Cowboy Bebop/Characters
The Bebop crew
Spike Spiegel
"I'm not a criminal. Oh, that makes me seem even more like a criminal, doesn't it?"
Voiced by: Koichi Yamadera (JP), Steve Blum (EN)
In the past Spike was a top assassin for the Red Dragon Syndicate, a criminal organization. An unstoppable killer, Spike was practically a One-Man Army, and was only more dangerous when paired with his equally dangerous partner, Vicious. Then something happened. Spike met Vicious' girlfriend, Julia, and Spike and Julia fell in love. (Indeed, one shot that shows Spike's reaction to seeing her hints it might even have been Love At First Sight, at least on his end). Although the details from this time are sketchy, it appears that Vicious soon found out, and the affair not only made Vicious determined to kill Spike, but made him fall out of favor with the Red Dragons as well. Spike decided to leave the Syndicate after one last job, but Vicious gave Julia a deadly order: kill Spike, or be killed herself before she could run. Somehow, Spike faked his death well enough that almost everyone believed he was dead, but Julia didn't leave with him. Instead Spike simply disappeared, and began a life of drifting until meeting Jet and forming their partnership.
In the present Spike is slightly lazy, big eating, easy going sort who has used his skills as an assassin and martial artist to become a bounty hunter. He's the type that always takes life easy except for when the adrenaline kicks in while taking down a bounty. And he certainly doesn't take anything personally or all that seriously... in fact, about the only thing that can spark an emotional reaction from him is the name Julia... still, Spike is going to eventually have to face his past. Not everyone knows or believes that he's dead, including his old mentor Mao Yenrai, and Vicious certainly doesn't believe it, (Vicious firmly believes that he is the only one who can kill Spike, and vice-versa) and still wants a piece of Spike, even as he begins hatching plans to take over the Red Dragons. And somewhere out there, is Julia.
Eventually, Spike's past catches up with him big time. Vicious does confirm that Spike is alive, and it turns into a full on hunt as Vicious tries to take over the Red Dragon Syndicate. Spike and Julia reconcile and plan on running away, but before they can she dies in a shootout with Vicious' men. After saying goodbye to Jet and the crew, Spike decides to go Storming the Castle and cuts a swath through The Syndicate to get to Vicious. The two wound each other, with Vicious dying right away, while Spike lives long enough to see the dawn, walk back downstairs, and whisper "Bang" to the stunned members of the Syndicate before collapsing. For some reason, it's debated whether or not Spike actually dies. Magical Native American Laughing Bull told Jet in-universe that Spike was about to die, and the animators used both the "pan up to the heavens" and "black-and-white shot of the character" cliches used in Japan for the death of major characters. Despite this, there's some Fanon Discontinuity that says he survived anyway. Interesting side note: Spike Spiegel dies at the age of 27, the same age as many legendary rock figures like Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and many others.
- Ace Pilot
- Afro Asskicker
- Alliterative Name
- Ambiguously Jewish: Note that Word of God stated that he's not Jewish, he's named Spiegel simply because the name "Spike Spiegel" sounded cool. He got his hair from the iconic Japanese actor, Yusaku Matsuda. Death of the Author may apply here.
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Make sure you never confuse him with his arch-enemy Vicious. If you call him by that name he'll flip out and open a can of whoop-ass on you and your entire gang.
- Big Eater
- Blood Knight: A not too crazy case.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Nothing makes his face light up more than a decent match.
- Boring Failure Hero: The boring part is subverted nicely. He'll never catch the bounty he's after, but that doesn't mean he's not a lot of fun to watch.
- Bounty Hunter
- Bruce Lee Clone: Spike is a big fan of Bruce, practicing Jeet Kune Do and Bruce's philosophy.
- Child-Hater: Spike claims he does not like kids (or pets) in the second episode. Guess who ends up living on the same ship as him?
- Combat Pragmatist
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Seeker: "I'm not going there to die…I'm going to find out if I'm really alive."
- Destructive Savior
- Determinator
- The Hero
- The Hero Dies: Apparently, complete with the symbolism of his star going out. Although Word of God has always been a Shrug whenever fans ask if Spike really died, this may be a case of Japanese politeness.
