
A series of four action-adventure samurai games by Capcom set in feudal Japan. The series begins with infamous real life Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga being felled by an arrow in the midst of his greatest triumph. However, Nobunaga's skill and brutality had already caught the eyes of the demon king Fortinbras who offers a deal to Nobunaga: he can come back to life and as a powerful demon if he agrees to conquer Japan on behalf of the demons and turn it into, in effect, a massive feeding ground. Nobunaga accepts, and events get off and running.
The first game sees protagonist Samanosuke racing to attempt to rescue a princess of the Saito clan, who has written to him of strange disappearances and events around their castle, and how she suspects demonic involvement. When he arrives the castle is already under mass attack from demons and the princess has been kidnapped to be sacrificed as part of the ritual for resurrecting Nobunaga. Initially at a severe disadvantage against the demons, Samanosuke receives a power up from a demon clan that rivals the one backing Nobunaga, and which has been virtually destroyed. This allows him the use of supernatural weaponry and suck out the souls of defeated demons and use their power to aid him. Unable to stop the ceremony any other way, he eventually faces and kills Fortinbras. The epilogue, however, reveals that Nobunaga manages to come back to life anyway, and conquers the Saito clan territory while Samanosuke mysteriously vanishes and is presumed dead.
The second game has fewer survival horror elements and more pure action-adventure. Nobunaga is solidifying his hold on Japan at the head of a demon army, making rapid and cruel conquests. One of these conquests is Yagyu village, which causes Yagyu Jubei, (not the historical Jubei but his grandfather, in the game the name Jubei is a title given to the head of the Yagyu clan) the half-demon head of the Yagyu clan and a renowned swordsman, to swear vengeance on Nobunaga. This game also features a supporting cast of four characters, each an outstanding warrior in his or her own way (or at least important to the plot) who, depending on the relationships Jubei forges with them, may be important in aiding him in his quest, or have the potential to be opposition. Despite seemingly being bested by Jubei, Nobunaga swears to return and continue to wreak havoc.
The third game returns to having Samanosuke as the protagonist. In 1582 he is attempting to destroy Nobunaga's demon army and slay Nobunaga himself, but before he can Nobunaga opens a portal that, ala Samurai Jack, sends Samanosuke into the future. In 2004 France, where the demon army has launched an attack. There French policeman Jacques Blanc is attempting to aid the French military in holding back the demons. When Samanosuke arrives from the portal, he manages to save Jacques and a wounded friend until the time portal reopens and those two are sent back in time to an alternate timeline about a week before Samanosuke left it. The player switches back and forth between the two characters and eras attempting to defeat the demons. At the end Samanosuke defeats Nobunaga and absorbs his soul, preventing him from returning once again.
In the fourth installment, Dawn of Dreams, Nobunaga's chief general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, takes his place. He unifies Japan and spreads demons everywhere. However, his illegitimate son, known as Soki, takes up arms to defeat him with his friends. Dawn of Dreams expanded the RPG elements and gameplay depth, moving away from the "Tank-style" control methods the previous games had used to something more manageable, while removing many of the annoying puzzles to make a more satisfying experience.
Two spin-off Onimusha titles exist: Onimusha Tactics, a strategy for the Game Boy Advance - a side story featuring a new oni warrior named Onimaru, with returning characters Ekei, Magoichi and Kotaro from the second game, and Onimusha Blade Warriors, a non-canonical fighting game in the style of Super Smash Bros. for the Playstation 2. It features characters from the first two games (as well as Gargant, who first appears in the third game).
Soki appeared as a playable character in the crossover fighting game Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
- 0% Approval Rating
- Action Girl: Most of the female characters, particularly Kaede and Michelle.
- Almost-Dead Guy: Heihachi in the third game.
- Anachronism Stew
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Ax Crazy: Ranmaru - especially after being transformed into a Genma. Munenori and Ginghamphatts also count.
