Brave New World (fanfic)/Characters
Characters for the Pokemon fanfic Brave New World. Not to be mistaken with the novel of the same name.
Team Aurabolt
Ash Ketchum reincarnated as a Lucario, although he maintains memories of his past life as a human. He is leader of the rescue team Team Aurabolt with his brother Pikachu.
- Acrophobic Bird: One of the running gags is that he keeps forgetting he is immune to poison.
- Adorkable: He's a dim, nieve, and impulsive leader. He is also incredibly nice, honourable and does his best to care for his team.
- Badass: Capable of curb stomping an entire barbarian army on his own.
- Berserk Button: Simply looking at Oblivion's Shadow. This is one of the worst possible things that can happen.
- Butt Monkey: Tends to have shades of this from time to time, from having an Aura technique backfire upon him, turning his hair pink, to being body swapped with Tiny and repeatedly subjected to Manaphy's water attacks.
- Cannot Spit It Out: This is a reoccurring problem with him and Misty.
- The Chosen One: The general consensus of him by the gods and several others. specficially a kind of Super Soldier created from the spiritual level by Arceus to fight the First Evil in case it ever got out. The original series (yes ALL of it) was a training excercise to give him fighting experience and a Chronic Hero Syndrome.
- It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: The general consensus of him and those who know what the role truly means. fight the First Evil and clean up the legendaries' messes until it comes out of its can. It also means putting everything else in his life on hold when those two things happen.
- Cosmic Plaything: He has this opinion of himself but its more like he's the Cosmic Go-To-Guy for any problems the legendaries have.
- Despair Event Horizon: Suffered a tremendous one in the backstory after most of his True Companions were horrifically killed by one thing or another during Lord Null's final attack that led him to become a Person of Mass Destruction. Everyone around him wants to prevent this from happening again, as the more he recovers his memories by finding the Macguffins of the story, the more he comes screaming back to another one. He himself advocates killing him to prevent him from becoming a Void Pokemon.
- Dysfunction Junction: As the story goes on and Ash's underlying mental instabilities resurface, he and his team starting sliding more into this. Most poignantly, he was responsible for destroying the world in his past life.
- Enemy Within: There is a Zombie!Misty in his mind eggging him into paranoia and despair. She's his guilt from his past life taken on a life of its own.
- Honor Before Reason: Up to Eleven, he has honor in his genes, like the rest of his species.
- Hurting Hero: So, so much. It's not enough that he watched everyone and everything important to him get brutally annihilated in his past, but add in the fact that Oblivion's Shadow is implying that his very existence is as a result of him, the person who was responsible for said destruction, and that he could easily turn into an unstoppable force of chaos with enough trauma, (of which he has no short supply off).
- Indy Ploy: An advocate of making up the plan as you go.
- Lightning Bruiser: Hit hard, hits fast, and he's the most amazingly agile member of the group.
- Made of Iron: He is a Steel Type after all, and it's implied that his experience as a fighter has escalated his capacity for this.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Suffers two at the hands of Paul and Oblivion's Shadow respectively.
- Parental Substitute: For Tiny, Junior, Collete and Sapphire.
- Person of Mass Destruction: When he becomes a Void Pokemon.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Oblivion's Shadow can provoke them, which can easily lead to the above trope.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: His shadow/void persona. Unusual for the trope, its only been used once in the main narrative and everyone from Ash himself the Big Good to the Big Bad doesn't want it to happen again.
- Simple Staff: Aquires a traditional aura guardian staff in Barbedo's grottle and uses it to great effect.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Never shows any interest in anyone but his not-girlfriend Misty.
Ash's adoptive brother. A skilled Master Swordsman who has inherited an ancestral sword, dating all the way back to its creator Raikou. The Only Sane Man in the team.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Pikachu suffers from this, leading to funny results when he is proven wrong.
- Badass: Considering the guy is a Samurai with a legendary blade that has been fused with the lightning of Raikou and Zapdos? Yeah, he's gonna be one.
- Chaste Hero: Not interested in relationships and is actually uncomfortable with his arrangement with Dawn.
- Cool Sword: Wields a legendary katana that's renowned worldwide, forged from Thunderbolt Iron by forgotten smiths and infused with the power of the gods Zapdos and Raikou.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": His name is Pikachu, which is weird in this world, as most people have their own name.
- Family tradition. He has to earn his own name first.
