Dawn of War/Characters
This character sheet includes the major characters in the Dawn of War franchise.
Notice: Being one of the series in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, some of the tropes related to their own races will also apply to them. Also, this sheet will contain some unmarked spoilers for earlier installments.
Imperium of Man: Space Marines (Blood Ravens)
Brother-Captain Gabriel Angelos

"Come! Show me what passes for fury among your misbegotten kind!"
Voiced By: Paul Dobson
One of the major characters throughout the whole series, Gabriel Angelos is the esteemed commander of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company, which played a vital role in the defense of Tartarus. With the aid of Inquisitor Mordecai Toth, he defeated the Sorceror-turned Daemon Prince Sindri. Despite his victory, Angelos inadvertently released a powerful daemon of Khorne from the Maledictum, an act which he has long sought to correct.
Like many of the Blood Ravens, Gabriel was born on the planet of Cyrene, from whence the Chapter often drew recruits. Gabriel was an accomplished leader of his peers before he even entered his teen years, and passed the Blood Trials set by the Blood Raven Chaplains through working in tandem with fellow initiate Isador Akios.
Gabriel was also responsible for calling forth an Exterminatus upon Cyrene, after he became convinced of the taint of Chaos that nestled itself amongst the population. While he has not regretted his decision to call forth the Inquisition, he has always regretted that he did not see the rot before it spread.
Gabriel is amongst the greatest heroes of the Chapter and held as the crowning example of the glory of the Blood Raven's past. During the events of Chaos Rising, he and the Force Commander uncovered the taint of evil within their own Chapter and defeated the Black Legion under Lord Eliphas the Inheritor. Gabriel was branded a renegade for the temerity of standing against the traitors. Now, he gathers his forces for the final climactic showdown with Azariah Kyras, who has thrown in his lot with the very same daemon Gabriel released decades ago...
- Anti-Hero: Is quite firmly a Type IV, like most protagonists in this universe. He calls for the annihilation of his homeworld without hesitation, though he comes to regret it afterwards.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: By the Golden Throne of Terra, YES.
- Arrested for Heroism: Well, not arrested per se, but being declared as a traitor and renegade to your Chapter for disobeying orders to abandon your recruiting worlds is not that far off.
- Awesome McCoolname: Go on, say his name. It'll boost your muscle mass by 40% and give you a beard even if you're a woman.
- The Atoner: For the Exterminatus of Cyrene, and later, the releasing of the daemon in the Maledictum.
- Supporting Leader: He's this from Dawn of War II onwards.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: The ending of the Space Marine campaign in Retribution.
- Badass: Let us count the ways:
- Badass Baritone: Paul Dobson voiced this character.
- Badass Grandpa: Gabriel is a 300 or so year old Space Marine captain who has, among other things, single handedly banished a Daemon Prince back to the warp.
- Badass Cape
- Badass in Charge: Of the 3rd Company and later, the entire chapter if the Space Marine campaign in Retribution is canon.
- Badass Boast: At the end of his monologue in the final mission of Retribution, Gabriel describes himself rather modestly;
"Such is the final testimony of Gabriel Angelos. Captain of the Blood Ravens 3rd Company. Savior of Tartarus. Bane of the Black Legion. Servant of the Emperor."
- Big Good: In Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising.
- Blood Splattered Warrior: In the Retribution opening cinematic.
- Bling of War: As Space Marine Captain, he gets to wear quite a lot of bling.
- British Accents: Sorta, Paul does give him one.
- He even made fun of this during the recording sessions for the original game. View-able here.
- Church Militant
- Cool Sword: Had a Power Sword before taking up his iconic hammer.
- Cool Starship: The Third Company Battle Barge, the Litany of Fury.
- Cyborg: After being struck down by Kyras, should you complete the Space Marine campaign, his coronation as Chapter Master will have him almost completely rebuilt with cybernetic implants.
- The Captain: Obviously.
- Crutch Character: When you get him in the final level of Dawn of War II's campaign, he can grant invulnerability to multiple units. By this point though, you're unlikely to need it.
- Drop the Hammer: Wields the Daemonhammer named God-Splitter.
- The Determinator: Even above normal Space Marines. It takes a lot to remain pure and faithful when your best friend, half of your chapter, and even your Chapter Master have turned to Chaos right in front of you.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Did you just send a Daemon Prince screaming back to the Warp?
- The Fettered: In Retribution, Gabriel cannot directly take the fight to Kyras without shedding the blood of fellow Blood Ravens (though how many of them are actually loyal and simply doing their duty is difficult to determine), which is a cardinal sin to most Space Marines. As such, he is left with no other alternative to report Kyras' actions to the Imperial Inquisition. When Kyras throws his lot completely with the Alpha Legion and ascends to Daemonhood however, Gabriel leads the Third Company against him on Cyrene
- A Father to His Men: He seems to value his brothers' lives if his outburst towards Inquisitor Toth is any indication.
Gabriel: "You lied to me and cost me men!"
Toth: "Better they die, their blood pure! If you feel warranted in handing out recriminations, then their deaths are on your head! I warned you to leave this world, to leave Tartarus for the warp storm."
Gabriel: "Your words still ring untrue, Inquisitor. I know you were here before we arrived."
- The Good Captain: Yeah.
- Good Is Not Nice: Standard for "heroes" in Warhammer40k. Gabriel will kill you brutally if he has a good reason for it, but that's about as good as you can get here.
- The Hero: In Dawn of War.
- Hurting Hero: Over Isador's betrayal and the Exterminatus of Cyrene.
- Honor Before Reason: Gabriel Angelos will settle the matter adhering to the Commandments of the God-Emperor, regardless of what happens.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Isador, up until you know, the whole betrayal thing..
- Heroic Willpower: He can defy the whispers of daemon princes.
- Hammer Of Plot Advancement: The Daemonhammer Mordecai Toth gifted to him at the climax of the Tartarus campaign proved to be integral in overcoming Sindri Myr, who had ascended to daemonhood through the powers of the Maledictum Daemon. Fitting, as God-Splitter was always intended by the Inquisition to destroy the Daemon of the Maledictum.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Calling down Exterminatus on Cyrene, his own homeworld.
- In-Series Nickname: Called "Gabriel of the Hidden Heart" by the Harlequins of Arcadia in the Dawn of War novels. Of course, Gabriel thinks lowly of this. As would any zealous warrior of the Emperor.
- Knight in Sour Armor: About as close to a hero as you can get from this setting.
- Knight Templar: Without a second thought, this man called down the complete and utter destruction of his own homeworld when he was convinced that the people had abandoned the Emperor. The only thing he regrets is that he didn't root out the cultists sooner and harder. He also seems to be aware of this in Retribution and sort-of acknowledges it's a flaw.
- Kick the Dog: The Exterminatus of Cyrene perhaps counts. If you were less than fully righteous in your triumph over the Black Legion, he sends you and your squads on a Crusade of Absolution to the Eye of Terror without support in what most likely will be your heroic demise. This being 40K, he's got good reasons for it.
- Large Ham: Has his moments, such as this:
- Meaningful Name: Gabriel Angelos, The Emperor's Angel of Death.
- Made of Iron: Crushed by a blow from a Daemon Prince and still manages to survive.
- Mangst: He genuinely mourns Cyrene, his homeworld. Not that it was destroyed, but rather that he couldn't do more to stop the taint of Heresy. In true 40K fashion, however, he does not allow it to distract him from giving the God-Emperor's enemies a righteous ass-kicking.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Though things were already set upon a hard road thanks to Ulkair, it is reasonable to assume that road would have been easier had Gabriel heeded Macha and not destroyed the Maledictum.
- Narrator: He's the narrator for each of the opening mission logs in Dawn of War, each of the opening cutscenes in Dawn of War II, and the entire Tyranid campaign in Retribution. But the last one's because the Tyranids don't really have characters capable of giving exposition in the missions themselves as the other campaigns do.
- Older Than They Look: Looks to be in his sixties, really in his three-hundreds.
- One-Man Army: In the tutorial mission for Retribution, he and Jonah Orion fight through dozens of Chaos Cultists and Chaos Space Marines who are defending Azariah Kyras, since the tutorial is basically the final mission from Gabe's perspective.
- Only Mostly Dead: In the Space Marine ending of Retribution, he survives the mother of all pile drivers from Kyras and is saved via bionic replacements. He goes on to become the new Chapter Master.
- The Other Darrin: During Dawn of War II, Gabriel was actually voiced by Paul Dobson's brother, Brian Dobson. He gives an excellent performance all the same, however, though the fanbase was somewhat disappointed. Yes, Gabe's voice is about as iconic as Eliphas' and hilariously, they were both voiced by Paul.
- The Paragon: Pure and noble even in the face of extreme heresy.
- Perma-Stubble: He has this as of Dawn of War II.
- Player Punch: When Azariah Kyras seemingly kills him.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Come on, if you've faced a Bloodthirster, a Squiggoth, a kiloton or so of Chaos, Orks, Eldar and Traitor Guardsmen, and 2 Daemon Princes and took almost all of them down, nobody will doubt the size of your balls.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Definitely over 400, judging by the number of service studs he has (each stud is awarded for one century of combat).
- Real Men Love The Emperor: Like all Space Marines, Gabriel is a faithful and devoted servant of the God-Emperor of Man.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: From Dawn of War II onwards.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Two epic ones to Isador and Kyras. See Large Ham for the latter, for the former:
"I betrayed NO ONE! Innocents die so that Humanity may live, I ended their suffering, as I will end yours!"
- Shoulders of Doom: With giant golden eagles stuck on 'em! See Bling of War above.
- Sword and Gun: A Power Sword (later God-Splitter) and Bolt Pistol in Dawn of War. He throws away the Bolt Pistol after Isador's execution. It returns as a wargear drop in Dawn of War II named "Left Hand of Gabriel".
- Warrior Monk: Comes with being a Space Marine.
Brother-Librarian Isador Akios

"Through the destruction of our enemies do we earn our salvation."
Voiced by: Mark Oliver
The 3rd Company Librarian in Dawn of War, and Captain Angelos' friend and confidante, having gone through the Blood Trials together during induction into the Chapter.
- Badass
- Face Heel Turn
- Killed Off for Real
- The Lancer
- Magic Knight: Pretty good at melee. Strong enough to annihilate an on-rushing Ork Nob without using his psyker powers and capable of standing up to Gabriel in melee.
- Psychic Powers
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He tries to give one to Gabriel after turning to Chaos. Gabriel has none of it.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Warrior Monk: Basically.
Brother-Captain Davian Thule

"I am Davian Thule. And I shall be your death, alien."
Voiced by: Scott McNeil/Fred Tatasciore
Captain Davian Thule is the leader of the Blood Ravens 4th Company, from which the Force Commander and his sergeants hail from. Like Gabriel, he is notable as one of the greatest living heroes of the Blood Ravens having began his rise to glory after slaying the Chaos Witch Morgana whilst a mere initiate. He was also a famed Devastator Marine before he became a Captain.
Prior to the Kronus campaign, he was sent to the fortress world of Cadia, which had come under attack from the Iron Warriors Chaos Legion. His forces defeated the traitor marines, but the Black Legion was en route to reinforce them. Ready to oppose the traitors, he was commanded to withdraw by Chapter Master Azariah Kyras himself. At first he refused but was forced to do so on pain of excommunication. He withdrew, but the Imperial forces managed to drive back the Chaos Legions anyway, though at a terrible cost.
He then fought the Kronus campaign and clashed with the Dark Apostle Eliphas the Inheritor. After a brutal battle, Thule and his warriors defeated the Chaos Space Marines. Thule then uncovered artifacts of the Chapter which revealed a truth... one so terrible that he ordered them destroyed. Thule also fought and defeated an Imperial Guard regiment, the 1st Kronus Liberators led by Governor-General Lukas Alexander, a decision which haunted him ever since. His refusal to vilify the guardsmen eventually led to a falling out with Chapter Command and he was assigned to custodianship over the Chapter's recruiting worlds in subsector Aurelia.
During the Tyranid invasion, he was wounded and returned as a mighty Dreadnought. He also fought in the events of Chaos Rising. He is slain by Eliphas the Inheritor during the Chaos campaign of Retribution, however, it is not known whether this is canon.
- Back for the Dead: He returns in Dawn of War II, only to be taken out by a Tyranid Warrior early on. He comes back as a Dreadnought. Again in Retribution, as the first boss of the Chaos campaign, and he doesn't come back this time.
- Badass: Notice a pattern yet?
- Badass Baritone
- Badass in Charge: Leads all the Blood Raven forces present in the Kronus campaign and the 4th Company before and afterwards. Also commands the defense of subsector Aurelia until he gets mortally wounded by a Tyranid Warrior.
- BFG: Wields a few in Dawn of War II onwards including after his internment into a Dreadnought, should you choose to equip him with one.
- Big Good: In Dawn of War II until he is mortally wounded by a Tyranid Warrior. Played straight when he permanently leaves your party if your squads are too corrupted in Chaos Rising.
- Bling of War: Has some pretty fancy armor, as befits a Space Marine Captain, until he gets interred in a Dreadnought. He gets the bling back once he's become a Venerable Dreadnought.
- Continuity Nod: He got his bionic eye after he was injured fighting the Necron Lord in Dark Crusade.
- The Captain
- Cool Sword: Can wield one called Alexian's Blade in Dark Crusade. The same sword later shows up in Dawn of War II as a wargear drop.
- Cool Starship: Operates from the Litany of Fury in Dark Crusade.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: In Dawn of War II. He gets better in Chaos Rising, though he still speaks slowly.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He has shades of this in the Dawn of War II campaign. In the beginning at least, he knows enough to see that someone is agitating the Orks to conflict and also that taking out the threat to Aurelia will require only a hotshot commander and a group of badass veterans.
- Drop the Hammer: Can wield a Daemonhammer in Dark Crusade. Doesn't keep it for Dawn of War II, sadly.
- Fan Nickname: Davian Cool.
- A Father to His Men: Davian was incredibly protective of his fellow brothers, always fighting with them on the lines and genuinely caring for their safety. Very few Blood Raven lives were ever lost under his command.
- The Good Captain: From Dark Crusade to the first quarter of Dawn of War II.
- Gatling Good: His Assault Cannon can rip almost anything to shreds, even vehicles.
- Humongous Mecha: As a 'nought
- The Mentor: Is something akin to this for the Force Commander.
- Man in the Machine: A very, very badass man in a Dreadnought sarcophagus
- The Men First: He adheres to this method of thinking, as shown when the Blood Ravens on Calderis face an unexpected and rather large Tyranid attack, his orders are for all Blood Ravens not under attack to withdraw.
- The Other Darrin: Was voiced by Scott McNeil in Dark Crusade, and is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in Dawn of War II and its expansions.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Gets a Teleport Pack in Dark Crusade.
- What the Hell, Hero?: He calls you out in Chaos Rising should you be Slowly Slipping Into Evil.
Davian Thule: "Commander...you must step back from madness... Do not... make yourself into... my... enemy."
- Warrior Monk: His job.
Brother-Captain Indrick Boreale

