Blackadder/Recap/S3/E01 Dish and Dishonesty
Edmund Blackadder, now a butler to the Prince Regent is not happy. Despite the usual problems of dealing with all the idiots around him, Prince George's extravagant sock habit is bankrupting the country, and the parliament is trying to cut him off. The only way to stop Prince George being utterly bankrupted is to tip the vote in their favour, which means getting one of their own elected to Parliament, but who? A man without a will of his own, a puppet, purely under their control. One might almost say, a man without a brain.
Baldrick gets elected to Parliament after an outrageously rigged election. However, Baldrick is so stupid he votes for the wrong side and the bill passes, moving on to the House of Lords. Blackadder uses this as an opportunity to swindle a fortune and a peerage out of the Prince Regent, but he's a bit too subtle about it and the Prince gives the rewards to Baldrick instead. Baldrick promptly spends the money on his lifelong dream, a priceless turnip.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The prince regent's chief expenses are banqueting, perfume and socks.
- Cheating with the Milkman: Blackadder makes a reference to this when Pitt mentions his brother: "And which Pitt would this be? Pitt the Toddler? Pitt the Embryo? Pitt the Glint in the Milkman's Eye?"
- The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much: The returning officer and lone voter in Dunny-on-the Wold apparently died, respectively, from accidentally brutally cutting his head off while combing his hair, and accidentally brutally stabbing himself in the stomach while shaving.
- Credits Gag: Vicent Hanna plays "His Own Great-great-great grandfather"
- Election Night: Parodies this for all its worth.
- Landslide Election: Baldrick wins the election, 16,472 to 0
- Last-Name Basis: Baldrick has not had a first name until this episode. Now it seems to be Sod Off, but even he's not sure.
Blackadder (filling out an MP application form): First name?
Baldrick: I'm not sure.
Blackadder: Well, surely you must have some idea?
Baldrick: Well, I think it might be Sod Off.
Blackadder: ... What?
Baldrick: Well, when I was little and I used to go and play in the gutter with all the other snipes, I'd say, "Hello, my name's Baldrick," and they replied, "Yes, we know, Sod off, Baldrick."
Blackadder: Oh, alright. Mr. S. Baldrick.
- The Linus: Pitt The Younger. He seems to be a prodigy in politics and business, but he also writes angsty poetry and says things like 'poo to you with knobs on.'
- Malaproper: This episode introduces this aspect of Baldrick's charecter.
- Only One Name: When Blackadder asks Baldrick what is his first name, he replies that he isn't sure, but it might be "Sodoff" (because when he was little, he'd say to the other kids "Hello, my name's Baldrick," and they'd say, "Yes, we know. Sod off, Baldrick.")
- Servile Snarker: The first episode with this sort of Blackadder.
- Shout-Out: the "Standing at the back dressed stupidly and looking stupid party" reminds one a lot of the "Very Silly" candidates in Monty Python's election night special sketch.
- Take That: While Blackadder is filling out Baldrick's MP application form:
Blackadder: Criminal record?
Baldrick: Absolutely not.
Blackadder: Oh, come on, Baldrick, you're going to be an MP for God's sake.
- Who's on First?: When Vincent Hanna tries to interview Baldrick:
Hanna: Perhaps he could answer one question.What does the "S" in his name stand for?
Blackadder: "Sod off".
Hanna: Fair enough, none of my business, really.