- Fan Boy: Of the pokerockers. Even ultra-otaku Leo was embarrassed.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: His entire family legacy is based solely on the blade, Thunderfang.
- Honor Before Reason: Inverted despite being a samurai as he takes it upon himself to be the 'reasonable' one of the group, especially in relation to Ash and Leo.
- Only Sane Man: Of Team Aurabolt. This becomes a problem when one of his teammates is Leo.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: With Dawn.
- Samurai: Of a long family line of samurai.
- Twitchy Eye: This becomes his running gag once Leo joins the team.
- What Did I Do Last Night?: With Dawn.
A nerdy and fat but intelligent Squirtle who becomes the first new member. He inherits his undead father's Cool Shades and carries a Chekhov's Armory in his shell.
- Adorkable: The biggest nerd in the entire team, by FAR.
- Ascended Fanboy: Leo. Full Stop. He spent his entire life so far playing games, reading books, watching shows etc about heroic adventures, pirates, ninjas and magical girls. Now he's a heroic adventurer, travels with pirates and a ninja, and has a Cute Witch for a girlfriend.
- Badass Bookworm: Leo once he works off some basement fat -- even before then, he managed to beat the crap out of Ash via Confusion Fu.
- Awesome By Analysis: His fighting can be boiled down to: use shades/knowledge and then Attack Its Weak Point.
- Butt Monkey: He's also the one that gets the most comical injuries.
- Catch Phrase: "Yatta!" is his official one. His unofficial one is "Talking Is a Free Action".
- Cool Shades: Which function as a Pokedex and a few other things. In fact, it's what his family is known for.
- Chekhov's Armory: He has one in his shell. A Running Gag is the cast's reactions to all the werid shit he has stuffed in there 'because he might need it someday.' A short list includes: Every game console ever made, a mirror, a laptop, diapers, a holy relic, heart medication, a hang glider and a parachute (depending on how far away the ground is) and the costume he uses in his guise as a cultist nun. Most of them have been useful.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He genuinely comes off as being mildly insane at times, and he thinks the world follows the same rules as the entirety of the TV Tropes database and JRP Gs in general.
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: And, of course, it does. See Genre Savvy.
- Crazy Prepared: In addition to his Chekhov's Armory he has gigabytes of information on countless subjects from anime to medicine to martial arts to fictional languages. Pikachu challenged him to a duel of hyptothetical situations and lost.
- Gangsta Style: Abused to hell and back in the Tournament Arc as part of his disguise; he periodically tries again afterwards only for his disgruntled team mates to make him stop.
- Genre Savvy: To put it mildly. He guessed Dawn's entire backstory based on the fact that she's a ninja, and knew Ash and Pikachu's quest before they told him. He's predicted most of the plot twists. He quotes and even puts to example multiple Tropes.
- Deadpan Snarker: Usually delivered this way.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Leo can fly / run a train car through a Bullet Hell without taking a scratch because he beat Touhou on Ultra mode.
- However he learned how to hack Nilihator computers by hacking government ones in his spare time.
- Immortality Seeker: He fully intends to live forever, and given the resources avaliable to him in this setting, he's likely to pull it off.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Large Ham: Part of being an Ascended Fanboy is acting the part, complete with dramatic statements, fanfare, and Calling Your Attacks, or calling them for others.
- Legacy Character: He thinks he's one of these, both in trying to live up to his warrior father's example and his namesake, as he was named over a local expy of Leonardo the Ninja Turtle and takes that as an inspiration.
- Lovable Nerd
- Meta Guy: Running Gag
- The Rival: With Chobin, and still doesn't take it seriously.
- Science Hero: He's extremely good at making gadgets and devices out of available stuff, rivals and outwits master Mad Scientist Dr. Tarantulas, and he himself borders on a mad scientist in his own right.
- Playful Hacker: Because hacking into a game developer's computer is as much fun as the game itself, especially since you can modify the game to suit your own interests.
- Weak but Skilled: Holds his own in battle despite a lack of trainning and basement fat due to his impressive knowledge and Chekhov's Armory.
A cute but traumatised mute Larvitar who was reduced to silence after a terrifying childhood. His aura is impregnable until Ash and the rest of Team Aurabolt warms up to him. Recently evolved into a Pupitar.
- Ambigious Disorder: While Leo points out in his introduction that his brain chemistry shows no evidence of autism or similar traits, his early behavior is very much identical to a severely autistic person with a massive chip on their shoulder.