- Heroic Bloodshed
- Hidden Depths
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Why he left Julia.
- I Will Find You: Spike's major quest throughout the anime is to reunite with Julia again.
- Indy Ploy: Thinking on his feet is definitely one of Spike's strong suits. Just look at his plan in "Heavy Metal Queen," which involved him going into space without a suit!
- In Harm's Way
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot: His past is told in such a fashion.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Loveable Rogue
- Love Redeems: If not for Julia, he would've been very likely to end up just like Vicious.
- Made of Iron: Come on, he survives being shot and thrown out a plate-glass window.
- The McCoy
- Mr. Fanservice: Admit it, he was even shirtless in his first scene.
- Mismatched Eyes
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Word of God states that his hairstyle is based on that of the late Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Every time he tries to bring in a bounty, it seems entire buildings get destroyed.
- Rebellious Spirit
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Jet and Vicious' blue.
- Running Gag: Several times he pulls out a cigarette (or already has one lit), only to be told or see a sign that says "No smoking". Depending on the episode, he either ignores it or spits the cigarette out, irritated.
- Smoking Is Cool
- The Snark Knight
- The Stoic
- Tragic Hero
- Tranquil Fury: His overall reaction when storming Red Dragon Crime Syndicate base, because of Julia's death.
Jet Black
"I started wailing the blues when the doctor whacked my bottom on the day I was born."
Voiced by: Unsho Ishizuka (JP), Beau Billingslea (EN)
An ex cop who was known as the "Black Dog" during his time as an officer because of his stubbornness and relentlessness in chasing down suspects. During his days as a cop Jet refused to go on the take or play the game until this finally got him ambushed by a syndicate, and his own partner, resulting in a wound that cost him his arm and made him turn in his badge. Between having been walked out on by his lover Alissa sometime earlier and his wound, Jet decided it was time to move on and try his luck in other parts of the solar system, leading him to purchase the Bebop, (and name it after his longtime love of jazz music) become a freelance bounty hunter and become partners with Spike.
By far the most old-fashioned, levelheaded, and responsible member of the Bebop crew, as well as the conscience of the group. Tends to appear gruff, (and his height, muscular appearance and beard only add to the impression) but is quite the softy underneath with a surprising number of cultured habits, (including raising bonsai trees, listening to jazz/blues music, cooking, reading the works of 17th/18th century literature, etc) and has a tendency to do the right thing in all circumstances. He can be too old-fashioned and controlling though, a fact which caused Elisa to leave him and sometimes makes him less than popular with the rest of the Bebop crew.
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- Badass
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy
- Bounty Hunter
- Cool Old Guy
- The Combat Pragmatist: Even more than Spike.
- Cowboy Cop: In the past.
- Cultured Warrior: Loves classic literature, tending bonsai, and jazz. Also is the ship's cook.
- Determinator: He says so himself.
- Genius Bruiser
- Gentle Giant
- Hidden Depths: Explored in "Ganymede Elegy".
- Honor Before Reason
- Knight in Sour Armor
- The Last DJ
- May-December Romance: Has a bit of a crush on Meifa.
- Mighty Glacier
- Mr. Fixit: To a degree, at least. Jet is the only one who bothers to do any maintenance on the ships.
- My Greatest Failure: The incident that cost him his left arm. He failed to realize his partner was in league with the Syndicate and walked right into a trap.
- New Old Flame: Elisa.
- Older Sidekick: To Spike. Sometimes.
- Punny Name
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As he likes to remind the rest of the crew, he is the ship's captain, after all.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Spike's red. (One of two)
- The Reliable One
- The Stoic
- The Straight Man
- Team Chef: Not a terribly good one (especially given the ingredients he's forced to work with), but he's still the Bebop's cook because Spike, Faye and Ed definitively can't.
- Team Dad
- Most obvious in his interactions with Ed, where he often takes on a distinctly more parental tone than his usual gruff demeanour. The story he tells her at the beginning of Speak Like a Child is the most obvious example, but it crops up in more subtle ways throughout the show.
- Younger Than They Look
Faye Valentine
"Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We deceive or we are deceived. Thus, we flourish or perish."