- Badass: Just take your pick of most of the main characters.
- Badass Mustache: Nobunaga has one.
- Battle Royale With Cheese - The ending of Dawn of Dreams has the characters facing off against their personal rivals.
- Bamboo Technology: Present throughout the series, but the absolute zenith is when you fight Hideyoshi for the last time in Dawn of Dreams. He takes you on in a bamboo Mecha
- Justified in-series, where you often find documents that says that Genma offered their superior technology to humans in exchange for sacrifices.
- BFG: What Vega Donna has installed on Azuchi castle. It's used on the already crumbling Mont Saint-Michel.
- Michelle also has access to a Grenade Launcher. Time to make some Genma soup!
- Magoichi also uses a type of rocket launcher to finish off against Ginghamphatts
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Many high-ranked genma tend to be like this, expecially in Dawn of Dreams, including Hecuba, a Wasp, the Great Genma Beast, the Gargantuan Flying monster which carries Azuchi Castle. Also the true form of Claudius, Rosencrantz and Ophelia
- Bishounen Line: Fortinbras in Dawn of Dreams does this, as opposed to Nobunaga who went One-Winged Angel in the 2 games before Dawn of Dreams.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Many genma ninja are armed with this. Also Genma Ranmaru.
- Blow You Away: Shippu and Senpumaru both allow you to summon huge whirlwind. Also the Kuuga sword in Onimusha 3, albeit it's more like Razor Wind and it's listed as "Air"
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Marcellus, a former Oni. Sakon Shima in Dawn of Dreams
- Bratty Half-Pint: Henri Blanc starts off as this somewhat.
- Bullet Time: Jubei Akane Yagyu's Awakening ability. It also has the nice effect of revealing invisible Genma.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Most of the villains in the series.
- Catch Phrase: "My name is Gogandantess, the greatest swordsman of all demons!"
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Averted. Although the citizens of Paris are brutally slaughtered in a surprise attack in the opening cutscene of 3, the French Army are quick to respond...even if they aren't well equipped to deal with taking down demons.
- Or so the cutscenes would have us believe. On the occasions you're allowed to use regular old machine-guns in gameplay, it actually gets a lot easier.
- Chickification: Although Oyu starts off the second game as a capable, take-no-nonsense swordswoman in the face of boorish louts, she quickly degenerates into a fairly weak Shallow Love Interest who needs to be saved by Jubei (or, in one case, Gogandantess) all the time. Unusual, considering she is very able to hold her own against hoardes of demon soldiers during gameplay.
- Cleavage Window: In the second game, both variants of Oyu's armor has this.
- Continuity Snarl: Examples in Dawn of Dreams:
- Ohatsu inherited her magic powers from uncle Nobunaga. Except Nobunaga was originally human, and she's his niece not his daughter - where's the blood tie!?
- Also, Ohatsu's mother,Oyu in Onimusha 2, mentioned that the three of them were not her real daughters anyway. That was one of her main concerns throughout the game; "if she wasn't their mother by blood, could the children still love her?" This means that Ohatsu isn't even related to Oyu and Nobunaga at ALL.
- Maybe Ohatsu is the daughter of Katsuie and Oyu/Oichi. Or Maybe Nagamasa too had Genma powers?
- When facing a horde of demons, Akane tells Soki that "no human blade can kill them". This overtly contradicts the allies from the previous trilogy who fought ably without Oni powers.
- Actually debatable. All those who fought the genma in the previous games (Kaede, Kotaro, Ekei,Michelle, Heiachiro and so on) did have at least a bit of power coming from the Oni clan, so they too were "Onimusha", albeit of a lesser degree
- Ohatsu inherited her magic powers from uncle Nobunaga. Except Nobunaga was originally human, and she's his niece not his daughter - where's the blood tie!?
- Coup De Grace: All of the main characters can strike a prone non-boss enemy on the ground, killing him instantly.