- Badass Adorable: He's cute, tiny and will fuck you up if you threaten his True Companions.
- Cute Mute
- Has Two Daddies: Tiny, who's still trying to figure out the specifics of T-Bone and Ash both being his father, the former married to his mother, the latter not quite there with his respective womon, and exactly what family arrangement he's supposed to be shooting for.
- Happily Adopted: By Ash.
- The Voiceless: Was this before being purified.
A wild Absol from the mountains and an on-and-off member of Team Aurabolt. She has No Social Skills and works for Darkrai.
- Badass: Just like the rest of Team Aurabolt.
- Cool Old Lady
- Don't Fear the Reaper: She works for Darkrai, i.e. Death, and is actually unnerved when he says that her priestess robes make her immortal.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Sees nothing wrong with eating her dead enemies.
- Spider Sense: Like all Absol she can sense danger but there's a catch. She can't tell what kind of danger it is. She can only put her feeling on a scale of two values: probability that something bad will happen and severity of what will happen.
- No Social Skills: Wild pokemon, not big on manners. She sees them as being entirely pointless as well.
A Misdreavus and abused daughter of Bellum. She eventually has a Heel Face Turn encouraged by Ash, proving she is a powerful witch.
- Berserk Button: When she sees Bellum savagely wound Fantina, the one person who acted like a true mother to her, she SNAPS.
- Calling the Old Man Out: She gives an utterly spectacular one to Bellum during the fight with her.
- Cute Witch
- Emotionless Girl: Lily can be considered this. She HAS emotions, but her incredibly traumatic upbringing has left her extremely confused on how to deal with or recognize them.
- Fisher King: The mood and wishes of the dutchess affects the physical condition of the Yukihime estate, which, now that she has accepted her inheritance, is her.
- Imaginary Friend: Someone called 'B' hangs out in her head and gives her emotional support and guidance. Originally her only friend before the Heel Face Turn.
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: 'B' was not created by Lily's mind. She's actually Latias' daughter Bea.
- The Ingenue: Played with. While she's not in the least sheltered and has done horrific things, she's naive about life beyond a witch's minion and still possesses the same sense of gentleness and innocence.
- Little Miss Badass
- Evil Witch's Beautiful Daughter: Daughter of a major antagonist but defects to the good guys with help from The Hero. Also subverted, as The Smart Guy was the first to notice that she was actually a good person and he's the one she falls in love with.
- Nice Hat
- Its also a Magic Hat where she stores her Spell Book and Hammerspace.
- Ojou: Heir to the Yukihime family estate (because her mother and older sister were banished) which includes status, land, and magical power. She only cares about the later to protect her real family and doesn't give a shit about her heritage.
- Tyke Bomb: Not quite as a weapon, but a summoning catalyst
A Badass Grandpa Metang who has a personal grudge against the Nihilators after they killed his beloved wife Peeko, a Wingull.
- A Fate Worse Than Death: What he did to Archie
- Badass: He's based on Whitebeard. Do the math.
- Badass Grandpa: Oldest character in the main group and more badass than all of them.
- The Captain: This is what he's called before being properly introduced and he reminds everyone of their (significantly lower) place while on his ship.
- Cool Ship: He made over a dozen pre-series, and all but one got blown up pre-series.
- Expy: Of Whitebeard.
- Eye Scream: Removed his own eye and replaced it with his dead wife's to remind him of his life mission.
- Good Is Not Nice: Briney.
Briney: "…Leo, this is me we're talking about, I don't do nice.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Briney fights with old fashioned brawling with Psychic mind crush throw in.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Briney regularly uses his psychic powers to intrude on people's thoughts...and sometimes upon the omniscient narration of their thoughts.
How did he keep getting himself into these situations?
Briney: Because you have a big mouth and don't think before talking.
Leo: You don't have to constantly be reading our minds, you know.
- Made of Iron: Yes. He is a steel type. A Steel type that can pull off using Explosion repeatedly.
- Mangst: Briney, again. He suffers from paranoia and loneliness so severe he fears they'll overwhelm his sanity. But you will never ever EVER hear him whine about it.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: There was a reason the Nihilators saw him as a #1 priority to exterminate.
A recurring ninja who eventually joins Team Aurabolt, becoming Pikachu's loyal servant (and more)..