Voiced by: Scott McNeil, who deserves whatever the voice acting world's equivalent of an Razzie is for this part.
The commander of the Blood Raven forces deployed for the Kaurava campaign detailed in Soulstorm, and infamous for his accent and lines. Also the most famous (and only known) user of the Steel Rain strategy.
- Badass: As a Scout Marine, anyway. He remained unmoving for days in sub-zero temperatures for the opportunity to successfully take out his target with a Sniper Rifle.
- General Failure: Despite having been quite an excellent Scout Marine, and having studied under Captain Angelos himself.
- Killed Off for Real: Confirmed by Dawn of War II.
- The Peter Principle: Boreale's career is a stellar example of this trope in action.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: He sounds like a slightly more coherent Tommy Wiseau. Slightly.
The Force Commander

Incoherent yell (singleplayer) / "I am death. I am fearless. I AM INVINCIBLE!!" (multiplayer)
Voiced by: Brian Dobson (multiplayer)
The main character of Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising. He was never given a name in the games, though he is referred to as Aramus in the novelization. One of the youngest Force Commanders in the Chapter's history, he was promoted for a great victory in the Hadrian campaign, where he silenced enemy artillery deep within the mountains without losing a single squad member, before the events of the games. Was promoted by the Chapter Master over the protests of other high ranking Blood Ravens, despite never having met him in person. Does not speak, except in multiplayer.
- Badass: Yup.
- Badass in Charge: Commands the Blood Ravens strike force attempting to save subsector Aurelia.
- BFG: Can wield these if you invest in his Ranged discipline tree, and the Assault Cannon he can wield regardless of his specialization while in Terminator Armor.
- Bling of War: Early on, not so much. With high level armor though, he's got more bling than anyone else on the strike force.
- Chainsaw Good: He can use Chainswords and they are his default melee weapon.
- Commanding Coolness: With extra Force!
- Cool Starship: He operated from two Strike Cruisers, the Armageddon in Dawn of War II and the Retribution in Chaos Rising.
- Drop the Hammer: They are his strongest melee weapons in Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising, and according to Retribution, he used a Thunder Hammer to banish Ulkair. This Hammer, called Hammer of the Nameless, is available as a reward for the second to last mission in the Space Marine campaign.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Punching out Eliphas and Ulkair probably counts.
- Everybody Calls Him Commander
- Fan Nickname: Force Commander Hair Gel, Force Commander Vanilla Ice, Force Commander Insert-Name-Here, among other things.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: His base ability, "To Victory".
- The Hero, since he is the Player Character.
- Heroic Mime: As the loading screen for the first mission says, he is a man of few words.
- Jack of All Trades: He can be customized into a master of melee or a dealer of death from a distance. He can also wield almost any weapon in the game. With the correct wargear, he enters Lightning Bruiser territory.
- Jet Pack: Can be equipped with Jump Packs and starts with one in Chaos Rising, giving him the 'Assault Jump' ability.
- Made of Iron: With the proper wargear, he can take more punishment than even the Dreadnought, and is still a close second without them.
- No Name Given: He does have the name Aramus in the novels, but they had many conflicts with the games' canon and were finally relegated to Canon Discontinuity when a piece of wargear that belonged to him showed up in Retribution referred to as "The Hammer of the Nameless".
- One Riot, One Ranger: He's the only reinforcement sent to subsector Aurelia. It's more than enough.
Such is your reputation, the Chapter expects that you alone will be enough to tip the balance of the fight and save Calderis.[1]
- Sword and Gun: Starts out with a Chainsword and Bolt Pistol.
- Teleporters and Transporters: One of his Commander Items is a Teleport Pack, and he can also get variants for Terminator Armor.
- Warrior Monk
Tactical Sergeant Tarkus

"I stand with my brothers, Eldar witch!"
Voiced by: Ian Gregory
Tarkus is the venerable sergeant of the strike force's tactical marine squad. A veteran of centuries of campaigning, Tarkus is a rock solid second-in-command. A loyal adviser, superb tactician and fearsome warrior. Tarkus served with distinction during the Kronus campaign.
When Davian Thule and his troops collapsed the Necron tombs under the Thur'Abis Plateau, he stayed back to guard the captain's retreat. While doing so, he met a Necron Tomb Spyder in single combat. He grappled with the monstrosity and shoved a krak grenade down its throat, and the resulting blast destroyed the beast, and blew off Tarkus' arm which he then replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic, as well as scarred his face.
For his valor, he was decorated with Terminator honors. During the First Aurelian Crusade he served alongside his brothers and under the Force Commander. He slew thousands of aliens, including the Eldar and their leader, Farseer Idranel, crushing her skull with his Terminator Power Fist. Tarkus' hatred of the Eldar goes back decades, wherein he was deceived by an Eldar ranger into walking into a trap which led to the deaths of his men. In his own words, he owes them 'a debt of blood and fury'.
During the events of Chaos Rising, Tarkus served once more and with tremendous skill against the terrible forces of the Black Legion. He also serves Captain Diomedes as "The Ancient" during the investigation of Chapter Master Kyras, whilst under a vow of silence taken as penance for his actions during Chaos Rising.
- The Atoner: For a sin he committed which is apparently killing the traitor and he also feels responsible for the death of his past squad mates after he trusted an Eldar Ranger who then led them into a trap. Thus, Tarkus' hate for the Eldar grew to a level which only the Ordo Xenos could rival.
- Badass: He throttled a Necron Tomb Spyder and shoved a krak grenade down its throat. Later, after his drop pod is shot down in the first mission of Chaos Rising, he rises wounded from the wreckage and delivers a righteous ass kicking to the traitor Guardsmen responsible.
- Badass Grandpa: Not as old as Gabriel, but he's probably one of the most senior members.
- Submissive Badass: Prefers to serve a commander and is content in his position as sergeant. To paraphrase the man himself, "It is a Space Marine's duty to obey.". Don't think he can't frak up the enemies of the Emperor with extreme prejudice, though.
- Bald of Awesome
- Berserk Button: Eldar in general should really just frak off when they get a sighting of him. Also, the mere presence of traitors is enough for him to exhibit some Tranquil Fury.
- BFG: Can wield Heavy Flamers in Terminator Armor and heavy weapons in Retribution.
- Bolivian Army Ending: In the novels, he supposedly dies when he infiltrates a Tyranid hive ship to manually deliver the biotoxin. His last scene shows a Norn Queen and a horde of Tyranids bearing down on Tarkus, who is alone and equipped with naught but a combat knife and one frag grenade.
- Chainsaw Good: He can wield Chainswords if you invest in his Strength discipline tree.
- Cool Sword: He can also wield Power Swords in addition to Chainswords once you move further up the Strength discipline tree.
- Evil Weapon: A corrupted Bolter named The Blighted Bolter used in the purge of Victory Bay. It's present in Dawn of War II as a normal Bolter which boosts melee damage, and in its corrupted form which only he can use in Chaos Rising, which grants a large boost to his Strength discipline and to his melee damage. It also shoots warpfire.
- Jet Pack: 1 point in his Energy discipline tree in 'Retribution' lets him use a Jump Pack and the 'Assault Jump' skill. Can't be used at the same time with heavy weapons.
- Jack of All Trades: Pretty much the most tactically versatile of all the marines under your command throughout Dawn of War II and beyond. Fitting, as he is trained for such things and is the most experienced member of the group. Taken to extreme lengths in Retribution, as he can fulfill the role of a Tactical Marine, Devastator Marine, Assault Marine or a combination of the three and can wield almost any weapon available.
- Kill It with Fire: He can wield Flamers normally and Heavy Flamers in Terminator Armor.
- The Lancer
- Necessarily Evil: If he's the traitor in Chaos Rising. He wanted to use an Evil Weapon to save the chapter.
- Old Soldier
- Only Sane Man: Along with Cyrus, he's likely the most levelheaded member of the strike force.
- The Reveal: He is The Ancient of Retribution's Space Marine campaign, making him The Atoner as well (see above).
"No, there is much left to say. And I will break my silence to say it."
- Tragic Villain: Should he become the traitor, his reasons for doing so are among the most tragic and heart rending in all of video game history. He only wishes to save the Chapter any further death and dishonor and strikes a deal with Chaos to do so, offering his own soul in exchange while completely aware of the consequences. (Most people who fall to Chaos go insane as a result of what have they done.)
- Sergeant Rock
- The Stoic: Not to the extent of Cyrus, as he is far more emotive, but Tarkus is more than capable of keeping his composure under any number of circumstances.
- Sword and Gun: If you invest in his Strength discipline tree. He also uses a Power Fist and Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer in Terminator Armor regardless of specialization.
- Rated "M" for Manly: The character in general, his wisdom, tenacity, loyalty, honor and strength and wrath make him this. Also, his speech to Diomedes after his Heroic BSOD is sheer, smoldering manliness.
Tarkus: "There was another like you, Diomedes, and we served together on Kronus. During the Tyranid invasion, we became fast friends. But Kyras called to him, and he went. It corrupted him and he despaired, betraying us to the Black Legion. Captain Diomedes, I look to you now and see the same signs. I will not risk that! I will slay Kyras myself, and if I must, you as well. Though our past glories may be lies, Kyras has not taken our one true duty from us! No one but the Emperor may relieve us of that!"
- Remember the New Guy??: Canon says he's been around since Dark Crusade at least.
- Warrior Monk: The best example among the Commander's strike force. He should be the company Chaplain, Emperor-Damnit!
Scout Sergeant Cyrus

"Your death is not only a possibility; it is a certainty."
Voiced by: Steve Blum
A grim warrior and stern teacher, Cyrus is the instructor of the Chapter's initiates. Though among the most decorated of the Chapter's veterans, he voluntarily remains as a scout sergeant to train the next generations of Blood Ravens. As such, he is fiercely devoted and protective of those who trained under him.
Cyrus also had the honor of serving in the Deathwatch, the military arm of the Ordos Xenos. During that time, he came into extensive contact with the Tyranid swarm. Such experience served him well during the First Aurelian Crusade, wherein he contributed great tactical advice to the Force Commander which carried the Blood Ravens to victory.
Cyrus endured the loss of the majority of the 10th company, many of whom he had trained, and many others who died due to Captain Indrick Boreale's mishandling of the Kaurava campaign, which led him to label the campaign as a terrible mistake never to be spoken of again. It also left him somewhat embittered against Chapter Command, a weakness that is exploited by the forces of Chaos to turn him from the Emperor, should he be the traitor. However, this is non-canon.
Cyrus is secretly reassigned to Diomedes' command, and is subsequently drawn into the investigation of Chapter Master Azariah Kyras. Having been one of the Heroes of Aurelia, he knew that Kyras was a heretic, and has been trying to convince Diomedes of this since his reassignment. However, like any teacher his age, he knows that it will take time for Diomedes to accept this.
Cyrus favors unorthodox tactics and stealth, rather than brute force. This viewpoint brought him into conflict with many Blood Raven commanders, such as Indrick Boreale, although Davian Thule saw the merit of such things. Despite this, Cyrus is respected highly as one of the finest soldiers and strategists of the Chapter. A single nod of approval from Cyrus means more than a dozen commendations to those he has trained.
- Badass: In general, too.
- Boom! Headshot!: His 'High-Powered Shot' ability. One Hit Kills any infantry unit, aside from bosses, though it'll still do quite a bit of damage.
- BFG: His Sniper Rifle is about as big as he is.
- Cold Sniper
- Difficult but Awesome: He's difficult to master, but he's absolutely essential to beating the game on Primarch difficulty.
- Guttural Growler: It's Steve Blum.
- Magikarp Power: While he's quite the Game Breaker once leveled up, he's rather weak before then.
- Papa Wolf: Don't try to harm his initiates. You won't live to regret it.
Cyrus: *seeing his scouts being taken to the Warp* "KILL THAT CHAOS FILTH!! KILL THEM ALL!!"
Jonah Orion: "There is the Sorcerer who leads these traitors!"
Cyrus: "HE DIES!!"
- Shotguns Are Just Better: One of his weapons choices, and he can use high explosive rounds with them.
- The Smart Guy: Knows the most about Tyranids since he served in the Deathwatch.
- Sniper Rifle: A weapons choice, and his default weapon in Retribution.
- The Stoic: Never loses his cool, unless his initiates are in danger.
- Stern Teacher
- Stuff Blowing Up: He's an expert with explosives, including but not limited to; Demolition Charges, Proximity Mines, and Remote Detonators.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: If he's the traitor in Chaos Rising. He wanted to use the power to purge the chapter of incompetent leaders.
Devastator Sergeant Avitus

