Christian Humber Reloaded/Characters
The "hero" of CHR. Most of the story involves him killing things or gaining new powers, occasionally at the same time.
- Anti-Hero: Type V. He sometimes fights evil people and isn't completely devoid of altruistic qualities, but he does far too many terrible things and enjoys causing harm too much to qualify as anything else.
- Artificial Limbs: He gets a robotic arm in Part 1 after his first fight with Corrupted Blade. Shortly before that, the Magun fuses to one of his arms.
- The Atoner: At times, as it's implied he turned himself in to the police out of regret for killing Soku and her loved ones, and he decides to atone for killing a dragon by bursting from his belly.
- Author Avatar
- Big Badass Wolf: He starts as this before his Heinz Hybrid nature kicks in later.
- Blood Knight
- Clear My Name: In Part 1, he's framed for killing civilians by Corrupted Blade, forcing him to testify in court. The webcomic adaptation portrays this as taking place in the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney courtroom.
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Killing Soku and all her friends and family because she turned him in to the police.
- After he gets shot in the shoulder after accidentally teleporting to the Super Bowl, he kills 6 million people just to prove a point about how dangerous angry Horteka are.
- Dual-Wielding: Keyblades and gatling guns.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Comedic example in the webcomic, in which he says the webcomic author "sound(s) like an ASSHOLE" for making fun of the author and the fanfic. Not long afterward, the webcomic author had to stop because of complaints from the Humber family.
- Fan Nickname: "Vashblade" or "Bladevash" seem to be the most popular.
- Friend to All Children: At times, shows a soft spot for children, like when he plays with some, but is not above killing them (like with Soku) or threatening to kill them (when he threatens to kill a boy if he reports his presence or if he does not bring him food while he's in hiding).
- Fusion Dance: He can bodily combine with other characters to gain their powers, but he can also fuse his swords together, and later on he learns how to combine his various "sides" and their respective Super Modes.
- Gatling Good: Uses two against the "snobs".
- Go Nagai Sideburns: In the webcomic.
- Heinz Hybrid: Hoo boy. He's part wolf, part Saiyan, part demon, part Horketa, part dragon,
- Designated Heroes Prefer Swords: He inexplicably masters the ability to use a sword during his Training from Hell early on, and amasses quite the collection throughout the story.
- How Do I Shot Web?: After suddenly transforming into a dragon, he's forced to hide until he learns how to control his new powers.
- I Have Many Names: Fluffy, Vash, Blade, Blade Dragonfang, Humber
- Lolicon: His only on-screen love interest is Soku.
- The Magnificent: His titles include "Angel of Death", "God of Destruction" and "Chaos Hunter."
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Killing Le-Hung-Doe instead of capturing him leads to the Ying-Yang War.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
- Not Me This Time: He has caused several massacres of large numbers of innocent people, but has also been framed for a few such incidents.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In the webcomic.
- Super Mode(s): Several, such as his Super Saiyan mode, dragon form, and several that are achieved by using his powers together.
- Theme Music Power-Up: He can invoke this at any time by 'setting' one of a number of real-life songs.
- Unstoppable Rage: Succumbs to this several times.
Spin The Hedgehog
He's... pretty much like Sonic the Hedgehog. Seriously, there doesn't appear to be any difference between him and the canon Sonic.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: He gets possessed by Chaos temporarily, but it happens off-screen and he's recovered from it by the time we see him again.
- Captain Ersatz: Guess.
A dragon with the ability to control the seasons.
- Big Eater
- Balloon Belly
- Elemental Powers
- Heinz Hybrid: Like his brother, Vashblade, Season Bringer also has Saiyan and wolf heritage
- Informed Ability: It's stated that he keeps the seasons in balance, but he never actually does anything related to it on-screen.
- Meaningful Name: Subverted, see Informed Ability above.
- Our Dragons Are Different: They seem to be able to change size, have fantastical powers, and males can become pregnant.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: In Part 2, he forges an Infinity+1 Sword that can split into three lesser swords. He also makes a device that can capture and convert rogue dragons, so he may have a Gadgeteer Genius streak as well.
