Smoking Hot Sex

The fact is, folks, that you just need a cigarette after you make love to a beautiful woman, or a confused young man. You don't wanna roll off somebody and go: "Oh, baby; that was amazing! Skittles? Would you like a Skittle? How 'bout a Jolly Rancher, baby?"—Dave Attell
After sex, two lovers share a post-coital smoke. Frequently, as in the picture, they'll do so sitting up in bed wearing a Modesty Bedsheet.
Mostly a Dead Horse Trope at this point, though it often pops up in parody. Often used as a metaphor to say sex has taken place without showing it.
One occasionally seen variation is the post-sex pizza (maybe it's easier to get past the Moral Guardians?)
- This Brazilian ad for sexual lubricant: a lady cartoon ant enjoying a smoke after enjoying... an elephant.
Anime and Manga
- In Neon Genesis Evangelion, Misato claims that she only ever smokes after sex.
- Excel Saga has Pedro lying in the bed with the Great Will of the Macrocosmos having a smoke. The Great Will of the Macrocosm is a miniature spinning universe with two lady arms.
- Excalibur is seen smoking in bed next to a beautiful woman in Soul Eater. Sent up with an accompanying message advising viewers not to do likewise.
- Advising them to not smoke or to not have sex with Excalibur?
- Nodame Cantabile has a scene in episode 17 that includes Kiyora taking a smoke next to a sleeping and naked Mine.
- Surprisingly averted in Virgin Love. Everybody Smokes, but they only seem to use it for stress relief from work, never casually after sex.
- In Vassalord, Rayflo often smokes after Charley feeds on him.
- Satou of Welcome to The NHK smokes after discovering Internet porn.
Comic Books
- In Watchmen, Laurie and Dan have sex and in the next scene Laurie is seen in a panel naked and smoking a cigarette. Earlier, after they had fought a punk gang in the alley, they looked guiltily away from each other, and Laurie lights up... fairly obvious subtext there.
- Subverted in one of Neil Gaiman's Miracleman stories where a boy lights a cigarette after losing his virginity because he always wanted to do that.
- In Dori Seda's stories, people sometimes are depicted with smoking genitals after sex.
- In one Teen Titans comic, Terra enjoys a post-coital puff as she and Deathstroke lay out their plans to destroy the Titans.
Fan Fiction
- The Elfen Lied fan comic Nana's Everyday Life (warning: probably NSFW) sends this up a few times.
- Discussed in a particularly Narmy fashion in one of the Legend Maker Teen Titans fics, after Raven and her OC boyfriend hook up.
- Janet sees Brad and Frank-N-Furter doing this in a TV monitor in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "Coming!" "So's Brad!"
- "If your asshole is smoking after sex, you're doing something wrong!"
- Airplane! parodies this: after the "oral sex" scene between Elaine and Otto, the inflatable autopilot, both are seen smoking.
- Airplane II: The Sequel recycles the joke: after the Right on Queue scene with the You Don't Want to Die a Virgin, Do You? girl, she is seen smoking next to a donkey.
- Loaded Weapon 1 spoofs its earlier use of a Sexy Discretion Shot: "Next time, instead of just smoking cigarettes together in bed, do you think we could actually make love?"
- Parodied in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me:
Vanessa: Do you smoke after sex?
Austin: I don't know, baby. I never looked.
- Later, Number 2 goes back in time and sleeps with his younger self. Afterwards they're seen in bed together smoking.
- Played with in the film version of Fight Club, with Tyler Durden smoking after his first fight with The Narrator.
- During Black Sheep, the New Zealand comedy-horror film, a character locks himself, and the "prototype" of a new breed of sheep, in his study to protect them from man-eating sheep. When we next see him, he's smoking a cigarette.
- Elizabeth and the Monster (eventually) do it in Young Frankenstein.
- In the Pink Panther film A Shot in the Dark, Maria mentions this trope while being interrogated by Clouseau, asking why men always do it.
