.
- Spy Catsuit: Changes from her normal clothing into this during her Evil Costume Switch in Off the Record, along with her hair being a wig Frank West ripped off when trying to subdue her.
- Vocal Evolution: Stacey sounds slightly more mature in Off the Record than she did in the original game. After The Reveal, she goes full-blown Baroness.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: In Off the Record.
Rebecca Chang
"No one ever got an award playing by the rules, Chuck."
Beautiful and ambitious. Rebecca comes to Fortune City to cover the controversy behind Terror is Reality. When the outbreak starts though, her goal changes: find out what's really behind the outbreak.
- Action Girl
- Boss in Mook Clothing: In Off the Record's sandbox mode, she's fightable like all other normally benevolent survivors, and carries an LMG as a weapon. Due to the buff rapid-fire weapons got in this game, she ends up being pretty hard to beat (arguably tougher than some psychopaths!) and at lower levels, running into her is pretty much a death sentence.
- Damsel in Distress: She turns into one during the second half of Off the Record.
- Determinator: Like Frank, she won't let anything get in the way of her story.
- Early-Bird Cameo: She is heard briefly over the radio in Case Zero.
- Faux Action Girl: She's supposed to be a badass journalist willing to get down and dirty in order to get a scoop, but outside of her introduction where she saves Chuck from being surprised by a quiet zombie, she ends up getting into trouble and needs to be bailed out a lot.
- Going for the Big Scoop
- Hot Scoop
- Intrepid Reporter
- Spared by the Adaptation: In Off the Record.
- Vasquez Always Dies: After all of her hard work, she takes a headshot from Sullivan trying to call her station. Inverted in Off the Record, where Stacey, who performed a Face Heel Turn and is revealed as a Dark Action Girl, is the one who gets killed off by a giant robot, while Rebecca lives.
Amber and Crystal Bailey
Amber: "I was hoping for a better ride from you, Chuck..."
Crystal: "...but maybe you just don't know how to handle the tight curves."
The hard working co-hostesses of Terror is Reality. They provide nice eye candy and taunt the contestants, especially Chuck/Frank.
- The Baronesses
- Battle Theme Music: The background theme of the Shoal Nightclub.
- Co-Dragons: To TK.
- Dark Action Girls
- Department of Redundancy Department: Their weapon are listed in-game as "Katana Swords". Except that Katana already means "Sword" in Japanese.
- Depraved Bisexuals: While they flirt a lot with Chuck/Frank, they often fondle each other, and one of them is seen caressing Rebecca's breast while keeping her hostage.
- Driven to Suicide: Kill one and the other will stab herself to death.
- Dual Boss: You only need to kill one of them in order to beat them both, however.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Shown after their boss fight, where the survivor kills herself because she can't go on without the sister you killed.
- Groin Attack: As if they weren't cheap enough already, they are not above stomping on Chuck's groin while he's down.
- Hello, Nurse!: Taking a picture of one of them is enough to unlock the Adult Content achievement/trophy in Off the Record.
- Katanas Are Just Better: The only bosses in the game to wield them.
- Ms. Fanservice: Justified, given how they serve as eye candy during Terror is Reality.
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- Shout-Out: Their swords are actually the Tenso swords from Onimusha.
- Theme Naming: Just look at the color of their hair and dresses!
- Twincest
Leon Bell
"Hey, buddy, I heard you lost your wife in Vegas. I guess you SUCK at killing zombies, otherwise she'd still be around!"
An obsessed former fan of Chuck's. Since surviving the Vegas outbreak, he seems to only want to slay zombies and eventually, defeat Chuck. He does not appear in Off the Record, being replaced by Chuck Greene.
- Battle Theme Music: An instrumental version of the Terror is Reality theme.
- Blood Knight: He plays Terror is Reality to satisfy his killing cravings unlike Chuck and the other two contestants who just need the money.
- Bullfight Boss: You'll need to get him to crash into things in order to stun him at all.
- Demoted to Extra: Is nowhere to be found in Off the Record, with the only indication we get that he's around is taunting graffiti he's left on Chuck's motorcycle trailer.
- Expy: Of Kent Swanson from the first game. He starts off as an annoying rival who has a similar job to the protagonist (photographer for Kent, Terror is Reality contestant for Leon), but ends up as an antagonistic psychopath who is willing to cross the Moral Event Horizon in his vendetta against Chuck like Kent did with Frank.
- Fan Boy: Formally one of Chuck. He believes Chuck's gone soft.