Voiced by: Megumi Hayashibara (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)
The first person to join Spike and Jet on the Bebop (unless we're counting Ein), Faye is many things. For starters she's a con artist, selfish, impulsive, self-centered, rude and manipulative. She's also lonely, heartbroken, wounded, and desperately searching for her place in the universe. Spike and Jet would first encounter Faye when she was working as part of a smuggling operation at a casino, posing as a dealer. Her job was to make it look legit when her contact would slide her a very special poker chip, but unfortunately there was a mix up when she mistook Spike for her contact, and hilarity quickly ensued. Sometime later in a different episode Faye would become a permanent part of the Bebop crew, despite much grumbling from both Spike and Jet.
Faye always approaches the world from an angle: she believes the world and people are out to hurt, use and exploit you, so it's best if you do it to them first. Anything is fair game to be used to get an advantage over people, include cunning, using the trust of others, her sexy good looks, and when all else fails, a ship loaded with machine guns and missiles. Her exact background is mysterious, and when pressed for answers about it she simply throws out one story after another, each more improbable than the last. Despite her usual indirect and sneaky methods, Faye is quite a competent pilot, markswoman, and even her punch packs a wallop despite her slim frame. When not taking down bounties, she tends to waste all her money gambling in an effort to get rich and pay off the ridiculously large debts that she has, which is just as mysterious as anything else about her past.
Eventually it turns out that Faye is actually from the 20th century. In her late teens she survived an accident with the Gates, the invention that makes solar system travel available to mankind, and was cryogenically frozen afterward until being revived more than 50 years later. After waking up she was tricked into assuming the massive debts (which, she admits, were little more than a drop in the bucket compared to her own truly massive health-care bill) of her supposed savior, a con man she had begun to fall for. It also turns out she has a touch of amnesia about her history prior to the accident, which she eventually overcomes and goes to find her home, only to find that there's nothing left of it.
- Action Girl <--> Faux Action Girl: It depends on the episode.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Badass
- Bare Your Midriff: Almost constantly.
- Big Eater: Wiped out the contents of Spike and Jet's fridge in a few minutes during her introduction episode.
- Bottle Fairy
- Broken Bird
- Card Sharp
- Con Woman
- Cool Big Sis: To Edward.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Has a miniskirt, but her danger level switches around a lot.
- Damsel in Distress: She gets captured and tied up more than once.
- The Face: Faye is the traditional The Chick variety as she plays up her feminine charm and is certainly more social than the others. Not at all The Heart.
- Femme Fatale
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Although she adjusted well.
- Gainaxing
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Invoked. She's not really 200 years old, she's just from the past.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hidden Depths
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Human Popsicle
- It's All About Me: Faye is definitely the most selfish of the crew, who are a generally self-interested bunch.
- I Work Alone: Or so she wants to think.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Lancer
- Multiple Choice Past: At first. One of Faye's early lies about herself is that she's Roma.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Older Than They Look
- Plucky Girl
- Pretty Freeloaders
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- She's Got Legs: Our introduction to her involves a slow pan over them.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Well, her submachine gun kinda counts. But then, her ship, Red Tail, is the most heavily armed of the three, and she's been known to point the on-board cannons at people's heads!
- Stocking Filler
- Stripperific: Brings it to new heights--plenty of striperiffic characters show a lot of skin, sure, but not many look like actual streetwalkers.
- Tsundere
- UST: Towards Spike
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
- You Can't Go Home Again: She does eventually find her home, but its in ruins. She also encounters one of her friends, now an old woman, who vaguely remembers her.
- Zettai Ryouiki
"Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth. ... Ed made up that name for Ed, isn't it cool?"