- Special mention must go to the film Thank You For Smoking not so much for containing this trope, but for a subplot revolving around a plot by the tobacco industry to revive this trope. In Space!
- In Brokeback Mountain, Ennis and Jack share a cigarette after sex in one scene.
- In The Gay Divorcee Fred and Ginger have a smoking hot dance sequence during "Night and Day". To make the metaphor more obvious, he offers her a cigarette afterward.
- Averted in The Seduction of Joe Tynan. After Senator Tynan has sex with his assistant Karen Traynor, he pigs out on food. Karen: "Why can't you smoke afterwards like everyone else?!"
- Seducing Dr. Lewis starts with Gérmain remembering when all the good people from his olden days had good sex with their wives. Cue the entire town lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.
- This becomes a plot point in Brick.
- Samir Nazhde takes a smoke after having sex with Sharon Bridger in one scene from The Siege.
- Lynda and Bob in the original Halloween.
- In Glengarry Glen Ross, Al Pacino's character talks about having a post-coital cigarette and feeling supremely satisfied.
- Twice in Scary Movie 2, the first time by an invisible ghost after screwing one of the female characters.
- In The Kids Are All Right, after Jules and Paul have sex, she says she wants a cigarette though she doesn't smoke anymore. However, he doesn't have any.
- In the book Millennium by John Varley, the hero, Louise Baltimore, is from the future. The air has become so polluted that humans have been adapted to it. When she travels back in time to the 20th century, she is constantly smoking cigarettes to help her breathe. Anyway, this is all leading up to when she finishes sex, she immediately lights one causing her partner to comment, "Do you always smoke after sex?". She then looks at her crotch, to make the obvious joke.
- The Time Traveler's Wife is well aware of this trope's implications, using it to point up just how stereotypically masculine Gomez is. (Henry, a more sophisticated sort, notably does not engage in this.)
- Played for Laughs (rather morbid laughs, but still) in Ghost Story, after ghost!Harry briefly possesses Molly's (his apprentice who is hopelessly and unrequitedly in love with him) body. When they are separated again, Molly grimly quips something along the lines of, "So you've finally been inside me. I feel like I should offer you a cigarette."
Live Action TV
- Blackadder
- Blackadder Goes Forth:
"I only smoke after making love. So back home, I'm a twenty-a-day man."
- In Blackadder II, Edmund learns Bob is a girl ... and we immediately cut to him smoking a pipe.
- In Life On Mars, Sam and Gene (well, Gene really), start a fight in a hospital. Cut to a scene of them exhausted and (Gene) smoking. Some of the fans saw this another way.
- Referenced in an episode of Becker where Becker is trying to quit smoking. He gets frustrated and manages to replace one addiction with another by gaining a sex buddy. We're shown that they've had sex by a quick cut to them lying next to each other in bed, looking exhausted. Becker remarks "I just remembered another cigarette I really miss".
when he crawls down the fire escape to retrieve his last cigarette, which he dropped out the window, and encounters a couple having sex in the apartment below; they are shocked, but he asks "I don't suppose you two are going to have a smoke after you're done?"
- In Spaced, the couple pass a cigarette back and forth in exhaustion and pleasure after vaccuuming the flat.
- In Married... with Children, Marcy was fighting stage fright in front of a group by imagining herself in bed. It got so intense that she had an orgasm right in front of everyone and was seen with a lit cigarette in her hand that just appeared out of nowhere. Al was also seen smoking a cigar after a particularly vigorous session with Peggy that not only lasted a full day (or maybe even several), it made her hair stand on end.
Bud smoked a pipe after having sex. It made him cough (the smoking).
- The "I don't know, I never looked" punch line came up in one episode of The Closer.
- Brian Kinney of Queer as Folk does this occasionally.
- Shows up fairly frequently (as in, five minutes into the pilot and then a lot afterwards) in Mad Men (Duck Phillips does this after doing *ahem* with Peggy like it's his job), though this might be a reflection of the fact that on that show, Everybody Smokes constantly. It also fits well with the style of the show, as creator Matthew Weiner says he tries to use elements of the "visual vocabulary" of the time in the show.