- Curse Cut Short: Soki, when he thinks that Tenkai has just killed Jubei.
Soki: "You son of a...."
- Cutscene Incompetence: Oyu suffers from this a lot (as mentioned in Chickification above). Michelle also has a moment like this in the third game when Guildenstern ambushes her and Henri and kidnaps them both. What with Michelle being a soldier, what was stopping her from making more of an effort to escape and attempting to kick some serious ass? (Okay, so she was taken by surprise, but, still. That, and, if that was the case, there would be no need for resident Badass Samanosuke to go on a heroic rescue mission, complete with Crowning Music of Awesome.)
- Dark Action Girl: Hecuba, Jujudormah, and Vega Donna.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Samanosuke and Jacques draw their otherworldly powers from their demon gauntlets. Soki, the main character from Dawn of Dreams, is known as the "Oni of the Ash", and is shown in official artwork with horns growing out of his head. He's also the avatar for the God of Darkness.
- Death Equals Redemption: Despite being a devious snake throughout the series, Tokichiro (later Hideyoshi Toyotomi) has one of these in Dawn of Dreams.
- Defeat Means Friendship: In Dawn of Dreams, you have to fight each member of your party before they join up with you. Gotta love that Conflict Ball.
- Detachable Lower Half: Ginghamphatts has this happen in Onimusha 2 during the last boss fight. Guildenstern also has this ability, as shown in Onimusha 3.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: Whenever characters die in Onimusha 2, chances are they will end up in Jubei's arms as they draw their last breath. Examples include Takajo and Gogandantess, and also Ekei and Kotaro, depending on their friendship levels with Jubei (ie. their deaths may not occur at all, depending on how Jubei treats them throughout the game).
- Dishing Out Dirt: Dokotsui Hammer in Onimusha 2, Chigo axe (lava variety) in the third.
- The Dragon: Several, but some of the most notable examples are Hideyoshi Hashiba (aka Tokichiro Kinoshita), Guildenstern, and Ranmaru Mori.
- Dull Surprise: In Demon Siege, one of Michelle's colleages is completely unfazed when she introduces Samanosuke (even mentioning that he is a Samurai) to him. Possibly justified - being forced to battle a sudden army of demons probably means that very little surprises him now...
- Elaborate Equals Effective: Used with the Oni weapons in the first three games.
- Empathy Doll Shot: The second game begins with a dead infant's rattle not only present butplayed with and eventually snapped in half by Nobunaga's pet snake.
- Evil Laugh: Most, if not all, of the villains.
- Evil Overlord
- Exposition Fairy: Ako in Onimusha 3. They call her a tengu, but she's really just a little woman with wings floating around advising the warriors, and she totally acts like a fairy, so she's this trope. Additionally, she floats over enemies to show you what you've targeted.
- Face Heel Turn: In the second game, Ekei is able to turn to the "dark side" depending on the players' actions towards him throughout the game.
- Fake Difficulty: Bosses in Dawn of Dreams don't usually end up in the "Fake" category of difficulty. Rather it is some of the late game enemies you will face that will test your patience, especially if you want to conquer the Dark Realm. For example there are flying enemies that can dodge attacks and send a guard breaking, high-damaging laser beam. The main cast (save Ohatsu) has no effective way of dealing with flying enemies, much less ones that dodge. Hope you practiced your counter and deflecting skills because the only time they come down is to attack you. And when you hit them with a combo, no they don't fall to the ground, they go back up.
