"Fighting against all sanity since 2008"—The BZPB tagline
BZPB is a Text-Based Role Playing Game whose sole purpose is defying sanity since its inception.
The plot is amazingly complicated, but the basic premise is that a Makuta called Blackout has come up with a plan to take over everything.
- Aborted Arc: We never did learn what it was that the Vrai were doing on Bara Magna.....
- Achilles' Heel: Blackout's only weakness is, in fact, his heel. It's never specified which heel, but people either know which one to hit already or just go for both.
- Action Girl: Zev loves this Trope to death. Namah, Prudence, Vi, Makoto...But the recently introduced Bleach transplant Yoruichi Shihouin outshines them all; coming out of a battle with Zev's ludicrously-strong Inner Hollow without so much as a scratch on her. Fighting barehanded no less!
- The Alcatraz: Impel Down.
- The Alliance: The Rebel Alliance against Uterio Di Armechio, though with the added twist of the ZFT already planning to betray everyone else, and everyone else planning to betray the ZFT.
- Always Accurate Attack: When faced with missiles, a common tactic is to open portals in front of the missiles and make them come out of other portals that are so close to the enemy that it is physically impossible for them to avoid being hit.
- Antimatter: Recently utilized during the Battle of Omega Supreme
- Anvil on Head: The Matoran in a Black Suit knocked out Vorahk-Kah by doing this.
- Apocalypse How: Planetary/Physical Annihilation happens a lot here. Multiversal/Physical Annihilation was only averted because everyone forgot it should have happened after the characters broke out into the Real World.
- Are We There Yet?: 90% of what Crimson Mirror Zev ever says is this phrase.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Misaki Masaki Raregroove, Zev's mother and Empress of Jurai, is capable of such feats of strength that everyone (Who knows better) automatically dreads crossing her.
- Awesome McCoolname: Zev's entire family is the Glory-Raregroove Family. Let alone being a double Shout Out to the manga RAVE, it has a surprising effect of making both of his sisters, his parents, so far as his aunt and uncle automatically sound like total Badasses. (Which they are by the way.)
- Ax Crazy: Shattered Mirror Moss.
- Back from the Dead: Very very often.
- This is practically Kakamu's middle name by now, given the amount of times he's been killed and then come back.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Ynot and Zev numerous times.
- Battle Butler: Abneris.
- Berserk Button:
- Never say the name "Keichi" around Deathsaurus, unless you have insurance and/or a bazooka.
- In Keichi's case, if you say "have you eaten yet", you will hear curse words not yet written in any dictionary.
- BFG:
- Viriathus, aka Vi, loves her some heavy artillery. Especially since she's strong enough to carry rifles the size of anti-tank mounted guns.
- Ynot also has an arsenal of guns ONLY referred to as 'BFG s'.
- Blackout also had one on his Cool Starship before it was blown up.
- Malchiorians got outfitted with some of these.
- Osseron's Planetkiller Battlecruiser.
- Deathsaurus' new weapon, the Electromagnetic Projectile Launcher, is one of these.
- Big Bad: Blackout, the game creator's main character, has an evil plan that no one understands, and does anything and everything to attempt to slay each and every character,
- Big Bad Duumvirate: The ZFT leadership: Blackout, David Robert Jones and TPK seems to be this now.
- Big Red Button: On just about every piece of machinery in the game.
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: Xeno will do things like this with his ammunition from time to time, just to show he can.
- Black Knight: Blackout uses these as his mooks. They all speak Latin for some reason (though they all seem to occasionally snap back to English)
- Blue and Orange Morality: Blackout's morality scale is.....bizarre, to say the least.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Several
- The Bus Came Back: Prudence has returned, having Taken A Few Levels In Badass.
- Butt Monkey: Kakamu. He's died several times, and has been put into many circumstances that result in pain. This has happened so many times, that when he was exiled to Tatooine, this troper began to laugh.
- Chekhov's Gun: Yeah. Remember those cute little critters that Zev and Co. befriended a while back? Neither did any of us. Turns out they're all living Mac Guffins, if Namah's Spirit of Fire is anything to go by.