- The pizza variation appears in an episode of Red Dwarf; Rimmer recounts the one and only time he made love, which only took twelve minutes, and that includes the time it took to eat the pizza. Of course, he gets another chance later. Pizza is mentioned again, when he thinks two slave girls are planning on interrogating him with sex, he demands they have a four-cheese pizza ready at the end. Apparently, Rimmer really likes pizza.
Kochanski describes her relationship with Lister as "hanging out in your bunk, eating take-away curries and having fantastic sex."
- Scrubs includes the after-sex pizza version. Of course, it's not so much after-sex pizza as between-sex pizza.
- Referenced hilariously in Wings. Lowell declares that he's going to move out of Joe and Brian's house so that he and reconciled ex Bunny won't feel so "inhibited". Brian's incredulous response? "THAT was inhibited? When you were done, *I* smoked a cigarette!"
- Parodied in Seinfeld. George's girlfriend makes numerous orgasmic moans while eating a risotto, and upon finishing, lights a cigarette.
- Occurs in several skits in Chappelle's Show. In one notable one, a film camera shows (among other things) the last person an individual had sex with, while showing both individuals smoking.
- The pizza variation is referenced at the end of Susan Ivanova's hilarious "human sex" act with the Lumati ambassador, the ambassador asks, "what do I do now?" Ivanova responds:
Old style, you roll over and go to bed. New style, you go out for pizza and I never see you again.
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 had a field day with the movie Clonus; Because of a bad camera angle, a smoldering campfire is positioned behind the male lead's pelvis following a sex scene, leading to lots of jokes along these lines. Reportedly, it was these jokes that made the film's director glad they'd granted MST the rights to spoof it.
- Whose Line Is It Anyway? gets around the TV rating by miming smoking to represent sex in their sketches. Much like kissing in Star Wars, allegedly.
- Dave Allen mentioned this on one episode of his show after he'd quit smoking. It can be found here.
- Parodied, kind of, on "Will and Grace," when Karen reads Jack's hot gay romance "novel" and apparently enjoys it so much that she has to have a cigarette afterwards (and surprisingly, despite her many addictions, she is not portrayed as a smoker otherwise). Made even funnier because Grace is in the room and misunderstands Karen's vehement exclamations as being in response to her problems with Will, to which Karen isn't listening at all.
- Done a few times on "Boardwalk Empire," since nearly everyone smokes, but probably most memorably with "Lucky" Luciano and Gillian Darmody—it's notable because she's "the first broad in years that's put any lead in [his] pencil."
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a rather blatant example: Spike has a robot version of Buffy built, no prizes for guessing what for. Well he's in his crypt with a cigarette then we realize the bot had just finished blowing Spike.
- Parodied at the end of Lady Gaga's video for Bad Romance, after setting her lover/master on fire.
- The folk singer Damh the Bard, introducing an explicitly steamy love song, claimed that after he once performed it a woman in the front row commented "I want a cigarette!"
Newspaper Comics
- Parodied in BC. A bee is eating out of a flower, then flies over to another one, thus performing pollination. The two flowers stare at each other smoking cigarettes as the bee flies away.
- On the NPR radio show A Prairie Home Companion, Garrison Keillor once described a cartoon he saw that had a chicken and an egg lying in bed. The egg was somehow smoking a cigarette, and the caption read, "Well, I guess that answers that question." This has been drawn several times with slight variations. One version can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Similar to the Dave Atell quote, when The News Quiz discussed the UK smoking ban, Phil Jupitus wondered what people would do after sex. Juggle? (Fred McAuley then pointed out that you only weren't allowed to smoke in a workplace...)
- Also spoofed in VG Cats, in the strip that introduced us all to the name Face Full of Alien Wingwong.
- From Questionable Content: after a night of, well, "chatting" with another AnthroPC, Pintsize comes out smoking a cigarette. No one knows where he got it from and, knowing Pintsize, they're worried he'll do some property damage with it. A variation appears here where Faye implies that unloading that much scorn is a pleasure comparable to sex.