- Five-Bad Band: Each of the four games of the main series has one:
- Onimusha: Warlords
- The Big Bad: Fortinbras
- The Dragon: Nobunaga
- The Brute: Osric or Marcellus
- The Evil Genius: Guildenstern
- The Dark Chick: Hecuba
- Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
- The Big Bad: Nobunaga
- The Dragon: Gogandantess
- The Brute: Ginghamphatts
- The Evil Genius: Hideyoshi (sorta)
- The Dark Chick: Jujudormah
- Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
- The Big Bad: Nobunaga
- The Dragon: Ranmaru
- The Brute: Gertrude (aka Two-Headed Guard Dog boss)
- The Evil Genius: Guildenstern (again)
- The Dark Chick: Vega Donna
- Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
- The Big Bad: Hideyoshi until we learn it's actually Fortinbras
- The Dragon: Mitsunari/Claudius
- The Brute: Munenori
- The Evil Genius: Luis/Rosencrantz
- The Dark Chick: Cha-Cha/Ophelia
- Onimusha: Warlords
- Five-Man Band: In Dawn of Dreams:
- The Hero: Soki
- The Lancer: Jubei
- The Big Guy: Roberto
- The Smart Guy: Tenkai
- The Chick: Ohatsu
- And before that, Onimusha 2:
- The Hero: Jubei
- The Lancer: Kotaro
- The Big Guy: Ekei
- The Smart Guy: Magoichi
- The Chick: Oyu
- Five Rounds Rapid: In 3...it depends. In one of the opening cutscenes, the French Army seem to be able to kill the Genma reasonably easily...until they start getting too close and seem to shrug off the shots. Jacques and Michelle, however, do not have this problem.
- Flunky Boss: Guildenstern. Also some bosses in Dawn of Dreams will summon a small escort of Mooks. Exspecially Danemon.
Danemon Ban: "MINIOOONS!"
- Fonzarelli Fix: Michelle vs. the boat at the zoo.
- A God Am I: Fortinbras in Dawn of Dreams. But unlike most others with this mindset, he actually is a God, and has more than enough power to back it up.
- Also Hideyoshi, who often shouts things like "Is the Power of a God!" during his first battle with Onmusha-Soki at the top of the temple in Kyoto.
- Guest Fighter: Blade Warriors, the Fighting Game spinoff, includes MegamanEXE and Zero as playable characters.
- Gun Fu: Lots of fun to be had when controlling Magoichi and Michelle, as well as Ohatsu.
- And Jacques. Grab a Genma with your whip, pull it towards you, then put a gun to its head and pull the trigger 'till it goes "click".
- The Gunslinger: Magoichi of the second game. He also mentors Ohatsu from the fourth game on guns.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Jubei of the second game is half-human, half-Oni. His son Munenori and granddaughter Akane (who also receives the Jubei namesake) have Oni blood as well, which is physically evident in their demon eyes.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Samanosuke. out of about 10 weapons, eight of them are swords. The other two are Shippu and Chigo
- Hijacked by Ganon: While the fourth game features (almost) all new characters, the final boss is Fortinbras, the Big Bad from Onimusha 1.
- Historical In-Joke: Numerous, not the least being that in real life it was falsely reported that Nobunaga had been slain by an arrow at Okehazama.
- Historical Villain Upgrade: Every game's Big Bad gets this treatment. The real Oda Nobunaga was feared for his brutality (the burning of the temples on Mt. Hiei actually happened, for example), but this series makes him out to be an actual demon. Toyotomi Hideyoshi gets treated with even less respect, and Munenori gets the absolute worst of it by being flanderized beyond all recognition. We can only imagine what they'll do to Tokugawa Ieyasu.
- Actually the stone has been set. Soki has mentioned that he has no high opinion on Ieyasu, seeing him only as a 'lapdog' to Hideyoshi. Things have been looking bad for Ieyasu already.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Oyu.
- An Ice Person: The Hyoujin Yari and Hyousai weapons
- Infant Immortality: Jubei, Magoichi and Ekei in the second game manage to save a baby that has been kidnapped by the Genma. There is a mild aversion of the trope, however, when the baby's crying gives Ekei a flashback to how he was unable to save his own baby daughter from a fire.
- Also, in the first game, Yumemaru is captured by Hecuba and due to be sacrificed to Fortinbras, but is rescued by Samanosuke. Likewise, in the third game, Henri is captured by Guildenstern - Samanosuke bursts into the lab just in time to stop Henri being dissected.
