< Blackadder < Recap < S2

Blackadder/Recap/S2/E01 Bells

The first episode of Blackadder II. It introduced the new smart, cynical, Magnificent Bastard Blackadder, and Baldrick as the bumbling sidekick; so, pretty much, the Blackadder we know and love.

The episode opens with a young girl named Kate disguising herself as a boy named "Bob" to seek her fortune. She gets a job as Blackadder's servant, but naturally he falls in love with her. Not knowing her true nature, this causes him some upset. Hilarity Ensues (no really) and when Edmund finds out she's a girl after all, they decide to marry, until the wedding is interrupted by no other than LORD FLASHEART!

Flasheart: It's me!
(small explosion)
Flasheart: "Flash by name [looks to camera] - Flash by nature! [Strikes a pose] Hooray!" [Strikes another pose]
All: Hooray!

  • Large Ham: Flasheart through and through: "I've got a plan! And it's as hot as my pants!"
  • Memetic Badass: In-universe, Lord Flasheart.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Queenie, Melchett and the doctor mistake Edmund for having a crush on his male servant. In fact, he's starting to worry himself.
  • Offscreen Reality Warp: Flasheart and Kate manage to leave the room, switch clothes and ready their exit in the time it takes Edmund to speak a sentence.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Flasheart, with about three minutes of screentime. However, you will be watching those three minutes over and over.
  • Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: Flasheart to Nursie: "Am I pleased to see you or did I just put a canoe in my pocket? WOOF!"
  • Really Gets Around: Percy's love interest, the unseen Jane Herrington, who, according to Edmund "goes like a privy door when the plague is in town".
  • Shaped Like Itself: "There are two things you need to know about the Wise Woman. One, she's a woman, and two..." "She's wise?" "So you do know her then?"
  • Smoking Hot Sex: Edmund and Kate smoke pipes after having sex.
  • Status Quo Is God: Edmund gets married in the first episode? Of course not, Lord Flasheart runs off with the bride!
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: How Edmund feels about Bob.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Kate, as Bob.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: Edmund falls madly in love with Bob. Really, it's the nicest we've ever seen him.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Both Kate and Flash wind up this way, switching clothes and riding off into the sunset together.
  • Witch Doctor: the Wise Woman Edmund goes to see.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: (In a dark swamp)

'Blackadder: Tell me, young crone, is this Putney?
Young Crone: [in a cackling Cockney accent] Aye, That it be. That it be.
Blackadder: "Yes, it is", not "that it be." You don't have to talk in that stupid voice to me. I'm not a tourist.

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