- An Ice Person
- Composite Character: Of Sadic (Pikachu's lover in Latias' Journey) and Dawn's Buneary
- Happiness in Slavery: Much to Pikachu's dismay she's quite happy being his vassal.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: She will do anything her master asks of her. For instance, killing one of his teammates for being annoying. Fortunately for her, her masters are one of the few benevolent deities and a samurai.
- Ninja
- The Fettered: The most important thing to her is her ninja code, personal honor, etc. Everything else, including her own physical well being, is second.
- To Be Lawful or Good: While she is a good person at her core, she clings tighter to rules than anyone else in the main party. She has done, and will do again, any manner of Dirty Business to uphold her oath and orders.
- The Voiceless: Her vocal cords were cut as a baby so she talks with clicks.
Oblivion's Shadow
Leader of the Nihilators and the Big Bad of the fanfic. A masked figure who floats above the ground, Oblivion's Shadow wishes to release the imprisoned demons trapped beneath the mysterious door under Treasure Town. Implied to be related to Ash and may have been a catalyst in the world's previous destruction.
- Big Bad: The leader of the Nihilators and the one the heroes fight again.
- Dark Messiah: For Giratina. His subordinates also have this opinion of him.
- Despair Event Horizon: Stated to have crossed this a very long time ago, and even references The Killing Joke when he reveals this.
- Evil Plan: Destroy the world or something similarly evil. at least first. Later on it seems he has something more well-intentioned going on.
- Large and In Charge: He's about the size of a human; given the size of most Pokemon, this lets him tower over many of his subordinates.
- The Faceless: His mask only shows the person speaking to him. He also speaks in their voice.
- Mind Rape: A specialty of his in general, and most explicitly the effects of the Anti-Life Equation.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Partly subverted, but he realized what he did when trying to get Gardevoir to give up the rebels was utterly irredeemable, and that he might well be at fault for how she was acting, epically freaking out over it. Though it did partially turn into an Ignored Epiphany, he was made to confront some awful truths about his operation.
- Psychic Powers
- Villainous Breakdown: Implied as he talks to a possible illusion of his dead mother.
- In chapter 59, it got even worse for him. Possible Illusion Mom left him, and he saw that he might not actually be the Big Bad and that his actions might well be predetermined and planned by something else. He did not take it well. He could not even get angry after his scenes with Gardevoir.
- You Have Failed Me...: He kills those who fail him. Mostly. The ones he doesn't wish he did.
Doctor Tarantulas
The Mad Scientist of the Nihilators, Dr. Tarantulas is a corrupt scientist and associate of Professor Oak. He enjoys experimenting on his test subjects, builds giant mechs, and has a complex relationship with his assistant Chobin.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: In a very surprising twist with Chobin. The very thought of Chobin calling him a monster (when he gained a concious) hurt him deeply, not to mention what he does to the rest of the Chobin clones after he fails his mission drives Tarantulas to even further madness. Hell, one of the main worries he has now is losing Chobin forever. It reaches very quickly into Ho Yay territory.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Cyborg
- Herr Doktor
- Humongous Mecha: Has plenty of these.
- Mad Scientist
- Noodle Incident: Why he became a Complete Monster, we don't know. Understandably, he's not talking.
- Torture Technician
Crazy assistant to Dr. Tarantulas. Becomes Squirtle's rival. Has a tendency to die a lot, so Dr. Tarantulas created endless clones of him.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Depraved Bisexual
- Enfante Terrible
- Expy: Of Chobin from Pokémon Colosseum.
- Faux Affably Evil: Emphasis on "Evil."
- My God, What Have I Done?: Occurs at one point when Oblivion's Shadow gives him a conscience. Of course, Tarantulas warps his mind again afterwards.
- By using a drill.
- Opening a Can of Clones
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil.
- Super Powered Competent Side: The sight/sound of Leo drives Chobin to one of his personalities, Arakaiser. In this form, he's smarter, stronger, and even more dangerous than Tarantulas
- The Rival: With Leo.
- Too Dumb to Live: There's a reason Tarantulus needs clones.
- Too Kinky to Torture: He's kinkier than you can imagine.
A sadistic witch and mother of Lily and Marianne. She planned to use Lily to summon Giratina from within the Door.
- Abusive Parent: That's putting it mildly. To put in in perspective Lily's very conception was made to be a tool for abuse.