- Your Size and/or Weight May Vary: Infamously, he starts at 60,000 feet long, gets bigger, then inexplicably shrinks enough to fit inside a hospital or the co-pilot seat of a presumably small spacecraft. He's also stated to weigh 900,000,000,000,000,000 tons.
A half-megalodon half-man introduced near the end. Like Vashblade, he's been heavily experimented on.
- BFG: He carries around weapons as big as he is, and he's 12 feet tall.
- Cyborg: Almost all of his body is artificial; the only organic parts left are his brain, spinal cord and balls.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Arguable, as just as Vash starts powering up, Chridon admits defeat, and Vash passes out.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Subverted. After Vashblade gets to know him, he turns out to be a pretty nice guy.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half-megalodon, half-human.
- Ho Yay: With Vashblade.
- Fragile Speedster: Only compared to Vashblade; he's a Lightning Bruiser otherwise.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's faster than Vashblade and comparably strong.
- Neck Lift: Employs one on Vash.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Shoulder Cannon
A nebulous force of evil with no clear goal besides possessing people and causing chaos.
- Demonic Possession: Does this to Vashblade for a while in Part 1, though he eventually breaks free. It also possesses Spin off-screen.
- In Name Only: Chaos in this story doesn't seem to be much more than a bunch of demons led by generic "dark gods". The traditional Chaos Gods aren't mentioned at all.
- Unexplained Recovery: A common theme for the villains; they come back from being sealed, being totally destroyed and various other maladies several times each. Possibly lampshaded when Vashblade mentions killing a 'dark god' for the 900th time.
Corrupted/Chaos Blade
An evil(-er) version of Blade created by Chaos.
- Blood Knight: He exists to fight and kill Vashblade.
- Evil Knockoff
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Unexplained Recovery: He comes back more times than any other villain.
- The Voiceless
- Worthy Opponent: Vashblade enjoys sparring with him every once in a while.
A demonic being who first appears during the Ying-Yang War of Part 2. He becomes one of Vashblade's recurring foes, and the only one to die permanently before the climax.
- ...And Show It to You: Twice.
- Colonel Badass: He leads an army of demons in his first attack against Vashblade, and an army of humans on both of his assaults on the Arctic volcano.
- Combat Pragmatist: Again, he leads an army of demons against one guy (against Vashblade, but still), and he uses paralysis spells to disable Vashblade.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: At one point, he gets sent to Heaven, which is 'hell for demons'.
- Good Hurts Evil
- Killed Off for Real
- One-Winged Angel: He employs a "demon form" when he gets serious against Vashblade.
- Clipped-Wing Angel: It doesn't help.
- Unexplained Recovery: In one case, he comes back barely a sentence after Vashblade specifically cut him up into pieces and destroys him completely. Also subverted, in that he actually dies.
- The Voiceless
The President
The President of the United States, who apparently started the experiment that got Vashblade captured in the first place.
- Big Bad: Possibly.
- The Chessmaster: Again, possibly.
- Deal with the Devil: He summons Chaos when Vashblade bursts into the Oval Office.
- I Need You Stronger: Part of the reason he summoned Chaos was to test Vashblade's abilities.
- For the Evulz: The other reason was because he knew it's piss Vashblade off.
- Non-Action Big Bad: Goes down fairly easily.
Vashblade's brother. Not technically a villain, as he's brainwashed for his first two appearances. He dies in every appearance.
A little girl that loves Vashblade for some reason. She may be the same character as a little girl who appears near the beginning of Part 1.
- Love At First Sight: Assuming she's not the same as the other little girl, she just walks up to Vashblade one day and tells her to stop hurting his Evil Knockoff because she loves him. She regrets this later.
- Only in It For the Money: The reason she betrays Vashblade.
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: The little girl gets killed off by hunters, provoking Vashblade into killing them. Vashblade himself kills her two more times.
- Unexplained Recovery: She comes back at least once, possibly twice if she's the same as the other little girl.
Arctic Wolf Tribe
A tribe of wolves who live in an extinct volcano in the Arctic.