Lost Tribe

You've got an ethnic group, pretty much hunted to extinction. But they're not all dead. Enter these guys, the lost tribe. Goes hand in hand with Exclusively Evil, Always Lawful Good, Schizo-Tech, and Planet of Hats. Also seen with Last of His Kind.

Examples of Lost Tribe include:

Anime & Manga


  • The B-movie Mexican Blow has Indians from north of the Rio Grande who migrated to southern Mexico to escape the white man and speak English so they won't be tricked by the white man again. All the Indians are white, but the main character is a Mighty Whitey too.


Live Action TV

Mythology & Religion

  • The lost tribes of Israel are the Trope Namer. Either in The Bible or The Book of Mormon. Mormons still tell American Indians they are the lost tribes.
  • In New Age beliefs, American Indians are aliens.

Video Games

Real Life

  • The Nazis considered the Sioux, Japanese, and Tibetans to be Aryans. Only the Sioux rejected the label.
    • Actually, they only considered the Japanese "honorary Aryans". It was fully expected that when they didn't need each other anymore, the two nations of Proud Warrior Race Guys would go right back to considering the other absolutely inferior.
  • Lost tribes of North American Indians are found all the time. They live like modern people and are really not all that different.
  • Perhaps the best example of this trope in real life is the Sentinalese tribe, which may very well be the most isolated group of indigenous people on earth. They live on North Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean, and violently reject all attempts at contact, shooting at all outsiders with arrows. Because of that, we know next to nothing about them, including their customs, language, and how they live. The last attempt at contact was made in the mid 1990's, and since then, they've been left alone, and it's very unlikely that will change anytime soon.
  • The Other Wiki has an article on the subject.
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