Voiced by: Aoi Tada (JP), Melissa Fahn (EN)
A.K.A. "Radical Edward," A.K.A Françoise Appledelhi
Oh Ed, Ed, Ed... where to even start with Ed? Ed is probably the solar system's foremost hacker, and is not shy about using her talents to cause mischief. A 13 year old demented genius, Ed was living alone on Earth and occasionally being hunted by the police when she (he?...) first encountered the Bebop crew. The crew was chasing a bounty in a case where someone was believed to have hacked into an old Kill Sat and started using it to carve designs into the planet. Naturally, Ed was the prime suspect, but since Ed was aware of the Bebop crew and was a fan of theirs, (oddly enough, since the crew manages to blow every bounty and live in Perpetual Poverty because of it) she (he?...) let them in on a secret: the real perpetrator was the satellite itself, whose program had a degree of awareness, a fact that Ed had recently discovered. In return for giving them this information and helping them deal with the rogue satellite, Ed only asked to become a member of the Bebop crew, a proposition Faye agreed to without telling anyone and later tried to back out on. Unfortunately for Faye, hacking the Bebop's computer, controlling it by remote, and getting it to land where she wants it not exactly a difficult task for Ed.
After this Ed's legendary computer skills would be at the disposal of the Bebop crew, and it would come in handy in several cases. Ed would also get her day in the limelight during the show's Mushroom Samba episode. This would continue until Ed and Faye simultaneously begin closing in on chasing down their pasts, in Ed's case in part through Faye's encouragement that finding the place where you belong is the best thing a person can do. To that end Ed posts a fake bounty on her ditzy father who good-naturedly and absentmindedly abandoned her years before. (Well, maybe more like left her off with someone and half forgot that she ever existed). The two briefly reunite, but Ed hesitates at joining him, and good old dad starts running off again. Quite possibly realizing that the place where she belongs is neither with dad nor aboard the Bebop, Ed leaves both, wandering off into the sunset accompanied only by Ein.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her shirt never closes her belly.
- Bifauxnen
- Blush Sticker: Always.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- The Chick
- Cloudcuckoolander: Oh god is she ever.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Does Not Like Shoes: More like can't. Even wearing socks for more than five seconds trips her up.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genius Ditz
- Genki Girl
- No Social Skills: Most of Ed's upbringing was either done by herself or the orphanage where she sometimes stayed. As a result she is rather odd socially, and sometimes comes across as almost feral.
- Overly Long Name: Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV.
- Parental Abandonment
- Playful Hacker
- Plucky Girl
- Shrouded in Myth: If you listen to word on the street, you'd think Ed was a seven foot tall ex-basketball pro, Hindu guru, drag queen alien.
- Tagalong Kid
- The Smart Guy: Secondary.
- Third Person Person
- Verbal Tic: Repeating words twice, such as "Faye-Faye", among others.
Voiced by: Koichi Yamadera
Encountered in the second episode, Ein is a "data dog" that was illegally researched and experimented on. Initially Ein was just supposed to be a tool to catch the episode's bounty, who had stolen Ein, but eventually, much to Spike's chagrin, Jet and Spike wound up keeping the dog on after things didn't quite work out in catching the bounty.
Exactly what a data dog is never gets explained, but Ein certainly has vastly greater than normal intelligence for a dog. (It's strongly hinted that Ein has a full understanding of the languages and world around him, and may in fact be the smartest member of the crew). Ein gradually becomes closest to and friendliest with Ed, with the two sharing a number of adventures, (especially in the Mushroom Samba episode) before leaving together.
- Animal Companion
- Fun with Subtitles: In "Mushroom Samba," Ein talks to a cow.
- Intellectual Animal: Even if just how intellectual is never fully known.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- The Smart Guy: Ed tried to use the Bebop's computer to hack into the Brain Dream and failed. Ein managed to do it by putting it on his head.
Other recurring characters
"I told you before, Spike. I'm the only one that can kill you and set you free."
Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (JP), Skip Stellrecht (EN)
A man dressed entirely in black, who seems to have little emotion and to care about nothing. A walking tide of destruction and death. A skilled and remorseless killer who will not hesitate to snuff out anyone who gets in his way. In short, Vicious is a bad motherfucker, and seriously bad news for anyone who happens to be within about a mile of him.
As with everything else from Spike's past, not much is ultimately known about Vicious. He and Spike were partners, and top hitmen for the Red Dragon Syndicate, and at this time Vicious was already involved with Julia. Spike and Julia met, and soon fell in love. A few scenes seen in closing credits of the episodes hint that Spike and Julia carried out an affair in secret for some time before Vicious found out. Where a normal man might have been upset, Vicious just calmly set Spike up be killed in an ambush, and, as a backup, instructed Julia to kill Spike at the meeting the two had arranged in order to run away together, or be killed herself. Julia never went to the meeting however, and Spike faked his own death, leaving Vicious to stew and continue to plot both vengeance and a ruthless climb to the top of the Red Dragons.