- For the Evulz: He kills a man unprovoked, simply because he was "worth more points" and that he knew it would get under Chuck's skin.
- Get Back Here Boss: Spends a lot of his time zooming around Fortune Park during his boss fight.
- Jerkass: Easily one of the more loathsome individuals in the game, just see the quote above.
- Psychopathic Manchild:
Chuck: What do you think you're doing!? That wasn't a zombie!
Leon: Yeah, no shit Chuck! They're double the points because they move around so much! Bastards...
- The Rival: Just like Kent Swanson from the first game.
- Self-Immolation: Does this to himself for "quadruple points" rather than be defeated by Chuck.
Chuck:"Yeah... you're on fire."
Sgt. Dwight Boykin
"Ready to kick some ass, ladies?"
The man in charge of the Fortune City clean up operation. He plans to wipe out all the zombies, then save anyone surviving. Unfortunately, it goes horribly wrong.
- Bald of Awesome: It is awesome. But...
- Bald of Evil: quickly transcends into this once he crosses into Psycho territory.
- Battle Theme Music: "Scrape" by Blue Stahli.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Sort of. At least he's not Brock Mason.
- Driven to Suicide: Blows his own head off with a grenade, wanting to off himself rather than be turned into a zombie which his insanity causes him to view Chuck and Rebecca as.
- Expy: For Brock Mason, sort of. While he's the head of a military group sent in to cleanup during zombie outbreaks, he actually intends on saving the survivors unlike Brock. He's more of one for Cliff Hudson as he's a military man who goes insane after seeing people he cares for getting torn apart by zombies.
- A Father to His Men: This is likely why he goes insane.
- Heroic BSOD: Suffers one after his whole unit is killed by the Gas Zombies.
- Mad Bomber: One of his methods of attack is hurling grenades.
- More Dakka: Uses a Light Machine Gun as his main weapon.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Thanks to the Gas Zombies, he becomes this full throttle.
Derrick Duggan, Big Earl Flaherty, Deetz Hartman and Johnny James
"Only way to git this country on track agin is clean it right up of all those pansies, floozies, bur-o-crats, liberals, and them half-ass conservatives, too."
Four buddies with sniper rifles who consider themselves as true patriots on a mission to save America. Unfortunately for the other survivors, they believe that the best way to reach their goal is killing everybody who doesn’t agree with their ideology.
- Bald of Evil: Big Earl.
- Beard of Evil: Each of them except for Johnny James.
- Cold Sniper: They're more enthusiastic than most, but they're still quite ruthless in their line of work.
- Corrupt Hicks
- Deep South
- Delinquent Hair: Johnny James sports a Mohawk.
- Eagle Land: Type 2.
- Expy: Of the Hall family in the first game, as they're a group of tightly-knit snipers. You could also make a case for them being this for the Convicts as they're a group of criminals who are fought in the humongous outdoor park.
- Fat Bastard: Derrick's the fattest of the group, and is also the most aggressive in regards to the group's extreme right-wing ideology.
- For the Evulz: Their motivation is this mixed with Knight Templar nuttery.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Much like the Hall family from the first game.
- Knife Nut: Each of them uses a knife for close-quarters combat: Big Earl uses a machete while the others use bowie knifes.
- Knight Templar: They believe that they're saving the United States and proving that they're "true patriots" by shooting other people and zombies.
- Let's Split Up, Gang!: Each of them are in a different location, and must be fought individually.
- Patriotic Fervor
- The Quiet One: Johnny James doesn't say a single word in the introduction cutscene, but he's just as talkative as the others in battle.
- Sniper Rifle
- Take That: Against the Tea Party, the Minuteman Project Inc and hardline Republicans in general.
- Wolfpack Boss: Unlike the Hall family, you'll have to put forth some effort in finding how to get to their respective rooftops.
Brent Ernst/Slappy
"Oh, you know me! I'm Slappy. Everyone knows Slappy."
A children's clothing store mascot who believes that Chuck is responsible for the outbreak which resulted in the death of his girlfriend.
- Ax Crazy: Easily one of the crazier Psychopaths in Dead Rising 2, surprisingly even more so in Off The Record due to thinking that he's a TV show character.
- Battle Theme Music: An original song called "Mascot". Its fast pace reflects Brent's insanity, and a faint female voice can be heard.
- Dramatic Unmask: Averted. Hacking has proved he has a fully rendered head under the mask, but you never get to see it in normal gameplay. See it here.
- Dual-Wielding: Uses two flamethrowers in his boss fight.
- Evil Is Burning Hot: Due to wielding flamethrowers.