- An Ice Person: She's a Froslass after all.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: One of her greatest joys and her largest hobby. Her fortress is said to have thousands of Mind Raped, skinless, frozen victims.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Wicked Witch
Bellum's other daughter and Lily's sister. Seems quite loyal and obidient to her mother, and speaks only with "Bzzbzz".
- Ax Crazy
- Cain and Abel: Cain to Lily's Abel.
- The Dragon: To Bellum.
- Shock and Awe
- Verbal Tic: "Bzzbzzbzz".
A treacherous ex-ninja who was Dawn's best friend before he betrayed her and killed all of the ninjas in their home to gain immortality.
- An Ice Person: Not as bad as Bellum though.
- The Berserker
- Dirty Coward: And how. His Start of Darkness was his fear of death. Afterwards he dished out pain without reserve, but then Dawn gave him reason to fear again and he shyed away from battle.
- Immortality : Until Dawn gets rid of it
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: To a near nightmarish level with Ash.
- He takes one himself when Palmer unleashes his ultimate technique on him
- One-Winged Angel: His hyper mode, which explicitly resembles the Shredder.
The Legendary Birds
Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno appear as unrepentent Complete Monsters. Often squabbling amonst themselves, these three are working with the Nihilators For the Evulz, traumatised by their experiences in the Crisis Wars. They also happen to be Ash's number one enemies for murdering his friends and mother in the previous world.
- An Ice Person: Articuno.
- Big Badass Birds of Prey
- The Corruption: The attacks of their Hyper Modes.
- Eldritch Abomination: All three, before and after they become Shadow Pokémon. They then perform a Fusion Dance and turn into the almighty Maelstrom.
- We Used to Be Friends: With each other and with Lugia. The Crisis Wars made them the monsters they are in the main narrative.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning
- For the Evulz: Inherited from their past lives where they constantly fought each other and then killed Ash's friends and mother.
- Fusion Dance: Into Maelstrom.
- Killed Off for Real: To the point that they cannot be reincarnated, and return to Arceus' soul.
- Olympus Mons
- Playing with Fire: Moltres.
- Shock and Awe: Zapdos.
The monstrous Monkey King who wishes to destroy Pokemon Square. Curb Stomped to death by Charla.
- The Social Darwinist: The strong rule the weak in his opinion. Naturally he believes this because he is the strongest and seeks great power from the Nihilators.
- Killed Off for Real: Yes, Aaron along with some others do kill him, but overall he really has no-one to blame but himself.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Gal's emotional blackmail using Charla as a hostage doesn't end too well.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Team Auraforce takes great joy in systematically destroying his philosophy in front of his very eyes.
- Kirk Summation: Not only do they beat him up, they refute his philosopy.
The insane admiral of the Nihilators, Manaphy seeks revenge on Ash for not saving May after the destruction of Earth previously, enslaving his own mother Kyogre as his slave.
- Anticlimax Boss: Despite being a legendary he's really a pushover.
- Creepy Child
- Face Heel Turn: Turned evil after blaming Ash for abandoning him and not saving May when Earth was previously destroyed.
- Death Equals Redemption: Reborn as an egg and ends up in the care of the reincarnated May.
- Freaky Friday Flip: Manaphy swaps all of the bodies of Team Aurabolt to disable them in combat.
- Insane Admiral
- Killed Off for Real
- Making a Splash
The infamous Killer Game Master from Latias' Journey, back now as a reality warping demon guarding a fortress that contains the key to Tiama's lair. He remembers his encouters with Ash, Pikachu and Leo in his past life and becomes a major villain, but has yet to cross paths with Oblivion's Shadow.
- All Powerful Bystander
- Ax Crazy
- Giant Flyer: Unleashed Leviathan and utilises her for transport.
- Joker Immunity: Like his previous self, Mewgle refuses to die. He survives in the form of a clown nose, and thanks to Bellum, nearly reincarnates through Meowth but gets his own body back.
- Killer Game Master
- Reality Warper: Often does this to play deadly games with opponents.
- The Rival: To Leo, as promised a millennia ago.
Implied to be the Bigger Bad of the story. A traitor to Arceus, Giratina was imprisoned along with countless other demons in the Door beneath Treasure Town. However, Oblivion's Shadow and Bellum plan to release her at some point.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Turned evil because she believed Arceus loved Mew more than her.