For a short time after Spike's faked death, Vicious left the Syndicate and served in a war on Titan, (a moon orbiting Saturn), operating there as The Mole, spying on the side he was ostensibly fighting for. His motives for doing this are unknown. When it was suspected that there was a spy operating in the ranks, Vicious pinned the blame on Gren, a younger soldier who looked up to and hero worshiped him. After the end of the war Vicious rejoined the Red Dragons and quickly climbed the ranks, gaining a large following among the Syndicate's Mooks. When the opportunity presented itself, Vicious killed Spike's former mentor Yao and used that and a shameful desecration of Yao's body to lure Spike out, proving that his old rival was still alive after all. The encounter left both men wounded, but settled nothing.
Increasingly aware of Vicious' treacherous nature and ambition, the Syndicate elders declared that he would not be allowed to take over the Red Dragons. So Vicious responded by launching a coup d'etat in the form of a Xanatos Gambit. He allows himself to be captured in an assassination attempt, but stacks his execution squad with his own men, who free him and give Vicious the chance to assassinate the Syndicate elders for real, leaving Vicious the new leader of the group. After that Vicious redoubles his efforts to kill Spike and Julia, who have finally reunited. One of his mooks shoots and kills Julia, resulting in Spike returning and Storming the Castle for a final confrontation. The two mortally wound each other, with Vicious falling dead to a gunshot wound from Spike, while Spike slowly dies and finally collapses from a wound from Vicious' trademark katana.
- Arch Enemy: To Spike.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass
- Big Bad
- Blood Knight
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: There's no one around him that Vicious hasn't backstabbed. There's almost nobody that hasn't tried to get back at him.
- The Combat Pragmatist: Vicious never takes Spike on in a straight fight. Instead, he lets his mooks attack like crazy. He only attacks after Spike has been wounded.
- Complete Monster
- Creepy Monotone
- Evil Counterpart
- Fantastic Drug: Possibly. In one flashback scene a Red Eye injector seems to be on Vicious' nightstand, and Fanon believes that Vicious may be a regular user..
- Glass Cannon
- Katanas Are Just Better: Even in the future.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Meaningful Name
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Never Bring A Sword To A Gun Fight: Averted for the most of the series, though it's mostly because of different tropes that he's able to cut through multiple gun-toting opponents
- Until his last show-down with Spike, that is
- Not So Stoic: See "Perpetual Frowner" below.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You
- Perpetual Frowner: Which only makes it spookier when he then turns around and pulls a Slasher Smile.
- Pet the Dog: Subverted when Vicious does use a Stab the Scorpion situation to gain a character's trust only to later betray him. Also, even though it turns out to just be his spy transmitter, when Vicious is playing that sad song on the music box and says that the name of the song is Julia, this troper has always found himself wondering just how much Julia meant to him.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Spike's red. (One of two)
- Rival Turned Evil: A bit of an ambiguous case since he probably always toed the line, but it's hinted that discovering that Spike and Julia carried an affair behind his back pushed him off the edge.
- Social Darwinist
- The Spock
- The Unfettered: All Vicious wants is to control the Red Dragons and kill Spike. Everything else can burn.
- Waistcoat of Style
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, he's got the white hair. Pretty is another matter...
- Xanatos Gambit: Vicious' successful plan to take over the syndicate.
- Younger Than They Look: He's 27.
- This may lend some credence to the "Vicious is a drug user" idea, given that drug addicts often look older than they really are, due to the drug taking a toll on their body.
"I was supposed to kill you. It was all set up. If I had, I would have been free."
