The characters of the BZPRPG III are listed here.
Hau and Co.
The Group in its Entirety
- Character-Magnetic Team
- Dysfunctional Family: Everyone in a non-Played for Laughs example is a part of one.
- The group's internal action also reflects this trope.
- Three Plus Two/ Four-Temperament Ensemble
- Personality Powers: Most notably, all either fall into Making a Splash (Kriigata and Slife) or Shock and Awe (Hau, Sucogu, and Eamerzon).
- Weapon of Choice
A young toa of Lightning and martial artist seeking to find his own place on Mata Nui.
- Elemental Punch: A favorite move.
- Eyes of Gold
- Heroic Safe Mode: Faced with external attack, Hau turns from grinning jokester to a frighteningly detached combat machine.
- Hooks and Crooks: His Weapon of Choice (apart from martial artistry) is a hook and chain-though this usage is not that of an Improvised Weapon.
- Shock and Awe
- Skilled but Naive: Hau's both a literally and figuratively lightning speedster Kung Fu Kid who nearly kills people with his punches to the stomach on a near-daily basis-and yet he barely looked to see if any other beings were around before training (resulting in he and Kriigata nearly killing each other), ran into a fight at high speed based on none other than its sounds (resulting in him over-exerting himself and nearly fainting), and is highly inexperienced in pretty much everything except survival and fighting (resulting in him being pretty awkward for all his bravado).
- Stepford Smiler: Played with. He wears a signature Grin of Audacity and occasionally a Cheshire Cat Grin almost all the time as a type B, but the mask has dropped several times and the feelings behind it are occasionally genuine.
- Super Speed
Kriigata/'The Mystery'
- Amnesiacs Are Innocent
- Making a Splash
- Walking on Water
- Mundane Utility: This particular manipulation of her power is typically used to fish.
- Walking on Water
- Sinister Scythe
- Super Speed
- Disproportionate Retribution: Doles these out in spades. For example, upon hearing Sucogu state that he'd rather her stay in Ga-Koro as the others travel to Ko-Wahi, she tries to kill him.
- Good Bad Girl
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Psycho Electro
- Whip It Good
- Yandere
- Dual Tonfas: Wields two bladed tonfas as his primary weapons.
- Making a Splash
- Mind Over Matter
Ussalry 4th Regiment, 7th Squadron
The Group in its Entirety
- Automatic Crossbows: The primary weapon of the squadron for longer ranges.
- Band of Brothers: A strong emotional bond has been proven to exist between 7th's members thanks to their common occupation.
- Shovel Strike: The signature close-range weapon of 7th is the sharpened saperka shovel. Justified due to the carrying of entrenching tools as...
- The Engineer: Everyone, to a Type 2 extent. Justified by their Onu-Koroan lifestyle involving lots and lots of work with the terrain.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: The saperka can be used as a shield, throwing blade, axe, bludgeon, and even to dig. Its blade being composed of well-crafted protosteel explains this.
- The Squad
Sulov Koskium
"Brozers and zizters!" (Beat) "Ve have not come zis farr forr nozing!"
- Artificial Limb/BladeBelowTheShoulder: Has his left hand replaced by a shovel blade. To be specific, his best friend's saperka-an entrenching tool sharpened for combat-serves as a prosthetic for him.
- A Father to His Men
- Bad Dreams: Has them a lot due both to internal conflict and, later, his Greatest Failure.
- Genius Bruiser: Described as 'a bear of a matoran'...Who revolutionized Onu-Koroan tactics and strategy with usage of his head.
- Hazel Eyes
- My Greatest Failure: Losing Kol.
- The Commander
- The Last DJ
Brovuv Mirok
Komisk Runion
- Breath Weapon: Has used her acidic saliva several times in combat.
- The Engineer: The primary Type 2 for the team.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- You No Take Lightstone
Kol Uskey
- Face Heel Turn
- More Than Mind Control: Hiemalis uses Breaking Speech aplenty in conjunction with physical torture and murder to convince Kol that it is futile to resist and that 7th was personally killed by him. The combination causes Uskey to turn within three days 'of his own volition'.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- The Smart Guy
- The Engineer: Type 3.
The School
Naara I'Rohu
- Action Girl
- Bathing Beauty: Takes a large number of baths in the lake by the school. Justified by her water elemental transcendence.
- Carry a Big Stick
- Celibate Hero
- Combat Pragmatist
- Deadpan Snarker
- Healing Hands: In a non-literal example, Naara can heal others and herself with a liberal application of water to injured areas.
- Hot Teacher
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lightning Bruiser
- Hachimaki: ALWAYS wears one.
- Making a Splash
- The Gadfly
- The Snark Knight
- The Stoic
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: In a strange subversion, not played for Fan Service.
- Bash Brothers: With Rannin.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Super Strength
Rannin is a former mercenary, who, after meeting Bruntoa and heading to Ko-Wahi, ended up tagging along with the other Toa to the School, and became the janitor/caretaker. His most well-known traits are his metallic limbs, which are there due to an accident having crushed his real limbs long ago.
- Bash Brothers: With Bruntoa (Despite the fact that their only fight together was against a horde of fangirls, and they lost.)