- God Mode used it to spoof the newest PS3 advertisement here
- In a Sexy Losers strip (NSFW), a tentacle monster smokes after attacking a woman.
- In Homestuck, the squiddles relax with a smoke after a frenetic tanglebuddy session.
- One Sinfest comic has the devil girl Baby Blue attempting to corrupt the innocent nerd, Criminy. He demonstrates the use of his telescope in a scene rife with Innocent Innuendo. At the end, the rather impressed Blue says that she needs a cigarette.
- In Something*Positive, Davan was strung out on painkillers after an accident, and one of his female acquaintances thought he looked strangely attractive that way. This trope ensued.
- Karate Bears still smoke after sex even if it's a little old fashioned.
- Mountain Time had this moment with... Burkina Faso.
Web Original
- On Maddox's The Best Page in the Universe, an article about women's fashion features a cartoon about two cosmetics chemists coming up with names for shades of red lipstick. After the two list particularly long and ridiculous names, one of them remarks, "Hand me a cigarette, because I just came!"
- Variation: The Nostalgia Critic smokes a cigarillo after having a fanboy orgasm at a great death scene in Double Team.
- Naruto: The Abridged Comedy Fandub Spoof Series Show: In episode 2, Naruto discusses with Konohamaru about how he'd like to do this with the women in a porn magazine he's reading. In episode 3, he really does do this after having sex with Sasuke.
Western Animation
- Futurama
- In "Amazon Women in the Mood", the skeletons of men killed by "snu-snu" have cigarettes in their hands. The show uses this for the first time in the fourth episode in, starting Leela's reluctant running joke about "crossing paths" with Zapp Brannigan.
- Subverted with Fry and Colleen in "The Beast With A Billion Backs", he blows a gum bubble and lets it pop on his face instead of smoking.
- Done countless times in Family Guy, which not only includes any main couple in the show, but also Quagmire, Stewie lying next to a CPR infant dummy, and former President Bill Clinton!
- Parodied in an episode of King of the Hill, where it looks like Dale's having a post-sex smoke, and it turns out that he's having a smoke just before sex.
- Parodied in the log-sawing scene in Ren and Stimpy Adult Party: the scene itself is as sex-like as it goes, but Ren's post-sawing smoke caps it all.
- The Simpsons
- Season 15 episode, "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner", has this trope in one scene with Artie Ziff and Selma after they had quick sex with Selma smoking.
- "Regarding Margie": Happens near the end of the second act with Skinner and Edna seen with their ragged clothes on after sex with Edna smoking a cigarrete.
Skinner: You know, I think about you all the time.
Edna: Birthday's over, Seymour.
- After Bart and Homer take the dancers cigarettes they throw them to the mayor who is in a bed and praying for a cigarette.
- In The Brak Show episode "Cardburkey", Brak and Clarence move out into cardboard houses in hopes of getting laid. Clarence has sex with a vicious bloodcat, and comes over to Brak's house smoking a cigarette.
- Happens several times in Drawn Together, most notably in the episode where Captain Hero discovers Clara has a car crash fetish.After seeing a crash, a bird lands on her shoulder and hands her a cigarette.
- In the "Toy Story 4" sketch of Robot Chicken, a grown-up Andy has sex with a girl in his bedroom. While the toys' horrified reaction could have been a decent closure to the skit, with this being Robot Chicken, it goes further beyond that, and the addition of this very trope is what causes things to go downhill, and ends the sketch on a very bleak note.
Video Games
- If you have sex with the prostitute in Leisure Suit Larry, she will be seen smoking a cigarette after the deed.
- In Spellcasting 101, you and anyone you sleep with smoke after the deed (Assuming you haven't dropped the pack of cigarettes). In 201, this is changed to eating lollipops, and in 301 this is changed to eating breadsticks.
- Solid Snake smokes a cigarette after major battles. The second game makes it canon that this is because killing feels like sex to him.