Voiced by: Gara Takashima (JP), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN)
Relatively little is known about Julia, and since she has very little screen time (aside from flashbacks, she only appears in sections of 2 episodes), and dies before the end of the second episode so the exact details on her history, personality and life are sketchy. From the scenes she's in we can see that she knows how to drive a car during a Car Chase, she can shoot a mook (albeit not nearly as smoothly as most of the main characters) and she's fairly smart: she gets how Vicious planted the transmitter on Gren immediately, for example. She's also quite loyal to Spike, when presented with the Sadistic Choice she chose to Take a Third Option and be hunted by Vicious rather than kill Spike.
Otherwise, it's possible to guess from flashback sequences that Julia was probably unhappy with Vicious for awhile before she and Spike began their affair. The flashback scene of their first meeting (which only lasts a couple of seconds) seems to show Spike immediately falling for Julia, however no similar reaction is seen from her. Things began to change when a wounded and bloody Spike collapsed almost right in front of her door one night after doing a bit of syndicate "business". Either as she nursed him back to health or shortly afterward, Julia began to reciprocate Spike's feelings and the two began having an affair. However, Vicious found out and this brought the situation to a head. Spike begged Julia to run away with him after performing one last job for the Syndicate, but Julia was reluctant, apparently fearing that the Red Dragon wouldn't really let Spike go and that Vicious would hunt them. After Spike leaves Julia is then confronted by Vicious, who presents her with the Sadistic Choice mentioned above. Instead, with the help of at least some members of the Red Dragons (Shin can be heard leaving a message on her machine about Vicious' planned coup at the very start of episode 25), Julia escaped and went on the run until Vicious' coup.
In episode 25 we see Julia on the screen for the first time, other than in flashbacks. In the wake of Vicious' attempted coup, she, like others, is being hunted by the Elders for having ever had ties to Vicious. Faye, separated from the rest of the team, spot Julia leading a group of mooks on a wild car chase and intervenes to help Julia. The two talk for a little while, and Julia recognizes that Faye is one of Spike's partners. Julia gives Faye a discreet message for Spike, to have him meet her at the same cemetery where they were supposed to meet before running away years earlier. When the two meet they reconcile and decide to attempt to run away again. However they decide to stop by Annie's place to seek help from their old friend, only to find Annie wounded and on the brink of death. When Vicious' mooks surround the building the two attempt to fight their way past on the rooftops, but Julia is shot by a mook in the back. Her dying words are "It's all just a dream." Spike tries to comfort her by agreeing, and then Julia dies.
- Cool Car: An old-fashioned red Cadillac convertible. What's not to like?
- Died in Your Arms Tonight
- Disturbed Doves: When she dies.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Faye seems very impressed by Julia's beauty...
- Florence Nightingale Effect: She nursed an injured Spike back to health, they fell in love, and then It Got Worse.
- Freudian Trio: It's been speculated that back in the day Spike, Julia and Vicious formed a power trio as the Id, Ego, and Super Ego respectively. Shots in the closing sequence support this.
- Hair of Gold
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- The Gwen Stacy: Julia's death prompts Spike to finally have a showdown with Vicious. It causes a whole lot more death, however, including Spike's. Maybe.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Killed Off for Real
- Kill the Cutie
- The Kirk
- Love Interest
- Love Redeems: It's thanks to her that Spike didn't end up as rotten as Vicious.
- New Old Flame
- Shallow Love Interest: More or less a Justified Trope, seeing as she doesn't turn up until the second-last episode, and is killed early in the finale.
- Slow Motion Fall
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
Laughing Bull
"Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity..."
Voiced by: Takehiro Koyama (JP), Michael Gregory (EN)
A nomadic shaman on Mars, apparently of Native American descent. Spike and Jet (or "Swimming Bird" and "Running Rock") sometimes go to him for cryptic advice.
- Cool Old Guy
- Fortune Teller: Sort of.
- Magical Native American: The "magical" part is debatable.
- The Nicknamer
Punch and Judy
"Hola, amigos!"
Punch – Voiced by: Tsutomu Tareki (JP), Paul St. Peter (EN)
Judy – Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Lia Sargent (EN)
The hosts of the TV show "Big Shot", which gives information about criminals to bounty hunters.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In the dub, Punch's accent wanders all over the Latin American world. At the end, we learn this was an Invoked Trope - none of those accents were his "real" one.
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: To the two lead puppets in Punch and Judy shows.