"Come on, Aliens! Show me your fury!!"
Voiced by: James Horan
The fearsome devastator sergeant of the Force Commander's strikeforce. Avitus' greatest weapon is his unmatched hatred for the enemies of the Emperor, which had first flared in his youth, where his village was continually exploited by a corrupt Guardsman regiment. These events had left the young Avitus with a seething hatred for the Imperial Guard, decrying them as weaklings and cowards.
He and Davian Thule first met each other when they faced the terrible Chaos Witch Morgana whilst they were mere initiates, and it was Avitus' suppressing fire that held down the heretic long enough for Thule to slay her. From that day onwards, Avitus had gained a great respect for his future captain.
He would soon serve Davian Thule once more during the Kronus campaign, where he would distinguish himself once more during the assault on Victory Bay when the Blood Ravens fought the 1st Kronus Liberators led by Governor-General Lukas Alexander. Two of his close friends were killed in the assault, but Avitus' skill won the day. But his terrible rage had only grown, where once he would have barely tolerated the guardsmen, he now felt nothing but the blackest contempt for them all.
After the Kronus campaign, Avitus was assigned along with the rest of his company to defend the Chapter's recruiting worlds in subsector Aurelia. He fought during both Aurelian Crusades, unleashing his fury upon the Tyranids and the Black Legion. The events of Victory Bay had long haunted him, and it proved enough compromise to allow his heart to be darkened by those events. As such, Azariah Kyras came before him and ordered him to aid Eliphas the Inheritor in his efforts against the Blood Ravens during Chaos Rising.
- Axe Crazy: Has some shades of this especially when under Chaos influence.
- Badass: Voiced by James Horan, has a big gun, battle scars, capable of slaughtering thousands? Oh yes.
- The Berserker: He tends to get quite angry in the heat of battle, VERY, VERY ANGRY.
- BFG: Pretty much every weapon he can use, even by Space Marine standards.
- The Big Guy: Though an incredibly less jovial type.
- Black Comedy: Overlaps with Deadpan Snarker.
- Blood Knight: "The Ork is dead. Find us worthier opponents in the future."
- Commander Contrarian
- The Cynic: Everything he says.
Avitus: "You are purging yourself of a weakness, Thaddeus. But there are more to come; you cling to hope, which brings with it only despair. We are weapons. There is the Emperor and there is war. Nothing more."
- Deadpan Snarker: More often than not.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He plays this on Tarkus as he dies.
Avitus: "I want NONE of your pity, Tarkus!! But remember this day... because you are looking at your own future. One day, you will see through all the lies... and then the dead.. will come for you, as well..."
- Face Heel Turn
- Freudian Excuse: He hates the Imperial Guard because his hometown was oppressed by a corrupt regiment. This is not helped by the loss of two of his friends in the assault on Victory Bay during the Dark Crusade.
- Gatling Good: He can wield an Assault Cannon while in Terminator Armor.
- Glass Cannon: Can shred anything at range, but is a sitting duck if he gets caught in melee.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has several large gashes on his face. It's amazing he still has his face.
- It Has Been an Honor: To the Imperial Guardsmen accompanying you, of all people, during the final mission of Dawn of War II. He even becomes less abusive towards them in Chaos Rising.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: He's basically a glimpse into how things will be with Kyras. Avitus exclaims that virtues like 'honor, duty, brotherhood' are nothing but lies and delusions, used by weaklings to justify destruction. On his deathbed, he sums the universe of 40K rather aptly.
Avitus: "It matters not who lives and dies... blood is shed as it has always been... there... is nothing else... in this... forsaken.. existence..."
- Remember the New Guy??: Much like Tarkus, the canon says he's been around since Dark Crusade.
- Suicide by Cop: His reasons for betrayal may be to evoke this. In essence, he is furious and shattered that all the battles he has fought and all the lives he has shattered and all the brothers who have fallen by his side were all in service to a heretic. As such, he is incapable of justifying the death he has inflicted upon others now and is disgusted with the dishonor of the chapter. As such, he doesn't want to live any more.
- Unstoppable Rage: His usual state when in combat, especially strong against Araghast the Pillager.
Assault Sergeant Thaddeus

Voiced by: Philip Anthony-Rodriguez
Thaddeus leads the Assault Squad in Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising. One of the youngest Space Marine sergeants ever, he is also the first Blood Raven to come from Meridian in a long time. Brash, exuberant, and enthusiastic, he is also the idealist of the strike force. Ironically, he's a former ganger. Of course, by 'idealistic', we mean relatively. In any other setting he'd be rather grim.
- An Axe to Grind: He can use Power Axes.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Certainly more upbeat than his brothers.
- Badass: With certain skills, Thaddeus can shred enemies with a never ending series of Assault Jumps whilst being invincible the whole time.
- Big Damn Heroes: How he introduces himself right after delivering the above quote.
- Chainsaw Good: Prefers using a Chainsword in combat and it's his default weapon.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Thaddeus just seems to vanish by Retribution.
- Cool Sword: Can wield quite a few, from Chainswords to Power Swords.
- Drop the Hammer: Can wield a Thunder Hammer paired with a Storm Shield when wearing Terminator Armor.
- The Heart: So much that Avitus occasionally calls him out for it.
- Hot-Blooded
- Glass Cannon: He can deal quite a lot of damage, especially with his 'Assault Jump' ability, but he won't last long in prolonged combat. Terminator armor does rectify this to an extent, but he'll still be rather fragile.
- Jet Pack: His entire shtick as an Assault Marine is using Jump Packs to get in and out of combat.
- Love Makes You Evil: If he's the traitor in Chaos Rising. He made a Deal with the Devil in order to save his comrades.
- Meaningful Name: His name means; 'courageous heart'. Fitting, considering what he acts like...
- Power Fist: Can wield one.
- Sword and Gun: Wields a melee weapon [2] and a pistol.[3]
- Teleporters and Transporters: 'Assault Jump' is replaced with 'Teleport' when he's using Terminator Armor.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: About as idealistic as a Space Marine can be.
- Wolverine Claws: Can wield them in Chaos Rising, and they come in regular and Terminator variants.
Techmarine Martellus

"Say it now, before the cleansing begins."
Voiced by: Steve Blum
Martellus provides support and intel in Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising, and is a playable hero in Retribution. The voice of reason, he remains calm and collected even in the most dire of circumstances (unless it involves damaged machinery).
- An Axe to Grind: He gets an extremely good power axe called Brennan's Will to use in Retribution.
- Ascended Extra: From a support character in Dawn of War II, to a possible traitor in Chaos Rising, and playable character in Retribution.
- Badass: Considering he managed to survive his Thunderhawk crashing into the Tyranid infested jungles of Typhon, repaired his own heavily damaged bionic implants, survived against the masses of feral Tyranid without support for a year and then holding off an army of Black Legionnaires until help arrives in order to protect an irreplaceable technological device....
- Berserk Button: The only time he actually gets angry in the entire series is when he hears that a Land Raider has been taken by traitors, aside from his non-canon fall to Chaos.
- Cyborg: As a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, he has quite a few bionic implants in order to achieve the 'purity of a machine'.
- The Lancer: To Captain Apollo Diomedes in Retribution.
- Machine Worship: As a Techmarine, he is part of both the Blood Ravens and the Adeptus Mechanicus.
- Mission Control: In Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising. Decides to get his hands dirty in Retribution.
- Mr. Fixit: As with all Techmarines.
- The Smart Guy: He's a Techmarine.
- The Stoic: Unless you misuse a sacred warmachine of the Emperor of Mankind. After which your ass is grass.
Librarian Jonah Orion

"My powers are ours to share."
Voiced by: Alan Shearman
Jonah Orion was once a student of the late Isador Akios. Due to Isador's fall to Chaos, suspicions arose that Jonah himself was tainted. It was only due to the support of Gabriel Angelos and Azariah Kyras himself that these doubts were put to rest. During the Tyranid invasion, he was one of the psykers tasked with battling the mighty Hive Mind as Captain Angelos made for sub-sector Aurelia. Of the dozen Librarians, Navigators and Astropaths accompanying Angelos, only Jonah survived. Although still bearing the scars of his ordeal in the Warp, Jonah has served with honour, and his psychic abilities have allowed the Blood Ravens to root out several leftover pockets of Tyranid infestation.
He continued to serve with great valor during the Black Legion invasion, bringing his tremendous psychic powers to bear against the Black Legion. His extensive knowledge of the influences of the Warp also served to keep the Blood Ravens from the worst of Chaos' cunning. When the Black Legion was eventually routed, he and his brothers were branded as renegades by the traitorous Chapter Master Azariah Kyras. Jonah now serves once again in the Third Company alongside Captain Gabriel Angelos.
- Badass: He endured a mental battle against the Hive Mind itself. Do not fuck with this man. However, if he's the traitor in Chaos Rising which canonically, he isn't, the scars from that battle make it easier for the daemon to possess him after Kyras gives away his psychic hood's access rites.
- Badass Grandpa: One of the oldest members of the Force Commander's strike force.
- Berserk Button: Do. Not. Harm. His. Battle Brothers.
- Demonic Possession: If he's the traitor in Chaos Rising. The daemon possessed him thanks to Kyras selling off the codes to circumvent his psychic hood, though the mental scars from his battle with the Tyranid Hive Mind left him vulnerable.
- Killed Off for Real: In the final mission of Retribution.
- Magic Knight: Give him a Force Sword and he'll make short work of most infantry.
- Psychic Powers: With the death of Isador, he is likely the most powerful Psyker left in the Third Company and possibly amongst the most powerful in the Chapter aside from Azariah Kyras himself.
- Barrier Warrior
- Healing Hands
- Kill It with Fire
- Shock and Awe: His aptly named 'Smite' ability. It launches lightning bolts at the enemy.
- Scary Black Man: An angry black man with a vaguely English accent, being voiced by Alan Shearman anyway.
- Sixth Ranger
- Sole Survivor
Captain Apollo Diomedes

"With blood and fire, we shall cleanse this black stain from the Chapter's honor."
Voiced by: Keith Szarabajka
Perhaps the greatest warrior in Blood Raven history, Captain Apollo Diomedes is Captain of the Honor Guard and Champion of Azariah Kyras. Having previously commanded the Chapter's First Company, his rise to greater glory occurred on the ravaged penal world of Obscurus, where he handily defeated the forces of the Chaos Sorcerer Anupharis the Cruel and Warboss Manstompa Megakilla on the same day. For this victory, Diomedes rose to captaincy of the Honor Guard. For 2 centuries, he has led the Chapter's elite with honor and skill.
Captain Apollo Diomedes is the stern right hand of Kyras, unwaveringly devoted to the word of the Chapter Master and acting as his emissary to the most far-flung battle brothers. His loyalty, bordering on fanaticism, has led him to overlook some of the Chapter Master's darker decisions... such as his order to cease operations against the Black Legion and to brand Gabriel Angelos a renegade. Although he was exposed to evidence of Kyras' fall to Chaos, he refused to turn against his master and continued to believe in his innocence though he did not interfere further in the efforts of Gabriel Angelos and the Force Commander.
10 years then passed, and Captain Diomedes faced a crossroads... either to admit that his entire life has been a lie, in service to a heretic and take up a last stand to redeem all he loves or to continue down his path and stand idly by... If his Chapter is to survive, Diomedes must now overcome his own pride...
- An Axe to Grind: Not just one-handed Power Axes, though he can use those too. Oh no, should you buy the Collector's Edition, he can utilize a 2-handed Power Axe. Up until one finds a Thunder Hammer it would be wise to stick with this weapon.
- The Atoner: In the second half of the campaign, he decides to atone for the sins he committed while serving Kyras, who has now been revealed as a traitor to the Imperium.
- Ascended Extra: Yeah, the boss you took on the third to last mission of Chaos Rising is now the hero of Retribution.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass: Chapter Master Azariah Kyras calls him the greatest warrior the chapter has ever seen, and this is not completely flattery.
- Badass Grandpa: 4 service studs means 400 years.
- Badass Baritone: Without his helmet he has a very manly voice.
- Break the Haughty: By the Emperor, the first half of the Space Marine campaign is rather adamant on kicking him in the teeth and turning his entire world upside down. See Heroic BSOD below.
- Bald of Awesome
- Byronic Hero: A very prideful and arrogant man. Which stems from his fear of Kyras' heresy, for if that were true, it would basically mean that his entire life has been wasted. And he has lived a rather long time.
- Cool Helmet: A large bit of his appeal amongst the fanbase. A shame he loses it, though.
- He can get it back through a Wargear DLC pack.
- Character Development: Going from a pawn of Kyras, to realizing not all is as it seems, to finally seeing the monster Kyras is and despairing, to gathering his courage to redeem himself and his chapter.
- Determinator: All he ever knew was torn to pieces around him, he teetered on the edge of despair... And would have fallen had it not been for the words of his soldiers. Captain Apollo Diomedes then affirms his faith in the Immortal God-Emperor and does his sacred charge; to purge the vile Chaos filth in holy fire.
- Drop the Hammer: Gets several Thunder Hammers to use in Retribution.
- Fatal Flaw: Pride. It's what blinds him to Kyras' treachery.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: His base ability, 'To Victory'. Taken to ridiculous levels when upgraded.
- Heroic BSOD: In Retribution. Kyras' actions throughout the game broke his faith in the Chapter Master into atoms, and he couldn't stand the fact that he was serving a traitor all along. He gets better.
- The Hero: The closest thing Retribution has to one.
- Honor Before Reason: It is true that even if we defeat the traitor we face condemnation and death. But it is not for pride or favor that we serve, but for the Emperor Himself; and the purpose He has granted us. And if we shall die fulfilling that purpose then so be it. None shall find us wanting.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Generally acts like an arrogant, obstructive and downright unreasonable bastard, but underneath is an honourable and heroic soul who is torn at a crossroads.
- Jet Pack: Has a Jump Pack in Chaos Rising and can be equipped with one in Retribution.
- Obstructive Zealot: He starts out as one in Chaos Rising. He mends his ways in Retribution.
- Knight Templar: He's absolutely devoted to the Chapter Master with the sort of fanaticism that Space Marines usually reserve only for the Emperor. Cyrus calls him out on this.
Cyrus: "Diomedes, you have been in service to Kyras for centuries, and as such, know him better than any of us. Let me ask you this; do you maintain Kyras' innocence because you know him to a faithful and virtuous servant of the Emperor? Or is it instead that the shame of a life spent in service to a heretic is too much to bear?"
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The second half of the campaign is him slaughtering Kyras' forces, destroying his interests and finally taking the battle to him, and gentlemen, it is glorious.
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser: While he doesn't hit as hard as say, Eliphas in Retribution, he's certainly much faster, especially with a Jump Pack. He hits pretty hard too.
- Meaningful Name: Named after one of the greatest warriors of Homer's Iliad. Fitting, as Diomedes is among the greatest warriors of the Blood Ravens, if not the greatest.
- Say My Name: Upon finding irrefutable proof of Kyras' heresy. It's not the standard over-the-top scream, it's an incredibly well acted whisper of contempt.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Gives 2 particularly epic ones to Kyras. In the second, everyone joins in.
- Unwitting Pawn: And how.
- Warrior Monk
Chapter Master Azariah Kyras