- Chekhov's Gunman: F-Klak. He showed up once and got Klak to briefly turn evil. He vanished for just long enough for everyone to forget about him, and then.....
- Chest Blaster: Both Blackout and his Shattered Mirror incarnation have these.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Zev and other main characters of the player of the same name tend to closely fit this.
- Cool Starship: Everyone has one of these. Everyone.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Several teams fall into this.
- Combining Mecha: Bruticus, the combined form of Blackout and the other Elite Makuta.
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Namah evokes this by name as the reason she didn't use the Spirit of Fire at a previous, largescale battle.
- Continuity Lock Out: Averted.
- Crapsack World: The Dark Universe. Its wiki page says it best: "In this universe, however, there is no point to the fighting - fighting is because fighting is. As a result, war is absolute and unending."
- Crazy Prepared: Rainn
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Rhanu, an extremely minor character, was ripped in half by Blackout.
- Jarvis drowned in milk. Yes, that's right.
- Cryptic Conversation: David Robert Jones pulls this on Ynot. At first glance, it's barely coherent gibberish, but upon a closer look he turns out to be talking about Ynot's future death, and the future war between Blackout and F-Klak.
- Curb Stomp Battle:
- Starscream's coup against Blackout. Starscream went down with a single kick.
- The so-called "Blackout Destruction Society" was almost completely wiped out by the Big Bad two hours after their first appearance.
- Then there was the fight between The Anima and their Mirror Universe Counterparts. It was literally a single post side note.
- Cyclops: The Terugan species.
- Deader Than Dead: Xintun is the one character the game creator will absolutely not have resurrected.
- Deadpan Snarker: Namah
- Death Is Cheap:
- So far, Kakamu has been swept out to sea, had his armour destroyed after trying to absorb a giant robot, was on Bara Magna when it exploded, has been teleported into the middle of a Parasitic Fluff swarm, and actually sacrificed himself to destroy the head of Blackout's Humongous Mecha body. He comes back every time.
- Also Akzer, who came back 3 times (unless you count a psychological apparition as a form of life), and Caiaphus (who faked his death too many times to count, and actually claimed to come back to life for the sake of the plot).
- Death Is Dramatic: Done to death....
- Defence Mechanism Superpower: Ynot and Zev have their Hollow Masks, Klak goes Nova when in desperation.
- Deity of Human Origin:
- The Users were this to some of the characters, before they broke out into the Real World and found they were actually just typical people using technology to maintain a video game.
- Averted with the Shepherd, who is not one of the users at all.
- Disney Villain Death: Uterio di Armechio's death was inspired by this trope.
- Doing It for the Art: Apparently, this is Shaern's reason behind everything.
- Drool Hello: Done to Ynot while taking a nap.
- Earthshattering Kaboom: Blackout has done this many, many times.
- Eaten Alive: The whole point of John the Gadunka's existence is to try and do this to people. It never works.
- The Empire: The ZFT. Seems to be heavily inspired by the Soviet Union of all things.
- Enemy Mine:
- The war against Uterio Di Armechio.
- The aptly-named Battle of Ricochet v. Everyone. The Big Bad's old rival resurfaces and kidnaps him. Result? Almost everyone showing up to summarily beat Ricochet up. The only reason they didn't kill him was because because Blackout stopped them.
- Starscream's coup against Blackout. Pretty much everyone showed up to summarily take down Starscream. Unfortunately, they were interrupted by Blackout taking down Starscream with a single kick and then blowing up the ship they were on.
- End of an Age: Averted and Played straight on several occasions, whether it be about a long time Veteran leaving, someone allowing a character to die, or expansion into new territory.
- Engineered Public Confession: Klak and Zev pull one of these on Uterio during the Battle of Mordor, causing most of his army to turn against him.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: In-universe example. When Blackout locked a bunch of people in a virtual reality that then turned into the contents of his computer, the VR's occupants were attacked by programs, error messages, and even words.
- Evil Is Petty: Caiaphus destroyed a planet for no reason other than he could.