- Also in 3, just when Henri, Jacques and Michelle are happily re-united at the Eiffel Tower, Ranmaru spoils the party by killing Henri. After Jacques opens up a can of whoop-ass on Ranmaru, his Oni Gauntlet vanishes, and restores Henri back to life.
- Also, in the first game, Yumemaru is captured by Hecuba and due to be sacrificed to Fortinbras, but is rescued by Samanosuke. Likewise, in the third game, Henri is captured by Guildenstern - Samanosuke bursts into the lab just in time to stop Henri being dissected.
- Infinity+1 Sword: Bishamon in the first game. One-hit-kills all demons that are not Fortinbras, which is to be met rather soon.
- Jidai Geki
- Katanas Are Just Better: averted, since usually the strongest swords have a straight blade and looks more like broadswords or "Tsurugi"
- Kill It with Fire: Enryuu, Rekka Ken and Enja swords allow you to burn enemies to ashes
- Landmarking the Hidden Base: Oodles of it in 3. Guildenstern sets up shop under Notre-Dame, before transferring to the Boulogne Zoo. Vega Donna takes control over Mont Saint-Michel, and finally the Time Folder is located at the Eiffel Tower.
- Large Ham: Several characters, but Guildenstern and Gogandantess are the two most obvious examples.
- Lean and Mean: Guildenstern.
- The Legions of Hell: The Genma.
- Light Is Not Good: Fortinbras, as the Big Bad of Dawn Of Dreams, where he is explicitly referred to as the God of Light. In the first game, he was your standard dark demon overlord.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: After Fortinbras gets taken out, Nobunaga takes over hell and becomes the new demon king.
- Love Potion: It is possible to collect and use one of these on either Oyu, Magoichi, Ekei or Kotaro in the second game. Hilarity Ensues.
- Mad Scientist: Guildenstern, Rosencrantz in Dawn of Dreams... Hey, Wait a minute...
- Mechanical Monster: The Golden Evil Statue, which acts as the final boss of the second game.
- Mismatched Eyes: Jubei in Dawn of Dreams, because one of her eyes possesses the red Demon Eye.
- Monumental Battle: 3, being set in modern-day Paris, is full of these. Fighting a robot-demon hybrid on top of the Arc de Triomphe? Fighting The Rival on top of the Eiffel Tower? It's in.
- All the in-game Monuments are all pretty much accurate to their real-life counterparts.
- Monumental Damage: Mont-St-Michel in 3. Twice. It is first blown to pieces by Vega-Donna's flying castle taking off from within, and in the future it is blown up by the exploding time folder.
- And the damage caused by Brainstern at the top of the Arc de Triomphe, and the installation of the Time Folder onto the Eiffel Tower may count too.
- Ms. Fanservice: Kaede has a devil [dead link] in a Chinese Qipao alternate outfit, but Oyu and Michelle play this straight. Oyu has a nude Waterfall Shower in the Onimusha 2 intro and the gratuitous Cleavage Window of her battle armor; Michelle is mainly clad in a vest zipped halfway on her torso. In terms of alternate outfits, we have 70's Oyu and Michelle in a bath towel.
- Never the Selves Shall Meet: In the third game, player-Samanosuke comes back in time and sees his alternate-timeline self laying slain by Nobunaga. Touching his Oni Gauntlet merges the two together and the combined power from the paradox enables Nobunaga's defeat.
- Nice Hat: Roberto.
- Ninja: Kaede, Samanosuke's female sidekick, and Kotaro from the second game.
- Nintendo Hard: The Genma world areas are murder. But one boss fight that could be considered this is The Dawn of Dreams Incarnation of Fortinbras. Oh, so much.
- You could just throw in the ENTIRETY of Dawn of Dreams. More complex character development system, more emphasis on Level Grinding, combined with hordes of strong enemies and marathon boss battles, easily makes it the hardest game in the series.