Voiced by: Peter Giles, who deserves whatever the voice acting world's equivalent of an Oscar is for this part.
Azariah Kyras was once the apprentice and student of the then Chapter Master Moriah. The most significant event of his life was when he and his brethren gathered on the world of Aurelia to defeat the daemon Ulkair. Moriah struck the Unclean One, wounding him viciously before succumbing to death. Kyras still stood, and shackled the vile daemon at the heart of the planet, though not before Ulkair cast Kyras to the Judgement of Carrion, where he was trapped for centuries. A 5th Company strike team under Apothecary Galan was eventually dispatched to the Space Hulk, wherein they found Kyras, holding his own against the ravenous daemons who infested the craft.
Kyras joined forces with Galan and escaped the craft by methods that were never disclosed. Though many saw his return as an omen of favor from the Emperor Himself, Gabriel Angelos was always more skeptical, fearing that there was a darker hand than the Emperor's that brought forth Kyras' return...
- Apocalypse How: Pulls off a Class 6 on Typhon, and attempts an X-2 on the rest of the sector.
- Ax Crazy: To an amazing degree.
"It must be... magnificent. To hear a planet writhe and scream. To feel it convulse beneath your own feet. Witness it dying with living eyes. Perhaps I may share this gift with every last living soul in the galaxy... Until then..." Evil Laugh
- Badass: He bound Ulkair, survived alone on a derelict, daemon infested Space Hulk for centuries and became Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens. 'Nuff said.
- Badass Grandpa: Likely over a thousand years old.
- Big Bad
- Big Red Devil: He becomes a Daemon Prince.
- Blood Knight: He worships Khorne, what do you expect? When you undo his invulnerability, he laughs and challenges you to come forth and face him in combat.
- British Accents
- Creepy Monotone: It must be heard to be believed.
- Combat Compliment: To Eliphas, Kyras enthusiastically applauds Eliphas' vicious combat ability and the thousands he has slain to reach him. Claiming that he has earned the right to an audience with him. Eliphas is also the only person he compliments, which should really tell you something.
- Demonic Possession
- Face Heel Turn
- Final Boss: Of Retribution.
- For the Evulz: He understands that there is no greater purpose to Chaos, only it's own glory and reveling in the bloodshed and he could not care less.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Genius Bruiser: A follower of Chaos Undivided who worships Khorne above all others. (like Eliphas) , a berserker, bloodthirsty... and an incredibly skilled strategist and self-disciplined in the extreme.
- Hannibal Lecture: Oh, he's a master at this.
- Hellfire: Much like Eliphas below, after he pledges himself to Khorne and becomes a Daemon Prince, many of his attacks involve warpfire. This includes meteorites, and breathing streams of flame.
- Large Ham: So much so, that you literally feel you have been blasted by a hurricane! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!! LET... THE GALAXY... BUUUUUURRRRRRNNNNN!!!
- Motive Rant: See Nietzsche Wannabe.
- Name's the Same or Meaningful Name: He has the same first name as an important figure in the Blood Raven's history, Chapter Master and Chief Librarian Azariah Vidya, The Great Father.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Before his ascension to daemonhood, he makes a speech to his followers about how the universe is fundamentally meaningless and it is only through brazen savagery and violence can they be freed of insubstantial concepts such as duty or purpose or innocence, honesty or deceitfulness.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- One-Winged Angel
- Psychic Powers: Which are so powerful that he can bring Eldar Warlocks and Autarchs to sheer agony through his telepathy and nothing else. And apparently, he can guide Hive Fleets.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: His natural eye colour is red.
- This Is Sparta: LET... THE GALAXY... BURRRRRNNNN!!!!
- Shoulders of Doom: They only get bigger when he ascends to daemonhood.
- True Final Boss
- We Can Rule Together: He extends this to Eliphas, who responds in a manner that can be politely summed up as; "I am not to be bargained with."
- Warrior Monk: Yep. He becomes an evil one later on.
- Xanatos Gambit: The entire storyline of Dawn of War II and its expansions were orchestrated by him to bring about the Exterminatus. All in the glorification of Khorne, namely, unremitting bloodshed. Tells you enough about how brilliant this guy is, really.
Imperium of Man: Space Marines (other chapters)
Chaplain Varnus (Ultramarines)

We have weathered fiercer storms than this! Hold the line, damn you. You will not embarrass the Emperor today by dying!"
Voiced by: Scott McNeil
A Chaplain of the Ultramarines, he was aboard the Thunderhawk that was carrying the crew for an Imperator-class Titan that fell in the defense of Lorn V. He assists General Sturnn in recovering said Titan, as chronicled in Winter Assault.
- Badass: He kills a Bloodthirster by himself.
- Badass Preacher: Its his job, and he does it very well.
- Sword and Gun: His Crozius Arcanum and a Bolt Pistol.
- Warrior Monk: An excellent example of one.
- You Shall Not Pass: His defense of the Titan crew while awaiting Sturnn's arrival.
Imperium of Man: Other characters
Inquisitor Mordecai Toth

"On Tartarus, there are no coincidences. There is only the storm that winnows the faithful from the heretic."
Voiced by: Michael Dobson
Inquisitor Toth is the original bearer of Captain Angelos' Daemonhammer, God-Splitter. He attempts to convince the Captain to leave Tartarus, as he suspects that Angelos is vulnerable to the taint of Chaos, due to the Exterminatus of Cyrene. When he is proven wrong, he grants his Daemonhammer to Captain Angelos, and assists the 3rd Company.
- Because I Said So: He tries playing this on the Blood Ravens 3rd Company, Gabriel ignores him.
- Cool Sword: Wields a Power Sword after he gives God-Splitter to Captain Angelos.
- Demonic Possession: Some fans have speculated that it's the cause of his order to destroy the Maledictum in the first game.
- Drop the Hammer: The God-Splitter, before he gave it to Angelos at the end of Dawn of War.
- Kill It with Fire: He's an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor.
- Large Ham: "BURN, FOUL CREATURE!!!"
- Scary Black Man: With some kind of African accent...
- Sword and Gun: God-Splitter (later a Power Sword) and a Plasma Pistol.
- Warrior Monk
Colonel Carus Brom

"Hold the line! In the name of the Emperor you will not falter!"
Voiced by: Mark Oliver
Commander of Tartarus' Imperial Guard garrison, Colonel Brom assists the Blood Raven's 3rd Company in the defense of that world. Only appears in Dawn of War.
General Sturnn

"To each of us falls a task, and all the Emperor requires of us guardsmen is that we hold the line and die fighting. It is what we do best; we die standing."
Voiced by: Paul Dobson
General Sturnn leads the Cadian 412th regiment of the Imperial Guard on their latest assignment, to recover an Imperator-class Titan that fell in the defense of Lorn V, as chronicled in Winter Assault. A grizzled veteran, he does not give up easily.
- A Father to His Men: Sturnn genuinely and dearly cares for the men under his command and avoids sending them on suicide missions if it can be helped. He also tells them that he is honored to have led them to battle.
- Badass Normal: He doesn't have any special powers or augmentations, he's just an old man who has seen decades of the worst fighting in the galaxy, and survived.
- Four-Star Badass: General Sturnn kills the enemies of the Emperor with naught but his grit filled stare.
- The Determinator: This man will get the job done. Sod the Khornate Space Marines, sod the Ork WAAAGH!!, sod the Eldar witches, sod the Necron Warriors. Another world, another glorious victory in remembrance of the Immortal God-Emperor of Man.
- Large Ham
- Rousing Speech: He gives more than a few.
- Wolverine Claws: His Power Claws, with a Bolter attached.
Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander

"Enemies of the Imperium hear me; you have come here to die. The Immortal God-Emperor of Man is with us, and we are invincible."
Voiced by: Brian Dobson
Commander of the 1st Kronus Liberators regiment, Imperial Governor of Kronus, and was embroiled in the Dark Crusade. He was tasked by Segmentum Command with hunting down Farseer Taldeer of Craftworld Ulthwe for her actions on Lorn V, and securing the planet as well. Is canonically defeated by the Blood Ravens.
Governor-General Vance Stubbs

"Commissar, I would like to see this city built up again. I would like to see towers and spires of gleaming white, I would like to see our men on parade routes, not tours of duty!"
Voiced by: Brian Dobson
General Stubbs is the newly appointed Governor of the Kaurava system, and commander of the 252nd Kauravan Conservator regiment. Having just taken command of the system before the Warp Storm arrived, Stubbs hopes to reconquer the Kaurava system for the Imperium. Considered by many to be the Canon victor of Soulstorm. Infamous for losing 100 Baneblades.
- Badass
- Fan Nickname: "Vance Motherfucking Stubbs".
- General Failure: The Memetic Mutation of him losing 100 Baneblades has made some people jokingly claim he was this. Still awesome though.
- Wolverine Claws
Canoness Selena Agna

"Then we shall purge it with fire. I have yet to find a cinder that was not faithful in its praise of the Emperor."
Canoness Agna leads the Order of the Sacred Rose forces that have come to Kaurava to cleanse it of heretics and xenos by burning everything, just to be sure. Proud and fanatical, she is an exemplary member of the Sisters of Battle.
Governor Gregor Vandis
Governor of the Hive World and sub-sector capital, Meridian, Vandis is the primary obstacle to the Blood Ravens for gaining access to Angel's Forge. He's secretly a worshipper of Chaos, and rebels against the Imperium in Chaos Rising.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Vandis is part of House Vandis, one of the noble houses which rule Meridian and which Thaddeus claims is only interested in it's own self-preservation. Fully becomes this when he and House Vandis ally with Chaos to reclaim control of the planet.
- Dirty Coward: Flees the sub-sector once it becomes apparent that the Tyranids are there in force.
- Face Heel Turn: He joins the Black Legion in Chaos Rising.
- The Ghost: He is never seen or heard in either campaign, only alluded to.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Disappears completely after Chaos Rising.
Administrator/Governor Elena Derosa

"The Blood Ravens are here! The Emperor's Angels of Death fight with us!"
Voiced by: Christine Dunford
Administrator Derosa is Governor Vandis' liaison with the Blood Raven strike force. She appears obstructive, but she is merely following orders, and when the need was apparent, she took action. She is appointed Governor of Meridian in Chaos Rising to take Vandis' place after he abandoned the sub-sector.
- Badass Normal: She can tell a Space Marine to be quiet and listen, that takes ovaries of adamantium.
- Avitus even states that she'd make a good Sister of Battle.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: She's just following orders though. She gets better and becomes...
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Takes control of Meridian once Vandis runs away, and gets promoted to governor In Chaos Rising.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Is never mentioned in Retribution.
- Maybe she was killed when the Traitor Guardsmen overran Meridian during Retribution.
Inquisitor Adrastia

Voiced by: Kirsten Potter
A friend of Gabriel Angelos, she is the one he turns to to halt the Exterminatus of the subsector. A member of the Ordo Hereticus, she is willing to use any means necessary to investigate the charges leveled against Chapter Master Kyras, including working with Xenos and wielding forbidden weaponry.
- Badass
- Bald Woman
- Cool Sword: She can wield a large variety of swords, including one that used to belong to a certain Inquisitor named Gregor Eisenhorn.
- Enemy Mine: She's willing to hire Orks and Eldar to investigate Kyras.
- Jerkass: Well, that's what you get when you denigrate the existence of an entire sector to a mere distraction, Inquisitor.
- Nice Hat: Kaptin Bluddflagg thinks her hat is so nice that he names it as his price for agreeing to be a mercenary under her employ. She evidently thinks it's a Nice Hat too; she refuses in shocked outrage, which makes the Ork mad and causes him to refuse to work for her.
- The Spock: She encourages pragmatism to the good Lord-General Castor. She is very adamant that her investigation be carried out by the book.
- Sword and Gun: A Force Weapon or Power Sabre and Inferno Pistol. The pistol can be upgraded to a Bolter-Stake Crossbow if you invest in her Offense discipline tree.
- Psychic Powers: She has some, including her base ability, 'Hammer of the Witches'. Nothing like a Librarian, but still.
- Tsundere: Possibly.
Lord General Castor

