< Daily Life with Monster Girl

Daily Life with Monster Girl/Characters

This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable.

Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.


Kimihito Kurusu

Seiyū: Junji Majima VA: Bryson Baugus

Tropes exhibited by Kimihito Kurusu include:
  • Accidental Pervert: Most of the time, though he tends to get the crap beaten out of him less than most harem leads.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Miia: Darling, Papi: Husband (Boss in the official translations), Centorea/Suu: Master, Mero: Sir (Beloved in the official translations), Rachnera: Honey, Tionishia: Sweetie, Zombina: Babe, and Manako: Dear.
  • Always Save the Girl: Chronic believer in this.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Averted. It becomes obvious when the girls undergo a case of Lunacy.
  • Badass
  • Blank White Eyes: His default look. His actual eyes are only shown during serious moments.
  • Brick Joke: An early admission from him that he's a "leg man" becomes important when he meets Rachnera, who assumes he cares little for her monstrous half, until she notices him actively ogling her spider legs in obvious appreciation.
  • Celibate Hero: Tries pretty hard to remain this way, especially because legally he's supposed to be with monster girls, at least initially. Is given a chance to defy this legally with him being asked to marry one of the monster girls, but refuses. Regardless, it takes him extreme efforts of will not to give into temptation at times.
  • Crazy Prepared: Produces a garbage bag to catch a water crazed Suu at one point, and carries around a needle and thread, just in case, which becomes unexpectedly handy when Zombina's hand falls off and needs stitched back on.
  • Deconstruction: Of the typical Harem Hero. While no pushover, he also doesn't take advantage of his situation, though it's mostly due to force of will it stays that way. And while he is the archetypal Nice Guy, this doesn't mean his boarders can get away with anything without him telling them to cut it out.
  • Fee Fi Faux Pas: Tries to avoid getting certain foods like fish and poultry to not offend Mero and Papi, but both are not offended in the slightest, with the former citing fish to her is as normal as cows and pigs to humans, and Papi doesn't have a problem with eating other birds, as she's of a predator species.
  • Got Volunteered: Ms. Smith has turned him into her "problem child dropoff center". Miia and Mero were intentionally left with him, but Papi and Lala were added due to running away from their other handlers, Centorea and Rachnera had bad earlier experiences with humans, and Suu is a legal question mark that is staying with him in lieu of a better idea. So far, he's proven fit for the task. Lala essentially imposed herself on him, but SMith agreed she fit better with him than anyone else in the end.
  • Kubrick Stare: The look on his face when he's really upset.
  • Made Of Iron: Kinda needed trait, given the insanity he has to deal with concerning his fellow boarders. Unfortunately, he's victim to so many accidental injuries due to this you kinda have to feel sorry for him.
    • Chapter 30 has revealed that it may be less of this and more Pals with Death, given the interest that Lala has in him.
  • Meaningful Name: His given name means "public figure".
  • Megaton Punch: His signature asskicking move.
  • Nice Guy: It for this reason he has the respect of every member of his monster girl harem, and even Ms. Smith regards him as reliable due to being her (involuntary) troubleshooter for problem child homestays.
  • Old Shame: His younger days, which involved flights of fancy with him attempting to try out as many tropes regarding coolness as possible.
  • Only Sane Man: The only person with any authority over anyone who is fairly level headed most of the time.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Almost to House Husband extremes, which makes him invaluable to the rest of his boarders.
  • Rescue Romance: Every single monster girl under his charge has either been rescued by him at one point or another, resulting in this, or an upgrade to their already present bond with him.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Takes most of the weirder aspects of monsters totally in stride, a fact many of his haremettes (Rachnera especially) find attractive about him.

Ms. Smith

Seiyū: Yuu Kobayashi VA: Shelley Calane-Black

Kimihito's cultural exchange coordinator. Very slovenly and uses him a dropoff point for her more troublesome cases.