- Evil Laugh: After killing a wannabe Starscream, Blackout pulls off what may be the longest example of this ever.
- Exact Words: "You told me to stay quiet. You didn't say anything about sounding the alarm." -Krika
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy: Xeno's introduction was that he used guns. He used them well. In fact, his entire reputation is that he can do just about anything with a bullet.
- Faux Symbolism: The Uterio War may be seen as an allegory of World War II, with Uterio as Adolf Hitler and Blackout as Joseph Stalin. In reality, it isn't meant to be seen in that light.
- For the Evulz: Caiaphus to an extent. He pretended to be a cold and calculated villain with some sense of morality in him. Until our characters found out the truth.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Possibly the most triumphant example. Blackout uses the Pandorica to effectively smash down the fourth wall, and use the resulting hole in reality as a door into the "real world", in an attempt to kill the Architect.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: My lord, done regularly, usually only for comedic effect, not intended to do damage
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Uterio, in story terms. Starts out as D-Klak's disapproving boss, ends up as an Evil Overlord who threatens the entire multiverse.
- Furry Fandom: Zev is unashamed to admit his not-so-secret fascination with this type of character design.
- Future Me Scares Me:
- Klak and F-Klak.
- The result of a Face Heel Turn, supposedly.
- Klak and F-Klak.
- Gotta Catch Them All: Ynot with the Lantern Corp Rings.
- Gotta Kill Them All: Ynot with the Users in a side story several million millennia after the main Game.
- Glass Cannon: Pitou, to extreme levels.
- Glorious Leader: Uterio did this to the Great Beings
- A God Am I:
- Taken to extremes when new players are invited for every character falling into this.
- Blackout killed a god (Unicron) and absorbed his power.
- Heel Face Turn: Ynot, Kakamu and Malygos all started out on Blackout's side before eventually turning against him.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Malygos. Started out on Blackout's side, then switched sides so many times no one could keep track of him. Currently one of Blackout's enemies.
- Heroic Second Wind: Klak has developed a type 7, and a type 19.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Ynot loves this trope to death. He can make ANY WEAPON HE CAN IMAGINE, but he sticks with a classic katana until the energy fights start.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: The Vrai. Previous owners of one of the largest empires in the universe, now very few remain alive and they're scattered across the universe because their homeworld has been made uninhabitable and then made uninhabitable again.
- Humongous Mecha:
- Blackout had to transform his Cool Starship into one of these after absorbing a god's power, so his body wouldn't be burnt out.
- During a big fight, someone called Merlin appeared and gave all the characters these for the duration of the fight, for no reason at all.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: There is a reason Ynot and his crew choose them as their default forms.
- Subverted with the Malchiorians
- I'm Not Afraid of You: Ynot does this to his Hollow Half.
- Insistent Terminology: Do not put "the" in front of "Darkmount".
- Lampshaded during Blade's fight with the Dark Mounted Crab (Darkmount after being rebuilt into a giant crab-shaped robot).
- Interrogating the Dead: The ZFT do this with Xigneo when trying to frame Kakamu for leaking info to Uterio.
- Interstellar Weapon: Blackout's Arrow N40 missiles.
- Involuntary Battle to the Death: The Battle of the Virtual Reality. Most of the characters locked in said VR are.....surprisingly eager to kill each other. At first, anyway.
- Joker Immunity: Blackout is very very blatantly subject to this. Perhaps the most egregious example of this was when he survived an explosion that took out everything else in a 50-mile radius.
- It gets worse. In that particular instance, his survival was explained solely by Joker Immunity.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Ynot and Zev love their Japanese swords.
- Killed Off for Real: Kakamu's creator claimed that Kakamu was this after his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Kill It with Fire: Shaern's entire personality
- Kill Sat: Blackout's Icarus satellite.
- Last of His Kind: Xeno was introduced as such, but was later revealed a couple more still exist, then most were killed again.
- Large Ham:
- The Big Bad for one, and just about every side villain along the way.
- Uterio's infamous quote: "These two beings instill fear into my horse." is made of this trope.