"The Imperium will win here. No other solution is tolerable."
Voiced by: Richard Doyle
General Castor commands the force requisitioned by Inquisitor Adrastia for the investigation of Kyras. A veteran of many wars, he is a pragmatic man, leading and inspiring his men through fear if need be. His only goal is to win the war and secure the subsector for the Imperium.
- Artificial Limb: Which allows him to accurately fire a sniper rifle with one hand.
- Badass
- Badass Moustache
- Badass Longcoat
- Four-Star Badass: Amongst the most badass ever.
- Badass Grandpa: In the Tyranid campaign, he mentions he has a century or two of campaigning under his belt.
- British Accents: Richard Doyle gives him a rather sexy one.
- BFG: Which he wields one handed, thanks to his augmetic arm.
- Blood Knight: "We live to fight and we fight to live, right here!"
- Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: The smooth to Merrick's rough.
- Great White Hunter: He wants some more Nid heads for his trophy wall.
- The Kirk: Strikes a balance between the pragmatism of Adrastia and the humanity of Merrick.
- Nice Hat: Buying the Imperial Guard Wargear Pack gets you a spiffy hat for him, among other things.
- Officer and a Gentleman: To an extent.
- Putting on the Reich: He's a general in the Imperium.
- Rated "M" for Manly: He doesn't need to fire a weapon. His enemies break down into a convulsing pile of sobs due to the fact that they shall never have a mustache as manly as his.
- Sword and Gun: A Power Sabre and a BFG of the player's choice.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He becomes this with Merrick.
- We Have Reserves: His job has always been to lead Guardsmen to places where they can die. But even so, a man who dies pointlessly cannot perform his service to the Imperium, so Castor does not waste his men. But he also knows that if a thousand deaths shall achieve victory, well, the Martyr's grave is the keystone of the Imperium of Man.
Sergeant-Major Merrick

"Well, we came out here to make war, didn't we?"
Voiced by: Scott McNeil
Sergeant-Major Merrick is the soldier's soldier, and is a veteran of the defense of Angel's Gate, and the poisoning of the Tyranid Hive Mind. After that, he served for a decade throughout subsector Aurelia, including the Chaos incursion, until he was drawn into the investigation of Chapter Master Kyras.
His concerns for the safety, well being and general dignity of his fellow Guardsmen often puts him at odds with his more pragmatic commanding officers. Merrick is no weaker for this humanity, a great soldier and fearless warrior, he does what the Emperor commands of him though he is weary now, and sarcastically claims that were he a smarter man, he would have left the sub-sector years ago.
- Ascended Extra: In Retribution.
- Badass: Like all Imperial Guardsmen, he has massive balls of steel.
- Badass Normal: Consider the fact that he lived through the Tyranid invasion in Dawn of War II, the Chaos incursion in Chaos Rising and a decade of constant combat until Retribution with no augmentations at all.
- BFG: He has to set them up first, but being able to carry and operate these by himself makes him quite the Badass Normal.
- Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: Rough to Castor's smooth.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's prone to making snarky remarks about the weight of his equipment and the odds of his survival.
"Give us a target, this ammo's heavy."
"Sure, I'll lug all this a lil' further."
"(after receiving an upgrade) Of course it would be even heavier."
"Sure, I'll fight a Dreadnought..."
- The McCoy: Easily the most emotional of the Imperial Guard heroes and the most sensitive to the deaths of Guardsmen. He even calls Inquisitor Adrastia out on gambling the lives of the sector in order to amass 'proof' of Kyras' (obvious) involvement.
- A Million Is a Statistic: Averted, so hard. It amounts to both a Crowning Moment of Awesome and Heartwarming for the character.
- Rated "M" for Manly: He fights hard, holds honour and humanity above mere victory and generally sees those serving with him as his brothers. He also has the balls to hold a gun to his general while the Political Officer is right behind him, all too ready to pull the trigger.
- Sergeant Rock: He can beat any alien or heretic he fights and can hold a gun to Castor's head during the scene mentioned in You Bastard below even when Commissar Lord Bernn is standing right behind him with his gun pointed at Merrick.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: His relationship with Castor becomes this.
- You Bastard: He accuses Castor of this when he allows the Imperial Guardsmen stationed on Typhon to die when it undergoes Exterminatus.
Commissar Lord Bernn

Voiced by: Keith Ferguson
Commissar Lord attached to the force lead by General Castor for the investigation of Kyras. He exemplifies power and bravery, making him a natural leader. Like other commissars, he's willing to execute his own men, however, he's just as willing to lead by example.
- Badass: Best of the Imperial Guard heroes at melee combat, and the toughest of the group as well.
- Badass Boast: Delivers quite a few. Helps inspires the troops, after all.
"Be like General Tarsus of yore, bulletproof and free of fear!"
"We are the dukes of our destinies, bestowed victory by our Emperor!"
"No fear! Only victory!"
- Badass Longcoat: Standard issue for commissars.
- The Generic Guy: Has no role in the story and nothing is known about his personality outside his combat quotes.
- Nice Hat: His Commissar Cap.
- Sword and Gun: He starts with a Power Sabre and a Laspistol.
- Power Fist: Can be equipped with one.
- The Voiceless: Outside of combat.
- You Have Failed Me...: When using his basic skill, "Execute".
"Behold the price of failure!"
Warboss Orkamungus

"Bah! We'll keep 'em more than busy. We'll keep dem dead."
Voiced by: Paul Dobson
Warboss Orkamungus led the Orks ravaging the planet Tartarus. It is eventually revealed that he had made a deal with the Alpha Legion to serve as a distraction for the Blood Ravens in exchange for weapons and the chance to fight the Imperium's finest. He is eventually killed by the Blood Ravens, ending the Ork threat on Tartarus.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Sindri, as was everyone else.
Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter

"Wrong, ya git! Da greatest war machine iz da Ork WAAAGH! We don't need no tinker'traption to be strong, we iz strong!"
Voiced by: Brian Drummond
Warboss Gorgutz is one of the most popular characters in the series, and has appeared in all the expansions for the original Dawn of War. Gorgutz's first appearance has him attempting to start a WAAAGH! on Lorn V, when that fails, he flees to Kronus, and tries again. When thwarted this time, he flees once more to Kaurava.
- Contractual Immortality
- Joker Immunity
- Laughably Evil: A chunk of his appeal is because of this.
Warboss Bonesmasha

Warboss Bonesmasha is the supreme leader of the Ork WAAAGH! in subsector Aurelia, and is certainly tough enough for the job, being capable of fighting off even the elite veterans and Terminators of the Force Commander's strike force. He is one of 2 bonus bosses in Dawn of War II.
- Bonus Boss
- Demoted to Extra: If you didn't take him down in Dawn of War II, you can in Chaos Rising. He's not a boss though, he's a simple enemy whom you, by this point, can take down in one hit.
- Unwitting Pawn: Of the Eldar.
Kaptin Bluddflagg

"I like yer hat, by da way!"
Voiced by: Patrick Seitz
Kaptin Bluddflagg is the leader of the Ork Freebooterz in subsector Aurelia. Unusually for an Ork, he's more interested in loot than in fighting, though he's perfectly happy to indulge in both. Also uncharacteristic for an Ork, he understands subtlety, and knows how to pick his fights for maximum profit.
- Axe Crazy: Like all Orks.
- An Axe to Grind: Prefers Chainaxes.
- Badass
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: His relationship with Adrastia has shades of this, which is especially impressive in light of the fact that "he" is an asexual fungoid who reproduces via spores.
- Blood Knight: Like all Orks. He especially likes to fight Chaos Marines and Space Marines; as they are 'dead 'ard'.
Kaptin Bludflagg: *Upon hearing that Kyras has no reinforcements* "Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll be an ambush or sumfing!!"
- Chainsaw Good: Aforementioned chainaxes.
- Cool Sword: Appropriately for a pirate, he can wield cutlasses.
- The cutlass item is specifically mentioned to be his favorite sword.
- Genius Bruiser: By Ork standards, anyway. Behold his intelligent deduction of Kyras' whereabouts!!
- He also manages to identify Adrastia as an Inquisitor based on her appearance - which is impressive since most Orks don't have any concept or understanding of a uniform since Large and In Charge is biologically enforced for them.
- Laughably Evil: Yup.
- Large Ham: Oh, Patrick Seitz certainly enjoyed voicing this character.
- Nice Hat: His pirate hat. He also gets Adrastia's in the Ork Campaign's ending.
- Ninja Zombie Pirate Robot: He's an Ork Warboss Space Pirate Captain.
- Psycho for Hire: For the Inquisition in Retribution.
- Rule of Cool: Why is there an Ork with a Pirate hat in such an epic and dramatic story? No reason, its just awesome.
- Space Pirate: He's even got the accent!
- Slasher Smile: Just look at dat big toofy grin!
- War for Fun and Profit: His motivation in life is this.
Mister Nailbrain

"I've set me gitfinda to Panzee. Dere over dere!"
Voiced by: Keith Ferguson
Mister Nailbrain is both the first mate and the engineer of the Freebooterz' Kill Kroozer. Somewhat unhinged, as befitting a Mad Mek, he's an essential part of the crew regardless.
- BFG: The heavy weapons specialist of Bluddflagg's crew.
- I'm Taking Her Home with Me: His reaction to a BATTLEWAGON.
- Mission Control: He takes care of intelligence gathering and weapons manufacturing.
- More Dakka: His default Big Shoota.
- Mr. Fixit: He's a Mad Mek.
- Number Two: First mate to Bluddflagg.
- The Lancer: Bluddflag's second-in-command.
- Combat Medic: He has Ork Fightin' Juice to heal people, while he also has a gigantic machine gun.
Kommando Spookums

"It ain't like I can hides in da lava! Mork knows, I ain't tryin' DAT trick again!"
Spookums is Bluddflagg's bosun, and the most dangerous kind of Ork, a sneaky one. He revels in stealth operations, and enjoys spreading terror throughout the enemy ranks.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: His upgraded offense tree allows him to throw a ridiculous number of stikkbombs, smoke bombs, melta bombs, truck tires...
- Mad Bomber: His Offense discipline tree mostly focuses on giving him the ability to throw around a large number of stikkbombs and other explosives.
- Ninja: He's an Ork ninja with a preference for explosives.
- Noodle Incident: As his quote reveals, he once tried to hide in lava.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: His default weapon. Well, the Ork equivalent at least.
Stormnob Brikkfist

"Wot I wouldn't give ta strap one a' dem huge zog-off planet-krumpin missiles to me back..."
Brikkfist is Bluddflagg's other bosun, and is far more traditional in his methods.
- Badass
- An Axe to Grind: Likes big chainaxes.
- Axe Crazy: The axe craziest of Bludflagg's crew.
- Boisterous Bruiser: From what little lines he has, he seems to be one.
- Drop the Hammer: Likes hammers too.
- Jet Pack: Or rather a huge rocket strapped to his back, like all stormboyz.
Warboss Smashface

" You'd betta be lying to me boy, and you'd betta be dead, before I get dere, because I don'ts like getting lied to!"
Warboss Smashface is leading a WAAAGH! on Calderis. His convoy is attacked by the player-lead faction for supplies. Shows up in the final wave of the convoy, and is killed by the player faction.
- Insane Troll Logic: His belief that driving over the shiny bridges brings good luck. While this occasionally works for Orks, it didn't work for Smashface. Guess enough of his Boyz didn't believe him.
- Perhaps he figured they would be ambushed on bridges without any cover at all, which IS good luck for Orks?
- Gold is universally accepted as a lucky color for Orks, but the trukks never get the chance to go over them (the game encourages the player to destroy the golden bridges ahead of time, funneling the convoy along bottlenecked alternative routes).
- Perhaps he figured they would be ambushed on bridges without any cover at all, which IS good luck for Orks?
- Meaningful Name: He threatens to smash his Boyz faces when they fail him.
The Mad-Mek

An Ork Mek who got trapped on the Space Hulk Judgment of Carrion sometime after Chaos Rising.
- Large Ham: Out hams a cast of hams in about three lines.
- Mad Scientist: He's an Ork Mek. It's a job requirement.
- Sophisticated As Hell: "Oi! Trespassahz! Invadahz! 'ooligans and ne'er-do-wells...Now piss off!"
- Teleporters and Transporters: Can teleport anything that strikes him in melee combat off in a random direction. Abuses this to hell and back in his boss fight.
Forces of Chaos
Lord Bale (Alpha Legion)

Voiced by: Scott McNeil
Bale is the official leader of the Alpha Legion forces on Tartarus. He prefers more direct methods to Sindri's webs of deceit, but the promise of power is enough to overcome his bloodlust. Is killed in single combat with Captain Angelos. SIIINDRRRIIII!
- Decoy Leader
- General Failure
- Guttural Growler
- Killed Off for Real
- Sinister Scythe: He wields a Nurglite Manreaper scythe.
- Shoot the Messenger: He apparently dislikes being brought bad news.
- Unwitting Pawn: Of Sindri.
Sorcerer Sindri Myr (Alpha Legion)

