< Brave New World (fanfic)

Brave New World (fanfic)/YMMV

  • Big Lipped Feraligatr Moment: You know something had to be particularly bizarre for even Tarantulas to refuse to mention it again.
    • What was it again? Oh yes; Chobin temporarily becomes crazier than usual, suddenly starts acting like Fawful, and attempts to kill Leo and co. with a giant Groudon Mecha.
    • The author will occasionally insert long tracts of backstory for bit characters, then announce that it doesn't matter because it has little bearing on the story and you may never see them again anyway.
  • Complete Monster: We stopped counting. "Highlights":
    • Bellum, a Frosslass who finds great joy in not only freezing, killing and torturing her opponents with much enthusiasm, but also in torturing her youngest daughter, sometimes for the thrill of it.
      • Let's face it, she makes Ghetsis look like a loving father.
    • Prof. Tarantulas, a cyborg Ariados who experiments on his patients, not only taking pleasure in harming them, but also occasionally killing some of them, driving them insane, or closing their hearts to become his unwilling servants. He's the Pokemon version of Josef Mengele, who'd be a Complete Monster himself if it wasn't for Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement.
  • Interestingly, he is a bit of subversion due to the fact that he cares for his assistant...however he is also partly responsible for his unimaginably disgusting behavior.
    • Chobin, Prof. Tarantulas' assistant who is arguably the most disgusting Pokemon in existence. Completely and totally psychotic, he has in the past sexually violated, tortured, and eaten the patients Tarantulas is done with. Revealed later on that he's being cloned and has been killed several times. This does not help.
    • Paul. Yes, it's not much of a stretch from the anime version of Paul, but he got worse.
    • J, who is even worse than in the anime - especially since, as a Pokemon Hunter, she's technically a serial kidnapper in this world.
    • Now there's Gal, the Monkey King of Mount Blaze. When Team ACT is sent after him, he not only murders Alakazam, but he also brutally beats Charizard and rips his wings off. (Ironically, this is partly what leads to his downfall.)
    • Manaphy, the Admiral, begins as The Woobie, claiming that he missed his May and went after the end of the world to look for her. You stop feeling sorry for him when you discover that, by neglecting his duties, he allowed a village of people who worshipped him to be killed, allowed Lugia and his family to be turned into Shadow Pokemon, has made Kyogre (his own MOTHER) his own personal slave (who thankfully ultimately gets his revenge on him), and regrets none of it. The kicker? He blames Ash for EVERYTHING.
    • We have YET ANOTHER ONE. The Hive Queen is responsible for brainwashing Misty into thinking she was a bug, making her part of a Hive Mind. She went through years of horrific living until rescued, and she is unable to cope with emotions as a result.
      • She also makes a habit of devouring her own minions.
    • Mewgle. Some things never change.
      • The Legendary Birds, so freaking much. It gets worse when it's revealed that The Birds became Shadows of their own free will. It's IMPOSSIBLE to purify them.
    • The Nihlators, period. They're basically Team Cipher reincarnated, only even more nightmarish, actively sadistic and omnicidal followers of evil. The sole exception to this is their, Oblivion's Shadow. He's quite polite, and more or less using them to achieve what he sees as a better world.
    • Ghetsis has been mentioned. God help us. Especially given the chance he'll be far worse.
  • Crazy Awesome: Half the cast, Leo in particular.
    • Special mention to the rebelling slaves inside the Nihilator base. The Nihilators use brain implants to monitor their very thoughts. The slaves' solution? Allow their psychic ringleader to afflict them with multiple personality disorder to decoy the chips while they continue to plot in secret.
  • Crosses The Line At Least Ten Times A Sentence On A Slow Day: Chobin.
  • HSQ: It starts with Ash and Pikachu curbstomping an entire army by themselves. Goes up from there and doesn't stop.
  • I Knew It!: The Buneary is Dawn!
    • The thing behind the door is Giratina!
    • T-Bone IS The Masked Marauder!
  • Iron Woobie: The ninja Buneary not only keeps her horrible traumatic past to herself, but also shrugs off the weeks of brain-meltingly nightmarish torture that Tarantulas, Chobin, and Paul put her through. It takes a Diabolus Ex Machina [1] to turn her.
    • Now realize that she's Dawn. Either say goodbye to your childhood, or gain a lot of newfound respect for a familiar character.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Manaphy. After his Happily Adopted mother May died in the destruction of the world, he freaked out and spent an eternity trying to find her reincarnation. He failed and sank into bitterness and anger, choosing to abandon his duty as a Legendary. Eventually, he left a village that worshipped him to die, and when the gods stripped him of his title, he flipped out again. A Moral Event Horizon or two later, it's easy to pity him for never finding his mother figure or her spirit after she was supposed to be reborn, but he's a big jerk about it.
    • Not in his current life, anyway.
  • Memetic Badass: The Treecko evo line is renowned for their general badassitude. While disguising themselves...