- Expy: Of Adam from the first game. Both are children's entertainers gone mad. They both can also use flames.
- Hero Worshipper: In Off the Record, he thinks Frank is a god and begs him to revive his girlfriend. Things go to hell when Frank says he can't...
- It's Personal: Chuck freed the Zombies who killed his girl... at least that’s what he believes.
- Jump Scare: Holy Jesus on a Unicycle, his death.
- Kill It with Fire: Wields two homebrew flamethrowers.
- Love Makes You Crazy: He goes nuts when his date gets killed by the outbreak.
- Mascot
- Rollerblade Good: This makes him a lot harder to hit.
- TV Never Lies: Chuck tells him not to believe everything he sees on TV. It doesn't help.
Bibi Love
"I know you can barely even wait for this comeback tour to start."
An aging celebrity who has taken some of her employees as hostages and forces them to watch her comeback show. Chuck has to do some errands for her in order to save them.
- Baby Got Back: Hoo boy: her costume prominently displays her rather large ass, and in her cutscenes, the game seems to go out of its way to give her backside all the attention it can give.
- Fetch Quest: Involves getting her a drink, dressing in a tuxedo, and gathering zombies as 'fans'.
- Heel Face Turn: She joins Chuck if he saves her from a zombie hoard.
- It's All About Me: Her intro speaks for itself, and her insanity stemming from zombies devouring her audience is not helping whatsoever.
- Sheathe Your Sword: She's the only psychopath you don't actually fight. Instead, you must bend to her needs as she asks in order to save the survivors currently held hostage. Attacking her once means she'll blow the survivors (including herself) up.
- Stripperiffic
- Take That/No Celebrities Were Harmed: She's pretty much a parody of Cher.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: Once the Fetch Quest is over, you have to play a short rhythm minigame, which failing means everyone goes boom.
Seymour Redding
"Everyone else is dead! I'M THE BIG MAN NOW!!"
A delusional security officer who has taken the law into his own hands. He guards the South Plaza from trespassers.
- Battle Theme Music: A shortened instrumental version of "I Believe You" by Celldweller.
- Beard of Evil
- Corrupt Hick: Though to be fair, this was bought out due to him being belittled and mocked before the outbreak.
- Cowboy Security Officer: He even wears a cowboy hat.
- Deep South
- Famous Last Words: "I'm twice the man you are..."
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Unlike Sullivan, he dies with a power saw through the abdomen.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: He can shoot any gun from your hands.
- Large Ham: His main quote above.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: His revolver is basically the best weapon in the game. Good thing you can take it after you kill him.
- The Sheriff: What he believes he is.
Carl Schliff
"This delivery requires a SIGNATURE!"
A dedicated mailman who still makes his rounds during the outbreak.
- Badass Moustache: Spouts a rather nice handlebar stache.
- Battle Theme Music: Another original piece, called "Postman". It channels Carl's aggression.
- Determinator: Not snow, nor rain, nor zombies will stop his rounds.
- Easter Egg: His pen has the Dead Rising 2 logo on it.
- Flanderization: In the original Dead Rising 2, Carl seemed happy to give the package to Chuck as long as he could get a signature to continue with his rounds. He only became hostile once he realized, by reading Chuck's signature, that Chuck is the man accused of starting the zombie outbreak. In Off the Record, the scene plays out much the same way, but once Carl reads Frank's signature, he decides to kill him for attempt at mail fraud because Frank is not the original recipient of the package.
- Glass Cannon: He's got noticeably less health than most of the other psychopaths, but his mail bombs and shotgun can destroy your health if you don't stay on your toes and keep a good distance away from him when he runs.
- Going Postal: Hardy har har.
- Graceful Loser: On his deathbed, he willingly gives Chuck the Zombrex he needs, after Chuck explained to him that he needed it for his daughter.
- Mad Bomber: He packs a lot of 'mail bombs'.
- Married to the Job: He takes it very seriously.
- Pet the Dog: See Graceful Loser above: he was willing to bend his own frighteningly harsh rules for Katie, though he was more or less dead-meat at that point.
- Serious Business: You'd do well to not mess up his rounds...
- Shotguns Are Just Better: He carries a shotgun, but isn't too accurate with it.
- TV Never Lies: He recognizes Chuck's signature, and blames him for the outbreak.
- Unstoppable Mailman: He's survived to the beginning of the third day, which is impressive.
Theodore "Ted" Smith and Snowflake
"Snowflake hungry."