"All power demands sacrifice."
Voiced by': Scott McNeil
The real leader of the Alpha Legion forces on Tartarus, Sindri is manipulative, cunning, and deceitful. He orchestrated the events of Dawn of War in order to elevate himself to Daemon Princehood. It looks like he succeeds, but is defeated by Captain Angelos. He is one of the most popular characters in the series.
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Used the Maledictum to ascend to a Daemon Prince. Possibly subverted, since the Daemon in the Maledictum essentially claimed that he simply ate Sindri's soul.
- Badass
- Black Magic: The Powers of Chaos are exceptionally corruptive.
- The Corrupter: To Isador.
- The Dragon
- Dragon with an Agenda: He was this to Bale.
- Dragon-in-Chief: He was also far more dangerous an opponent than Bale.
- The Chessmaster: Best. Example. In. The. Series.
- Evil Sorceror
- Faux Affably Evil: He is chillingly polite, all this while he crosses the Moral Event Horizon more times than can be counted.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Man Behind the Man
- One-Winged Angel: In the finale of Dawn of War.
- The Starscream
Lord Crull (World Eaters)

"Behold your new God!! Is he not terrible to behold?!"
Voiced by: Michael Dobson
Leader of the World Eater forces on Lorn V, Crull is a champion of the Blood God. He is on Lorn V to find and corrupt the Imperator-class Titan that fell in the defense of the planet. He is canonically killed by Gorgutz.
- Ax Crazy
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Like all Chaos Lords, Crull earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and sacrifices, and as such, is amongst some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
- Badass
- Bald of Evil
- The Berserker: As a World Eaters Chaos Lord? Natch.
- Big Bad: Of Winter Assault.
- Blood Knight: He only fought Gorgutz for sport, and won. He was about to kill him off until the Imperial Guard came along.
- Carry a Big Stick: He bears a Daemon Maul to battle.
- Ham-to-Ham Combat: His exchanges with Gorgutz are... impressive.
- Humanoid Abomination: As is standard for Chaos Marines.
- Killed Off for Real: His skull is in the possession of Gorgutz during Dark Crusade. Eliphas claims it from him should you play through his campaign in Dark Crusade.
- Large Ham: One of THE hammiest characters in the series.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Chaos has bad dental. Some think that this has effected his throat.
Lord Eliphas the Inheritor (Word Bearers ->Black Legion)

"Then I won't lie to you, brother. You've been lied to enough... "
Voiced by: Paul Dobson (Dark Crusade)/Steve Blum (Chaos Rising and Retribution)
Ancient and incredibly powerful, Eliphas the Inheritor is amongst the greatest enemies of the Imperium of Man. His history stretches far, far enough back to the days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. As a fledgling Chaos Champion, he led the heretical Word Bearer forces against the loyalist Ultramarines on the world of Kronus. Despite the terrible bloodshed, the Word Bearers were routed and for his failure Eliphas was damned to the Basilica of Torments; a horrific punishment for those who have failed the Dark Gods.
Eliphas suffered the daemonic torments of the Basilica for a millennium. After his atonement, he was released to the land of the living, and had grown stronger from his punishment. The Inheritor then spent his time redeeming himself in the Eyes of the Chaos Gods, ascending to the station of a mighty Chaos Lord. His growing standing among the Word Bearers also granted him the title of Dark Apostle. With his new powers, he forged a new warband to follow him in the reaving and slaughter of the Imperium and their false god.
Eventually, he returned to Kronus, having been summoned there by heretical cultists and set about slaughtering the planet in glorification of the Chaos Gods in what was his 'Dark Crusade'. He would have succeeded had it not been for the opposition of Captain Davian Thule and the Blood Ravens 4th Company. Eliphas was once again defeated at the Demos Peninsula, and was judged by a Daemon Prince of the Word Bearers to oblivion and was sacrificed.
Yet, the Chaos Lord's vengeful spirit drifted in the Warp, eventually Eliphas struck a bargain with The Great Unclean One, Ulkair, who restored his body to the living world. He then joined forces with Araghast the Pillager, a Chaos Lord of the Black Legion and became his second-in-command. Eliphas and Araghast then attacked the Blood Ravens recruiting worlds in subsector Aurelia. They were eventually beaten back once more by the Chapter's finest, though at a great cost.
However, Eliphas had made another bargain, this one with Abaddon the Despoiler himself, who restored his tremendous power and gifted him with an ancient suit of Chaos Terminator Armor. Eliphas was now granted his newest mission: the destruction of Azariah Kyras.
- Arch Enemy: For Davian Thule and the Blood Ravens in general.
- Awesome Yet Practical: Getting the last Khornate talent for Eliphas by level 5 basically gives him a 'Kill Everything Button' and giving him the first Nurglite ability allows him to regenerate a good chunk of health with every kill. This basically allows him to clear entire missions in record time by himself with most of his health left.
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Becoming a Daemon Prince in the Dark Crusade and Retribution Chaos Campaign endings is a twisted example of this.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: As both a Chaos Lord and Dark Apostle, Eliphas earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and heroism as well as thousands of sacrifices and as such, is amongst the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
- Axe Crazy: Like all Chaos Marines, really starts showing it in Retribution. *shiver*
- Badass: One of the most badass characters in the series (tied with Angelos). All the other leaders aside from the Necron Lord fear him to some extent, and his lines and voice acting were the best out of all the characters. Aside from that, in gameplay terms he was the most powerful hero, as he did the most melee damage out of everyone and had knockback immunity and morale draining. In Chaos Rising, he was also the second most difficult boss, aside from the Final Boss, Ulkair. Additionally, in Retribution he dealt the most damage out of all the melee heroes. Badass indeed.
- Badass Baritone: When voiced by Paul Dobson and Steve Blum.
- Badass Preacher: As a Word Bearers Dark Apostle he is an evil version of this. He retained some shades of this as a Chaos Lord of the Black Legion, as well.
- Badass in Charge: There's a reason why Abaddon resurrected him to lead the Black Legion in Aurelia.
- Badass Cape: Made of human skin.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Basically.
- Badass Grandpa: He's been around since before the Horus Heresy. Which makes him at least 10,000 years old. Arguably, he's the oldest member of the regular cast.
- Bald of Evil
- Bad Boss: He never misses an opportunity to tell Neroth an Kain how pathetic they are.
- The Berserker: Has a skill in Retribution called Berzerk. Also his fighting style in general, he tends to forgo all manner of subtlety in favor of making massive, frenzied, devastating strikes while hamming it up as much as possible.
- BFS: The Daemon Sword, his most powerful weapon, is about as long as he is tall, and he's 10 ft tall while in Terminator Armor.
- Black Knight: All he's missing is a black daemon steed.
- Blood Knight: OH KHORNE YES. He becomes this in Retribution, having fully turned to worship of Khorne, the God of Blood Knights. Note, he always had these tendencies and did seem to invoke Khorne often, but Retribution turns it up to eleven. He tends to have a great deal of fun in battle now, often screams the infamous Khornate battlecry and decries his opponents as weaklings for not coming in close. Also, when Gabriel is struck down by Kyras, he only laments that he will never face 'the great Gabriel Angelos in battle' and he will just have to settle for taking more pleasure in killing Kyras.
Davian Thule: "We don't fear you, heretic."
Lord Eliphas the Inheritor:: "I should hope not, Captain. Fearless foes are much more satisfying."
- British Accents: A very badass one, courtesy of Steve Blum.
- Back from the Dead: In Chaos Rising, much to the shock of Davian Thule. Cyrus postulates that Eliphas' death was a deception, Davian is quick to shoot that theory down, he saw Eliphas torn to ribbons by a Daemon Prince, after all.
- Blood Splattered Warrior: Lord Eliphas' Terminator armour is covered from head to toe in the blood of his enemies.
- Big Red Devil: What he ends up as in the Chaos ending of Retribution, after Khorne elevates him to daemonhood.
- Cool Helmet: He had one in Dark Crusade, love and respect for it was so great that there exists a mod to give him a helmet in Retribution. And it makes him look even more awesome.
- Cool Sword: He can equip the best weapon in the expansion, known as the Daemon Sword. It deals the highest damage out of all the melee weapons in the game and grants vampiric regeneration.
- Carry a Big Stick: Daemon Mauls. He can demolish almost anything with them, though his Cool Swords are nicer. The Skull Breaker, the weapon you get from the Chaos Collector's Edition, is also the best weapon out of all the collector's edition weapons and is very nice to use until you get something better.
- Covered with Scars: His face is, anyway. We can only wonder what the rest of his body looks like ever since the Basilica of Torments.
- The Dragon: Was this to Araghast and is now this to Abaddon, at least where the Blood Ravens were concerned.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Was this to Araghast.
- Dragon Ascendant: In a sense, while he does take Araghast's place and his forces, carrying out his agenda isn't quite his main objective. That said, he is still utterly committed to slaughtering everything in Aurelia.
- Dragon-in-Chief: He's a far more powerful warrior than Araghast, despite being weakened as he is. And he is the one who seems to handle the Black Legion's operations against the Aurelian sector during Chaos Rising.
- The Dreaded: Amongst the Blood Ravens, he is feared for his cunning and power. All the other commanders (other than the Necron Lord) on Kronus were also somewhat scared of him, even the normally haughty and arrogant Farseer Taldeer of the Eldar.
- Death Glare: His standard expression, just look at that picture.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's a master at this.
"Such inspiring courage! Perhaps we'll mount your corpse on a golden chair and make an idol out of you as well."
- Dark Is Evil: First he was a Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers, then he became a Chaos Lord of the Black Legion.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: As an Exalted Chaos Lord, he's sorta the human looking version of one of these. He ends up as one proper in the Chaos Endings for Dark Crusade and Retribution
- Evil Weapon: Every weapon he can equip is this in spades.
- Empathic Weapon: The Daemon Sword he gains in Retribution has a daemon within it that hungers after blood and killing almost as much as he does. Hm, must be a daemon of Khorne.
- Evil Overlord: In Dark Crusade, Chaos Rising and Retribution.
- Evil Is Hammy: Was relatively subdued compared to the other Chaos Lords but was capable of being hammy when called to do so. In Retribution, he growls and roars out every word.
- Evil Laugh: He likes doing these occasionally.
- Eldritch Abomination: He was summoned to Kronus after 8 sworn cultists of Chaos ritualistically murdered each other in such horrific manners, that the temple in which they did so was described as an 'abattoir of blood', Eliphas emerged from a warp portal shortly after with his daemonic army at his back, signalling he beginning of the Ninth Inheritance.
- Faux Affably Evil: To his loyalist 'brothers' anyway. To everyone else he's a terrifying, bloodthirsty psychopath.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: He loves this trope, as do most Chaos Marines. Bloodthirster faces carved on one shoulderplate, another daemon's head on one greave, he wears this trope very well.
- Facial Horror: In Dawn of War II.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: He can get one of these as an ability. Fittingly enough, it's called 'Out of My Way!'
- Flaming Sword: The second most powerful weapon he can equip, the Bloodletter Hellblade.
- Genius Bruiser: He's a worshiper of Chaos Undivided who worships Khorne above all the other Gods. So, he's a nigh unstoppable warrior and a hurricane of bloodthirsty rage. He is also a master manipulator and tactical genius, all of which he uses only to help him kill.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: His face is positively mutilated!, likely as a result of the 1000 years of torture he suffered in the Basilica of Torments. Who knows what the rest of him looks like. See Nightmare Face belows.
- Guttural Growler: As voiced by Steve Blum.
- Humanoid Abomination: As all Chaos Marines.
- Hellfire: His Khornate abilities invoke this trope. Let the Galaxy Burn, indeed.
- Infinity+1 Sword: The Daemon Sword.
- Infinity-1 Sword: The Bloodletter Hellblade.
- Large and In Charge: While clad in Chaos Terminator armour.
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser: Of the large, fast, hard hitting variety. While not particularly 'lightning' due to the Terminator armour, he still hits extremely fast and extremely hard. He can also move about the battlefield quickly when he receives his charge ability. It also helps that his charges also deal a ton of damage to whatever is unfortunate enough to get in his way.
- Meaningful Name: Named after a notable French occultist known as Eliphas Levi, or possibly Eliphas Dow, the first man to be executed for murder in the state of New Hampshire. Fitting in both cases, Eliphas originally came from a Legion of proficient daemon summoners and worships Khorne, the God of Murder (among other violent things).
- Monochromatic Eyes: His ingame model and 'talking head portrait'. His portrait shows him with Glowing Eyes of Doom, though.
- Made of Iron: In Retribution, he can easily take more punishment than any other playable character due to his suppression immunity, high armor rating and health draining abilities. It compliments his staggering damage dealing capacity well.
- The Magnificent: The Inheritor.
- Multi Melee Master: Eliphas can wield Daemon Swords, Power Swords, Daemon Mauls, and Lightning Claws. And he is incredibly proficient with each one of them.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Chaos Lord Eliphas the Inheritor, named after a warlock and a murderer- Hey, where are you running off to?!
- Nightmare Face: Behold.
- Non-Entity General: "Stay my hand again, and you may lose yours." Eliphas will not take shit from you, even if you are the player.
- The Other Darrin: Much like Davian Thule, his new incarnation was voiced by another actor; Steve Blum.
- One-Man Army: BY THE SKULL THRONE OF KHORNE, YES!!!. Highest damage out of all the melee heroes totaling at 223 - 300? Hell yeah. Self healing that renders all damage dealt to him meaningless, YES. An Area of Effect ability that one shots an entire army around him and heals him to near full? He can one shot entire squads, even Terminators, AND can solo BOSSES and MISSIONS. See Game Breaker on the YMMV page.
- Omnicidal Maniac: One of the things on his agenda is just killing everything he sees. He does so by the end of the Chaos campaign in Retribution.
- One-Handed Zweihander: He wields the magnificently large Daemon Sword, Bloodletter Hellblade, and Power Swords in one mighty hand while in the other he wields a very large Hand Cannon. It is possibly unwise to engage in a arm wrestling match with a Chaos Lord.
- Power Echoes: As a 10,000 year old Chaos Lord in great favor with the Dark Gods, Eliphas' voice has an incredibly audible echo.
- Power-Up Letdown: Never get the upgrade that turns him into a Daemon Prince in Dark Crusade, as it makes him identical to a regular daemon prince, which decreases his overall melee damage, health regeneration, and loses of all his wargear abilities, while only giving him some extra health in return.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: He gives an extremely badass one to the Deranged Chaos Champion before he curb-stomps him, while Typhon is getting the shit blown out of it by the Inquisition.
- Psycho for Hire: To Abaddon, basically.
- Primal Stance: He's always hunched over, as if poised to attack. Being an bloodthirsty Chaos Lord, that's probably the reason.
- Perpetual Frowner: He has two facial expressions, bloodthirsty rage or horrific sadism.
- Religion of Evil: Was a Cleric in said religion.
- Real Men Love The Chaos Gods: One of the most noteworthy features of Eliphas' character is his fanatical devoution to the Chaos Gods and his enormous (though dark) piety. Unsurprising considering he was a Dark Apostle; but that he retains all of it after switching legions is very telling of his faith. Which is owed to, in no small part, by the fact that he has Lorgar's geneseed.
- Resurrected for a Job: Why Abaddon restores him.
- Shoulders of Doom
- The Starscream: Was this to Araghast, and oh how the fanbase wishes he'd do this to Abaddon.
- Fitting, as he is now voiced by Steve Blum, who also does the very similar voice of a certain Starscream
- Spikes of Villainy: ... he's a Chaos Lord.
- Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Eliphas is rather fond of putting the skulls of his kills on his armor.
- Tin Tyrant: He nails the aesthetic.
- This Is Sparta: He indulges in this from time to time.
- Wreathed in Flames: One of the many, many, many nasty things he gets when he is fully leveled up as a Khornate Chaos Lord. It'll destroy most infantry that gathers around him without you having to lift a finger. It manifests as a battle aura, around him. This in addition to his actual battle aura, which is a dark red glow around him.
- Warrior Monk: A very, very, very evil one.
- Wolverine Claws: He gets to use Terminator Lightning Claws in Retribution.
- Who Dares?: He plays this on Kyras when he contacts him via telepathy on Typhon, shortly before it blows up.
- Unstoppable Rage: In combat, he shows us his Khornate virtue and gets very, very, very angry while he rampages throughout the battlefield.
- Voice of the Legion: Alongside Power Echoes, it sounds like there are a thousand mouths screaming in the background when he talks.
- Villainous Valor: The two instances where the Blood Ravens have faced Eliphas have both been incredibly difficult and brutal battles. They rightfully regard him as a powerful and dangerous foe because of that. It is also helped by Eliphas being the second most difficult boss in Chaos Rising besides Ulkair, even to Terminator geared players.
- Villainous Willpower: Eliphas has this in spades, certainly more so than most Chaos Lords, since he endured a thousand years of torment and emerged more powerful for it, and then rose in the esteem of beings as terrible, demanding and capricious as the Chaos Gods.
- Villain Protagonist: Of the Dark Crusade and Retribution Chaos campaigns.
- Villains Never Lie: Aside from the Blood Ravens claims to the contrary, Eliphas never actually says anything to them that could be construed as a falsehood. In fact, he's one of the few characters who utterly straight in the series. And this is only further substantiated by Davian Thule destroying whatever records he found after pacifying Kronus; hinting at the very least that he was somewhat truthful in his hinting that the Blood Ravens had darker origins than anyone had ever realized.
Lord Firraveus Carron (Alpha Legion)