Antonio, Carlos, and Jobim
Antonio – Voiced by: Hitoshi Hirao (JP); Kevin Seymour (EN)
Carlos – Voiced by: Toshihiko Nakajima (JP); Steve Kramer (EN)
Jobim – Voiced by: Hiroshi Naka (JP); Kevin Seymour (EN)
Those three old guys in the background, appearing not quite Once an Episode.
Needs Tropes.
Voiced by: Yutaka Nakano (Japanese); John Snyder (English)
Jet's "friend on the force," who (sometimes reluctantly) passes information or warnings to Jet.
Needs Tropes.
Voiced by: Miyuki Ichijō (Japanese); Carol Stanzione (English)
A convenience-store owner on Mars, and a friend of Spike's from before he left the Syndicate. We see her in "Ballad of Fallen Angels" and "The Real Folk Blues", where she dies because she was a friend of Spike's from before he left the Syndicate.
- Death Glare: What her friends get if they call her "Anastasia". (We never see an acquaintance or enemy use her full name, so Berserk Button is conjecture for such cases.)
Needs More Tropes.
Grencia "Gren" Mars Elijah Guo Eckener
"You said that you didn't need comrades, but I'm attached to that word... to the point of tears..."
Voiced by: Kenyuu Horiuchi (JP), Michael Gregory (EN)
Subject of the two-part episode "Jupiter Jazz." Gren fought alongside Vicious on Titan, and considered him a close comrade. As one might expect, this was an unfortunate error in judgment on Gren's part. Spike and Faye encounter him on Jupiter's moon Callisto, where he plays saxophone in a bar called the Rester House.
Vicious took advantage of Gren's friendship to frame him for espionage during the war on Titan, resulting in Gren being sent to prison. While incarcerated, he developed insomnia, and was used as a test subject for an experimental drug which severely imbalanced his hormones, causing him to develop breasts.
Gren posed as a Red-Eye dealer in order to find and confront Vicious, which he did while Spike was on Callisto searching for signs of Julia. The resulting confrontation left Gren with mortal injuries, and he died in transit to Titan after asking Spike to help him return there as his last wish.
- Attractive Bent Gender
- Badass Long Hair
- Bishonen
- Blood From the Mouth: When {spoiler|he dies}}.
- Break the Cutie: Vicious broke him something fierce.
- Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie
- Combat Pragmatist: Pretty lethal with his saxophone case.
- Dropped A Bridget On Her: "Which one are you?"
- Improbable Weapon User: Again, he knocked out a man with a saxophone case. (Justified in that a case containing a horn is actually quite heavy.)
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Overly Long Name: Grencia Mars Elijah Guo Eckener.
- Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb: He does it to Vicious.
- Snow Means Death
- Stab the Scorpion: A flashback to Titan shows Vicious doing this one to Gren. Subverted in that, well, Vicious isn't someone you should trust regardless.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Transsexualism
- True Companions: A very important concept to Gren, as he explains to Faye.
Chessmaster Hex
Voiced by: Takeshi Watabe (JP); Michael McCarty (EN)
Subject of the episode "Bohemian Rhapsody". Hex was one of the major designers of the control system of the Hyperspace Gate Project. Fifty years later, his plan to expose security flaws in that system resulted in a bounty being placed on his head.
- The Chessmaster: Both figuratively and literally.
Needs More Tropes.
Tongpu, aka Mad Pierrot
"Let's party!"
Voiced by: Banjo Ginga (JP), Kirk Thornton (EN)
Subject of the episode "Pierrot le Fou", Mad Pierrot is a ruthless Serial Killer who chases down Spike and duels with him in an abandoned amusement park. What he is exactly is only implied, as Spike interrupts the answer and says he doesn't want to know. This just makes the character even more unsettling.
- Ax Crazy
- Acrofatic: He floats.
- Black Cloak
- Bloodbath Villain Origin: Murdered the entire staff of the facility where he was experimented on.
- Evil Laugh
- He Knows Too Much: Will relentlessly hunt down and kill anyone who sees his face.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Is stabbed by Spike with the same knife he threw at him at the beginning of his episode. It causes him to break down and be crushed by one of the park's robots.
