The characters from the anime series Canaan!
Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)
A very badass Action Girl who has quite the connections with Maria Oosawa, having saved her life in the past. She's known both for her skills and her beautiful white hair.
- Action Girl
- Brought Down to Normal: For a short while.
- Cute Bruiser: plays cat's cradle with copper wire.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Sorta.
- The Gunslinger
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- Little Miss Badass
- Locked Into Strangeness
- Sole Survivor: From her Doomed Hometown in the Middle East.
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Due to the UA virus
Maria Oosawa
Voiced by: Yoshino Nanjou (JP), Hillary Haag (EN)
A Japanese photographer who holds quite the fascination with the girl who saved her in the past, and longs to meet her again. Her work in Shanghai might give her the chance...
- Damsel in Distress
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Scoop
- Idiot Hair
- The Messiah
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Canaan, tomboy to her twin sister Hitomi.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: In the Shibuya game, she was forcibly infected with the UA virus and, as a side effect of the experience, she can't fully remember what went on back then... like when she met Alphard.
- Twin Switch: The Shibuya games had her doing this to save Hitomi, the sort-of MacGuffin Girl of the game.
Alphard Alshua
Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (JP), Lesley Pedersen (EN)
The main villain of the series and titular character's nemesis. This woman, who is equal parts beautiful and deadly, is the leader of terrorist organisation Snake.
- Alliterative Name
- Arch Enemy: To Canaan.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Bare Your Midriff: Her standard outfit consists of a bandeau under a Badass Longcoat
- Big Bad
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Counterpart
- For the Lulz: no other motives are mentioned
- Lack of Empathy
- Onee-Sama: To Liang Qi the sentiment is not mutual
- Playing Against Type: Maaya Sakamoto is not known for playing characters like this.
- That Woman Is Dead: She's neither Sadaka nor Canaan anymore, thank you very much.
Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (JP), Andrew Love (EN)
Canaan's mentor and adoptive father. Also was this to a girl named Sadaka... who would kill him later. And then she'd use her real name: Alphard.
- The Obi-Wan
- Parental Substitute: For Canaan, having taken her in after her whole hometown fell victim to the UA virus except for her.
- Spirit Advisor
Minoru Minorikawa
Voiced by: Kenji Hamada (JP), David Matranga (EN)
Maria's partner and friend, and another character coming from the Shibuya game.
- Cooldown Hug: To Hakko, after Santana's death. While it stops her from shooting everyone else, it's not enough to bring her back from the Despair Event Horizon.
- Hot-Blooded
- Intrepid Reporter
- Non-Action Guy
- Platonic Life Partners: To Maria.
Liang Qi
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka (JP), Jessica Boone (EN)
Alphard's Number Two, a merciless and cruel Chinese hitwoman who idolizes her.
- Attention Whore: Understatement of the year.
- Ax Crazy
- Cute and Psycho - Sometimes, especially with her chibi avatar. Liang is every type of crazy actually.
- Dragon Lady: Sort-of.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: She tried to give herself synasthesia by swallowing Ua virus capsules... and it backfires HORRIBLY.
- Jerkass: And how.
- Love Makes You Crazy: Her devotion to Alphard makes her completely unhinged.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Mistress and Servant Boy: She poses as Cumming's Sexy Secretary, but that's just a cover. Cumming is her subordinate, in reality, and she mistreats him a LOT.
- Playing Against Type: One of the few villainess roles for Tanaka-san, too.
- Psycho Lesbian: Hooo Leee Sheeeeeeet!
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Horrifyingly subverted. Her hair turns white when she consumes the Ua virus, but by then she's anything but pretty due to the terrible effects on the rest of her body.
- Zettai Ryouki: Grade B.
Yunyun (Song Yun Mi)
Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu (JP), Serena Varghese (EN)
A girl from the slums who follows Maria around. Actually a spy under the employ of Liang Qi.
- A-Cup Angst: She keeps stuffing her shirt with whatever she can find.
- Anime Chinese Girl
- Blessed with Suck: Her Borner mutation is... having *two* appendixes. Really. But well, compared to Hakko or others, she almost got easy off it. Except, of course, for needing meds and having to work with Liang Qi for it.
- The Chew Toy
- Cute Little Fangs
- Heel Face Turn: Not that she was really evil to begin with.
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Plucky Girl: Specially when she saves Maria's life in the end.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Subverted: it's more of a cover than anything.
Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa (JP), Andy McAvin (EN)
The lead of a company named Daedala, which is a cover for Alphard's group. In reality he's little more than a puppet as well as Liang Qi's subordinate and punching bag.
- Anti-Villain: The most "moral" of the trio he forms with Liang Qi and Alphard
- Beleaguered Assistant: To Liang Qi, who's quite frankly insane, and takes the brunt of most of her abuse, too.
- The Chew Toy: His abuse at the hands of Liang Qi is mostly Played for Laughs.
- Until he has to Shoot the Dog in episode 11.
- Love Martyr: He's very in love with Liang Qi, but she mocks and beats him.
- The Mourning After: Becomes a monk after Liang Qi's death and Alphard's disappearance.
- Stockholm Syndrome: He ends up enjoying Liang Qi's beatdowns.
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP), Leraldo Anzaldua (EN)
The owner of a karaoke bar in Shanghai, who offers solace and protection to Borners and others with the help of the waitress Hakko. Also, a former CIA agent who was one of the architects behind the UA virus test
- Anguished Declaration of Love: As he lays dying he not only assures Hakko that it's not her fault, but asks her to tell him that she loves him.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Literally, he is most commonly seen in a pink shirt.
- The Atoner: As a CIA agent, he was one of the main actors behind the UA virus test that wiped out Hakko's village. Hence why he took her in. Tried to retire to a peaceful life running a karaoke bar, but his conscience gets the better of him and he ends up pursuing proper atonment, to his death.
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: Damn it, Liang Qi. And poor Hakko, too!
- Team Dad
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Emily Neves (EN)
The waitress of Santana's karaoke bar, she seems to be mute. She's kind and sweet and a little childlike, and Minoru seems to have a crush on her.
- Adult Child: Kinda.
- Break the Cutie: Cuties of all kinds are broken here, but Hakko takes the cake,
- Kill the Cutie: So much that she ends up getting a half-squicky, half-heartwretching Death by Despair ending.
- Brown Note: The real reason why she doesn't talk. Her Borner power resides in her voice, which releases lethal and very powerful waves; it can cause brain damage on those who hear it, and destroy any buildings/materials/etc. in her surroundings.
- Despair Event Horizon: Reaches it when she's tricked into killing her beloved Santana.
- I Love the Dead: In a scene that's both squicky and tragic, she gets very close to Santana's lifeless body.
- I Owe You My Life: To Santana.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Sole Survivor.
Yuri Natsume
Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (JP), Kaytha Coker (EN)
Canaan's boss and informant, as well as an acquaintance of Santana.
- Hot Scientist
- The Mole: Of the Defense Intelligence Headquarters.
- She's Got Legs: Very much so.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Kenji Oosawa
Voiced by Atsushi Ono
Maria's father, and a well-known scientist. Who created the cure for the Ua virus.
Jin the Taxi Driver
Voiced by: Joji Nakata (JP), Rob Mungle (EN)
A certain taxi driver who bumps into Maria and Minoru sometimes.
- Badass Driver and Drives Like Crazy
- Expy: Of Kimizuka, the driver from the Shibuya game.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham
- Real Men Wear Pink: And sing along with J-Pop songs!
- Except that he wears red.