"Look! Rhinos! RHINOS! Our enemies hide in metal boxes, THE COWARDS! THE FOOLS! WE... we should take away their metal boxes."
Voiced by: Scott McNeil
Carron leads the Alpha Legion forces in Kaurava, hoping to conquer all 4 worlds for Chaos. Infamous for his hatred of Rhinos, a.k.a. METAL BOXES, which they themselves have.
- An Axe to Grind: Can wield a Khornate Chainaxe.
- Sinister Scythe: Can wield a Manreaper.
Lord Araghast the Pillager (Black Legion)

"Blood Ravens, hear me! I am Araghast the Pillager! Master of hounds, the lash of the Black Legion!!!"
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
The mighty and terrible leader of the Black Legion warband in Aurelia; Araghast the Pillager is an exalted champion of Chaos and Lord of the Black Legion. Feared far and wide for his terrible savagery, he has conquered and slaughtered a thousand worlds in glorification of the Dark Gods, a claim which is no idle boast. He led the Black Legion warband against the Blood Ravens during the events of Chaos Rising and reveled in the ruination of their recruiting worlds.
Eventually, he challenged the Chapter's finest heroes to face him in combat. The Heroes of Typhon met him on planet Aurelia, and though he fought with great strength and skill once they caught up to him, the Chaos Lord was defeated by the Blood Ravens and betrayed by his second, Eliphas. With his last breath he struck out against the Loyalists and fell, after which, Eliphas took command of his warband.
Is remembered fondly amongst the fanbase and cries have risen for his return.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Thousand acts of dark bravery and he slaughtered a thousand worlds. Yup.
- Axe Crazy
- Badass: Araghast's claim to have destroyed a thousand worlds is no idle boast. [5] Araghast is not to be underestimated.
- Badass Boast: Among the most badass ones ever given.
- Badass in Charge: Araghast kicks ass and leads his warband through example, which is why the fandom loves him so much.
- Badass Cape: Much like Eliphas', it is made of human skin.
- Badass Baritone: Fred Tatasciore voiced this character.
- Black Knight
- Blood Knight: "YES!!! FIGHT ON FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"
- BFS: His power sword.
- Cool Helmet
- Death Glare: His standard expression, just look at that picture.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: Powerful Chaos Lords are more or less daemons wrought in the shape of men and are on their way to true daemonhood. As such, Araghast fits this trope.....
- Evil Overlord: Of the Black Legion warband up until Eliphas decides to take command.
- Foreshadowing: He's the first character in Chaos Rising to allude to the traitor plotpoint, which is incredibly significant. See Genius Bruiser below.
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Genius Bruiser: A bloodthirsty Chaos Lord who serves a God who personifies violence. He's destroyed a thousand worlds and can slaughter a dozen Terminators. And yet, he knows enough when to stay his hand from killing his foes and fights with an eye on the long run.
Eliphas: "You allow them to escape, Lord Araghast?"
Araghast: "Because it served me, Eliphas! If we kill them now, we waste the value of the traitor in their ranks. Your vengeance can wait."
- Humanoid Abomination: As all Chaos Space Marines.
- I Shall Taunt You: Yeah, he pretty much calls the Blood Ravens and the Emperor cowards and weaklings to challenge them to a fight. Had Eliphas not betrayed him, he would have a decent chance of winning.
- Kill It with Fire: He uses a Bolter with a Flamer attached for a side arm.
- Large Ham
- Large and In Charge
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Lord Araghast the Pillager, 'ghast' means 'ghastly' and 'pillager' means 'pillager' so- Wait! Where are you off to?!
- One-Man Army: He can put up quite a fight even against Terminator squads. Unless you have Davian Thule with you, the fight could be... difficult, to say the least.
- One-Handed Zweihander
- Power Echoes
- Shoulders of Doom
- Spikes of Villainy: He's a Chaos Lord.
- Sure Why Not: Araghast is the Chaos Lord seen at the end of the first Chaos Rising trailer, but due to the Chaos Lord's name not being revealed and his lines and his voice actor, the immediate fan reaction was to assume that he was Eliphas The Inheritor, Back from the Dead. Relic's reaction was to bring Eliphas back from the dead, albeit as a different character with a different voice actor and personality who served as Araghast's treacherous second-in-command.
- Wolverine Claws: He gets a pair of Lightning Claws in the final part of his boss battle.
- What Could Have Been: Had Eliphas not returned, Araghast likely would have ended up as a playable character in Retribution.
- Tin Tyrant
- Villainous Breakdown: After Eliphas betrays him.
- Villainous Valor: He is without doubt one of the most difficult fights in Chaos Rising. After his Villainous Breakdown, Araghast gears himself and starts wiping the floor (moreso, if you aren't careful) with your squads. Bear in mind, he does this while he is at death's door. You bet this guy's a badass villain.
- Voice of the Legion: Like Eliphas, it sounds like there's a thousand mouths screaming in the background when he talks.
Sorcerer Neroth (Black Legion)

"For a thousand years, I have cultivated the power of the Dark Gods!"
Voiced by: Scott McNeil
Neroth is an atypical sorcerer, meaning that he revels in forthright destruction rather than Machiavellian scheming, as Lord Eliphas does enough of the latter for the two of them. He serves as Eliphas second-in-command and advisor, as well as his source of magical knowledge. Neroth's assistance is invaluable, as he is capable of opening a warp rift which acts as the Black Legions only remaining means to traversing subsector Aurelia. Despite his appearance as The Inheritor's servant, Neroth in facts serves the Warmaster of Chaos, Abaddon, and has been sent to keep an eye on the new Lord of the Black Legion, for The Despoiler is most anxious to see his bargain fulfilled.
- Ascended Extra: May very well be the same Chaos Sorcerer that Apollo Diomedes 'kills' in Chaos Rising.
- Axe Crazy: "We will bathe this jungle with flame and bury them in the ash."
- Badass: His Doombolts can decimate most squads with a single strike.
- Black Magic: He's a Chaos Sorcerer
- The Dragon: Is this to Eliphas.
- Evil Sorcerer: Natch.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evil Genius: He's a Chaos Sorcerer, natch.
- Fan Nickname: Eliphas' Nagging Wife.
- Fireballs: His Artifact of Ahriman allows him to throw these things every second.
- Ham-to-Ham Combat: His exchanges with Eliphas are an excellent example of this.
- Kill It with Fire: His preferred method of killing things.
- Magic Knight: Should you give him a Force Sword. However, by virtue of Eliphas and Kain being unstoppable close quarters rapemachines, you won't get to see the merit of doing so.
- Mission Control: While Eliphas handles planning the attacks, leading the charge, killing and generally the meat of the warband's campaign of terror, Neroth is concerned with making sure that the Black Legion has an adequate means of transportation. He also provides intelligence on missions.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Neroth might have been the most badass character in Retribution. Alas for him, Eliphas the Inheritor is in the game.
- Psychic Powers
- Teleporters and Transporters: This matter is a Chaos Sorcerer's specialty, according to him, anyway.
- Playing with Fire: He loves setting things on fire. Unsurprisingly, he has a Warp Staff that turns his standard ranged attack into massive fireballs.
- Power Echoes
- Pyromaniac: He absolutely loves burning things and people and will sulk if denied the opportunity.
Plague Champion Varius

"And Grandfather Nurgle visited ten thousand plagues upon them..."
Voiced by: Tom Kane
Varius is a Plague Champion of the Black Legion. He has pledged himself as a servant of Eliphas and serves as his bodyguard.
- Badass
- The Generic Guy: Serves as a Hero Unit and nothing more.
- Plaguemaster
- Power Fist: The only Chaos character who can equip them.
- The Necromancer: His Energy discipline tree is based off this trope.
- The Voiceless: Much to the dismay of some.
Aspiring Champion Kain

"Battle is my art! Chaos is my master!"
Voiced by: Paul Dobson
Kain is the strongest and most brutal of Eliphas' Chaos Space Marines. He leads from the front, and aspires to to be the favored of the Chaos gods.
- An Axe to Grind: Can equip chainaxes.
- Badass
- BFG: Lascannons and Autocannons.
- The Brute: While Eliphas pretty much does all the fighting himself, Kain's purpose in the group is basically to lead his armies when he's off doing or killing something more important.
- Blood Knight: Even if he has no lines in the cutscenes, Kain loves it when you order him to attack something.
- The Generic Guy: Has no real role other than to serve as a Hero Unit.
- Informed Attribute: Apparently, stone silence is the new 'belligerent and loud'. To be fair, he's quite loud in battle.
- Large Ham: In combat and his select quotes.
- Name of Cain: Yeah.
- Primal Stance: If wielding a melee weapon or any ranged weapon lighter than an autocannon or a lascannon.
- The Voiceless: Outside of combat, much to the dismay of some. As such, there really isn't much to this character.