- Noble Demon: Gogandantess of the second game is pompous but also surprisingly chivalrous.
- Oda Nobunaga: At his Best/Worst
- One-Winged Angel: Nobunaga in the second and third games.
- One-Hit Kill: The Issen is a common theme in the games, wherein the player can counterattack an enemy at the last possible second. Said target/s are obliterated instantly, and it is possible to chain multiple Issens in a row to mow down an entire screenful of enemies.
- Orbital Kiss / Last Kiss: Jubei and Oyu towards the end of Samurai's Destiny (provided his goodwill with her is high enough).
- Out-of-Character Moment: A number of characters in Blade Warriors have completely different personalities compared to their personalities in the main series. The worst example is probably Oyu, who goes from sweet and caring to angry and ruthless.
- Outrun the Fireball: In the intro of Onimusha 3, Samanosuke does this when the huge Genma tank collapses in a massive explosion. In the same game, Michelle pulls this off in her car whilst driving the gang away from the exploding Mont Saint-Michel.
- Parent with New Paramour: Henri really doesn't like Michelle... at first, anyway.
- Pettanko: Jubei Akane Yagyu. And she's happy with that.
- Peninsula of Power Leveling: The battlefield outside of Azuchi Castle in Dawn of Dreams.
- Ditto for the same area in Onimusha 3.
- Power of Friendship: A major theme of Dawn of Dreams.
- Power Fist: Roberto, the missionary in Dawn of Dreams has something in his arms called "Exorcising Beads". It gives him the power to kill Genma by punching them really hard.
- Power-Up Magnet: One button is for drawing souls in when you hold it down.
- Precision F-Strike: Soki when Fortinbras asks him to recognize his godhood. Doubles as Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?? and Crowning Moment of Awesome
Soki: You're no God... you're Evil.. you're just a worthless sack of Shit!
- Recurring Boss: In the second game, both Gogandantess and Ginghamphatts are fought three times each over the course of the story.
- Also, in the first game, Marcellus is fought twice. He is also fought twice in the third game, but the second encounter with him in that game is more of a "mini-boss" fight than a full-on boss fight. The same goes for Brainstern - it is the game's first boss, and it can be fought later as a "mini-boss".
- Also in the third game, Ranmaru is fought three times, and Heihachi and Gertrude are fought twice each.
- And in the fourth game, Munenori just does not know when to die. You have to face him a total of five times, and he's still alive in the Sequel Hook at the end.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Dawn of Dreams has Soki and Tenkai who are styled after oni but wear mismatched colors.
- Ekei and Magoichi from the second game have the character types and antagonistic relationship with each other down just about perfectly.
- Relationship Values: A critical part of the second game, to the point that several members of the supporting cast may live or die depending on what sort of relationship you have with them.
- In the fourth game the more Soki fights alongside one of his allies, the better their "rapport" becomes. It affects how many times the character can combine materials to make items and equipment, and also opens up more conversation choices when talking to him/her at the hideout.
- Samurai
- Say My Name: Gogandantess, being overly arrogant, likes to remind Jubei of his name and self-appointed title ("the grrrreatest swordsman of all demons!") constantly, but it is also used in a somewhat sadder fashion during his death scene, in which he requests that Jubei say his name to him. Jubei agrees, out of respect for his foe.
- Samanosuke likes to say "Guildenstern!"
- Say Your Prayers: Ekei will die doing this if you have especially low relationship values with him and win the duel between you two.
- Scenery Porn: Especially so in 3. Beautifully rendered recreations of The Arc de Triomphe, Mont-Saint-Michel and the Eiffel Tower adorn the game. And they're incredibly accurate to their real-life counterparts too. [
- Second-Hour Superpower: The Oni Guantlet from all games.