Ted is the mentally handicapped caretaker of the tiger Snowflake. After some bad experiences with other humans, he considers the animal as his only friend. He desperately tries to keep Snowflake alive by supplying her with fresh human meat.
- Battle Theme Music: An instrumental version of "Narrow Escape" by Celldweller.
- The Beast Master: Ted is the Type I variety.
- Berserk Button: Don't call him slow. Don't even make him think you called him slow.
- Dual Boss: You fight him and Snowflake together.
- Handgun: Ted's weapon. He usually just uses it for Pistol-Whipping, but if you're far enough away, he'll actually shoot you. He's not very good with it.
- Heel Face Turn: Snowflake can be tamed with some steak.
- One-Man Army: Snowflake can easily tear through any group of zombies. Because of her high health and attack power, zombies (and sometimes Psychopaths) will crumple under her strength.
- Tragic Monster: Easily the most sympathetic psychopath in the game, his mental handicap has led to him being bullied his entire life.
Antoine Thomas
"Needs a bit more buttah."
The owner of a cookware store, and a chef at Cucina Donnacci. He is trying to create an ultimate dish to please a magazine critic, whom he thinks Chuck/Frank is.
- Battle Theme Music: "Own Little World" by Celldweller. One of few boss themes to have a vocal track, and it seems to fit Antoine just right.
- Berserk Button: Does not take criticism well.
- Evil Chef
- Frying Pan of Doom: Even though he picks up a chef's knife at the end of his introduction, he uses a frying pan for the actual battle.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Just like Larry from the first game.
- Improbable Weapon User: His main weapon is a frying pan. He can also choke Chuck/Frank with an apple.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: He continues using food jokes during battle.
"You shake, I bake!"
- Karmic Death: His hand (and head) ends up slipping into a fryer full of hot grease when he tries to support himself after he's defeated.
- Large Ham: Particularly hammy, especially when he flips his lid.
- Lethal Chef: Not his cooking, but actually himself.
- Stout Strength: Despite being quite portly, he's quite the capable battler. Very, VERY capable.
- Tastes Like Chicken: His "ultimate dish" involves using live humans. He even believes this is what human flesh tastes like, and the trope name is the name of his mission.
Randy Tugman
"Don't worry, honey... the other ones didn't mean anything to me."
An awkward and internet sex addicted virgin. He uses the outbreak to "marry" any unfortunate woman he may find.
- Attempted Rape: And thank goodness he didn't succeed with his victim.
- Battle Theme Music: "Shiny" by Blue Stahli. It just screams "Randy".
- Chainsaw Good
- Expy: Morbidly obese, is forcing his lust on an unwilling woman, angry that the hero is getting in the way of his fun? He's a dead-ringer for Jo Slade from the first game.
- Fat Bastard: Definitely not unlike Jo Slade from the first game.
- Groin Attack: Is susceptible to this, as shooting at his crotch will stun him for a while.
- Karmic Death: Eventually torn apart by one of his (now zombified) former brides.
- Lightning Bruiser: Do not let his weight fool you. He can run like a friggin' track star around that chapel. Couple that with the fact that he has some of the highest health in the game, and you've got a problem.
- Meaningful Name: Tugman. RANDY Tugman.
- Never My Fault: He blames Chuck for killing his dad, when it was his carelessness that did his dad in, he had his chainsaw on.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Hard to say if it's intentional, but he reminds many people of Chris-Chan.
- Oh Crap: Just before being torn apart by his zombified bride.
- Although you can still hear something like delight while he's dying. He may be getting torn apart by a zombie, but hey, a girl's still touching him!
- Rape as Drama
- Self-Made Orphan: He accidentally kills his father Emmanuel when he turns to face Chuck.
- Shotgun Wedding: Except with a large, pink chainsaw.
Reed Wallbeck and Roger Withers
"I suppose YOU know how to saw a woman in half, right big shot?!"
A pair of insane magicians, who captured an unfortunate woman for a deadly trick.
- Battle Theme Music: "Switchback" by Celldweller.
- Berserk Button: Apparently, like Antoine before, he doesn't take criticism of his tricks well.
- Carpet of Virility: Reed has a vast amount of chest hair.
- The Dog Bites Back: It wasn't such a good idea from Reed to constantly insult Roger during the performance. As they are both lying on the floor, dying, Roger stabs him repeatedly followed by an "I've always wanted to do that!".
- Dual-Wielding: Roger uses two swords.