Leo: Awww, I was hoping I could be a Treecko!
Sasha: Why?
Leo: Because Treecko are hardcore!
Ash: He's right, they are.

    • Later, Leo brings down a Grovyle with herbicide.

Grovyle: No way...I'm too...cool to go out like this...

    • Even later, a Rescue refuses to fight a Grovyle named Crono (as in Chrono Trigger) because he has a sword, skyrocketing his Badass-powers and making him nigh-invincible.
  • Memetic Sex God: Gallades, apparently. Borders on The Pornomancer.
    • Bruce. You know him as Crawdaunt from the previous book. He is The Pornomancer.
  • Moral Event Horizon: It becomes impossible to feel sorry for The Legendary Birds after they horrifically kill almost all of Ash's friends on a flimsy justification while seeing nothing wrong with it. Then they try to worm their way out of trouble when confronted by Darkrai and Cresselia and end up deciding to kill them so they can't tell Lugia. Darkrai points out that this is not only stupid but also won't even work.
    • Leo says Manaphy crosses this when he threatens to kill his own children when they disagree with him.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Chobin and Prof. Tarantulas ARE this trope.
    • Almost the ENTIRETY of the Tree of Life saga, and any scene in the Nihilators base, especially in Tarantulas' lab.
    • What the Nihilators do to torture Dawn. The heroes don't even see any of it when she has to relive the experience in her mind.
    • James's death at the hands of Leviathan. Made worse because being immortal let him live through being gibbed by the final attack.
    • How Bellum's group decorates the tracks of Dusty Ditch.
    • Ash's nightmare in Chapter 54. Good lord. Word of God states it was inspired by Dead Space 2
  • Squick: Try to read through Chobin's dialogue without dropping your jaw with disgust.
  • Tear Jerker: The entire end of the Tree of Life Saga.
    • Michael's encounters with his Grandmother and sister.
    • And the death of Vladmir, and Bob and Dean's reactions to it, especially since his last action was to grant Bob speech via "promoting" him.. It gets worse when you realise that not only was there too few vampires in the local network for his soul to be trapped, but also that the Nihalator fleet had soul-catchers running at full pelt, meaning that his soul will prabably be experimented on by Oblivion's Shadow.
  • Villain Sue: Oblivion's Shadow has shades of this. His conversation with Mespirit and his mother(?) shows that he is not as all-knowing as he seems and is suffering doubt about his plans.
  • Wangst: Approached by Ash in a moment of flagging self-confidence, until...

Briney: Oblivion's Shadow will be the bigger threat. If you show any signs of losing it and becoming evil, I'll kill you before it progresses any further.
Ash: I'm not sure if I should be disturbed or gratified by that...or annoyed that you keep poking into our heads! I was having a monologue there!
Briney: Yes, but you were starting to get angsty, and when that happens, no good can come of it. I thought I should cut you off before you started whining and bemoaning your fate, thinking you're a monster, and wearing black eyeliner and nail polish and maybe cutting your wrists.

    • When Sam's aggressive interrogation techniques fail against Brodie, he tries a Noir monologue. Everyone in the room is subsequently depressed to tears.
  • The Woobie: Lily, especially when you see what her mother's done to her in her entire life.
    • Also, Tiny. Abducted from his mother by Hunter J, said mother going straight to the Nihlators for corruption. Spends most of the story stuck halfway in a perpetual Shadow state due to his trauma. Almost immediately after he's purified, he's told that his father joined Team Rocket and betrayed Team ACT (getting one of them killed) in the hopes of rescuing his mother and himself.
    • To a lesser but still considerable extent, Gardenia from Team Rocket.
    • Ash, from how badly his life was FUBAR in the past, and having to bear the knowledge that the CosmicKeystones they are collecting could drive him Axe Crazy with another traumatic flashback.
    • Misty after she endures a ton of horrific torture and experimentation, gets dispersed throughout the multiverse, reformed on Deoxys's ship, and faced with her greatest fear. That's before we find out why she is afraid of bugs.....
    • Regigigas. He was tragic enough on his own, but when the Nihilators capture him by binding him with chains made of the other Regi's....
  1. The Anti Life Equation
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