< Blackadder < Recap < S1

Blackadder/Recap/S1/E02 Born to Be King

With the King away fighting the Crusades, the Black Adder is free to scheme against his brother, Harry.

  • Acceptable Targets:

Richard IV: "As the Good Lord said, love thy neighbour as thyself, unless he's Turkish, in which case, kill the bastard!"

  • All Part of the Show: Edmund tries to get McAngus killed during a production of "The Death of the Scotsman"
  • All Women Are Prudes: The Queen responds to news of her husband coming back possibly making love to her with an "Oh, yes, I wish he wouldn't do that." But later subverted, when she is revealed to have had a VERY passionate affair with McAngus' father.
  • As the Good Book Says...: As above.
  • Bastard Bastard: Edmund is proved to be one of these, but manages to destroy the evidence.
  • Berserk Button: Edmund hates Morris Dancing.
  • Brick Joke: After being put in charge of "the frolics", Edmund tells Baldrick to hire Bernard the Bear-Baiter "and tell him to bring a bear this time." Later on, Queen Gertrude and Harry finish watching a particularly dismal act, leading to the line:

Queen Gertrude: I liked Bernard the Rabbit-Baiter.

  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Jumping Jews of Jerusalem. "What do they do?" "They jump, my lord. They come in and they jump. A lot."
  • Fictional Holiday: St Leonard's Day. There is a Saint Leonard, and his feast day is November 6th, but the eunuchs and bearded ladies and so on aren't part of it.
  • Heroic Bastard: Harry is accused of being one of these, and is about to become a monk before the deception is revealed.
  • Incoming Ham: Who else?


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