- Bigger Bad: Hasn't done anything since being sealed but is the motivation behind Bellum's actions.
- Casting a Shadow
- Eldritch Abomination
- Physical God
- Sealed Evil in a Can: More like sealed within Hell via a door under Treasure Town.
- The Starscream: Turned traitor believing Arceus loved Mew more than he loved her, leading her to become the Ruler of Evil's second-in-command.
The Ruler of Evil
A Manipulative Bastard with incredbile powers of simple persuasion, the Ruler of Evil kicked off the Crisis War after turning endless people into demons and promising them eternal freedom from any form of law or control. He also built a massive reality-consuming planet called the Gaiavore which he planned to become the omniverse itself. Defeated by Latias, Rayquaza, and The Power of Love weapon created by Arceus. Imprisoned in the Abyss with Giratina.
- Bigger Bad
- Dark Messiah
- Eldritch Abomination: The Ruler of Evil, and Gaiavore - a living, growing, reality-consuming planet made up of two more abominations named MBlock and Missingno, whose life and death cycles kept in perfect balance with each other.
- Evil Overlord
- The Man Behind the Man: Seemingly behind Giratina and the Nihilators.
- Manipulative Bastard: Manipulated the opinions of endless amounts of universes to become his worshippers and then demons, using fake promises of omniversal peace, freedom and love for all if they followed him.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Planet Eater: Gaiavore - make that an entire universe eater!
- The Power of Love: Offered this to his blind followers. Ultimately defeated by true love.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Ultimate Evil: The first evil.
Supporting Characters
There are two Latias in the story. One is the Physical God Guardian of Light and the heroine from the fanfic's prequel. The other is the mortal Latias living on Earth. The guardian Latias possesses the body of the second to guard Pokemon Square, combining the two into one character. Latias is still infatuated with Rayquaza, and has a daughter named Bea.
- Action Girl
- Badass: Just as badass as she was in Latias' Journey.
- Brother-Sister Team
- Demoted To Supporting Character
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Physical God
- Our Dragons Are Different: Being one of the celestial Guardians of the omniverse.
- Psychic Powers
Latias' big brother and Guardian of Hope, also having two selves. He suffers from Big Brother Instinct and disapproves of the mortal Latias' relationship with Rayquaza.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Big Brother Mentor: Not much though since Latias is the more mature of the two of them.
- Brother-Sister Team
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Shows hints of this but is too kind to do anything on that scale.
- Physical God: The Guardian of Hope.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Same as Latias.
- Psychic Powers
Rayquaza / Bagon
There are two Rayquaza in the fanfic - the Dragon God King and the guardian Latias' mate (currently missing), and the mortal Dragon King who has a crush on the mortal Latias. Transformed into a Bagon part way through to help bring the guardian Latias to Earth.
- Disappeared Dad: To his and Latias' daughter Bea.
- Emergency Transformation: Into Bagon.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Olympus Mons: A werid variant He's trying to capture himself or rather his divine power self thing.
- Put on a Bus
A Shedinja that works for Rayquaza as his Number Two. Also Bellum's ex-husband and Lily's father. Later he marries Missy when she announces being pregnant.
- Badass His introduction scene includes manhandling two dragons and the narration notes that he didn't earn his current position through nepotism.
- Morality Pet: His girlfriend later wife Missy, who is perky and friendly and the only one he will listen to that isn't his liege lord.
- Not So Different: Lily's chief fear is that he will be just as controlling as his ex-wife and her fears as justified as he planned to put her in a Gilded Cage at Rayquaza's Palace so she wouldn't be any more danger.
- Number Two: To Rayquaza in both domestic and military affairs.
- Puss in Boots: Combound with his great experience and ruthless nature he could overthrow Rayquaza if he didn't have Undying Loyalty to the dragon.
- Overprotective Dad: He is not at all happy to learn that Leo is after his daughter. He might have killed the squirtle right then and there if a Relationship Upgrade between him and Lily wasn't the only thing that could break her curse.
- Secret Keeper: For a long time he was the only onen to know that the mortal Rayquaza in the fic was a Bagon that stepped in to replace the real mortal Rayquaza who was killed by Bellum pre-series.
- Sociopathic Hero: By his own admintion he is a "monster that happens to be on the opposite side of the other monsters."
A beautiful resident of Pokemon Square, Gardevoir is kidnapped by the Nihilators early on and has since spent most her time in captivity. Has been transformed into a vampire by Oblivion's Shadow and Dr. Tarantulas.
