Dead Rising 2/Quotes
Main game
Raymond Sullivan: Looks like you finally got your story. Too bad you won't be getting that award though.
Chuck Greene: You bastard. You're on their payroll!
Raymond Sullivan: Yup. You're supposed to die in the outbreak, Chuck. All of you were supposed to die.
Katey Greene: I knew you were the bad guy!
Raymond Sullivan: Kids say the cutest things, don't they?
Raymond Sullivan: We're the good guys, Chuck, not you.
Raymond Sullivan: Everything that we have done has been absolutely necessary!
Dead Rising 2: Case West
Frank West: I never did like that damn show.
Chuck Greene: Hey, you look familiar. You must be...
[Frank pushes Chuck down]
Frank West: Hey, you're the one who is all over the TV. They say you caused all this.
Chuck Greene: That's bullshit!
Frank West: And the name's Frank, Frank West.
Chuck Greene: Shit! A dead end. Nice investigation work, Frank.
Frank West: Just drop it, Chuck.
Chuck Greene: Get your ass out of my face.
Frank West: Back up, back up!
Chuck Greene: You're too close.
Frank West: I said drop it.
[The two fall from the air vent]
Chuck Greene: Consider it dropped.
Chuck Greene: The world needs Frank West.