- Leave No Witnesses: Blackout takes this trope Up to Eleven after sending his Rahkshi to steal a "transportation sphere" from one of Uterio's fortresses: he has the Rahkshi teleported into a sun, blows up the ship they used, orders the fortress bombed out of existence, sabotages the engines of the ship that bombed the fortress so that it is instantly vaporized when it tries to return to base, then kills the general who he ordered to bomb the fortress, so that no one can possibly find out that he's already preparing for another war hours after already joining one.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Each member controls an entire cast of main characters, as well as many throwaway characters that only appear for a few posts before dying or being forgotten.
- Lost Tribe:
- Le Chiffre's Forgotten Tribe, main reason for Le Chiffre joining Blackout was hunting and discrimination.
- The Vrai MAY be considered this.
- Made of Iron:
- Ynot and the Anima.
- Klak, Kakamu, the Big Bad, most of the original cast
- Magic Knight: Trixitin
- Mechanical Horse: Uterio has one of these. Thanks to Uterio's Large Ham quote: "These beings instill fear into my horse.", it is the source of many jokes among the players.
- Mega Crossover: Combines Bionicle, Transformers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Fringe, Bleach, the Stargate Verse, World of Warcraft, Doctor Who, Shadowmancer, and much, much more....
- Mirror Universe: The Shattered Mirror Universe.
- Mission Control Is Off Its Meds: If not off some kind of meds, Vriska Serket definitely needs either medication or counceling. Being raised by a GIANT MOTHERFUCKING SPIDER that demanded its young ward/"zookeeper" combo-pack feed it KILLED MEMBERS OF HER OWN RACE AROUND HER OWN ADOLESCENT AGE was 'NOT' kind to Vriska's emotional state, to say the least.
- More Dakka: Osseron follows this rule, since he is based on a group from Warhammer.
- No Fourth Wall: Fourth Wall? It's been knocked down and characters are now interacting with their Users.
- No Indoor Voice: Vorahk-Kah
- Non-Action Guy: The Guy Who Was Engulfed In Milk.
- Noodle Incident: Something happened to Blackout on the planet of Xindi VII. It's unknown what it was, but he claims he almost had his head blown off as a result.
- Obfuscating Insanity: Rainn falls under this Trope
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Zev is Lord and Master of this trope.
- Only in Florida: This particular Exchange
Shaern: Aw hell, he's in Miami.
Sonia: What's so special about Miami?
Shaern: It's in Florida.
Sonia: Crap.
- Open Heart Science: Nadle once removed a parasite from Trantoshen's brain, he's normally a scientist.
- Person of Mass Destruction: The BZPB Wiki has a category that lists the many such characters in the RPG.
- Plot Hole: Acknowledged as an in-universe phenomenon, complete with many examples.
- Public Execution: Fod, Acting President of Teruga Prime, was publicly hanged almost immediately after his planet unconditionally surrendered to the ZFT.
- Punch Parry: At least once per battle.
- Pursuing Parental Perils: Trantoshen.
- Put on a Bus: Prudence Franklin, initially Zev's closest comrade, disappeared for a long time. Of course...TheBusCameBack
- Pyrrhic Victory: The Battle of Malchior IV and the Uterio War as a whole count
- Subverted in the fight against Mia BS
- And Played Straight in a Wager Between Shika, The Shattered Mirror Ynot, and Blackout
- Rage Against the Author: During the Pandorica arc, Blackout revealed that this was his reason for doing everything he did.
- Replacement Mooks: Averted, as every Mook is still tossed aside like ragdolls. No matter how 'upgraded' they are, they still fall down one by one.
- Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory:
- Everyone manifests one of these after the Time Slip.
- Played straight with F-Klak after the timeline was altered. SEVERAL TIMES. We would go into details, but that might result in brain explosion.
- Rule of Cool: Ynot in spades.
- Running Gag: Socah the Fourth Wall Matoran, much to his annoyance, is forced to rebuild his wall every single time a character breaks the fourth wall.
- Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: King of Nynrah openly admits he has no sense of distance at all, and lists The Nakamura's actual length as "very big".
- Shipper on Deck: Just about everyone in Zev's family for himself and Namah.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Klak's response to Caiaphus's final (not so final) monologue.
- Signature Move: Ynot will change his once a year
- Spin Offspring: There is a tale being written about Ynot's Offspring.
- Sticky Bomb: The Skrall brothers, Theodore and Harold, take out HK-47 with an Sticky EMP Bomb.
- Take a Third Option: Pulled by Malygos during Starscream's coup against Blackout.
Starscream: Starscream: I've made it a point to keep multiple backup bodies in store in case this [having his original body stolen by Malygos] happens. And now, all of you, bow down to Lord Starscream!
Blackout: Why should we?
Starscream: THIS IS WHY! *shoots Blackout* I am now the new leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta! Surrender or be destroyed.
Malygos: Well, 'Lord Starscream, I think I'll take the third option. Teleportation.
- The Starscream: Malygos, Starscream and Le Chiffre have all been this to Blackout, while Blade is this to Ynot.
- Static Character: Pages and pages of Mooks that never change
- Stylistic Callback: Very often.
- Super Soldier: Blackout started out in life as the leader of a squad of these.
- Swiss Army Weapon: Ynot likes swords but his can trun into a lot of other things.
- Though most are more swords.
- To be clear, all but two or three are swords.
- Technopath: Coro.
- Telepathy:
- Every character can do it by this point.
- Seeing as many are of robotic nature, this may be Electronic Telepathy.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill:
- Le Chiffre's death at the hands of Blackout. Smashed into several walls, thrown away, pinned with daggers to a wall that was later blown up, crushed with high gravity, and his remains blown away with a small cyclone. Why? No reason at all.
- Klak killed Akzer the first time by rolling him into a metal can using the power of gravity.
- Osseron once said this quote in-game.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Blackout kills the Random Ensign this way.
- Time Skip: By 50,000 years after the Battle of Impel Down.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: These people can't keep ANYTHING straight, much less which types of TIME TRAVEL are correct.
- Token Evil Teammate: Blackout during the Uterio War. As you may expect, people keep accusing him of betraying them. People are right.
- Too Dumb to Live: Blackout makes Motrokh fall into a pit of lava. What does Motrokh's friend Muta do? Yep, that's right, jump in after him!
- After killing off all the Users save one, Ynot opens a "gift" from Blackout. Turns out it's Pandora's Box, and Ynot ends up being sealed away for all time.
- Torture Technician: Krika. His speciality? Dissecting prisoners while not using any anesthetic at all.
- Troperiffic: Though not shown currently, this game falls into more tropes you can imagine.
- The Undead: Briefly mentioned. A Story Arc involving this trope has been threatened, but nothing has come to pass.....yet.....
- Unexplained Recovery: Klak and Uterio, to name a few of the MANY.
- The Unpronounceable: Treyiah. Not even the character's creator knows how that should be pronounced.
- Villain World: From what has been seen of BZPB's future, it will probably end up being this. The only real uncertainty is who will actually be the villain: Blackout or F-Klak.
- The Voiceless: Trixitin was this until he Took a Level in Badass to become a Magic Knight.
- What He Said: Done so many times it is painful.
- Whip It Good: Taken Up to Eleven levels with Namah's signature Ether Tendrils, which are energy-whips, generated from each fingertip, which have properties like optional piercing/slashing and high-speed launching.
- The Wiki Rule: Of course.
- A Wizard Did It: Well, rather a Scientist, Vultran. Anytime something can't be explained, Vultran is the reason.
- Xanatos Roulette: Nabonidus' plan to give Lord Void a body. He actually quotes the trope's name.
- You ALL Share My Story: With fewer than 10 active players at a given time, everyone knowing everyone else intimately is inevitable. Except everyone with Zev and Shroom's story arcs, they're left alone.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: During the Battle of the Virtual Reality, Blackout claims that death in the VR equals death in the real world. Since nobody died in the VR, we don't know if he was telling the truth, but he probably was.