Tropes exhibited by Ms.Smith include:

The Racist Couple

Seiyūs: Daiki Hamano (Man) & Ayaka Shimizu (Woman) VA: Andrew Love (Man) & Katelyn Barr

Tropes exhibited by The Racist Couple include:
  • Asshole Victims: Kimihito takes none of their shit and doesn't hesitate to kick their ass.
  • Attempted Rape: The male almost does this to Centorea. Or he would have, had Rachnera not made him regret considering it.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: The woman of the pair.
  • Fantastic Racism: To the point they come off as stock straw bigots against monster girls in general.
  • Gonk: Ugly as hell by both human and monster standards.
  • Jerkass: They're assholes to EVERYONE.
  • Those Two Guys: Stock bigot pair that shows up to be assholes is their raison d'etre.

Bicycle Cop

Seiyū: Atsushi Kousaka VA: Greg Cote

Tropes exhibited by Bicycle Cop include:

The Director

Seiyū: Keiji Fujiwara VA: Steve Fenley

Tropes exhibited by The Director include:
  • Bullying a Dragon: Had Rachnera under his control briefly, and was stupid enough to think she wouldn't make him pay for being an asshole.
  • Con Man: Faked being a documentary producer in order to pull of a scam gathering monster girl leavings like Papi's egg and Miia's sheddings to sell for profit.

Ren Kunanzuki

Seiyū: Akane Fujita VA: Juliet Simmons

Daughter of Rachnera's first host family, who later tries to readopt her.

Tropes exhibited by Ren Kunanzuki include:
  • The Atoner: She wanted to readopt Rachnera out of guilt for her parents selling her. though her constant referral of Rachnera as a challenge came off as somewhat less noble, to the point Kimihito refused to allow it to happen as a result.
  • Determinator: The other monster girls put her through a series of challenges to see if she was worthy of readopting Rachera. She wnet through them all without stopping. Including an attempt to eat Miia's latest dish.

Kimihito's Harem

  • A Dog Named "Dog": The names are all named in some way after their base species.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Kimihito has made every girl fall for him in some way thanks to this.
    • Miia: Goes out of his way to treat her normally and shows her extreme concern when he realizes she can't handle cold temperatures and works to compensate for that.
    • Papi: Rescued her from falling after she rescued a child and lied to a cop, pretending to be her host to prevent her deportation.
    • Centorea: Took a direct hit for her defending her from a mugger.
    • Suu: Showed her hospitality despite having no reason to and saved her from death by dissolution.
    • Mero: Saved her not once but twice, all before she formally moved in. Turned out it was Secret Test of Character anyway, which he passed with flying colors.
    • Rachnera: Treated her normally despite the fact she kidnapped him, even went as far as to charm her with his honest appreciation for her spider legs.
    • Lala: Was extremely understanding about her eccentricities.
  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: Kimihito has gotten hurt by his haremettes on occasion due to their inability discipline their strength.
  • Foil: Miia vs. Mero, Papi vs. Suu, and Centorea vs. Rachnera. So far, Lala seems to be the odd one out.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: All of them (save Papi) have some degree of sense that something unpleasant (like another rival appearing) is happening.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: All of them to varying degrees, with Suu taking this Up to Eleven.
  • The Three Faces of Eve: Miia and Rachnera primarily act as the Seductresses, Papi and Suu and the Children, and Mero and Centorea as the Wives, though they all take turns embodying different aspects of this trope. Lala (so far) fits none of the above in full, though has shown aspects of being the Child due to her bizarre naivety.


Seiyū: Sora Amamiya VA: Allison L. Sumrall

The first monster girl to move in with Kimihito. She's a lamia.