- Berserk Button: General injustice and abusive interactions.
- BFS: In its base form, the sword is already ridiculously huge, being nearly Rannin's size. It also has a large width. Then it starts to grow even bigger.
- Awesome Yet Practical: In the hands of Rannin, who seems to be able to hold it without any problems, it is easily usable and awesome at the same time.
- Extra Ore Dinary
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Super Strength
The Aggressors/Crew of the Fowadi
The Group as a Whole
"Hello there, all of you are now members of the new task force known as the Aggressors. Any questions?"
- Badass Crew
- Cool Boat: The Fowadi is one.
- Shout-Out: The Aggressors were named after the team of the same name in Super Robot Wars Original Generation.
- The Squad
A Lieutenant in the Po-Koro Guard, Naona is possibly one of the few military characters in the game that does any administrative work, which mostly consists of taking care of paperwork, most of which should be filled in by her commanding officer, Tillian Juturna. However, due to his frequent absences, she now undertakes the responsibility of doing it.
After forming the Aggressors and successfully rescuing Turaga Onewa from the Crew of the Infernavika, Naona returned to rebuild the Po-Koro Guard Headquarters, which had been destroyed in the Onewa Kidnappings, and has decided to shoulder the burden of recruiting more people in the guard to make up for all the casualties during the Kidnappings.
- Action Girl
- Carry a Big Stick
- The Chains of Commanding
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Expy: Was originally going to be an expy of Nanoha Takamichi, but ended up with some traits of Kai Kitamura and Katina Tarask.
- The Rival: To Stronin.
- Sergeant Rock
- Super Speed
Kale Ironshaper
Crew of the Infernavika
The Group in its Entirety
- Cool Boat: They crew the Infernavika, which is one.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: See Main for extrapolation.
- An Axe to Grind
- Those Two Guys: With Doomslayer.
The Captain Aki Rua Doomslayer The First
"YOU ALL'LL EAT LETTUCE..." (Beat) "IN THE Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!"
The Captain Aki Rua the First is a Toa of Oil PMC currently servicing the Infernavika. After drifting onto Mata Nui, he enlisted for a job in the crew and has been servicing it ever since as Plucky Comic Relief (though he's trying to be taken a bit more seriously now). He is also one of its most Badass members.
- Aki McCoolname: The Captain Aki Rua (roughly translating to 'Valiant Wise') Doomslayer. Awesome McCoolname, indeed.
- Automatic Crossbow
- Beware the Silly Ones: The Captain carries around a plush of himself he worships, plays a ukulele because he thinks it's got to be a super-powerful archaic weapon due to its exotic name, and acts like a bumbling five-year-old. Yet he saved his ship from No One Could Survive That-esque attacks TWICE, defeated two toa easily, and has the biggest amount of firepower of probably anyone in the game.
- BFG: His grenade launcher.
- Bling Bling Bang: The Captain's close-range weapons (dao and kukri) both are pretty snazzy-the kukri has a pearly sheen due to its iridium content; the dao isn't just finely crafted like the rest of his weapons, but has an emerald in the hilt. They also are able to block laser-bladed katana and easily slice through vines, respectively.
- Cool Sword
- Eye Beams: His kanohi allows him to shoot Frickin' Laser Beams from his eyes.
- Kukris Are Kool:
- Large Ham
- Man Child
- Mercenary
- Nice Hat: His beret. It gets...
- Hat Damage: Three spears through its fabric while traversing the Temple of Wisdom.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His specialty. The madu cabolo with oil coating has become known as the 'Doomiesplosive' thanks to its usage as one of his signature weapons and is now ubiquitous due to its inexpensive and efficient power.
- Those Two Guys: With Raknar.
- The Klutz: Subverted.
- Walking Armory: He carries enough equipment and supplies to make a Runescape account jealous. Justified due to his Oil power granting him extreme endurance.
Zmija Lys'Fagas
Maiko Dansan
Ta-Koro Guard
Aronis Ril
- The Alcoholic: The ULTIMATE drunk.
- Elemental Punch: Being a brawler, this is one of his favoured attacks.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He gets a spear to the chest after accidentally reawakening Fragarach's Darylhii persona.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Last-Name Basis: With the exception of one person, he is always referred to as Ril instead of Aronis.
- First-Name Basis: With Stronin, who is the only person who calls him Aronis.
- Must Have Caffeine: Other than his addiction to beer, he is also addicted to coffee.
- Playing with Fire
- Shipper on Deck: He regularly attempts to ship Naona and Stronin. This leads to him getting regularly beat up.
- Stuff Blowing Up: As a member in the Artillery Corps of the Guard, he regularly causes this.
- This trope applies to him more now, seeing that he has become part of the ILS' Demolitions Squad during the Rama Hive Assault.
- Unknown Rival: Stronin is one to Ril.
Those Two Guys
- An Axe to Grind
- Ho Yay: With Incommodo.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Even does a Fus Ro Dah when fighting Chronn.
- Musical Assassin: Possesses a viola, which serves as his tertiary weapon.
- Those Two Guys: With Incommodo.
- Ho Yay: With Arkrak.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: The true personality.
- Those Two Guys: With Arkrak.