- Dark Is Not Evil: While Gardevoir is transformed into a vampire, she maintains her sense of good and plots to bring down the Nihilators from the inside.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Her beauty and grace attract both guys and girls.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: after becoming a vampire she discovers a pair of these in her mind. They're constantly arguing.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Play-Along Prisoner: At one point, she pushed Oblivion's Shadow out of her mind with brute force. From the way she speaks with her alter egos she believes she can leave her cell whenever she wants.
- Psychic Powers
- Silk Hiding Steel: A prisoner in a custom made cell yet she's able to undermine The Shadow while remaining insufferably polite. Her dismisal and mockery of his theories in ch 59 is a thing of beauty.
Ash's love interest reincarnated as a Vaporeon. She is kidnapped by the Nihilators and goes through a traumatic time until saved by a Hive Mind of good-intentioned lifeforms led by Deoxys.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Damsel in Distress: Kidnapped, tortured and then drawn again into a Hive Mind does not make Misty a happy Vaporeon.
- Making a Splash
- The Runt At the End
- Tsundere: Like Ash, she denies being in love with him.
- Why Did It Have To Be Bug Pokemon: Misty still has her fear of bugs, but with good reason. Misty was kidnapped and brainwashed by the minions of the Insect Queen to think she was a bug and completely subservient to the queen. Her rescue and rehabiliation are traumatising for her. Her new place in a nicer hive mind is not all fun for her.
The god of Death and many other things. Plays a small role early in the story until He admits to being the one who sent Sasha to join Team Aurabolt and is plotting to bring down Oblivion's Shadow on his own.
- Badass Boast: So good at this he can make the Big Bad himself quake in his boots.
- "I know the demons you have locked in your skull, and trust me when I say that I can make them real and even more horrifying than you've ever imagined"
- Casting a Shadow: Darkness is one of his domains
- Don't Fear the Reaper: A friendly guy and Shipper on Deck. He told Leo how to become immortal without tricks.
- Good Is Not Nice / Dark Is Not Evil: One of the few benevolent deities in the story but he loves scaring innocent people with nightmares
- It Amused Me: He messes with people for fun. He's even the patron deity for a town based on this.
- Loophole Abuse: No contract can bind him.
- Exact Words: This is one reason why
- Guile Hero: This is another.
- Odd Job God: In addition to his more well known titles, he's also the god of cigarets.
- Olympus Mons: Averted, one of the few not captured by the villains.
- Pass the Popcorn: A explicit power: while in a nightmare he can create popcorn out of nothing.
- Physical God
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Ash/Misty, Leo/Lily and others.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With his wife, Cressila. The legends about them always include "violent fighting and then equally violent make up sex."
- Good People Have Good Sex: And it is very good sex.
- The Problem with Fighting Death: "Death always wins. Sooner or Later."
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Mocks The Shadow during his Villainous Breakdown. He details the foolishness of his plan and his contradictory behavior.
- The Strategist: He has more than a small hand in the adventures of Team Aurabolt, especially after Sasha joins.
Team Getem
A group of pokemon that formed on the way of their journey to save the world from an evil organization by collecting sacred macguffins. If this sounds familar its because they're all expies of Team Aurabolt.
- Can't Catch Up: Ash and Ritchie start on more or less even terms but Ash quickly becomes greater and greater
- Knowledge of Aura Purge
- Chosen One status
- Beating down evil gods without fancy armor.
- Sanity Has Advantages: Ultimately he decides he's better off for having less emotional baggage.
- Elemental Powers: The sacred plates are elemental themed
- Shock and Awe: Sparky
- Making a Splash: Salty
- Playing with Fire: Zippo.
- Expy: Every one of them. The species is diffrent for half of them but otherwise they're tweaked versions of Team Aurabolt. It freaks the originals out.
- Hero of Another Story: Discussed by Salty. They may be only tangentially related to the main narrative but their quest is just as important, and just as awesome, as Team Aurabolt's.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Sparky is this instead of a Samurai like Pikachu.
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad: Tiny and Cruise naturally compare their adopted dads and insist their's is cooler.
- Powered Armor: The Sacred plates turn into armor.
- Sentai: Again the sacred plates
- Strange Minds Think Alike: Zippo and Leo, both Otaku come to similar conclusions.