Tropes exhibited by Miia include:
  • Bare Your Midriff: Partially intentional due to her being a snake woman. She even mentions her waist is her best feature.
  • Blatant Lies: Tries (badly) to convince the other girls Kimihito is hers on the grounds First Girl Wins.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Notable for being the clingiest of them all.
  • Cuddle Bug: Although this tends to hurt Kimihito, as her version of a hug is wrapping around him like a boa constrictor, with all the pain that would imply, though she is honestly doing so out of love.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Shown during her most adorable moments.
  • Fangirl: Of the Metal Gear series. this also seems to have rubbed off on Rachnera
  • Fantastic Arousal: The tip of her tail is incredibly sensitive, as is her skin when shedding.
  • Fiery Redhead: Both in a literal and figurative sense.
  • First Girl Wins: Seems to be the case so far.
  • Girly Bruiser: She's definitely athletic, though she's also the type that likes to put her feminine wiles on display most of the time.
  • Hellish Pupils: Slitted pupils, which are given since she's a snake woman.
  • Hot Blooded: Very passionate in most things despite being cold-blooded.
  • Imagine Spot: Prone to these.
  • Immodest Orgasm: Does this when shedding or when her tail tip is stimulated.
  • Lethal Chef: Partially due to ignorance and partially due to her biology. She's not very good at cooking to begin with, even when forced to use a recipe, and thanks to her biology (she's a carnivore with a fraction of the tastebuds human have), her sense of taste is utterly skewed.
  • Logical Weakness: Cold temperatures slow her down and immobilizes her since she's a snake.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: Really wants to get in Kimihito's pants, laws against it be damned.
  • Marshmallow Hell: A partial consequence of her Cuddle Bug tendencies, though sometimes done deliberately to Kimihito.
  • Nightmare Face: When her face is framed in shadow it looks pretty creepy. Also, her normal face can be scary depending on the situation, especially if she lets her [[Overly Long Tongue|long tongue hang out at full length.
  • Overly Long Tongue: Classic snake feature, though it's humanoid, not a reptilian tongue.
  • Pointed Ears: Again, reptilian style, though they function like human ears.
  • Snake People
  • Snakes Are Sexy: And she knows it.
  • Super Strength: Like an actual boa constrictor, her tail (her body below her waist) is incredibly strong.
  • The Tease: Tries to seduce Kimihito every chance she gets.
  • Tsundere: Type B. Nice enough to Kimihito, but gets pissy around her romantic rivals.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Decapitated Heads?: Lala's removable head scares Miia pretty bad.
    • She stars building up a tolerance ever so slowly as time goes on though.


Seiyū: Ari Ozawa VA: Brittney Karbowski

Second monster girl to move in with Kimihito. She's a harpy.

Tropes exhibited by Papi include:

Centorea Shianus

Seiyū: Natsuki Aikawa VA: Molly Searcy

The third monster girl to move in with Kimihito. She's a centaur.

Tropes exhibited by Centorea Shinaus include:
  • Above The Influence: Unlike most of the other monster girls, manages to restrain her urge to jump Kimihito's bones much better, mostly out of respect for him. She even manages to resist the effects of Lunacy enhanced lust somewhat longer than the rest as well.
  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: It's actually a fake blade (she's not allowed to carry a real one), but she's so good with it that it can still do an impressive amount of damage, like when she used it to slash through several barrels.
  • Adorkable: Tends to be due to her Occidental Otaku moments.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Cerea" (only Kimihito is allowed to call her this.
  • Badass: Is pretty fearless and can do some real damage even with a fake sword.
  • Big Eater: If eating something she really likes this got so bad she got everyone banned from a restaurant once.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Just about as bad about this as Miia, though she tends to hide it better.
  • Courtly Love: Goes along with being a lady knight. Tends to clash badly with some of her baser passions at times.
  • Crash Into Hello: How she met Kimihito. She even comments on the cliche and wonders if she should have had a piece of toast in her mouth at the time they crashed into each other.
  • Dojikko: When nervous, shy, or embarassed, she tends to lose all coordination.
  • Expressive Ears
  • Gag Boobs: A 103 I bra is too small for her. She's rather prone to Thanks for the Mammary gags. She claims her species has them due to centaur children needing more nourishment.
  • Gamer Chick: Implied, given where her knowledge of slimes and dullahans come from.
  • Going Commando: Cannot wear most undergarments due to her horse based anatomy, which is why she usually wears a wearing conservative skirt and sweater like blouse.
  • Half Human Hybrid: Her father is human.
  • Keigo: Fan translations render her dialogue in Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe.
  • Large Ham: Compares her meeting with Kimihito to the meeting of Hercules and Chiron. In fact, she tends to being dramatic quite a bit whenever her emotions are riled up.
  • Proper Lady: Definitely sees herself as well, which is why she took it rather badly when Ren mentioned her room smelled like a barn.
  • Occidental Otaku: What her perceptions about Japan are based on, at least at the beginning.
  • One Note Cook: Cooks simple vegetarian dishes which are edible (unlike Miia's "traditional lamia quisine") but bland. Justified in Chapter 25, as centaurs have two to four times as many tastebuds as humans, so the subtle tastes that she can detect are lost on the others.
  • Only Sane Woman: Most of the time.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: Of the European knight variety.
  • Phenotype Stereotype: Blonde-haired and blue eyed foreign girl.
  • Proud Warrior Race Girl: A classic trait of centaurs monster girls.
  • Token Wholesome: She tries to be, and definitely is the monster girl who does the least abuse of her sex appeal on Kimihito. However, her ridiculous bust size does make this difficult at times.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Partially the result of video games (no, slimes aren't the weakest thing to kill, Cerea.....), partially due to her European accented background (wearing plate mail on a date to protect her sire), and partially due to her old fashionedness in general.