- Dual Boss: Unlike the previous Dual Boss, these two use completely different types of weapons: Roger uses swords, Reed uses a Rocket Launcher. Plus, it's the "defeat both" variant this time.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: They are an obvious parody of Penn and Teller, and their stage outfits are a dig at Siegfried and Roy.
- Saw a Woman In Half: They’re trying this trick with an unfortunate victim. Of course, it fails.
- Sinister Scimitar: Roger's magician's swords.
- The Voiceless: Roger, except when he kills Reed.
Brandon Whittaker
"...the movement is growing …soon, we’ll all be part of the change…"
The C.U.R.E. protester that lost his mind during the outbreak. Now he believes that he serves "the cause" by turning everybody into a zombie. In Off the Record, he plays a marginally larger role in the storyline, being recruited by TK to start the zombie outbreak instead of Sullivan dressed as Chuck Greene.
- Ascended Extra: In Off the Record, he ends up being the one who unleashes the zombies unto Fortune City, and he also gets promoted to a mandatory boss fight.
- Ax Crazy
- Battle Theme Music: An instrumental mix of "Eon" by Celldweller. It really captures the frantic pace of his battle.
- Driven to Suicide
- Flunky Boss: In Off the Record, he's able to sic zombies on you from the nearby bathroom stalls.
- Karmic Death: The very same zombie he wanted to use against his hostage bites him. And then he slits his throat with his weapon of choice; a piece of glass.
- Knife Nut: Thought his knife is actually a shard of broken glass.
- Knight Templar: He wants to infect the world with the zombie virus.
- Moral Myopia: Despite his previous rants about turning everybody into a zombie, he quickly slices his own throat after a zombie bites him.
- Teleport Spam: With bathroom stalls, no less.
- Tragic Villain: Arguably in Off the Record. While he's still a psychopath, the intro cutscene shows that he was essentially a naive, nervous, but ultimately friendly guy who went insane because he was used by TK as his Unwitting Pawn to start the outbreak as part of his plot to rob the casinos.
- With Us or Against Us
Jed Wright
"Zombies are good huntin' son. Kinda' like shooting people, but without all the legal hassle."
The only psychopath in Case Zero. Jed, a mechanic from Still Creek, is a passionate zombie hunter who wants to add Katey to his collection. He doesn't care that she just got Zombrex, which will prevent her from turning in the next twelve hours.
- Battle Theme Music: "The Best It's Gonna Get" by Celldweller.
- Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are: When he's not fighting Chuck, he's looking for Katey.
- Egomaniac Hunter: Some of the "zombies" he kills are humans who haven't turned yet. He still enjoys it.
- Final Boss: In Case Zero, making him sort of a Disc One Final Boss.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: His Boomstick. A shotgun, combined with a pitchfork. And not only do you get to use it, you get to make it too... except you can't aim and shoot it at the same time.
Evan Mac Intyre
"How about a little ice cream, Frank?"
The only new psychopath in Off the Record. Evan is a short clown who walks on stilts and sells ice cream, even during the outbreak. Turns out he's the brother of Adam, another psychopath in the first Dead Rising.
- Affably Evil: Before he finds out that the guy he's talking to is Frank, he seems like a rather nice guy.
- An Ice Person
- Call Back: The only reason he even appears is because Frank killed his brother in the first game.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Accidently kills himself with his own weapon... just like his brother Adam!
- Literally Shattered Lives: Gets frozen solid and then knocked over by Frank.
- Monster Clown: Just like his brother.
- Shout-Out: He wears a Servbot patch.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream.
- You Killed My Father: Or brother, in this case: the only reason he fights Frank.
Dead Rising: Case West
Frank West
"I never did like that damn show."
The hero of the Willamette incident. This time, he gets an unknown tip about a Phenotrans facility west of Fortune City. He teams up with Chuck, but was originally supposed to with Rebecca. His goal is to expose the truth about Phenotrans, and help clear Chuck's name. In Off the Record, a re-image of Dead Rising 2, Frank is in the center of the Fortune City outbreak instead of Chuck.
- Ascended Meme: His notebook entry is "He's covered wars, ya know".
- Badass: Well, he did live through the Williamette Incident.
- Off the Record has him treated as a celebrity since he was the one who broke the story of said incident.
- Batter Up: An AI controlled Frank will fight with an infinite supply of baseball bats unless the player gives him another weapon.
- Big Damn Hero: He saves Chuck from Zombie TK at the start of Case West.
- Bond One-Liner: He does this much more often than Chuck did in Off the Record.
- Continuity Nod: He appears to be wearing Carlito's locket.