"Death comes to all flesh, even that containing an essence as glorious as my own. Such is the way of Nurgle."
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
The Great Unclean One that appears in Chaos Rising, he was defeated by Kyras eons ago on Aurelia. Through its influence, one of your teammates as well as Chapter Master Kyras fall to Chaos. He is banished by the Force Commander, but returns as the superheavy unit of Retribution's Chaos campaign.
- Affably Evil: He acts like that cool grandpa that you never get to spend much time with. Of course, you've probably seen the picture, but the thing is...it is not an act. He is completely sincere in his affability. Made even more frightening in that his gifts are plague and disease and he's ever so cheerful when you receive them.
- Big Bad: In Chaos Rising.
- Eldritch Abomination: He's a daemon of Chaos.
- Fighting a Shadow
- Final Boss
- Large Ham
- Nightmare Face
The Maledictum Daemon
"Yes.... Flee and know I will soon come to claim you all!"
The Daemon bound in the Maledictum, which was what the plot of Dawn of War revolved around. He is released unintentionally by Captain Angelos. After his release, he was never seen or mentioned again. Until Retribution.
- Bigger Bad: Pretty much THE source of troubles within Blood Ravens from the first game to Retribution.
- Big Red Devil: It is a Bloodthirster.
- I Let You Win: To Angelos.
Abaddon The Despoiler (Black Legion)
"The Blood Ravens are MINE! Body and soul!"
Voiced by: Patrick Seitz
Makes an unexpected appearance in the ending cutscene of Chaos Rising should you kill Eliphas during the last mission, and plays a role in Retribution's Chaos campaign as a NPC.
- Bigger Bad: To Araghast and Eliphas.
- It Amused Me: Why he spared Eliphas after failing to kill Kyras. Or so he says, the majority of the fanbase has chalked it up to allowing Eliphas to leave so that he does not become aware of a certain limb problem of his.
- The Man Behind the Man: The man from whom Eliphas directly gets his orders from. Much to the eternal rage of Chaos fans, because you know...
- This Cannot Be!!: Eliphas' initial reaction to being contacted by him in Retribution's Chaos campaign, to which Abaddon replies his Sorcerers can let him speak to anybody anywhere.
Farseer Macha (Biel-Tan)

"Now we play our parts and pray that we are the better actors."
Voiced by: Nicole Oliver
Macha leads the Biel-Tan forces guarding the Maledictum on Tartarus. After the Maledictum is stolen, she assists the Blood Ravens 3rd Company in stopping the Alpha Legion.
- The Cassandra: Had Gabriel heeded her when she pleaded for him not to destroy the Maledictum, the Blood Ravens would probably have had less trouble to deal with.
- Poor Communication Kills: He would have probably been more likely to listen if she had given more information than "no, don't do what I knew all along you were here to do!".
- Manipulative Bitch: She's an Eldar Farseer.
- Psychic Powers
- The Smurfette Principle: The only major female in Dawn of War. She proudly began the tradition of only having ONE major female character in the series until Dawn of War II. Soulstorm? What's that?
- Sword and Gun
Farseer Taldeer (Ulthwé)

"My fate is here and I shall not flee from it."
Voiced by: Laura Sadiq (Winter Assault)/ Nicole Oliver (Dark Crusade)
Taldeer leads the forces of Ulthwe on both Lorn V and Kronus, to halt the awakened Necron threat. She also plays an important role in the Eldar campaign of Retribution.
- Badass
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Eliphas of all people. Of course, your mileage may vary. WILDLY.
- Blade on a Stick: Can wield a Singing Spear in Dark Crusade.
- Cool Sword: Wields a Witchblade in Winter Assault and the beginning of Dark Crusade.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Due to the Dead: Her Soulstone is retrieved from Kyras' remains in the Eldar ending of Retribution.
- Last Stand: When her stronghold is destroyed in Dark Crusade. It didn't end well for her. See Never Found The Soulstone below.
- Manipulative Bitch: As an Eldar Farseer, she's this by default.
- Never Found the Soulstone: After she's captured, interrogated, and executed by the Blood Ravens in Dark Crusade, her soulstone is worn by Kyras as a trophy. Until Ronahn retrieves it.
- Psychic Powers
- The Smurfette Principle: The only major female character in Winter Assault and Dark Crusade.
- Sword and Gun
Farseer Caerys (Ulthwé)

"Meanwhile, we will appear unseen from 10 directions, and from every one, strike a fatal blow."
Caerys leads the Ulthwe forces in the Kaurava campaign, to stop the Necron threat from spreading further, and to prevent any from awakening them again.
- Blade on a Stick: Can be equipped with a Singing Spear.
- Graceful Loser: Instead of despairing like the other commanders, she essentially goes "Meh, we lost today. Someone else is going to have to deal with the Necrons now. Let's head back home."
- Manipulative Bitch: Would you expect any less from an Eldar Farseer?
- Psychic Powers
- Smug Snake: Not really as good as she thinks she is.
- Sword and Gun: Starts with a Witchblade and Shuriken Pistol.
Farseer Idranel (Ulthwé)

"It is time you learned what it is to face a Seer of Ulthwé the Damned!"
Voiced by: Christine Dunford
Idranel leads the Ulthwé forces that have infiltrated subsector Aurelia, intending to halt a Tyranid Hive Fleet from consuming Craftworld Ulthwé itself. Is killed by Tarkus at Angel Forge. The survivors of her warhost continue to play a role in Chaos Rising and Retribution.
- Blade on a Stick: Her Singing Spear.
- Didn't See That Coming: "I had thought surprise lost to me."
- Fantastic Racism: Exceptionally so, even by Eldar standards.
- Manipulative Bitch: Well, she is an Eldar Farseer.
- Moral Myopia: Her myopia is why Dawn of War II happened in the first place. Fucking Eldar.
- Psychic Powers
Autarch Kayleth (Alaitoc)

"We slay you for the sake of our kin. You are nothing."
Voiced by: Megan Hollingshead
Kayleth leads the Alaitoc forces attempting to save the damaged Craftworld buried on Typhon Primaris. Arrogant and pragmatic, she assists Inquisitor Adrastia's investigation in order to prevent the Exterminatus from destroying the Craftworld.
- Blade on a Stick: Can wield Howling Banshee Executioners.
- Chainsaw Good
- Cool Sword
- Jack of All Trades: She can be customized to fulfill almost any role.
- Proud Warrior Race Gal
- The Strategist: Not quite a standard example, since she fights on the front line too, but she's the one who plans the battles.
- Sword and Gun
Pathfinder Ronahn (Ulthwé->Unaligned)

"Do remember your ancestry, Veldoran. The only Eldar that lived to this day are the ones who ran."
Voiced by: Keith Ferguson
Ronahn first came to subsector Aurelia as part of Idranel's force. After it was defeated, he renounced his ties to Ulthwe, and wandered the stars, until he joined Autarch Kayleth's warhost. He possesses a distaste for the Eldar's reliance on prophecy, due to past events.
- Ascended Extra: Made a minor appearance in Dawn of War II during the Eldar attack on Angel Forge [6] and is now a playable character in Retribution.
- Big Brother Instinct: His motivation in the second half of the campaign is basically to save Taldeer.
- Badass: He can refer to the Great Enemy by his/her/its name without pissing himself, which is downright blasphemy to the Eldar.
- BFG: His sniper rifles are about as big as he is, continuing the tradition began by Cyrus.
- Commander Contrarian: He can't go for 10 minutes without snarking at or insulting either Veldoran or Kayleth.
- Deadpan Snarker: He shows off shades of this when speaking with Veldoran.
- Due to the Dead: Pays this to Taldeer, by retrieving her Soulstone from Kyras.
- Cold Sniper
- Meaningful Name: Ronahn sounds somewhat like "Ronin", a Japanese term for a warrior without a master.
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone: He gets some really pleasant ones! Mostly about his sister Taldeer's soul being brutally tortured by Slaanesh.
- Ranger: He's a Pathfinder which is like an Aspect Warrior version of a Ranger.
- The Reveal: He is Taldeer's brother, as revealed in Retribution.
Warlock Veldoran (Biel-Tan)

"We are fortunate your years of running have gifted you with some wit."
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
A veteran Warlock, he assists Autarch Kayleth in preventing the prophecy of the Craftworld's destruction from coming true. He interprets the visions of the Farseers, and uses his psychic might to destroy the warhost's enemies.
- Ascended Extra: Is likely to be the Warlock that's Idranel's second in command in Dawn of War II, and is mentioned in a piece of wargear in Chaos Rising.
- Badass
- Blade on a Stick
- Cool Sword
- Psychic Powers
Farseer Elenwe

Voiced by: Christine Dunford
A master of divination and prediction, she guides Autarch Kayleth through subsector Aurelia, to prevent the realization of a prophecy that would destroy a Craftworld. How she delivers these predictions is unknown, as she never talks outside of battle.
- Blade on a Stick
- Cool Sword
- The Generic Guy: Like Kain, Varius, and Bernn. She has no role in the story.
- Psychic Powers
- Healing Hands: Her specialty in combat.
- Shock and Awe
- The Voiceless: Out of battle, she doesn't speak a word.
Tau Empire
Shas'O Kais

"Do the lives of your soldiers mean so little to you? Are you that mad?"
Voiced by: Lee Tocker
Military leader of the Tau forces sent to secure Kronus, he is merciful, yet deadly. A student of Commander Puretide, he is an excellent commander.
- Badass: That one quote at the top is enough proof.
- Gatling Good: The Burst Cannon he starts off with.
- Mini-Mecha: The XV 22 Battlesuit he rides around in.
- More Dakka: With all his wargear upgrades, he has a Plasma Rifle, a Flamer, a Missile Launcher and a Gun Drone, and he can fire all of them at the same time.
- Only Sane Man: He's only commander who exhibits any form of mercy or extends any sort of dignity to his enemies.
- Warrior Poet: Very in tune with Tau philosophy, and like any proper Tau commander, applies this to his strategy.
Aun'el Shi'ores

The overall leader of the Tau forces on Kronus, he was sent to bring the world back into the Tau Empire's fold.
- Anticlimax Boss: He's not much of a fighter, and goes down quickly.
- Flunky Boss: He can summon his Shas'vre bodyguards at any time.
Shas'O Or'es'Ka

Military leader of the Tau forces in the Kaurava campaign, he is considered less merciful than his fellow commanders. He uses the unique strategy of Great Strength, Great Strike.
Necron Lord of Kronus

The leader of the Necrons on Kronus.
- Badass: Canonically killed or badly wounded Reclusiarch Mikelus of the Blood Ravens and injured Captain Thule before going down.
- One-Man Army: See Game Breaker above.
- One-Winged Angel: His 'Essence of the Nightbringer' ability.
- The Soulless: It scares Eliphas with that trait.
- The Voiceless: His only line of dialogue is one unintelligible whisper.
Thomas Macabee

"So come, poor victims of life. We shall grant you tranquility in these crypts."
A former archeology professor at the Aceria Xenology Institute on Kronus, and part of the expedition that awakened the Necrons, he somehow retained his personality after his conversion into a Pariah, and acts as a spokesman for the Necron Lord of Kronus.
- Face Heel Turn: Serves the Necron Lord after he was captured and turned into a Pariah.
- Sinister Scythe: Wields a Warscythe like the other Pariahs.
Necron Lord of All Kaurava

"They shall meet their ends. They shall join the army of death."
The leader of the Necrons in the Kaurava campaign.
Dark Eldar
Archon Tahril (Kabal of the Black Heart)

"I am the deadly shadow and the bird of prey. I am the poisoned dagger that brings swift death!"
Leader of the Dark Eldar raiders in the Kaurava campaign, he is arrogant even by Eldar standards, and considers all the other commanders in the campaign to be fools (excepting Farseer Caerys and Lord Carron).
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream: He may aspire to be one, but nobody even considers crossing Vect.
- Wicked Cultured: Genteel and aristocratic, despite being very evil.
Asdrubael Vect (Kabal overlord)
"BEG FOR MERCY! Not that it'll help you."
The leader of the Kabal of the Black Heart and the de facto leader of the Dark Eldar as a whole. As Tahril's master, he attends the battle for the Kaurava system on his Dais of Destruction. He is a special character, being taken from W40K canon rather than being invented for the game.
- Canon Immigrant: Inverted, he was taken from the tabletop game for Dawn of War.
- Cool Car: His Dais of Destruction, which doubles as the Dark Eldar's Relic Unit.
- Cowardly Boss: When assaulting the Dark Eldar's base, he'll personally attack your base before retreating for repairs after a certain amount of damage. Of course, this can work to the player's advantage.
- Glass Cannon: His Dais of Destruction is pretty fragile for a Relic Unit, but it's got the best firepower.
Hive Lord

The Hive Lord is an avatar of the Hive Mind's will, and is attempting to reconnect the feral Tyranids in subsector Aurelia to the Hive Mind.
- Badass
- Dungeon Bypass: The Hive Lord is a Monstrous Creature, meaning the game engine considers him a vehicle when it comes to smashing through stuff. This means taking huge shortcuts or counter-flanking ambushes on missions that were designed without vehicles in mind.
- Flunky Boss: A playable one, no less.
- It gets better (for you) the more you level up his attack and energy skills, which allow the Hive Lord to call down increasingly potent squads for free (well, an energy cost, but that regenerates by itself). Eventually it gets cheaper to suicide/decompose squads and recall them rather than reinforcing. Which makes sense, as 'nids have reserves and plenty of them.
- Legacy Character: The Hive Lord rarely travels between worlds. Instead, when each planet is consumed, it gets broken down at a spawning pool so it's DNA can be assimilated and used to spawn a new, identical Lord where it's needed.
- Made of Iron: Has more health at Level 1 than other heroes have at Level 10
- Mighty Glacier
The Hive Mind
Voiced by: Lani Minella
The central intelligence that controls the Tyranid forces and directs them in their invasion of the sub-sector.
- ↑ From the loading screen of the first mission.
- ↑ defaults to a Chainsword
- ↑ defaults to a Bolt Pistol
- ↑ "Although the Golden Throne of Terra orbits a distant star, far from here, the Emperor's Hand is on your shoulder, always. You have fought and displayed loyalty and bravery far and above your calling as Guardsmen. You have faced the full brunt of an Ork WAAAAGH! as well stared down the horrors of the Warp in the fallen Space Marines. And in that, I am honored to have led you. Our task remains, however. There is still work to be done. The Titan is ours, but its Machine Spirit is injured. The Titan Crew is in place, leaving us to defend the Titan while the crew brings its armaments online. For that, we need energy to power the weapons systems. Now, go... THE FIGHT IS FAR FROM OVER!"
- ↑ From the flavor text on the loading screen for his mission.
- ↑ He's the Ranger that says "Nemerian was always the best of us, humans." and snipes at you from a watchtower.