Seiyū: Mayuka Nomura VA: Monica Rial

The fourth monster girl to move in with Kimihito (unofficially). She's a slime girl.

Tropes exhibited by Suu include:
  • Ambiguous Innocence: Her sense of right and wrong was feeble at her introduction, but she seems to have figured out most of the basics as time goes on, though in some areas that is still doubtful.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: After absorbing the same stuff that made Kii turn into a giant.
  • Bi The Way: When desperate for water, she'll go after the fluids of either gender to replenish herself.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Explained in detail in Volume 2.
  • Black Comedy Rape: See Bi The Way. It's Played For Laughs due to her ambiguous morality.
  • Blob Monster
  • Broken Masquerade: Even the monster girl world thought slimes were a myth.
  • Dressed All In Rubber: A raincoat and boots, when she bothers donning clothes at all. Serves a practical purpose in shielding her from rain, which is a serious hazard to her life in large amounts.
  • The Empath: Her head antenna gives her a limited empathic sensory ability.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Is basically immune to anything poisonous or lethal to beings other than herself. Kimihito used this to his advantages when picking mushrooms in Chapter 26. However, she does get side affects from certain things, like when the poison shrooms made her speak in Trash Talk.
  • Finger Gun: That sprays water.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Papi, and both provide lots of Funny Background Events during serious conversations.
  • Idiot Hairlike Attenna
  • Immodest Orgasm: Prone to causing the other girls to have them whenever she gets thirsty. suffers one herself when Ki latched onto her breasts for water.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: A combination of being a being that has no real culture or societal mores and Ambiguous Innocence.
  • Logical Weakness: If she were around too much water, it would cause her body to dissolve to the point it would be irreversible and effectively death.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: Not her intention, but what happens when she decides to get touchy feely (most of the time looking for moisture). The other monster girls even lampshade this to Rachnera, to her chagrin.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Slimes aren't well understood, so she's full of surprises (mostly related to unusual reactions to things she's eaten). So far, we've seen that:
    • Poison makes her snarky.
    • Experimental chemicals make her grow huge (that one wasn't such a surprise, as the same thing had already happened to Kii the Dryad).
    • Minerals in a hot spring's water make her extra-intelligent, which showed itself by giving her the appearance of a glasses-wearing (of the severe, shiny variety) Sexy Secretary.
  • The Quiet One: Even though she's fully capable of speaking as of Chapter 20, she doesn't speak very often.
  • Sexier Alter Ego: A form she can assume when she has enough water.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Has been rendered as "Suu" and "Sue"
  • Too Kinky To Torture: Is immune to Rachnera's webs.
  • Voice Changeling: Part of her transformative powers.
  • You Gotta Have Green Slimelike Hair
  • Your Size May Vary: Her body varies depending on what size she decides to assume.

Meroune Lorelei

Seiyū: Haruka Yamazaki VA: Maggie Flecknow

Meroune Lorelei is the fifth girl to move in. She is a mermaid.