- Serrated Blade of Pain: During his One-Winged Angel form, Oda Nobunaga wields the serrated scimitar Genma Samonji, which can be picked up in the sequel by Soki as a earth elemental sword named Starkiller.
- And before that, in Onimusha 3, try upgrading Enja to max level.
- Shock and Awe: Raizan, Buraitou and Raisen weapons. Also Soki's BFS, Lamentation.
- Shout-Out - Watch the movie Kagemusha. That little poem Nobunaga recites at the end of the game? He sings that same poem in the movie in a very different context.
- Show Hayami: Fortinbras's seiyuu in Dawn of Dreams.
- Shower Scene: Oyu has one in a waterfall during the intro to Samurai's Destiny.
- Smug Snake: Hideyoshi/Tokichiro, Guildenstern.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Gogandantess' name was spelled as "Gogandantes" on the packaging of his action figure.
- Standard Female Grab Area: Guildenstern to Michelle in the third game.
- Stock Ninja Weaponry: Ninja characters like Kaede and Kotaro Fuuma are armed with kunai-like daggers and can use shuriken as distance weapons.
- The Stoic: Samanosuke from the first game, Jubei Yagyu from the second.
- Stripperific: Vega Donna of the third game is practically naked (aside from a loin cloth and some leg/foot armour), with only some odd scale-type-things to just barely cover her (rather perky) breasts.
- Also, Oyu's unlockable, 70s-style "joke" outfit in the second game.
- Not to mention Michelle's unlockable "joke" outfit in the third game. She's wearing nothing but a tiny bath towel.
- Surprisingly Easy Mini Quest: Most of the time when a sub character is taking over for the protagonist they have an amazingly easy time of it.
- Technicolor Toxin: Many cases of yellow poison, expecially in the second game. From the fourth onwards there's purple toxic gas.
- Theme Naming: Fans of Hamlet may recognize a number of demon names, including Fortinbras, Guildenstern, and Rosencrantz - supposedly, the reason for this is that William Shakespeare made a deal with the Genma to become a great playwright, but in exchange he had to use the names of Genma for the characters in his plays. In the fourth game, one character has different weapons named after various gods and concepts from Hindu and Buddhist mythology.
- Title Confusion: Of the 'internally inconsistent' type- the European release of Onimusha 3 removes all references to the Demon Siege subtitle from the manual, packaging and official listings, but it's still present on the title screen.
- Translation Convention: Obviously used in all of the games in the English dub, where the characters would be speaking Japanese, but is especially notable in the third game - Jacques dialogue is in French at the beginning and end of the game (Michelle and Henri also speak in French during Jacques' last scene) but in all other scenes their dialogue is heard in English. The fact that the Japanese and French characters can all understand each other perfectly is explained in-universe - Ako can use her powers to enable them to understand each other.
- This does, however, get a little confusing with the Genma. Examining some of their scrolls while playing as Ekei reveal that they're written in "the demons' language" - however, as this language is never heard, it is unknown if the Genma are speaking in their own language, in Japanese, or whether it depends on who they're talking to or if it varies from demon to demon.
- Updated Rerelease: Genma Onimusha for the Xbox, a port of the first game with a few additional bells and whistles.
- Villainous Glutton: Jujudormah of the second game, although the non-canonical spin-off Onimusha Blade Warriors reveals that she was quite a looker in her youth.
- What Could Have Been: Jean Reno was suppose to be voicing Jacques Blanc in all English releases of Onimusha 3, if it was not for his busy schedule at the time.
- Whip Sword - All of Jacques' weapons are a variation on this, including an actual Whip Sword and a Whip-Spear.
- One of them is actually a big honkin' flail, though.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Arguably, Gogandantess. (Well, White And Red Haired Pretty Boy, perhaps, but it is mostly white.)
- Would Hurt a Child: Guildenstern.
"How I love children. Their organs are so fresh and soft..."
- Yagyu Jubei
- You Will Not Evade Me: Roberto's Special Technique "Death Grip".