Cowboy Bebop/Funny
- Cowboy Bebop had several moments when not being made of awesome, but for pure, silent character comedy, nothing tops Spike attempting and failing to light his cigarette with a flamethrower in the episode 'Toys in the Attic'.
- And the first episode? With the fight that ended up with Spike kicking someone off him on top of a car? Years have passed and This Troper is still in stitches when she rememebers.
- Pretty much all of 'Cowboy Funk', Unfortunate Implications of the Teddy Bomber aside.
Andy: Now, why don't we drink to me, and my reflection in your lovely eye?
- Next episode:
Brain ScratchAndy's Counterattack.
- Next episode:
- One of the greatest Shaggy Dog Stories ever: after a dangerous and arduous quest to get an appropriate tape player to view a Beta
maxcassette which could contain the answers about Faye's past, it turns out they snatched a VHS player instead. And then a Beta player arrives in the mail anyway. - Did you guys all forget the episode that became the Trope Namer for Mushroom Samba?
- No. Especially that bit with the coffin being run over by a truck.
- Faye: (in "Jupiter Jazz") "Which one are you?!"
- "You sing off-key."
- When this troper was liveblogging "Waltz For Venus", she cracked up when Rocco realizes he's standing next to Piccaro while he's peeing in the bathroom. And then Piccaro's henchmen show up, claiming that they lost Rocco.
- In the same episode; Faye is looking for Piccaro and has a lead. She busts down the door of the apartment of the guy with said lead, and, without skipping a beat, says "I want to know where Piccaro is, a quick answer would be nice." While shoving her gun into his mouth. While he's in bed with and very much on top of his male lover. Bit of a double meaning there, and this is followed up with a second chuckle when he tries to mumble the answer out while her gun is still in his mouth, only for Faye to say, "What was that?" with a confused look on her face.
- Ed taking a nap by unwittingly using Ein as a headpillow. Ein's reaction is priceless.
- This scene from Jamming with Edward:
Spike: You know Jet that there are three things I really hate?
Jet: (disinterested) Really?
Spike: Kids. Animals. Women with attitudes.
(camera switches to outside view, showing a MASSIVE smiley-face spanning across South America)
Jet: I don't know and I have no opinion.
- Jet and Ed pretending to be father and daughter (the latter wearing an adorable pink dress) while trying to get information on a hospital patient. The only thing funnier than Jet's sob story getting the guard in tears, is Ed constantly clinging to Jet while cheering "Papa!"
Ed: (outside the hospital, tugging on Jet's shirt) Papa!
Jet: (Groans in annoyance) Not now.
Ed: Papa!
- Then during the above story.
Guard: She's an unusual child. Is she a girl?
Ed: (Clings to Jet) My Papa!
- The "bimbo" co-host's reaction to abruptly learning, on-air, that her bounty-hunter program has been canceled.
- Spike's closing narration on "Toys in the Attic".
So that's the story. And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge!
- Is that all we have for Cowboy Bebop? Really? Really? Really? How about Mushroom Samba? The crew are inspecting a piece of damaged equipment when Ed looks in.
Ed will help!
- Ed then proceeds to promptly destroy the equipment leading to this reply from Spike.
- Also from Mushroom Samba: The shroom sequences are all amusing, but nothing will ever be as hilarious as Ein hopping around like a wind-up toy dog.
- The next episode has the crew discover a video about Faye, so they take it to an absolute nut job of an old movie fan, which would be funny enough. When the video doesn't work however Spike kicks the video player, destroying it in the process and absolutely freaking out the store owner.
- The part of Ganymede Elegy where Spike's statement about how not all women are like Faye is immediately proven right by Ed.
Faye: Ya know, [Jet's] kidding himself if he thinks his old girlfriend still carries a torch for him.
Spike: And you're kidding yourself if you think every woman's like you. They're not, ya know.
Ed: Duty calls! 3 o'clock tea!
- Faye Scowls.*
- Almost every next episode preview in the English dub is hilarious. Especially when they feature Ed, and especially when they feature some wangsty musing by one of the crew, which someone immediately lampshades.
- The Bebop's crew reacting towards Meifa in Boogie Woogie Feng Shui.
Ed: Are you his girlfriend?