- Immune to Bullets: It seems his body has some sort of Energy Shield that protects him from gunfire. It doesn't protect him from knives however.
- Implacable Man: The episode makes very clear that luck was the main factor for Spike being able to defeat him.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Monster Clown
- More Dakka: He stores rocket launchers in his coat.
- My Name Is Not Shazam: While translates to "Mad Pierrot", the French phrase "Pierrot Le Fou" only refers to the title of the episode.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Oh Crap: What you should be saying if you ever see him.
- Playing with Syringes: He's the result.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: The quote above.
- Psychopathic Manchild: The experiments done to him had the side effect of making his mind regress to that of a child. A very fucked up child.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Shout-Out: To both the Penguin and The Joker from Bruce Timm's DC Universe. Also, the background music from his flashback is a remix of On The Run, by Pink Floyd.
- Slasher Smile
- Sword Cane: Has a gun disguised as a baton.
- Weaksauce Weakness: He's afraid of cats because one was in the room where he was subjected to painful experimentation. In his first battle with Spike, a cat distracts him enough for Spike to make his getaway.
- Villainous Breakdown: It hurts! MAMA! IT HUUUURTS!!!
- Walking Armory: He has a ridiculous number of weapons hidden in his coat.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: His backstory and death put him in this territory.
Andy von de Oniyate
Voiced by: Masashi Ebara (JP); Daran Norris (EN)
"Cowboy Andy" is the subject of the episode "Cowboy Funk". He's as good a fighter as Spike, as infamous a bounty hunter as Spike, and as difficult to get along with as Spike. Needless to say, they end up hating each other.
Needs Tropes.
Vincent Volaju
"No one can draw a line between sane and insane."
Voiced by: Tsutomu Isobe (JP), Daran Norris (EN)
The antagonist of the Cowboy Bebop movie (called Knockin' on Heaven's Door in the USA), he's apparently a terrorist hellbent on causing as much destruction as possible, and holds the highest bounty in recorded history on his head (300,000,000 wulongs). As it turns out, he's the sole survivor of a series of experiments during the Titan War, and plans to release the nanomachines which transformed him into a Super Soldier across the world, killing all in Mars.
- Ax Crazy: It's fairly apparent from the get-go that all is not well in the mind of Vincent Volaju.
- Bad Boss: He kills most of his own mooks.
- Badass: In more ways than one. He can actually match Spike in combat!
- Badass Abnormal: A tragic example.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Longcoat
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad: Of the movie.
- Blood Knight: Even if he can, he won't avoid a fight.
- The Chessmaster
- Combat Pragmatist: He has no problem with fighting dirty or killing innocents.
- Creepy Monotone: Vincent never raises his voice.
- Death Seeker
- Determinator
- Evil Counterpart: To Spike, who even admits it during the film's Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Go Out with a Smile
- Leitmotif: "Is it Real?"
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made of Iron
- Mercy Kill: How Electra kills him.
- Mr. Imagination: A particularly dark version.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: "I have no fear of death. It just means dreaming in silence. A dream that lasts for eternity."
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Psychotic Smirk: His default expression.
- Super Soldier
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Vicious.
- Tragic Villain
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: His standard method of dealing with his subordinates.
"Come on Vincent, I did everything you said!"
"Did you say your prayers?"
Electra Ovilo
"Let's go... together."
Voiced by: Ai Kobayashi (JP), Jennifer Hale (EN)
Also from The Movie, Electra is a corporate soldier who has some unknown past connections with Vincent. They were lovers, and she is the only one who carries the cure to the nanomachines he wishes to unleash upon Mars. Seeing as how she was the only who cared for him, she feels she has a duty to help him, and, later, put him out of his misery.
- Action Girl / Hot Amazon: As Spike says, "I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass."
- Deadpan Snarker: To a degree:
Spike: Love the toreador thing. Black pants, red jacket. Nice look.
Electra: The jumpsuit does nothing for you.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: FemShep is rolling with the Bebop crew, now?
- Love Martyr: To Vincent. Almost played literally when she wants herself and Vincent to die together, but Vincent falters at the last moment and lets her kill him.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: She and Vincent have this relationship.