Tropes exhibited by Meroune Lorelei include:
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Mero".
  • Innocently Insensitive: When she "complements" Miia's swimming ("You swim just like an eel!"), the background consists of sparkly text saying "totally innocent".
  • Meido: She's a mermaid, eh?
  • Moment Killer: Miia and Kimihito are on a date at the zoo, and see a pair of kissing fish. They move closer...and Meroune pops up and explains that they aren't actually kissing, but are two male fish fighting for dominance. Miia gets four Cross-Popping Veins.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Tragic love. The more it adheres to The Little Mermaid, the better.
  • The Ojou: Of the Proper Lady type. Centorea (coming from a knightly background herself) assumes from her bearing that she comes from some kind of nobility. Turns out that she's a princess.
  • Second Place Is for Winners: She doesn't want to be the 'first' girl in the harem (at least without a tragic twist), and she doesn't want to be third. So presumably 2nd is the sweet spot.
    • As of recent chapters, has all but abandoned this line of thought.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Mind that tail! She packs a hefty wallop when roused to fight.
  • Tail Slap: Her tail packs a similar musculature and strength to a human's legs. A tail slap from her is thus akin to a roundhouse kick, and can easily knock a man off his feet.
  • Unrequited Tragic Maiden: She wants to be this, as it falls under Tragic Love (and better yet, it is of The Little Mermaid variety). She later realizes that it's not what she thought it would be.
  • Wheelchair Woobie: She first appears to be one, zipping downhill out of control (rescued by Kimihito, of course). She's not such a woobie after all -- it's just that, unlike Ariel, she can't grow legs out of her tail.

Rachnera Arachnera

Seiyū: Sakura Nakamura VA: Courtney Lomelo

Rachnera is an arachne, and the sixth girl to move in.

Tropes exhibited by Rachnera Arachnera include:


Seiyū: Ai Kakuma VA: Carli Mosier

Lala is a dullahan, and the seventh girl to move in.

Tropes exhibited by Lala include:
  • Accent Adaptation: As she's an Irish legendary creature, the official English translations of the manga give her an Irish accent.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: She can be kind of scary when she's at her most ominous, and Miia is terrified of her detachable head, but as psychopomps go, she's pretty friendly. Luckily for Kimihito. How many Grim Reapers express a fondness for cookies?
  • I Will Wait for You: She doesn't really chase Kimihito, because she'll have him all to herself when he dies for real.
  • Large Ham: She does have some real powers, but tends to play up her "role" as a reaper, partially as a shield to hide her bad social skills.
  • Ms. Imagination: Kimihito recognizes her declarations about being a grim reaper as this (having been the same way himself).
  • No Social Skills: A consequence of having a bad case of social anxiety.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: One of her powers. Appropriately enough, she's especially likely to turn up whenever Kimihito's had a close brush with death.
  • Shinigami: She claims to be one of these in her introduction. At first, it seems that she's just being overly dramatic, but Chapter 30 reveals that she is the real deal.
    • As of Chapter 51, it's revealed aspects of this are definitely true.
  • When She Smiles: It's rare, but she does look genuinely happy when smiling.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl; Ominous in appearance, but not evil or malicious in any way.


A squad of extraspecies who work for Ms. Smith. Their job is to act as law enforcement against other extraspecies, to get around rules forbidding humans and non-humans from committing violence against each other.

  • Dub Name Change: "Monsters Of a Neuro" in the original, "Monster Ops: Neutralization" in the official English translation.


Seiyū:Rei Mochizuki VA: Kira Vincent-Davis

A zombie, and the squad leader.

Tropes exhibited by Zombina include:
  • Fiery Redhead: Ironically, she's quite animated for someone who is supposed to be undead.
  • Independent Limb: She can feel sensations from her parts, even when they fall off. (Naturally, she "accidentally" drops one of her breasts while on her date with Kimihito...)
  • More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Hers are shown to be sharklike and very prominent. Becomes a plot point later when she purposely keeps her mouth shut. She rightly fears one of her teeth were stolen and use to turn a girl into a zombie.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: She looks rather like a construct, with stitched-together parts and mismatching eyes.
  • The Virus: Following George Romero zombie rules, her zombie status can be passed on to humans via contact with certain bodily fluids.
  • Weight Woe: She's pretty slender (just like most characters), but as she gets shot in the course of her job, the lead weighs her down more and more, much to her chagrin.


Seiyū: Yurika Kubo VA: Christina Stroup

An ogre (the western oni equivalent to be exact), the squad's muscle.

Tropes exhibited by Tionisha include:


Seiyū: Momo Asakura VA: Jad Saxton

A cyclops, the team sniper.