- Cool Shades
- Deadpan Snarker: He won't hesitate to say anything sarcastic or rude.
- Determinator
- First-Person Snapshooter: He's a freelance photographer, and the photography system returns with him. He uses his professional camera, while Chuck uses a cheap disposable one.
- Genre Savvy: "Oh, this never goes well."
- In-Series Nickname: TK calls him "Frankie".
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Oh Crap:
- When he realizes he left his Zombrex back in the factory. Luckily, Chuck had picked it up.
- He also utters this in the introduction to Chuck's boss fight in Off the Record, when he grabs the Katey doll's leg. Chuck looks back and isn't amused.
- Phlebotinum Dependence: He depends on Zombrex just as much as Katey does.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Chuck's red.
- Stout Strength: He's put on a few pounds since Willamette, but he's still more than able to keep up with Chuck in the zombie-killing department.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Chuck, type 2. This leads to a metric crapton of funny lines.
Chuck: Come on, Frankie!
Frank: Who lit a fire under your ass?!
- Wrestler in All of Us: His skills from Dead Rising 1 return in Case West and Off the Record. The Terror is Reality event in the beginning of Off the Record has him wrestle zombies.
- Zombie Infectee: He was infected at the end of the first game, five years prior.
Isabela Keyes
"It's been so long, Frank."
A survivor of the Willamette incident. Since then, she continues her research for a permanent cure.
- Action Girl: Which hasn't changed since the first game.
- The Atoner: For the last five years, she's been trying to find the cure for the infection.
- The Reveal: She's Frank's source.
Marian Mallon
"You reap what you sow."
The director of the westward Phenotrans factory. She claims that she doesn't need Zombrex anymore, since she remedied her infection years ago.
- Big Bad: In the entirety of Dead Rising 2.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Evil Cripple: Is confined to a wheelchair for some reason.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She wears a large bite mark on her cheek, something Frank and Katey do not.
- The Man Behind the Curtain: She's responsible for the outbreak of Fortune City, but when confronted, she is only a crippled woman in a wheelchair.
- The Man Behind the Man: To TK.
- Non-Action Big Bad
- Smug Snake: She is so insufferable.
- Social Darwinist: Apparently, her company has created a permanent cure for the outbreak, but she's hoarding it as she feels no one's worthy to receive it.
- Actually, in that very same little "Humans Are the Real Monsters" speech of hers, she freely admits that distributing a permanet cure would be bad for business as it would make zombrex obsolete. In reality, she's probably just another greedy asshole who tries to justify her actions by blaming the victims instead of helping them.
- The Unfought: Time will tell if she will get her's in the end.
- Zombie Infectee: A former one, or so she says.
Harjit Singh
Commander of the security forces in the Phenotrans facility. The only psychopath the player fights in Case West.
- Ascended Extra: In Case West, he's just a Big Guy who shows up for the boss fights and dies right afterward. Then the Dead Rising comics were published and now he's the one who caused the outbreaks in Las Vegas and Still Creek.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's huge, he wields two Impact Hammers, and has three life bars. It's no wonder he's the security commander and Marion's right hand man.
- Battle Theme Music: An original piece that sounds like a cross between traditional Hindu songs and heavy techno.[1]
- Remixed contemporary Bollywood pop, more likely. Not quite traditional, yet.
- Bilingual Bonus: His quote above means "bitch".
- The Dragon: To Marian Mallon.
- Dual-Wielding: Nothing less than two Impact Hammers.
- Final Boss: With three Life Meters, meaning he's one of the toughest Psychopaths yet.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made of Iron: Three health bars. THREE. FREAKING. HEALTH. BARS.
- Scary Indian Man
- Suddenly Ethnicity: As the camera works up to his head, it shows him wearing a turban.
Terror is Reality XVII
Don and Paul
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to TIR 17!"
"Man, all of this blood and gore flying around is making me hungry. Where's the concession stand?!"
The two color commentators during Terror is Reality games. They appear outside the main story of the game.
- Announcer Chatter
- Blood Knight: Paul really enjoys witnessing bloodshed.
- Expy: Did the commentators of MadWorld somehow work their way to the Dead Rising universe?
- The Ghosts: They never make a visual appearance.
- Gorn: What Paul loves to see.
The Contestants
The four people trying to win big in this Terror is Reality event. You take control of one and get to experience the carnage yourself!
- Canon Discontinuity: They are not the same people from the main story.
- Color-Coded Multiplayer
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Due to limitations, each player is called by their color of uniform.
- The Voiceless
- ↑ If I am correct, that is.