Tropes exhibited by Manako include:
  • A-Cup Angst: She's no slouch in the chest department, but she's surrounded by much bustier women and quite self-conscious about it. She gets Blank White Eyes when she hears that a 103 I bra was too small for Centorea.
  • But Your Eye Is Beautiful: She is extremely self-conscious about her large eye. Kimihito doesn't think twice about it, but his willingness to hold eye contact with her is unusual.
  • Cold Sniper: When she's on the job.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Able to shoot the guns out of criminal orcs' hands from 2 kilometers out.
  • Shrinking Violet: Aside from her, this is her most defining trait.
  • Super Speed: Ran from over 2 km to meet up with her teammates, still carrying a massive sniper rifle, and made it there in only a few minutes.
  • Super Strength: Not her most prominent trait, but she lugs around a rifle the size of an artillery piece like it's nothing.


Seiyū: Saori Onishi VA: Emily Neves

A doppelganger, the team infiltrator.

Tropes exhibited by Doppel include:
  • Cthulhu Mythos: She's implied in her bio to be related to (or actually be) Nyarlathotep. (If she's really "him", it wouldn't be the first work to have the Crawling Chaos take an attractive female form as a disguise -- cf. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.)
  • Good Counterpart: Both her and Lilith are based on mythical beings known for messing with the affairs of humans for their amusement, though Doppel is on the side of the law and while still enjoying messing with people For The Lulz, she doesn't go out of her way to be cruel about it.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Of a sort. She doesn't NEED to wear clothing since she can assume any form she pleases, so while technically naked most of the time, it's only because she sees clothing as completely redundant.
  • Kick Chick: Her combat specialty in humanoid form.
  • Troll: Likes to mess with people, but unlike Lilith, clearly has some boundaries.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Goes well with her dark brown skin in her default humanoid form.



Seiyū: Shiina Natsukawa VA: Christina Kelly

A kobold who runs a gym (and several other businesses besides) which caters to extra-species needs.

Tropes exhibited by Polt include:
  • Gym Bunny: She even runs her own.
  • Heroic Dog: She is based on the more virtuous canine interpretations of kobolds.
  • Hot Blooded: Oh yes. She seems to be constantly set in "cheer" mode.
  • Spell My Name With an S: "Port".


Seiyū: Asami Seto VA: Tiffany Terrell

A dryad (plant girl).

Tropes exhibited by Kii include:


Seiyū:Atsumi Tanezaki VA: Hilary Haag

A devil-like monster girl.

Tropes exhibited by Lilith include:

Miia's Mom

Miia's mother, who visits in Chapter 27.

Tropes exhibited by Miia's Mother include:

Papi's Mom

Papi's mom, who visits in Chapter 28.

Tropes exhibited by Papi's Mom include:

Centorea's Mother

Centorea's mother, who visits in Chapter 29.

Tropes exhibited by Centorea's Mother include:


A yuki-onna who serves as a proprietress of a resort which Kimihito and company visit in Chapter 31.

Tropes exhibited by Yukio include:
  • An Ice Person: Comes with being a yuki-onna.
    • An Ice Suit: She has to wear a sort of diving suit in order to visit the hotter baths.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Her love for her homestay host caused this, though she had difficulty expressing it until Kimihito visited.
  • Power Incontinence: When Kimihito points out that she smiles when she thinks of her beloved, she becomes so embarrassed that she accidentally freezes the pool she's in. She's fine, but Kimihito gets a pretty bad cold.
  • When She Smiles: Being "icy", she doesn't smile often, but she figures it out eventually.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Even when wearing her diving suit, Yukio wears traditional clothing over it.

Luz Ninetei

Luz Ninetei is a Kitsune who works as a Shrine Maiden.

Tropes exhibited by Luz Nintei include:


Tropes exhibited by Cathyl include:
  • Fatal Flaw: Not her temper, which would be manageable otherwise, but her poor memory, which makes her jump to the wrong conclusions quite often.
  • Gag Boobs: Justified in-universe because she's a milk producing cow subspecies.
  • Girly Bruiser: She has quite the feminine side despite her brawn, she's just poor at expressing it.
  • Perpetual Frowner: She tends to scowl a lot due to having a cranky personality.
  • Punny Name: It sounds like "cattle".

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